Civility vs plain old dis-respect…

September 12, 2009 bsmith101
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Rep. Joe Wilson having shouted out ‘liar’ during Obama’s speech to Congress outlining his health care reform plan…was it a question of civility or just plain old dis-respect?

I say…dis-respect.

Who ever heard of such a thing?

Who has ever dared to do such a thing?

Who has ever dis-respected a sitting President of the United States in such a way?

A man…a southern politician calling the President of the United States a ‘liar’ to his face…and during a televised open Congressional session…and right in the middle of  the President’s speech…as he was delivering his speech…what could be more dis-respectful?  

And perhaps racist as well…considering the fact that the President in question for the first time in the history of this country…is a black man.

How can anyone stand anywhere…or sit somewhere…and call Barack Obama a ‘liar’ after this country having suffered nothing but one lie after another by George Bush and his Administration.  These lies continued from the very moment that the Republicans stole the 2000 Presidential Election that ushered George Bush into the White House in the first place.

Little wonder Congressman Wilson, Republican from South Carolina, is starting to feel the heat as he  faces in 9 months possible re-election…or defeat.  

Hopefully, the good people of  the state of  South Carolina will bring to an end the political career of  such a foolish man as Joe Wilson who currently represents them. 

It seems that when the person is black or some other supposed minority what is said…when…and how…it  is okay.  Yet, no matter what has been said or done by others…specifically…Republican…and/or white…   Well, now there is a problem…and the challenges of outrage come.

Lets hope that Joe Wilson with find himself out of a seat when ballots are counted…and Rob Miller goes to Washington in his place.

I really can’t stand Rush Limbach…he claims that ‘this administration is trying to tear down and destroy every institution of the country.’   What great insite Rush’s part.   Too bad, however,  Rush never had that kind of insite concerning anything that George Bush or his Administration did.

For the first President of this country to be publically heckled by anyone in Congress…and having done so to the first black President of this country…how could that be considered anything but  racist?

And it was racist…and not just some gut reaction. 

And then to be called a liar for a point…which clearly Joe Wilson must have read either while  drunk…or while reading over Obama’s plan of  health care reform without having his glasses on.  Either way Joe Wilson seemed to be  very much ill informed.  Since  Obama’s plan clearly states-

“No government coverage payments for undocumented alliens.”

Don’t you just love those people who call you ‘liar’…who are in fact the ‘liar’…and not you?

Such things infuriate me.  It has happened to me.  And there is nothing I dislike more than being called a ‘liar.’   Particularly since I really dislike liars with a passion.  And no one can call you a ‘liar’ quicker than a real liar…and this is a true and undenial fact.

Personally, I think Mr. Wilson should be shown the door and told not to come back…a public  apology before Congress is simply not enough.

Even President Carter agrees that much of the oppossition against President Barack Obama is based upon attitudes of  plain old racism.  There can be no doubt about it in that such strong opposition never ever came up against George Bush even after time and time again he was proven to be liar.  And it did happen time and time again…none stop.  

But Bush was white…and clearly not the smartest person in the world…nor nearly as articulate as Barack Obama…and certainly a liar…a known liar.   Yet, Obama does not  half  the respect…as was unequivocally displayed by the behavior of  of the Republican from South Carolina, Joe  Wilson and others just like him.  And they have not only attacked Obama…but his wife, as well as,  others around him.  Case in point….Van Johnson, Obama’s Green Jobs Advisor…for comments that he made regarding George Bush and his possible involvement in 9/11.

Even I have to say that I believe 9/11 to have been an inside-job.  For those airplanes to hit their designated target in such a fashion…20 minutes apart from each other…was rather a curious feat.  Since I don’t know any airplanes to ever take off on time such as thoes airplanes did…and to have flown so questionably far far far off course without any signals being sounded…was highly questionable.  And finally, to be able to get into that protected air space around that section of  New York City…and not 1 airplane …but 2…and not be shot down or  be reported by any of  the aircrafts up in the air reporting on the early morning traffic, accidents etc for local networks…and nobody thought it was unusal…is very odd to say the least.

You can CLICK BELOW to read about President Obama laying a wrath at the Pentagon in observance of  9/11.

And just a side note…it was via WNPR that I got all my news that day in New York City.  Like most of the radio stations in New York, they too had their radio tower on top of the World Trade Center.  But quickly managed to begin broadcasting via an alternate antena at another location.  And like everyone else in the city that day…in shock and barely believing it themselves…while working double and triple air shifts on NPR as nobody could hardly get around in New York day.

For days on end I listened and waited …trying to get a handle on the events that were so unbelievable and that not one person in the city within the course of  that first or second could grasp  a hold of…or any understanding as to…why?

In a vote of 240 to 179 the Democrats out-voted the Republicans in a vote against Joe Wilson for yelling out “You lie” …calling Obama a liar.   Yhus making President Obama the first Presiden of  the United States to have suffered such an embarrassment while addressing a governing department upon Capital Hill.    You can CLICK the LINK BELOW  to read the story in full.

Finally got out and did get something done today.   Didn’t sit out on the porch 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoveragain this morning reading to read my Bible.  It has gotten cold here.   And as I have said already…we are in for a very cold winter this year.

Got to get up tomorrow and go get my hair done.  So, I better try to get some sleep.  Happy that it is finally the weekend…and bet you are too. 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2

Hope you have a beautiful day tomorrow.    

Well, God bless

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 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Entry Filed under: Barack Obama,Bush,George Bush,George Bush,health,Hypocrisy,Obama,Political Deceitfulness,politics,Republicans,The Bishop's Wife,Washington DC,youtube

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