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show-index-atlanta-plastic-logo_0I see where soon a new reality show is going to start called ‘ATLANTA PLASTIC.’atlanta-plastic

Truthfully speaking I fail to see why black folk are starting to jump on this band wagon?

I think we watch far too much TV and salivate far too much over all these so-called stars on these reality shows, who now seem to be creating a new standard as to what black folk should look like… by spending big bucks to go up some plastic surgeon to supposedly make them look like whatever they envision in their heads what they want to look like… down to skin color and everything else.

neneFrom NeNe Leakes on down it is far too much.  I happened to catch her just the other day on 1 of those networks where people sell their nene-leakes-62_240x340_88wares… and her hips were far too out there.  And I think she added lips, had her nose fixed, put in more boobs etc… etc… etc…

Why would I want to do that to myself?

First of all you have to consider that your body is in a consistent state of transitioning.  Your body never stands still.  Your face does not look the same as it did when you were ‘say’ 5 years old.  Your nose changed… eyes changed… your lips may have become fuller or more drawn out… but it is not the same and won’t be same when you hit 70… if you happened to be blessed enough to see 70 or BvIUoKZIgAAAEAg_zps8166f461How-rich-is-Tamar-Braxton80.  Because we are continuously changing in terms of our shapes and sizes …and looks and even our heights.  Our body does not stand still and nor does our faces or our boobs …or the lack thereof.

My son and his friends love Tamar Braxton… but what is real about her face.  She looks fake… and I think she added boobs and the works too.

wendy-williams-plastic-surgeryThen there is Wendy who wants everybody to believe she just developed naturally into what she looks like today… but if you could only see what she looked like in college.

So, you guys look at this stuff now and say, “Oh, wow…”

There is so much of it now.  And it is all over the place… and more and more black folk are beginning to lend towards it.article-2333224-1A10E8A3000005DC-88_634x686

But I wish I could put up on my Facebook page of a picture of the woman who used to be a beautician who decided she was going to get some work done to her body.  It left her paralyzed and unable to work …or to do much of anything else and looking like a disaster.  That’s her is this picture here.

I never really liked what I looked like either… but then who really does as we are growing up?

But now when I see me in a mirror I have to marvel… because I am not half bad and certainly not as bad as I thought I had been.  But I have evolved …and I am yet evolving.  And so are you.abc_2020_webcast_mj_face_090701_ms

But I have never been into ‘self-hate’ and that is what I think of people who go out and destroy themselves believing they can create through the help of a plastic surgeon a ‘better them.’

There was a time when we used to scoff at people who went out to see plastic surgeons to have hqdefaultwork done to themselves.  We laughed at people like Michael Jackson for bleaching their skin… changing their noses … or Janet having a rib removed.  But now black folks are running out like crazy and spending tons of money …on these wacko doctors or so-called doctors… better known as plastic promo-Atlanta-Plastic-159x119surgeon to get all kinds of work done to themselves from belly tucks, cheekbones added, lipsuction, noses done, jawbones adjusted… etc… etc…   Michael even had a clef added to his chin.

And now this…  ATLANTA PLASTIC.

smh….(for those of you who didn’t understand ‘smh’ …  I’m shaking my head)Charlie-Boy-2

All the wrong things are glorified in our culture today.  Just look at the mess that many people are in with all that tattooing.  So many of them have gone so overboard with it they look like Satan worshipers.455708124733611549_1405424358..  which many may well be.

The same thing could be said about piercing… not just your ears but everything else and in between.

It is really far too too too too much.

And here comes ‘ATLANTA PLASTIC’ to put the final nails to the coffin.

The purpose of this show is merely to glorify an already very growing trend among black folk today.  And it is not just in the paula-white-black-outfit-posed51dRvxO7jKLsecular world but also in the gospel and Christian world as well.  Pastors, gospel singers, evangelist etc… etc… etc.. are all indulging in fixing something about themselves from lightening their complexions to reconstructing their faces.  That Paula White you can’t even remember what she used to look like… but it sure wasn’t what she looks like today.  Juanita Bynum is another 1 who has hadPaula-White-Ministry-Breast-Implantstremendous work done on her face.  Bishop Paul Morton’s wife lightened her skin and did some other things to her face like fixed her nose.  That T. L. Penny …lighten herself, added boobs and did some kirk-franklin-net-worthother things too.  Kirk Franklin is said to have had some work done on his face.  And the list goes on and on and on and on…

And this show coming onto TV is going to push those numbers even further… and that is exactly what it has been produced to do… to create a desire in highly limpressionable viewers to rush out and get some plastic surgery done on themselves too.  And hopefully… I guess the show wants them to be willing enough to make trips down to Atlanta to get it done.  So, look out for them to be pushing the doctors and exactly what they are supposedly experts at doing.

20130208-062721But I would say don’t fall for it.  There are things in life we are just made to endure… and becoming a mother causes some  leftover tell-tell factors on our bodies… but does that mean we should seeking to bring our bodies back to what it may have been and looked like before that 4th child?Penny_Headshot-resize

I think not.

Recently I saw Salt and Pepa on an interview and I was shocked to see that Pepa… whom I always thought was beautiful… and ‘I salt-pepa-03-2015LOVE cast-300x300-atlanta-plastic-3PEP.’  But I saw that she too had gone up under some surgeon’s knife.   I won’t say what I thought of the after effects because I have always liked Pepa… she’s a very nice person but I really wish she had not gone to see any surgeon regarding her face… even with age she had to look better than what that surgeon left her.

cast-300x300-atlanta-plastic-1Not really a big reality TV fan… or much of a television watcher anyway… I have no real idea of what Tamarbraxton-family-values used to look like but I can see that down to their mother they have all gone under the knife… including Toni.

I wouldn’t play with my face or body like that.  There are far too many disaster stories out there for me to consider going up under some plastic surgeon’s knife cast-300x300-atlanta-plastic-2to cut or change anything about me artificially.  And I am a believer ‘if you are not sick… stay away from doctors… because they will make you sick if you don’t.’ 

And when it goes wrong… it goes wrong.  And there is no way to correct it after you and they… those plastic surgeons have messed you and your body up.

preachTalking about reality shows… since the 2nd episode of ‘PREACH’ I have yet to see any more episodes.  Did I just happen to miss them or was that show dropped following the first 2 screenings of it on TV?2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

me resized...

Well, God bless…. it Friday and I haven’t really been all that busy this week, but I am now beginning to get back into the throws of things.  And it feels good.

I bought myself a blender off of 1 of those shopping networks.  So, I am shifting my eating habits a bit.  When I get out of here I’m going to go buy me some more bananas… or sometime this weekend.  I got a couple of whole pineapples and a can of peaches I’ve been looking forward to mixing Funeral_for_Sam_Dubose__killed_by_UC_pol_3230540000_22065291_ver1.0_640_480-1-338x360up with some crushed ice… which my blender is quite capable of doing just fine.   And I am going to kick up my heels and enjoy the weekend… and I sincerely hope you do the same.

sandrablandBut I do not want to get out of here without making mention of Sandra Bland or Sam Du Bose… 2 very sad situations in the unnecessary deaths of yet 2 more black folk.  Of which I am highly sadden by… and question… and pray comfort and justice to their families… though nothing can give them back what they have lost and that is their love ones senselessly…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2015

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