Posts filed under: ‘Family Values‘


Well, it is Black History Month.   And I really can’t remember when this actually took place… the year when a young 15 year old youth went south to Mississippi from Chicago, to unknown-1spend the summer with relatives in the south.

In looking back at a newspaper article on the story, I see where it took place in 1955.  The summer unknownEmmett Till went to spend what was to be his last1986.1198.8summer visiting those cousins, and an aunt and uncle down south.  Because somewhere during that visit in August 1955 it was said
that Emmett took certainly liberties with some white woman.  He got out of place… he crossed that divide that colored and white were not to cross… because he was just being a young innocent kid… unaware of the do’s and the don’t of the then… and maybe still in some parts of the south.201392001web-jpg__800x450_q85_crop_subject_location-520245_upscale

Supposedly young Emmett while in this woman’s family store had told the white woman how he had dated a woman just like her up in Chicago.   And upon leaving the store it was said that young Emmett Till gave that woman 1 of those big long whistles, that men did back in that time when they thought a woman was beautiful… somewhat of a wolf call or something.

It was that story of Emmett Till which always colored me and my thoughts about how 250px-mason-dixon-linewhen you leave home… if you lived north of the Mason/Dixon Line… how you should behave very differently if you were to go down south.

Something like how you had to remember when you crossed that line …that Mason/Dixon Line going into the south, that you were maxresdefaultno longer in the north… or in your little Northern town or big city, like Chicago or Detroit.   And how remembering this… that this ‘black and white thang’ could possibly save your life.

images-2I recall once just we had crossed that line 1 summer on 1 our many drives south to visit my grand mother in the south, that once we pulled up to a motel where my mother sent me out to go inside and ask robertfrank-inamerica-2000pxhow much it would cost to get a room?

An occasional stop at a motel to freshen up used to be a habit of my family sometimes blue-swallow-motel-tucumcari-01while we were making the more that 20 hour trip down south to Florida.  But this particular day as I almost was about to reach for maxresdefault-1the door leading into the motel office, out came running two black boys… or teens… something I couldn’t really tell how old they were as they came running through that door shouting back to me, ‘Get of of here!  Go!  Go!’

I immediately ran back to our car and reported to my mother and father what those 2 boys 1g_cigrvbn9anl9oyoultsgarticle-0-14e4a319000005dc-697_634x629had told me as they had whizzed pass me and shouted for me to get out of there.

Suddenly, my mother started screaming at me to get in the car… and she started hollering they ain’t gonna take my sons.   ‘They ain’t gonna take my 1486652-980xsons.’

Boy, I had never seen anything like it or ever heard my mother react in such a way.  But years later I understood.

At that time my brothers were young kids… maybe 10 or 11 or something like that.  But my mother having grown up in the south… my being a Jamaican had grew up in Jamaica so hqdefaulthe had not really experienced any that Jim Crow stuff of the deep south.  But my mother knew it well.   And she knew that it emmetttilltrial3dwould not matter to white folks that my brothers had not robbed or done whatever those 2 boys had done… but that they were black and that in of itself would have been enough for my young brothers to have been taken …in place of the real crooks or emmett-till-memorialwhatever they were who had come running out of that motel office.

I do not think we ever again stopped at another motel in all the years we continued to travel back and forth to Florida after that.

For years, I think that up until this very point I had always felt that Emmett Till  should 1485539341214have been told how to behave, and carry himself while down there in the south.  I always 032612-george-zimmerman-trayvon-martinthought it was his mother’s fault for not sitting him down, and telling him how to behave down there when it came to being around white folks.   It was the typical blaming that many people do when they blame the dead for being dead.  Like some people blame Trayvon Martin for being out late… or out in the rain in that white neighborhood when he got shot and killed.

I thought that way because I 1393539392000-emmett-till-gravect-emmett-till-accuser-false-testimony-20170128 was stupid.  I was  blind.  Ignorant of the fact that many times it just didn’t matter what we did do or not, irregardless there was a very likely could still 8f8213ba9fe7d4faf4423d711f8c3b7dcome up dead

He was a kid.   And you could have told him something a thousand times, and would you believe you wouldn’t have to tell him it again… as we all do when it comes to talking to our children?
Emmett Till did not live in the south.   Nor was there any reason for me to b3ivwu2iaaar4htbelieve that what had been said regarding that story had been true.   For you see, evidently I had believed something inappropriate must have been done for those white men to go in the middle of the night seeking this young boy, regarding something something he had said and/or done.

That is the irony of it.  How readily we eat up the things we see or hear.

MAMIE TILL MOBLEYIt had been a lie.   It had all been a lie.   And because some white mqdefault-2woman had lied on her son, Mrs. Till was forced to go down to Mississippi and collect the bloated remains of her young teen age son, her only child… I think… and bring him back to Chicago in order to bury him.

Years later after Emmett Till had been viciously murder by a group of white men in the 0middle of the night, after going to his relative’s house and demanding that they send him out to them or they would burn them out and all up in their home.

How could that woman possibly live with herself after that?

Years later, I moved to Chicago and while working as a church secretary for a pastor by the name of Dr. A. L. Reynolds, Jr.,  I was told something by Dr. Reynolds, who pastored Sixth b1d9cacba60be97bb15bca5e42697e3fGrace United Presbyterian Church, at Cottage Grove and 35th Street, on the South Side.

Dr. Reynolds 1 day came into the office and for some reason began telling a story, of how he had had to run away from his home, which had been 96490754back in Arkansas.   The reason he had to pick up and get out of there he told me, was because some white woman wanted him and he didn’t want her.   That is exactly how he put it.   He said, ‘she wanted me.  But I didn’t want her.  So, I had to leave.’   Because I did not want her to lie on me.   Because in those days a white woman could say a black man raped her and they (meaning the other white people… mostly men) would kill him.

So, Dr. Reynolds said he got of Arkansas as quickly as he could.

migrant-man-packing-suitcase_320b-gffAnd he said he left Arkansas running because he didn’t want her to tell a lie on him.

Through the our history in this country many black people have found it necessary to get up and get out of town in the middle of night, headed north or to other points unknown.  Because they were afraid of some type of bad consequence which might take hold upon them… or befall them due to a lie… or some white person wanting something that belonged to them.

It comes to mind that even in Biblical text Abram lied.  He was forced to lie when he and Sarah went to enter Egypt.   And he became afraid that the king… otherwise known as Pharaoh… would want his wife, Sarai…as she was then before being renamed by God Sarah.   Because the Bible says she was fair and goodly to look upon.

So, Abram felt that he would be killed by Pharaoh.   So, therefore, told Sarai that they should say that he was her brother rather than her husband.

The end of this story is that Pharaoh and the people of his kingdom are overtaken by what the Bible calls a ‘great plague.’   Pharaoh questions Abram and asked him why he had not told him that the woman, Sarai… was his wife?

emmett_tillWe come into the 21st Century now, some more than 60 years later and now we hear that mqdefault-1images-1the white woman who had told her husband and his white buddies, that Emmett Till had whistled and spoken to her… a white woman inappropriately… that she had lied.

All that pain and heartbreak … tears shed had been over a lie.

1485901864-us-racism-tillA young boy was pulled and dragged out into the dark of night… tortured 1485539341214and beaten …then partially burned and thrown into the river… to be found days later a bloated beyond recognition dead decomposing body.   Because that woman lied.   And now …I guess on her death bed… or on her near death bed she tells the truth… that she lied about the whole thing.images
How did that woman do that… when she knew what Emmett Till Murder Defendant in Court with Familythe consequences for any black man would be?

She knew what times she lived in.   But just did not care.  She told that lie knowing that emmett-tillersome out of control white drunken men were going to go and find them a white boy, and have what they called ‘have bryantmilam2some fun.’    While they enjoyed torturing him and beating him…and eventually killing him.

How did this young boy respond?

Can you imagine what was going through his mind and heart… scared beyond his wits…
kicked…slapped…punched… stomped… cut… lit on fire…emmett_till

And all because some white woman thought it nothing to lie on him.   And 1-extralargeme thinking tillyears later that it had been his fault… because nobody every trained him properly how to behave around white folks.

This reminds me of how I hear black commentators on television now emmett-till-2-1when they are talking about black men being shot and killed by white police officers.   Everybody saying they should have kept their hands on the dashboard… or where they could be seen… or not moved too quickly… unknown-1etc… etc… etc….

Blaming the victim because racist people still my picture cropedabound….

Well, God bless… It was sleeting a little bit this morning.  But I hope it is nice and warm
where you are.  Have a good day all… and remember it’s BLACK HISTORY MONTH.   “pass it on…” ©2017




Add a comment February 8, 2017


I’m sorry but I can definitely not agree.images

I understand how the world now feels that it must agree with every whim that comes rolling along, in order to not offend anyone.

But what about what is right?

Should we forsake everything that is right in order to appease everything in this world?

de6b9562326c355cbc4d4cdf32897946I think not.  And I also believe it puts this world … though it has already been… on the road to destruction long ago… but it is just edging closer and closer to it.

It appears to me that we at this moment in history …we are creating our own pitfalls and devastation.

You cannot run with everything and believe you will finish the race boyscouts1successfully.   Somewhere along the line something falls… or everything begins to fall out of your arms.  This means you loose something.

We are loosing many things these days… and it mostly boils down to primarily loosing our tumblr_mrfv7mw4sf1r6g51bo1_250way as people… as a civilization …as people who live in a ‘real world.’  Not a make-believe world… anything we want to be… or anything we want it to be world.   But a REAL WORLD… with REAL WORLD ORDER… standards… qualifications… variety… and variances created by God.  Not by us.

God created this world order.   And He created it as He would have it to be.

Can man upset world balance?

Yes, man can.spark-27-cover-scouts-190

When we go tinkering with things which we should not be tinkering with problems are sure to arise.  And they have.

This whole cross dressing and transgender thing is going to a18b1ed67d9eca4231081240480f6e9ddestroy this planet.  And this thing is booming.

There is a problem which arises when we start picking and choosing what gender we decide we should be.   Or maybe what gender we decide we are going to raise our children as being… like saying you wanted a boy but got a girl.

So, you arbitrarily decide you are call your girl Sam and dress her only in clothes of boys… and have her live her life as Sam.  And never let her in on the fact that she is a girl… but tell and teach her as if she is boy.

So, Sally grows up believing that she is Sam.   Now, this is hypothetical.   I just going somewhere with this scenario.3141799_img_3870

Now, Sally did not realize until some time in school that she … or rather he (Sam) was different from all the other boys.   She noticed that perhaps she looked more like a girl.   Then she noticed that she had started to develop breasts.  When she was in the boy’s bathroom she noticed that she was missing something that all the other boys seem to have when they peed.

844203581-07-gay-marriage-lesbian-couple-heads-together-embrace-1024x682But you raised Sally believing that she was Sam.

You thought that you were God.   That you could create whatever you wanted your child to be.  When God gave you the child He had deemed for you… a girl… not a boy.

Now, Sam is having problems at school.   He is disassociating from all the other kids.   He feels that he does not fit in.   He feels different.

Most of us grew up feeling different.  Many of us grew up feeling like we didn’t fit in.  These are natural emotions for kids to go through… except for those who happen be popular and always seem to be in the midst of plenty of people who rush to be with them.206138_little_tree.jpg

But you weren’t 1 of them.   When you look into the mirror you see somebody else.  You feel like if you could be somebody else… that then you would be happy.   Maybe you wish you were your sister or brother or a different sex.   Or your mom or dad.   And you begin to become that someone else.

Kids are always pretending… and playing make believe.  But when does 9fe6c512bceb14c9164369af9cdb1b1fthis become something else for some kids or teens… or even adults?

It becomes something else as long as you harbor or meditate of being that different person… that you begin to fantasize yourself to be.  And after a while you meet up with someone… because it only takes 1 mixed up and highly confused person to send you on a trip you may never come back from… a trip to convert yourself into a fantasy you.

It is all make believe.   Because we are who we are… and there is no changing it no matter how many pills are taken.   How deep the voice may get… or how 65f926a6c999989ddeb7e2a7d827ce26much facial hairs you get… or breasts you develop.   You really can’t change you.

Oh, outwardly yes.  But inwardly… no.   And that inside person who really determines who you truly are.   And it goes beyond your DNA… and THAT you definitely cannot change.

So, you change your name, your driver’s license, your city or town… and the pretense really begins.  Because you are looking for a fresh start as this ‘new you.’  

Though you may be able to deceive many people.   The issue is… how long can you keep up the pretense.  Because everyday you step out the door pretending to be who you were not beyonceborn to be is really just a pretense… and you will never ever be able to get away from that.

What I find interesting is how in the world do people who go through all this really believe that becoming …or attempting to become another gender means that they are not gay?cb1ce85a8eef404fe468d2fc11b35704

Do they not want to engage in sexual activity with someone of the sex they are pretending to no longer be?

Then how can this not be gay behavior?

Oh, because you now associate yourself as the opposite sex… and call yourself ‘he’ rather than ‘she’… you believe that you automatically became the ‘he’ or ‘she’ you wanted to be?

oitnb_2Do not deceive yourself.   It is all a charade.   And the only 1 who got fooled was you.

Men who want men… are not going to go for a man who becomes a woman.   Because if they wanted a woman they could get a ‘real’ woman… not some one pretending to be 1.

Women who love women… might like a dyke looking woman… many like that … but not all.   But if a woman wanted a man, do you not believe she could find herself a ‘real’ man… and not someone playing and eating pills to be 1?

And therein lays the problem for these people who get these sex changes.   They discover Girl Scouts age 11 at Parktacular Parade. St Louis Park Minnesota USAthat that fantastic change that they were hoping for … that was going to make them happy ever after because they were now who and what they felt they had truly been born to be… wasn’t the happy every after that they hoped it would be.

Come on wake up.

So, no I’m not in agreement to the Boys Scouts of America allowing transgender girls into 000ca40eed1edfcbf5ac96da302ebe88the scouts.   Because primarily… because these girls are still girls.   Down beneath they still have their vagina.

So, what happens if out on the trail a couple of over zealous boys article-2651813-1e90df9d00000578-808_306x423decide to teach her a thing or 2?

As quietly as it is kept in the military this is quite an issue.   Female women in the military get raped… and this happens in large numbers.   Female girls on campuses get raped… and this too happens in large numbers… as much as most campuses try to squash it from getting out.

It is a reality.

And why would any girls really want to put herself through watching a bunch of boys with 372_imgranging hormones …taking a leak.

And no,  I am not into transgender bathrooms either.CbCO1EnW4AA_TuR

And I do not believe I have to go along in order to get along.

I will not forsake my core principles in order to make other people happy.  I just cannot do boy-scoutsit.

Do you really want me to become a liar by calling him ‘she’ when I know that he is not
a ‘she.’1448290-368-k642793
I can’t go to hell trying to play other people’s games.  I am sorry… and I mean you no
harm.   But just do not ask me to play.

And I do not believe in being politically right… when politically right goes against my religious right to not lie… or condone lying or stealing… or deceiving… or fornicating… or adultery … and you know the rest.   I just cannot.

imagesSo, don’t ask me.   Because I have enough things that I may have to answer for of my own without me playing your game …adding to my list…

Now that I have addressed my thoughts on this subject please enjoy the rest of your week.  And I know that I’ll get a few responses on topic-transgenderchildrenyouth-share1200this… but that’s is okay.

We are not all going to agree.   But 1 thing is for sure we trying to agree on too many things… when most people who play like they agree really do not.   So, at least I am home-resizednest.    And I am not a hater… but a firm believer that the truth is the truth… and hopefully because I spoke truth somebody will be set free…

And anyone… so-called parent who does this thing purposely to their boy-scout-silhouette-clipartchild or children really should be arrest for child abuse.  Because they putting their child into the pit of hell… and creating for them a life that cannot lead them to any form of happiness by playing something that they are Mila Jam "Whistle" Session © Mark Fisher NYC1-8226.jpgnot.

girl scout cookiesDo not ruin the life of your child by making them a transgender child.   One thing when a person who is old enough to decide certain things for themselves.   And quite another when crazy parents do it to their children.

Well, God bless… I’m out. Thanks for reading my blogs. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2017




Add a comment January 31, 2017


I saw the video that Kim says someone took of her during a service some night at her gettyimages-628757570-527x350
church, when Kim Burrell goes off the chain proclaiming her dislike of gay people… with particular reference to those in the church.

I also saw the video that Kim made backing or attempting to back away from much of what she said in that video, of her ranting about gay people.  My thing in watching this video was this.

kim-2‘Kim if you really feel about gay people as you said while standing in the pulpit.  Then why back down from it… if you feel that what you had said was right?’

Cause you see if I say something that I think is right… then I am not going to back down dd589f50e054ab03eadb2e5fa1152a6afrom it.  Oh, I can change my mind… yes, regarding my thinking.   But if I feel that I am correct in my thinking then I am not going back away from what I believe.  And I don’t care who may not like it.  Unless… again… if I think about it and later begin to regret what I said… or how I said it.   Or I might even discover that I was wrong… because that does happen too.   And has happened to me.

I mean I would be lying if I said I never regretted saying something.   It happens all the time to many of us.  We spoke too fast.   Or mis-spoke…

But the way Kim was going on and on in that pulpit… I would have to say Odell Beckham JR.that she was really versing her sentiments quite definitely.  And if what I heard in another video was correct… in that what that person said about her husband, whom Kim is now either divorced from or separated from for some years now… was that he was gay.

I would say that might cause a woman to go on and on about hating gays.  That woman who used to sell orange juice years ago… I forget her name.   She had 0e47a041283dda2741139b0310b1ee63been an ex-Miss America when she came out strongly against gay people back in the latter 70’s or 80’s… and boy did they slam her.   She lost all orange_juice_recipes_copyright_2012kind of contracts behind that… and the orange juice industry was quick to get rid of her.  But what a price that industry paid in revenue losses when gay people boycotted orange juice… and boycott it they did.   And unknownthey won.

With regards to Kim Burrell… whom I often have found to be sharp with her tongue… I find it hard to believe that she did not think about her wardrobe person, or  her make-up person, or her hair stylist or everybody else who may possibly be on sexykim11her team, when she is preparing to get up to perform… because most of them are gay.   But I am sure that hit home shortly after she realized that that video got out… had been uploaded on youtube, and the calls started coming in to her.

This is America and, of course, Kim Burrell like everybody else in eddielong
America has a right to an opinion on whatever she wants to have an opinion on… whether I may or may not agree with her on it.

But where I thought Kim Burrell went too far …was for her to be standing in the pulpit and talking about certain things… like men having ‘p___nis’ in their mouths.   Or women with their breasts shaking in front of another woman.  It was a bit too much.636191327948984978-ap-pharrell-performs-on-nbc-s-today-show-87282656

Kim went overboard and that is what more than anything I believed killed her… and took away from anything that she was trying to say.    She was not preaching… nor was she teaching.    But Kim was spouting out vicious remarks of feelings, that maybe she had been harboring for windycitywardrobe-black-gay-weddingsome time and just felt it was okay… for some reason or other… to release those sentiments into the atmosphere at that time… in that church service.

I am a firm believer that the pulpit is not for all types of conversations.  Nor is it a place for where we should be standing in it believing that it is okay to just say whatever comes into our narrow minds.  The sanctuary and …certainly the pulpit is ‘holy.’    It is holy ground and it is not meant to be a place where we preach hate or condemnation.

michael-robert-crawford-shorty-gay-black-wedding-atlanta-grooms-21Who are we to condemn people as though we too were not once lost in sin?

This is the problem I have with many people in the church.  They act as though they were never once sinners.

And I really get tired of hearing those people who say, ‘I’ve been alg-preschool-graduates-jpgsaved since I was 3.’

atelAre you really trying to tell me that since you were a child… and supposedly became saved that you never once sinned?kimburrell

I will bet that you sinned more than once.   And probably did things I never thought to do.

So, the devil is a liar.   And those people need to stop telling that ‘I’ve been saved since’ lie.

imagesWhy do people want to pretend that they are so holy and righteous …when they are filled with such ‘high looks,’   bigotry and animosity against not just gay people… though gay people always seem to be at the top of everyone’s list… but against everybody but fornicators… adulterers… liars etc….etc…etc..  Because THAT list certainly goes further than just being gay.

Some of these same people voted Donald Trump into office and saw no sin in him.   I would _91018703_5abbae28-ace0-4db7-ae31-aa94fc8a9328c9c80615a93a102726dd94659af2d744not have believed that either… had I not heard and seen them at our national convocation in St. Louis.   It was quite disturbing to me.  And a couple of them… bishops even… I had to set straight.

302388829Speaking of bishops.  Some of these very people are ‘the long990244corrupters.’   Stealing away the lives of many of these young boys, by feasting on them sexually …while proclaiming something else in the pulpit and making jokes about ‘limp wrist.’

This thing is sad.   And there are a bunch of hypocrites in the church… in the black church and white church… and everything in between.

Yeah, they can proclaim they hate them… but they lead the choir… play the instruments… Free Gospel Sundays3229d22415d1c972a458081da606dc66sing the sermonic solo.

So, stop playing with yourself… and trying to preach hate,  when their is a cleansing that needs to take place.   And it is in the hearts of each and every one of us because we have been commanded to love… not condemn or chastise folk because we act like we can’t stomach their sin.

It is not for you to stomach.   God who is the creator and is also the finisher.   And you don’t know who he is going to clean up and place over you.

He can turn everybody around.  Did He not turn you around?1120-andrew-caldwell-youtube-4

Oh, I forgot.   He is still working on you, Kim and everyone else who thinks like her.

BRANDON-PORTER-Andrew-Caldwell-gay-no-more-controversy600I was at the convocation 2 years ago when that guy came out and started proclaiming, ‘I
ain’t gay no more.’

That whole service was like being in the midst of a comedy show.   That guy from Orlando Be The Man Conference 2009who was suppose to preach… was beside himself …just like Kim.   And practically the whole area was eating it up… they were rolling over in laugher of this guys homophobic tyrants.

It was so good to them that the video department sold out of that dvd that night… and could not keep up  with the demand for it.  This I know not because I tried to buy it… but because the next day while waiting on Essence Music Festival, New Orleans, America - 06 Jul 2014my ride back to my hotel a bunch of people were still laughing over that mockery of a church service.  I sat through it, yes… but it was all I could do not to get up and walk out on that guy that night.  And I would have had I thought my courtesy driver was outside writing-love-beach-sand2to take me back to my hotel.

We should stop all this ‘gay mess.’   It is not the only sin… need you think of what you are kim-burrell-weight-loss-before-and-afterdoing that God may be angry at.  Because at the end of the day… that is what really should concern you more than anything else.  Because when you shut your eyes… it won’t be that gay man in the choir or up the street whom you will have answer for.   But your behavior towards them will black-church-clip-art-church-house-black-mdsurely be an issue before God.

I think we all need to read the Bible more.   Because somewhere along the line you are all missing something when you attack anyone who is lost in sin.

And I think that any pastor or anyone who calls him or her self a pastor …or whatever who
invites someone to come and preach at their church and says, ‘You can come to preach but don’t mess with my sissies.’  

I think that person needs to remove themselves or the church remove him or her… because they are users.   But not Godly.   They rather see people not hear the truth… and I am not talking about a bunch of harsh and hard words of condemnation… but ‘the truth’ as to what the Bible says because they desire that everybody in their church or under them know what God desires in order for us to sincerely get into heaven…african-american-gospel-beighu-clipart

Let us not chase people out of the church.  But let us work on trying to allow God to do His perfect work in them.   The Bible says, ‘faith comes through hearing the word of God.’   They must be allow in the church… so that they do not go to ‘gay churches’ and sit up in there believing that everything is imagesalright… and while they play church that they can make into heaven.

Let us not be that mean …or selfish.    Thank God the doors of the church were open for us… or we too would still be out there doing whatever it was that we used to do.   And many of you still do… if the truth be told….

my picture cropedWell, God bless…     Well, I finally got my chance to say what has been on my mind concerning this subject.   I just hope that people will come to love and respect one another and all of our differences.   I hate sin and it hurts for me to see people languishing in it.  I have many gay friends … and even some family members whom I know will be lost if they fail to change.   But I pray that God call them out as He was so kind and gracious enough to do me.   And that they have an ear to hear… and God gives them a desire to come out… and stay out.

Well, God bless… I’m out. Thanks for reading my blogs. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016





Add a comment January 9, 2017


u1yjbmmze6zm8gpis-aotc3ohtx3xtqz-largeI got sick of him long ago.   So, this blog won’t be very long don’t worry.donald_trump_cbsnews

Tonight is the first Presidential Debate and everyone is talking about ‘which Donald Trump do you think will show up?’

Oh, I have no doubt which Donald Trump will show up… because I gty_donald_trump_hillary_clinton_sk_150619_16x9_992know it will be the Donald Trump that needs to show up.  Plain and simple.

Either the man is a total idiot … or a very masterful genius.   And I am beginning to believe donald-trump-iowa__3562059bhe is both.  But I think it has come about by happenstance.  Or maybe I’m just listening to those talking heads too much on television to be able to tell the difference.  Because they all seem to be confused too by this whole political mess we have this presidential election period.

Lets face it, at his very best we have all come to realize that the man is definitely not screen-shot-2015-09-09-at-11-30-54-pmsmart.  He’s not even a good business man.   His trump-presidential-run-1200x673history as a businessman speaks volumes to that point… in that every … and I do mean ‘every company the man, himself, has started has failed.’

The only business which has somehow managed to survive the 302e7a6200000578-3400501-image-m-41_1452831525416raging waters of a fidgety Donald Trump, who apparently likes leaping into business trends he knows nothing about… the first sign of someone who knows nothing about business.   Because when you leap into venues … business or otherwise that you have no real working knowledge of … they will inevitably fail.

This is a well known and highly proven fact… which has been the undermining of many donald-trump-bankruptcy-lies-rgoodhearted and people believing they could ‘make it too’… because some new money making business trend was happening in the marketplace.   But the thing they had failed to factor in was… they had no expertise or real working knowledge in what it would take in terms of capital, outside already pre-established relationships with other sub-contractors, suppliers, material manufacturers, overhead donald-trump-putin-pngexpenditures etc. that it would take to make it.   And maybe like the restaurant business… that it would a few years to first establish their business and clientele before their began to make any real money or even show any level of a profit.

The only business that Donald Trump has managed to not sink is Donald Trump Addresses GOP Lincoln Day Event In Michiganhis father’s real estate business.   There must be some type of major reason for that… like some type of clause or ryder on dear ole dad’s will that put a board or some other force over ‘the Donald’ from having run that company into the ground too.

enhanced-buzz-wide-9245-1449569272-7I thought that the President had to be men… or women… above reproach.   People who exhibited some level of having at lease a grain of honor…  a speckle of common sense… or some moral character above the average man or woman… people of GREAT dignity…  donald-trump-grow-upsomeone who possessed a HUGE AMOUNT of integrity.

How did this election fall so short?

Sure we may not all be happy about either or… but Hillary sure does beat Donald Trump any day… any year… any month… and any election.

Donald is so crazy… I am not even sure that the man is truly American himself.   Seriously.405

Vladimir Putin

He is so in love with Putin and dictatorships… and lets face it all
of his wives have not truly been American… including this last 1… who on top of it all … she can barely speak English.   A strip-810tee artist???

She is the classical example of someone who has sold her soul to the devil.   And this would be come the First Lady of the United States?

trump2_1And Donald Trump claims that America is disrespected now under Obama???

He would be the laughing stock of the world… and First Lady of every other country would find it hard just trying to hide all their smiles… behind such whoredom.    And if Donald Trump is marrying high… where is the ‘new low’ in America today?09-donald-trump-bully-w536-h357-2x
Because this man is the pits.

Donald Trump announces his Candidacy for President

I just hope all those people that he has robbed and all the sub-contractors that he dupped out of their contracts… got the job done and/or the materials … but never paid…  I truly hope that somehow CJCS Visit
they all get their day in court … and see this man in jail where he belongs… and definitely not in the White House … not even on a trump-putin-2016visit.
What a shock that would be to the Donald… to be dragged off in the middle of the night by Russian guards laughing at his stupidity….


Oh, well…  So much for this because truthfully speaking the man has received too much Courtesy Diamond and Silkdonald-trump-iowa-reuters-800x430media attention.   If anyone needed a total blackout it would be the Donald.   And that is all I am going to say on him… except how foolish and ignorant the sellout black folk who have rallied around him are.  And I mean a bunch of ignoramus if ever there any.

499416100-omarosa-manigault-who-was-a-contestant-on-the-firstIf it were left up to them we would all be back on master’s plantation… unable to read… picking cotton… and being sold upon auction blocks… just as they are currently being bought.  donald-trump-4-5-16They have no clue that it takes a bunch of dummies to want to run behind a dummy, like Donald Trump… and proclaim him to be the god and savior of black folk… whom history has


proven he hates and thinks very lowly ofNot only are they confused… and lack understanding… who told them that they were smarter than you and me.  When we obviously 21trumpraceweb1-master768can see way pass all the games that Donald Trump thinks he can play on folk.

I just thank God that all of us are not stupid… and just won’t fall for everyone and everything… for real.

One final note on Trump… how can anyone ever hope to ‘make America great’ …who never even believed in the trademark …‘made in America?’

Well, UPDATE:   TUESDAY, JANUARY 31, 2017…  Well, the guy won.   And he is going stark trump_snl_protest-jpeg-03959_bd4ac38a115f2239c0456d23fd919abc-nbcnews-ux-2880-1000raving mad.  It has become quite clear to many that this man may truly not be dealing with a full stack of cards… and cards they would truly be.

What we thought was funny… now does not appear so.   In 8 days he img_8781-1024x768has managed to cause so much havoc that there is lots of talk about the 25th Amendment an act which allows the president of the United States to be removed for disabilities… and/or impeachment.

There has been demonstration after demonstration against him.   gettyimages-623042928And for a man who likes numbers… and is quick to say how he got the longest and loudest applause ‘ever’… it has got to be eating him up.

me-resizedWell, God bless… I’m out.  Thanks for reading my blogs.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016


Add a comment September 26, 2016


eddie-longWell, by now I take it that you know I must have seen the video or come across something which has alerted me considering this new controversy circling around Bishop Eddie Long.

Yes, as a matter of fact a few weeks ago I came across the YouTube sexed-dielongvideo posted by the Bishop… or someone telling everyone that he was alright, but had started this new health kick or some kind of diet.  But honestly to tell you the truth as I watched him… and paid great attention to his body language and facial expressions…

Well, to tell you the truth he looks like a man who has either consumed himself with alcohol or become an addict.

bishop-eddie-long-pictures0I know…. I know you probably don’t want to hear this.  Some of you really do still believe and trust in the Bishop.   But he is a man who is greatly troubled.  And the demons which possess him do not seem to have finished with him yet.

I hate to see people brought down.   Or shamed before everyone.  But eddie-long-all-white-three-wise-menwhen I look at those boys whom he groomed into homosexuality… and think about how he claimed he was ‘David facing Goliath’ when it came to his legal battles with them over their abuse.   I feel sorry…  for them all… all the way around.  Really.

I clearly understand how a demonic spirit can enter into your body and attack you… bringing you into submission IF YOU ARE NOT bishop-eddie-long-sittingFULLY EQUIPPED to fend off such attacks through the Holy Spirit.

Unless you are FULLY EQUIPPED with the Spirit of the Lord… the devil will steal your bishopeddielongmind.  And don’t sit there and think that he won’t do it… nor that it can’t happen to you.  Because it can.  Even to me.   Yes, it can… if I were not equipped and believed fully in God.  And that God is able to keep me through all things… if I desire to be kept.

There is this thing that we must all understand… and that is ‘in order to stand and fight off the devil you better be fully prepared for the battle.’  We are not told as Christians that we must have on ‘the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD’ for no reason.   Without God’s amour… His protection…  eddielongclothwe too can become easily overtaken by demonic spirits.  And when these spirits get a hold of you… when they enter into your body… and get into your spirit… they are not easily shaken.

We all need the power of God truly working within us in order to bring us out of such attacks.  But… and it is a big BUT.  But if we become captivated by the lure of the sin that is trying to entangle us then we loose.   You cannot fall prey to such eddielongattacks, and the attraction to the evil doing that you begin to operate within it… for you will get lost in it.   As we see how that thing took a hold of Bishop Long.   One day out marching against homosexuals… while entering those spirits within his own flesh.  And it over took him.

For the most part Bishop Eddie Long has long been recognized as a prosperity preacher.  I will be 1 of the first to tell you… and not me alone… that God truly endowed him with the word.   But he went astray… and got into all that prosperity mess.

fifth-accuser-of-eddie-longOnce Long got into the prosperity teachings and doings… he was lost.  He got turned around and lost his focus.   His god became mammon… riches.   You cannot serve both God and the lure of riches. You will either love the 1 and hate the other.jamal-parris-e1309522027847

eddie-long-portrait-suitTherefore, the lust of money then made him more susceptible to any other spirit that would attach itself to him.  Hence, the spirit of homosexuality came calling upon him.

Thus, Long began to open up facilities to house boys from which a chosen few were picked televangelist-eddie-long-to-take-time-off-8jltjdc-x-largefor his sexual grooming… to fill his desire to interact with them on a less than religious manner…  as a perpetrator… a sexual deviant.  A grown man seeking to delight himself sexual among young boys.

So, these young boys came into his range where he had access to them… could ‘father’ them into a seemingly caring relationship where what he was doing appeared to them … and I guess all who were near as a harmless religious relationship among him and them… the boys.    As Long vlcsnap-46681did not take sexual advantage of them physically… per what the boys/now grown young men claimed in their law suits against him.  But he did do touchy and feelly things… things that excited and brought about certain urges… which Scripture has called ‘unnatural.’   Creating longings and desires within the young boys…  which when you see them you can clearly see the damage that was done.   They were groomed like cattle …or a horse for a certain kind of thing… a certain kind of behavior.    And that ‘thing’ … in my opinion when I look at their videos and pictures of those young boys turned to young men… that ‘thing’ stole their manhood.

Now, fast forward to Eddie Long  today after having paid out some $9 million plus to these young men whom he had doctored up and touched… and groomed in his special way to be his select stable… to feel whatever demonic fantasy that was going on in his head.

Today it appears that the bishop-eddie-longdemons have chased him down.  Long looks broken… as broken as a drunk on the street (I hate using such terminology as it is not how I view people or ever speak of them… but for the purpose of this blog and the message I’m trying to convey, it is the only way I can get you to really see what I’m talking about.  So, please forgive my terminology when speaking or classifying anyone here)

bishopeddielongYes, Bishop appears a broken man in this video below.  And unlike zachery-tims-funeral-for-orlando-pastorPastor Zachary Timms… I do see where possible drugs or alcohol may be playing a factor in his life.

That which loosing all that money and some of his congregation could not do… I now believe his conscience is making up for it… sadly.   Such a gifted man at 1 time in the Lord.  And look how he let the devil use him… and now I believe he is truly paying for it mentally and physically… and it is ironic.

The irony is how much he worked to build up his body… and what was bishop-eddie-longan apparent love of his physique.   To now be dwindled down to almost nothing… half a man.   A tormented man it seems.

I pray he find a way back to the Lord.   As we serve a God who is long suffering and forgiving.   But to have taken his position as a spiritual leader and have turned it into an artful predator, using the house of the Lord as his playground… might be something that me-resizedGod will not forgive… as He did not forgive Eli when it came to his sons.

I just read that Bishop Long is now on a medical sabbatical after revealing to his church that he is facing some health challenges.  Repentance is the only cure.  A true and real pouring out of his heart

UPDATE:  Yesterday morning… Sunday, January 15, 2017…  it was reported that Bishop Long passed.   I will not comment or speculate as to my thoughts further on this matter.  It is sad all the way around …for all who were effected and involved.

I pray peace and resolution to the minds and souls of the young then boys drawn into this scandal.  And that God call them out that they may be saved from the perverse thing and things which have and are happening to them.  Because this now is their choice to chose to live or die in that mess.

Well, God bless… and thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016









Add a comment September 10, 2016


donald-trumpWell, it didn’t really take long for the fool known as Donald Trump to really become more outrageous and ridiculous… and an absolute buffoon and idiot… even more so than before the Republican Party gave him the nod to legitimately be their nominee as President of the United of States.  Truly a very sad day in American politics… but perhaps even sadder for the Republican Party itself.

The man, to say the least, is crazy.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames

Being mad at a system is no reason to throw it away.   If that were the case we would have overthrown every government we have ever had in this country to begin another …and another one since this country came to be.

What I am saying is many people claim to be upset with government.   They claim to be upset with politics as usual.  They say that they want people outside of the curve… non-politicians… people just like them.

"Something's Gotta Give" - New York Premiere - Inside Arrivals

Yeah, right?

Then why would anyone have voted for Donald Trump then in the first place?    Because certainly no one can say… or should want to say… ‘he is just like me.’

Donald Trump is an exclusive ‘one of a kind’ con man… and he evidently learned from the best… mobsters probably.

He is no great business man.  He is nobody with any great flair for business or personal success.  Everything he has touched went south… out of business… failed and/or was bankrupt.    Except for the company his father left him.   And evidently there must have been some type of clause in that will which stipulated that the Donald could Cassidy-Donald-Trump-Americas-Muslims-1200only be allowed… note the word ‘allowed’ to do but so much within his father’s business.  Otherwise, that too would have probably by now gone to the dogs.

What great businessman do you know who has tried his hand at a myriad gettyimages-522829186of various companies …and ALL OF THEM failed?

The man is a disaster.   A one man wrecking crew.   A clown in the king’s clothes that no one could see… but were afraid to tell him that he was naked.

It is quite evident to me that Donald Trump has some stories that he could tell.   He must have a WHOLE LOT over a WHOLE LOT of people… with some degree of power or status.   And that is why many were fearful of trump-orangeattacking him or ever coming out against him… and he, though I think he is stupid, was shrew enough to release that Congressman’s personal phone number just to let all of the others know he was capable and not above doing the exact same thing, as the Manhattan Madame had done, spill the beans on so many people that they all just kept their mouths shut… and are still keeping their mouths shut because they all fear whatever secrets the Donald has on them.

There can be no other reason has to how or why this man got this far.  And, yes… barack-obama-unnecessary-solitary-confinement-is-an-affront-to-our-common-humanityPresident Obama is absolutely correct in having said that the man is unfit to be President of the United States of America.  Because Donald Trump is unfit.  He knows nothing about politics… the affairs of the world… nor does he know when or how to acknowledge just how little he truly knows… because he is dangerous.   He believes he knows everything… and that is a very dangerous person.

For those foolish people who thought that during the Republican Convention they could undo what they had done during the Republican Primaries… when they overwhelmingly voted for ‘the Chump’…  thinking they were sending some sort of message or that this thing was a joke.   Well, they found out hqdefaultdifferently… and now the Republican Party is stuck with the single most disastrous Presidential candidate in history.

Truly this whole election will be 1 for the history books for a long time… and it won’t be because the first woman will be elected as President of the United States GTY_donald_trump_hillary_clinton_sk_150619_16x9_992…but because of a phenomena called Donald Trump… who himself never thought he truly stood a chance… but some kind of stupid thinking on the part of many many many people got him to where he is today.   And look what happened… the joker came out on top and rt_donald_trump_mm_150616_16x9_992never paid 1 dime in advertisement for not 1 political ad… but was seen night and day… 24 hours because evidently somebody was afraid not to give him access like that… trump_msnbc-1msnbc… cnn… abc…cbs… etc…etc…etc… and all those other networks that gave the Donald a free ride.720x405-GettyImages-106863365_master

The prankster played and won.   Well, maybe not.   I doubt seriously that Trump… or Chump makes it into the White House even as a guest… much less as President.

4a5096af5ede5a99c91d68cb6410779b51fd8451And I must say…  the man is attempting to put the first immigrant woman into the White House as our First Lady… and the woman can’t even speak English.

And though Trump’s wife initially claimed that she alone had


Official portrait of First Lady Michelle Obama in the Green Room of the White House, Feb. 12, 2013.

written her speech she gave at the Republican Convention, in Cleveland a few weeks ago… then did a 360 degree turn when it was discovered that the speech had, in fact, been First Lady Michelle Obama’s speech some 8 years ago when speaking about her husband, Barack Obama.   It only leads you to believe that even Melania Trump has nothing good to say about Donald Trump either… which is why she had to steal … or attempted to steal the words of Michelle Obama.

I ask you, ‘Is there no integrity among these people?”

What happened to looking for real character and morals… and this thing everyone used to ‘really looked for’ called ‘integrity’ in our leaders, corporation heads… diplomats… teachers… coaches etc…. and even in our Presidents?

RTSIMDH-1024x671Did not anyone but me notice that Trump’s wife looked absolutely terrified mid-way through her speech?

It appeared to me that she was under such great pressure not from the public… but from the Donald… she was tight and points looked to me as if she were going to cry.   I seemed to me that if she did not do it right he was going to beat her later.  She truly had that kind of look upon her face and within her body language.   Her fear was greater than having to be ap8805010207before TV cameras and a bunch of people in a room.   And the type of man Donald Trump is … I have no doubt beating his wives is not off the table for him.

Mister ‘I’m so smart’… has to be the dumbest man on the planet.   And anyone who cast a vote for him was even dumber.  And the ‘I’m so sorry I did it’ numbers are climbing.

huty16400207I guess I should take a page out of Trump’s 4th wife’s book… ‘If you have nothing good to say … then STEAL IT.’

And talking about 4th wife… no one even mentions that almost all of his children are half sisters and 4a7b0b13ce76967ff2cbb7281d422952brothers… and some of their mother’s were pregnant before the Donald got around to marrying them.  Or do people only mention those sort of things when they are only talking about black or Hispanic people?

Or that was that incident where at least 2 of them pregnant while the Donald was still married to another Mrs. Trump.  You can ask Vanna Trump about that…  I’m sure she can better speak on that matter better than me.

AP GOP 2016 TRUMP MINISTERS A ELN USA NYAnd I can’t understand any so-called pastor… black pastor or other wanna be black leader would be endorsing such a man as the Chump.

Oh, well now that I have had my say on the Chump who think of himself as ‘Donald me-resizedAlmighty’ … I’m ready to do some real work now.  Hope you are doing well and that all is well with you.

Well, God bless… and thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment August 4, 2016

JAN CROACH DEAD of Trinity Broadcasting….THE IRONY OF IT ALL…

jan-crouch-22149-20131205-782I must really be missing it… was asleep or somewhere.   How is it that Jan Croach just died and I never heard anything about it until-cebe2021-74a4-4cf9-acf8-de2b26b851ce

Until now when I happened to be on youtube looking something else up.  And when I saw the title ‘Jan Croach Died,’ of a youtube video I thought it was somebody’s joke.

tbn-hoverNot really sure if just someone was playing around… you know how Paul-and-Jan-Crouch-Trinity-Broadcasting-Networkthey do on youtube.  Then I decided to google it… and sure enough Jan Croach had really died just a few days ago, May 31, 2016, at 78 following a massive stroke.

Because I had not seen much of her on TBN lately… I just thought that Mat, or whatever the name crouch-jan-2-798x1024of her son who now runs their TV networks… well, I had thought it was because Paul Croach,  Jan’s husband who didn’t pass all that long ago himself… had left the TV networks to his son, and gave Jan her creation, The Holy Land imgres-1Experience, down in Orlando, Florida.

I really can’t say that I really followed the Croach’s all that closely nor their channel, as they always seem to be doing those television money raising rallies… seeking donations most of the time.   And at point I had read where Paul and Jan never spoke to each other EXCEPT when on television… and that they did not live crouch-jantogether.  Yet they portrayed themselves as a loving couple on their television broadcasts.   jan-crouch-is-shown-with-paul-crouch-other-crouch-family-members-and-tbn-guests

There seems to be such an irony is all of this seeing how Paul and Jan really felt about each other… that not 0911NLTBN-18_08so long after he died she would follow him to the grave.  Now, it all goes to the boys, their 2 sons… 9-1009NLTBN-12and grand-kids… whom do not seem to be any more in harmony than Paul and Jan during the many years of their marriage.


I had also read some years ago that the Croach’s had been under investigation for mismanagement of those donation funds that they claimed to be using for the good of the furthering the word of God.   One of their grand daughters claimed that Paul had been going out and using the company charge card to pay for lavish dinners in exclusive places, and jan1while charging fine and very expensive alcoholic drinks to their church network tabs too.

To say the least Jan with her Barbie make-over was far from being anyone I would have put my trust in as being a really godly person.  There is no doubt that she had a real obsession with becoming Barbie, that Matel children’s doll.   Jan apparently had no problem with destroying the temple that God had given her, to get breast implants, pink hair and all kinds of other plastic surgery done to her face and body.  I would say that maybe that could be a bit ‘carnal,’ 20-runintojancrouch@jayhaizlipwouldn’t you?

And to waste all that money doing it… when it could have gone to some kind of good in the world instead of a plastic surgeon.

I mean… who in their right mind really wants to look like lil_kim_before_and_afterBarbie?Lil-Kim-plastic-surgery-before-and-after-photos

Don’t answer that… because I think that was the look Lil’ Kim was also going for before she just plain decided to become some kind of white girl.  How truly sad compared to what she used to look like.  Talk about self-hate.13092390_225631467805483_1267874353_n

And the amazing part about that was that Jan could not see it just how foolish she looked.

crouchWhen the devil has your mind…  he ‘really’ has your mind.   And he definitely evidently ‘really’ had Jan’s mind in order for her to believe she looked like anything other than a fool with all that pink hair setting on top of her head.   1-1111-2

I am not trying to be hurl or vicious.   Heaven forbid.   Afterall, the woman is dead… and only died just a few days ago.  But what about having messed up face and head with that hair made her feel glorious 070722_tammyfaye_hmed_11a.grid-6x2is a wonder to me.

Jan’s father was a pastor under the Assemblies of God, a denomination which grew out of the imagesChurch of God in Christ.  And there was not much that the Croach’s did not learn while under the tutelage and mentor ship of Jim and Tammy Faye 51+Vryejt4L._SX341_BO1,204,203,200_Bakker, who had their own theme park too, and had been well vested in daily television broadcasting… which the Croach’s took to another level… even down to Tammy Faye’s make-up.158626

Kind of ironic how Jan and Paul really got their start and was introduced to the production of television broadcasting through working for Jim and Tammy… and that Bak02bTammy Faye had to go and seek Jan and Paul out once the floor fell 46d79c85ae7770455fa34eb10c4222c8out from under the Jim Bakker ministries, with Jim ending up having to serve prison time from mismanaging church donations sent his ministry.

janjewelryI doubt very much that we will see TBN fold and go under… or be sold off as that family is making far too paul_crouchmuch money from that network… no matter what inner turmoils their families or relationships may have to cast it all to the wind.

To God be the glory… and bless you,  hope all is going well for you as we go into this weekend.  The weather here is very nice… no cold weather in a few days now.   So, maybe… just maybe we are finally transitioning into summer… 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverme-resized

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment June 18, 2016


I know…   I know… I’m late on this but from the moment that I found out… which was recently like last week… that Paula White got divorced and married a rocker I thought to 11183446_10153396011807313_241918137063719847_nmyself.

Married a what???

A rock and roll rocker… as in musician????

Paula White the woman who became the head of what’s his name church in Orlando… who had a church in Tampa.   That Paula White???

hqdefaultYes, that 1.

Needless to say that it struck me odd that a so-called woman of God would even consider marrying a man… all tattooed up and images-1still plays as a musicians touring on the road.  He is in his mid-sixties while Paula claims to be in her mid-forties… with each
having married three times.

His name is Jonathan Cain… I’m not really familiar with him.  But then I have never b4s_whites071309_75959a_8colfollowed rock music or any of its groups outside of the BeeGee’s, img_3599Hall & Oates… if you can call them a group… and maybe 1 or 2 others but that
has been it

But it is not him who I wish to speak about… but Paula.

I first saw Paula on television.  I guess the Word Network where she had imagesbeen a fiery  woman of God, at the time… who definitely knew the Word and could preach it.   But over the course of time… lot most of the TV evangelists and pastors … or so-called… that I have seen on television they soon loose sight  of God and become all about money.   And that is exactly the only thing that Paula White seems to be consumed with getting… and does not paula-white-marries-jonathan-cainmind freely letting you see that that is what she is all about these days.

I happened to come across the information of Paula’s wedding over the internet… on youtube.  Where I thought it was interesting that the 2 videos talking Paula White and her new man… were 2 white people.   Some man and some woman… who appeared to have a connection with each as the basic look of their videos were paula-white-marries-rocker-jonathan-cainthe same.  But since Paula White’s congregation for the most part… as part as I have seen… has primarily been and continues to be majority African American… I would have expected videos on youtube regarding Paula’s wedding to been from some black folk.

I read where someone on Facebook posted on their page last week this question, ‘Why can we find black churches under the leadership of a white pastor, but cannot find the reverse?’


That is a very real question.  Black are by far more accepting of having a white person leading them as aAtheist Megachurches pastor than the opposite.  A perfect example of this is the break between the Church of God in Christ and Assemblies of God.

Unknown-4When the Church of God in Christ was birth under Bishop C. H. Mason a number of white folk were also involved and in membership but later the white member withdrew from the Church of God in Christ to create their Unknown-3own denomination known as the Assemblies of Christ.   This example of the split in membership between the white members and black members of the Church of God in Christ does strongly suggest that black people… though we had gone through slavery and oppression in many countries …not just in America but around the world… but when it comes to laying aside every weight and bias …especially when it comes to matters of paulawhite3UnknownGod… black folk are by far more forgiving and tolerate than white people and can lay aside the color of someone’s skin.

But I am not trying to give a history lesson here.   I want to comment on Paula White becoming unevenly yoked.  But that is not to say that maybe she had not done so before.  Because after all she had had 3 prior marriages… just like the man she married.   So, both Paul and her rocker husband make the fourth marriage that each of them have said ‘I do’ to.

But how does a woman who professes to know the Lord.  None less a pastor of the Word of God marry 4 times?paulawhitedoubledate

And the the 4th time being to a man in his 60’s who has spent his life playing and writing rock and roll music… and still does for a living?

Clearly, he has money.  And we know that Paula definitely has money especially since her television time tab is picked up by the church she stepped in to assume the pastoral of following the death of Zachary Timms… giving way for a takeover by some church heads to put in slave master Paula White.   Because if you listen to those youtube videos this 2 people uploaded

Zachery-Tims-—-funeral-for-Orlando-pastor-While Zachary was making a name for himself in Orlando, with New Destiny Christian Center, a church under the order of Apostle Fredrick Price… Paula was busy with her then husband… husband #3… Randy White building up their church in Tampa, Without Walls International… which has bit the dust and gone under the auction block.zachery-tims-the-late-pastor-of-new-destiny-christian-center-in-apopka-fla-was-found-dead-in-a-new-york-city-hotel-room-on-friday-august-12-2011

There was lots of controversy when somehow Paula White emerged as the pick to lead Timms church following his death, due to overdose.   To say the least it was a big mess.  But to tell you the truth there are a lot of big messes in
the church… as our home church is dealing with 1 itself.   But maybe sometime other time I will address that… but it was highly disappointing.

When I first saw Paula… I have no idea how long she had been on the scene prior as I never watched TV or had heard of her until I guess I used to start watching my sisters television on occasions and when I saw her preach at Bishop T.D. Jake’s Woman Thou Art Loose.  At that time she was different … not obsessed with riches here on earth as she had since become.  She today has stepped away from the ‘soul saving’ or ‘caring’ business to increase my pockets business.abc_brianross_rod_parsley_080521_mn

It is interesting to me when I see these so-called pastors such as Rod Parsley… who when I first saw him he was different too.  Today the man seems to be on the deep end… tethering between sanity and Unknown-5insanity.  Money too has taken his mind.  And like Paula and more than three quarters of those preachers on the Word Network… all of them in search of getting rich on the backs of gullible black folk willing to send them in whatever amount they ask for of that given day.  As everyday on these people shows is a ‘give me’ ‘give me’ episode ‘if you want such and such.’   Or are looking for ‘such and such.’   It has become a real racket.

zachery-tims-the-late-pastor-of-new-destiny-christian-center-ndcc-is-seen-in-this-june-2011-photo-published-on-ndccs-public-facebook-pageSo, Paula is leading the black folk of Timms congregation now for the past 3 years or so… since Zachary died in New York City… found dead in a hotel room of an overdose.   It must have been like hitting the jackpot because Zachary loved media.  He loved being on television and had invested much in the state of art television and audio equipment.  Not to mention all the television time his church purchased weekly.  And Paula was and is a lover of media herself… it is what she has used to get paula-white-wedding-03-526x350her to the place where she now it.

But before at least Paula preached the gospel before.   She merely uses the gospel now.   But this marriage to this guy was a step way beyond ‘I could less what anybody thinks.’    It
was like ‘I’m going to have this man… and his money and I don’t care whether he ever finds Christ or not.’

Now, how does a supposed ‘woman of God’…  much less a pastor with a large congregation do that?Unknown

Isn’t she suppose to be the role model… the standard bearer?

riva-timsWell, Paula is worry about any standards godly or otherwise.  She is too caught up in her own importance over her temple worshippers who I guess are willing to follow her straight into hell.   The woman must be into witchcraft… voodoo or something because they are servants and she is their god head… married to her prince of Unknown-2
rock and roll, baby.   And ain’t nobody up in arms about it… Unknown-1because Paula has her followers… the Destiny congregation
bewitched.  Just as bewitched as when whomever elected her to take over their church that cause the whole board of elders selected to aid in that process such as Bishop T.D. Jakes and Bishop Ivy Hilliard to both hit the door, and start walking.

So, this woman marrying an ungodly man should not upset anyone… because honestly speaking Paula White ceased to be godly a long time ago.Paula-White-e1365732339594

It is clear that for anyone who marries time and time again… then evidently that person must be marrying outside of the will of God.  There can be no other answer to that question… which would mean that any marriage outside of God’s will is doomed.   Thus Paula White’s 3 prior marriages… and this cannot be any otherwise as the man is not of God… but is in the world.

God bless… It’s almost time for me to get out of here now.   So I have got to hurry.   But usa-obama-dinnerbefore I check out of here I just want to say, ‘What a fool that guy was last night who1438303073942 followed President Obama during that press dinner event they had.   The guy was completely out of order.   And to use the ‘N’ word when referring to my President absolutely inferiated me.

These clown uncle toms need to go and sit down.   And never to arise again.

If I ever hope someone were to loose his job… on what overnight tv show he host… it is definitely him.  He is not worth whatever they pay him.   Kill that contract and bury that guy.   What a fool… in a clown suit and make-up.   No, maybe I am giving clowns a bad name to equate them and that idiot… whatever his name was.  2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverme-resized

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment May 3, 2016


I would be the last person to criticize or make a mockery of anyone’s child, as I too am a 6a00d8341c6d4753ef0115705b0968970b-800wimother of a gay child.   The irony of it all is that I too was once gay… or as I like to say, ‘I was in the life.’

So, coming to grips with my son being gay should have been an easy thing for me right?

Wrong.   Black+Man+silencing+black+women+larger

It worried me.   It plagued me.   And at times in the beginning shamed me.  I went through the whole gambit of emotions trying to deal with it mentally.   And truthfully speaking just did not want to accept it… and I still don’t but for other reasons I will get  to later in this blog.

But through it all my love of my son never tethered.  I have always loved him.  In fact, I will go as far to say, ‘That I even adore him.’   And I have always recognized that he was a far better person than his mother.

II recall while teaching several years ago there was a young male student that sought me out to talk to me about his relationship with his family.  His family was made up of Saved people who rejected him.   They made him feel bad about himself and about the lifestyle he had gravitated toward.   He felt trapped because he loved them… but could not deny his sexuality

confused-manHe was a handsome boy… smart and I could tell that he was kind and loved his family deeply.  But their feelings towards him tormented him.  They were pushing him away… andsad-black-man2-opinionatedmale-com out of their lives.  They didn’t want him in their house.  And I guess it is fair to say that the very sight of him made them sick.

What a shame.   They obviously did not know …or could not see the type of person they had really birthed into this world.  Because he was worth celebrating… and not rejecting.

While in the life I had encountered many gay guys with similar stories of rejection.  Many covered up their alternate lifestyles… or attempted to images…or so they thought.  Because they did not want the rejection… someth368752555.jpg

Many fell away from the church because the church laughed at them… made jokes about them and ‘limp Drinkingwrist.’   The church turned its back on them and attempted to make them hate themselves.  In response to that many became drug abuser…


maxresdefaultstarted drinking heavily… and many even attempted and did commit suicide.  And then there were those who broke down mentally and began having mental problems because of the rejection, and the feeling that they had let ateldown their families.

I have seen many sad and lost gay men and women who suffered the pains of family rejection… church rejection and community rejection.  In those days there were not gay people all over the TV like today… or all these Hollywood stars walking around proclaiming their gayness as we raven-symone1see today.   Or all these anti-gay laws as we see today… or legislation of gay rights and gay marriages etc..c9c80615a93a102726dd94659af2d744

But back in the day there were just a lot of lost souls seeking to find themselves, who seemed to only find 1 place where they felt they really fitted… and that was in the gay lifestyle.  Being gay… and I was 1 of them.

Oh, yes…     I was 1 of them.   I’m free today …and of that yoked of bondage that had once had me bound… but many still are lost.  And because of all these new acceptances such as the changing of one’s sex… this whole thing has gotten more and more crazier.  And it has fooled a lot of them into believing by doing all these crazy things they will find happiness.

The devil is a liar… and the great deceiver.

franziska-foxs-latest-lookbook-serves-gravity-defying-sm-glam-body-image-1436901458I came out of the life when S&M started to become the big rage.   More and more gay people were slipping into the bondage thing… and I could just not wrap my head around that.  It was not for me.  I could not see me allowing anybody to tie me up or handcuff me… or otherwise rendering me helplessCbCO1EnW4AA_TuR while they beat me and did whatever else they wanted to do to me.   I could not see the intrigue in that sexually or any other kind of way.

During my time in the life there had always been cross-dressers, drag queens,  transvestites etc.   But this thing of wanting to become and man if you are a woman ….or a women if you are a man may not be new.   But it certainly was not popular.  gay-bed1And that is what it is today… popular.   And it is very popular … as popular as people tattooing their bodies or piercing themselves all over the place.

But I did not begin this blog to really talk about any of what I just wrote.   I really wanted to write about Sade’s daughter.603d45959d309a6632e21473e11fadb2

When I was in the life… it was Sade I longed for.   She was so sexy to me.  I images8loved everything about her… including all her music.   I bought everything she put out.   But then lets face it… her music was good.   She was different and had a style all of her own… and I guess that attracted me more than anything else.

I will never forget that for 1 of my birthday’s a friend gave me a large framed picture of SadeSade, which I hung in my living room.  And I would often just stare at it.

images123Yeah,  I was crazy… in love.    Sade was fine… but so was my then girlfriend, Angela.   Where I would have chosen Sade… many would have chosen Angela hands down.   And yes, Angela was quite beautiful.  She was exotic in many ways.   She had a British accent, and was part Jamaican and Chinese.  And she was brilliant… and she was the person who withstood me for the longest… 10 years.  She liked telling that story.images

When I spoke with her last she informed me that she too had found Christ Jesus, and was reading the Bible daily.  I was very happy to hear that as Angela had grown up Catholic and had very conflicting thoughts about God and religion.   But there was 1 thing she had said 28lexitabout me… she knew even then… that 1 day I would become woman of God.   I guess there was something about me… and it had to do with my training.  It was the fact that I grew up in the church… and that training kept me from crossing certain lines… such as drinking or doing drugs… or smoking etc.  Where many had been rejected I was not because I did not look a certain way.   I could pass… and no one except keen women who were also in the life could spot me.h-JASMINE-JORDAN-348x516.jpg

But I did not cuss or live a riotous life… and I knew nothing about living badly, as my parents were real church people… loving and caring… and giving unto others church people.   So, they were my role models… and magic-johnson-michael-jordanthere was 1 thing about them.   They never ever spoke to me about being gay… and I never ever flaunted anything like that in front of them… though they never restricted me in being me.

So, Sade’s daughter is gay.   And by looking over the pictures of SADE-ADU-AND-DAUGHTER-938x535her and her daughter I can tell that Sade, who took time off from her career as a recording artist for a few years to give birth and begin raising her daughter… that Sade never once thought to reject her daughter.

Seeing pictures of Michael Jordan and his daughter, Jasmine…he too seems to be an accepting father2cnh17t 8da67a4f61d6f55af82a5cb3f9fb1135of his child.   She is quite attractive… they both are Michael’s daughter and Sade’s daughter.  And Magic’s son, Erwin… after having lost over a hundred pounds is quite handsome himself.

Many people can’t deal with sexuality issues and their children.   Everybody at some point has had to battle through something.  Many adults … parents often forget the headaches they caused their parents… and the many sleepless night they took their parents through when it comes time to deal with their own children.article-1243098-0000436E00000258-836_468x382

In life people are always in a state of transformation.   Their taste in food changes… clothes changes… thoughts on various subjects change… and they change… they mature… they gain wisdom… and if all goes right they discover who they really are.   This is why I am so 500x1000px-LL-0271b180_12042012_S_WBBAdvance_SamMalleranti-sex changes… because I understand clearly the changes that people go through from their early stages to their latter stages… and no one is ever 33445the same or thinks the same way.

I sometimes go back and look up old gay friends on Facebook and I can truly say… I am so thankful that I am no longer in the life.   They seem so old to me… so sad… and seem to not have grown.   We look different… them and me.   But then the hand of God is upon my life and has always been.

As Sade’s daughter travels through this life it will be interesting to see the changes and turns her life will too take… as well as Michael Jordan’s daughter and Magic’s son.   There isdonny-hathaway-306 this old song that Donny Hathaway used to sing called ‘Everything Must Change.’    And it goes on to say ...’nothing remains the same.’    That is BUT ‘God.’

And the great thing about God… He loves us all… no matter what pit we happen to fall in.   And He is able to reach down and bring us all out.pg_2752326428

illaI no longer fantasy over Sade.    Nor do I listen to her music.   I’m on a different path… and as my parents prayed for me… I too pray for my son that God does the same for him as He did for me.  And I pray for my friends and the many many many others who are lost.  It doesn’t matter what they may or may not be in… but if they are not walking in the steps which God has ordered then prayer is the most powerful tool we can use to help… with the hope that God too will favor them and call them out from among them.

God bless… I’ve got to get out of here now.   Somebody is probably going to write me saying I thought this blog was supposed to 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverme-resizedbe about Sade’s daughter.   And to a degree it was…

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016



Add a comment April 20, 2016


Wow, I don’t even know what happened here.  I lost my whole post all most.600x600

I will try to rewrite it again but don’t know if it will be as good as the first.  But here goes.

I came across this posting on a site called, MOTHER’S PEARLS.  And since the day I initially posted my blog on the DeBarge 8y5pugfamily and their deep family secret which tormented them for years, that post hands down has been my most popular.

That being so I thought that many of you would also like to read what was said by Tommy DeBarge, who for years as growing up had been molested by his older brother, Bobby.debarge

It cannot be a secret how much pain must go through 1 when they are physically violated.  But that pain and hurt must be much deeper when it does not come from the man or woman down the street… but is within your own home… among those who are suppose to love and care for you… and protect you.

The DeBarge children had … I guess all of them… had be imagessexually abused by their father… both the girls and boys.

The damage that is done to children who experience sexual abuse cannot be overstated.  I know this first hand having also been a victim of it, though it was not within the confines of my family.jamesrandybunny

I know some women who once worked at a facility that housed children sexual offenders.  Yes, I said, CHILDREN SEXUAL OFFENDERS.  I asked 1 day what were the ages of the children in their facility and I was told, “Well, the youngest is 3.”

That has always stayed with.  I cannot image what it is like to be locked away from people for the rest of your life because someone began sexually abusing as an infant or toddler and at the age of 3 they have to lock you away.

rdebargesrThe world indeed is a very cruel place… very cruel.  And has gotten crueler with all of this child sex trafficking and everything else like it that goes on today.7fa7e89e9661de04176c3c8485942b98

For that kind of torment to be going on in your own home is something which a very beautiful family of children have had to fight to regain and sustain some type of sanity from the horrors they had to endure not only at the hands of their own father… but as their own b31053c60c49d4d9626f908c76042975siblings began to prey upon them.

As a note here, Bobby the oldest of the DeBarge children died many years ago from AIDS.  9477989_109738431579His predator… his father who had sexually abused … I guess all of his children…   Their father died only several years ago… and am sure if he had a conscience he died a very tormented man.

This is from Mother’s Pearls:

According to Tommy Debarge of the Debarge Family


Anything and everything was exposed and deemed acceptable in Hollywood.  A homosexual lifestyle didn’t have to be kept secret there as it did back in Michigan.

Men were attracted to men and openly spoke their minds about it, which offended me because of my past with Bobby.  I felt as if something queer had been permanently affixed to me because of the horrible things he did to me.


I blamed him for the unwanted attention I was getting from men.
I had never confronted Bobby about what he’d done to me.  Instead, I’d gotten high or occupied myself with women in order to not have to deal with it.  I had to be honest with myself.  The whole man with a man thing had me on edge.  I did learn through my industry peers, however that it was necessary to be appealing to both genders in order to sell lots of records.  Still, it bothered me a great deal.


At this point, Bobby was dating women.  There was a brief period of time when I actually thought Bobby might be straight.  However, as he became more sure of himself as an artist and comfortable in his surroundings, the more he openly expressed his desire for men.


I watched as homosexuality manifested itself in Bobby’s life.  He had a stronger attraction towards men than women.  He had a male friend, Tony, whom he had met in California, and whom accompanied him everywhere.


After a while, Bobby removed all restraints from his sexual desires.  He didn’t care if his private life was private or exposed.  He was staying at a Hollywood Hotel; Tony moved in.


I was with Bobby in his hotel room one evening when he pinned Tony against the wall and kissed him like he was kissing a woman.  His tongue was in Tony’s mouth and he embraced him.  They kissed and caressed each other without shame.

Later, Bobby revealed himself to be bisexual, meaning that he participated in sex with both men and women.  He stated that a man’s love is what he was searching for because women were only useful for sexual pleasure and couldn’t be trusted.  He used neglect and abuse from the past as an excuse for his lifestyle.


Since we were on the topic, it was a good time to ask him about what he had done to me as a child.  He said he regretted what he had done to me back then, explaining that he was just a boy.  I waited to hear, “I’m sorry,” but he didn’t apologize for any of it.

Add a comment March 8, 2016


bill-cosby-768I really don’t know where to begin with this commentary of the sorrowful facts of this story.  Though I must say that from the beginning I did not at 1 point think of those who said what they did about what had happened to them was not or might not have been true.  My thoughts on this subject from the on-set when the women last year started coming forward to say that they had been drugged and raped by Bill Cosby… was simply this… there were just too manybill-cosby-accusers-620x259-620x259 of them saying the same exact thing for it to have not been true.

If you remember it was like everyday you woke up another woman was saying she too had been drugged and raped by Bill Cosby… and it just did not stop… woman after woman.

They say to date about 47 women, since this unbelievable story started to unfold last year, have come forward to claim that Bill Cosby sexually took criminal advantage of them by drugging and then having sexual intercourse with them.BC1

bill-cosby-2-768Throughout all those claims of rape Bill Cosby steadily maintained that all those women had been lying.  However, most recently it has come to light that in 2005 a woman sued Bill Cosby for theAA9jZlE exact same thing these women, who most recently have come forward to claim against Bill Cosby… and in that case which was settled …Bill Cosby in a written deposition did acknowledge that he had indeed purchased drugs for the purpose of giving them to women in order to have sex with them.

Thus, Bill Cosby’s own statement which had been sealed by that court in 2005 validates the new found claims of all these 150210-news-bill-cosbywomen who most recently since last year have all spoken up and out against Bill Cosby, and this all appears to have been a very deep and highly dark secret past of deviant sexual behavior… serial rape on the part of Bill Cosby.

cosbyshow-300x225Over the social networks the disputes were strong and wide with regard to those who defended the good name and reputation of their ‘favorite tv dad’ verses those who felt strong that the 47 or so women who began to come out against Bill Cosby last year were indeed telling the truth.

There were those who said flatly that it could not be true.Bill-Cosby-Rape-Allegations-Janice-Dickison

Then those who claimed that all those women were after was Bill Cosby’s money with all their lies.

Then compossssssss23455-1-2048x1152-20141122-032012-544those who felt that if it were true why had those women waited so long… until now to come out to say anything8560068_f496 about it.  So, therefore, it was not true.

_47532933_-46Then there were those who said they …those women… never should have come out… and should have just let laying dogs lay, and not ruin Bill Cosby’s legacy.

I for 1 felt that it had to be true because I could see no viable cause for why so many women would all join in and say the same thing if it were a lie… and many women who had become successful in their bill_cosby_620x480_cemrfcosby-ejo-111514_b0d416ee4949aec9a3e30542d2933008own right in various industries and career paths.  It just didn’t make sense to me that they could ALL being telling a lie against Bill.

And now… today we know for sure that they all were not lying at all.  Bill Cosby had lived and had lead a very deceitful secret dark life under the cover of a fatherly and very philanthropic exterior image, which he so readily displayed to the whole world.  While in his deep dark closet he had hoards of women whom he had sexually abused by drugging them then raping them.

1969:  Promotional studio portrait of American actor and comedian Bill Cosby adjusting his bow tie, from his television series, 'The Bill Cosby Show'.  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)Clearly, it is not the type of end or legacy which 1 would have thought to come and overtake Bill Cosby’s squeaky clean and example of a decent respectable man, who for years was 16-bill_-daughterthought of by millions as an ideal example of fatherhood.  Bill Cosby clearly was a modern day version of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  And 1 really has to wonder as to what drove Bill to continue drugging and raping so many women throughout what appears many years… and possibly some even bill-cosbyback in his days as a young man growing up in Philly.  Because I would believe that this kind of prolong abusive sexual behavior may not have just got started when Bill got into show business.

In this photo taken Nov. 6, 2014, entertainer Bill Cosby pauses during an interview about the upcoming exhibit, Conversations: African and African-American Artworks in Dialogue, at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art in Washington. The Smithsonian Institution is mounting a major showcase of African-American art and African art together in a new exhibit featuring the extensive art collection of Bill and Camille Cosby. More than 60 rarely seen African-American artworks from the Cosby collection will join 100 pieces of African art at the National Museum of African Art. The exhibit “Conversations: African and African American Artworks in Dialogue,” opens Sunday and will be on view through early 2016. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)Most of us would agree that today Bill Cosby is looking pretty bad.  Many days he has even appears to look just plain out of it.   Perhaps his conscious has caught up with him.

It isBill-Cosby-Rape-Allegations-Janice-Dickison amazing to me how such a man could have lived with himself after having perpetrated so many rape attacks 1 after another …and another and another and another.   A man who has at least 2 daughters and a wife himself to have such disregard and disrespect for a woman to rob her of something most valuable to her… by b613732e6b34f6e9bf292eaa09957633inducing drugs into her body and taking sexual advantage of her… is beyond my level of comprehension as to how he could have done such a thing at any time to any 1 and live with himself… and pretend to be so perfect a human being.  And then to set himself up as some type of moral purist for black consciousness… is aboundingly1402097993000-Bill-Cosby unthinkable… knowing what he knew concerning the women he took advantage of …as he knew that what he had so criminally perpetrated against so many women… and possible some under age young girls was so hypocritical and just plain not right.

The level of betrayal and deceit… and moral lack of consciousness is so very baffling to 1_123125_123054_2240596_2240597_100129_pol_edwardstn.jpg.CROP.original-originalme… and that it should be BILL COSBY who was the person who fooled and betrayed us all.   It is just unbelievable… and as unbelievable to me as when I heard about John Edwards… another johnedwardsman who portrayed himself as being squeaky clean and incapable of doing any wrong.  And wrong he did… not only as an adulterer but a liar to all of America, as well as, to his family and his wife who was dying of cancer.

58573John Edwards knowing he had just had a child out of edwards-580x350_102912awedlock secretly with a woman, who in my opinion couldn’t stand up to a brown paper bag.  She looked like…     Well, I hate to say it.   But she looked like trash …and trash she was.    And she roped him in …had his baby and then she hit the tabloids.

120514_john_edwards2_ap_605The man sacrificed it all for what?

Then the pain that it caused his wife… who was already suffering from her battle with cancer.

That man played us.  And I mean he played us…ScreenShot20141121at6.31.16AM

Well, he played me.  I had thought very highly of ole John Edwards until I heard him talk on those video tapes that that women had shot of him… when he started running around with her.  In those video tapes his language and everything behind the scenes was so different from what John had put forth to the public eye.  And this is exactly the same thing what we can say about Bill Cosby.

There were people almost ready to fight over Bill Cosby with the people who said that Bill must cosbyhave done what those women claimed that he had done to them.  Bill’s die hard believers were ready to go to blows… some made videos stating d453c5640bc4f18f2c4a96f3c0bbfac9their opinions and calling people names and insult for coming out against Bill Cosby.  And those people called those folk out if they had said anything that may have tarnished Bill’s reputation.rs_634x1024-140429120503-634.Bill-Cosby-jmd-042914_copy

Now, it appears that nobody really had to say anything to tarnish the reputation of Bill Cosby… because Bill Cosby had so adequately done that for himself… when he made the decision to first start drugging women and then rape them.

The likelihood of any of Bill’s victims being compensated financially for what he did to them appears to be most unlikely.  But public opinion many times can be far 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverworst than any money coming out of the pocket to a man like Bill Cosby… whom I think rather loved being held in the high regard that many people used to see him in.

me resized...

But that is gone now… and in many ways that being taken from him is a far worst price.

Well, God bless…. Well, it is 1 day from Friday and I hope all is well with you.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2015

Add a comment July 9, 2015


It is hard to know where to begin with this blog since I have so many different things on uni-sex_bathroom_signmy mind.  But let me begin with this…

As I just came across it on a Facebook post… where the mayor in Houston had proposed to allow transgender people to legally use the bathroom facilities that they identify with.

Needless to say… why write certain things into law?

woman-public-toilet-7348288They already do it.   So, such a thing is really kind of stupid.  But the other side of the coin is this …writing such a thing into law opens the door for many women to become victimized by men looking for new opportunities in ways to victimize women.  What I mean by this is this.

Most times women go into a bathroom… it is usually not full… not unless you are at a club or some large social setting.  A lot of times we are the only ones in bathrooms.  When we enter the ladies room we do not expect anyone stronger than us to overpower us and shove us into stalls to rape us… or to carry out any other type of crime that people perpetrate against women.  But such a city ordinance would open the door for such a thing to happen to women.  As just anybody could walk into any bathroom they wanted and not necessarily have in mind the intention of using the toilet.toilet

Not to mention women often allow their children to go into the ladies room… most of the time under their care.  But such an ordinance would put at risk both a mother and a child if a deranged person were watching them… and then followed them into a co-ed bathroom.  Whereas such a person entering into the ladies’ room would easily be spotted if the bathroom facilities were not co-ed.

In places where perpetrators look for unsuspecting victims …such as in movie theaters and amusement parks where there are always large number of children this type of policy would be very disastrous.

I know that campuses now have co-ed dorms and co-ed dorm rooms…  and “unisex,” coexisting-in-coed-dorms“gender-neutral”  “gender-inclusive” bathrooms etc.

But is this thing right?

I say, ‘No.’

And it is a resounding ‘no.’  

Perhaps I am a little bit too caution.  Or maybe you just think I am being super homophobic.  But it is not the homosexuals I am thinking about.  I’m thinking about the people who would take such an ordinance and use it to prey upon certain people…such as unsuspecting women and possible children, as many times children do go into bathrooms with their mothers.   And these people are not gay… they are rapists… child molesters… predators of every sort.

And believe me… I would rather fall on the side of a little per-caution rather than hearing someone say,  ‘I’m sorry. We never dreamed this sort of thing would happen.’

All this  might stem from the fact that I was abused as a child.  I really don’t know.   Or it may stem from the fact that I have been stalked several times.  Now, that I do know.toilet sign

I think about it this way…  if it ain’t broke ‘don’t fix it.’  

What is wrong with having the women’s bathroom for women, and the men’s bathroom for the men?

Has not that system worked all these years?

With regards to the home situation…  Well, is totally different.  We are at home.  We all know each other… ans supposedly nobody is trying to prey upon another.  We grow up using bathrooms inside the home as a family.  But in public the same principles do not apply.  And it has always been broken down as facilities for men… and separate facilities for women.

Why mess with that now?

One could say that this is the problem that we have with our medical system in this country today.  Who in the world started messing with it?????


We had a system that used to work.  People used to be able to see qualified doctors not just Stethoscopepeople tied into their medical plans, who only issue prescriptions for medication manufacturers tied to pharmaceutical companies who own their plans… to whom their now doctors are also tied to.  Kind of a vicious little circle… called lets keep the money in-house.  And that is exactly what they do… if they can.

Sure our old medical system might have had issues… lets face it nothing is perfect.  But it had worked fine for hundreds… maybe thousands of years more or less as it was.   The pluses were  (1) you could pick and chose your 50c4090e22ffa.preview-620own doctors.  (2) Hospitals had to treat people whether they had insurance or not.   And (3) if a doctor wasn’t working for you… you could just pick up your marbles and go to another one without asking the doctor you are trying to rid yourself of… to write you a ‘referral.’

Who thought of this ‘doctor’s referral‘ thing?medical-insurance_policy-insurance_company-health_insurance-prescription-medication-llan1213l

We are not children.  Why do we need to ask a doctor ‘may I?’

Or ‘can I?’

And if they won’t then… you can’t.  You are just plain STUCK.

That is just a little bit too much control over  patients if you asked me.

But going back to my original issue with removing ‘MEN’ and ‘WOMEN‘  signs from public toilets….or those little pictures that mean ‘MEN’ or ‘WOMEN’ toilet facilities.   I clearly understand what probably escapes many people…   is that who is going to get blamed when stuff starts going wrong with making such an sane which to our long established system of public toilet facilities.

Most people like to believe that the people who perpetrate crimes on children… particularly on boys… little boys are all gay.   If you only knew.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  If you could  only hear some of the gay guys talking on this subject, then you would certainly know  THAT to be a lie.   Most gay men… and36875-Boys-Like-Men-Love[1] women… if not all of them… hate people who  perpetrate sexual crimes against children  …or anyone else for that matter.

I know personally that many gay people get mad when these people… sexual perverts such as NAMBLER… North American Man/Boy Love Association… attempt to tie or associate themselves to the gay community.   Mostly because those men involved in that kind of thing are not gay.  They think of themselves as straight men who merely love having sex with very very young boys.   These men are low life predators.  A bunch of six depraved men with warped minds.   Of whom I have absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for.

The Nambler men are sexual deviants straight out of hell who prey upon very very young boys while living what appears to be very regular lives as heterosexual men… and men who seek out very very young little girls to do the same… they are just as intolerable.    They are all highly deceitful.  Many are married and/or have girlfriends… some even have their own children.

We are living in a time when laws and ordinances are being created and made that will medical+marijuana+(1)cause more harm to our society … than at any other time.  And crimes are becoming more and more heinous… and laws more and more lacks.

Who thought of legalizing marijuana?

Who approved it?

Now, you not only have to careful and the lookout for drunken drivers… or those underimages the influence of all those other long recognized nonlegal and legal drugs out there.  But now also have to be on the lookout  for people driving around buzzed… under the influence of marijuana, whose system is just as whacked out and as much impacted by effects of marijuana as anyone who has been drinking or using some other narcotic drug.

Now, these guys are selling marijuana stocks and bonds on Wall Street to fund their marijuana farms.

This whole thing is becoming very insane.   My father would say… ‘the world is going out backwards.’  And it truly is.

Pandora’s box is being left wide open.  And there is no turning back the terrible tide that it is unleashing upon this world.

Fools and depraved minds have taken over our Courts and government.  They are creating laws and writing into place legislation that are turning this world upside downTraditional_Wedding_001.

Having been in ‘the life‘ for many years, of course, I do understand why gay people wanted the right to be legally married.  I myself had personally witnessed and knew of several relationships where one partner or lover had died.   After having spent many years together I saw where families IMG_0016stepped in following the death of their family member deciding  to take over everything from the surviving lover in that relationship… including the funeral arrangements.  Just ripping everything out of the hands of the surviving partner or lover.

They may have had amassed a house… and/or a business… or other items purchased and/or paid for together… or co-owned by the both of them… but in came their family.   They took 7979_michael-robert-crawford-shorty-gay-black-95c9f1136cb41710control over the dead body… and eventually forced the surviving partner out.

So, yes I can understand how having some level of law to protect what 2 people had accumulated together would be helpful to them. Particularly in light of greedy family members… who many times cast off their gay family member years ago… only to re-emerge following their death to declare to their surviving lover ‘you don’t own anything here… and get out.’  But then I have seen that in heterosexual relationships too… where people lived together for years and failed to marry.

But did the law governing marriage have to be rewritten to provide for that is my question?

I think not.   That right could have been gotten a whole entire way without trying to *Jan 07 - 00:05*23_NE Consortiumredefine marriage as something other than what God intended marriage to be… and between whom He intended it be between.

But their are people who have been put in place to bring about any change that delights that other spirit that also inhabits this world.  Just a chosen few people in the right places is all it takes to set about a change that effects everyone in the land.   And that is the problem with our system… it doesn’t take the masses to do it any more.

It was just a single woman… a mother with 2 sons that took prayer out of public schools around this entireimages nation.  Just 1 demonic woman.

Today just a small group of people can decide to do something… and BAM!     It is done.   Things changed that you never thought you would see changed.

Who would have guessed that marijuana would ever get legalized in this country?


Next it will be crack cocaine… then cocaine and everything else.  Why not… it all makes money?

Even  lying after Bush became acceptable if it somehow can be seen mission_accomplishedto serve greater good.  Or some kind of meaningful …or in Bush’s case devante purpose.  But nobody started throwing stones at him when they finally found out he lied about ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ as a means for him to invade Iraq and start an unnecessary war, in order to push up gas prices and make his family richer.  And that it ended up killing millions of Americans, mostly young college kids for no good cause.

There is someone somewhere making BIG BUCKS from marijuana …and that you can bet your money on it.   Otherwise, how did marijuana stocks hit the stock market so quickly?

And who are the really people cashing in on it?

Probably the people who have always been at the top of the illegal American drug trade in the first place.

No, there are things happening in our government today… that even those guys on Capitol Hill… the insiders know and are dealing with …who are pulling all the strings to our never money-flying-background-24856509before.  And because we now live in a global economy… our inter-actions in the global world… wield lots of global influence…  that person or persons may not even be American… nor Americans.  But they are for real.

They are getting things done that no of us ever dreamed would ever be done.  And the change that they are effecting is not for the good of this country.

Not at all.

If, indeed, legislators were legitimately looking to legislate some good policy they should take a look at the evils in this world and sincerely seeks ways to remove and/or lessen them… not open the doors for more to come about.

I had wanted to talk about the 300 or so Nigerian girls which were kidnapped.  But I’m being pushed out of here.  Maybe tomorrow…5448296-3x2-340x227

But the 1 thing that stays on my mind about that whole thing is how nearly 300 school girls were kidnapped from their school… and nobody did nothing?

How did that happen?

How it that 300 young school girls, kidnapped on April 15th of this years and are still under 140502114535-nigeria-schoolgirls-demonstration-story-topthe hands of their kidnappers, have yet to be found or released?

Most of the problem in this case stems from world interest in this story and the fact that the Nigerian government officials do not want the involvement of outsider aid… such as the United States… in assisting them in freeing the girls … or seeking freedom for them.  Most of it boils down to political pride on the part of the Nigerian officials not wanting it to be seen as they cannot handle their own affairs.  Of which they evidently cannot based upon the kidnapping of these young girls they are in dire need of some help… from someone.nigeria-missing-girls

Why be so proud that you cannot accept assistance in such a matter as this?

It is foolish.  If any of the government official’s daughters were involved they wouldn’t be able to accept help quick enough.  But it is evident that none of their daughters is at risk.

There is no telling as to what is happening to those young girls when you consider the treatment of women who have be taken by such groups as the bunch of criminals who claimed that they took these girls.  1399593508062.jpg-620x349[1]It is not uncommon for women/girls to be raped, beaten and abused in an array of various ways including sold into bondage and prostitution.

It is my hope that a resolve comes soon… as it has already much too long in the making.  I pray for those young girls.nigeria-girls

I am thankful we have a President who cares about Africa …and her people.  Thank you, President Obama.

I know people are going to think I am whack-co but since I am on the subject let me take a moment to go back and hit upon this subject regarding transgender individuals as well.   It appears to me that this whole 0thing is becoming more and more rampant.  It has become a trend …and it is growing fast.

There was once a time when transgender and yes, even drag queens were kind of looked down upon.  But a boom is on to change all of that.  Their ranks are growing… and growing even at early ages.

It is almost becoming a fab now among many in the gay community.  Kind of like all this body piercing and tattooing that has grown so popular… and tattooing lately.  And not only has it become popular… trendy… but it is even d91fdb1b548bb8890a97863a515f3604becoming acceptable to many outside of the gay community.

Few people used to talk about such things as ‘I feel like I was born to be a man’ if they were a woman… or vise versa.  But there is lots of chatter about that now.  The seeds have been laid… and it has become like a ranging fire swirling out of control.

It kind of reminds of my niece saying to me 1 Sunday, ‘Auntie, I don’t afro-americanwant to go to this church any more.  I’m not being fed.’

Not being fed?

What did she know about not being fed.  It was not she like she was Young Woman Thinkingsaved or anything… or even paying any attention much during our church services. But she had heard someone else said it.  And that was all she needed… to being her own reverberating of those words ‘I’m not being fed.’

The true being told no church was going to feed her spiritually as she, at that point, was not really interested in being in church at all anyways.

black_gay_LGBT_black_enterpriseSo, what I am trying Bio-headshot-300x243to say here is this… all these people declaring that they are something other than what God created them to be… be it male or female.   They have been bitten by a bug… and the world today is full of people who follow what other people do.  This stems from hearing something like ‘I never felt comfortable being a girl’… following somebody sitting on some television show… national, of course… sounding and looking every bit like a man or ever bit like a woman.  And the viewer internalizes that notion and begins feeling and saying that exact same thing… as they start e5545ef4c71211e2b06022000a9e289e_7working their way to becoming a transitioning something or other.

It is really rather sad to me.  But who knows …when the devil had me… he really had me too.  So, who knows if this trend had been so hot and heavy in my days what I might not have elected to do it too?

Perhaps I should not cast any stones.  But thank God that is not my mind today.  For the devil no longer has be captive.

But now I am seeing them everywhere… transgender people.  And reading and hearing  more and more about people ‘transitioning.’  Meaningmedicine-543 slipping out of being 1 type of sexual being into another… as in going from being… or appearing to be male to appearing to be female via surgery, shots and medication etc.

For a while now I have been thinking about a friend of mine who recently was informedtimthumb by her daughter to begin calling her ‘Harry’ or some nonsense… (I am kind of playing with the name here as I do not wish to disclose the real name).     But yes, she has begun eating up all those pills and seeking to undergo the surgery.

I cannot think of anything more which resembles self-hate more to me than an act such 894497as this.  And the thing seems to have become more and more popular… and widespread among those in the gay community.

And that is what they say ‘I hated myself because I knew I was suppose to be a girl.’

You know what the devil is the great deceiver.  All of my life until most recently I used to think of myself as being ugly.  I really thought I was ugly and never like taking pictures.  I didn’t want any mirrors in my room.  I rarely looked at myself in the mirror.  But you know what a few years ago I started thinking about something…

I started thinking about all the times I had gotten stalked.  Yes, I said stalked.  And I said ‘all the times I got stalked.’Short-Haircut-with-Long-Bangs1

I have been stalked at least 5 times in my life if not more.  And I started thinking about that.

I had had some very beautiful girlfriends… but none of them had ever been stalked.  Or least ways not to my knowledge.  So, I wondered 1 day ‘why me?’2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

It was not until I started trying to get a picture for the back cover of my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE,  that I discovered something.  And it came about shortly after I got saved… and came into the realization that God never created anything ugly.

So, now as I was looking for a picture for my book… I also began to see myself in a new and very different light.  And in that light I realized that I had never ever been ugly.

I laugh at it now because for over 40 nearly 50 years I had felt that I was not attractive at all.  I just never saw what I see now… and I have attached this picture of me so you IMG_1524566753448can see too.  Isn’t it funny.  Stalked at least 5 times …and I mean seriously stalked.  Once so bad I almost had a nervous breakdown because I became so terrified.  And I have been stalked by men and women.

But once I came into the light… and the scales were removed from my eyes I began to see me that had always been there… but I had never seen before because… to me … in my eyes then I was ugly.

So, now you see me.  And, of course, that is me below also.  But when the devil has your mind …he can make you believe anything… even that you are man when you really are a woman.  God does not make mistakes.  But the devil does… and often.  Don’t let him fool you too.

When my friend’s daughter…  her other daughter called me up and told me the story about her decisions to become a man… my mind began to take a tumble.  It is hard for me to wrap my mind around anyone wanting to destroy river-church-e1338382904428them-self in such a horrid way as this… as  an act of trying to re-order their sexual gender would be doing.  And all I could think of was the woman… really a man who tried to join Salsa-Soul Sisters.  An act which met with such furry that the person was totally forced out of our group sessions and following that night stopped entirely coming to our Salsa-Soul Sisters meetings at all.

Those lesbians called an emergency meeting where immediately they voted in unanimously ‘that no person who is not born bio-logically a woman could ever be a board meeting of Salsa-Soul.’   And they meant every word of it.2012-03-23-MCpicwithlavernereduced

And I mean they all rush into that meeting that night… for that emergency meeting.  The only emergency meeting I think Salsa ever had.  Sisters I hadn’t seen in years… some I even think got up out the grave to attend that meeting.

It was a pivotal point in Salsa-Soul Sisters history alexander_robinson_1that night.  I think in the lesbian world really… in how we all view some things… Salsa was a scared female only organization.   So, a man… even 1 dressed up as a woman.. with boobs etc…   Well, a thing like that was not acceptable to us… to none of us.  And a man… going through a sex change to become a woman so he could be a lesbian… was not acceptable to those real 100% lesbian women who came into that meeting to voice their opinions on the matter… and it would never be and they made sure of that.  Lease ways not as a board member of their prized and beloved organization… Salsa Soul Sister, Inc.   And I have to say… I agreed.

But the odd point is this … as freaky as that whole thing was to me… and as it was to my fellow Salsa-Soul Sisters… I never saw where it might ever become a larger issue.  A world issue… if you get my drift.  As I now see it 10444567_10152485603178664_1942096084515253197_nbecoming.

This thing is large and it incorporates changing legal documents which are adjusted to the conform and affirm the status, name etc. of the said person.  This includes drivers licenses and everything… which once read ‘male’ are now changed to read ‘female.’  And to me that is scary.  Because these people move away Kylar Broadus_3_0from home where nobody knows them and present themselves to unsuspecting people as someone totally different from who they really were born to be… and they look many of them every bit the part of who they are trying to pretend to be… and sound like it too with the help of all of what they are taking by way of medication to assist in their incredible changes.

If questioned about it… saying that someone questioned if they were a man or a woman?

All they have to do is pull out this new false licenses, passports etc… listing their new names, social security numbers and sex on them.  And who could argue that they were not who or what they claimed to be.b0454ff6518b7c9a0079e1f9bf52dc09

Today the amount of people opting to change their sex is staggering to me.  It is like a fad with many people deciding to do it… like changing an old hat or pulling off an old tee shirt.

I would years ago not believed that there were more than a mere handful of whacked out people willing enough to do it.  But Laverne and Kylarit has become the new ‘in thing.’   And it is catching on like wildfire.

Whenever I am talking to the sister of the daughter who is going through this type of change… which is called ‘transitioning,’  I avoid speaking about her sister at all now.  As the thing really is a bit too much for me… and I would rather not hear about it.  But I understand that she has had her breast removed and her voice is changing.  And ‘yes’ she is beginning to grown facial hair… so the process of DTQAQohnVThGBDG-556x313-noPadlooking more and more like the male species is well underway for her … as well as, sounding like 1.

The sister has told me that her mother and everybody else in the family is calling her ‘him’ now… and by his adaptive name… ‘Harry.’    Which really surprised me.  Because I would not have believed that their mother would have fallen into that game… and it is a game.  Really it is.  And it is a game that I just cannot play… because it would be lying… and too accepting of your child going through that process.

If your child was a robber would you accept that?

ts-amiyah+mizrahiI think not.  Then why accept a change that is going to alter your child into someone or something you will no longer recognize …and living in such a diverse lifestyle that is GTY_cher_chaz_bono_sr_131101_16x9_992bound to bring them nothing but unhappiness later on down the road… if not already  And it will.

I hear that Chaz… Cher’s daughter has found that it may have been the wrong choice for her… in altering herself or attempting to alter herself into a man.  Let’s face it… Chaz will always be known as Cher’s daughter whether they call her Chasity of not.   We can all agree that she looks and sounds ever bit like a man.  But at the end of the day she is just a woman who had a sex change.   And THAT, my friend… really doesn’t add up to being a ‘real man.’

How could I go around calling someone ‘her’ or ‘she’ when I know that they are a ‘he or a her?’ 

And since I would rather not hurt their feelings it is best ‘we’ do not come together at all.

black-baby1Now, I am not for disowning people.  Or throwing away ones children.  That would be down right wrong.  But we cannot accept all kinds of  junk either.   A parent cannot discard their child… and should not.   But  this whole ‘I changing my sex thing’ certainly should not be forced down any parent’s throat either.  That is the feeling I got about my friend’s daughter… she had no respect of what or how her parents felt about it.  Or cared about how they felt about it.  It was her way or no way.  So, her mother conceded and began calling her daughter ‘he’ and ‘him’ … and whatever name she is calling herself.african-american-woman-drinking-water1

I had lovers… a few of them even met my parents.  But I was 1 of those people who was very discrete about my relationship with the women I went to bed with.  I certainly never kissed or held their hands in the company of my parents… or out in mixed company anywhere.   In fact, while in the company of my parents it never tumblr_static_249320-supreme-court-gay-marriagecame to me to want to.  Because… I guess I respected them too much to want to.

I have always maintained and still maintain… that my life is my life.   I also felt that it was not necessary for me to go shouting through the streets or around world who I was sleeping with.  And I have always maintained that I really did not care who other people were sleeping with as long as it was not involving children or animals.  Outside of that… it  really wasn’t any of my business.

Though I had a friend working at a radio station in New York and 1 evening I imagesaccompanied her to the radio station, and upon greeting someone she noted to me privately ‘that he likes young boys.’    She went on to say, ‘boys between 4 and 7.’   I never went back to the radio station with her after that… because all I could do was kind of duanna johnsonstare at the guy and think that somebody should put him out of his misery.  Such people have to be sad people to me.

How could you live with yourself doing such a thing?

I don’t know how she could work in a place like that… with someone like that.   I could barely make it through the evening knowing what she had told me about him.

But how does anyone share information like that with anyone?

And how does anyone not report him?

And you would have had to have seen the guy… never would you have guessed it.  Tall… muscular… good looking kind of guy… normal on the outside.  But dark on the inside… filled with some deep dark secrets.  It Black-Man-Back-Pain-669x272was written in his eyes… I think.

Why or how he managed to share them… that kind of information about himself and his sexual forays with my friend I do not know.   But that was all she had to say to me to keep me away from that radio station ever again.  But I have never forgotten him.  Because there was something rather sad about him… as well.  You cannot live like that… or that kind of life and not be sad.   A very sad sad person.

GTY_bruce_jenner_76_olympics_sk_140213_16x9_608But back to this transgender revolution that is exploding all over the place.  It is sad to see how the world is going backwards.  How twisted and turned around people are becoming.  There is a lost of direction… and everything bad seems to be in.  Or appears to be the latest thing to do.  bruce_jenner_skin+cancerEven Bruce Jenner, step dad of the Kardashians and an Olympic champion, in his younger days… has gotten in on the transgender act.    I is hard for me to see or understand why so many people are electing to do so… or are so guns-hoo for it.  It boggles the mind.

Bruce Jenner’s Daughter Cassandra Marino Supports His Sex Change and Physical Transformation

6a00e550255d3c883301901bcd0eb5970b-320wiAnd what is even more mind boggling to me… is the fact that many once they undergo their change now classify themselves as being ‘straight.’  Meaning they do not want to be classified as being gay or transgender etc… etc… at all.  They think of themselves as being totally man or woman… not transformed being.  This thing is crazy.ziegler

That is what I think about this whole new thing… crazy.  This whole thriving world of transgender individuals…. people who think that it is ‘hip’ … I am dating myself here I know but I can’t think of another word that fits better than ‘they think it is ‘hip.’   ‘Hip’ to be an ‘it.’  

I have seen them… seen pictures of them… and they seem to be happy outwardly…and loving who they are pretending to be.  But I know that is a lie.   You cannot be really happy or  love anything …and be out so of alignment with God.

You did know this part was coming.  Least ways I hope you did… because I could not leave this blog without bringing Him up.  He does play a factor… a major factor in all of this.  Especially since He created us all.

Oh, you can appear to be happy.  But appearing to be happy and being happy are 2 totally different

What God has made us to be… that is what we are.  And no doctor or amount of chemicals or operations can change it.  Your DNA is your DNA and that is God’s doing.  Everything else is meant to be confusion… strife… and deceitful.

Do not let the devil destroy you.  And if your child is dealing with these issues remember rakdos-demon-lordyou can’t change them… therapy can’t change them…  but God can.  He changes and mind and the heart… He changed mines.  Just keep your children lifted up in prayer.   Pray without ceasing and love on them …and let God do His perfect work in them.

My parents prayed for me.  And you see me as I am today… God made a new creature out of me.  And He didn’t need any medication or shots or surgery to do it.

One last thing before I get out of here…

This woman here and her daughter… turned male supposedly… are just looking for a reality show deal 610x3601on the backs of this whole transgender mess.  If they don’t already have 1.  The thought of it makes me sick… because it puts out there this concept of changing your sexual identity is alright… that it is good… and okay… and above all… it can make you happy and ‘in.’   And so many many many people are just looking for anything that will o-VIVIAN-BILLINGS-TRANSGENDER-SON-facebookmake them ‘in’… they are looking for anything that make them more friends or gather them some attention.  They are looking for their 15 minutes of fame and possible fortune.

And this is sad… and sends the wrong message to those whom we see today are mixed up in this very vivian-billings-kaydenimpressionable society.

And if you ask me this woman is definitely pimping her daughter… and the look of her daughter’s face…says she is loving every minute of it.  It is all me resized...about money, baby

You do see what her cap says don’t you?1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_n

Or maybe they are both just pimping each other…2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Well, God bless…. I have got to get started on something else before I get out of here.  So, I have to end now.  But you will not believe that I actually wrote this blog several weeks ago… and I am now just getting around to adding all the finishing touches to it today.  Oh, well…   Hope you enjoy your weekend and I truly do God will bless you and keep you well.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2014

When you watch this stuff it really really makes you scared for the world… and all its people. It is frightening times because the devil is taking the minds… hearts… and bodies of our children.  And some parents are aiding in that process.

This stuff is sick… and very distressing…   Perilous times…. II Timothy 3:1…

UPDATE:  Wednesday, July 10, 2014….Okay, I’ve just finished watching the graduation speech to -d5080b0ec13c29aathe college in the video above by the (I hate to say ‘he-she’ above)… but you know what?

I think whoever termed that phrase got it right.  And for a truth they were way ahead of their time when they first started saying it.

Times have gone crazy.  Why would you invite a transsexual to be your graduating class main speaker?

classof2014Alright, maybe I could see it if the person had done some type of fantastic or earth scattering deed… discovered something (other than he wanted to be a woman and was now pretending to be one).   But all this guy does is pull at his very bad weave and talk about himself.  I must admit that I have known more than my share of drag queens who loved to do the very same.  But nobody paid them ‘x’ amount of dollars or extended an invitation to them to come and be the guest speaker of their class graduation at some college.

I must be missing something.  And I am not trying to be funny… but I kind of liked it _MG_3679_0when we celebrated people for ‘really’ achieving something other than cutting off their penises… or attempting to grow 1.   This is sick…truly.

And I know somebody is not going to like it.  They will call me homophobic and bildeeverything else.  And I can live with that.

But what I cannot live with… is me sitting around and being quiet as I watch this world sink into holes it will never ever be able to pull itself out of again.  Pandora’s box is open…

One thing about everything when you are growing up.  Everything is a joke to you… until it isn’t a joke.   Don’t be caught unawares…  ©2014


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