Posts filed under: ‘Rachelle Ferrell‘

JEDA and WILL… could it be coming to an end… Living in ‘the Life’ …

You would think that 1 of the hottest topics at the Atlanta Hair Show would have been about some fantastic hair-do… but it wasn’t. Way from it.

The buzz on the floor and from booth to booth was about Will Smith and Jeda Pickett-Smith.

I had long ago wrote a glowing blog about them being great role models and a beautiful couple… but who knew that all was not what it seemed?

They seemed to be the perfect couple.  Happy… and certainly with it all going on.  But who knew what dark little secrets lurked deep down within?

Who knew that it was at all as it was made to seem?

I thought them happy.  I thought them perfectly matched.  I thought that they truly loved one another.  I thought that there was nothing that could drive them apart. I thought…

Well, I thought all was well.  But it seems that it wasn’t.  And that it was far from being well.

It was my son that broke the news to me saying-

“It was all everybody was talking about.”

But who knew?

Well… I knew someone who knew… and she told me it many years ago saying-

“Awh, come on, Bern… don’t you see it. If you don’t then you are the only 1 who doesn’t.”

But I refused to accept it. But it seems that she was right… that same friend who I wrote about in my blog about the DeBarge family…  the 1 who I used to laugh with when we would giggle over, and pick fun at how sissy the DeBarge brothers all seemed.  Yeah, her…

So, I asked my son what were they saying?

And why?

And he said they got tired of having an open marriage.

I said –

“What?  What do you mean an open marriage?”

I was thinking he was talking about the usual kind of thing maybe some other woman … or possibly another man. The man part was right… but he wasn’t talking about Jeda.

It was Will.

And my son said that everybody at the hair show was talking about it.  Since the hair show was made up of a large number of gay men… I immediately began to think that this had to be true.  Because  gay men are in the know about such things as this.  And from men to women at the hair show… they were all buzzing about it.

I have yet to pull myself up off the floor behind this. Some things really do come as such a surprise… and this was 1 for me.  Though I have to say it again… my friend had told me it long ago, when Will was playing as the Fresh Prince of Bel Aire.

It was something I guess I never wanted to see… and perhaps way down deep I was hoping it wasn’t so. And I STILL AM.

I really thought Will and Jeda made for a great couple. They seemed to be great parents …and they seemed to place a high value on family.

Though I wasn’t particular about their new-found religious beliefs… and how after coming into all that money they decided that they wanted to convert into becoming members of the Church of Scientology. Which struck me as a Hollywood thang… for the $20 million plus crowd. Which Will stepped into many years ago after leaping from the small screen onto the large screen… with a massive following.

It is disappointing really. But I guess we are all chased by demons at some point or other in our lives. The trick is to not allow them to consume us.  And to fight until we win… and not them.

There seems to be a rash of men and women stepping into the gay lifestyle. For some it seems to be hip…even fashionable.  But for others it is something that they have been drawn into … whether by their own fascination …or by some type of inducement… enticement… inquisitive nature … or whatever have you.  And clearly I forgot about acts of abuse as another root cause for some.

But for whatever reason it seems to be growing. Or maybe it is that it is more open. Perhaps, the latter is probably the real case.

And it seems to me that I see so many young school kids making choices at early ages about such things. And many of them… especially the girls are deep into role-playing… meaning dressing or acting out the male role.

Having come out ‘the life’… meaning having been gay myself… I cannot help but feel for them. So, I study them and watch them… and can’t seem to take my eyes off them. Because I hate to see anyone commit their lives to something that is so anti-them.

I can’t say that I hated me. But I did hate what I looked like… hated my size… and I can’t remember what else. But I never really liked me.

I never thought I was pretty or anything like that. And my interest were not really in girl-ly things.

But I never desired to be a boy… and certainly not a man. I did like that part about me.

So, I never considered role-playing as an option for me… though for most of  my relationships with women …I was designated as what would have been the male role. Because even in not playing roles… somehow you end up in them. Somebody is going to be more fem …and somebody butch. And it is because that is how life is… and we imitated life and the various categories of life as 2 people together.

But I really get disturbed at seeing so many young people gravitating towards an alternate lifestyle. And particular those who are so young… young girls and boys in the 7th or 8th grade.

CLICK.  It has just dawn on me that I was in the 9th grade when some girl first started following me around… and later began to stick letters into my locker. How quickly we forget.

I rarely think of it now. Her letters turned into phone calls when she happen to come upon my sister 1 day… telling my sister that I had given her our phone number… and that she had lost it.  So, my sister accommodated her by giving  it to her again… or so she thought.

This is when I found out that all those mysterious letters in my locker were coming from a girl. It is funny because I never ever talked to that girl face 2 face… until much later in our lives. Because for 1 thing I was afraid of her…

I was naive and had never heard of 2 women …or girls doing anything View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy2ab-the-bishop-wifecovertogether. .. sexually that is. And secondly… well… I just thought that she was crazy.

Once I realized what was going on I soon began to notice that that girl used to walk pass all my classrooms.  She used to just stand there outside my classrooms looking through the glass door at me.  She also used to sneak into the 9th grade lunch… as she at the time was only an 8th grader…  and she would always sit somewhere across from me… watching me… staring at me.  It is funny how I had never noticed her before… but then I had thought it was some boy sending me all those letters.

Though the girl never tried to hurt me… or ask me to do anything sexually… I nevertheless kept my distance from her.

Believe it of not I had actually finished this blog…BUT LOST EVERYTHING BELOw THIS.   So, at some point maybe I may come back and redo it.  But not right now …or tonight it  is after 4 AM…

So, please forgive me while I get some sleep.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

Add a comment August 24, 2011

I’m back… What? A soda what?

BLD043504[1]Well, I finally did it…and now at last I can get some real sleep.  And I have a lot of sleep to catch up on.  But I finally got the final edition of the book off and out…and I am so glad.

So, while I doze… enjoy Frankie…

Because I am really tired…haven’t gotten much sleep in the past 4 weeks because I have been burning that mid-night oil…day and night.  But it was worth it.  I have managed to produce a quality piece of work…through the grace and mercy of God.  And I am so happy about it.

But I have been thinking about that tax on soda

I really have never heard anyone say that soda caused some kind of physical condition…or was hazardous to anyone’s health.  Anything can kill you if you indulge in it too much.  But are we going to go around and start taxing everything…because of some kind of mis-preceived notion that it causes people to get sick andk0876817[1] adds millions  to Medicare or become some type of burden on medical plans across America?

Oh, course not.  Least ways…I hope not.

The whole thing sounds absolutely ridiculous. 

Besides, it’s not like soda isn’t already taxed with that 5 cent  charge on the cans and bottles.  Does alcohol have that?

My goodness…some people just want to take all the pleasure out of life.  Like being able to go and buy a simple little soda…without it being a hardship.

Then I was thinking…how do you take over a company and not really manage it?

I understand that the government doesn’t want to really get into the automobile industry…nor do I  want the government in it.  But don’t tell me you are going to takeover something…and then tell me that you are turning it over to a bunch of guys who will call all the shots with little to no one watching over them.  Too much freedom…far too much.   I think that…if they were or are that good…then Obama should have sold them the company…or something…and just been done with it. 

The whole thing sounds a bit too Big Brother-ish to me.   You know as in George Orwell-ish.  I really don’t like seeing government overstepping it bounds…and I don’t care how much I like Obama.

After listening to him talk about how “he didn’t want to get into the auto industry business.”   Only made me think…

“Woe…pull back a little Obama.”

Because you see when you become the President of the United States…you ceased to be a little independent operator any more.  There is a much bigger picture.   There is no more “I’ or “Me”….it is all “We,” baby.

The President of the United States of America is not an “I”…but a “We.”   And she or him…must operate in that capacity at all times…and think like it.

You are not an “I”…Obama.   But a “We”…presenting every person in this country…as the head of our government.   So, you have no “I.”    It is either “Us,”  “Our” or “We.”  You are the Head of State…aren’t you?

Consider yourself…like the head of a major company.  Like the one you’re turning over to those guys…and then you may get the real picture about the ‘me…myself…and I.’    It no longer exists for you.  You’re…you’re the President.

So, kill the “I.”

Go back to what the founding fathers of this country intended…mixed with some Hamliton, Jackson and all those other schools of thought…as to who and how a President of this country should operate…and think.[1]

And forget about taxing soda.  Isn’t it enough that we have gas taxes in some states, taxes on clothes and property taxes…and on almost everything else.  Can we not start putting tax on food too?

My goodness…just buying groceries…if you go in for a few things…and I do mean a few things…cost you $100 or more.  A large pack of hamburger is $10…cereal is k0256783[1]about $6…milk is $4 something…butter is $5…ice cream about $6…bread is $3…laundry detergent is $8…chicken wings is $8…a pack of hot dogs is $5+.   And now you want to tax soda.   Oh, give me a break.

What next…a tax on Kool-Aid?

And you know what I really can’t stand?

u26165724[1]It’s a bunch of  health nuts.   Do-gooders who are going to force you into something…by making it a burden to you.

Obama drinks beer and smokes cigarettes.  And I am not out there running around trying to shove anything down his throat about the ills of those things.  And lets face it…the reports are out…all over the place about them…and been out about them.  

Cigarettes and beer…which is a form of alcohol…is harmful to you body…cells and everything else…including to people around you.  Can they say the same about soda?

So, what if it is a sugary drink.  I like sugary drinks.  I add sugar to my cup of tea…and many people add it to their coffee…lots of it.   I also love lemonde and ice tea.  Should I have to suffer a tax for loving these things?  In fact…I drink them alot…but do not touch alcohol.  Will the next conversation to hit the House floor on Capital Hill be about taxing all the things we can add sugar to?   Like cereal…desserts…Kool-Aid…lemonde…etc…   Maybe it will become against the law to add sugar to anything.

The whole discussion is crazy and highly illogical.  Ridiculous in fact.

Yes, I’m back…and with a vengeance.  And I have a lot of things I have been holding in…for such a time as this.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE…is coming….    Yes, my book is  coming…and I am very 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverhappy about that.   Though the road has been rocky.  I am really beginning to believe that this whole self-publishing thing is a racket.  And filled with racketteers.

But if you will excuse me…I really must get some sleep now.  I am sure I will have more to say on this tax subject…but not now.  I am just too tired.   This is the first night I have gotten into bed before 7 AM in weeks.

So, enjoy your day tomorrow…and we’ll be talking.  I’m sure.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

Add a comment June 9, 2009

What women won’t do… or men… Janet, Michael,Patti…

Just could not resist snipping this from MSN Entertainment….

Anyhoo…someone else who’s undergone gastric bypass — and a host of other procedures — is giving a tongue-lashing to stars who deny partaking in ©Sara De Boer/Retna Ltd.the latest medical breakthroughs.

“Oh my God! Those liars! I hate them!” Sharon Osbourne railed during an appearance on E!’s.  “They are like, ‘I didn’t do anything.’ Meanwhile, their eyebrows are here.”

Sharon, whose plastic surgeon probably enjoys rolling around in a crisp pile of cash collected from her admitted boob job, butt lift, leg lift, liposuction, tummy tuck and facelift, reserves extra venom for a certain line-free Oscar winner.

“Can’t we all just get along? Eh, scratch that — celebrities are always so much more fun when they’re slamming someone or something. In this bad-mouthing edition, we bring you girl fighting, Botox-baiting and more.

Star Jones should just stop commenting on the past. 
“Get over it, girlfriend…and move on.”
“Those girls were hateful.” So snipes Star Jones to Essence as she calls out the supposedly vitriolic behavior of her former “View” co-hosts Joy Behar, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Barbara Walters after she announced she was leaving the gab-fest.

TRetna Digitalhe gastric bypass-slimmed Star (“That surgery saved my life,” she says) also accuses the most senior member of the coffee klatch of conspiring against her, telling the mag, “Barbara set me up.”

(In her onetime couch mates’ defense, they did have to sit through months and months of Jones endlessly babbling about her corporate-sponsored fairytale wedding to her Prince Charming, also known as Al “Legs of a Stallion” Reynolds, whom she split with in March. That would be enough to make anyone a mite cranky.)

But of a truth (as the Jamaicans say)…if I were to step into an elevator with just me and Star Jones…I probably wouldn’t know it was her.  Because I think she did more than just that gastric thang.  Her face looks different.  And I know weight lose can do that…but…not like that.     

And I have stepped into elevators with plenty of people…believe me.   It is not hard to in New York.

Once while dropping off a package at Writer’s Guild of American, on 57th Street, I stepped into the elevator to find myself in it with Ed Bradley.  You will not know how shocked I was to look up and see that it was him.

“Ed Bradley,” I exclaimed without thinking. 

It must have been the way that I said it…because I think I frightened the guy.

Then there was the time that I got into an elevator and found myself alone with Frankie Crocker.  And I will never forget the time it was me and Percy Sutton alone on an elevator…what a handsome and very kind gentleman he was.

And, oh…yes.  Going back to Ed Bradley…when the elevator door opened and Ed got off…he said-

“Hi, Leslie.”

And she said, “Hi, Ed.”

And for a moment I thought I was home watching “60 Minutes”…as Leslie Stale got on the elevator with me just as Ed  Bradleyvacated it. 

That’s New York, baby.


MSN Entertainment…here’s the link if you want to read the rest.

But what won’t women do?

I mean I am all for looking good and everything.  But what happened to-

“Growing old with grace?”tina-turner.jpg

Sharon Osbourne has had about everything done that could be done…all of which Tina Turner comes by naturally. 

And my goodness…doesn’t Patti LaBelle look good for a woman in her 60’s?   (though Patti did get a nose job some years ago)

I think I will just love what God has given me…He after all is a God of perfection.  

So, how can you improve upon that?

In regards to everything else… 

Well, God doesn’t make us fat…we do that to ourselves.  And some of those grotesque family features which some of us ‘just can’t stand.’  Well, overtime they mellow out…and over time…   Well, it all comes kind of comes together. 

The problem is…we see ourselves through everyone else’s eyes.  Or better yet…what we think is through ‘everyone else’s eyes.’  When really that is an impossible feat. 

Appreciate what God has given you. 

I learned that lesson one night while working on that job which I told you in an earlier blog was the worst job I ever had…everyone hated me there.  I was in management…my signature was being falsified on various company documents…everytime something went wrong ‘I was to blame.’ 

It was the worst possible circumstance…and I started thinking about suing the company…but God told me ‘no don’t sue.’  You have to read that blog if you want to find out the whole story…but that company ended up paying me…and paying me for a very long time…and I did what God told me not to do.  I didn’t sue them…and I got paid anyhow (hundreds of thousands of dollars)…this is God. It would have never have happened any other way.  And I haven’t had to work a day since. 

But one day while working…I was handling some business at the front counter and a woman and her male escort approached the counter.  She had been burned severely.  I could tell that at some point she most have been very attractive…but that was all gone now.  Yet, she and her escort…I called him that…but he was the man with her…they were having a good time.  They laughed and chatted as though she hadn’t a mark on her face at all.  That is when I realized…after years of thinking of myself as being ugly…that God doesn’t create anything ugly. 

We may not like what we have been given…but it is not ugly.  And Barry Gordy and the Temptations were right…beauty really is skin deep.  And that other guy was right too…”beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

Was that Shakespeare who said that?

It all reminds me of Michael Jackson…just too much money and having nothing to do with it.  Nothing to do…but to sit around and think-

“How can I mess up what God has given me?”

And truly if ever there was a crime…it is what Michael did to himself.  When you look back on all those old pictures of him…you have to wonder how in the world could his mind have been so twisted with regard to his looks.  The boy was handsome…the man is a nightmare. I have always felt deeply for Michael.

Speaking of the JacksonsJanet isn’t doing well these days.  Recently she had to put off her tour.  I understand that she is suffering from vertigo.  It is a state of dizziness. We pray that God will remove that illness from her…and from my aunt Kate.,,20183520,00.html,,20183520,00.html

I have an aunt who suffers from it, our Aunt Kate.  It has been many years now…with it recently being more presistent now she told me the last time we spoke.   No one has to tell me about dizziness…and I am sure you either.  I suffered a head injury and occasionally have my moments.  I couldn’t imagine wanting…well, nobody wants it…being dizzy all of the time. 

All I can say Janet pray and have a firm believe in God…it will see you through it all.    And many times…He gives intervention.  He is just that good.

Well, be encouraged all…     God bless…and thanks for reading.

Please be sure to share this blog site with your friends.

…pass it on…’ 

God bless…and thanks for reading ©2008

Add a comment October 15, 2008

Da Brat, Lil’ Kim… Foxy… Jail de ‘n’ spot…

What is it with all these rappers?

DMX…FoxyLil’ KimPuffyDa Brat…Remy Ma (who ever she is)…etc…even…if I dare to mention him…R. Kelly…

It seems that if you don’t go to jail then you haven’t really made it.  Jail meaning prison is becoming the hip-hop in spot…the place to go…particularly if you need to rejuvenate your career.  It worked for Puffy…though he didn’t quite make it to prison…he stayed in the media spot light for months going back and forth to court.  And he certainly was on a decline until that night club incident in New York City.  He made it through it though…changed his name to P. Diddy…and reinvented himself…stepped up his game.  He got a reality TV show…opened a restaurant and started his own clothing line.  And I guess others in the business are looking to do some of the same on the heels of their days in court…if nothing else but sell a few more CD’s. 

But does it work for everyone?

I hope not. 

What a crazy way to go about trying to make yourself stay popular or famous…but even in Hollywood it is what they do.  That is why you can read about the ‘bad boys’ and ‘bad girls’ of tinsel town…they stay splattered in the tabloids…and E-TV dipping their heads and trying to shield their faces going in and out of jail or rehab.

They say that even bad news is better than no news at all.  And I guess they really believe it…but they haven’t been making any headlines with their music lately.  The only headlines they have been mustering is back and forth stuff to court…and finally jail time.

What would possess Da Brat to go into a club…get into a fight and then commence to cut up the girl’s face.  By now it is no secret that the Da Brat is gay…and the woman wasn’t a girlfriend but a waitress at the club.

When she was a little girl, I always thought that Da Brat was pretty and grown up she became even more beautiful…but her language and her ways need some major adjustments…they do her no honor.  Perhaps in prison she will figure it out…grow up…and emerge as the woman that God has called her to be.  Or at the very least a much better person than…what the Jamaicans call an ‘roughing ‘en’…or maybe that is a Southern term.  But you know what I mean.

Da Brat, now 34 years old, pleaded guilty to the charges and was hoping for leniency…but the judge (a black woman) felt that Da Brat was in need of what the law allowed for the crime…and sentenced her to 3 years with 7 years probation and 200 hours of community service.  Evidently, she felt the Da Brat needed to be taught a lesson…and I agree.

The waitress suffered permanent facial disfigurement…and no amount of time is ever going to heal that.

To read more on the story CLICK LINK BELOW.

Following a shoot-out outside of Hot 98 FM…in New York City…a few years ago Lil’ Kim was sentenced to prison for a year for lying about the incident…which supposedly took place between some of her people and those of Foxy Brown.  But before going to jail…Lil’ Kilm parlayed it into a reality TV show called ‘The Superficial,’ which aired on BET.  And before going in…Lil’ Kim also released a CD…she was quite a busy little bee.

Not only did Lil’ Kim have do some hard time but the judge also ordered her to pay $50,000…his way of trying to teach her a lesson.

Little Foxy Brown has seen her share of days at Rikers Island…once while she was supposedly pregnant…then again for violating her probation…then a year for contiuous bouts with the law…including attacking an employee at a Beauty Salon.   She too released a CD before going inside entitled ‘Jail Time and No Baby.’

Upon recently getting out of prison…Foxy Brown told reporters that the first place she wanted to go was to Church and get upon her knees.  Not a bad place to go…particularly with the hopes of a new start.

I hope that they will all find their way there…each and every one of them.

What a cute little girl Lil’ Kim used to be…but how could you mess up yourself like this?

The Bible says they have eyes but they cannot see…hears and they cannot hear.

Foxy says in that clip…

“I’ve been conflicted.”

Wow, you can tell that some of them do have something in them…we pray that it will come out and that they will be the role models and leaders…women that they are all called to be.

Now, here is real talent…she will probably never make as much money. Won’t make the newspapers…doubt that she will ever have to go to jail to reinvent her career…but talented nonetheless.  Ms. Rachelle Ferrell…she writes music…plays piano…and has a phenomenal voice on top of  it all.   And she didn’t have to run out to get any implanted boobs either to try and sell CD’s.  She has talent and that is all people need to see.

I am no longer obsessing over as to who Obama will pick for a running mate. 

Is it really worth it?

I couldn’t change it if I wanted to.

I just hope it is a good choice…because he couldn’t change it if he wanted to.  Once it is done…he is stuck…for better or worst with that person.

So, let it be a good choice…one that when he looks upon his choice he can say to himself-

“I made the best choice.”

And I hope that it is.

Are you registered?

Your vote is going to count.

Well, God bless…    and have a beautiful day tomorrow. 

I am not planning much…though I need to get some laundry done.

Met someone last week while I was out busy trying to make some money…got a lot of bills…since taking on the responsibility of my parent’s house. 

But he seemed nice. ©2008

4 comments August 23, 2008

King Family/Dexter, oh… Estate Matters 2a

What would mommie think of you?

And I will not say ‘all of you’…I have heard that enough times myself in regards to our family situation.  But when a member or members are wrong…or doing the wrong thing or things…there are few or little options…short of going to jail because you killed them.  Just ask me…

And no, I am not currently sitting on Death Row because I did in a sister or brother or two…thank goodness there is a God.  But had I not been saved…I might well be in jail…and possibly on Death Row.  Because that is how intense family affairs can grow.

It is extremely painful and hurtful to have to go into court…and side against someone who is a sibling or other family member.  But there are times when it must be done.

I have sat in court and tried to hide the tears knowing that I did not want to be there.  But courses of events brought on by sisters and brothers forced me to do it in order to not loose my parent’s property…because it was all that was left after they had ran through everything else.

And though they didn’t want to pay anything to save the property…they didn’t want me to do so either.  In fact, they openly proclaimed several times how they didn’t want anything to do with the property…but they would rather loose the house to foreclosure than to see me with it…or try themselves to save it.  And it was never and has never been about me having it…not for me.

It had been what my parents had worked for it.  They had labored, saved, struggled…and sacrificed for it and our 2nd house which was lost years later.  How were we going going to just sit around and loose what they had worked so hard for…at a time when black folks could barely get mortgages and had to work hard for every dime they got?

And to see  a nearly 2 hundred thousand dollar house go down the drain for less than 5 thousand dollars in arrears…with 2 mortgages less than $350/per month combined. 

How could I do that?

How could I allow that?

I could not…and I would not let my parent’s house go to a bunch of people who knew nothing of my parents or the legacy that they desired to leave for their grand-children and great grand-children unto the 4th and 6th generation…and beyond. 

So, yes…I sat in court trying to secretly wipe away tears…sad that I had to be brought there to the court house because of greed and everything else negative that can crawl in between families when people die.

Only to get before the judge and become so overwhelmed with emotions that the tears overtook me.  I know how it feels.  But it has to be done.

What a mess this is.  And it is not a joke either…and it only gets worst.  But truth will prevail…but you must be steadfast and maintain your interigty. 

Don’t look for everybody to understand…because they are going to tell you are wrong.

Take confidence in yourselves and pray for your brother that he might see the errors of his ways.

You will cry. 

It does hurt.

But let nobody destory what you father died for…and what you mother fought to bring into being…that his life would a testament unto the world through the generations.

If the information in the LINK BELOW is true…Dexter might find himself looking at jail time.  Uncle Sam does not play.  And the sad part…he has emptied out many estates…i.e. Sammy Davis, Jr….Redd Foxx…James Brown…etc…and settled a lot of family disputes.,All_Forums,&Words=&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Main=2370387&Search=true&where=&Name=&daterange=1&newerval=2&newertype=d&olderval=&oldertype=&bodyprev=

Dexter’s counter-law suit…

Family matters hurt.    Be encouraged…and always endeavor to do the right thing.

God bless…

The mud slinging is yet to begin.   ‘pass it on’  ©2008

Add a comment August 21, 2008

John Edwards… biggest con job …Hayes & Mac

For some reason I just can’t get out of my head how John Edwards had me completely fooled.

It has to be the biggest political con job in the world.

I will tell you this…if I had known anything about that video footage that that woman had shot of John behind the scene…I would have been able to tell that he was not what he projected in public…on the political stage.

Where I had thought of  him being quiet and comtemplative…in the footage he is chatty and laughs a lot…such as the time in his behind the scene footage  where he is in the car.   He tells how he told the television host that if  he were going to run for President then he would announce it on his show.  In that sequence…you see a John Edwards who marvels at his own craftiness…something that you totally would not expect of him.  Then there is another sequence where he looks into the camera playfully teasing with the woman (Rielle Hunter) and calls her ‘camera-girl.’   Yeah…and that was not all  she was.

 Yes, in that footage of John Edwards behind the scenes…you do see a side of Edwards that you didn’t know was there.

It would seem that the person whom I thought he was…was really just a fake.

Media is a great tool…but you better know how to use it.  And use it wisely.

If you are going to have a camera following you shooting behind the scene footage of you as a mean of aiding in people getting to know you…you better not forget that there is a camera there catching your every nuance and word. 

In fact, if a camera is there…you better remember that you are still on stage.  Something that Jesse Jackson, I think, recently just learned.

But Edwards…I thought he was a family guy.

I thought his wife was his childhood sweetheart…and the only woman he had ever known. 

Well…that is what he made it sound like every time I ever heard him tell the story.

The Nightline interview was a disaster for poor John…whom  in  watching  you got the  distinct  idea that maybe his wife told him  that  she wasn’t going on the show with him.  It was in how when  he tried to explain her not being there…he stammered and stuttered through it…which is something he did through much of  that interview. 

Finally, poor John just broke down saying he was a man who needed to do it alone…talking about the interview.  And I am sure he was right…as it seems he had no problem doing a lot of other things alone…I mean without his wife.

A novice filmmaker whom Edwards met in a bar in New York City, Rielle Hunter managed to land a job on Edwards’ staff during his 2004 bid for the White House.  And he paid her $100,014.00 to do it…to shoot behind the scene video footage???

Hiring that woman…putting her upon his payroll was more than a one time thing…she got to fly around the world with him pretending to just be shooting behind the scene video footage.

For Edwards to claim that being 99% honest is not enough…shows just how far off the mark he really is.

What kind of a dumb statement is that?

Ninety-nine per-cent?

His claims of no affair…and not being unfaithful to his wife…were 100% untrue.  He wasn’t even 1% honest.  So, how could he lay claim to being 99% honest…when he was not being honest at all?

What a con job.

What a con job.

To read and see more on this CLICK the 2 LINKS below and then check out the youtube footage.

How do you throw away everything just like that?

People do it everyday…they just take everything and flush it down the toilet for something that later on they mostly all come to regret…all for a few fleeting  moments of  supposed ecstasy.

Being in media as a woman you come in contact with a lot of men.  Sometimes it can be quite sickening.  There seems to be something inside men that can’t stop them from trying to chase down women…young and old…no matter what they look like.  And, of course, the opposite can sometimes be equally as true of  women chasing down men…particularly rich and powerful men…or men in the arts and media.

But lets stick with men for the moment…maybe it is a thing of trying to see if they still have it going on.  Who knows.

Sometimes it is just about seeing how many women they can get sexually.

I recall getting into a cab and the cabby telling me out of the clear blue sky that he was not one of those 30 second men.  Which he followed up by asking me to have sex with him.

I acted as those I had not heard him…and never commented on the subject.

He was not a bad looking guy…but why bring up something like that?   Or ask me something like that?

I recall once in New York City having to rush a package to Fed-ex on 42nd Street…as it was the last Fed-ex office open any where in the city at that hour which near midnight…and my package needed to be in the mail and postmarked before  midnight.

I jumped into the cab in the Wall Street area and asked the cabby to rush.

Through the whole ride, from Wall Street to mid-town, the cabby was trying to seduce me.  He would not hear anything I was saying…no matter how many ways I said ‘no.’

When I was getting out of the cab to rush inside Fed-ex…happy to final reach my destination and get out, he took my money asking me-

“Do you want me to wait?”

And I said, “No, it is going to take me a while.”

“That’s okay.  I don’t mind waiting.”

I told him no…but  that cabby waited and waited just outside that Fed-ex office on me.

Once I was through getting my package off…I stood inside wondering what I was going to do…as I could clearly see the cab outside throught the window of the Fed-ex office…he was really waiting on me.

Of all the women in New York…why me?

Luckily that Fed-ex office stayed open through the night.  But also very fortunate for me…I noticed that there was a bus stop right outside it’s door.

A group of people were waiting on the bus…and as the bus pulled up…I dashed out of the Fed-ex office and leaped on the bus taking it to the nearest train station so I could jump the train to Brooklyn.

Talk about ‘Sex n da City.’

But why are men like that?

I once got a job offer to do radio…I forget where really but it was somewhere South.  The radio station manager/program director and I were talking on the phone trying to work out all the particulars for my arrival…when I asked-

“So, where will I be staying?”

“I thought you could stay with me until we can find you a place.”

He went on to tell me about his house and how much room he had.

There went that  job.

That was it for him.  Needless to say…I never set one foot in that radio station or his house.  But thank God he had be truthful in saying what he did…otherwise I may have been stuck. 

Enjoy you day.   and God bless….

UPDATE on EDWARD’S STORY:   It is amazing to me just how many men… and I guess women also…  toss aside a good decent relationship.  They chose trash over class… and seem to at the time be obssessed with what they are doing and who they are doing it with… until it all starts to fall apart.  And they find out they lost more than they can ever hope to regain.  

Below is the LINK to Elizabeth Edward’s story of her final battle with cancer.  But let me preference this by saying… I truly believe that no matter what doctors say… God has the final word.  And I pray that she will yet some more time… and without pain.

Oh, yeah.  I’m usually excited about the Olympics but this year for whatever reason I could care less.  Haven’t turned on the television one time to watch anything…and probably won’t.  May regret it…but for some reason I am just not interested.

Can’t believe that Issac Hayes, 65, just died.  And right after Bernie Mack, 50.  They say that death comes in 3’s.

I have 2 funerals this week that I must attend.  Thursday is the funeral for my friend whom I informed you in earlier blogs that we believed that she was in the process of passing.  The following day after she had passed I received a call that a cousin in Florida had just passed, as well.  I am happy for them both to be  released from the cares and pain of this world.  As I know that in the end they both were suffering and had lingered in states that they really didn’t want to be in. 

It is so hard to loose love ones.  But it is exceedingly   hard to see someone suffer…and get so far down that they can  do nothing for themselves. 

My friend whom we had believed was passing had gotten into a state where she could not walk, eat or talk…and could not  even turn herself  having become bed ridden.  It was hard seeing someone who had been so active and alert in that state…someone with whom I had shared some much and her with me.  I wanted to take her out of the rehab center and take her for one last drive around the city…but I was told she was unable to leave.

All I could think about was giving her one last time out in the fresh air.

When I was in LA…one morning we went for brunch on Sunset Blvd at some vegetarian place.  We were seated at the table…and I heard a voice.  The voice caught my hear and it was right beside me.

I knew immediately who it was…I afterall had played his music over the radio airwaves for years.  And at college when his  ‘Black Moses’ album came out…if you worked overnight…or late into the AM…we would just put it on and let  a  whole side play.

When I heard the voice I didn’t dare look over.  I looked down instead.  And there to my surprise was this long leg stretched over near me…with a loose sandal on its foot.

I knew that voice anywhere…and had often debated who was greater…more talented…him or Barry White.

It was of course, Issac Hayes…in my opinion.   He was seated at the table with a white woman…who I thought was an agent or PR person…as they were talking business.

I could not believe that I was in LA…and seated right next to me was Issac Hayes…the Black Moses.  And when I say seated next to me…he wasn’t even 5 inches away.

I didn’t say anything to him…we never interrupted him…as I made everyone at the table aware that I was sitting next to Issac Hayes.

You don’t interrupt the Black Moses.

Then a few weeks after getting back into New York…there was that voice again. He was now on my radio…aiding in doing the KISS-FM morning radio show…Issac Hayes, Linda Tripp and the whole 98.7 FM morning crew.

Sorry, but I don’t have any Bernie Mack stories except I liked his TV show…the few times I had an opportunity to watch it.  It definitely was an intelligent program that not only entertained but tried to pass along a lesson or 2…Bernie style.

There is much death all about.

The Bible says…we know not when…or where.

Thanks for reading.    and pass it on…share this blog address with all your friends and family…and anybody and everybody else….   pass it on…and have a beautiful day.  

Don’t forget that if you are not registered to vote…please get out and get registered…and take everybody with you who you know is not…or bring them back the registration forms to get registered.  And we will see you all in the voting booth come November…Obama…all the way!   © 2009 

Add a comment August 11, 2008






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