Posts filed under: ‘Oprah Winfrey‘


If it had been a Saturday Night Live skit from beginning to end then maybe it might have been funny.  Except for the fact that someone’s life was grievously taken this whole thing was zimmerman-trial-029-061113anything but a joke.

I really do believe that the prosecution… the DA office… should first of all be investigated.  Because this trial was one of the biggest disasters since Ojay Simpson.  From the picking of the jurors to that supposed medical autopsy doctor something was seriously wrong.

Why in the first place were 6 women chosen for the jury, trayvon16n-7and primarily, if not all of them, white?

One could hardly call that a group of George Zimmerman’s peers.  None of them appeared to me to look in anyway like George Zimmerman’s true peers… whom I would believe to be men about his age, of similar backgrounds etc.. etc..  And on what merits were those women chosen?

Based upon things said by Juror #37 once it was all over… if she can be believed… they all went into the jury pool already with their minds made up before they were even chosen to be 0712-george-zimmerman-trial_full_600jurors.   And some like Juror #37 … I have no doubt also had hidden agendas like coming out with their own book deals and television interviews.

So, just how did such people make the cut and end up in that jury box?

Why would anybody question supposed jurors saying… ‘Knock knock, whose there?’

What kind of jury selection did that of retarded examination of possible jurors bring about?George-Zimmerman-trial-graphic

Maybe the prosecution was just trying to determine who was brain dead from who wasn’t.  And he chose the brain dead.

When you truly look at this case you have to ask yourself was the prosecution for Trayvon Martin’s family… or was the DA office working against them?

When doctor KooKoo… don’t know his name and I am not going to try to find out.  But whenShiping+Bao+Opening+Statements+Begin+George+8voGBLehD9pl that man took the stand… now the whole thing really went into the Twight Light Zone.

Was this man really a doctor?

Had he not ever been prepared by the prosecution office for this hearing before hand?

Did he really know anything about doing or handling an autopsy?

To all these questions the answers appears to be a resounding ‘NO.’ap_abc_george_trayovn_kb_130625_wg

From the moment that autopsy doctor opened his mouth the lawyers supposedly representing Trayvon Martin, the victim in this case, should have entered ‘OBJECTION’ after objection.  Through this whole trial Perry Mason and Matlock were probably rolling over in their graves… and they weren’t even real lawyers.  But I sure could hear some ‘objections‘ needed to be stated.

TRAYVON_MARTIN_NEW_PHOTO_1For 1 thing, the autopsy doctor referred to having conferred with another doctor regarding marijuana.  Objection!

Since the other doctor was not there to substantiate that conversation… testimony of such should have been objected to.

Two, that autopsy doctor came to court with some notes which he stated he had prepared the night before.  Objection!

shiping-bao-zimmerman-trial-7-5-2013-2Here was a guy who clearly stated that he could not remember the facts of his autopsy.  Then why should notes written by him some… what 12 or so months later be allowed in as part of his testimony?

If he could not remember any facts on that autopsy, then clearly any notes written mostly recently would be moot and should have been of no apparent good in this case.  Because they would be based upon his present memory or recollections as opposed to when he actually performed the autopsy.

Thirdly, the autopsy doctor was confrontational… and I don’t know how long he had been in this country… but he kept sybrina-fulton-george-zimmerman-trialacting like he didn’t understand English.  So, then how good was a testimony of anyone like that… who might not be really sure about what he was saying?

One has to wonder whether or not the autopsy doctor was paid off?

And if he worked in my department… after that performance on the witness stand… whether he was either performing to be highly incompetent or really is highly incompetent… I would have sent him packing. FIRED!

That guy was definitely highly unprofessional.  And I cannot help but wonder if it was not just an act on his part.

George_Zimmerman_trial__Trayvon_Martin_s_701760000_20130626180400_320_240Nextly, one really has to wonder….


Did they not go over her testimony with her?

Did they not know what questions to avoid… like ‘what did he say about the man watching him?’   Her response…. ‘He called him a creepy ass cracker.’


Could that testimony not be any more damaging to this case?

She had to have say that to the prosecution before they even put her on the stand.  So, they knew it would be damaging to Trayvon, for the jurors to hear that.

It appears that the prosecutors in this case purposely set about to sabotage it.  Not once… not twice …but time and time again.

There are various other parts of this case which just do not add up.  Such as why the George Zimmermanprosecution did not push further with all those witnesses on Zimmerman’s side which claimed it was ‘Georggie’s voice‘ that they recognized as the person screaming.

We live in a time of vast technological equipment.  Equipment that is able to do voice recognition… voice separation… voice isolation… voice tracking… voice this and voice that…   Including removal of any additional sounds outside of what you are focusing on.  They have equipment that can do just about anything you want it to do… including voice distortion and correction.

So, then why was no technical equipment used in this case to determine who the possible screamer really was?

328124d1359582482-post-pictures-your-portable-recording-equipment-r0012622Equipment could have been rolled into that court and that recording played over and over for those witnesses… recordings mixed with fake voices screaming to see if they could determine the real recording or the fake.  Experts in sound and voice could have been called in to testify… but they were not.  Nor was any equipment used to decipher whose voice it really was that had been screaming.

I listened to the 911 calls with the screams in the background… and coming from years in radio I have a very good ear.  And those screams did not come from a 27 or 28 year old man.  Nor was the voice non-African American.  And on top of all of that… just ask yourself who screams for help when they have a gun in their 9163075_600x338hand?

Remember, now… that there was no evidence that Trayvon’s hand was ever on Zimmerman’s gun.  There was no George-Zimmerman-Trial-Begins-Videoevidence in fact that Trayvon ever even touched Zimmerman.  The forensic people found no traces of Zimmerman’s DNA under Trayvon’s nails… nor any bruises on his hands or knuckles.

The other issue in this case was the fact that there was so much 911 evidence in this case was against George Zimmerman.  On 1 recording of a 911 operator, she clearly asked Zimmerman ‘are you following him?

To which Zimmerman answered ‘yes.’

trayvon-martin-240That operator told Zimmerman to stop following Trayvon and to get back into his car.   Which George Zimmerman certainly from the outcome in the death of Trayvon… totally ignored.

Also, based upon the merits of that 911 recording alone Zimmerman was clearly stalking Trayvon.  Therefore, Zimmerman was the predator… a man with a gun who approached an unarmed young person, who later was found shot to death by him.  One bullet straight into his heart.

I have no doubt that George Zimmerman perpetrated a hate crime against Trayvon Martin.  And that his call to 911 was a systematic attempt on George Zimmerman’s part to build a scenario for that 911 operator, for circumstances that he would later claim provoked him into the killing  of Trayvon Martin.  An act which I believe came across Zimmerman’s sick mind probably from the moment his eyes fell upon the young black teenage, Trayvon Martin, walking in the darkness of night… in the rain on his way home from the corner store.1_photo

The statements that Zimmerman made in his 911 call clearly show a concise and calculated mind working, at setting up a painted picture of the young black teenage male, whom he was following claiming that he ‘looked like’ a criminal and ‘was out to do’ something illegal.  While on the contrary, Trayvon Martin was just a kid who happened to be on his way home from a local corner store.  And it was Zimmerman who was the 1 working with a criminal mind… and a blind intent to kill a young innocent boy.

There are many people who believe that George Zimmerman was protecting stand-your-ground-stateshimself… standing his ground, if you will.  As Florida has a law called ‘Stand Your Ground.’  Meaning you have a right to protect yourself if you feel that your life is threatened.

Zimmerman had taken self-defense classes, was carrying an armed weapon, and he had aspiration of being a cop and/or lawyer like his dad, who just so happened to be a judge.  Trayvon Martin had not taken any martial arts classes, and was only carrying a small bag of candy and a can of ice tea.  Based upon that… who do you really think was more lethal?

I sincerely hope the Federal Government steps into 03zimmerman-articleLarge-v2this case, because the ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law is a very dangerous piece of law.  It reminds me of the ol’ south when white men would purposely go out seeking to start trouble with a black man or woman. So, they would step in front of them or do something to elicit some type of response from the victim, via their coercion of them.  Whereby many black men and women were either killed, endangered, terrorized, houses burnt down, lost their businesses, and/or chased out of town etc…

Such laws as Stand Your Ground were and are not meant to protect all people… just certain people.  And this case 45994_535195413195131_1440856751_ninvolving the brutal murder of Trayvon Martin is a clear indication of that.

What right more or is necessary …or does this law of ‘Stand Your Ground’ give to anyone, that has or is not given already by the Declaration of Independence in this country?

The Declaration of Independence  states ‘all men’…  not some have more rights than others.  It states that all men are created equalwith certain unalienable rights.  And it begins by saying… We hold these truths to be self-evident.  It then goes on to say…. that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Unalienable rights… what are those?

They are God given rights.1001010_694927910532723_1458365131_n

The right to defend ourselves is a right given to each and everyone of us.  Whereas, such laws as ‘Stand Your Ground’ are intended  and are only applied for certain people… and not for others.

lynch_5Back in the days… lets go to the days after slavery when supposedly the slaves had been freed.  Yet, they were not allowed to look white people directly in the eyes.  And often were taunted into some type of reaction for which they may have been killed… whipped… spat upon… mocked etc…

One could hardly say that they… those black folk then did not have a right to respond to such actions to provoke them.  article-zimmerman3-0713But based upon certain imposed or otherwise implied or ‘understood’ laws, mostly in the old south… laws not written but understood based upon you… meaning black folk… knowing ‘our so-called place.’

Did not Trayvon Martin have a right to go to the store,  and a reasonable right then be able to return home safely without some mad man shooting him down killing him for no apparent reason… other than his skin color?

Where were the rights of Trayvon Martin ever addressed in this case of the City of Sanford vs. Sybrina Fulton,Tracy MartinGeorge Zimmerman?

If indeed, Trayvon had been straddling Zimmerman in a fist fight.

Did not Trayvon Martin have the God given right given to him by nature, if no other law could protect him… than the law of self-preservation?

Why should Travyon Martin then have been demonized for trying to protect himself against someone whom he perceived to be a perpetrator who was out to kill him… when Zimmerman walked upon him and shoved that gun up in his face?

the-case-against-wannabe-cop-george-zimmermanThere was not 1 point or place where you can truly say that the prosecution truly tried to win this case.  They did a lousy job of picking jurists.  They failed to object to various infractions and irregularities as they appeared in this case.  And they never seemed committed to win at all.

71-year-old black man found guilty of manslaughter, jury rejects 'Stand Your Ground' claim

If the truth be told this case never should have been held in Sanford, FL… but in some other 171425550county if not state.  The authority and connections of Zimmerman’s judge father made this case an impossible case to get a fair trial in such a small little town… with so much at stake, and so many hands easily washed.

timthumbThis is 1 of those rare times that I must say I disagree with Bill… That is Bill Crosby.  Bill says you can’t prove that Zimmerman is a racist.  Yes, that might well be somewhat true.  But you can’t prove that he isn’t a racist either.  Ooooh, wait a minute…

Wasn’t it Zimmerman who did all that racial profiling of Trayvon Martin in his 911 call, before he actually shot him to death?

That alone gave you a keen insight as to what or how George Zimmerman felt about young black males.  And his actions zimmerman-trial-017-062413spoke the rest.

Anyone who would have racially profile someone as in-dept as George Zimmerman painted that picture in his 911 call, of what Trayvon Martin looked like, his demeanor… his supposed behavior… etc.  cannot be considered anything less than a racist.   And there is no way of esq-trayvon-martin-skittles-032712-xlggetting around that.

Zimmerman said that the person he was ‘following’ was someone who looked like he was up to no good… that it appeared as though he’s on drugs or something… he’s black or Hispanic… he has his hands on his waistband (meaning like he was packing a gun).   And then Zimmerman said… ‘these @#!# they always get away.’


In the CNN story below the person being interviewed states that the Trayvon Martin case wasusa-trials-zimmerman not a case of racial profiling, because racial profiling can only take place when someone is involved in law enforcement.  I am a dissenting voice to this theory and statement with regard george-zimmerman-surveillance-video-detain_0to this case.  Because that definition can be extended to include anyone ‘believing’ he is a law enforcement officer. There is no secret about George Zimmerman and history of fantasying becoming a cop.

A psychologist should have been brought into this case who could have clearly said that George Zimmerman portrayed certain traits, habits,  and forms of behavior and language  that indicated he felt he was operating as a cop.  When taken into perspective even George’s scio-background, family history, and his history of prepping himself and taking up martial arts etc. all unquestionably show Zimmerman imagesto be a man possessed with a deep rooted desire to be cop, or someone involved in some matter in law enforcement.  Hence, his position as ‘CAPTAIN’ of the neighborhood watch.

It is quite clear that George Zimmerman wanted to be a police officer.  When that avenue did not open up to him… he then tried to study law.  And that failed too.

So, the next step was to join the neighborhood watch.  It is not hard to draw a correlation between that and George actually being a cop on the beat.  George neighborhood-watch-db7357ebde248a6fZimmerman was clearly and unequivocally a wanna-be-cop, and all his actions  and language on the night, in which he confronted Trayvon Martin, attest to it.  And this is not a large leap or even a very short hop to get to.

The other thing about Zimmerman… he obviously suffers from  a feeling of wanting to be a hero.  He appears to be the kind of person you read about who goes to work in a hospital…and awaits an opportunity to unplug somebody’s life support machine… then quickly plug it back in just in the brink of time, then claim that he saved that person’s life.  When in reality he was the person who had thrown the person’s life into jeopardy in the first place.

It is not hard to see that Zimmerman was… or is… a loser.  Perhaps even a black sheep in a family, of George Zimmerman Trial Begins In Floridawhat seems to be full of people who are professionally involved in law enforcement in varying capacities.  But everything and time that George tried to do in order to get in… it would appear that he just could not make the cut.

I had a dispute with a friend over George’s 120515113003-zimmerman-walking-into-court-story-topweight.  Because at 1 point there arose this question of Zimmerman’s weight as opposed to the weight of Trayvon Martin.  Which of course should have also been a key point in this case.

When Zimmerman finally turned himself in… some 45 days after the killing of George Zimmerman (R) enters into the couTrayvon… it was apparent to me that Zimmerman had gone on some type of crash diet during those days.  The issue was  whether or not Zimmerman weighted considerably more than Trayvon Martin?  Even in the picture of above of Zimmerman being lead into court … you can see that the suit he is wearing is a lot larger than he is.  However, during the hearing walla… a much fuller fatter Zimmerman, and his clothes seem to fit him just fine.  Meaning Zimmerman’s body mass between the time Zimmerman shot Trayvon and the time Zimmerman finally went to trial… shows Zimmerman at his true weight and mass, when the young teenager was shot to death.  But, of course, zimmerman-no-injuries1Zimmerman’s side had good reason to want to dispel the fact that Zimmerman was much heavier in body weight to Trayvon.  Hence, Zimmerman’s miraculous weight lose before turning himself into the police department in Sanford.  Otherwise, that story made up by the Defense Attorneys of a helpless and fearful George Zimmerman at the hands of a Trayvon Martin just would not have played out.  070113_zimmermanwrap1_640Nobody would have believed that.

So, George had to lose that weight.  Which, of course, as you see in his court pictures that he totally gained back.

Then there is the camera footage of Zimmerman that night following the supposed fight that lead to the untimely demise of a young Trayvon Martin.  Zimmerman’s head had no cuts or lacerations.

If the truth be told there were a lot of ‘so-called’ myths that the Zimmerman team wanted to Opening Statements Begin In George Zimmerman Trialdispel… and some they wanted to seriously promote.

Some myths about Zimmerman…

  • 1. He always told the truth
  • 2. His family was full of truth loving people
  • 3. Zimmerman didn’t stalk Trayvon
  • 4. Zimmerman was really in fear of his life
  • 5. Zimmerman feared Trayvon was going to kill him
  • 6. Zimmerman was a good law abiding citizen
  • 7. Zimmerman had great reasons to believe his life was in danger

Some myths the Zimmerman team wanted to promote about Trayvon…trayvon-martin-grad

  • 1. Trayvon was a wayward kid
  • 2. Trayvon was a trouble maker
  • 3. Trayvon was an addict
  • 4. Trayvon was out looking for trouble
  • 5. Trayvon was out to kill Zimmerman
  • 6. Trayvon beat Zimmerman
  • 7. Trayvon had a right to be killed

Let me stop right here.  Who has ever seen anybody who fell to the ground hitting their head?

When did they get up with a cut or cuts?7cad362f-08d5-441e-965b-49279964661a_zps7c726495

I have hit the ground and have seen people bang their heads and they always ended up with a knot in their head.  Big bump.  The harder they fell the bigger the bump on their head.  But never did I see a straight cut appear in anybody’s head, from someone falling to the ground and hitting their head.

PS_0Here again is a big problem that I had with the forensic evidence in this case.  These are the kinds of things that real professions are called into Court to testify about.  But this case had no real forensic people.  No big wig specialist… like in the Ojay Simpson case.

Those cuts on the back of George 22655032_BG1Zimmerman’s head could have clearly been blown up and recognized as having not been done by some type of fall to the ground.  And lugging all the concrete sidewalks in the world into court could not prove otherwise.

3_article_photoThis case had so many missed opportunities on the part of the DA office… you really have to wonder if they ever intended to try this case to win it?

And that answer here again would have to be a resounding ‘NO.’

Clearly, Trayvon Martin’s case biggest opposition or problem were the very people who were supposed to be seeking justice for his murder.U.S. President Obama speaks about the benefits of the Affordable Care Act while in the East Room at the White House in Washington

I really do hope that Mr. President, Barack Obama, sends in the Feds to take on this case.  Because Trayvon Martin truly deserves justice.  He had done nothing for which his young life should have been stolen from him.  And by his cries for help… he dearly did not wish to die… or deserved to.

Bill Cosby, Charles Barkley, Shari… whatever her name on charles-barkley-2the View, President Jimmy Carter… and many others who felt that this case and its verdict was just… definitely missed something.  This was no ‘new thing.’  It is something that we as black folk in America have long had to deal with.  Trials like this one are not new.  And zimmerman-juror-this-case-wasnt-about-racewe have come to recognize them when we see them… and know them when we hear their verdicts.

All of this… the trial and the circumstances which brought about the trial are all historic.  Even to the having of some black folk who want to say ‘Oh, it wasn’t racist.’  When it clearly was nothing but racist.  Race had everything to do with Trayvon Martin being killed… and there is just no getting around it.

I was really hoping… as we always do… that the jury would do the right thing based upon the shear George Zimmermanmerits of this case… and also having full knowledge that Zimmerman was a liar.   Also, being fully aware that it was Zimmerman not Trayvon who had been the provoker.  But in looking back over the court pictures… where Zimmerman does an awful lot of smiling for a man, who should believe he might be found guilty, and have to spend the rest of his life ingeorgezim_notguilty_630x390prison.  Too much smiling in fact…

So, now looking over these pictures and seeing this smiling Zimmerman, it appears to me now that Zimmerman knew how this case was going to go to end up right from the very start.   That is really very unfortunate… 2ab-the-bishop-wifecover money and power play a big factor in the outcome of a lot court outcomes.  But I guess having a father with connections… goes a long way to assuring a favorable outcome.

I just finished watching a video of Geraldo Rivera talking about the Trayvon Martin case.  It is funny how much people change over time.  I thought Geraldo used to be a lot smarter.  Based upon Geraldo’s take on this case, any one of us could have been shot dead and would have been alright.  Based upon Geraldo’s assumption, if we look just like some black guys who were supposedly vandalizing that neighborhood then it is okay to kill you.

Now, how stupid is that… and ignorant?

I don’t know how long the myth that all black folks look alike has been going around in me resized...gty_geraldo_rivera_mi_130201_msAmerica… but it has.  We know we don’t look alike… but to some people we all look like criminals …murders… crack fiends… and welfare fraud people etc…

Shame on Geraldo.  He must be trying to get a new tv show or renew his contract.  Some people will do and say anything… for a little money.  He must need it real bad…  And he sure looks old.

Guilty by looking like a criminal.  Trayvon was dressed just like most teens dress, black or white… Hispanic or Asian etc… You see them all day long with hoodies everywhere… going to school… coming from school… riding richard-i-anson-young-man-with-skateboard-melbourne-australiaskateboards… on bikes.  When did wearing a hoodie mean you were a criminal?

And though I do not like the style… it is a style for the kids… shagging pants.  A hoodie and shagging pants does not make anyone a criminal.  Much less worthy of dying.  And because somebody’s house or neighborhood is having problems does not mean you go out shooting anybody you think looks like the type who did it.

Where is the justice in that?

I pray justice and peace for the Martin family… and America.Boxing champion ... Mike Tyson in New York, 2004.

I have to admit that on this topic Mike Tyson spoke saying something that I very much can agree upon… or with him on.  When asked what he thought about this case… Mike said, “I don’t know any more than what I have seen on television.  But I do know that kid should not have ended up dead.”

In happening to catch a segment of The View, they were discussing the trial and I have to say elizabeth-hasselbeck-hotthat I truly admire Elizabeth Hasselbeck’s stance on this, and her outrage is truly worthy of my mentioning.  As a mother ever woman should be highly upset regarding the circumstances of this case, and the cruel, brutal and cold blooded murder of Trayvon Martin.

Well, God bless… I know you are probably wondering what took me so long to get around to writing this blog?

I did… but I have mostly done so on Facebook.

The other reason is I sprang my right foot.   It has been a few weeks now.  I had pain in it before… but not realizing it after I stepped into a hole and twisted my foot that I had done damage to it.   Which while at a convention in Baltimore I had plenty of time in between limping around, and trying to stay off of it… I spent a lot my down time watching the case on TV.  Because there wasn’t much else I could really as my foot was killing me.

My foot is still bothering me.  I understand it takes about 16 weeks for a sprang foot to heal.  BLD080493So, I am trying to stay off of it as much as possible still.

And the other reason it took me so long to write this blog was, of course, the weather… ALL THIS HEAT.

It has been soooooooo hot and humid here.  The humidity was almost unbearable.  Every time I got up to do the slightest thing… sweat would be pouring down my face… my nose… my brows etc…   I was showering up to 6 times per day.  Because I cannot stand to be sweaty… even with an aching ice-cream-sxcfoot.  Yeah, pain or no pain into the shower I went.  But the weather has broken now.  And I hope it stays this way.

I certainly hope you fared well… better than me in all this heat… and got done all you needed to do.  Have a good rest of this week… and I will catch you again soon.  I’ve got to go put my foot back up.

And again I thank those of you very much  who have ventured out and purchased my book… which can be ordered on-line at any number of websites… just google THE BISHOP’S WIFE by Bernadine Smith… and see for yourself.  And you can also read excerpts from my book on-line as well at Barnes&Nobles Nook, etc…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment July 25, 2013

BETTYE AND MALCOLM X…Black History Month 2013

Well, since it is Black History Month maybe now would be a good time to post this blog which I started in 2009 but never, for some reason or other never came back to.  Can’t remember what elijahprompted me to begin it in the first place.  Though I must say along with Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Coretta Scott King, Bernice Reagan, Merle Evers, Harriette Tubman, Sojourna Truth, my Mother, Grand-mothers, Great Grand-mother, Mrs. Parks, as in Rosa… and half a dozen others… if not more women I have always admired… I celebrate them all.  And if I keep thinking I am sure that I can come up with a few more… like O. J. Simpson’s first wife.malcolm_x

O.J. Simpson and FamilyYou may asked why I have O. J.’s first ex-wife on my list… it is simply that I admired her for taking the high road in all that mess.  Out of all of O. J.’s supposed friends and colleagues… judges and lawyers everybody went for the money.  They sold O. J.  out every which way they could sell him.  That is to say everybody except for his first wife.  She never took 1 dime or ever came out against him.  Never wrote a book… never signed a book deal… and she denied almost every offer for an interview.  Though I am sure that she could have had a lot to say… but she chose the high road… the side of  ‘to do him no harm.’

So, women like that… or people like that I can admire without any level of hesitation.  Because ojsimpson_320x245most people today will sell you down the river for a dime… a promotion… or whatever else is up for grabs.  And I am not being cynical.

Relationships… family bonds… friendships… you name it and they can all be tossed to the wind if somebody comes in with the right price.  And sometimes that prices doesn’t even necessarily have to even be actual money.  It can be a position… a title… an automobile… property… status… and phoney friendship… whatever the other side is in need of or looking for.

tumblr_m1e2h1qbDU1r3l21xThis is one of biggest and most saddest things about the world and people who live in it today.  Had Jesus still been alive today he might have had to worry about  more than 1 Judas… but maybe 6… 8 or 11 of them.

Everybody loves you while there is something to be gained in their association of you.  In the Bible it appears that Job was a very popular man until he lost everything including his health.  So, I guess it can be said that people have been the same throughout history.  Was it not Caesar who said ‘et tu, Butus?’

It was not a secret that Malcolm X was the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the founder and religious leader of the elijahNational of Islam, right-hand-man and 2nd in command.  In fact, Malcolm had become the front man for the organization… he was the voice and the face of the organization at that time.

Malcolm X, Malcolm Little the name given to him by his mother, was such an eloquent speaker and possessed such great charisma that the Nation of Islam grew greatly under him.  A thing that I am sure was 426430_505761239476286_1292210791_ncelebrated in the beginning of their relationship between him and Mr. Muhammad… but later it became a source of contention between the 2 …as Mr. Muhammad saw Malcolm X’s power and authority growing among the ranks of the followers in his organization.

And then Malcolm went to Mecca and everything really changed between them.  When I was in high school I recall buying a book called the “Autobiography of Malcolm X” …that book really intrigued me.  I had not known anything about him until I read that book.

I guess I should invest more time in reading about our historical icons… and those who are little known.  Their contributions were great and should not be overlooked… while we make millionaires of  only writers of fiction.

0b10-1.jpg image by njohnson0920I really cannot remember what prompted me to begin this blog… or why I entitled it ‘Bettye & Malcolm X?’

betty-shabazz.jpg image by blackhistory_photos

But there had to have been a reason.  But since really I cannot at this time remember the reason… I have decided to just go ahead and post this blog anyway as a tribute to Black History Month 2013…  I hope you enjoy it.

I celebrate all the heroic women and men who make up our history.  Who endured, sacrificed… bleed… were spat upon… whooped… beat… stomped… dogs sicked upon… hit with forceful waters from water hydrants… who were made widowed or orphan… chained… tarred and feathered… and those who died.  I celebrated them all… including those who felt it worthy to die over just being called a belittling word that started with that letter ‘N’ … that I might walk and sit… and eat and sleep… and live… and go to school  etc… where I want to.

I will not forget… nor can I ever repay the debt by which they have endowed me… my family… my son… my nieces and nephews… our families… our history and our legacy for generations to come.  Providing us with much pride… dignity… courage that must be passed on to all our children.

It is Black History Month… and I am happy to celebrate all of our she-ro’s and hero’s… and there are many many many many of them.  And I thank God for each and every one of them.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverWell, God bless… it’s Wednesday and though it has not been very cold… it has been wet.  Some light snow and thankfully rain (instead of snow).
It is now Friday… and no I was not procrastinating.  Just kept running out of time… as my internet at home is out I me now regimented to using computers elsewhere to complete and write my blogs… a condition I hope to soon rectify.  So, until then bare with me… I may be a little bit and might appear to not be on top of things… BUT it is not my fault.
Before I close just want to take a little time to discuss the current Obama backlash.  Right 1350409147_barack-obama-michelle-obama-lgwing media and its so-called voices are really ridiculous.  They get all hot and bothered about everything the Obama’s do.  Jealousy is a very sad thing… it hinders one from seeing clearly.
The current blow-out is over First Lady Michelle Obama appearing on the Oscars.  Oh, michelle-obama-oscars-600man… how they whooped and cried over that claiming that the Obama’s think they are some kind of super-stars… how they think they are better than what they are… how they have lowered the image of the White House… etc… etc..  106967_5_
I have heard it said that ignorance is bliss.  And you know what… I think now more than ever that saying is so true.  What would Rush Limbaugh do… or his friends if they didn’t have the Obama’s in the White House?
They would all be out of a job… for lack of anything to say.  And so screaming over michelle-barackeverything the President or his wife does keeps their pay checks coming.
obamas_vintageIt is sad when you only get paid to find fault.  Can’t imagine wanting to live that kind of life.
The real problem with President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama is that they are too smart… too handsome and too beautiful… and their family picture prefect… and they just can’t find any dirt on them.  So, they (Rush and his friends) have to go after them by attacking anything and everything they do.  And what is even worst they can’t see that they make themselves look like clowns doing.
Well, today is March 1st… and I am loving the First Family forever and a day…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

2 comments March 1, 2013

BISHOP LARRY TROTTER and child in a bathtub…

I often check my blog to see exactly what people are referencing my blog to read.  It often signifies a hot topic or that some event has just happened.  And so was the case this morning larry-trotter-grandaughterwhen I logged in to check my blog and happened to noticed that I had gotten a lot of hits concerning Bishop Larry Trotter, of Chicago, IL., and a little girl… supposedly a 4-year-old grand-daughter of his in the bathtub together.

Immediately, I Googled the story and lo and behold there it was a picture of Bishop Trotter, and what is reported to be 1 of his young grand-daughters… and both appear naked in the bathtub together.

All I can say is who takes a bath with their children?

Or their grand-daughter????

I remember my father in the bathroom… there were times that we would pass the bathroom and Screen-Shot-2012-09-23-at-8.29.11-PMwould see that he was shaving or brushing his teeth, but by the time he was taking off any clothes we never saw him.  There were times when he got into the shower and needed something and called for 1 of us… but he was always safely in the shower careful to keep himself out of our view.

For that matter my mother was pretty much the same.  We never saw her in the tub or in the shower either.

They did not allow us © Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporationinto the bathroom with them while they were naked.

Years later, however, while growing up we… me and my sisters from time to time had gotten dressed in the same room or area as our mother when we had to… you know like while visiting a relative’s house or in some hotel etc.  But outside of that no.

Bishop Larry Trotter Attempts To Explain Photo Bathing With Granddaughter… [AUDIO]

During a radio interview  Bishop Trotter attempted to explain away the incident. But  Bishop Trotter stated that he saw nothing wrong in getting into the tub with his very young grand-daughter.  And he added that he had gotten into the tub with all of his children.

In that interview also, Bishop Trotter recalls his growing up, when he and his sisters and BIM-BLD048010 - © - ERproductions Ltdlbrothers bathed together.  I would believe that most people who have or have had siblings may have also experienced this.  But beyond a point it ceased to happen.  None of us went into adulthood… or grew up as teenagers jumping in and out of a bathtub or shower with his or her sister and/or brother.  That is to say… not unless something was going on.  And I never grew up in that kind of family where those type of things went on.  Least ways… I don’t think so… oprah-winfrey-22and never heard of any such thing in our family.

However, many people will tell you that they were sexually molested.. abused or raped by a close family member.  Oprah, for 1,  herself speaks of an uncle that sexually abused her.  I even think Donnie McClurkin speaks of an uncle donnie-7829981 who abused him for years.

I have heard people testify about things that even their father had done to them sexually.  So, these kinds of things do happen… and sad to say they happen more often than we all really care to talk about.debarge-donna

For years the DeBarge family carried around their ‘dirty little’ secret about what their had father had done to all of them while 10557846-largegrowing up in their mother’s house.  So, this thing is not new.

So, yes eyebrows would go up upon seeing such a picture.  Or when they hear of such a thing as this picture.  And to say that you both had on ‘swimming trunks’…   Well, it simply does not wash.

Who takes a bath with swimming trunks on?110514-el_debarge_617

Another question…

If it happened as Bishop Trotter says it did, then why was he taking a bath with the bathroom mqdefaultdoor open so that just anybody could walk in on him… much less a little child?

In fact, Bishop Trotter’s explanation for how the picture came about… the events surrounding it… and how he and his grand-daughter ended up in the same bathtub together in what looks like they are both naked… really opens the door to a whole lot of other questions?

In fact, if you really listen to that radio interview Bishop Trotter actually states that there was no reason for his little FOUR YEAR OLD GRAND-DAUGHTER to not be able to take a bath with her ‘pa-pa’ if she wanted to.   WHAT???   And evidently, the little girl at 4 years old must have been down on her knees or something while on his lap in that water.  Because at 4 she would be taller than we can actually make out in that picture.

I recall the first time I ever saw Bishop Trotter… he at the time was part of Full Gospel under Bishop_Paul_MortonBishop Paul Morton.  And I think that was about the same time that I first saw and heard Bishop Eddie Long too.  Shortly, after that Full Gospel conference  both Bishop Trotter and Bishop Long broke from the Full Gospel Baptist organization, and decided to pursue their own separate church organizations, New Birth and Sweet Holy Spirit.

A few years ago Bishop Long fell into his own share of bishop-eddie-long-pictures0_270x203troubles by the way of 4 or 5 young men who had been a part of his New Birth organization.  To which Bishop Long later settled out of Court with, for a few million dollars against allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse.

The moment I read the story and saw the picture of Bishop Trotter, I must say that it brought back memories of Michael Jackson… and all the controversies of Michael with little kids.  Namely little boys…

And just like Michael, Bishop Trotter in his radio jackson30cinterview clearly states that he found nothing to be inappropriate about him being in a bathtub naked with a little child… much less a little girl.  With Michael it was that he found nothing wrong with being in bed with little boys.  And like Bishop Trotter, Michael said that he did it all the time.

Bishop Trotter stated in his radio interview that ‘he used to jump into the bathtub all the time with his son, and their army men.’  Then added ‘I guess the times have changed.’

It really has nothing to do with how times have changed… which is what Bishop Trotter was trying to pass off as an accuse for the uproar over the picture.  Because when you get right down to it… it is not about times changing at all.  It is about putting yourself in a situation where something could happen… or bringing a small child into something they are not supposed to be exposed to.

girl_swimmingI recall how when we were small my mother used to take us to this wading pool in our neighborhood.  All the kids loved for summer to come around… and so didn’t we.  During the summer our mother always took us swimming when it got too hot.  There were times when she would pack us up and drove us to the beach… or to the pond where we could feed the ducks… or to that small wading pool, that was not too far from where we used to live.

The pool wasn’t very deep… but got deeper as you stepped closer and closer to the center of the picHarrisIntegratedPoolBlog-733412pool.  In the center of the pool you could float or try to swim and then put your feet down, and stand up any time you liked.  So, we had fun playing in it… splashing… and sometimes running through it.

But then there came a time when our little pool became invaded.  An occasional Spanish man or 2 would get into the pool playing around with the children.  They mostly hug out near the center  of that small wading pool so you could not see below their waste.  Therefore, anyone sitting along the far outside edges of the pool could see the children in the water… but nothing too much under the water that girlswimmingmay have been going on.  And of course, the pool always had lots of kids into and out or the pool or running in the water… or splashing about further obstructing any parent’s watchful eye.

But 1 day I came to find out why they… those men liked being in the pool with us…    I saw something… and I never liked going back to that pool again.

Pulled this off from over the internet…someone had writme resized...en a comment about having attended a conference where Bishop Trotter spoke here is what she said:

I went to a convention where he was at in Virginia.

He was promoting his newest series “My Wife, My Mistress, My Bitch or My Whore”.

The whole church gasp, he said don’t be in shock, don’t judge,get the CD and then you will understand. For a Bishop I thought he was out of order fo2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverr that.

I had come across where Bishop Trotter had written that book a while back.  The title was curious to me also… and like the person who wrote that comment over the internet… I too thought it very inappropriate.  Especially, since Bishop Trotter had written that book about his wife… who was… is … and had been the mother of his children… and I guess at some point the First Lady of his church.

Inappropriate is a very good word here. And I guess we can all say the same thing about him climbing into a tub… or allowing a little child to climb into a bathtub with him while he bathed.michelle-obama-inauguration-parade-GC

God bless…hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.  The weather has broke here.  We are now experiencing mild weather today… but for past couple of days it was freezing cold.

Remember that Monday… this coming Monday is both President Barack Obama’s second inaugural… AND Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s birthday celebration.  Enjoy them both… and I am hoping to see you in D.C for the festivities.  But if michelle-obama-dnc-fasion-600x400not please enjoy it for me too.

I am so happy about it.  Truly a time to remember…   And if you can be part of it don’t let the opportunity go by… by not being so.

And again…happy belated birthday FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA… can’t close without saying that.   Love you…   In fact, I love you both….  And 49 is still a great year…  A very special year in fact…

Serena Williams on the bike champion Lance Armstrong finally admitting that he 2013 Australian Open - Day 4cheated…

“Serena Williams said Armstrong let all athletes down by doping and lying about it for so long, while No. 1-ranked Victoria Azarenka says the disgraced cyclist “deserves everything he gets.”

“I think a lot of people now look and are like, `OK, if somebody (is) that great, what about imageeveryone else in every other sport?” Williams said.

“As an athlete, as someone that works really, really hard since I was 4 or 3, I think it’s a sad day for all athletes in general. Overall, it’s even more disappointing for the people that were adversely affected through everything. You can only just hope for the best for them.”

For years Armstrong had denied that he ever used any drugs to enhance his ability to become the top ranking bike cyclist in the world.  And recently sat down with Oprah and confessed that he had lied.

And I hope that you are checking for a picture serena-williams_2454743bof me in these blogs…  Who knows I might even think of doing something real special.  Just keep looking out for me… in my blogs.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

5 comments January 19, 2013

Blessings Abound… Politics & Republicans…

It really should be no surprise to me to be on the bus or out anywhere… to hear someone call my name.  But I guess I am still not quite used to it yet… though it has been going on for years and years.  It comes with the territory I guess… of being somewhat of what they call a star.  At least, some people think so.

They are always reminding me of my days on radio… things I used to say… music I used to play… events I put on etc…etc…

And it is always nice to meet up with them… though many of them I do not even know their names… but they know mine.  And know it well.

In fact, they strike up conversations with me as though we were old friends.  That’s nice…  To think that they consider me a friend… a voice that used to invade their homes… their offices… and automobiles.  I guess you could say we have a connection… and I appreciate their kindness to me.   That they should feel that.

Nearly 40 years now… and I am still a shinning light to them.  Truly, I have been blessed.

Yesterday, while riding the bus I overheard some people talking about the deficit reduction plan.  Talking about how various social programs were in for big cuts… cuts to social security…. medicare and Medicaid… college money etc.  Not up on the news… I sat listening to them while looking off in another direction.

One lady said that at anytime now we will  start to see major cuts in our income.  It made me start to think…   And…oh, yeah, the sky could come crashing down too.

Then she said… and I ain’t got nothing now.  I don’t even have $5 in the bank.

It made me think that just a few days ago, and for more than 20 days my own bank account was in the red by nearly $120.   Oh, woe is me…

I can’t imagine what $17 trillion dollars may look like… but I do know that Oprah doesn’t have enough to even try to cover that bill.  But it is the state that we are in.   And yes, I am going to throw a stone… a big fat rock if I can find 1 nearby.  Because it is very true… when George Bush stole his way into the White House successfully proclaiming himself ‘President’ …we had a surplus.   And that was under a Democratic President… a guy from a little ol’ State called Arkansas.

That guy’s name was Bill Clinton… but from the moment George W. Bush hit the White House all of that went bye-bye.  The guy was a one-way force stronger than any tornado… the way he whipped in there, and blew us up hard against the rocks… just as hard as he could.

So, here we are today… left in this mess.  One of the worst and  most massive messes to hit this country… and if history has its way, and the truth finally does  come to light… probably worst than the day that Wall Street went dark after the stock market crashed in the 1930’s.

And who was George W. Bush?

He was a Republican!

The Republicans are up to their old tricks again… and it may be cliché to say.  I know… you’ve heard time and time before.   But it is true.  They never fail to keep pulling out that same old smelly trick bag.   And always just about every election time… in order to make the Democrats look bad.

And it is not the Democrats really that they are after… not really… but Obama.  Oh, yeah… I forgot he is a Democrat too… not just ‘a black man.’

How do we stop Obama… is and has been the foremost thing on their minds… and on the tip of their tongues…of every almost 1 of those Republicans.  Because lets face it… as hard as it may seem.  There are some Republicans with a moral conscious and true sense of responsibility to their constituents… and to this country too.

But for the most part…most of those Republicans do not.  They sleep dreaming about this.  How they can keep the poor poorer… and the defenseless weaker.

They lay at night… and so even in the day thinking…

Well, let’s make Obama look bad… in effective… and lets just not pass anything that will get Americans back to work …or aid Obama in better doing his job for America.  Lets just block everything we can… clog up the process… ‘hem and ha’ for as long as we can… go on vacation… and when we get back… vote against everything that Obama puts on the table.

That’s the sentiment.  The vibe… and silent agreement among them.

Well, my friends so you have it in a nut shell.  Oh, my goodness!   Forget that I said that.   But this is the rational of the Republicans… people you may have …or may not have voted into office… but they are there.

Why would a group of people who profess that they love this country …and the people of this country…  be out to do such harm to this country?

It really doesn’t make much sense…

Well, not to us.

Because they like playing political games.  It is not about you or I.   It is about the game, baby.   And seeing who will win… who can make the most money… what friends and compadres… and co-hearts they can make rich today… so that they will able to turn around and bless me tomorrow, when they run for President or that Congressional seat next term.

This is their warped thinking.  That 1 hand washing another hand thang… in the back room thinking.

Someone over the internet asked-

“What does warped thing mean?”

Three answers were given:

  • deviant thought process
  • inappropriate modes of thought
  • …and worst of all…  acting upon those thought

Great numbers of people cast their votes for people who go under the title “REPUBLICAN.”   Within the past few months of  this year, in some State elections many people came to grieve the vote that they may have cast for some men whom they voted in as Governors of their States.  Men who were “REPUBLICANS” who set about to undermine and destroy their State… and attempted to cut their jobs and/or lay them off… and called it in the name of  ‘cutting their budgets.’  They targeted unions, state workers, teachers… and everything else they could set fire to in order to in truest essence … to breakup Democratic strongholds.

Democratic strongholds????

What is that?

That is groups or organizations that continually work to support those candidates which they believe they can trust, and who have their best interests at heart.  Which usually ends up being anybody but a Republican… and usually the  Democratic candidate.

If the Republicans worked as hard at winning back the trust and faith of Americans on the merit of ‘good works’ for the good of the people at large… not just for a chosen elite few… maybe then there would be more trust in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is not about building trust or faith… or any type of merit… with any kind of real sincerity or genuine heart.  They are full of deceit and corruption… lies… and malice for most of us.  If it were not so then they would not be playing politics with every issue that affects the well-being of the American public.

The FAA today has some 70,000 airport workers laid off from work, because of the political games that Republicans like to play.  They are not into job creation… because the creation of jobs would make Obama look good.  And heaven forbid that should ever happen.

Both sides talk a good game… but none can out-talk those double-talking tricky Republicans.  They are even so cool and cunning that they decided to create a 2nd Republican Party… and call it the Tea Party.  Now, I ask you… how cunning is that?  And what a bunch of extreme jerks they are.   But than anybody who would have gotten their start under the gumption of someone by the name of Palin can’t have ’em all anyway.

I am sicken by all kinds of acts and crimes against children.  Perhaps it stemsView Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy2ab-the-bishop-wifecover from myself having been abused as a small child.  But I have no tolerance for it… and desire that all such people be put where they truly belong …away from all mankind forever.

Though one might argue about what harm does it do if someone only wanted to look at pictures of small children.  But thoughts bloom into acts and actions… and once carried out these acts and actions can never be taken back… or erased from the minds… and sadly from the behavior of many children.  Child abuse on any level does hurt.

I love this picture… so until I get tired of it you will see it again and again.  I just love the rain.  And doesn’t this picture look sooooo refreshing.

Speaking of which… while on my return trip the bus driver started talking to me.  He told me about those places where people are in dire need of rain… as there has not been any for so time now.  If you live in 1 of  those… I hope this picture gives you some relief… and know that rain is on the way.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

Add a comment August 4, 2011

In Celebration of Black History Month… Martin, Abraham, John and Mubarak… and Barack…

There is something about freedom that when you don’t have it…it is only but so long you are willing to go without it.  Or otherwise stated.. tolerate being in a state of non-freedom.

I am sure that for the past 20 years many in Egypt felt that they were doomed to being under submission to a tyrant, Hosni Mubarak, forever.   And Mubarak  under intense protest thought that he could wait it out… their riots in the streets and massive protests.

And then he thought to do it under his own terms… but they finally forced him out.

But once people start to see the light of day…and start to act out regarding their frustration of  being under suppression there is no force which can turn that tide back around.

So, when the army came out in Mubarak’s defense…even the military could stop the desire of the people to be free.

In fact, this being Black History Month in America… one can easily equate the Civil Rights Movement to that of the move of the people in Egypt… except for this 1  fact. He had a man named Martin.

And the special thing about Martin was that he was a man of God.

The other thing about Martin was this… he understood the power of  love.  Or, you could call it this… non-violence.

It is hard really to really really understand this word ‘love’  in all of its great infinity.

It is deeper than we think.

But to Martin it was not.

In order to really understand the power of this word…truly… you have to experience it fully in its highest capacity.

Once while down at the registry…having to go in to renew my driver’s class.  And what I really should say is this-

While being at the registry attempting to renew my driver’s license.  It went like this…

I was given a number…and took a seat to wait on the calling of my number. But as I sat there they called every number but the letter beginning with the number sequence that the group of people waiting on that same sequence had like me.

So, I waited…and waited. And waited… and waited.

Finally, I stood up and had a fit in that place.

And I started shouting about where was ‘our’ numbers…and why wasn’t ‘our’ letter being called?  And I was not joking.

It is the month in which we bear witness to the progress, richness and diversity of African American achievement.
During the 1920’s an African American named Carter G. Woodson created and promoted Negro History Week. This period in February was chosen because it included the birthdays of Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln. In 1976 the month-long celebration was implemented, and is a time for Americans to reflect on both the history and teachings of African Americans whose contributions are still too little known.Celebrate Black History Month with your family. Come learn about the achievements and history of African Americans by selecting the topic buttons below to view special pop-up sections:

John H. Johnson
Martin Luther King
BookerT. Washington
Duke Ellington
Shirley Chisholm
Bill Cosby
George Washington Carver
Muhammed Ali
Malcolm X
Content used by permission
© Microsoft Encarta Africana

I was fit to turn that place out. And evidently the supervisor on duty did not appreciate my outraged outburst.

This, however, I did not know.   Not at that time…and not until a few days later.

But back to my story…finally our letter and numbers began to be call, and I finally got up to the window.

But there was a problem.  They sent me from 1 window to another window…then to another window.  Needless to say I was mad again …and ready to really tear up the place now.

By the time I got to the 4th window in this scenario I was boiling over. I mean I was mad. But the clerk was such a nice young girl I found it hard to be angry at her… though I wanted to take out my frustration on her.  Everytime I tried I just couldn’t.

She was just too nice.

Finally, I broke down and said to her-

“Can’t you be mean or nasty.  I just can’t be mad at you. Can you just not be so nice.”

She just smiled and kept right on apologizing about my bad experience that I was having that day at the registry.

Finally, I was sent away with no license. And I left out the DMV after having been there for nearly 4 hours…though a lot quieter but still mad.  And I had gotten nothing done for my time spent.

A few days later I got a letter in the mail telling me it was okay to come back into the registry to get my license.  That is when God shined a light into my life regarding that experience…and what ended up being my unexpected end.

Because my outburst had embarassed the person who supervising the clerks working the counter…she decided (supervisor) that I was not going to leave out of there with whatever I had come in there to do.  And boy did they do it.

They had me walk  from 1 window  to another… sending me on a series of wild goose chases before turning me loose to go home… and without my license.  And while making $100 poorer.

I now understood every smirk…and look that I had picked up on… but at the time they had not meant  anything to me… because I was too mad to pay any attention to anything but  to what I wanted to accomplish when I went into that office.  It was all clear to me now… even down to the young clerk  who had been so kind to me… and why she could have been so nice to a very nasty little me.

She had been made aware to the inside joke. I now remembered a woman calling the girl back to her and whispering something to her.  So, no wonder the young girl could smile through my attempts to antagonize her in the heat of my anger.  She had been told to plaquette me.  And it had all been a joke… my going from 1 window to another… and sent here there and everywhere.

Martin did not attempt to plaguette anyone… but he clearly understood that through acts of non-voilence in the face of violent acts can be a more powerful weapon than kicking, spitting and hitting back.  When you have the capability of restraining yourself  from responding in an equal or like-matter  to  that of a prepetrator or an enemy... then you will have power over them.  Because the act of  violence or hate…or malice directed towards  you is devised to get a negative response from you.  And this Martin clearly understood… and also the power of  showing a reverse response to that which is expected.

Martin didn’t just believe in the ideology of non-violence alone.  He understood  that love was a retractor that forced even your worst enemy to have to step back and reconsider his acts or actions towards you.  It confuses them.  They have to step back… scratch their heads… and wonder what’s wrong with you?

The first thing that start to consider is ‘maybe I didn’t beat him hard enough.’   Or ‘maybe I didn’t insult him enough.’  Maybe…maybe I need to threaten his family. Or tell him that I’m going to kill his wife…or maybe I need to call and whisper into his telephone and tell him-

“You better keep your eyes on your children.”

There is something about love… that deminishes fear…and rage.  It can force change to come about.  And so we celebrate Black History Month because of those people  who got tired… and started walking and marching rather than continuing to accept mistreatment… insult… and dehumanization.

People who took the hits… the punches… and the spit in the face that I …my son… my nieces and nephews might walk in this country with the right to be as other people who come here… though not in chains and they never had to live as 2nd class citizens in this country… nor contributed half as much… as we to be recognized as bonifided citizens.

It is amazing that throughout all these years in this country all these great inventions and discoveries by black folks in American are still not regularly spoken of outside  of our own circles.  To think that somebody…and African American… ex-slave invented the railroad track switcher, the traffic lights, the steamship, the air conditioner, the yard rake,  the water sprinkler, the cotton gin,  blood plasma, potato chips, peanut butter and oh…….so so so so much much…much more.

It is not that we do not have great minds in our group…but minds that have never been recognized. Consider all that we have created and achieved with nothing to so little…    Just  imagine if our folks had been allowed in this country to patent their inventions or anything back in times past.   Just how many millionaires and multi-millionairs…billionaires there would be within our community today.  Oprah would not be out there all on her own.  She might be in 3rd or 4th place behind some of these people… these great minds in Black History.  And there would be plenty of  money…and lots of  ‘old’ money within  the ranks of our own communites too.  Legally obtained by both those highly educated…and those who worked in fields as well… creating items which made their labors a bit easier  on them.  Inventions of thing which  today are highly commonplace items in all our homes… or in all of the world’s everday life.

Also,  nobody can tell me that whatever that man’s name is…   James Naismith really was  the ‘real’ originator of  basketball.  A man from  Massachusetts?   Who started playing a game of  ball that included peach baskets?

I think not.

It sounds more like that on a visit down South… he saw some black boys down in Georgia…the home of  peaches… with an old ball and tossing it into a peach basket after getting  in from a long day of  working out in those Georgia peach fields.  He saw them …and then Naismith went back home and began to teach it  to some young college students, calling himself the creator of  it.   I think not.

Well, happy Black History Month.

Oh, yes…before I end.

I think that it is interesting that during this season of much international unrest… I think that it is interesting that many who questioned President Barack View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByObama’s community oragnizing credentials… evidently never sat in on any community meetings.

They don’t know anything about the fights  or the outburst of  angry and outrage that can erupt during community meetings.  If  they had had any understanding… they would have realized that a man… or any woman with Obama’s community organizing credentials would be just the right thing for this season in terms of  international turmoil.  You need somebody who can get in trenches and knows how to hold his own…to deal with these kind of  elements of  emotional revolts and religious extremism.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverSince the Egyptians have finally over a series of  a few days managed to chase out their oppressor from  office over them…it has given strenght now to other 3rd World Countries looking at that picture  to believe that they also have the strenght to seize their freedom too.

It is kind of  like the elephant… who as a little baby elephant is tied into place with a little stick.  But being that elephants have long memories… the baby elephant when it grows up does not know it now has the strenght to break free from anything that might try to hold it or contain it.  But if that elephant were ever to see another elephant break free… it might also come to realize that strenght that is in his hands as well.

So, we see the children who have grown up…and now determine for themselves not live as their parents had… passively.  From the Middle East to North Africa their is unrest… Libya, Tunisia, Bahrain and,  Yemen.  And make no mistake…at ever turn America’s interest is vastly at stake.  And I have no doubt that Obama has his eyes keenly on these places, the voices of the people…and those that are soon to pop up  on the scene too… hot spots… all over.

I for 1 am happy that we now have somebody in the White House who is not operating with split interests.   But someone who cares about us… the American people… and not future riches for him and his clonies…like the George W. Bush clan.

Well, God bless…hope you enjoy the rest of your evening and this Black History Month.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family to em , co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

Add a comment February 21, 2011

First Michael… now Gary Coleman… Blanche… and the oil mess… Boycott BP

If seems that fame brings about a lot of  problems that many of us would really rather not have.  But so many only see the glitz and the gleam of the big bright lights…and nothing else.

They clamor to be in the videos, on the cover of the magazines, on the big screen, sitting on the Oprah show… or on somebody’s reality show.  They want it… want it… or 15 minutes of  it… if  that is all they can get.

Some people have committed various acts… including murder… shooting up high schools …bombing buildings …etc…  all in order to get their name in print and/or picture on TV.

Many have sought it… and many who found it have also turned and tried to run from it.  Because all that glitters is  really not gold.

If  many knew what that life was really like I doubt that they would pursue it.  It is a life filled with lots of ups and downs.  And plenty of  its own uncertainties… and always lots of money and work woes.

There are some things in the video clip above that you should play close…very close attention to.  First of all, is the lack of any real care or concern by the woman who claims to be Gary Coleman’s wife.

Second of all, when she finally does start talking to him…listen to how she speaks rather…barks at him like she is talking to a little misbehaving child instead of a bleeding and near dying husband.

Third of all, how she announced to the operator that her name is Shannon Price…and not Shannon Coleman.

And Fourth of all, how much more concerned about herself and what she can’t stand and what is going on with her… which seems to be of  far more importance to her than a bleeding Gary Coleman.

Is it possible that Gary Coleman may have fallen prey to a person he should have chased back and away from him…instead of marrying her?

After several episodes of  run-ins with fans who seem to have gotten too close to him,  where Coleman had been noted as being mean and evil towards them.  And often it ended up with him punching 1 or 2 of them in the face.

Then how did he hook up with this woman?

Is it possible that she allowed Coleman to lay there bleeding until he was near death…and then decided to call 911 for emergency assistance for him?

Is it possible that she may have hit him or… somehow or other brought  about brain hemorrhage  that brought about his death?

Is it possible that she ever loved Gary Coleman at all?

Not if  you go by what you hear during that 911 call.

Gary Coleman’s burial has been postponed… though the article said ‘cancelled’ …hmmmm…

What does that mean?

At any rate Gary’s parents have sent their people to step into the picture between that woman and Gary…on their son’s behalf.   I really feel for them.

I had always thought it sad when Gary went into court with his parents, who are really foster parents to him.  But I guess the only parents he ever knew.  And after it happened, I had always hoped that time would have healed that wound between them. 

It does happen sometimes in families.  In fact in many families it does happen.  Most families experience some type of  falling out one time or other.  But then there are those families that go to grave not ever speaking again after whatever happened came between them.

Those family members who mature and/or come to know that ‘there is nothing like family,’  they learn to but aside differences in order to not to continue to tear the family apart.  Many times it is hard but you have to do it ‘for the sake of the family.’   Otherwise, there will be tons of  regrets on both sides years later… and usually well after it is too late.

I had to learn through the grace of  God to put aside some things dealing with family issues in our family.  The things that set us at each other, and all the name calling… finger pointing …can’t override the value of keeping the family together.  You have to work at keeping the family together… because no amount of things or ill  will or words can compensate for it…family.

Family is important.

Unfortunately, Gary Coleman may have elected to turn his back on the 2 people who may have well loved him the most… to run into the arms of people who filled him up with a bunch of  ill advice and evil counsel.

On the other hand Dana Plato’s, the young girl on Diff’rent Stroks, foster mother struck me as being much like Patty Duke’s family and aunt, who saw her as being a gold mine.  The same could be said about the father of  the star of  the movie  ‘Home Alone,’  McCaulay Culkin.

It is sad imagining any child who has to endure a life among people who really do not love them… or who value more what the child can earn for ‘them.’  At some point I guess this is exactly what Gary began to feel… though I must say I never believed it about the people who called him ‘their son.’

Personally, I think there should be an autopsy done on Gary Coleman.  Something just does not sound or smell right.  It is kind of  like how I still feel about Michael Jackson’s death.

I think it was murder.

And it would seem that he… Gary did still have  some money.  Look at what he was driving.

Michael Jackson was a young teen boy when people got in between him and his family too.  Over time and perhaps even out of  some degree of  necessity on both parts… their’s and his… they slowly came back together.  Because at the end of the day…family is all you have when you get right down to it.  All you have got to depend upon.

Perhaps, near the end of  Gary’s life he realized that too.

Going through pictures of  Gary Coleman, I can see that there were times when he wasn’t doing so well healthwise.  I produced a documentary on dialysis a while ago.  Before it I had never heard the word dialysis before or even knew that there people who could not urinate on their own due to problems with their kidneys.

But I had an aunt who started needing dialysis treatments due to her diabetes.  Through her I came to find out about the illness and how it ate away at  those who had to depend upon it.

In this picture you see a darker Gary Coleman.

Well,  that is one of the side effects of  dialysis.  Another is the obvious swelling of  his face… and the ashy-ness of  his skin tone.  Do you notice how his eyes appear to almost  be shut?

He does look sick doesn’t he?

With so many health issues due to his kidneys since being a young child and straight through his life… which also stunted his growth greatly… and other problems… it is not hard to see why Gary Coleman was as he was.  Though such adversity in the lives  of others has caused them to not only raise above their circumstances…but to truly go for the stars in ways that Gary did not.  They turn their circumstances around by working to benefit the lives of  others.  But it seems that  Gary could not rally that kind of strength.

He seemed to be alone in the world… and the 1 person left for him to depend upon wouldn’t even help him in his final hour of  need.   What a tragedy…for him …and maybe even for us.  As none us tried to help him either.

If you would like to read the 911 call put in by Shannon Price, you can CLICK on the LINK  BELOW.

I will never forget watching her taking some award where she graciously stepped to the mic  to said a few words to the teacher who told her that she would never make it as an actress.  It is amazing the things we remember.

Of course like millions I too sat watching nights of  Golden Girls.  Who didn’t love ‘ma’  Estelle Getty…or  Dorothy her larger than life daughter.  And that ditizy Betty White… and that over-aged sex kitten Blanche.

I had a lover… someone I lived with for over 9 years who loved to watch television.  She stayed in front of  it.  And Golden Girls was one of  the shows in the evening she would tune in to.

So, of course, over time I became quite familiar with them all.  The sassy Blanche, the dim-wit Rose and   Ma… and Dorothy.

One by 1 they are slowly departing this place.  First Estelle Getty, then  Bea Arthur,  and Rue McClanahan and leaving Betty White.  All of them better known by their character names… Dorothy, Rose, Blanche and Sophia…the Golden Girls.

And then there was 1…

Early this week Rue passed too…leaving Betty White as the lone survivor of  their lively cast.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverBetty is lively as ever…spunky… and I guess you can even say sassy at times too.  She is hard at work on another series… and really hasn’t stopped workView Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBying since her Golden Girls days.

Today there are reality shows… and shows about people trying to win a million dollars.  It all became so boring to me that I stopped watching TV a while ago.  And truthfully… I have not missed it.  Besides, as an 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2adult person my schedule is way too busy for me to be sitting down and watching television.

Didn’t intend to write so much.  Now, I have a movie that I want to watch.

So, you have a good night… and a beautiful day tomorrow.

Update Saturday, June 5th:  I awoke this morning having left my son’s laptop up on some news items on the oil spill in the Gulf.  Listening to it… 1 news broadcast on the oil spill after another… the impact of  the breath of  this oil spill has finally really hit home to me.

The British people in the upper level of  BP really were such big liars.  They lied about everything… saying that they had it contained…that it was not going to hit the shores…and that it would not impact the local environment.   In the beginning that BP top guy was passing the buck of  responsibility on to someone else… some other company… and that it was not their oil rig at fault.  Their oil rig that had failed to have all the safety measures that by law they should have had in place. Yet other lies by BP.

Now, the oil slick has hit Florida and is on its way out into the Atlantic Ocean if  the clean up  doesn’t speed up and can’t contain it any better than BP already has.   It all makes me think about the Republican Convention during McCains’ run for the Presidency against Obama.  Where they walked around with ton of signs and cries of-

“Drill, baby…drill,” could be heard all over that convention floor.  The Republicans were excited about going out and digging more oil rigs… even stating that they would go into protected environmental areas to do so.

This is the video new items that awoke to.  And believe it became crystal clear to me that what is going on in the Gulf of Mexico right now is surely going to impact us all.

It seems to me that we should all be boycotting BP gas stations.  And it is upsetting to me that this company is not even an American company.

How is it that a British oil company owns oil rigs in our own home waters… while we are seeking oil from foreign shores of countries such as those in the Middle East?

If we have oil right here in America then we should be producing it and controlling it for our own use.  And particularly since these oil rigs are so dangerous and can impact us in such a way as this gushing BP oil rig in the middle of  the Gulf of  Mexico.

Yes, I am advocating that we all boycott BP…it is time that they started feeling it in their pocketbook.  Perhaps then BP might realize that they can’t come into America and treat Americans any kind of way…or endanger us without a hefty price.

God bless.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

Add a comment June 5, 2010

Celebrating women… Mrs. Dorothy Height’s passing… and women we cannot applaud …what some women won’t do…

I don’t know where you live…but here where I live it’s cold.  And I do mean cold.

This morning before leaving out I made me a bowl of  Cream of  Wheat.  Then I made sure I put on a coat.

Yes, a coat.  Because…    Well, because it is cold.

Though in speaking with one of my mother’s cousin’s I found out that they are having 90 degree weather in Florida.  Wow…90 degree weather already.  It is going to be smoldering there in Florida this coming summer if those kind of temperatures hold up.

But here it has been cold.  And though I had been denying it.

I am now ready to face the hard and very cold facts…it’s cold.  And I am not imagining it.

So, getting off the bus with my mind set on getting in the house and having myself a big hot bowl of  steaming soup, but I decided to head in the opposite direction upon stepping off the bus instead.

Yes, my conscience was bothering me… because I haven’t blogged in a short while.  So, I decided that even if  I just started it tonight then I could finish it tomorrow.  And that would be so much better than not getting started with this at all.

So, that is just what I am doing.   Because I have so much I want to talk about… I just know that there is no way that I am going to be through before this lab closes at 11 PM tonight…and it is just about 7:30 PM now.

First, let me start by mentioning the passing of  Mrs. Dorothy Height.  Though I had never met her, I certainly did know of her.

Mrs. Height along with her many years of work as a Civil Rights activist, and as head  of the National Council of  Negro Women… she was also known for her signature hats which she always sport without fail through the years.

Ida B.Wells "stands apart as the most recognizable and effective antilynching crusader in history."

She passed on Tuesday, April 20th in Washington, DC after several weeks of  illness.  It is sad to hear that she suffered.  But truly she exemplified all theMerle Evers Williams strengths and character of  the women with whom she had the great fortune and I am sure pleasure to walk Former slave who helped lead the Underground Railroad.among… such as Mary McLeon Bethune, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King,  Myrlie Evers, Ida B. Wells, Shirley Chisholm, Fannie Lou Hamer, Barbara Jordan, Bernice Reagon, Bessie Coleman and so many others.

Women upon whose shoulders we their daughters and grand-daughters now stand.  And what I see in these women is a vast amount of humility and a humbleness you do not see in the spirit of  people of  today.  When you view the video clips BELOW of  Mrs. Height you will exactly what I mean.–Twenty-Great-Arfrican-American-Women

It is odd that I am writing this blogg on this topic today.  I never plan these things and never have any idea where I am going when I first start.  And believe me that some people have written me pointing that out to me.  But I welcome your comments…good or bad…or indifferent feel free to comment or drop me a note or 2.

Since this past Sunday was Mother’s Day…you really would have thought I had planned this.  But I did not.

I love celebrating women…and it has nothing to do with me being a past lesbian.

Maybe it is that my mother was a woman…my grand-mother was one…my great grand-mother was one… and all my aunts and nieces and most of my friends are one.  And I think of them as being phenomenal people…and women.  Clearly, Mrs. Height and all the women that I mentioned above were phenomenal women…but the women I am going to mention now are not.  Some how they both fell well below the mark.

Many times while surfing over the internet looking for things…mostly to buy…I sometimes come across things or an article that sparks my saying something.  And these 2 stories did just that…though one of  them I saw on the Oprah Show.

But this story I came across over the internet.  In reading it …it made me wonder-

“What women won’t do for a man.”

Women on Death Row - Linda Carty What this women did was insane…and she is not the first.  Though if  I were a  Judge…she would have never been able to walk into my court with such an excuse…though I do not know exactly what her lawyer or lawyers plead for during her court trial.  But if I had been the Judge it would not have been that…because what this woman did and the reason behind it was so sorted and sick …and just  plain selfishness.

This woman was a grandmother…and had been a school teacher…who at the time she committed this heinous crime against a young mother…she was 42 years old.

She was not some uneducated woman out in the streets.  But I guess we may all very well agree that her mind wasn’t half as good or as decent as many of  those women who we so often look down upon, when we come across them.

I will not call this woman’s name…not because I fear being sued or anything.  But I do not want to add to her ever becoming famous or known.  I feel she should go down into the depths without fanfare or pity.  She was indeed evil.  Her mind was without a doubt twisted…and she did it for a man.

This is what she did…she sought out some woman who was pregnant along with a group of  thugs…beat and killed…and tortured.  Then she stole the woman’s infant child to pretend that the child was her’s in an attempt to fool some man…with the hopes of  being able to keep him.

You can read the story if you like…the LINKS are BELOW.  But what kind of  woman would have done such a thing?

And I think what bothered me more about this story is that there are those rallying to keep her from being executed for the insane criminal act which she committed.

I am sorry…and yes I am very much a Christian.  But I have no tolerance for people who allow the devil to use them in such a vile and evil way.  And by judging my her most recent picture she seems to be highly content.

We have all…I imagine…been the recipient of  some vile and most evil thoughts.  The kind of  thoughts that came to us that were so foreign to us.  It was some insane maybe even immoral act…or something that we would never imagine doing.  Something that we  totally rejected even the thought of  it…or thoughts of it.

And yes…I too have experienced it.

I have a cousin who told me of such an incident which occurred with her.  She told me that she used to be an alcoholic, and once while sitting at a table the thought came to her to get up from the table where she was sitting.  She said she was told to take up a fork and begin stabbing a baby…a little infant that was nearby…and to stab it to death.

My cousin told me that at that moment  is when she realized she had to stop drinking.  She recognized the thought at being crazy and that it had frightened her…because the impulse to do it was so strong.  And she said that she never drink again since that night.

In looking up info for this blog I came across information on Malcolm X’s grandson.  The grandson who set his grand-mother on fire while she laid sleeping.  Betty Shabazz suffered for nearly 2 months or more before finally succumbing to those injuries.

I have often wondered about her grandson whom she loved so much…a problem child…and perhaps is still troubled today.  A child that she loved so much that she rather to have him come live with her than to see him placed some place and  locked away, because no one could control him.  And at the age of  12 he killed his own grand-mother.

What I have thought about on the times I have since reflected on him…was what went through his head that he would have done such a thing to someone who loved him so dearly?

It cannot be argued that some of  toughest demons to resist are those which live inside of us.  It is sad.  But when crazy thoughts come into our minds we must with all our might resist them.  A very large part of  it is learning how to pray…and how to call upon the name of  the Lord.   It is what my cousin did.   And it works…I know it for myself.

Now, on to the story I watched on Oprah last Thursday or Friday.

I had been in New York when the story broke…but like most people over time I had forgotten it.  But if  I thought the woman I wrote about above was evil that goes doubly for Vanessa Jackson…whom one of my brothers informed me was a member of the Church of God in Christ.

Note in the picture above…you will notice that 4 of the children look like something is wrong with them.  They are different from the other children…not quite as well dressed…and if you look real closely you see that they were not as well…

Well, healthy looking…meaning not well nourished.  Because they were not.  That woman and her husband straved those little boys…while she, her husband and their biological  children all eat well and seemed to be quite happy.

I do remember this story when it first broke…

Some neighbors called 911 because late one night they heard a noise outside their window.  And when they looked out they thought they saw what looked to them like a very young child rampaging through their garbage looking for food.

That young child was the boy in the picture to the right of the woman.  The little tiny boy who looks so light and fragile.  He was actually 19 years old and weighed under 60 pounds.  And look at her own children…some of them quite plumb… as well as, she and her husband.

I was dumbfounded when I listened to Oprah interview the brothers of that boy.

How could anyone be so heartless and so cruel?

These people called themselves ‘saved.’  They took those boys to church with them and their other children every Sunday.   These people adopted those boys.

On the show the boys told how the woman would dress them in 3 or 4 sweaters under their clothes to make them appear fatter.  How we gave them pancake mix to eat…and would tell them that they only had ‘x’ amount of time to eat it.

What kind of  depraved people exist in this world?

Is money that important?

Vanessa Jackson and her husband, who has since died while in prison, went to church where they…I hope…were taught ‘love’…and that it is better to give than to receive.  But somehow they felt that taking and cheating…and being evil and cruel was a better way.

They straved those little boys…and aided in seriously debilitating their growth, physically and mentally.

I could never love money that much.  The world is filled with sick and degenerate people.  I am so thankful to God that He gave me a mind to not to be 1 of them.  And I hope that you aren’t either.

My Mother’s Day started with my cousin Jean…who loves reading her name in my blogs…waking me up early.  It was then followed by my son telling me to get up and get dress because he was taking me to breakfast.

He greeted with a large bouquet of flowers in a tea cup.  They are so beautiful…and I love my tea cup.View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

I hope your Mother’s Day was great too…or that you did something especially special for your mom or wife.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

And what do you know it is not 11 o’clock yet.   I must be getting better at this…because I am just about finish with this blog.

Well, God bless…and hope that you have a beautiful day tomorrow.

And if it is cold where you are…  Don’t forget about a bowl of  Cream of Wheat before going out…or a nice hot bowl of  4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2oat meal.

And don’t you dare leave out without your coat.

And God bless….

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…

Add a comment May 12, 2010

Between Lisa Raye and Michelle… 41 Bullets/Police Violence… Student Beaten… and Tyler Perry…

Well, between Lisa Raye and Michelle Obama…I don’t know who people having been hitting this blog site to read more of lately.

Like everyone else I too am curious about Michelle Obama’s reception in Mexico and Haiti. But was there any doubt that just like the Queen of England…everyone everywhere was also going fall in love  with her too.

There is just something about her. Michelle Obama is just able to click with everyone. I am sure that Joe Biden’s wife is happy to be partnered up with such a fab woman.

In past years most First Ladies and the Vice President’s wives never really got along well at all. Which really isn’t hard to understand at all since most Presidents chose the guy who could have won them…may have even hated him but he looked good on the ticket.

So, before the pairing up while everyone was going for the gold…making their own run to win the White House…there usually was a lot of mud slinging.  Now, what wife would love somebody’s wife behind all of that…and particularly if  his wife was a sob…which in many causes may have been the truth.

But I don’t think Jill Biden would have ever called Michelle Obama that. There is nothing sobby about Michelle. In fact…I think you could say she goes out of her way to ensure that no one feels that way about her. But then one can see that Michelle is not all about putting on ‘airs’…or shoving her nose high into the air. She is real.  And because she is so real…everyone everywhere just adores her.|hp-laptop|dl1|link1|

Truly, she is Obama’s secret weapon. That is what they called her while he was making his run for the White House. But all in all Michelle…fashion and all has stood up to the test.

I recalled while up late one night and listening to a black woman hosting a radio talk show talking about Michelle’s way of dressing. She was critical about where she claimed Michelle needed some help in her choices. I am sure that woman has since eaten all of those words…since Michelle Obama’s manner and style of dress has become the ‘in’  way of putting it  all together.

The best part of  it all…like Barack…Michelle Obama is her own person…her own woman.  She doesn’t let alot of  people dictate to her what she should or shouldn’t be doing…or dressing like.   And what a mom she is.  There is so much love there.

She is a tremendous role model for women and girls everywhere.

Now, on to Lisa Raye.  I have to admit that whenever I happened to catch the TV show that she used be on…I always thought she was attractive.  And I really liked her voice.

But I have to admit…she is a bit rough around the edges.  Sorry, Lisa Raye…but all that cussing and all that stuff…you know the low clothing…and exposing everything.  Well…come on.

Now, I know that Lisa is originally from Chi-Town…better known as Chicago for those of  you who don’t know.  And sure Chicago has some rough-necks…but then they have the softer side too…and plenty of them.  There is plenty of  style and class that comes out of  Chicago.  It was after all the city that was home to Johnson Beauty Products, Ebony…and Jet Magazine, and a lot more…not excluding the home and birth place of  Lady ‘O’…Michelle Obama.

I know her reality show ‘The Real McCoy’  is due to begin…if  it hasn’t already started.  And based upon the number of  people who have hit this site looking for info on Lisa…they are anxious over the show…and want to know more, and as much as they can about Lisa Raye.

Now, Lisa and Da Brat are half sisters as many of you know…who people have been hitting this site to read about also.  Both are attractive but just as rough around the edges.  But I have not heard anything about the Da Brat lately…but I have been looking to see if  she is out of  prison.  But I haven’t seen or heard anything on that yet…though I think her 3 years should be just about up soon.

Finally, I have finally seen something by Tyler Perry.   I know…I know…I must be the only person on the planet who hadn’t.

Clearly, Tyler has a built in crowd of  followers…and I am just not one.  Though as I sat in the theater I could tell that men equally , as well as, women love  Tyler.   He definitely has them hooked.

But I thought the film was filled with a lot of  poor acting.  And the actors who could act totally out shined their counter-parts.

But what I felt was lacking mainly was a plot, a good script… and a good story… besides some the poor casting choices in some places.    The movie was just one vingnette after another… which is a just a series of  little stories.  Which to me never really got told properly.   I guess because of  a lack of  time…as it seemed to me that the film had been a bit rushed.  It would have been nice though if  there had been one real story somewhere in the midst of  it.

But, however, I will say this…the people who love Tyler Perry truly love him…and all of  his work.  And I am not hating him for being successful at what he does.

And speaking of the movie…I was all set to watch Jill Scott throw down on the big screen .  I was hoping she was going to blow it away.  Well…I  had thought that her acting skills might  have matched her singing skills.

But…naw….  They it didn’t.  And I was disappointed.  Because I had heard that Jill  is starring in some show on TV too.  So, I was thinking-

“Wow, she must be good.”

But it was definitely not the case…and as much as I love Jill.   I truly hate to say that.

But I still think that she is beautiful.  I could see her taking Oprah’s place…in a few years.

Can’t you?

With some coaching from the ‘Master’ of  all ‘Masters’…namely Oprah…Jill could do it.  I bet cha’.

Now, I saw the video of  the white student who was beat by several police officers.  And yes…I do agree.

“Agree on what you say?”

I agree that if  that student had been a black student…we probably would not have heard as much about it…nor would those police officers been put on suspension.  I have seen and heard many situations of  black folk  finding themselves at the mercy of abusive and angry white police officers.   Just view some of  the below video clips.

Police acting out in ways that have been highly questionable has never been anything that many black people can’t tell you much about…such as Rodney King and many many others.

I’ll never forget the issue of 41 bullets and Amadou Diallo…a young African immigrant who met with a fatal end when he was entering his own apartment building, as he was approach by a group of police officers who opened up and began shooting at him at close range…upon supposedly him reaching to pull out his ID in an attempt to identify himself.   Then there was that group of  4 young black men on the New Jersey Turnpike who were stopped on the highway and shot without provocation.

And the list goes on and on…and on without much ever happening to the officers in question.  Who for the most part never missed a beat…or suffered any repercussions  or consequences for any of  their actions…nor any loss of pay…or any real trials…etc…

I have been reading a little about women behind bars who are currently being allowed to have and care for their babies in prison.  I do have some very real and quite bias feelings on the matter.  But it does not come without some knowledge on the matter.

Not that I have personal knowledge or experience with it…but that I have a very dear and good friend whose mother gave birth to her while she was locked behind bars for murder.  The stigma it left upon my friend was often evident to me whenever my friend would share that part of  her life experience to me.  It bothered her…like it was a mark against her from birth.  In speaking about it she often sighed…and lowered her voice in a clear indication of shame.

And I can understand why.

And you should too.

What child or person wants to walk  around with that on their birth certificate..or any knowledge of  something like that?

What a sad way to start your life on this planet…locked behind prison bars with your mother.

Since, most of  those mothers and practically everybody in those news segments on the story was black,  when I saw pictures on the story or saw news items on it over the net…it is just one more strike against some kids who already are going to have marks against them.  Because (1)…their mother was sentenced to prison for some type of crime.  (2)…Because they had the mis-fortune of being born into a situation that I would be hard pressed to believe that any child would want to be born in.  (3)…Because they are already poor…disadvantaged…and powerless without the bars or the confinement.

Then what about health and safety issues surrounding life behind bars?

That’s a rough life.  I wouldn’t  want an infant or a child…little or otherwise to have to endure any part of it.  It would have to be depressing.  I mean there is little to no freedom in prison…it is like an animal being born in a zoo.

Sorry, to state it that way…but you think about it.  And it is not the cleanest place to have babies in…much less for children to play in.

I doubt that we will really read any real reports on this story about babies born behind bars and being allowed to stay with their mothers there, and the effects of it…since it will be about 20 or so  years before we will really find out whether or not it is or was a good idea.   But I do not need that long to give you my answer…and I do not care what the reports say.  I know people who have lived over 50 years with that following them.  Just having been borned in there.

My last note is on this story which bothered me from the very moment I laid my eyes on it.  I hate these type of stories.  I know…I say it every time.

It is about a man…a black man in Alabama who went around as an evangelist or some type of  preacher while being a seriously sick man.  While swirling in the pulpit between words of  praise…he was sodomizing and raping his own children…including fathering children with them…and had killed their mother after she caught him having sex with one of  their very young daughters (age 11)… while the child was pregnant with his child.   Doing all of this after having dumped his dead wife into a deep freezer for the last 4 years…in the trailer where he lived with them…their children while he continued to use them sexually.

While watching a youtube clip on the story…it eluded that the Bible up-holds such things…I’m talking about ‘incest.’  The scripture pointed to in support of  that supposed idea came from the book of  Genesis…Genesis 19:30-39.  Which is an absolute lie.  The Bible does not support any such thing…or anything like it…or any other type of sin.  And it certainly would never support any negative behavior towards children…or anyone.

In fact, that scripture points to the type of  sins which not only Lot witnessed but evidently his daughters did also.   It was one of many reasons which was why God eventually destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.   Which is what Lot along with his wife, and his 2 daughter were fleeing from in the first place.

Well, if you had any doubts about it…I am sure that we all can agree now.  2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Spring has sprung!

And it feels marvelous.

I am loving all the sun though I understand that it is due to rain later today…as it is already into tomorrow now being nearly 5 AM in the morning.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByOh, well…it takes time to produce one of these blogs.  And would you believe I started before 11 PM?

Well, I did.  But I am not complaining…it takes time to produc4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2e something worth something.  And I hope that is what you think of this blog…that it is worth something…like your time to read it.  And if  you do…thank you much.

Enjoy your day.

Thank you so much for reading…and may God bless you richly.

God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment April 16, 2010

Charla Nash… Fort Hood…AIDS and women

I just finished watching  partial footage of  Oprah’s  interview with Charla Nash, the woman who’s face was ripped apart by a neighbhor’s raging chimpanzee.  I recall a friend telling me about the story some time ago.  She kind of  joked about it…talking about how the neighbor and her lover,  the chimp…were having a lover’s spat.

At first I thought it humorous at the time…based upon my friend’s jokes about it.   But my goodness…it was anything but a joke.  Far from it.  But anything where a person is injured can never be  a  joke at any time.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t thinking like this when my  friend initially  told me the story.   And I am  so ashamed to have laughed.

I never knew that such a thing could or would have happened to anyone.  I prayed for that woman upon seeing that clip.  And  I am not going  to show any pictures in  this blog…or put any videos in it…in respect to that woman. 

I feel for that woman very much…as someone who ran to someone’s rescue…to try and help them…and ended up being severely injured.  Injured beyond all recognition.  As half of  her face was torn off…and it seemed that her fingers and hands had been destroyed as well.

Her face wasn’t even a face.  Her eyes…it was like her whole mouth…teeth were gone too.   But I guess it was the best that anyone could do for her considering the intensitiy of  her injuries. 

It was a horror…but even more so something which really made me feel sad for the woman.  And I began to pray for her.

The fact that the woman went on Oprah’s show and discussed the attack was a sign that the woman has come to grip with her life as it is now.  Which speaks volumes for her.

But she didn’t sound angry…or furious with God over what had happened to her.  As so many people often do when tragedy strikes. 

What a woman.  Much can be said for inner strenght…and being able to connect to it…in order to see your way through any circumstance.

I don’t know if  I have that.  But I pray that if ever the need were to arise  that  I would have the strenght of  character to connect to it  too.

One day after Veteran’s Day…I spent some time trying to digest what happened on the  grounds of  Fort Hood where 13 were killed and several others were shot and injured.

I wondered if this was the act of  one of  those buried or implanted individuals that we had heard so much about following 9/11?

You know…those who were trained aboard then shipped here for some appointed time to cause havoc while killing Americans in the wake of  it. 

There is so much killing these days…domestically that  who is going  to tolerate non-American forces or luntics of  any kind  coming here to add to the carnage?

If  indeed there are implants…persons angry with America and Western culture…sitting around and waiting on a time to attack.  Well, Americans are not going to sit back and just take that.

So, if  indeed that doctor at Fort Hood was part of  some kind clan…he will be dealt with very harshly.  And as well he should be.

Is it not enough that they went aboard and risked their lives in foreign lands…then to come home and be shot down?

From 19 to 62…so young and so dedicated to the US Military.  They did not give their lives…but their lives were taken…stolen.

Since the medication for AIDS has gotten so much better…and people are living longer…we pay little to no attention to AIDS any more.  It is not the hot topic it once was.

Because Magic looks so good…so healthy…for many the fear of  AIDS has all but been washed away.   Many feel that it isn’t as great of a threat as it once was…and its affects are not taken as seriously any more. 

But unlike Magic…Natalie Cole doesn’t look so healthy.    In fact, she looks sick…aging and weak.

This past week  I came  across this article about  AIDS and that it is a leading cause for deaths in women.   You might want to read this  for yourself.

Hope you had a good day.  It’s late…after 2 AM…and I am planning on getting up early.  So, I hope that you have a beautiful day tomorrow and a beautiful weekend.

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment November 13, 2009

The spirit of lesbianism…Oprah’s school….

Though I wondered about what prompted Oprah to decide to open a school in

Oprah Winfrey (C) cuts the ribbon with some of the girls who have enrolled in her school during its opening in January 2007South Africa…thinking one here would have been nice.  Though we do have Spellman.  But a media school…to bring young ladies in the world of television and film that would really be wonderful. 
Don’t you think?

But then all the ugly little stories about that school in South Africa started surfacing.  First, it was about a teacher or some female administrator who was there who was alleged to be preying upon the young girl students of the school…of which the school is an all girl’s school.

Now, recent stories have it that other girls of the school are preying upon and bullying their fellow schoolmates.

If  the devil can get into something…he will.

One looking or reading about this from a Biblical perspective might say that-

The spirit of lesbianism has crept into Oprah’s school.”

” What is that?”

Perhaps you don’t believe in such things. In your realm spirits or such are fake and do not exist. Okay…maybe not. Least ways…maybe, not in your realm.  But in other places they do.

How did such a thing come about?

Some might say it was sexual orientation.

Maybe. I do not know.

Maybe, there was an older woman…such as the teacher or administrator who was busted and alleged to have been sexually preying upon those young girls.

Maybe there was…maybe she wasn’t.  I do not know.

Maybe, a few of the girls liked it.

Maybe, she, that older woman, turned them out…that is the phrase used in the gay community…when someone goes after someone who is not involved in the life and begins having relations with them…a bond develops between them that puts the other person onto that course for life or for a while during her life.

Supposed she, that woman, had turned out a few of those young girls…and now they in turn…turn and start preying upon some of the other girls.

Or…maybe some of them had that spirit in them already and it has now just started to manifest itself in them…or her…whomever.

Or, maybe they had been doing whatever they were doing all along.

It is hard to believe that any of those young…bright…young ladies that I saw and watched on that Oprah Winfrey special when she opened her school in South Africa could be guilty of becoming sexual predators.  But it does happen.

I have a friend who went to work at an institution which cares for such children.  And I say children…because that is what they are. When she began to tell me their ages and some stories…I had to stop my friend.  There are some things which I cannot even bare to listen to.

It is hard for me to believe that children as young as 3 or 4 have to be separated and locked away from society because they are sexual deviants…who will prey upon anything that lets them…or not.

How could anyone do that to a child?

It is madness.

And I am going to end this blog here.   I do not wish to go any further with it…as I cannot.

The thought sickens me.

God help…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends

“pass it on…” ©2009

2 comments April 1, 2009






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