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Racism in America is alive and well… and growing… Beck in the dog house…

Who in the world is Glen Beck?

I had never heard of  him before until coming across this internet article on him during his radio program imitating the President’s daughter.|hp-laptop|dl1|link3|

Upon listening to the radio program in question…as it is included in the article…  all I could think of  was the black face comic skits that white people used to do of  black people.  They would mimmick our voices making us sound as dumb and as ignorant as possible…while having covered their faces with some kind of  black oily face paint.  And then they would paint on their faces some excessively big lips.

All of this they did in stupid attempts at making fun of  not only how we talk, pretending to think and reason like us aloud…and, of course,  supposedly depicting what our facial features look like.  It was all done to belittle us as a group of people, and also to make Black folks feel unequal, backwards and ignorant people.  All of which was and is a lie…then and now.

The fact that Barack Obama may well be the most intelligent man to hit the White House… which maybe the root to this whole problem.

The 2nd problem for some of these back in the Dark Ages back woods ignorant racists…is that President Obama may also prove to be a greater President than Franklin Dalano Roosevelt.  Oh, no… that can’t possibly happen.  But based upon the set-up left behind by George W. Bush it could become true.

Roosevelt’s fame as a President came from the mess he stepped into as a President.  Stepping into the White House following Herbert Hoover, a Republican and the 31st President of the United States…he sank the country into one big mess.  Therefore, Roosevelt inherited an United States that was suffering.  The Stock Market had crashed and dire poverty covered the land from coast to coast due to the Great Depression.

Roosevelt was the creator of ‘The New Deal.’   With the New Deal Roosevelt ushered in a new America…a reformed America and a series of new social programs designed to aid and assist the needy, and to strengthen and mobilize America back onto the road of  recovery.

Often we have heard that history repeats itself.  If this is indeed so…many then can see where President Barack Obama is set on the path to do for America what Roosevelt did for America some 78 years ago.

There is no doubt also that America when Barack Obama was elected in as the President of the United States a year ago,  had been left in a questionable place  and a time of vast uncertainty and downcline around the world.  Allies around the world questioned our stability, truthfulness and fortitude as a still world leader after years of rule under the moral degradation and lies of George W. Bush as President of America.

Obama inherited a crashing Stock Market, a collapsing World Banking system, a rapidly dwindling American dollar, skyrocketing fuel and gas prices, the highest ever in America… record numbers of out of work Americans, soaring health and medical costs with record numbers of Americans without any form of health care policies, corrupt leaning and borrowing systems, with record numbers of Americans being forced into the streets due to foreclosures, and soaring out of control country financial deficit fueled by 2 wars without a seemingly end…and much more.  All of which had happend under the 8 years of  administration and rule of George W. Bush.  And also under the Bush Administration, America for the 2nd time in her history was attack on her own soil…September 11th, known as  9-11.  Where thereafter all kinds of  other attempts, boomings and plagues came about.

If you examine the mess that Obama inherited including those things which generally come up during the term of a President… such as the BP oil spill in the Gulf…and when Russia decided to invade Georgia, in the Baltics… you find that Presidents have to deal with all kinds of  things…including unforseen natural disasters.  But it doesn’t make it their fault.   Though much of  what happened under George Bush’s watch was.

Now, I am going to vent.

I am so tired of reading all these articles where people refer to our President Barack Obama using a small ‘p.’  It is so annoying to me.  I absolutely hate reading anything about him written this way.  It  is so disrespectful to Obama.

I know that Obama being the man that he is pretends that it does not bother him…but he is an intelligent man, a historian and a man of letters.  Meaning he has read all kinds of documents and articles past and present on all past Presidents of the United States, as it was for 1 thing…his field of  study.  And I am sure he has also noticed that at no other time has any other President of  this country ever been referred to in any form of  text using a lower case ‘p’ as has become the practice when writing articles about Obama.

Thus, to do so when referring to Obama is not only disrespectful but an act of racism.  An act of out and out racism and I do not care what anyone else says.  And it is all a campaign purposefully set to down grade and minimize Obama, his efforts, his effectiveness and his success.

But I want to let you know… every last one of you that it won’t work.  Just like they say in that gospel song…it just won’t work.

Obama is going to be great in spite of  you.

And he is going to be as successful…if not more successful than Roosevelt.  And that if for no other reason than because some many racists want to see him fail…with Palin and that whole Republican machine riding in the front car.

But the Bible says…that he whom the Lord has blessed is blessed indeed.

And Obama is blessed…his family is blessed…his children are blessed…and this country shall  be blessed because of  him. 

If anyone has any doubts about whether Barack Obama is blessed just go back and look at those photos of  his inaugural.  Look at all those people who flowed into Washington, D.C. to celebrate with him and his family.  And check all his record numbers…record number in the amount of money contributed to his campaign…the most money ever given to any political campaign ever.  Record number in contributions from people who have never contributed to a politician ever.  Highest number of  voter turn out ever.  And the numbers continue on and on in regard to Obama’s accomplishments.

He shall be like Solomon because God has set his course for him over this nation.  And if you doubt it go back to his mother, and how she used to wake him up at 4 AM in the morning to go over and learn American History.  Obama’s path was laid for him long before Obama was born.

Therefore, as it is said in the Scriptures…no weapon formed against him shall prosper.   Meaning all the evil works being performed against him will come to nought.  Every vote meant to hold him back and hinder a bill that he is trying to put through will be turned around, and go against those who are trying to oppose him and stop his progress…or hold up his candidates for offices.

Another Scripture says this…that what the devil means for evil God will turn it around for your good.  Meaning the all the name 2ab-the-bishop-wifecovercalling, opposition and hindering in Congress and the Senate will be turned around for Obama’s good.  Already I can see this happening in that Obama is becoming a lot sharper and more posed when attacks come against him publically.  He is definitely far more Presidential now, and I am sure he would have more of a targeted response for anyone who should suddenly decide it smart to call him ‘liar’ again while he is speaking before the Senate.  I have no doubt of it.

I am proud of  Obama and I know that he is no joke.  And he is not going to continue to allow people to treat him as one.

And as far as this Beck person goes…  Well, I just hope that he has no children.  I cannot imagine what he would do if  someone so cruelly and purposely poked fun at his little daughter…and made a joke out of her.

I also hope that none of the children in Obama’s daughter class have  heard that stupid radio clip.  What an ignorant thing to do.  And these people call themselves adults…but are too afraid stand up in front of  Obama and say what they have to say.

No, they’ll do it from behind a microphone…and then issue out an apology from somewhere.  A bunch of cowards.  That is all they are…a bunch of  racist ignorant cowards.

But then I guess I can kind of  understand why some should be jealous of  Obama.  I mean after all…not only is he a great husband… but also a very loving and caring father.  He is also handsome…and looks well in everything he wears.  He’s smart…tall…and doesn’t have a problem with his weight.  He’s athletic…and he has a beautiful and highly intelligent wife.  And 2 very beautiful and intelligent…and very well behaved daughters.  And oh, yeah…also an important part… a mother-in-law who loves him as well.

So, yes he is well on his way to be the most powerful and successful President of  this country of all times…who will be spoken of and the measure that those who follow him shall View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBybe measured by.   Of  this I am sure.

So, yes…you who want to see Obama fail…I can see why.  But instead of  attacking Obama you should start working on your own life…and get it in order so that you too will have something to be proud of .  Because I can tell you are a bunch of  very sad and lonely people…and highly disappointed people… out attacking a little girl?

Come on, now.   And you call yourself a man, Beck?

Go stand in front of  Obama and mimmick his daughter…and I want to see what happens to you.  I bet you are afraid to do that.

And is it true that BP stands for British Petroleum?

And is it also true that Halliburton, Dick Cheney’s former employer and big time war profiteer and scam artist… is over the operation of  BP in the Gulf ?

Could possibly be a set-up?

Anything to make Obama look bad.  With all the talk and Obama blaming you would think that Obama owned BP.  And that he could automatically go down and just plug up a hole nearly 5,000 feet below the water surface…leaking over 5,000 barrels of oil each day.

It is not a pin hole.  And the problem really belongs to BP…without a doubt it is a major concern to not only President Obama and those people down in the Gulf/Atlantic Ocean area.  And probably might affect us all…but  it is clearly a concern of  Obama’s youngest 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2daughter just as well.  We can all tell that she is well briefed…and is growing up quite civic minded.

And we should all have a sincere appreciation for all children who cares about others…not make a joke or poke fun at them for any reason.

Monday is Memorial Day.  We should all take a moment or 2 to reflect on the sacrifices of others, that we might all live here free and out of  harms way.  Thankful for all the freedoms we hold so dear…never forgetting the price paid and being paid so that we might stand in our liberty here in the United States.

I hadn’t thought about it for a while… but I had all but forgotten about the war.  Since stopping even turning on the television to watch the news… so those images are no longer before me.  It sadden me reading the list of names per week of  young men and women who were killed in Iraq.  Many of  them just 19.  And every so often you would see a name with an age of  28…or 29 and above…and I would think of  all their families that they left behind giving of  their lives for an America not yet quite grown up.

While they huddled together with bullets flying over heads… or booms dropping nearby… or right in their midst…  yet they marched on…  fought on… for an America not  yet totally grown up.  A place where division and strife still lives on …while they struggle in foreign lands that we might proclaim peace …while we yet still pull against one another.

I salute them and pray that one day this country will live up to what was the dream and the creed to which those men who signed their names…signed their names… to which they all marched off to war and became involved for… those soldier who fought and died in our name.

Well, enjoy your day off.

And…God bless.

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2 comments May 30, 2010






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