Posts filed under: ‘Nancy Pelosi‘

Rangel… Pelosi… Palin…

I am now back in business.  For a while my internet service was out….but now it is back.  And I am up and running.

Now, for all the things I have wanted to comment on and couldn’t…but now have the  leisure and resources to now do so…namely electricity and a broadband internet line.

On to…Charlie Rangel.  He  got just what he deserved.  A big fat slap across the face… with more to come…I hope.

How dare this man making all this money… as a supposed representative of  the people of  New York City…  a real mover and shaker… property barron (being a part owner of  the landmark Apollo Theater and I suspect having other property holdings as well outside of  those subsidized apartments).

Yes, how dare Charlie Rangel sit around lounging in  rent controlled apartments… 1 of  2 or 3 that he owes in New York taking subsides and write-offs at the mercy of   hardworking taxpaying people in New York.  Many of  whom who themselves can barely make it from day to day due the high cost  of rent in the city.   While Charlie Rangel has had his choice of  places  in which to lay his head and conduct business dealings all at considerable lower rates than the average New Yorker… and all in the name of  his hardworking constituents.

Truthfully, I have been waiting on  the hammer to be lowered on him since the news was leaked about his double dealings a while ago.

It has always been a wonder to me as to why people who have money… why they are always trying to beat the system in ways that many of us would not think to do.

Being in New York… I often hear people talking about rent controlled apartments and how they wished they could get into one.  After hearing the amounts that you could pay for rent in 1… there is little wonder why anyone wouldn’t want to move into 1.

Why not?

When you could  pay anywhere from $300 to maybe $500  in rent for some really grand apartment space?

Compare that to paying $2200 which is currently what my apartment is going for.  And to  many that would seem cheap by New York City standards… and especially considering how beautiful my apartment is.   But not to me.  Paying that kind of money you really should be owning whatever it is that you are living in.  Which is why I have made up my mind that the next time I move into something… I will be owning it.  But in New York you can find people happily paying $10,000 a month in rent.  Go figure that.

Before I would even consider paying that kind of money for anything… I would go and run for Charlie Rangel’s office in the Senate first.

Now on…to Palin.  I am so sick of  Palin.

Honestly, this is classically what God calls calling evil good and good evil.  But in Palin’s case it is the ignorant calling her capable when clearly she is not.  And she is a clear example of  somebody on too many drugs and cough medicine… all thrown in together.

And I do mean all thrown in.

What is the intrigue?

She was neither the brightest nor smartest.   When she was running for Vice President on the McCain ticket she was thought of  as being  just a touch above brain-dead… and  quickly came to be little more than a laughing-stock to most people here in the States.

So, who could hope that any of  that has changed?

It is not like she somehow managed to find the yellow brick road to Oz and got a chance to visit the wizard.

Somebody please tell me why is Palin trying to make herself  look like some kind  of   powerful political broker  following the recent elections?

It is absolutely ridiculous.

But I guess if you can pull off…then…    Some people will fall for anything… and anybody.

There has only been 1 real Tea Party in this country and that was in 1777 when they stormed  upon British ships in Boston and began throwing over barges of  tea into the Boston Harbour yelling-

“No taxation without representation.”

Outside of  that this new-found tea party is merely just a group of  wacko extremist Republicans who will soon fall to their own demise.  If  for no other reason than  the fact that they simply think that they are just tooooooooo big for their own breeches.  I have heard them talk… and they all seem to be a bunch of  power hungry monguls.

Yes, I am back.  And it feels sooooooo good.

I have been holding all of  this in for some time now.  And it is just good to finally release some of  it.

I am happy that the Democrats didn’t totally decide to jump ship and to kick Nancy Pelosi to the curb.   I think that she has done a good job.  She has handled her duties well.   And she has done it as well as any man I have seen sit in that capacity.

Wounded maybe by some of  the losses that they suffered during this past election period perhaps.  But all in all the Democrats fared pretty well.   In a an election season where it was thought that they would have been totally overthrown they were not.

Just goes to show that all that media hype was just that… just a bunch of  hype.  And then the ballots came in… and they set the record straight.

Personally, I feel that the Republicans need to stop gunning for President Barack View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByObama.

Since Obama walked into the White and took a seat at that desk in the Oval Office… I for 1 having been sleeping a lot better.  There is no one on this planet who cannot say that there has not be a sense of  calm and more peace of  mind 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversince Obama became President of the United States.  Whereas ever second under George W. Bush there was some cause to fret… a red alert… a yellow alert… code red…   enemy bombers on this plane and that airplane.

What ever happened to all of that?

Guess it all packed up and went back to Texas when George Bush went home.

How quickly we forget the horror we had while under the oppressive and highly dangerous… and lying thumb of  George  Bush.

It has been cloudy here.  It rained a bit last night but not as much as they had forcasted.

I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving.  And 1 of  the things on my Thanksgiving list is a thankfullness to God for all that He has done… and continues to do for all of us.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family to em , co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010


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