Posts filed under: ‘Ckark Sisters‘


2013-07-21-Denzel and Pauletta Google Image-DenzelWashingtonPaulettaWashington30thSjeky6sufUxI was standing in the line at the check-out cash register when I happened to spot the magazine that read, “150 washingtons1Million Dollar Divorce.”  And with that notation on the cover of that magazine was a picture of Densel and his wife, Paulette,  of some near 30  years.

Needless, to say I was a bit shocked, because as far as I knew they adored one another.  And lets face it, based upon all that Densel has said about his family and wife… there is no way that anyone would believe that THAT marriage was not rock solid.

Well, is it or isn’t it?

The answer is… I don’t know.  But then is it really for me to know.denzel_and_pauletta_t750x550

denzel_washington5Perhaps I should not say this but once while taking some sessions with Spike at Long Island University, about the time that Spike was making Malcolm X.  In one of the sessions a young woman, who had worked closely with the production people.  A fairly attractive, I guess… white woman began talking about Densel in such a way that I could tell she had great disdain for him.  Celebrities attend the Ohio State at USC game at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum

densel300She claimed he had gotten fresh with her.  Maybe more than a bit flirtatious.  And she apparently did not like it.

Now, I’m not saying this is true.  But it came back to mind when I was reading the front cover of that magazine.

When I initially looked this story up over to internet to see if it were true, I could find nothing on it.  Nspl110552_0331ow, it seems that Densel is out and about saying ‘there will be no divorce.’  He is saying that there is no break-up inspite of what seems to not be 1 rumor …but rumors.

Densel Washington today is a top of his game a very high grossing actor… a super big action movie hero and heart throb.  His world today is a very far cry since his days on the small screen,  as a doctor at St. Elsewhere… or something or other like that, a hospital series that was on TV… some maybe 20 years ago.  At his leisure these days Densel commands upward and over $20 million per film. Kamera 2012 - Arrivals

Densel and Paulette started dating in 1977… 3 or 4 years later they married.  He was then a struggling and aspiring actor, and she was an denzela-and-famactor/dancer, some 5 years his senior.  They have been married 29 years… and are the parent of 4 or 5 children.

Since Densel is declaring that his marriage is not over… I guess unlike so many other couples… they both must feel that their marriage is worth fighting for.

Either that or all this talk about divorce really is… nothing but senseless rumors.

And I say bravo… to that.  Which ever 1 it is…sanaa-lathan-43rd-annual-naacp-awards-01

The alleged other woman is this… from what I gather, is actress Lanaa Lathan, of that hit movie ‘Love & Basketball.’

Didn’t she used to be  Omar Epps’ girl-friend years ago?

Lathan looks good now…and has always been pretty.  But Densel’s wife is beautiful.  And I know whatever he does… if this thing might be true…  Densel is going to be thinking about his kids… and the effects upon them and their mother.  And, of course, his pocketbook… otherwise that $150 million divorce article might come true.

At this stage of the game I believe Denzel to be mature enough to definitely not be going through that thing what Donald Trump and Ivana went through.  That thing which so many men say they go through.  That…that thing… which is actually an excuse for exchange in sexual partners and/or wives… called ‘mid-life crisis.’

Well, God bless… hope you are having a great week this week.  I am so happy that the BLD080493weather has broke.  I needed the relief from all that heat.

I am still nursing my foot.  Still trying my best to stay off of it as much as I resized...

Again let me say that I want to thank those of you very much  who have ventured out and purchased my book… which can be ordered on-line at any number of 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverwebsites… just google THE BISHOP’S WIFE by Bernadine Smith… and see for yourself.  And you can also read excerpts from my book on-line as well at Barnes&Nobles Nook, etc…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment July 26, 2013


Can’t believe this.  I had started a blog about something… can’t remember what… but evidently I failed to save it.  It is nowhere to be found among thes00120065-0000-0000-0000-000000000000_00000065-0763-0000-0000-000000000000_20121019160939_aae records of things that I have written.  Might be just as well…  I suppose…

Alas…   Nothing to do but to start another 1… and hopefully I will remember to save this 1.  Needless say that over time…these last few months I have gotten a little bit older.   So, though I had never done it before it is possible… that I just FORGOT.

Wow, don’t you hate that… when people start tying your forgetfulness to your age?

It can be annoying.  Like when you were young you never forgot anything.  I used to forget things all the time.  In fact, I had to make it a habit to go back into the house… to double-check if I had unplugged the iron almost all the time before leaving for work.  Or I would always turn back to look down at the lock… to make sure I had taken the key.   Now, don’t tell you have never done that one.

I recall 1 night while in kitchen cooking there was a knock on the door…   In fact, it happened to me at least twice but in 2 1000-awesome-things_keys-on-door_01different apartments that I had once lived in.  A neighbor knocked on my door to inform me that I had come in and forgotten my key.  Luckily, it happened at a time when you could still find people who were honest… and caring enough to knock and notify you.

l_2011-louis-vuittons-black-women-patent-leather-handbag-bd52 What else have I forgotten…

Well, once having to drop off some papers down at the Courthouse… I got all the way down there only to begin digging in my bag only to discover that I had forgotten the papers.

I have also gotten to the gas pump only to remember that I changed jackets leaving my card… and cash at home.

Now, what is my earliest remembrance of me forgetting something?

Well, I cannot remember.  But I do know this I have been forgetting things for a long time… and it didn’t just start when I celebrated my 60th birthday the other day.  So, if you must lay it something do not lay my lack of being able to retain things to mafrican_american_woman_snack_fruit_lady_appley age… simply say I have soooooo much on my mind.   Yes, I think I like that better.  Because truthfully that would be closer to the truth than anything else.

For all of my life I have been busy.  And busy people are subject to forget things from time to time.  Like how I lost my last blog… that I evidently forgot to save.  Or maybe I never partially wrote 1 in the first place.

Now, that would be something huh?

Like me thinking that I had done something which I had not.  Now, that I believe would be an age thing.  Because I can’t remember having ever done anything like that before.B

Could it be… I am getting old?

Oh, well…   I am informed that if you live long enough you too will grow old.  Then I want to see how much you remember.

If I fail to write anything between now and Christmas… let me say it now while I’m still thinking of  it : )…. Merry Christmas…

This case of the missing blog reminds of a dispute I had with 1 of my professors.  At the end of the semester the pro000032755fessor claimed I had not turned in an important essay assignment.  Come on now…  as you can tell I do nothing but write.  I love to write… and that paper was about writing on a subject giving my opinion.  Now, I really like writing things like that.  So, then why did that professor say she never got my paper?

It is a mystery to me.  As I had indeed given the woman my paper.  I never miss class assignments.  Well, not since I’ve gotten older.  You know how being young is… you are carefree.  So, when I was young years ago I was carefree in college… back in the ’70’s I did nothing but stay in the campus radio station.  Which might be why I never quite became that lawyer… but a professional radio announcer w_irma_bw_1972instead.

Well, everybody doesn’t get offers to go professional in their first year of college… but I did.  I never even thought about radio as a profession.  But I guess God did.  And it has carried me wide and far… and paid my bills for most of my adult life.

But going back to that professor.  Until this dispute over my missing grade… because you see she had give me the paper back with a grade of -A.  At that time I used to record the grades I got when my papers were handed back to me on my claessay-paperss syllabus.  I had recorded the grade… but I was later unable to locate the paper to prove it.

The professor, however, said that she had never in her life ever lost a student’s paper.  Which she really had not done… because she had returned the paper back to me.

However, if you have ever seen a teacher’s grading book you would understand how easy it is for an gradebk2instructor to mark your work but give your grade to someone else.  Because the names are all bunched up together.  And sitting over a bunch of exams all night and day you start seeing cross-eyed.  So, yes the woman probably gave my grade to some student whose name was near mine…either before it or after it.  But I never got the grade.  And I have never been able to find that paper.

But what was upsetting to me about the whole matter was the teacher’s attitude regarding it.  This class was 1 I had taken lead_soultrain-378x3547 years ago.  So, it was long after my carefree days.  At this point none of my classes were any real challenge to me imagementally or otherwise.  And I have never really been a dummie.

But the lady acted like she had never ever made an error in her life.  And that really got to me… because I knew she had.

Having been a teacher there is 1 thing I know… a teacher knows her students.  The teacher knows the slackers… and the 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverstudents who study.  The teacher knows the student that struggle with the subject matter… those who half do the work… and those who breeze their way through it.  A teacher knows the good students from the bad ones.  But for some reason this teacher seemed to have a problem differentiating between the 2.  She didn’t know me at all.

I never missed a class… always participated… and turned in all my work… and on time.  So, why didn’t that lady know me?

Because she didn’t want to is the only reason I surmise.  And maybe to some degree I intimidated her.African-American-woman-working-in-an-office-via-Shutterstock-615x345

Though I was not 1 of those returning older students who took up class time talking about myself… or about how different things were from when I first started college… or ever talked about any of my life experiences or work expertise… or any vacations my husband and I once took…    Because well.. for (1) I never had a husband and… (2) I have sat in classes where older students took up a lot of class time talking about nothing… and that nothing did not even come close to anything dealing with our text… or the class discussion if there was one.

My work and expertise in the various fields I have worked overwhelms most people.  And because I have done so much…  Media Logomost people wouldn’t believe it anyway.

Then too I have always been 1 who believes that I don’t have to whip out my resume… and in my case resumes…  in order to prove anything.  A smart person need only listen to how I speak and what I say… and they will gather it for themselves.

So, there was a dispute because due to that paper which that professor did something with my grade other than having given it to me… she marked me dogradebookwn a whole grade for my class final grade.  While having to fail to inform me that a paper was ever supposedly missing.  It was not until I approached her to asked why I had not received a higher grade than the C+ she gave me… that the woman commenced to tell me about a paper I had not passed in.

Now, as I write this it sounds very shady doesn’t it?

Because I remember being in her class and hearing her reading from her grade book the names of students who owed her papers… and she never once called my name.  But this woman had also said at the beginning of the term that she was not going to accept any papers late.

You know what?christmas_snoopy

I’m glad that I have them in Court right now… because now that I think about maybe it was I who did not know her.

God bless… and I had already said…  I definitely hope you have a very Merry Merry Merry Christmas.  And do remember to be safe.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2012

Add a comment December 13, 2012

HAS GOSPEL MUSIC GONE SECULAR…the Gospel… and Changes in People Preaching the Word

You might not believe this but I actually completed this blog the night before Martin L. King’s birthday weekend.  But I’m just now getting back to it now… nearly how many months later??  But I hope that you still find it to be a good read.


Recently, I got an interview request from someone who wanted to discuss with me some of my comments and opinions… or rather some singular statements that I  voiced here on my blog site. Statements regarding a shift in gospel music.  In particular they wanted to talk to me regarding my blog entitled… ‘KIM BURRELL…secular music wanna be.’

In that blog I stated my opinions on gospel artists attempting to move away from their musical base…or roots if you will… to chase after what appears to them to be ‘greener grounds’ on the other side.  They want larger crowds… bigger audiences… and when you get right down to it… it’s all about “moe money”… “moe fame”… “more of the roar of the crowd”… and “moe money.”

Wonder who told them getting it would be “all of dat…then some?”

Do I feel that Kim Burrell’s decision to try to follow a secular career in music is based upon money?

Yes, I do.

Kim saying that it is about souls…really contradicts Biblical text which says ‘come out from among them’ …not become like them so you can bring them in.

So, when I hear an gospel artist say that they have hipped up their music and performance to reach the masses or the younger generation… it really does not equate.  Least ways… not for me.

What it really amounts to is nothing more than not wanting to be labelled as an ‘gospel artist‘ any longer… which Kim Burrell has publically stated.

So, Kim has this burning desire  to not just do ‘gospel music’  any more ….or to be labelled as a ‘gospel music artist’ any longer…but something wider…and broader than that.  Might as well just come out and say… something more worldly.

You can tell something about Kim Burrell if you have ever watched that show, Sunday’s Best…which I never did.  But it was all over the internet …including a youtube upload of the segment that I am refering to… where Kim told someone to get rid of  “that gospel sound” … saying, “You’re sounding too churchie.”


Has Kim not heard of Aretha Franklin?

Sounding ‘churchie’ never hurt Aretha 1 little bit.

Po’ Kimberly.

Well, this kind of thinking may or may not have stemmed from Kim having grown up in her family’s church, singing gospel music most of her life.  Until… I guess… maybe  all of her life until now.

So, now  Kim Burrell wants a secular career.  She wants to cross over to do R&B … or SOUL music or Pop Music… or whatever they call it today.   And I say that because today all ‘our’ musical forms are under attack… though Pop is not  ours.  But our music is under attack.  Is under the threat of  seriously totally disappearing before our very eyes.  It is all being re-catagorized into something else.

Coming from the music industry from way back… I can make certain assessments and statements from a point of knowledge that most cannot.  Because of my history of being many years in the record industry …namely by way of  radio…I do therefore come with some degree of insider  knowledge based upon my observations over the years… and they are merely my observations.  I have been watching certain changes and themes going on in the music industry since I guess I started listening to music… because it has always been there.  And namely because we do not control it… other people do.

Who would have ever thought that there would come a day when black folk would not want to sound black?

We all have heard of Elvis and other white recording artists covering black folks music and trying their best to sound like us.  There were those that emulated our keyboard playing… guitar playing… singing …and even dancing.  But now there has been a shift… now we’re the ones trying to do the emulating.   This is sad.  We are now doing what they used to do… and it is especially so in the gospel industry.  And particularly among some of the upper tier gospel artists who want to get air time on Christian radio stations.

It used to be that black gospel singers just wanted a contract… get some radio exposure… do concerts …and praise the Lord, while showing forth their praises to Him for the marvelous gifts He had endowed them with.  But not today.  The atmosphere has changed… and it is not about God.   Well, for many it is not… but all about money.

Guess gospel radio stations are about to bite the dust as far as some of today’s gospel artists are concerned… and they are disappearing.   Our artist could care less about those small little black owned radio stations that they used to leap at for a chance to get an interview on so they could talk up their latest projects.

In regards to my thoughts on what some so-called gospel artists are currently calling urban gospel music… I really think that it is a shamme.   It is truly a shame and disgrace how readily we are so quick to forsake those things which are so uniquely us.   And we do it all for nothing more than the sank of  a few almighty dollars…that only last for a little while.

And they do it without any consideration to our history and our future legacies.

We just throw it all to the wind…and then other people come in… and they begin to lay claim to it… calling it theirs.

Have you not seen that?

There was once a time when there had been more than just a hand full of black owned businesses in America… and they were large booming corporations.  But during the latter 70’s into the mid-80’s there was a big sale off of most of those black owned companies… and mostly they were sold off to companies controlled by non-African Americans.  Thoes African American companies were companies that produced products directly for us and by us… and had been birthed primarily because other corporations did not care about us… or what our specific needs were.

There was a time when all the make-up and hair products in the stores were basically geared towards white women and men.  But the difference you see in stores today is not there because of anyone outside of ourselves.  We began to produce black hair products and make-up etc. for us… to fit our needs… or skin tones… and hair textures etc.

But those African American companies…for the most part were really the beginning of the big sell off.  The big money makers like the black hair care and make-up companies followed by publications and radio stations etc. were the first things bought out by white corporations.  Today you see that almost all our so-called black radio stations are owned by 1 corporation, Clear Channel.  Clear Channel owns almost everything media…black, white, hispanic and etc.

The first cab company here in our town was even started by a black woman… and even that  too was sold off.

So, what am I saying?

I am saying that we are good historically at creating then selling off and out everything that we own… and have created… selling out our goods, talents, gifts etc… to other groups of people who almost always end up capitalizing far more off them… than we ever did.   And we usually have done so to our own detriment…as a group of people… and to the lack of consideration for our future generations, who have no knowledge of what was… and no vision for what can be for them.

We have lost so much in  all of those sell-off transactions.  And one of the greatest things we have sold off  is our ability to control and determine our own destines…through any sustainable period of time.

This same trend for years has been spreading across the board into everything  we have either created or  have produced… not just our hair care products and cosmetics, but also in our art and various other art forms such as dance etc.  This is not good… and has been a huge determent to our children’s future and their entrepreneurial spirit.  Which many of them have none at all.

It is definitely not good for  us to forsake our cultural gifts… our diversity and own creativity… and particularly to forsake those things which are uniquely us… such as our music and our other cultural forms of art.

If we don’t preserve them …who will?

If we don’t treasure them …who will?

Today’s artists are greedy.  They want more money… and they are just not satisfied with more money… they want LOTS of it.  Which, of course, has to mean more sales… wider variety of awards… and all of this translates into creating a wider market.

So, today’s gospel artists do not mind forsaking their old fan base who loved and supported them during their meager beginning… who bought their music before the big switch to sounding like somebody else… somebody non-black… somebody undefined…somebody non-negro …because it is a race thang… or un-black. And many gospel promoters can’t even touch them… because they are priced outside of our reach.

It all has to be a new form of self-hate.  And I thought we had gotten way past that.

Our children walk around believing we have nothing… have done nothing… and that they will be nothing… because we have forsaken so much.  We have just thrown it all away… all  to the wind.  Even our own self-respect.

There are just some things too valuable to place a price on… things that are truly worth holding on to no matter what.  If we do not… we all loose.  There are so few black businesses today. 

A few gospel labels are still trying to hold on… like Malaco, Tyscot, JDI, and some smaller record labels and those yet under-ground… companies that we all should be trying to support because they still maintain their integrity by staying close to our gospel core… providing good gospel music while other companies… the larger gospel labels out weigh them with the stellar gospel stars and much much much larger budgets.

The thing that hurts the most … and I can say even worst… is that our children will loose… and loose big for every generations to come.  Clearly, they are already suffering when you look and hear what they are pumping out.  It neither sounds like us… or looks like us.  They have gone ga-ga..

During the course of my career there has come my way many times that I got up and walked off  away from the table… because I was made offers.   But money has never wowed me like that.  Me… myself… and I…  WE ARE NOT FOR SALE… and have never been.

So, even as a sinner… way back then… I got up and turned my back on a lot of things that could have gotten me lots of money… but I chose to say, ‘no’… as I have never elected to do anything that would disgrace me or my family… or my people… or my core beliefs.

So, I have never been a sell-out.

Nor have I ever sold myself out.  And as good as God has been to me… I definitely have no intentions of ever considering ‘going for the money’ now.

No, way… I love Him too much.  And all our gifts are for his glory.

Money is not worth selling off that part of you that you will never be able to buy back.

How do you sell off your soul?

I have always been called an artists.  Most of the time I made a lot of decisions based upon my art… and not necessarily in consideration of my pocketbook.  So, I have been in the dark many a times.

Yes, I have had the electricity shut off…more than a few times…. cars repossessed… and bill collectors up the yah-zoo.  But I never did anything that went against me…   Well, almost once.  But it didn’t work out… thank goodness for God.  He stepped in.

I do believe some gospel artists are choosing to go against whatever moral standings they may have had… if some of them had any at all.  Or maybe it is just that they are not really saved or sanctified in the first place.  I have heard comments concerning people we have long held in high regard as truly being people of God… who behind the scene cuss… fuss, use drugs, drink …and show off a side to be anything but holy.

But truly here are some things that we have to take seriously…  and very seriously indeed.  Putting God up for sale.. or whether we should… or  would want to is one of them.  And trying to sell it off as a means of winning souls to Christ is another.

Confess and tell the truth.

Today the music industry is going through another re-defining, repositioning, and a transitional period.   It is something that the industry goes through periodically.  It ususally comes about when they realize that there is more money to be made if we…do this.  So, by dangling sparkling trinkets before the eyes of certain artist who may be hot… or have the talent to be very hot.  So, these companies feed them a song and dance about how they can make more money if they would…  Sell out… because that is what it comes down to. 

It happened with Michael Jackson when he was stolen away from Motown and his family group, the Jackson 5.  You remember when Michael emerged as the King of Pop… that was the new thing then… a new musical catagory called Pop Music.

This re-catagorization or creation of new music sub-divisions are for the purpose of openning artists up to larger audiences …by making them more acceptable to ‘other people’ in order to rake in more capital.  And it has  meant the lost of  such music catagories as… R&B… and Soul Music… which were converted into catagories called ‘urban‘ and this new junk call ‘neo-soul’ today.  And most of the black radio stations became urban radio stations.

When gospel artist decide that they are going to ‘go for the money’ then they should say that… if that is what they are going for.

They really should just say, “I’m going for the money.”

But no… they want to make statements like-

“God told me I needed to go out there to the unsaved.  And in order to do that I have do what will appeal to them.  That means creating music that speaks to them and will intrigue-  Ooops…excuse me. I mean to say help bring  them in.”

Such statements speak in direct contradiction to Biblical text… and can never justify anyone going out there trying to cross-over their music in order to reach ‘a wider’ audience outside of the gospel world.   And when you think about it… was not gospel music created for the saved… not the un-saved?

They already have their music.

In the mid-80’s came this thing called “POP MUSIC.”  It was the beginning of a marketing plan to make black artist… or African American talent more acceptable to white audiences.  And it was all about making more money for those artist who wanted to do this thing called ‘cross-over.’ And was the beginning of ridding the music world of anything sounding …or looking like us.

In many cases of  the artist’s who wanted to go Pop their whole sound changed… just as we are hearing today in the gospel music industry.  The artist moved away from making music or writing songs that brought them to the attention of those who began chasing them, offering more money and bigger contracts.

Those people came up with a plan to do away with certain groups  of music… music you hardly hear any more because they set about graying the lines between the music to make it more acceptable to all…  Well, almost all.

One of the first types of music that was aimed to hit the bricks was jazz.  This began just about the time that many of the real jazz masters started departing this earth… jazz greats such as Miles, Coltrane, Armstrong, Thelonious Monk etc…etc…etc…   And if it had not been for die hard jazz lovers who strongly resisted the lost of this musical genre by (1) rebuilding a core of new real jazz music lovers, (2) the emergence of  jazz radio station programming it … usually on mostly public radio and/or educational stations where subscribers  supported this type of programming, and (3) the creation of smooth jazz radio stations programming a softer more acceptable jazz, 24 hours a day everyday of the week.  Though smooth jazz is considerably different from the type of  jazz that had been created by the masters  like Miles Davis… it did, however, find its nitch.

Now, while half watching… get this… the Soul Train Music Awards show… I noticed a drastic change  has happened to Soul Music.  While watching it all I could think was… if Don Cornelius was alive (and he was at the time…I just didn’t know it until he committed suicide).    During that show I heard terms  like ‘urban soul’… and that mess they called ‘neo-soul.’   All mostly foreign to me… as of course do not listen to such mess.

I equate ‘neo-soul’  to the new direction we see gospel music headed in… and it is very sad.

While putting together a gospel music video program… I included a music video by the gospel duo of sisters called MaryMary.  What stuck out to me as I was typing in the data for their video… I noticed that it was classified as being ‘urban.’ 

I realized then that MaryMary did not desire to be pigeoned hold as simply being  ‘gospel’ artists… but something more acceptable to a wider audience… which would also mean wider radio and television programming… and/or exposure for their music


I guess if that is what you want to do.  But the argument on the side of  MaryMary can still be made that they have never really totally sold out… they are not afraid to speak ‘Jesus’ or ‘God’ in their music… nor does it appear that they are willing to expose much of their bodies ‘for profit.’  And the focus of  their music still seems to be not as far out there as I see where some others have gone lately.

In order to reach the acclaim and match the money that MaryMary has managed to reap… it appears that others have decided to follow MaryMary’s lead… but they have decided to go that additional mile.   They have decided to reach further out into the deep waters… by what seems to me to be a casting off  of any semblance of  anything that remotely sounds like ‘gospel’ music… and/or looks ‘holy.’   They  desire to be more like what is being called ‘Christian’ music artists.  Which is very much more like rock music… and will drive you crazy if you sat listening to it all day.

In almost all of the music on the so-called Christian radio stations… you have to  listen real hard to even be able to deciper that itit is a Christian song… because Christian radio stations do not play gospel song.

So, in order to be heard over Christian radio stations…which are growing while our smaller less popular gospel radio stations are fading, barely able to stay afloat… since many black people are now tuning in to Christian radio stations too., which give them greater Arbitron numbers which means more advertising dollars going to them.  So, many of our artists have lost that black sound… or the ethnic sound in order to blend in.

Oh, I know that rock music has it roots in our music… going all the way back to such people  like Little Richard and Jimmy Hendrix.  But that is not what I am talking about.

What I am talking about is this…

Christian radio station is a misnomer… because it sounds like for the most just like another rock station.  It is just positioning itself as something else… and that something else is working.

I do not care what they call it… those radio stations  pump rock music… and they are rock & roll radio stations at their core, and they are hurting our radio stations.  It really doesn’t matter what type of lyrics their songs may or may not have… the basic overall sound of it is still the same as that of rock and roll.

When urban radio stations began playing music like Donnie McClurkin’s ‘We Fall Down’  …or going all the way back to Walter Hawkins,’ Oh, Happy Day’…it did not make those stations become gospel radio stations.  Nor did playing Donnie’s song or the Clark Sister’s ‘You Bring the Sunshine’ dictate an overall change in their basic programming format.  Their focus was and still is… is on playing supposed urban music… or today  mostly that neo-soul mess.

Therein, this leads me to further  make my case,  urban radio stations used to be soul radio stations… or R&B radio stations… but in the mid-90’s there came about a change.  A re-classification change… many R&B artists wanted to follow the king of Pop…Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Lionel Richie and others come from under the rock called  ‘black music artist’ tag.  They wanted to lean toward another word just beginning to circulate… first ‘urban’…and then it became ‘pop.’

All of it was aimed at reaching beyond the boundaries of  our own neighborhoods… from the urban areas to a much wider and broader audiences.  Also it was to bring about something which was being whispered at that time… the doing away of the R&B/Soul music categories.  And none of  this was being done by us.

No,  but it was by those who whispered into the ears of the so-called up and coming artists and rappers of  today.

It was done by the people who own the labels… the chart books… and who had influence to get things heard and played over the radio.  And those people are a lot like the penthouse drug kingpins…and might be some.

You know those guys… the drug lords who never touch the street but reap the bigger benefits… because the drug market is really theirs… and to a large degree it intertwines with the music business.  Though this is never spoken of.

Yeah, it is like that.  The drug business and the music business are constructed very much the same.  Little wonder why drugs are so easily and readily obtainable in the music industry…  the sports industry… and wherever else where there are lots of dollars to be made.  Anything that makes money is usually owned and operated by the same people when you get right down to it.

When a new radio station signed on in New York City I was looking forward to it.  I had read that it was going to be a Christian radio station… in a place that was pumbing everything else but any daily gospel music.  But from the moment it began airing I realized that there was something wrong.  It sounded more like Z-100 ‘the Zoo’… a  local New York City rock music radio station.

The whole thing is really a gimmick to entice hardcore rock listeners to tune into something else which is being passed off as Christian music …but is still very much  and sounds just like the music that they love and crave for so very dearly… rock.   They have not been transformed.

Thus, were the Christian radio stations birthed.    They became a quick sell buying into every market and opening the doors for many of their artists… caucasian singers and musicans to become more widely known and accepted in the Christian/Gospel music market… and more importantly the  award shows.

In a very large metro areas such as New York City… which up until the Christian radio station began air… it had no 24 hour …or daytime radio station programming any gospel or Christian music at all at that time… it was seen by many Christian people as a welcomed  and long overdue arrival.

But this welcomed arrival… soon became a big game changer too.  And they were on the FM dial… which everybody knows sounds a lot better than a low signal AM station any time.

Thus was a desire kindled by some gospel artists to create material which could become acceptable to this new outlet called ‘Christian Radio.’   A large part of  this transformation called for those artists wishing to cross over… to first  lose their ‘black’… or ‘gospel-ee’ sound.   And that is exactlyy what they have done… much like Beyoncé sounding less ‘black’… like almost that whole ‘neo-soul’ movement in what used to be known as the Black Music Division yesterday… to the Urban Music Division a few years ago… and now Neo-Soul.  And there is nothing soul in it… or about it …outside of  the color of the skin of  those who call themselves performing it.

This change you can especially  be heard in  Tye Tribbitts latest cd… also in much of the Kirk Franklin’s material… as well as in many others who want to jump onto that band wagon.   You can say that they have sold out …and it is not for Christ’s sake.   But for that all mighty thing called in the Biblical text  ‘filthy luka.’

Kim Burrell in her latest cd release has attempted to do the same thing… as well as,  Kierra Shear… and Trinity 5:7… and the list goes on… and on.

When I saw Kim baring her shoulder and trying to appear as a sex vixen in a music video produced from a song on her latest cd… it seemed sad to me.  I thought… she has eyes but can not see.   The video was anything but sexy… nor was it appealing.

Then I saw where someone had posted over the internet  a note about the Trinity 5:7’s latest  video… saying that she  was shocked at their display… asking if it was just her…. or whether or not the video appeared to be leaning towards anything gospel… religious… or  Christian at all???

So, I checked out the video.  And my answer was…‘NAY.’ ‘NAY.’ ‘NAY.’

One could say that many of  todays new brand of  gospel music producers and performers are pimping that gift that God has so freely endowed them with … which is supposed to be for His glory… by subverting it for their own benefit… and worldly profit.

Yeah, the kids like it… I guess…must be… for the most part.  And don’t get me wrong… not all of it is totally bad.  There are a lot of songs that I like by Kirk… and at least 1 by Tye.

I know my son loves Kierra’s latest cd.  But when I first heard it I didn’t have a clue as to who it was singing.  It was not until sometime later that he told me it was Kierra, Karen Clark Shears daughter.

Kierra’s cd does get there but after a while… but still you can see the direction that Kierra chose to take in an effort to land on Christian radio stations… as opposed to catering to the gospel music brand of  those she follows so closely in the footsteps of… namely her mother, Karen… and her aunts… the other Clark Sisters.  And of course her grandmother… Dr. Mattie Moss Clark.

Thank goodness most of the gospel artists and especially the gospel quartets have remained true and strong their art form.  Chosing to preserve the traditions of an art form that still moves many of us to tears with moving lyrics… or foot stomping songs… and hand clapping music that still  brings many of  us to our feet.  Music created in the muke and miry clay of  the fields during slavery times… and on up through the years of  our history here in America.

Maybe, I should have waited to write this during Black History Month… or Gospel Music Month.  Is there such a thing as… Gospel Music Month?

Is there a Gospel Music Month?

If  not then there should be.  Because our music is the only real American music… as Soul Food is the only real American cuisine.  Because it is the only food in which its roots were started here in America.  Almost every other food we eat came from some other  country… rooted in other cultures and brought here as the immigrants began to flow into this country.  But our circumstances being different… forced us to create ‘a new’ everything we eat… said… and did.

Earlier this evening while working on this blog… I had my computer on the Word Network listening to this preacher named Dr. Chris Hill, a pastor of a T.D. Jakes church in Dever, Colorado.  I had heard him before and have occasionally watched his broadcast… but to tell you the truth I can only take a little bit of the guy.  But tonight as I typed I would occasionally glance over to his broadcast …and it dawned on me as to what it was I found so irritating about him.

For the first thing… it came across my mind that each time I have happened to catch a piece of his broadcast… that the man appeared to be on drugs.

And for the  2nd  thing that I noticed was… the guy likes to holler.  I have nothing against hollering …preachers holler.  So, growing up in the Church… and particular the black Church… I have learned to accept hollering by preachers as being part of their technique.

In the Pentecostal Church whenever the Pastor or whomever is preaching  when they  got excited they automatically began to holler… or  in other words speak very fervently.   But this guy… Dr. Chris Hill hollers at numerous places throughout his sermon at varying times… and most of the time as it appears to me… he does it for no other reason outside of  him just wanting to do so… or to grab a laugh.

As I occasionally would glance back and forth at him tonight… he reminded me of a stand-up comedian.   Appearing comedic appears to be very much Dr. Hill’s forte… or so he believes.

But tonight I felt I have really put my hand on it finally.   That is to say… put my hand on exactly what it was that I had been trying to put my hands on about him.  And this is it…he appears more like ‘Stepin Fetchit.’

Now, I am really not trying to crack on Dr. Hill.  No, I am not.  Truly, I am not trying to do that.  But he gives me the impression of someone who is more playing with his audience… which is made up of a large number of  white church goers.  Rather than just delivering a sermon to them. He likes to play with the sermon and them a lot.  And he seems to love to do what he thinks will prompt them to laugh.

I don’t know… perhaps I am just toooooo old school… or maybe I’m just being ‘too’ black… first the gospel music… and now this????

Will the church become full of preachers who want to do stand-up comedy rather than preach the word?

I don’t mind humor.  I know that humor is good.  But the entire sermon turned into a joke…  I don’t know????

Or maybe it is that this is the Chris Hill way of preaching.  Is the way of a new group of preachers coming up today… to slay them with laughter?

We’ll see.

But there does seem to me to be such an urgency today that wasn’t there yesterday.  And that is we are getting closer and closer to the end times… far closer than we were yesterday.  And though I definitely know and agree that laugher is good… but preaching salvation and deliverance is of a greater need.  And I’m not saying that humor cannot be mixed with it… if you can do it without shading the overall message too much.

So, do not get me wrong.  Yes, I believe in laugher.  In fact, I hired some comedians recently and brought a night of comedy here… but for everything there is a time and a season.  Standing up and humoring a bunch of  folk straight through what should be your sermon does not seem to me to be ministering to the whole man… when you are working the crowd like a stand-up comedian rather than a man of God operating in his formal capacity.

It was Jesus who said… “Feed my sheep.”

As of New Year’s Eve Pastor Paula White became the new senior Pastor over New Destiny Christian Church… following the sudden death of their founder and leader Pastor Zackery Tims.

In reading the story… namely the ill feelings between the Broads of Regents over the Church and Riva Tims… the ex-Mrs. Zackery Tims, who filed papers against the Church claiming that she should have been named the senior Pastor since she and her then husband, Pastor Tims, were the founders of New Destiny.

I found it interesting that Paula like Sheryl Brandy just decided to up and leave her church behind.  Well, Paula not quite…as it seems that Paula is still in control over her own church still,  the church Without Walls International, in Tampa, FL … which Paula founded along with her then husband, Randy White… whom we do not hear much of anything from or about rany more.

As you many may or may not have noticed …but over the course of the last few years Paula has shifted in terms of her theology… it has swung to prosperity.  This is extremely evident in her daily television show segments which she broadcasts over the Word Network… and other channels as well.   One thing in particular that stands out is Paula’s show’s guest list … featuring a bunch of false prophets and supposed evangelist… and I guess even some so-called Pastors all soliciting sowers on the behalf of Paula  White.

It will be interesting to see or read about New Destiny since the passing of Pastor Zackery Tims, who had built up such a vast media following.  I can only imagine how greatly vested he was in media equipment and facilities as he had a large television ministry.   His vast media possibilities have now availed themselves to Paula White since she has been chosen the new Pastor at New Destiny.

The question in all of this is whether of not Paula White can carry it …or what will she do with it?

Well, tomorrow is Dr. Martin L. King’s birthday.    Meaning we all have a day off… and an opportunity to reflect upon the history and legacy of  Dr. King.  With some states chosing it to initiate state issued Voter ID cards… a trend that can only be seen as a drive by Republicans to lessen minority votes…as well as,  to try and weaken worker’s rights, benefits and compensation, medical plans, and unions busting… also changes in Women Rights to abortion etc… as it is all tied in with the power to vote.

This holiday we have much to reflect upon.

Let us not allow the hands of time to be turned back.

It is interesting to think that forty years after the death of  Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. we have an African American man  in the White House, as President of the United States of  America.  And I love it.

But the other side of that coin is the number of  death threats per day that President Obama receives, more than 8 per day… it is the highest number ever in the history of American Presidents.  And the number of  insults hurled at him publicly by Republican members of both the Senate a2ab-the-bishop-wifecovernd Congress… inclusive of being called ‘liar’ loudly during a State of the Nation broadcast… can be surmised as nothing more than pure out and out racism.

Miss Daisy said it best… an elderly woman of over 100 years of age… who said to me 1 day angrily-

“Do you see what they are doing to Obama?”

And man… was Miss Daisy mad when she said it.View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

Unlike the kids… she saw… lived …and remembered what it had been like years before laws were created to force the change in things… as to how we live… our basic everyday rights… and privileges that were never extended to us before.  But Dr. King marched…went to jail and fought that we might be able stand like everybody else in this country… with our back up straight and tall.   So, we could stand on the law… and in our case ‘the laws’… there were many and they were long in coming.

Enjoy Dr. King’s day.

Got a little snow the other night… didn’t amount to much and I am glad about that after all the snow we got last year.

But it has been very very very cold these last few days… then 1 day would get mild… and by night fall which to come very early this year… it turns soooo cold all over again.  But then it is winter… and I would rather the cold over the snow… or cold and snow.

Well, God bless… and enjoy your week.  Just noticing… this is my first blog for this year….2012.  Time is truly flying by.

Well, it would have been… had I finished it before now.  LOL….

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2012

Add a comment July 31, 2012

I DECLARE…It’s my day…

Today was 1 of those rare days.  You know the kind of day you rarely ever get.  A day you wake up knowing that if you don’t get up at all it will be alright.

Didn’t have to rush to go catch nothing.  No buses… no cabs… no car pool… no ride to the store… no NOTHING

No need to ask my son for the keys to the car.

No need to beg-

“Can I catch a ride with you?”

“About how long for the cab?”

“Will you come by and get me?”

Yes, I woke up not having to go anywhere… or having to do anything.

I could lay there and there… and lay there enjoying the warmth of my bed.

I didn’t have worry about nothing.  Didn’t have to rush off to finish this… or finish that.

Today was… and is all mine.  ALL  MINE… all by myself.

Nobody to say-

“Auntie this…”

Or, “Auntie that…”

Didn’t have to answer any questions.

Didn’t have to worry aboout getting caught out in the rain.  Or go searching in my bag to pull out my sunglasses.

Didn’t have to search for my keys… lace up my shoes…. or make sure everything I needed was in my carrying case. 2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Didn’t have to ask nothing… say nothing… or particularly do nothing thing.  Just lay back and enjoy it.

A day all to myself.


Don’t you wish you had 1?

When was the last time you could say this?

They don’t come often.  And for that reason I am going to end this blog, and continue to enjoy my day… with me… myself… and I.

Well, God bless… I’ve got a few more hours to this day… and I mean to continue to enjoy them.

And whatever your day is like I hope that you are enjoying it too.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

Add a comment October 24, 2011

Blessings Abound… Politics & Republicans…

It really should be no surprise to me to be on the bus or out anywhere… to hear someone call my name.  But I guess I am still not quite used to it yet… though it has been going on for years and years.  It comes with the territory I guess… of being somewhat of what they call a star.  At least, some people think so.

They are always reminding me of my days on radio… things I used to say… music I used to play… events I put on etc…etc…

And it is always nice to meet up with them… though many of them I do not even know their names… but they know mine.  And know it well.

In fact, they strike up conversations with me as though we were old friends.  That’s nice…  To think that they consider me a friend… a voice that used to invade their homes… their offices… and automobiles.  I guess you could say we have a connection… and I appreciate their kindness to me.   That they should feel that.

Nearly 40 years now… and I am still a shinning light to them.  Truly, I have been blessed.

Yesterday, while riding the bus I overheard some people talking about the deficit reduction plan.  Talking about how various social programs were in for big cuts… cuts to social security…. medicare and Medicaid… college money etc.  Not up on the news… I sat listening to them while looking off in another direction.

One lady said that at anytime now we will  start to see major cuts in our income.  It made me start to think…   And…oh, yeah, the sky could come crashing down too.

Then she said… and I ain’t got nothing now.  I don’t even have $5 in the bank.

It made me think that just a few days ago, and for more than 20 days my own bank account was in the red by nearly $120.   Oh, woe is me…

I can’t imagine what $17 trillion dollars may look like… but I do know that Oprah doesn’t have enough to even try to cover that bill.  But it is the state that we are in.   And yes, I am going to throw a stone… a big fat rock if I can find 1 nearby.  Because it is very true… when George Bush stole his way into the White House successfully proclaiming himself ‘President’ …we had a surplus.   And that was under a Democratic President… a guy from a little ol’ State called Arkansas.

That guy’s name was Bill Clinton… but from the moment George W. Bush hit the White House all of that went bye-bye.  The guy was a one-way force stronger than any tornado… the way he whipped in there, and blew us up hard against the rocks… just as hard as he could.

So, here we are today… left in this mess.  One of the worst and  most massive messes to hit this country… and if history has its way, and the truth finally does  come to light… probably worst than the day that Wall Street went dark after the stock market crashed in the 1930’s.

And who was George W. Bush?

He was a Republican!

The Republicans are up to their old tricks again… and it may be cliché to say.  I know… you’ve heard time and time before.   But it is true.  They never fail to keep pulling out that same old smelly trick bag.   And always just about every election time… in order to make the Democrats look bad.

And it is not the Democrats really that they are after… not really… but Obama.  Oh, yeah… I forgot he is a Democrat too… not just ‘a black man.’

How do we stop Obama… is and has been the foremost thing on their minds… and on the tip of their tongues…of every almost 1 of those Republicans.  Because lets face it… as hard as it may seem.  There are some Republicans with a moral conscious and true sense of responsibility to their constituents… and to this country too.

But for the most part…most of those Republicans do not.  They sleep dreaming about this.  How they can keep the poor poorer… and the defenseless weaker.

They lay at night… and so even in the day thinking…

Well, let’s make Obama look bad… in effective… and lets just not pass anything that will get Americans back to work …or aid Obama in better doing his job for America.  Lets just block everything we can… clog up the process… ‘hem and ha’ for as long as we can… go on vacation… and when we get back… vote against everything that Obama puts on the table.

That’s the sentiment.  The vibe… and silent agreement among them.

Well, my friends so you have it in a nut shell.  Oh, my goodness!   Forget that I said that.   But this is the rational of the Republicans… people you may have …or may not have voted into office… but they are there.

Why would a group of people who profess that they love this country …and the people of this country…  be out to do such harm to this country?

It really doesn’t make much sense…

Well, not to us.

Because they like playing political games.  It is not about you or I.   It is about the game, baby.   And seeing who will win… who can make the most money… what friends and compadres… and co-hearts they can make rich today… so that they will able to turn around and bless me tomorrow, when they run for President or that Congressional seat next term.

This is their warped thinking.  That 1 hand washing another hand thang… in the back room thinking.

Someone over the internet asked-

“What does warped thing mean?”

Three answers were given:

  • deviant thought process
  • inappropriate modes of thought
  • …and worst of all…  acting upon those thought

Great numbers of people cast their votes for people who go under the title “REPUBLICAN.”   Within the past few months of  this year, in some State elections many people came to grieve the vote that they may have cast for some men whom they voted in as Governors of their States.  Men who were “REPUBLICANS” who set about to undermine and destroy their State… and attempted to cut their jobs and/or lay them off… and called it in the name of  ‘cutting their budgets.’  They targeted unions, state workers, teachers… and everything else they could set fire to in order to in truest essence … to breakup Democratic strongholds.

Democratic strongholds????

What is that?

That is groups or organizations that continually work to support those candidates which they believe they can trust, and who have their best interests at heart.  Which usually ends up being anybody but a Republican… and usually the  Democratic candidate.

If the Republicans worked as hard at winning back the trust and faith of Americans on the merit of ‘good works’ for the good of the people at large… not just for a chosen elite few… maybe then there would be more trust in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is not about building trust or faith… or any type of merit… with any kind of real sincerity or genuine heart.  They are full of deceit and corruption… lies… and malice for most of us.  If it were not so then they would not be playing politics with every issue that affects the well-being of the American public.

The FAA today has some 70,000 airport workers laid off from work, because of the political games that Republicans like to play.  They are not into job creation… because the creation of jobs would make Obama look good.  And heaven forbid that should ever happen.

Both sides talk a good game… but none can out-talk those double-talking tricky Republicans.  They are even so cool and cunning that they decided to create a 2nd Republican Party… and call it the Tea Party.  Now, I ask you… how cunning is that?  And what a bunch of extreme jerks they are.   But than anybody who would have gotten their start under the gumption of someone by the name of Palin can’t have ’em all anyway.

I am sicken by all kinds of acts and crimes against children.  Perhaps it stemsView Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy2ab-the-bishop-wifecover from myself having been abused as a small child.  But I have no tolerance for it… and desire that all such people be put where they truly belong …away from all mankind forever.

Though one might argue about what harm does it do if someone only wanted to look at pictures of small children.  But thoughts bloom into acts and actions… and once carried out these acts and actions can never be taken back… or erased from the minds… and sadly from the behavior of many children.  Child abuse on any level does hurt.

I love this picture… so until I get tired of it you will see it again and again.  I just love the rain.  And doesn’t this picture look sooooo refreshing.

Speaking of which… while on my return trip the bus driver started talking to me.  He told me about those places where people are in dire need of rain… as there has not been any for so time now.  If you live in 1 of  those… I hope this picture gives you some relief… and know that rain is on the way.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

Add a comment August 4, 2011

Weiner as dumb as they come… sexual intrigue over the internet…

How do you jeopardize everything by getting caught up in virtual sex?

Believe it or not so many people are caught up in sexual internet encounters.  They are intrigued with meeting up with sexual partners over the internet…and go rushing to get back on-line day after day… or night after night to continue their on-line internet intrigue of sexual encounters.  With many of them… ‘the people’  doing this…ending up rushing off to meet physically  with their virtual love interest.

You would not believe the numbers…

Yes, ‘the NUMBERS’ of people that become introduced via social networks over the computer is astounding.  And they become so wrapped up in technical instruments… be it their computer or their cell phone… their ipad… or laptop …as long as it keeps them plugged into whoever it is that is whetting their sexual appetites over those instruments.

What is the intrigue?

What is the enticement?

What makes so many men and women crazy enough to get so deeply involved in this kind of thing?

And you would be surprised about the number of  women and men who are in ‘the church’ who are as involved in this type of  behavior… if not more so than those outside of the church.,0,6807419.column

I first learned of  this when I happened to be downtown Brooklyn preparing to get ready for an edit session, when an older minister came swinging into the room.  He proclaimed that he was on his way out of  town but wanted to check on something over the computer.  The room was lined with computers… and he fell into a seat at 1 of them… and he began talking to me as he struck the keypad to the computer.

He told me how he was meeting up with women over the internet for sex, and that this was how he was now spending much of his time.

Without any shame or remorse he began opening up pictures over the internet to show me various black women he had carried on with… and was now carrying on with.  They were mostly women outside of  New York… a lot of them in the south.  But I was…

Well, I was shocked.

All I could think was…

“What kind of Preacher is this?”

I stood there looking down on the man… as he gleefully went about his task of communicating with these women over the internet.  I could not phantom myself wanting to do anything like that.

That man had it bad… but if I thought he was bad… 1 of my sisters overtook him.  And soon after…

Well, maybe a year or so later after finding out about her absorbtion in this mess… I came to find out that thousands of women had fallen into the very same trick bag.  And they too were rushing off to points unknown… like crazy to meet up with men that they had become enticed with over the internet.

Not to mention the hundreds of  women who up and marry strangers that they become entangled with over their computers.

This thing is an epidemic.  Truly…

I don’t understand it… but I know that it can all happen quickly.

I recall when I first started learning the computer… which believe it or not really wasn’t so long ago.  Oh… yes it was… now that I think about it.  It was about 10 years ago…   No, I think a little more.

My then lover had taken it upon herself  to teach me how to get started.  We had gone up over to the Black Voices’ site into a chat room.

Remember those?

Don’t hear too much about them today… since 1 on 1 conversations have proven to be far more better…I guess.  You also don’t have wonder about who is talking to who.  And besides  the technology has improved vastly.   It has become by far very much more advanced.

But back then it wasn’t all that shabby either  over a period of time… basically slower… much slower.

But getting back to what I was saying… as we were sitting there at the computer… me and my lover… I got my first ‘IM.’   I didn’t even know what the thing was… it was an ‘instant message’ she told me.  But it was really more like an ‘instant photo.’

Wow… this was great I thought.  But my lover didn’t like it… because the woman was attractive and told me all kinds of information about herself.  She lived in D.C. etc…etc…  But that thang came so quick… it was just like that.  And if my lover had not been sitting there I might have struck up a conversation with that woman.

But today the technology is even better… and quicker.  The systems are more compact and lighter as well.  You don’t need to sit at your dusty computer all night anymore.  All you need is your cell phone or ipad… or whatever you have and the possibilities are unlimited.

But would you really risk it all for some lewd encounter over the internet?

I was never really a chat room person.  But the 1 sister I referenced above… she stayed there.  Now, she is on to the next level…social networks.  First it was myspace…now facebook… and who knows what else.

She has met countless men during the course of these past …I don’t know …but I am sure more than 10 years of being involved in this type of behavior.  She is overcome by it… and sadly many many …many other women are too.

Personally, I think it is just a step up from prostitution.  You are just not getting paid for it.  Well, maybe they are if you consider dinner and a cheap hotel constellation for your services.

Needless to say… I have spent many hours considering the actions which she takes so lightly… and prayerfully so.  I find it hard to believe that anyone would trust such encounters… if for no other reason than just the health risk alone.

How do you so willingly trust people who many of them over the internet… use a bunch of alias’… and tell a bunch of lies.

And if they really had anything going on in their lives would not have to be meeting up with people over the internet.

And the worst thing about it is this…

  • How do you go running off to meet up with somebody you don’t even know?

And all that you do know is what they have told you… which for the most case is a bunch of  nothing.  Just some stuff to make you all hot and bothered… and eager to give them what they want.

Maybe, I am not the brightest or the smartest… but I am not going to involve myself with seeking out people over the internet to fall into bed with… or with the hope that they will become my husband or wife.

The old fashion way of meeting people… and getting to know people worked just fine for me when I was doing that kind of thing.  And I would never be fool enough to want to risk my life… or livelihood on a virtual reality relationship of any sort.

Evidently, Congressman Weiner was quite proud of his lower half.    So much so that he would take pictures of it and forward them out to women …and possibly young girls… over the internet.

It is all so boyish to me… childish.  I recall when growing up… and it seemed that young boys are so anxious to show you their stuff.  I really cannot remember how many times those of the male species had exposed themselves to me.  Or tried to grab my hand and try to force me to touch something that I did not want to touch… that was attached to them.

But certainly by the time they become adults… I would think that they would have all grown out of obsession with it.  But not so.

Once while standing down on the platform of the subway waiting on my train… I happened to glance across to the platform just across from me.  There staring at me was a man openly exposed with his penis in hand and ejaculating.

I have no idea of what all the intrigue with their lower part is… but somehow those men who have not outgrown playing with themselves in public places… or flashing themselves at women… truly they need to get a life.  And put their hands and heads on bigger and brighter things in this world.

And some women are just as bad… but they do it in other less obvious ways.

No doubt it is truly a spirit which overtakes people.  But the Bible says… ‘be ye not enticed.’

I find nothing enticing in it.  I have always shied away from people who seemed to be too sexually aggressive.  I found it to be a big turn off.  Today… though I do not dwell on sex… but I know that many do.

I am so happy that God released me from the trap that I was in.  I used to be driven by sexual desire.  It was all I could think of.

Some might say that I was a late bloomer since I had not dealt sexually until after I hit the ripe old age of 25.  But even then I was timid… highly selective… and quite discrete.

But sexual desire had me.  It held me captive.  But thank God… He set this captive free… and I now walk in liberty.

I cannot think of anything I would rather not do …than to once again fall prey to my old sexual ways.  To be caught up in sex.  It was all I would think about… and all I wanted to do.  I am soooooooo happy to be free.

But Weiner was as dumb as they get.

As much as I was driven by my desires… I never did anything that would make a fool out of me.

Perhaps, I was a bit prudish in my ways.  I had heard it said of  me… that I liked doing it… but I just didn’t like talking about it.  Nor was I willing to film any video tape footage of me indulging sexually… or take any photos of me naked.  I have to admit that… at the time I liked to hang out at a certain nude beach… but that was the extent of my public exposure.

Once a woman sent me a nude photo of  herself.  This was before computers… when I opened the envelope I was horrified.  I dropped that picture like it was something hot.  The woman was totally naked… and she had positioned herself with her legs wide open. I will stop there.

I could barely pick up that picture.  I didn’t even want to touch it to stuff it back into an envelope and forward it right back to her.  How dare anyone send me such filth.  I forgot what I wrote back to that woman… but it was not nice.

No rational person would involve themselves in such behavior.  The man had a wife who based upon the news is currently pregnant with their first child… and he was or ‘is’ a Congressman.  How could he have acted so foolishly …and so carelessly.

The Bible says… ‘what is done in the dark will come to light.’

Weiner after initially lying… saying that a hacker had done it… he now states that he mistakenly sent the photo of his lower part by error over Tweeter.  He stated that when he realized his mistake he quickly tried to remove the photo.  Needless to say… by that time it was a little too late.

In all of  his excitement… Weiner certainly ‘exposed’ himself.  It came to light…

Well, I really only got up to go to the bathroom.  Never intended to write this… but I had fallen asleep with my son’s laptop resting partly on my stomach and upper legs.

So, just as I crawled back into bed… I decided to check the news headlines.  And it read… ‘Weiner admits lewd tweets.’

After nearly 2 weeks of lying about it Anthony Weiner finally decided to breakdown and tell somewhat of the truth.  It is kind of like John Edwards over his mistress and baby outside of his marriage… or like Bill Clinton in the White House with Monica.  Or like that Senator in the men’s bathroom… something about his foot and the stall next to his.

We have been through it before… and it  always seems that if we give it a week or so the story will change.  The lie becomes a half truth… because you can’t really believe that a liar is really going to tell you the truth… not the whole or even the real truth.  They only admit to just enough… but never tell us really ‘the truth’ concerning the matter for which they have become embroiled.

We never quite get the whole sordid truth out of them.

But do we really need to… or expect to?

Just know for the next time… from the on-set when the story first breaks… always expect to hear the lie first.  And then later maybe… just maybe some part of a manufactured truth.

Do you recognize any of these faces?


Do you remember any of their initial stories?

And what was the final outcome?View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

Wait a minute… I think that there are a few pictures missing.

Is  morality a thing of the past?

I have got to get some sleep.  It is starting to rain now.  I hear it lightly hitting the windowpane.  Good night… rather morning…and enjoy  your weekend.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011


Add a comment June 11, 2011

Mind games…

After meeting up with the religious nut in the back of  my parent’s yard… I strongly believe that people today are looking for some ray of  hope… some divine saviour to remove all their woes and care away.

The man spoken about in the above news LINK… looks very much like the image we have all come to recognize as Jesus Christ.  He walks around barefooted and in a robe.  His hair is about the length of  the hair we have all seen in those pictures and statues of  the supposed Jesus.  And he leads people to believe that he is Jesus… but he never discloses his true name.

They call him “What’s his name.” 

They marvel at him and look upon with reverence… as if they truly believe that this man walking around trying to pretend in the most obvious ways that he is Jesus re-born or something.

Well, going back to our neighbor in the house behind us.   This man believes that he is Jesus too.  Truly.

And not only does he believe it… but he tries to force the thought down my throat.

There is but 1 God.  And clearly whether most people believe it or not only 1 Jesus Christ… who will eventually return.   But he is not here yet.

I am not foolish enough to believe that the guy behind our house is the second coming.  Who often tells me that God spoke to him and told me that he should come and rake or otherwise clean our yard.  All this… while asking me to kiss him.

What kind of  God would have me to do that?

Not the 1 that I know.

So, I do not entertain the man.  Because I recognize that something clearly is wrong with him.  And something is wrong with the guy in Hazelton, PA… who believes he can walk around in a robe, wear his hair down to his shoulder, while walking around barefooted , speaking in  a soft voice while all the while pretending in some less than subtle kind of way that he is Jesus Christ.

It is a con job.  And it comes at a time when many people are unsure about a lot of  things… such as whether or not their house will be foreclosed on… how they will get the money to  heat bill… or will their children be able to stay another semester in college… or whether or not they will be able to find another job.

In times of  hardship, distress and unrest we all look for something.  But it is not the time to reach out to people pretending to be something which they clearly are not.  And could never be.

Perpetrators come in all sizes, shapes and forms.  And 1 of the biggest type of  perpetrators… even since

Biblical times have been those who wanted to pretend like they were and are holy… while seeking to do evil.

In the Appalachian Mountains of  this country live some of  the countries most tested people.  People who have been used, abused and exploited for more than just capital gain. Made to drink and bathe in dirty contaminated water, while sucking in air full of cancerous and poisonous pollutants… in places that used to be so pristine, so pure and so clean.

Now, in walks this man… “What his name.”

On the political front I received a call from a friend of mine last night saying-

“What do you think about your President?”

I really didn’t at first know what she meant.  But as she went on she expressed her disapproval of  Obama caving in to the Republicans concerning the Bush tax cuts.

It seems she had been watching a lot of   TV lately… following closely those debates where everybody sits around debating every turn or statement and action that Barack Obama does.

I told her that it seemed to me that there were a lot news shows lately that seemed totally dedicated to critiquing any and everything Obama did or said… especially every policy and word he utters.  Yet, as dumb as George Bush was nobody sat around dissecting every little thing he did.  And clearly somebody should have.

If we voted Obama in…then we should be willing enough to allow him to do his job without all of  us standing over him with a whip.   Or by allowing others  to get  us to try and second guess him… on everything.

Who can work like that?

Who wants to work like that?

Oh, ye  of  little faith.   Politics is about making concessions.  It is all about give and take.   It is the first rule of  lawyering and anything else where there are 2 opposing sides.

Without subcoming to part of  what the Republicans wanted millions of  poor people and out of  work people would  suffered otherwise while Republicans having a majority vote would still be able to push through whatever they want to.

I believe Obama to be shrewd and a strategic man.  A man who makes no moves or plans without thoughtfully weighting them out fully and all their possible ramifications.  With all of  that being said…

“Let us all please let him do his job without all of  us falling prey to what news media  and so-called would-be experts would have us believe.”

As dumb as George W. Bush was… and as much of  a liar he proved himself  to be… he never suffered this much scrutiny and lack of  confidence as is being levied against Obama.  Or disrespect either.  Far be it that a black man should succeed or prove to be successful in the office of  the President of  this country.

I am very sick of  hearing… that Obama does not know what he is doing.View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy  It is very  very easy to sit in a seat over in a corner  or somewhere and say that.

Don’t fall for the lies… and fake analyses.  They are only meant to belittle and berate him.  And to make Obama appear ineffective and unknowing… and worst of  all  ill-informed.   He’s bigger than that.

I’m looking forward to great things from what history will prove to be a great man… and perhaps our greatest President.

It has  started snowing here.  And it has been soooooo cold.

Today I stayed mostly in bed.  But finally I started feeling guilty.  So, I got up and started stirring about.

I have got a ton of  boxes laying about.  I am trying to clear up the house a bit.  I figure if  I do a little a day I might just get it all done.  So, I am working on it.

Forgot to mention that last Saturday… are you ready for this?2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Last Saturday I got my first royalty check for my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.  Can’t believe it.  Wasn’t much… but it is just the idea that somebody read… or is reading my book.  I really hope to get some feedback on it if you are 1 of  them.  Thanks so much.

And I hope you had a great Thanksgiving.  Ours was great… filled with lots of  family, friends and food.

And I do note the passing of  Elizabeth Edwards who loss her battle against cancer just a couple of days ago.  There is 1 thing about strong women they never let anything take them down.   Not heartache or disappointment… or  even sickness.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

Add a comment December 11, 2010

Black History Month…fakes…and the church…

Now I know that it is Black History Month and that I have been kind of quiet for this month.  But I now no longer write a blog…and I guess this is true too for the earlier ones as well…unless I really have something to say.  So, I guess it was that I just had more to say on things earlier when I initially started blogging then I now do…which is why I wrote them more often then. 

But I am nonetheless highly opinoinated…I guess you might be able to tell that.  So, while I was kicking up my heels and waiting on something to come in the mail…while searching over the web I came across this video and…and… Well, it has stirred  me to write something.

Knowing that I am saved…as I am sure that you must know by now.  Least ways I hope you have gathered that.  I would like to think that my light is shinning in everything I have written over this site.  And of course…my being being saved is not a state that I have always been….but it has been so  for a few years now.

Most recently God spoke into my heart to not sit back and keep quiet on everything.  So, thus…I speak on some things when moviated by a strong opinion regarding that subject or thing which sparks me to do so.

Now, having said that I could not see this video clip without commenting on it.  I believe in truth…and hate any form of mis-information.  Some people really hold onto things that people tell them…and they take it for truth when it is very much not.  And very far from it.

You view this video and you tell me what you think.

There is a folley is loving  yourself  too much.  And believing that you know all the answers…and particularly when you think that the mis-information that you dish out is correct.

There is no way that partying in the form as is expressed in the above video is correct.  And to refer to when David danced…and compare it to a ‘male stripper’  is insane.

But the devil’s children know scripture…they are great deceivers who love to call upon the Word of the Lord to make their points. 

In downtown Brooklyn near Fulton Street and Flatbush Avenue …it is not uncommon to see and hear the 5 percenter’s…or the 10 percenters…or the 12 tribes of  Israel…or whatever they call themselves.  It is a group of  about 5 to 8 black guys dressed in olden day garments…as in the anicent times of  Moses…standing on soap boxes (milk crates) chanting about their god…and refering to the Bible as a means of discrediting Jesus and Biblical text. 

Whenever I heard  them saying stuff that was wrong…and though I didn’t know the Bible and certainly not any of  its Biblical texts…but I grew up in church.   So, I always felt that someone in those crowds…and there was always a crowd gathered around them as they spoke.  I just felt that someone should have challenged them…and countered them.  Somebody had to know scripture…so that they could have said something…but no one ever did.  So, day after day…those guys stood out there on the corner of  downtown Brooklyn dispelling lies…and falsehoods without any correction.

I now have learned a few things…not as much as most…but even so I refuse to let anything I see or hear and know that it is wrong go without me saying something.  I just cannot.

Hence, my response to the above video by this young woman named Ty Adams.  I have seen a few other videos of  her’s over the internet…and know that she considers herself to be a Christian lecturer, teacher, conference speaker…and I guess you could say possibly even some kind of  ‘life coach’ on relationships. 

To top it off she calls herself…’Dr Ty.’   There are a lot people in the church today who have given themselves this  title…doctor.  Guess it sounds good to their ears.  Juanita Bynum along with a few others…have done so as well.  But when you go to read their bio info there is no mention of an institution to go along with their title.  They just like the way it sounds…and to some degree it elevates them to a higher status…adds more credibility or something.

Yet, in the church  you will hear them say…‘it’s not all about titles.’   But it seems that everybody wants one.  Christina Glenn claims she earned her’s in some collage in India…I just had to look it up.  And if  push comes to shove…you can always buy one…there are plenty of  services that will sell you a doctorate title…which is more like ‘give you one’…if you get that hard pressed for  to have one.

But going back to sister Ty. 

How in the world can anyone be paying this woman to come to their converence looking…and dressing…and talking as she talks?

There is no such thing as a ‘saved club.’   And yes…clubs are something which the kids of  that other guy…not God’s kids…or followers of  Jesus created.  Club are dens of  iniquity.  The purpose for clubs is for sinners to gather like Christians go to church.  But instead of worshipping and praising God…sinners go in to clubs to sin.  They go looking for sexual partners…somebody to rub up against…somebody who can dance and make them look good.  It is a place where they can drink and carry on…and have all kinds of  loose and ungodly conversations while listening to ungodly music. 

I know all about clubs because I owned one…it was a lesbian club…but I owned it nevertheless.

Tell me what real church song can you get up and slow drag to?

And clubs have almost always been for single people…somebody looking for somebody.  Because most people who have somebody do not frequent clubs regularly.  And do not want to hear that their husbands or wives are…because everybody knows what goes on in clubs…and why people seek them out.

So, then why would this ‘new group’ of  so-called saints call it alright to party…and hangout at a club?

Because they have leaned to their own understanding.

 There are some things that some people are just not willing to give up.  They want to cuss and everything else…take a look at these videos below.

One of the worst things that could have happened for some of  these co-called preachers and teachers…is their decision to get into media…and put their ministry where the world can view them…so we can all see and hear them for ourselves…and come to know who is or who is not of  Christ.

One of the biggest jokes…and it is really not funny.   But it  is the River Church in Durham, NC…where Sheryl Brady’s husband…bishop whatever his name is…can be seen turning their church service  into a 3 ring circus from Sunday to Sunday…and I guess in whatever other services they may have. 

Who wouldn’t go to a church where the pastor pulls out a thick wad of  hundred dollar bills every Sunday…passing them out like water.  Sometimes 3 and 4 of  them at a time while telling people to pull out their money and bless one another with it…as he ocassionaly calls someone up and starts handing out a few notes  of his own.  But never the whole thing…just enough to entice his membership.

How many ink pens have you owned?

And how many of them have gotten away from you…got lost or somehow walked away from you?

Aren’t you glad it wasn’t a $5,000 pen?

What is happening to the church?

Preachers are not acting like preachers any more. 

What is happening to us?

Most recently I myself  had a run in with a preacher.  He is currently the pastor of our church.   I had noticed that he began to act a little bit too friendly towards me.  While trying my best to stay away from him…he became more aggressive….blatant in fact in his actions.

When I thought I had worked out the perfect plan…this guy…the pastor…and I refuse to call him ‘our’ pastor.  Well, this guy always seemed to be one step ahead of me.

When I told my son to give me the keys to the car so I could sneak out of  church just before service ended…wouldn’t you know it…here comes the guy down the center aisle of  the church.  It was just before he was to get up and preach…and he came down the center aisle stopping at me.  He bent down and rested his forehead against mine with his nose touching mine…as if we were alone and in bed together.

I was…I was totally shocked…dismayed…and angered by it.  How dare this guy embarrass me like that.  I was fuming…and I was so for weeks upon weeks.  I could not believe such a thing had happened…and right there in the midst of  the whole church while service was going on.

My son kept telling me that I was reading too much in it.

“Awh, ma…he does that with everybody.”


And if  he did…then he was out of order then too…and somebody should have told him so long ago.`

How can people sit in church and allow their pastors to do whatever it is that they want without anyone questioning him or challenging him or her on it?

I had  just started returning back to this church after being away…after living out of  town for years.  I had never really cared for this man because he had utterly destroyed our church…and everbody who hadn’t died had left it.  The church was down to just about 8 members now…and my family was the only remnant left in it.  And now I could understand why…clearly this preacher had over stepped his boundary…not just with me but with many others.

So following the forehead thing… I stopped going to church for a while…but God spoke into my heart and told me that I could not stop going to church…nor to allow satan to chase me out of  church.  So, I went back.

And this time the preacher…again before he was to preach…he came down out of  the pulpit and started walking down along the one side of  the church as if  he were walking to the rear of the church.  He stopped…and entered into my aisle where he soon took a seat right beside me and commenced to ask me for my phone number.  I almost exploded.  I got loud for a second then remembered that I was  still in church.  Then I took the piece of paper wrote it and turned away from the man…trying to ignor him as he said something else to me. 

He did try to call me at least once…but I never answered.  Finally, when I went to church again…just as he got up to begin preaching he stopped and began talking about how he had been trying to reach me.  This mind you from the pulpit.  I was livid.

Now, this was too much.  This guy was beside himself and he wasn’t even trying to hide it.  Funny, I am just now thinking of  it…but this guy was stalking me.  I could barely go into church without him doing something to embarrass me.

I went on and on for weeks about this guy…verbally voicing my anger about it.   I know my son must have grown tired of  hearing me complaining about this preacher and his poor behavior…but  I could not help it.  

First of  all…this man was and is  in his seventies…and though his wife was ill she was still very much alive.  But I would not have wanted him regardless…as this man had known me since I  was a kid.  And I felt this whole thing was not only an insult to me…but to the memory of  my parents.

Finally a few weeks ago I had an opportunity to confront this preacher…it was over something involving another issue…but sooner or later he was going to hear from me regarding the matter because it was eating at me.  At that time I did not fail at the end of  our discourse to tell  him just how I felt about  him putting  his  nasty forehead to mind and chasing behind me like he was some kind of  dog in heat.  Well, I didn’t quite say it that way…but I said it and got it off my chest any how.  And I have not had to worry about him since…and it still feels good.

Anybody seeing any or all of that would have assumed that he and I had a relationship going on…and nothing could have been further from the truth.  I do not know what could have  possibly possessed him…and given him the idea that he could do such a thing to me…but he was definitely coming on strong.  And the sheer thought of  it made me sick to my absolute  stomach.

Something has definitely happened to the church.  It is doing something that my father called…‘going backwards instead of going frontward.’   The holy ground that the church once had…that it possessed and stood on…it is rapidly lossing.  Too much of the changing times…excepting everything…and wanting to incorporate too many things of  the world is pulling at the very fabric of  the church.  We are going backward…and lossing too much solid ground in the process.

Where are teachers and preachers who taught this stuff  the way it used to be taught?

Since alot of  people having been hitting this site to read about Ruby Dee lately…I can only assume that it has a lot to do with Academy Awards.  I had read that she had gotten the nod for a nomination for a possible Oscar.  Now that would have been nice, but I did not find her name anywhere on the list of  Academy Nominees.

It cannot be argued that Ruby Dee is an actor’s actor.  She along with a long  list of  outstanding black men and women certainly can be labelled ‘fine craftsmen’ in their art form…having worked in both stage and screen quietly for many years. 

I often think of  Lena Horne…or a Hattie McDaniel when I think of really great women actors or performers. Paul Robeson…as well as Ruby Dee and others.  I would have loved to have casted some of  them in one of  my films. 

In case any of  you are a budding screenwriter…here is the link for the Nicholl’s Fellowship which deadline is April 1st.    And if you can’t get it together to submit something this year keep the link for next year…as it is an annual thing.  You can hit the link to find out all the details.

Well, hope that you have enjoyed Black History Month…and learned as much as you could about some these men and woman who have melted away into our  past…but should always be celebrated and their lives…work…and struggles always  remind us of  just how blessed we are…because of  them.

And since I am ending on this note…on films and actors.  I hated ‘Precious’ the movie.   I found a lot of  errors in that movie…technical stuff  that was just hard to overlook.  For 1…and I will just point out 1 thing only.  Did you notice that Precious and her mother lived in an apartment building?

Then how in the world did they end up with an upstairs and downstairs in their apartment?

It was not like they were living the penthouse of  some exclusive building.

And the music was all wrong…and a lot of  other stuff.  Okay…I said 1.  But I just had to try and sneak that in.

But I did like Gabby, the young actor who played Precious.  I however did not feel that the script was the very best.  And though Mo’que really…really…really played her part.  And she truly did…but I would hate to see an Oscar go to her. 

I just don’t think we should celebrate that kind of  mother.  And there are women who are just like that to their children…and they never ever should be celebrated on any level.

Speaking of  Mo’que while checking on something over the View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByinternet I happened to come across a note…that Mo’que herself  had been a victim of  incest…having been taken advantage of  by  her own brother.  That story is in a past issue of   Essence…October 2008 issue.

I had  to shovel snow 3 times this week.  One day twice…and it had me laid up for most of the week.  But since those 2 days it has mostly been rain…and thank goodness.   Because if  it had been snow…the way it has been raining…night 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverand day…they would have had to have flown somebody in here to dig us all out.  We would have been buried under it.

But I have been on top of  my Cream of  Wheat and taking my iron tablets.   And  the house amazingly hasn’t been too cold…praise the Lord.

But it  is all good.  

Hope you had a good week. 

I really  really love winter…it  is  so beautiful. 

Next year I will have me a 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2husband…somebody who can go out and shovel snow with me.  Somebody I can hit with a snowball or 2…and then go in and cuddle with. 

Now, that would be so nice.  And we could drink hot chocolate and talk about how the Republicans keep trying to hinder Obama by blocking everything that he is trying to do.

And then we’ll put in a movie..and call it a day.  But not before we pray.

God bless…

Thirthy inches of snow in New York City.  Oh, wow…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

1 comment February 26, 2010

Kim Burrell secular music star…wanna be

I have been thinking about Kim Burrell since my son made mention to me about her crossing-over into secular music.  From gospel artist to jazz diva…or R&B mama…I don’t know… But I find it hard to wrap my mind around it. 

Why would anyone want to give up on the Lord and go search out something else?

To me all I can think is that she sold her soul for a contract and a hope for a few  more dollars. 

When you sit down…when you think about it…her rep and CD sales were not shabby gospelwise.   So, then why the cross-over?

Why did Kim decide that she wanted to forsake gospel music for something more inclined to not be accepted by the gospel community…something like going ‘secular?’

Maybe she feels that if  Sam Cooke could do it…and do it… I guess by some reports…that  he did so successfully… then maybe she could… or can do it  too.   But  Sam died young.  I  think he ended up being  shot to death.

And that is why I would never turn my back on the Lord.  The Bible tells  us  that it is better to have never known Him…than to turn away from him.

If   Whitney Houston knows better…and I feel she does…how  then can Kim Burrell who professed to be saved…then how can she be so backward in her thinking?

And Whitney does know better.  Whitney has always added bits and pieces of  gospel to her repertoire.  And  just  the other day…I heard Patti singing a duo with the Queen of   Gospel  Music… Shirley Caesar…and they really were singing that song.  So much  so that I had to get up and write  down the name of the song so I could look for it and buy it.

Gospel music is definitely where the money is.   The only people who are making money in secular music right  now and for some time now  have been and are rappers.  So, then…what does Kim Burrell hope to obtain by crossing-over? 

Then the other thing most recently Kim was given a very big promotion in the ranks of  the International Church of  God in Christ.  She became the second in command over the cogic international music department…a dream job that many would literally die for.  And here  it is…she  is  going secular?

I know it must mean that she is forsaking this post that had most recently been bestowed upon her.   But if  this has been on her mind…then why did she take on the job in the first place?

I say for the prestiege that went  with it.  She had just gotten the position only a few months ago.  She had to have been thinking about getting her gastric operation…and sexing herself up…way before that.  After all, that operation is not just something you  just  jump up and decide to do overnight.

She can’t  possibly be planning on keeping the post…and be a secular artist…say another Beyonce…too?

Can she?

Though I do honestly believe that some people get involve with a very large organization…such as the Church of  God in Christ…just for the sake of  launching their careers.  Practically everybody in the music industry… singer-wise and musicans…have at some time been in a choir or played in the church band…and many of  them in cogic churches.  You often hear them being interviewed on some  show talking about  their cogic experiences under Dr. Mattie Moss Clark…the Clark Sister’s mother.  And many stars, Grammy and Stellar winners have come out of  the Church of  God in Church…such as… the Clark Sisters just to name one (who since being babies had been involved with the cogic music department).    That list also includes the God Father of  Gospel Music, the late and very great Rev.  Timothy Wright…not to mention Myrna Summers, Rance Allen, Vanessa Bell Armstrong and the list goes on and on…

Though I have to truthfully  say I  have wondered how Bishop Blake could have replaced more than 400 years of  collective experience in the international music department  between Iris Stevenson, Bettye Nelson and the Clark Sisters alone not to mention several others in the cogic international music department… with people who had never even worked in that department before…in its highest positions? 

I am a believer in that old saying…if  it is not broken don’t fix it.   Considering how the cogic international choir has lead the way and set the standards that many other choirs and group follow…  So, why would have Bishop Blake wanted to mess with that?

It just didn’t make sense.  Now, one of people whom he put over that department decides to go secular?

Though I must say that I have never been  big on Kim Burrell.  For one thing I just do not understand why people taunted her…like she was some big singing phenomenon.  Like she was an Aretha Franklin or somebody.  And like she had been around for  years…I just could not understand it.

Maybe it all has to do with the time that Kim came to our church to perform.  It was one of the worst and most un-professional shows or performances I had ever seen any known talent perform.  And it cost Kim Burrell, now 100 pounds slimmer, shows off her new look after making annoucement on her web site that she's planning to record a "mainstream" pop project.our church $5,000…with a demand for a limousine and a 5 star hotel to boot. 

And that $5,000 cost came with no band…but with Kim shouting during theKim Burrell 2010 BET Honors performance to the audio guy way in the back of  the church what tracks  to play as she performed one song after another.

Once somebody told me something.  They were talking about a young rapper…and she said-

“Where did he come from?  It seems to me that he just sprang up on the scene and look at how large he is.  I believe he must have sold his soul to the devil.”

I thought that statement was interesting coming from her…because in all the time we had sat together editing video tape footage I would have never have thought she thought about such things.  Nor did I believe her to be religious.   But it was true…the rapper she was talking about  did spring up overnight and did  seem to  become instantly successful.   That rapper which she was talking about   was  50¢.   And he kept on getting hotter…hotter…and hotter.

I would never want to walk away from following the Lord.  I can’t imagine anything that I would rather not do.   Besides I am fearful of  Him.  But even more I love Him.  I would love Him to be able to trust  me as much as He trusted  Job…and feel that I like Job would never let Him down.

No contract…or hope of supposed fame…or riches could make  me do what Kim Burrell has decided to do.

And though she said she did the gastric operation for health reasons…   Well, anybody could have told her she needed to shed weight.  I don’t  need anybody to tell me that…much less a doctor.   Everytime I look in the mirror…I get the message.  And this pass weekend  while we were away…the hotel that we stayed in had a mirror on the bathroom door.  Well, everytime I sat down on that toilet…I was startled back to reality as I sat looking at myself horrified at what was reflected back. 

What  a disaster.

I left that hotel vowing to take it off.  I mean shed it like crazy.  But I am not going lay down on some operating table to do it.  No…I am not.  I know how to set down the fork…and push away from the table.   And that is what I intend to do…and add a little workout to my daily routine. 

Baby, it’ll be a brand new me.   Eat your heart out Lil’ Kim…I mean Kim Burrell.

UPDATE: Wednesday, Februray 18, 2010

If  you took the time to read the enclosed letter  up top which was to the body of the Church of  God in Christ…though it is interesting that it was not sent out to the church at large via the cogic  bulk email launcher to all its membership.  However, I just received this it from Judith McAllister concerning Kim Burrell…(just CLICK on the letters to enlarge them).   It would seem that many within the church of  the Church of  God in Christ  have some concerns concerning Kim  Burrell and her current position as Vice President of  the International Music Department of the Church of  God in Christ.  Of  which in the reading of  the letter it seems that Kim is not willing to relentish her position in the music department…and that fat pay check… though she is currently seeking a wider career in the music industry.  Note I did not say the word ‘secular’…as it seems that Kim Burrell is trying to step away from that term now.  But as in Kim’s own words…it is what it is…if  you want to sing non-gospel music…then you must be becoming a ‘secular’ artist, Kim.  You can’t have it  2 ways…you either are…or aren’t.

Though Kim Burrell claims that this endeavor change in her career is due to a deep desire to reach and preach the gospel to those ‘out there’ who do not come in contact with gospel music…is a lot of  baloney.  The Bible tells us ‘to be ye separated’…and there is a reason for that.  You cannot reach anybody by becoming ‘one of them.’   Try doing that with a drug addict or a prostitute…or anything else… and see how much sharing of  God you can do with them then. 

The only real reason someone choses to make the choice that Kim Burrell has recently made…even in terms of  her dress…and to cross-over from gospel music to ‘secular’…has nothing to do with winning souls…but everything to do with that  thing called  the ‘all mighty dollar’…or a hope for more of  it.  And it would seem that both Bishop Blake and the current president of the International Music Department of the Church of  God in Christ, Judith McAllister…are willing to let her do it…and keep her post…and pay check too.

And then too…anybody who saw Kim Burrell sing at the last Holy Convocation in Memphis…then you could tell that she really didn’t  want to be there.  Go back and take a look at the footage…and you will definitely see what  I mean.

UPDATE: Monday, May 23, 2011… just thought I would share this with you.  It is something that I wrote on my facebook page after watching Kim’s latest video called  ‘Sweeter.’

Since 1 of my facebook friends happened to mention this video…I just thought that I would take a look. Thought it better not to comment on her post…because I thought she might not like it.  This video is a typical example of what happens when you decide to step away from the Lord…and do your own thang.  Too much of nothing…and no substance either. Beautiful location…visuals beautiful…but come on, Kim.  What is with all the attempts at sex appeal???

It looks like Kim  wants to be a sex kitten rather than a singer. And technically… if you spend all that money to go on…  location to some isolated island… then don’t go cheap and shoot video… shoot film the next time the end product will look a lot better.  And clearly the director knew nothing about correct lighting…because Kim is certainly shot all wrong…and with all the wrong make-up.

I ain’t hatin’ but just sayin’… I would like to see a woman of God be of God in all that she does. 

Now, on that note watch the video for yourself and you tell me what you think.

Now, this photo of  Bishop Weeks and his new little bride… I  do not understand.   They are drinking champagne… 


She grew up cogic…was pastoring…and we all know that Bishop Weeks had… and probably still does… have issues.   But they are toasting one another and drinking champagne.

Maybe they just got tired of  pretending to be holy.  Since people tend to follow them anyway.  Unbelievable.

I’m fighting off  a cold.  It’s something that happens whenever dust gets 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverinto my system.   Yes, I have allergies.   Most of  the time they don’t bother me…but then once in a while a spec of  dust  is  somehow  introduced into my system…and  the battle begins.

So, since getting from our little trip this weekend…I have had the sniffles.  Of  course  I have started downing the OJ…as in orange juice.  And drinking cranberry juice…and taking my iron tablets.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByBut it  is all good.  I will not complain.  I am blessed and this  too shall soon pass…and then maybe sometime this week I will really get some sleep. 

Hope you had a good day.  I have begun psych-ing myself  up.  I have so many things I want to do this year.  And it will be exciting.

4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2Lots of  editing…and shooting footage…and working on my websites…and launching a couple of  access programs…and  launching  my 2 other business enterprises.  I am so excited.  Not to mention my book,  THE BISHOP’S WIFE, will definitely soon be out.  And when it does…it  means I begin to hit the road to sell it.  

So, you see…yes I will be very busy as the year continues.   I hope this year has lots of  good things in store for you too.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

I really love winter…it  is  so beautiful.

  THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK my book cover for the LINK to purchase my book.    Thank you. 

13 comments February 5, 2010

New Year’s Eve 2009…

I just finshed singing ‘Happy Birthday to you’  to my son.   Who as I guess you can tell…that he is a New Year’s Eve baby…   Well, not quite a baby any more.

I am looking forward to 2010…not that 2009 wasn’t great,  but I just feel like so much more so this coming year.

It is hard to believe that we are 10 years into 2000.   Remember all the predictions  of  doom that were flying about  going into 2000?   I forgot what they called it now… (K2-Y or something like that)…since nobody ever mentions it any more.  But the whole computer system was supposed to crash and much of  everything else.  Everything was predicted to going  be thrown out of  whack too.   None  of which never happened…not one thing.  But many people believed those predictions of  gloom and doom up  until we stepped into 2000 and crossed over into it without a glitch.

I guess it was the fear of  the unexpected.  We had all after all lived our entire lives in nothing but 1900’s  only.  So, to be around and step into a new century was quite a big thing.  But we made it.  And during these past few years at the start of  this new time in history, we have witnessed many changes…suffered some losses…and gained some things, I guess too.

For 1, we got our first  non-white President  in this country that we all love so near dear…and I mean that sincerely.   Though we complain…there is still no country like America.    And perhaps will never be.

We are not faultness.   True  we have  had our  faults.   Our share of  mistakes…mis-steps…poor  judgments…and made some stupid decisions…as well as, many other countries.   But then no one is perfect.  And with each passing day we all hopefully endeavor, however,  to become so.   At least  it  is our hope.

There is still much up-roar around the world…and uncertainty.   Much evil and madness… wars… and disputes between various government states… cultures… and religious groups.  People suffering from displacement being run off  their  homelands…drug lords terrorizing and mudering innocent people…religious fanatics targeting anyone or anything unlike them…and then…just some plain lunatics.   And they are everywhere.

The days when nations sent out their best  and strongest gadiators to do battle for the sank of  settling disputes between arguing or warring villages or states…is long gone.  The UN had been set up so that men might talk out their disputes and differences…but that too has pretty much fallen by the wayside too.   Everybody wants to be a super State…or become a rogue nation.

For some reason man seems through time and development…industralization…and the creation of  more superior and deadly weapons,  has become more  and more violent,  and eager to engage in everything but peaceful negoiation. 

With 90 more years to go before we enter 3ooo…will we survive?  

Will there  be anyone left to tell the story…and to welcome in another New Year?

Then there is Mother Nature…global warming…eco-condamination and our overall lack to sincerely considering our place on this planet,  as though we can really jet off  to another planet…and leave Mother Earth behind once we have finished her completely off.

I don’t know…I  didn’t  really intend to say any of  this.   But I guess that even though I  don’t really talk about it much…and certainly wasn’t  aware that I thought about it to this degree either.   Funny…I never realized these things colored my thinking sub-consciously.  But then I am a mother…and an aunt of  some great and many nieces and nephews, who will still be here long after I’m dead and gone.  So, I guess I have to consider what this world be like for them…if  not for my own sake alone.

Will there still be clean water…or enough of  it for them in years to come?

Or would somebody have dropped a dirty bomb…and nothing will be here by 3000?

I don’t know…but I am looking forward to a great and very busy 2010.  And as I go into the New Year I  will  make certain to pray for our President and his family…and all those people on Capital Hill who make decisions that effect the course of this country and shapes our policies and dealings with foreign governments…and other entities.   That they will do so with a calm head…and with a mind that their votes and actions matter beyond party lines.   That they have vision…and look into the future to ensure that they do nothing to destroy this place…or the people who live upon it.

I plan on being very busy this year.   I  have a couple business ventures that I plan 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoveron opening up this year.   My book, The Bishop’s Wife, of course will  finally be out…and I will be going out on a book tour.  I also intend to shoot my film…‘LIFE 101 da real skool’…this year.  So, I guess you can say that plan on being in labor (as with child) most of this coming year…as I plan on birthing  a  few things  in 20-10.

I hope that you will be busy this coming year too…and that you will reap much success in all your endeavors.  And whatever  needs you may have… I pray God steps in and works them out for you.  Enjoy your New Year’s… and the very best this forthcoming year.

We are definitely in the midst of  winter now…and there is no doubt about it.  It is freezing cold.  But God is yet good.   I hope that you keep warm and always remember those  who may not  have View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByall the comforts that you do.

There are so very many things to be thankful for…so much that we take for granted.

It is  good  just to be able to get up in the morning…and do for for  yourself.    To be able to walk outside…buy what you want…do what you want.   To drink  a  glass  of  water when you want to.   To have food in your refrigerator…and in your cupboards.   To able to turn your heat up or down…to have hot water…a bed to lay in…and a place where you are safe.  So many people lack these simple things.   We are bless…truly.

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment December 31, 2009

Jackson Reality…what is the allure? And what women won’t do-3

Talk about a disaster.

I recall being at a party for Whitney…as in Huston…and seeing LaToya along with a host of other people there.

At the time she was still very much cute and quite petite…as she is very tiny.

But when I happened to come across this video of her…I couldn’t help but go back trying to remember what she used to look like.  And it sure was nothing like this.

Boob job…lightening of her skin…and she definitely had a hair transplant.

How much could she have hated herself?

Perhaps it was that crazy husband of her’s who smashed in her face.  Tore up her nose…damaged her eye…and all that other stuff he did to her…that older white guy who she married claiming… she was trying to escape from her abusive daddy…Joe Jackson.

In the video footage below LaToya looks so old.   And a little bit more plastic surgery she will be in the running for  a neck to neck race  to the finish line for  ‘who looks the worst…or the most terrorifying?’   Her or that Lion Woman.

I just don’t get it.

Why would you want to mess yourself up like this?

What some women won’t do.

Germaine is traveling around the world and doing his best to look like Michael…and be recognized as Michael’s all-in-all.   Holding his hands like Michael in a praying fashion…and all of that stuff.  Even in just how he steps back…then steps forth to speak to someone. Just the way Michael would do.   It is all a bit too much.   He is really taking it to the bank…and beyond if he can.

But then are they all?

Are they all finally doing in death to Michael…what they could not do to him in life?

And that is take him for a ride…straight to the bank?

My son called me other night saying-

“Oooh, ma. Everybody is calling me. And telling me I’ve got to watch the Jackson’s Reality Show.”

I’m wondering who wants to watch a bunch of over-the-hill…no-real-talent brothers?

But I guess some people do…obviously. And my son was one of them.

A friend did tell me that she loved the Michael Jackson movie though.

I guess when it has all been said and done.  He really was the greatest.  Like Muhammad Ali was to boxing…and Michael Jordan to basketball.  Michael was  it to the music and video industry.  And there can be no denying it.

In the end it was…what he wanted.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByWell, tomorrow it is suppose to be in low 20’s…meaning degrees.   So, I am definitely planning on spending  my day inside.

What about you?

Have a beautiful day…however you spend it.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverAnd oh, yeah….

I just finished putting the finishing touches to my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.   I can’t wait to tell you when it will be available for purchase…and my web site is up.  But rest assured that announcement will be coming very soon.   God is good…and greatly to be praised.

Well, Christmas is right around the corner.   I understand that it is next week.

Wow…where did the time go?

This year has flown by.  It truly has.

While I was out shopping this evening…as I turned to leave I shouted out-4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2

“Merry Christmas and Happy New Years.”

And I was almost amazed that I got no response back.  Times have truly changed.  Everybody wants to be ‘politically right.’

What is that anyways?

I would rather recognize the Lord and give him glory…than try to satisfy a bunch of people afraid they are going to step on somebody’s religious beliefs.

Jesus is the reason for the season.   And I just hope that you and your’s…or you and your family…and even just you if this happens to be your current situation…enjoy it.    I just hope you…and whomever have a very merry Christmas and a good and safe New Years.  But I am sure that I will be writing another blog or 2 or 3 before the year is out.  You know me…I’ve always got something to say…on something.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICKon my book cover for the LINK to purchase my book. Thank you. 


Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

Add a comment December 17, 2009

Something out of sync…Juanita Bynum

I have been thinking about the below video since I first saw it.  I found it a bit troubling… perhaps many of you won’t understand this blog at all…but those who are under the blood of  Jesus Christ will… I believe might.

So, if you do not…it is okay.   It’s alright.

But what has me wondering about the below video?

Well… at first it was why in the world was Juanita Bynum wasting her time to produce a video about  Valentine’s Day????

For a self-proclaimed prophet…(now turned actor etc…etc..)…and woman of  letters (a doctor of  ministry???)… why would she be celebrating something which has nothing at all to do with anything Biblical?

And then want to make a video about her celebrating it????

Then the other thing that troubled me about the below video was this…

Now, I am not a drug person…and I know very little about drugs.  ButPAA166000075[1] one day someone was talking to me about a possible job…and another person who was already working for my family was present with me while the other person talked to me regarding the possibility of  being hired.     Well, following after that person had left, the other person who was with me…who already worked for our family… turned to me and said-

“Did you see how she was acting?”

I had no idea what she  was talking about…as I had noticed nothing.  But the other woman went on to say-

“You didn’t see how she kept on moving and didn’t stop?”

I said, “No.”

But once she had said it…I did note in the back of mind how much the woman while she was talking to me had kept moving her arms restlessly about…but it had not meant anything to me at the time.  But it had meant a lot to the other woman who had been standing there near me looking on as the other woman talked with me.  She then commenced to begin to tell me that  the woman had to be on drugs.  She said-

“Only drug addicts act like that.”

And while I watched the below video of  Juanita Bynum that is exactly what struck me…how she continuously keeps on moving.  Her movements seem erratic.   The working of her arms…hands… head… facial expressions… and body.

And I also noticed how seductive and cute-sie her movements appeared to be.  Almost like ajuanita-bynum-bishop-thomas-weeks clamorous woman in a bar.  Now, I have seen 1 or 2  of  those  in my life time.  Never been one…but have seen them.  But on Dr.  Bynum’s part in the below video they seemed to be quite intentional and purposeful…as if  she wanted to entice someone.

juanita-bynum-450pk061210However, I found it odd behavior all the way around.   And as I watched the video again…I noticed how she weeks and bynum in happier timespassed her hand across her nose (her new nose) …as I had once or twice seen people do who sniff cocaine (seen that move in movies a lot).  And she sniffles at least a few times in the below video.   Signs which had been pointed out to me by people who were familiar with such things…consistent signs of  someone  who sniffs cocaine.

I may not know that much about drugs …but clearly the odd behavior of Bynum only heightened  by Juanita’s high level of  gaiety  in the below  video is questionable at best…not to mention the total subject matter about Valentine’s Day…and how she was going to celebrate it…etc…etc…

It was everything but  godly?

bishopweeks and cristina glenn marriedWhich prompted me to wonder why would a woman of  God want to produce such a video?

And particularly about a holiday which clearly is not…for the most part godly.  But  created for lovers…and/or  want to be lovers.

bynumweeksClearly, the below video was not intended for anyone but her ex-husband.   Why else would anyone make such a fool of  themself  concerning  Valentine’s Day and their plans on celebrating it?

But he it seems has moved on.  The same advice I would give to  Juanita Bynum.

He recently purchased a warehouse in Atlanta and turned it into his new church and video/internet production house.

And what did Juanita do?

ycba[1]She went back down to Atlanta and  is renting or purchased  her own warehouse…where she currently holds services.   And dubbed it  ‘The Warehouse’…and officially launched her leadership as a pastor over her own church.   But it is a far cry from the ex’s.  Obiviously his family indulges him…highly…as he is a third generation preacher…and his wife-to-be comes from a line of preachers too.    That  mixed with a little elbow-grease from his membership…lots of  elbow-grease by them based upon the video…they have really put together something.   CLICK BELOW until the video comes up…and ignore the text…if you want to see his new house of  worship.

Weeks’ new wife-to-be  looks very young though…but can’t find anything on her age.  And they seem to be seeking their fame and fortune over the internet.  When they marry it will be his 3rd marriage and her second.  And Juanita Bynum’s marriage to him was her 2nd.

To view the BELOW video just CLICK  the  SCREEN a FEW TIMES and  just  ignore the text.

I also have to admit to question much about  Juanita Bynum juanita-bynum-1040kc021811lately…as I am not familiar with her past history as a woman of God.  But I found it quite odd when she decided to put her wedding gown back on…and wheel that  very large diamond encrusted sword…proclaiming herself  to be ‘Juanita Bynum for the second time’…Juanita Bynum II.   It seemed more to me like she was marrying herself.  It was an odd ceremony.

The Bible says…then went in the man with 7  more spirits, and the latter state of that man was worst than his 1st.   And Peter said  it like this-

“It is better for a man to have not known him than to have known him and then return back to sin…like a dog to his own vomit.”

There is something out of sync here.

I am actually sadden by it…and hope that I am incorrect.   As  I really do hate to see people warring within themselves…and loosing the battle to things of  this world.

Update (September 1, 2009):  The date has been set…November 17th will be the wedding day for Bishop Week’s 3rd marriage…of  which he managed somehow to find his new bride over the internet…(what a joke…and crime against God).

When he failed to get a TV deal for his bride-finding reality show (little wonder why following his wife abuse charges).   Then decided to air his hunt over the internet…hence, his new bride.

I think his plan is to try to make her bigger than Juanita Bynum…since Bishop Week’s claims that he made Juanita Bynum.  And he is indeed trying hard.

Is Juanita big??????

If you dare CLICK on this LINK:

urlLittle wonder their marriage didn’t last…it was highly flawed…and so were they.  And the real tragedy was that they taught their mess to people who believed what they were preaching.  False teaching.

Today I messed up my book trailer and I am so upset.  Now, I will have to go back into the lab and re-work it.  It had been coming along 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverso well… until I decided to rush things…and there in went the cause of  my problem.   Now everything looks like I’m rushing through it from frame to frame.   Which is exactly what I did do…because before I had thought that all the clips were a bit  too slow.   And now they are the reverse.

Oh, well…I will learn.  That is the thing about me I sometimes find 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2myself re-learning old lessons…and it always costs me time.

So yes…I’m still working on my book trailer  and plugging to officially start plugging  my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.     But it is just about ready for youtube.    Then I will be back to completing my radio spot…and finally finish up with the pages for my web site.  Soon and very soon…   It  is coming.

Well, enjoy your day tomorrow.   And my  hot flashes are still going strong.   Oh, well… 

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

21 comments July 31, 2009






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