Posts filed under: ‘death‘


Well, it is Black History Month.   And I really can’t remember when this actually took place… the year when a young 15 year old youth went south to Mississippi from Chicago, to unknown-1spend the summer with relatives in the south.

In looking back at a newspaper article on the story, I see where it took place in 1955.  The summer unknownEmmett Till went to spend what was to be his last1986.1198.8summer visiting those cousins, and an aunt and uncle down south.  Because somewhere during that visit in August 1955 it was said
that Emmett took certainly liberties with some white woman.  He got out of place… he crossed that divide that colored and white were not to cross… because he was just being a young innocent kid… unaware of the do’s and the don’t of the then… and maybe still in some parts of the south.201392001web-jpg__800x450_q85_crop_subject_location-520245_upscale

Supposedly young Emmett while in this woman’s family store had told the white woman how he had dated a woman just like her up in Chicago.   And upon leaving the store it was said that young Emmett Till gave that woman 1 of those big long whistles, that men did back in that time when they thought a woman was beautiful… somewhat of a wolf call or something.

It was that story of Emmett Till which always colored me and my thoughts about how 250px-mason-dixon-linewhen you leave home… if you lived north of the Mason/Dixon Line… how you should behave very differently if you were to go down south.

Something like how you had to remember when you crossed that line …that Mason/Dixon Line going into the south, that you were maxresdefaultno longer in the north… or in your little Northern town or big city, like Chicago or Detroit.   And how remembering this… that this ‘black and white thang’ could possibly save your life.

images-2I recall once just we had crossed that line 1 summer on 1 our many drives south to visit my grand mother in the south, that once we pulled up to a motel where my mother sent me out to go inside and ask robertfrank-inamerica-2000pxhow much it would cost to get a room?

An occasional stop at a motel to freshen up used to be a habit of my family sometimes blue-swallow-motel-tucumcari-01while we were making the more that 20 hour trip down south to Florida.  But this particular day as I almost was about to reach for maxresdefault-1the door leading into the motel office, out came running two black boys… or teens… something I couldn’t really tell how old they were as they came running through that door shouting back to me, ‘Get of of here!  Go!  Go!’

I immediately ran back to our car and reported to my mother and father what those 2 boys 1g_cigrvbn9anl9oyoultsgarticle-0-14e4a319000005dc-697_634x629had told me as they had whizzed pass me and shouted for me to get out of there.

Suddenly, my mother started screaming at me to get in the car… and she started hollering they ain’t gonna take my sons.   ‘They ain’t gonna take my 1486652-980xsons.’

Boy, I had never seen anything like it or ever heard my mother react in such a way.  But years later I understood.

At that time my brothers were young kids… maybe 10 or 11 or something like that.  But my mother having grown up in the south… my being a Jamaican had grew up in Jamaica so hqdefaulthe had not really experienced any that Jim Crow stuff of the deep south.  But my mother knew it well.   And she knew that it emmetttilltrial3dwould not matter to white folks that my brothers had not robbed or done whatever those 2 boys had done… but that they were black and that in of itself would have been enough for my young brothers to have been taken …in place of the real crooks or emmett-till-memorialwhatever they were who had come running out of that motel office.

I do not think we ever again stopped at another motel in all the years we continued to travel back and forth to Florida after that.

For years, I think that up until this very point I had always felt that Emmett Till  should 1485539341214have been told how to behave, and carry himself while down there in the south.  I always 032612-george-zimmerman-trayvon-martinthought it was his mother’s fault for not sitting him down, and telling him how to behave down there when it came to being around white folks.   It was the typical blaming that many people do when they blame the dead for being dead.  Like some people blame Trayvon Martin for being out late… or out in the rain in that white neighborhood when he got shot and killed.

I thought that way because I 1393539392000-emmett-till-gravect-emmett-till-accuser-false-testimony-20170128 was stupid.  I was  blind.  Ignorant of the fact that many times it just didn’t matter what we did do or not, irregardless there was a very likely could still 8f8213ba9fe7d4faf4423d711f8c3b7dcome up dead

He was a kid.   And you could have told him something a thousand times, and would you believe you wouldn’t have to tell him it again… as we all do when it comes to talking to our children?
Emmett Till did not live in the south.   Nor was there any reason for me to b3ivwu2iaaar4htbelieve that what had been said regarding that story had been true.   For you see, evidently I had believed something inappropriate must have been done for those white men to go in the middle of the night seeking this young boy, regarding something something he had said and/or done.

That is the irony of it.  How readily we eat up the things we see or hear.

MAMIE TILL MOBLEYIt had been a lie.   It had all been a lie.   And because some white mqdefault-2woman had lied on her son, Mrs. Till was forced to go down to Mississippi and collect the bloated remains of her young teen age son, her only child… I think… and bring him back to Chicago in order to bury him.

Years later after Emmett Till had been viciously murder by a group of white men in the 0middle of the night, after going to his relative’s house and demanding that they send him out to them or they would burn them out and all up in their home.

How could that woman possibly live with herself after that?

Years later, I moved to Chicago and while working as a church secretary for a pastor by the name of Dr. A. L. Reynolds, Jr.,  I was told something by Dr. Reynolds, who pastored Sixth b1d9cacba60be97bb15bca5e42697e3fGrace United Presbyterian Church, at Cottage Grove and 35th Street, on the South Side.

Dr. Reynolds 1 day came into the office and for some reason began telling a story, of how he had had to run away from his home, which had been 96490754back in Arkansas.   The reason he had to pick up and get out of there he told me, was because some white woman wanted him and he didn’t want her.   That is exactly how he put it.   He said, ‘she wanted me.  But I didn’t want her.  So, I had to leave.’   Because I did not want her to lie on me.   Because in those days a white woman could say a black man raped her and they (meaning the other white people… mostly men) would kill him.

So, Dr. Reynolds said he got of Arkansas as quickly as he could.

migrant-man-packing-suitcase_320b-gffAnd he said he left Arkansas running because he didn’t want her to tell a lie on him.

Through the our history in this country many black people have found it necessary to get up and get out of town in the middle of night, headed north or to other points unknown.  Because they were afraid of some type of bad consequence which might take hold upon them… or befall them due to a lie… or some white person wanting something that belonged to them.

It comes to mind that even in Biblical text Abram lied.  He was forced to lie when he and Sarah went to enter Egypt.   And he became afraid that the king… otherwise known as Pharaoh… would want his wife, Sarai…as she was then before being renamed by God Sarah.   Because the Bible says she was fair and goodly to look upon.

So, Abram felt that he would be killed by Pharaoh.   So, therefore, told Sarai that they should say that he was her brother rather than her husband.

The end of this story is that Pharaoh and the people of his kingdom are overtaken by what the Bible calls a ‘great plague.’   Pharaoh questions Abram and asked him why he had not told him that the woman, Sarai… was his wife?

emmett_tillWe come into the 21st Century now, some more than 60 years later and now we hear that mqdefault-1images-1the white woman who had told her husband and his white buddies, that Emmett Till had whistled and spoken to her… a white woman inappropriately… that she had lied.

All that pain and heartbreak … tears shed had been over a lie.

1485901864-us-racism-tillA young boy was pulled and dragged out into the dark of night… tortured 1485539341214and beaten …then partially burned and thrown into the river… to be found days later a bloated beyond recognition dead decomposing body.   Because that woman lied.   And now …I guess on her death bed… or on her near death bed she tells the truth… that she lied about the whole thing.images
How did that woman do that… when she knew what Emmett Till Murder Defendant in Court with Familythe consequences for any black man would be?

She knew what times she lived in.   But just did not care.  She told that lie knowing that emmett-tillersome out of control white drunken men were going to go and find them a white boy, and have what they called ‘have bryantmilam2some fun.’    While they enjoyed torturing him and beating him…and eventually killing him.

How did this young boy respond?

Can you imagine what was going through his mind and heart… scared beyond his wits…
kicked…slapped…punched… stomped… cut… lit on fire…emmett_till

And all because some white woman thought it nothing to lie on him.   And 1-extralargeme thinking tillyears later that it had been his fault… because nobody every trained him properly how to behave around white folks.

This reminds me of how I hear black commentators on television now emmett-till-2-1when they are talking about black men being shot and killed by white police officers.   Everybody saying they should have kept their hands on the dashboard… or where they could be seen… or not moved too quickly… unknown-1etc… etc… etc….

Blaming the victim because racist people still my picture cropedabound….

Well, God bless… It was sleeting a little bit this morning.  But I hope it is nice and warm
where you are.  Have a good day all… and remember it’s BLACK HISTORY MONTH.   “pass it on…” ©2017




Add a comment February 8, 2017

JAN CROACH DEAD of Trinity Broadcasting….THE IRONY OF IT ALL…

jan-crouch-22149-20131205-782I must really be missing it… was asleep or somewhere.   How is it that Jan Croach just died and I never heard anything about it until-cebe2021-74a4-4cf9-acf8-de2b26b851ce

Until now when I happened to be on youtube looking something else up.  And when I saw the title ‘Jan Croach Died,’ of a youtube video I thought it was somebody’s joke.

tbn-hoverNot really sure if just someone was playing around… you know how Paul-and-Jan-Crouch-Trinity-Broadcasting-Networkthey do on youtube.  Then I decided to google it… and sure enough Jan Croach had really died just a few days ago, May 31, 2016, at 78 following a massive stroke.

Because I had not seen much of her on TBN lately… I just thought that Mat, or whatever the name crouch-jan-2-798x1024of her son who now runs their TV networks… well, I had thought it was because Paul Croach,  Jan’s husband who didn’t pass all that long ago himself… had left the TV networks to his son, and gave Jan her creation, The Holy Land imgres-1Experience, down in Orlando, Florida.

I really can’t say that I really followed the Croach’s all that closely nor their channel, as they always seem to be doing those television money raising rallies… seeking donations most of the time.   And at point I had read where Paul and Jan never spoke to each other EXCEPT when on television… and that they did not live crouch-jantogether.  Yet they portrayed themselves as a loving couple on their television broadcasts.   jan-crouch-is-shown-with-paul-crouch-other-crouch-family-members-and-tbn-guests

There seems to be such an irony is all of this seeing how Paul and Jan really felt about each other… that not 0911NLTBN-18_08so long after he died she would follow him to the grave.  Now, it all goes to the boys, their 2 sons… 9-1009NLTBN-12and grand-kids… whom do not seem to be any more in harmony than Paul and Jan during the many years of their marriage.


I had also read some years ago that the Croach’s had been under investigation for mismanagement of those donation funds that they claimed to be using for the good of the furthering the word of God.   One of their grand daughters claimed that Paul had been going out and using the company charge card to pay for lavish dinners in exclusive places, and jan1while charging fine and very expensive alcoholic drinks to their church network tabs too.

To say the least Jan with her Barbie make-over was far from being anyone I would have put my trust in as being a really godly person.  There is no doubt that she had a real obsession with becoming Barbie, that Matel children’s doll.   Jan apparently had no problem with destroying the temple that God had given her, to get breast implants, pink hair and all kinds of other plastic surgery done to her face and body.  I would say that maybe that could be a bit ‘carnal,’ 20-runintojancrouch@jayhaizlipwouldn’t you?

And to waste all that money doing it… when it could have gone to some kind of good in the world instead of a plastic surgeon.

I mean… who in their right mind really wants to look like lil_kim_before_and_afterBarbie?Lil-Kim-plastic-surgery-before-and-after-photos

Don’t answer that… because I think that was the look Lil’ Kim was also going for before she just plain decided to become some kind of white girl.  How truly sad compared to what she used to look like.  Talk about self-hate.13092390_225631467805483_1267874353_n

And the amazing part about that was that Jan could not see it just how foolish she looked.

crouchWhen the devil has your mind…  he ‘really’ has your mind.   And he definitely evidently ‘really’ had Jan’s mind in order for her to believe she looked like anything other than a fool with all that pink hair setting on top of her head.   1-1111-2

I am not trying to be hurl or vicious.   Heaven forbid.   Afterall, the woman is dead… and only died just a few days ago.  But what about having messed up face and head with that hair made her feel glorious 070722_tammyfaye_hmed_11a.grid-6x2is a wonder to me.

Jan’s father was a pastor under the Assemblies of God, a denomination which grew out of the imagesChurch of God in Christ.  And there was not much that the Croach’s did not learn while under the tutelage and mentor ship of Jim and Tammy Faye 51+Vryejt4L._SX341_BO1,204,203,200_Bakker, who had their own theme park too, and had been well vested in daily television broadcasting… which the Croach’s took to another level… even down to Tammy Faye’s make-up.158626

Kind of ironic how Jan and Paul really got their start and was introduced to the production of television broadcasting through working for Jim and Tammy… and that Bak02bTammy Faye had to go and seek Jan and Paul out once the floor fell 46d79c85ae7770455fa34eb10c4222c8out from under the Jim Bakker ministries, with Jim ending up having to serve prison time from mismanaging church donations sent his ministry.

janjewelryI doubt very much that we will see TBN fold and go under… or be sold off as that family is making far too paul_crouchmuch money from that network… no matter what inner turmoils their families or relationships may have to cast it all to the wind.

To God be the glory… and bless you,  hope all is going well for you as we go into this weekend.  The weather here is very nice… no cold weather in a few days now.   So, maybe… just maybe we are finally transitioning into summer… 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverme-resized

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment June 18, 2016


Last spring while in Minneapolis I can’t feeling I was going to see Prince.   I was going to see Prince… that’s all I would think anytime I was out and about during our2012-prince-australian-tour[1] church convention, which brought me to Minneapolis in the first place.   But I never did.

While working as radio announcer I clearly remember when Prince first emerged upon the scene.  He was touted c4e7c722eea1b37090a4b51de2ea9110[1]then as he still is now… as a musical genius.

His first album… that’s how long ago that was.   Many today have never heard of an album… and most have forgotten what they were.  But on his first album Prince was the only musician.   He played every instrument used in the recording of that album.

The man was brilliant at his craft and as a business man too.   He was a rough 17f4819543[1]negotiator who fought the record company and won… to maintain musical freedom and the rights to all his work.  He was definitely not a dumbie.

I had wondered how old he was after I hear the news late yesterday MI0003641474[1]evening of his passing.   And I thought about Michael and Whitney… and how they had died in their 50’s… that’s when my son came in and voiced exactly 1035x1444-GettyImages-51312859[1]what I had been thinking.

They all had died in their 50’s.

I read today that Prince was 57.   Michael had just hit the bit five-‘o.’   And Whitney was in her early 50’s too I believe.MichaelJackson02PA280411[1]

Three remarkable people musically… but dark around the edges.  We are all familiar with Whitney and her battle whitney-houston-01[1]with drugs and for happiness.   And Michael’s peculiar ways… dipping and dapping into all kinds of things… and his involvement and fascination with little boy children.

But Prince…219992_1[1]

Well, back in the day he was always seen with highly attractive young ladies… though he did admit in an interview to being bi-sexual.   I have very deep opinions regarding people who proclaim themselves to be bi-sexual.  It kind of goes in line with Biblical prince[2]scripture… ‘either they will hate the 1 and love the other.’   Something is going to be more intriguing to them sexually over the other… and that is just the way it is.

In fact, I was surprise to find out that he had once married.  During the early days he lived a fast life… though he always appeared to be shy and introverted… as Michael often attempted to appear as well.billboard2[1]  But I think more that a song writer Prince was a musician… and lived as 1.

Though he lived quietly and without much controversy through much of his musical career… except for moving from 1 woman e0c24a71f227318ee22013f06dea54d5[1]friend to another…  Prince managed to stay pretty much out of the limelight.

During his aging process Prince still looked pretty much the same.  Though a friend told me this morning that he had had a hip replacement and a knee replacement.  I guess that came from yearsjames-brown-05[1] of dropping to his knees while performing… playing his guitar and dancing like James Brown… who was 1 of Michael’s idols as well.

Well, if you are going to mimic someone… mimic the best.   And James Brown was the best at what he did.   Truly.

And though not well educated James… based upon his movie… was a screwed n_a[1]businessman.  Which I guess Prince also learned to be.

In reading an article on the passing of Prince  they alluded to the possibility of Prince having suffered a drug overdose.  I seems to me every time a black person dies they want to tie it to drugs.

Maybe it’s true.   Or maybe not.   But 1 thing is for sure Prince was a decent person who gave back… and was not selfish enough to not open the door 103011-shows-soul-train-awards-original-7ven-the-time[1]c08d31ee1d674b45897928fba95ebb7f[3]for other musicians and/or singer etc.

He refused to leave his beloved Minneapolis thereby forcing the record companies to come to him.   And because he did acts like… Ready For 1454974218533[1]the World… Time… Babyface and L.A. Reid… Terry Lewis and Jimmy Jam etc.. etc.. etc.. were introduced to the world.

That was a fete that not many black folk are known for… reaching back or opening the doors for others.  But Prince 1d35d62c369f78e97606d6ff74693313[1]IMG_20160414_173627[1]did and there are a ton of people who can share their stories of how Prince aided them… or  impacted their careers…  or opened a door for them.   And that truly is a great legacy.

In the end, however, there is the question of eternity.   I hope as I had hoped for whitney-houston-05[1]Michael and Whitney that Prince was able to resolved that with the Lord.tumblr_lnv9crrs8o1qd7nivo1_400[2]

I have no doubt that Princes funeral will be filled with people whom we all know their names… there will be weeping… and fond memories… happy stories of being out on the road.   Or prince-2012-australian-tour-announced_h[1]maybe the family may chose to quietly bury him … just as he had lived.

Well, God bless…   It’s Friday and I hope each of you have an enjoyable weekend.

160215-denise-katrina-mattews-vanity-jsw-946p_4157efc2d0f3c86331d31f080e40c64d.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000[1]Before closing I ran across pictures of Denise Matthews… better know as Prince’s girl, Vanity.   Whom years later left the music scene and became a woman of God …while also battling A.I.D.S.   Ironically,  like Prince… AR-160219453[1]Vanity passed as well but a few years ago… also at age 57.

Another 1 of Prince’s girl well known to us was Apollonia.  She had been a former cheerleader of some major league team before 10390405_657758107634137_4104721258179979_n[1]hooking up with Prince.    And she had won a beauty contest or 2.

Vanity often attributed her battle with A.I.D.E.S. to the life she prince-purple-rain2[1]had lived while running with Prince.

Though in life he wore platform heels to add to his short height… he sold lots of records and made lots of money.  But in the end I hope his arms were not too short to box with Satan… to 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverhave ended up on the winning side.

Imagine in 3 short years Prince would have been 60.   Wow…

me-resizedThank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment April 22, 2016


Wow, I don’t even know what happened here.  I lost my whole post all most.600x600

I will try to rewrite it again but don’t know if it will be as good as the first.  But here goes.

I came across this posting on a site called, MOTHER’S PEARLS.  And since the day I initially posted my blog on the DeBarge 8y5pugfamily and their deep family secret which tormented them for years, that post hands down has been my most popular.

That being so I thought that many of you would also like to read what was said by Tommy DeBarge, who for years as growing up had been molested by his older brother, Bobby.debarge

It cannot be a secret how much pain must go through 1 when they are physically violated.  But that pain and hurt must be much deeper when it does not come from the man or woman down the street… but is within your own home… among those who are suppose to love and care for you… and protect you.

The DeBarge children had … I guess all of them… had be imagessexually abused by their father… both the girls and boys.

The damage that is done to children who experience sexual abuse cannot be overstated.  I know this first hand having also been a victim of it, though it was not within the confines of my family.jamesrandybunny

I know some women who once worked at a facility that housed children sexual offenders.  Yes, I said, CHILDREN SEXUAL OFFENDERS.  I asked 1 day what were the ages of the children in their facility and I was told, “Well, the youngest is 3.”

That has always stayed with.  I cannot image what it is like to be locked away from people for the rest of your life because someone began sexually abusing as an infant or toddler and at the age of 3 they have to lock you away.

rdebargesrThe world indeed is a very cruel place… very cruel.  And has gotten crueler with all of this child sex trafficking and everything else like it that goes on today.7fa7e89e9661de04176c3c8485942b98

For that kind of torment to be going on in your own home is something which a very beautiful family of children have had to fight to regain and sustain some type of sanity from the horrors they had to endure not only at the hands of their own father… but as their own b31053c60c49d4d9626f908c76042975siblings began to prey upon them.

As a note here, Bobby the oldest of the DeBarge children died many years ago from AIDS.  9477989_109738431579His predator… his father who had sexually abused … I guess all of his children…   Their father died only several years ago… and am sure if he had a conscience he died a very tormented man.

This is from Mother’s Pearls:

According to Tommy Debarge of the Debarge Family


Anything and everything was exposed and deemed acceptable in Hollywood.  A homosexual lifestyle didn’t have to be kept secret there as it did back in Michigan.

Men were attracted to men and openly spoke their minds about it, which offended me because of my past with Bobby.  I felt as if something queer had been permanently affixed to me because of the horrible things he did to me.


I blamed him for the unwanted attention I was getting from men.
I had never confronted Bobby about what he’d done to me.  Instead, I’d gotten high or occupied myself with women in order to not have to deal with it.  I had to be honest with myself.  The whole man with a man thing had me on edge.  I did learn through my industry peers, however that it was necessary to be appealing to both genders in order to sell lots of records.  Still, it bothered me a great deal.


At this point, Bobby was dating women.  There was a brief period of time when I actually thought Bobby might be straight.  However, as he became more sure of himself as an artist and comfortable in his surroundings, the more he openly expressed his desire for men.


I watched as homosexuality manifested itself in Bobby’s life.  He had a stronger attraction towards men than women.  He had a male friend, Tony, whom he had met in California, and whom accompanied him everywhere.


After a while, Bobby removed all restraints from his sexual desires.  He didn’t care if his private life was private or exposed.  He was staying at a Hollywood Hotel; Tony moved in.


I was with Bobby in his hotel room one evening when he pinned Tony against the wall and kissed him like he was kissing a woman.  His tongue was in Tony’s mouth and he embraced him.  They kissed and caressed each other without shame.

Later, Bobby revealed himself to be bisexual, meaning that he participated in sex with both men and women.  He stated that a man’s love is what he was searching for because women were only useful for sexual pleasure and couldn’t be trusted.  He used neglect and abuse from the past as an excuse for his lifestyle.


Since we were on the topic, it was a good time to ask him about what he had done to me as a child.  He said he regretted what he had done to me back then, explaining that he was just a boy.  I waited to hear, “I’m sorry,” but he didn’t apologize for any of it.

Add a comment March 8, 2016


show-index-atlanta-plastic-logo_0I see where soon a new reality show is going to start called ‘ATLANTA PLASTIC.’atlanta-plastic

Truthfully speaking I fail to see why black folk are starting to jump on this band wagon?

I think we watch far too much TV and salivate far too much over all these so-called stars on these reality shows, who now seem to be creating a new standard as to what black folk should look like… by spending big bucks to go up some plastic surgeon to supposedly make them look like whatever they envision in their heads what they want to look like… down to skin color and everything else.

neneFrom NeNe Leakes on down it is far too much.  I happened to catch her just the other day on 1 of those networks where people sell their nene-leakes-62_240x340_88wares… and her hips were far too out there.  And I think she added lips, had her nose fixed, put in more boobs etc… etc… etc…

Why would I want to do that to myself?

First of all you have to consider that your body is in a consistent state of transitioning.  Your body never stands still.  Your face does not look the same as it did when you were ‘say’ 5 years old.  Your nose changed… eyes changed… your lips may have become fuller or more drawn out… but it is not the same and won’t be same when you hit 70… if you happened to be blessed enough to see 70 or BvIUoKZIgAAAEAg_zps8166f461How-rich-is-Tamar-Braxton80.  Because we are continuously changing in terms of our shapes and sizes …and looks and even our heights.  Our body does not stand still and nor does our faces or our boobs …or the lack thereof.

My son and his friends love Tamar Braxton… but what is real about her face.  She looks fake… and I think she added boobs and the works too.

wendy-williams-plastic-surgeryThen there is Wendy who wants everybody to believe she just developed naturally into what she looks like today… but if you could only see what she looked like in college.

So, you guys look at this stuff now and say, “Oh, wow…”

There is so much of it now.  And it is all over the place… and more and more black folk are beginning to lend towards it.article-2333224-1A10E8A3000005DC-88_634x686

But I wish I could put up on my Facebook page of a picture of the woman who used to be a beautician who decided she was going to get some work done to her body.  It left her paralyzed and unable to work …or to do much of anything else and looking like a disaster.  That’s her is this picture here.

I never really liked what I looked like either… but then who really does as we are growing up?

But now when I see me in a mirror I have to marvel… because I am not half bad and certainly not as bad as I thought I had been.  But I have evolved …and I am yet evolving.  And so are you.abc_2020_webcast_mj_face_090701_ms

But I have never been into ‘self-hate’ and that is what I think of people who go out and destroy themselves believing they can create through the help of a plastic surgeon a ‘better them.’

There was a time when we used to scoff at people who went out to see plastic surgeons to have hqdefaultwork done to themselves.  We laughed at people like Michael Jackson for bleaching their skin… changing their noses … or Janet having a rib removed.  But now black folks are running out like crazy and spending tons of money …on these wacko doctors or so-called doctors… better known as plastic promo-Atlanta-Plastic-159x119surgeon to get all kinds of work done to themselves from belly tucks, cheekbones added, lipsuction, noses done, jawbones adjusted… etc… etc…   Michael even had a clef added to his chin.

And now this…  ATLANTA PLASTIC.

smh….(for those of you who didn’t understand ‘smh’ …  I’m shaking my head)Charlie-Boy-2

All the wrong things are glorified in our culture today.  Just look at the mess that many people are in with all that tattooing.  So many of them have gone so overboard with it they look like Satan worshipers.455708124733611549_1405424358..  which many may well be.

The same thing could be said about piercing… not just your ears but everything else and in between.

It is really far too too too too much.

And here comes ‘ATLANTA PLASTIC’ to put the final nails to the coffin.

The purpose of this show is merely to glorify an already very growing trend among black folk today.  And it is not just in the paula-white-black-outfit-posed51dRvxO7jKLsecular world but also in the gospel and Christian world as well.  Pastors, gospel singers, evangelist etc… etc… etc.. are all indulging in fixing something about themselves from lightening their complexions to reconstructing their faces.  That Paula White you can’t even remember what she used to look like… but it sure wasn’t what she looks like today.  Juanita Bynum is another 1 who has hadPaula-White-Ministry-Breast-Implantstremendous work done on her face.  Bishop Paul Morton’s wife lightened her skin and did some other things to her face like fixed her nose.  That T. L. Penny …lighten herself, added boobs and did some kirk-franklin-net-worthother things too.  Kirk Franklin is said to have had some work done on his face.  And the list goes on and on and on and on…

And this show coming onto TV is going to push those numbers even further… and that is exactly what it has been produced to do… to create a desire in highly limpressionable viewers to rush out and get some plastic surgery done on themselves too.  And hopefully… I guess the show wants them to be willing enough to make trips down to Atlanta to get it done.  So, look out for them to be pushing the doctors and exactly what they are supposedly experts at doing.

20130208-062721But I would say don’t fall for it.  There are things in life we are just made to endure… and becoming a mother causes some  leftover tell-tell factors on our bodies… but does that mean we should seeking to bring our bodies back to what it may have been and looked like before that 4th child?Penny_Headshot-resize

I think not.

Recently I saw Salt and Pepa on an interview and I was shocked to see that Pepa… whom I always thought was beautiful… and ‘I salt-pepa-03-2015LOVE cast-300x300-atlanta-plastic-3PEP.’  But I saw that she too had gone up under some surgeon’s knife.   I won’t say what I thought of the after effects because I have always liked Pepa… she’s a very nice person but I really wish she had not gone to see any surgeon regarding her face… even with age she had to look better than what that surgeon left her.

cast-300x300-atlanta-plastic-1Not really a big reality TV fan… or much of a television watcher anyway… I have no real idea of what Tamarbraxton-family-values used to look like but I can see that down to their mother they have all gone under the knife… including Toni.

I wouldn’t play with my face or body like that.  There are far too many disaster stories out there for me to consider going up under some plastic surgeon’s knife cast-300x300-atlanta-plastic-2to cut or change anything about me artificially.  And I am a believer ‘if you are not sick… stay away from doctors… because they will make you sick if you don’t.’ 

And when it goes wrong… it goes wrong.  And there is no way to correct it after you and they… those plastic surgeons have messed you and your body up.

preachTalking about reality shows… since the 2nd episode of ‘PREACH’ I have yet to see any more episodes.  Did I just happen to miss them or was that show dropped following the first 2 screenings of it on TV?2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

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Well, God bless…. it Friday and I haven’t really been all that busy this week, but I am now beginning to get back into the throws of things.  And it feels good.

I bought myself a blender off of 1 of those shopping networks.  So, I am shifting my eating habits a bit.  When I get out of here I’m going to go buy me some more bananas… or sometime this weekend.  I got a couple of whole pineapples and a can of peaches I’ve been looking forward to mixing Funeral_for_Sam_Dubose__killed_by_UC_pol_3230540000_22065291_ver1.0_640_480-1-338x360up with some crushed ice… which my blender is quite capable of doing just fine.   And I am going to kick up my heels and enjoy the weekend… and I sincerely hope you do the same.

sandrablandBut I do not want to get out of here without making mention of Sandra Bland or Sam Du Bose… 2 very sad situations in the unnecessary deaths of yet 2 more black folk.  Of which I am highly sadden by… and question… and pray comfort and justice to their families… though nothing can give them back what they have lost and that is their love ones senselessly…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2015

Add a comment July 31, 2015


It would be hard to not write anything about what happened Wednesday night at a what would have

Worshippers gather to pray in a hotel parking lot across the street from the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Worshippers gather to pray in a hotel parking lot across the street from the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

normally been a quite little Church Bible study session.  But it was anything but quite… and the ame_churchconsequences were high.

Upon first reading about this story in a posting on Facebook by 1 of my cousins… I, of course, like her was immediately touched by it.

In the wake of so many police abuse and mis-killings of black folk… and now this???

When I saw a picture of the boy… or young man if you like…  I could not help but feel sorry for him.  Just 21 years young and his life is over.  And I knew that the energizing force within him… hatred… had been 150618103846-charleston-surveillance-suspect-exlarge-169breast fed him since he was a baby.

You do not grow up feeling anger and hatred towards a whole group of people… because they are different from you… EXCEPT it is something you have been fed with all of your life.  And then for his 20th or 21st birthday his father bought him a gun and put it in that boy’s hand… baiting him to do what he did on Wednesday night.  It was a set-up… a set-up to fail… to be subdued or killed because he had been bred to be a mad-dog killer.

How does anyone do that to their child?

CHy4ByZVEAEYqnpHow do you teach your child to hate a certain group of people so much that you… his parent’s destroy HIS life.  You created him to be a killer… and kill he did.  And now one way or another he will be killed.

But you parent’s don’t blame it upon the victims he so viciously slayed in cold blood… or try to put it on a teacher or a school system… or even upon this country… because that is what seems to have been the problem.  You taught him to blame everybody else.

What a shame.

Dylann-RoofWhat a horrific tragedy and profound lost of good decent hardworking people… who appear to have only showed him kindness.  And with open arms allowed him to partake in their Bible study… while he sat there studying them… plotting how he was going to kill them and who he would take out first.

Was it an act of ‘terrorism’ or was it out and out ‘racism’ that 5972101222233530motivated such an inhumane act?

Oh, I understand how the Klu Klux Klan tried to terrorize black folk.  I understood the ku-klux-klan_3153153b-2sheets over their heads… trying to play like they were ghost.  I even understand the burning of crosses upon the land of black folks… trying to pretend that they were doing some kind of holy work.  But it was all done in the name of ‘racism.’  And that is exactly what the out and out murder of 9 black folk who had never met him before… never talked to him before… had never seen him before was all about.  He murdered them…

  1. Rev. Clementa Pinckney, 41, was the church’s pastor and a South Carolina state neontn6dobatsoj3fwwtlfx66v1eaj_4304695384001_3c1af057bf0a0857d967c9942083f5e1_w455_h256senator.
  2. Depayne Middleton Doctor, 49, sang in the church choir, the Charleston newspaper reported.
  3. Ethel Lance, 70, worked for 30 years at the church, a relative told the Post and Courier.
  4. Susie Jackson, 87, a longtime church member, was Lance’s cousin, the newspaper reported.
  5. Cynthia Hurd, 54, was branch manager of the St. Andrews Regional Library, just a few miles from the church where she was killed.
  6. Tywanza Sanders, 26, was a 2014 graduate of Charleston’s Allen University.resize
  7. Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 45, was a church pastor and high school track and field coach, according to the Post and Courier.
  8. Myra Thompson, 59, was an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
  9. Rev. Daniel Simmons Sr., 74, who died at a hospital, was a retired pastor from another Charleston church.8105900_G

…9 innocent people whose only crime according to Dylann Roof, the young 21 year old murder… was that they were black.  Guilty of rapping and 2ab-the-bishop-wifecovermurdering people… taking jobs from white folks… and no good to society etc.  etc. etc. all those things that backward thinking white parents teach their children when they teach them how to hate other people… just for being…..

Truly sad…

me resized...

Well, God bless…. I pray for every family and for all mankind.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2015

Add a comment June 19, 2015


Ever since reading the caption under this little girl’s picture on a posting on my Facebook page… I have been haunted by her eyes.eyes of little girl 2

But as I looked at her face it seemed to tell a story… of much sadness… weariness… and age.  She looked tired and older that her physical years… like an old woman.  A young face but so old.

I think what impacted me ever so much about this story is the fact that she was homeless with her mother… and I guess other siblings… living in a shelter.

Living in a shelter???



In America????0

Little children living in a shelter???

It is not that I am naive.  Because many years ago as I happened to be crossing a busy Manhattan street down near Macy’s… walking towards me was a woman pushing a baby carriage and a couple of other children along side of her.  But from the moment my eyes fell upon them walking towards me… as we were both going in opposite directions….  I could tell that that woman was homeless and her children too.  So, I have seen it… though you don’t often hear about it.  It is something that is hard not to notice when you see it.

I do not think that little children should be allowed to live in shelters… no matter what.  It is 1 thing for parents to have to go.  But I do not think children should be made to suffer that kind of experience when they had nothing to do with whatever circumstance fell upon their parent and/or parents.  Though some might argue that it is because of their children that they are in the state that they are in.  But children do not bring about poverty.  It is brought about by relisha 91395692232-kqHF--606x404@wp.compeople who are not prepared to deal responsibly with their charge of caring for themselves.   Part of taking care of ourselves is also being able to take care of our children decently.  This is why we have be educated… work… and endeavor to provide even when times get hard.

Perhaps, I am not realistic.  I am not talking about pulling up your own bootstraps.  I’m talking about adulthood takes preparation and serious determination for a successful life.  And we can do that only by advancing ourselves… studying… improving our skills… get into training positions… and endeavoring to move up.1395463719000-1395432912003-Relisha-4

The 1 thing I can still foremost remember about parents of old… they almost all wanted their children to have better lives than they did.  So, they worked to make that happened.    They struggled to make that Relisha 21395692291happened.  They saved to make that happened.  But there is a new parent of so-called parents… and everything appears to be more and more about them.

So, many of these young girls have killed off their children or attempted to kill off their children for the sank of some love interest… or because they were tired of being tied to their children… or whatever other excuse they may have had.  These people are having children without any paternal instinct in them at all.  I am not necessarily talking about Relisha’s mother… because I do not know her… nor do I know the situation that drove her to seek shelter with her children in a shelter.

Based upon the article a janitor working at the shelter where this little girl, Relisha Rudd, lived with her mother… a place where they have been living for the past 3 years.    The janitor befriended the mother who allowed him to take her daughter off… away from the shelter (on perhaps more than 1 occasion).

That was more than 3 weeks ago now… Relisha was never returned to the shelter… and it has since been discovered that the janitor killed his wife.  And then later somewhere… or where he killed his wife…  he took his own life.

And the story kind of ends there… except for the fact that they are searching for Relisha.

motel-slaying-missing-girlThe police are out searching for her the little 8 year older who was allowed by her mother to go off with 1 of the shelter janitors.   A 2nd grader who lived in an old Washington, DC deserted hospital turned into a shelter for families.  A news article said…  ‘place said to be filled with bedbugs and no playground.’  It probably smelled… and an overall feeling of complete destitution abounded there.

I cannot imagine what it is like to be forced to go live in a shelter.  It seems to be the last resort for those forced in that situation… next to just plain living on the street.  And many people chose living on the streets if they can… because I have heard them say that the shelters were not safe.

I don’t know this child’s mother.  But as a mother I would not ever have allowed my daughter big or small to go off with some man.  Sometimes when we sit in situations of desperation we might do anything… that under ordinary circumstances we might not allow.  I have no idea what could have been going through this mother’s mind.  relisha_rudd_kahlil_tatumThe first thought that would have come to me… was ‘why was this person so interested in my daughter?’

There are mothers who will turn their children over to people… because they have an interest in that person.  And the person’s interest in their child gets them attention from that person… because of their interest in the child.

I once knew a mother who used her children like that.  Not being worldly I really didn’t really know what was going on at the WRC_0000000005929223_1200x675_209561667846time… it is over a period of years that I now realize what I had been seeing.

This woman had a very attractive young daughter who she used to take to the club with her… a lesbian hang out.  An older lesbian woman… much older lesbian woman became interested in the woman’s daughter… who at the time may have been 12 or 14.  I am not sure as I did not know the family at the time.  I can only bear witness to what I saw when I came to meet them.

The older woman was about in her 40’s … approaching 50  at the time she took up becoming involved with the woman’s daughter.  This meant obviously perks for the mother and the daughter.  At some point the young girl started living with the older woman…  I met the daughter when she had moved back into her mother’s house… by this time the girl had developed her own mind and didn’t just want the older woman but wanted to play around with other woman… young girls etc.   She was exceedingly pretty… and knew it… everybody was chasing her.    The old woman truly cared for her and bought her everything the young girl wanted… clothes and everything she owned…  even after the young girl moved out and went back to her mother’s house.  And that young girl was very well relisha-collagedressed from head to toe.

When I met them their lives were different from what I was accustom to.  The mother’s house seemed like Madison Square Garden to me… or Penn Station.  People were coming and going from the mother’s house all night long.  It was like the local drop in center.   It was not until later that I noticed 1 of the younger sons answering the door… which usually was unlocked and people just walked in.  But the young boy sold the person some drugs.  I was taken aback by it.  I had never seen such a thing before… and a young kid doing it.  He was probably all of 9 or 10 at the time.

I was clearly out of my element at the time… way out of it.  But going back to the young girl who at the time I met her… I thought she was 17 or 18…  later I came to find out she was only 15.  But thing was when you entered her mother’s house and then stepped into her room it was like stepping into another world.  Her room was like night and day to her mother’s house… because of how that older woman cared for her… by that I mean ‘took care of her.’  She had everything in her room… she never had to leave it.  She had a refrigerator… and I don’t know what else now.  Can’t remember…  all I remember is the 063011-news-opinion-ny-gay-marriageremodeling-tips-for-studio-apartmentshocked I had when I stepped in the young girl’s room in her mother’s house.

I had seen nothing like it.  She was well taken care of by the older woman… who obviously was so attached to her that she did not mind sharing her with other people… if that was the only way she could keep her.   It was wired…  but the young girl was not the only child of the mother that the mother let people take and do what they wanted.  She had a son… I could tell that the young boy… younger than his sister was obviously gay.  But the mother had a border living in her house.  And the 1 time that I visited their home the young boy and the young man who boarded their were having an African-american-pregnant-mom-300x199argument and sounded like husband and wife.

I never went back to that woman’s house again it was too weird for me.  But I felt sorry for her children… all of them.  So, I would take them out trying to expose them to things that most little children usually do.  I drove them 1 day to the beach… can’t think of what else it has been so long.  But I cannot rationalize how any mother could exploit her children as that woman.  The girl’s mother liked me which is why she invited me to her house.  But their way of living was so foreign to me that I rarely ever went back to that house.  Mother knew that my eye was on her daughter which is why she invited to their house…  but when I found out her daughter’s real age…  there was a boundary that I could not cross and didn’t.  But I got to see a side of life I might not have ever otherwise… a dark side… a side where anything goes… and everything is alright if you show me some attention too.  That I think is how that young girl’s mother thought.

eyes of little girl 2I do know that being homeless works on many people mind… and they become unglued.  They loose it mentally.  One can hardly blame them as the burden of 1395442389000-missing2homelessness must be so great… that it could tear most of us to pieces just thinking about it.

When I think of homelessness I often think of the lady who I used to pass everyday when I walked through the tunnel from the World Trade Center to the subway train going home or heading to someplace in Manhattan or going to Jersey.

She sat quietly on a large run to the left side of the wall between the Path and the ‘A’ train.  I have always wondered whether or not she made it Mugshot-backgroundout on the day that the airplanes flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, on 9/11.  But much like this young girl, Relisha…  memories of that woman many times haunted me.  I often wondered if there was something that I could do for her?

How the elderly woman became homeless I do not know.  She appeared to be very proud.  I once stopped to offer some food and she became very angry at me telling me she did not want it.  And she meant it… as she became very angry and I realized then that I had offended her by offering my food to her.

There is so much happening to young children today.  Every time you finish reading 1 story that is haunting and detestable to you… there pops up another even worst.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

It would be my hope that Relisha is found unharmed… but the likelihood of that is bleak.  Perhaps it was conviction of his own conscious that had her kidnapper take his relisha-rudd-missing-poster-536x379own life.

The story was sad enough just reading that she… this beautiful little child was living in a shelter.

I cannot imagine how many other children are living in shelters around this country or in this world.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the joys of our own lives… that we totally forget or are obvious to all the sadness that is in this world.  And there is much sadness in this world… whether it touches us personally or not.  But we should all be touched images…or moved by it to try to help or make a difference in the lives of others less fortunate than we… somehow….

me resized...Just saw while looking info on this story that Mickey Rooney has passed.  There was hardly a Saturday afternoon that Mickey was not in some movie on our television.  I guess I could call him 1 of Saturday friends… just like Shirley (Temple) and Tarzan….1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_n

Mickey was 93….

Since writing what I did above about Relisha Rudd the 8 year missing in Washington, DC… and though no one is saying it… thought to be dead… as they have on camera Relisha’s kidnapper purchasing large trash bags and buying lye.  Meaning he… if he did… killed her put her body into a trash bag and buried her pouring the lye all over her body to dissolve her away.  My, Lord…

I watched the video below where the mother speaks… and truthfully speaking you can tell the mother has problems.  She appears to be slow… if you know what that 3413161_Gmeans.  She says she allowed the man… the kidnapped to take her because he did not seem to be the type of person who would do anything like that.  Many times it is exactly the people who appear ‘not’ to be ‘the type’... who are ‘the type.’  It is part of what gives them 0324-new-relisha-ruddthe thrill of doing whatever evil they do… because they know no one would believe ‘they would do something like that.’  I have never once heard a news items where someone was discovered committing heinous crimes or mass whatever’s where no one said ‘he just didn’t seem like that kind of guy.’

I would have to believe that this man may have had an obsession for little girls.  Many men do.  R. Kelly is not the only 1… or all by himself.  One thing that has aided in this kind of thing is the law becoming extremely lax when it comes to filing cases against men or boys… teenage or otherwise… who indulge in having sex with under age young girls.eyes of little girl 2

Once I read a news article about a little 12 year old girl who had to be separated from her 17 year old brother.  The 12 year old was pregnant by him… and she was head over heels in love with her brother who obviously had been having sexual relations with his little sister for many years.  The young girl was so attached to him sexually 337436that they had to remove her from him via court order for them to stay away from each other.  At 12 and having grown up being abused by her brother… I doubt that the eyes 2young girl really understood the breath or the width of that order… or why it was being enacted.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul.  When I first looked upon this young girl’s picture all I really noticed were her eyes… and the sadness within them.  She looked old… worn… and had traveled many miles….

I posted a picture of her on my Facebook page and here is 1 of the comments I got concerning it… or this story…

article-2596629-1CA250FE00000578-536_306x423Myra: This case makes me sick!!! The police should be concentrating on her family!! The last video shown of her was dated 2/28/14 shows her with the man in hallway of hotel wearing pink boots then last week the news reporter was interviewing the child’s grandmother and she shows the pink boots. She was last seen 3/1 so how did the grandmother get the boots?? The school reported her missing 3/19/14 not even her mother reported her missing!!! Then his wife’s body was found eyes of little girl 23/20/14 so she knew too that’s why he killed her! The the coward kills himself without disclosing where she is! Somebody knows and needs to come forward’! Sickening

We must work to save the children… from despair… from homelessness… from abuse… from people who really can’t care for them or protect them properly…

Well, God bless…. its getting late and I am getting hungry.  I’m supposed to be working on another project for client.  And here I am writing this… but it was on my mind.   Enjoy your day and the rest of this week… and I think Spring is really in the air this time.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2014


Add a comment April 8, 2014


I have been trying to find the time to get around to writing this blog ever since I heard the latest on the 090313-national-dexter-king-bernice-king-martin-luther-king-IIIdispute between the King siblings.

What bothered me the most was that everyone seemingly is coming down on Bernice King, the youngest of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s children, over this latest controversy in her family amongst her and her brothers.

nobel-peace-prizeLooking at the pictures it appears that Martin L. King, III has jumped ship.  At one point it had been him and Bernice against Dexter King, their baby brother.  Dexter and Martin 3 want to take out of the hands of Bernice their father’s traveling Bible, and what has to be any families most valued treasure if we could all get 1… Dr. King’s Nobel Peace Prize medal.

Who in their right mind would dare part with these 2 things?

There are just some things you simply cannot put a price tag on.

Perhaps, some down and out someone or other might think differently.  Or just some plain greedy kids… out to liquidate everything they can get their grubby little hands on of their mother’s and father’s estate.

Is it not enough that the court ordered Bernice to surrender to Dexter personal cards and letters written obama-hand-on-bibleto their mother by their father… items that Mrs. King had personal given to her youngest daughter?

Now, here comes Dexter again… and this time Martin 3 is with him.  They are in the boat together to snatch out of their sister’s hands their father’s Bible (the Bible that President Barack Obama placed his hand upon when he took his oath for his 2nd term in the White House) and Dr. King’s Nobel Peace Prize.

How low can you go, Dexter and Martin 3?

Unless you have been there you will never understand how hard it is to stand when everyone around is Dexter-Coretta-Bernice-Martin-III-013106-SFTA1-300x232grabbing for what they can get… and all you can think of  ‘my parent’s are gone.’  Dealing with loss can be very difficult.  And especially when the responsibility somehow falls upon you… be it a sense of duty or whatever…  but you are the one who ends up trying to maintain what you see as what your parent’s desire would be.

I clearly understand Bernice King and her decision to try to keep her bbe5a030398f11054b0f6a706700a12cbrothers from selling off every piece of their family legacy to the highest bidder.

And why should she?

We have all heard of down and out athletes and actors selling off their championship rings or Academy awards… when left with no other options.  But this is something else.  It is just pure and simple greed driving Dexter boy and his older and brother, Martin #3.

It is always very unfortunate when the value of your things winds up meaning more to your children than you… or what your desires would be… or the remembrance of you… or in this case have a higher cost than the King legacy and remembrance of their mother and father to some of

Bernice King has every right to try to hold onto the precious memories and legacy of Bernice King1_0both her mother and father, without having gifts which her mother gave to her… entrusted her with …being lost to a couple of greedy brothers who care nothing about the King legacy, or even how bad they are making their family and themselves looked by forcing the hand of their baby sister in this matter.Andrew-Young-Jr-9539326-1-402

I heard an interview where Andrew Young, a man who I thought used to be a King family friend, commented on this matter by merely snickering at it and saying, “They sue too much.”

You know what Mr. Young?

Dexter-Scott-King-Rev-Ber-001When you have to take somebody to court ….or they want to take you to court.  Baby, you better learn how to fight.  Cause if you don’t learn how to swing back… then just crawl into a hole and pull some grass over you and die.Bernice King

Thank goodness Bernice has not decided to die.  When you honor your mother and father, and their memory… you don’t try to sell off precious things that belonged to them, because you cherish them.  Those things were a part of them… and they should remain in the King family to get pass down.  Many people today can’t even put their hands on old family pictures or 8mm films that may have been taken of them as children.  Because somebody in their family grabbed them all up and years later discarded them… or they somehow got lost.

tumblr_lwh2lzzt8f1qa7boko1_500I long for a picture my mother had taken of me and my sister many years ago.  We were just young children then.  My sister took my parent’s picture and cut it up throwing away my half of that picture while keeping herself.  Today not even that part exist.  There had been other copies of that picture which my mother had sent to various relatives, but I have never been able to track not 1 down….or put my hands on them some 50 or more years later because they too were probably destroyed.

The problemdexterking in this story is one of greed.  Dexter boy has been selling off everything… every piece of the King family estate he can since the passing of their mother… down to making the Federal government pay him for the use of his father’s image and likeness in the creation of his dexave2monument in Washington, D.C..  One would have thought that the honor and recognition given to his father in the creation of the Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. monument in D.C. would have filled him with joy.  That he would have been eager for the King family to assist anyway it could.  But no…  imgresnot Dexter.  He saw it as a money-making opportunity and milked the creation and erection of a monument to his father for every dime he could get out of it… including forcing them to pay for the use of any of Dr. King’s quotes.

[LISTEN] Bernice King Sets Record Straight on the King Family Feud

large_mlkchildren1Why anyone would want to throw stones at Bernice King for standing up to her brothers in their pursuit to sell off what has to be two of the most valued possessions of both their mother and father, Dr. King’s Bible and Nobel Peace Prize… is crazy.  Clearly, those people do not know the whole story. king-children But it has always been my experience to know that it is usually the good person… the person who is trying to do the right thing… the one who is innocent of trying to do wrong that gets blamed for starting the whole thing and is singled out as the culprit in the eyes of almost everyone looking in on matters like this.  I have been there… and in many ways I still am.  Trust me me I know.

So, yes… I side with Bernice King.  I cheer you on Bernice King.  Do not give up the fight.  Fight the The Rev. Bernice Kingfight… it is well worth fighting.  And I pray you God speed and victory in this matter.  As there are some things you just do not sell off… like your birth right.  And the right of any 3rd or 4th generation King’s etc. to not have to go to a library or museum to see an award presented to their grand-father or great great grand-father, because his kids sold off everything.  Some things really are too sacred.

And I also pray for a changed mind and heart of both Dexter King and Martin #3.

In regards to Martin #3… I have no respect for him.

mlk-and-wifeI recall going into court trying to fight for my father.  I went in thinking that 2 of my other siblings were on my side.  That is what they pretended… that is until we got before the Judge.  When we got before the Judge they said nothing.  They offered nothing not 1 agreement to anything to what I was saying.  I was left out there all alone trying to fight for our father to be returned home, and they said nothing.  I later came to realized they never wanted daddy back home in the first place.  The house was divided and everybody had grabbed what they wanted.   My father’s house had been invaded and taken over… and daddy was forced out of his own property. A fact I never knew until some time after that court hearing.

It is amazing how quickly we can forget all the sacrifices and all the good times… and how much our parents poured into us.  If Dr. King had not struggled…  if he had not kingbmarched… if he not sacrificed his life… what would they have to fight over?

What would we all have to celebrate?

The car… the family house… everything that every family at the end is forced to fight over… I suspect they might have fought over that.  Because there will always be at least 1 who sees a bigger picture than just self and…  and thank God for that.  They see more than what they can get out of the passing of supposed love ones.  Always 1…  and it appears that Bernice King is the 1.   And yes… I stand with her.

On another note on the King family.  Dexter has gotten married.  This is really not new news.  But I Leah_Weber_Kingknow it is not mentioned or talked about but if the truth be told… Dexter is really not the marrying kind.  Everything for him is show.   His wife is a supposed ex-lesbian.  f04e0398b098336804e278c0f5f44490But I have known people who were gay who married with each 1 doing their own thing.

When I first encountered this it was a couple of the weirdest 2 people I had ever met.   The guy was flamingly gay… and between them they did have a child.  I really don’t know how she managed it?

But I figured out that they had been great friends and this is what laid the foundation for them agreeing to get together as husband and wife.

I also remember when once a lover of mine had been offered quite a considerable about of money from a man, who at the time was a boss of mine (he owned the radio station).  His son was very very gay and t2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverhe father wanted a grand child… an heir or something I guess.  So, he proposed an offer to my girlfriend of this substantial amount of money to marry his 1 and only childme resized..., this gay son.   And no she did not do it… as it was totally out of the question.  But the point here is… is that there are some people who will do anything in order to have their gay children reform… get married… have children… even if it means they will not give them or leave them a dime unless they do.  Then there are some people who get married for various other reasons… other than love.   It’s called a ‘marriage or convenience.’

Well, God bless… it has been snowing… snowing…  And I have been out shoveling… shoveling…   I 1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_nhope you have been keeping warm and dry.

I must say though… that all this snow is beautiful.

If you are out there in the snow please remember safety rules.  Drive with care and caution in the snow and ice.  Apply brakes when riding on icy roadways lightly… come to a nice and easy stop by slowing up.  Do not slam on your brakes… it will send your car sliding out of control.

I like this little cartoon  thing that one of my friends made.  I makes me laugh every time I look at it.article-0-1B2C2484000005DC-402_308x425

blackhistorymonthGuess I’m moving a little bit too fast.  I had all but forgotten about it being BLACK HISTORY MONTH.  So, in celebration of Black History Month let me just quick tell you about a young lady in England.  The youngest person to ever become a barrister (that is practicing lawyer in their terms).  Her name is Gabrielle Turnquest.  She is from the States, Florida to be exact… and she is just 18 years old.  Amazing.  To be young gifted and black… is definitely where it is at.


shirley-temple-young__140211120835And let me not forget that this week Shirley Temple passed  (Shirley Temple Black) at age 85.  I cannot begin to tell you the countless Saturdays I spent watching Shirley Temple dance and sing her way down long stair steps… or try to cheer up a friend.  She was more than just a favorite… Shirley was my friend.,0,3833749.column,,20787230,00.html

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2014

Add a comment February 15, 2014


If it had been a Saturday Night Live skit from beginning to end then maybe it might have been funny.  Except for the fact that someone’s life was grievously taken this whole thing was zimmerman-trial-029-061113anything but a joke.

I really do believe that the prosecution… the DA office… should first of all be investigated.  Because this trial was one of the biggest disasters since Ojay Simpson.  From the picking of the jurors to that supposed medical autopsy doctor something was seriously wrong.

Why in the first place were 6 women chosen for the jury, trayvon16n-7and primarily, if not all of them, white?

One could hardly call that a group of George Zimmerman’s peers.  None of them appeared to me to look in anyway like George Zimmerman’s true peers… whom I would believe to be men about his age, of similar backgrounds etc.. etc..  And on what merits were those women chosen?

Based upon things said by Juror #37 once it was all over… if she can be believed… they all went into the jury pool already with their minds made up before they were even chosen to be 0712-george-zimmerman-trial_full_600jurors.   And some like Juror #37 … I have no doubt also had hidden agendas like coming out with their own book deals and television interviews.

So, just how did such people make the cut and end up in that jury box?

Why would anybody question supposed jurors saying… ‘Knock knock, whose there?’

What kind of jury selection did that of retarded examination of possible jurors bring about?George-Zimmerman-trial-graphic

Maybe the prosecution was just trying to determine who was brain dead from who wasn’t.  And he chose the brain dead.

When you truly look at this case you have to ask yourself was the prosecution for Trayvon Martin’s family… or was the DA office working against them?

When doctor KooKoo… don’t know his name and I am not going to try to find out.  But whenShiping+Bao+Opening+Statements+Begin+George+8voGBLehD9pl that man took the stand… now the whole thing really went into the Twight Light Zone.

Was this man really a doctor?

Had he not ever been prepared by the prosecution office for this hearing before hand?

Did he really know anything about doing or handling an autopsy?

To all these questions the answers appears to be a resounding ‘NO.’ap_abc_george_trayovn_kb_130625_wg

From the moment that autopsy doctor opened his mouth the lawyers supposedly representing Trayvon Martin, the victim in this case, should have entered ‘OBJECTION’ after objection.  Through this whole trial Perry Mason and Matlock were probably rolling over in their graves… and they weren’t even real lawyers.  But I sure could hear some ‘objections‘ needed to be stated.

TRAYVON_MARTIN_NEW_PHOTO_1For 1 thing, the autopsy doctor referred to having conferred with another doctor regarding marijuana.  Objection!

Since the other doctor was not there to substantiate that conversation… testimony of such should have been objected to.

Two, that autopsy doctor came to court with some notes which he stated he had prepared the night before.  Objection!

shiping-bao-zimmerman-trial-7-5-2013-2Here was a guy who clearly stated that he could not remember the facts of his autopsy.  Then why should notes written by him some… what 12 or so months later be allowed in as part of his testimony?

If he could not remember any facts on that autopsy, then clearly any notes written mostly recently would be moot and should have been of no apparent good in this case.  Because they would be based upon his present memory or recollections as opposed to when he actually performed the autopsy.

Thirdly, the autopsy doctor was confrontational… and I don’t know how long he had been in this country… but he kept sybrina-fulton-george-zimmerman-trialacting like he didn’t understand English.  So, then how good was a testimony of anyone like that… who might not be really sure about what he was saying?

One has to wonder whether or not the autopsy doctor was paid off?

And if he worked in my department… after that performance on the witness stand… whether he was either performing to be highly incompetent or really is highly incompetent… I would have sent him packing. FIRED!

That guy was definitely highly unprofessional.  And I cannot help but wonder if it was not just an act on his part.

George_Zimmerman_trial__Trayvon_Martin_s_701760000_20130626180400_320_240Nextly, one really has to wonder….


Did they not go over her testimony with her?

Did they not know what questions to avoid… like ‘what did he say about the man watching him?’   Her response…. ‘He called him a creepy ass cracker.’


Could that testimony not be any more damaging to this case?

She had to have say that to the prosecution before they even put her on the stand.  So, they knew it would be damaging to Trayvon, for the jurors to hear that.

It appears that the prosecutors in this case purposely set about to sabotage it.  Not once… not twice …but time and time again.

There are various other parts of this case which just do not add up.  Such as why the George Zimmermanprosecution did not push further with all those witnesses on Zimmerman’s side which claimed it was ‘Georggie’s voice‘ that they recognized as the person screaming.

We live in a time of vast technological equipment.  Equipment that is able to do voice recognition… voice separation… voice isolation… voice tracking… voice this and voice that…   Including removal of any additional sounds outside of what you are focusing on.  They have equipment that can do just about anything you want it to do… including voice distortion and correction.

So, then why was no technical equipment used in this case to determine who the possible screamer really was?

328124d1359582482-post-pictures-your-portable-recording-equipment-r0012622Equipment could have been rolled into that court and that recording played over and over for those witnesses… recordings mixed with fake voices screaming to see if they could determine the real recording or the fake.  Experts in sound and voice could have been called in to testify… but they were not.  Nor was any equipment used to decipher whose voice it really was that had been screaming.

I listened to the 911 calls with the screams in the background… and coming from years in radio I have a very good ear.  And those screams did not come from a 27 or 28 year old man.  Nor was the voice non-African American.  And on top of all of that… just ask yourself who screams for help when they have a gun in their 9163075_600x338hand?

Remember, now… that there was no evidence that Trayvon’s hand was ever on Zimmerman’s gun.  There was no George-Zimmerman-Trial-Begins-Videoevidence in fact that Trayvon ever even touched Zimmerman.  The forensic people found no traces of Zimmerman’s DNA under Trayvon’s nails… nor any bruises on his hands or knuckles.

The other issue in this case was the fact that there was so much 911 evidence in this case was against George Zimmerman.  On 1 recording of a 911 operator, she clearly asked Zimmerman ‘are you following him?

To which Zimmerman answered ‘yes.’

trayvon-martin-240That operator told Zimmerman to stop following Trayvon and to get back into his car.   Which George Zimmerman certainly from the outcome in the death of Trayvon… totally ignored.

Also, based upon the merits of that 911 recording alone Zimmerman was clearly stalking Trayvon.  Therefore, Zimmerman was the predator… a man with a gun who approached an unarmed young person, who later was found shot to death by him.  One bullet straight into his heart.

I have no doubt that George Zimmerman perpetrated a hate crime against Trayvon Martin.  And that his call to 911 was a systematic attempt on George Zimmerman’s part to build a scenario for that 911 operator, for circumstances that he would later claim provoked him into the killing  of Trayvon Martin.  An act which I believe came across Zimmerman’s sick mind probably from the moment his eyes fell upon the young black teenage, Trayvon Martin, walking in the darkness of night… in the rain on his way home from the corner store.1_photo

The statements that Zimmerman made in his 911 call clearly show a concise and calculated mind working, at setting up a painted picture of the young black teenage male, whom he was following claiming that he ‘looked like’ a criminal and ‘was out to do’ something illegal.  While on the contrary, Trayvon Martin was just a kid who happened to be on his way home from a local corner store.  And it was Zimmerman who was the 1 working with a criminal mind… and a blind intent to kill a young innocent boy.

There are many people who believe that George Zimmerman was protecting stand-your-ground-stateshimself… standing his ground, if you will.  As Florida has a law called ‘Stand Your Ground.’  Meaning you have a right to protect yourself if you feel that your life is threatened.

Zimmerman had taken self-defense classes, was carrying an armed weapon, and he had aspiration of being a cop and/or lawyer like his dad, who just so happened to be a judge.  Trayvon Martin had not taken any martial arts classes, and was only carrying a small bag of candy and a can of ice tea.  Based upon that… who do you really think was more lethal?

I sincerely hope the Federal Government steps into 03zimmerman-articleLarge-v2this case, because the ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law is a very dangerous piece of law.  It reminds me of the ol’ south when white men would purposely go out seeking to start trouble with a black man or woman. So, they would step in front of them or do something to elicit some type of response from the victim, via their coercion of them.  Whereby many black men and women were either killed, endangered, terrorized, houses burnt down, lost their businesses, and/or chased out of town etc…

Such laws as Stand Your Ground were and are not meant to protect all people… just certain people.  And this case 45994_535195413195131_1440856751_ninvolving the brutal murder of Trayvon Martin is a clear indication of that.

What right more or is necessary …or does this law of ‘Stand Your Ground’ give to anyone, that has or is not given already by the Declaration of Independence in this country?

The Declaration of Independence  states ‘all men’…  not some have more rights than others.  It states that all men are created equalwith certain unalienable rights.  And it begins by saying… We hold these truths to be self-evident.  It then goes on to say…. that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Unalienable rights… what are those?

They are God given rights.1001010_694927910532723_1458365131_n

The right to defend ourselves is a right given to each and everyone of us.  Whereas, such laws as ‘Stand Your Ground’ are intended  and are only applied for certain people… and not for others.

lynch_5Back in the days… lets go to the days after slavery when supposedly the slaves had been freed.  Yet, they were not allowed to look white people directly in the eyes.  And often were taunted into some type of reaction for which they may have been killed… whipped… spat upon… mocked etc…

One could hardly say that they… those black folk then did not have a right to respond to such actions to provoke them.  article-zimmerman3-0713But based upon certain imposed or otherwise implied or ‘understood’ laws, mostly in the old south… laws not written but understood based upon you… meaning black folk… knowing ‘our so-called place.’

Did not Trayvon Martin have a right to go to the store,  and a reasonable right then be able to return home safely without some mad man shooting him down killing him for no apparent reason… other than his skin color?

Where were the rights of Trayvon Martin ever addressed in this case of the City of Sanford vs. Sybrina Fulton,Tracy MartinGeorge Zimmerman?

If indeed, Trayvon had been straddling Zimmerman in a fist fight.

Did not Trayvon Martin have the God given right given to him by nature, if no other law could protect him… than the law of self-preservation?

Why should Travyon Martin then have been demonized for trying to protect himself against someone whom he perceived to be a perpetrator who was out to kill him… when Zimmerman walked upon him and shoved that gun up in his face?

the-case-against-wannabe-cop-george-zimmermanThere was not 1 point or place where you can truly say that the prosecution truly tried to win this case.  They did a lousy job of picking jurists.  They failed to object to various infractions and irregularities as they appeared in this case.  And they never seemed committed to win at all.

71-year-old black man found guilty of manslaughter, jury rejects 'Stand Your Ground' claim

If the truth be told this case never should have been held in Sanford, FL… but in some other 171425550county if not state.  The authority and connections of Zimmerman’s judge father made this case an impossible case to get a fair trial in such a small little town… with so much at stake, and so many hands easily washed.

timthumbThis is 1 of those rare times that I must say I disagree with Bill… That is Bill Crosby.  Bill says you can’t prove that Zimmerman is a racist.  Yes, that might well be somewhat true.  But you can’t prove that he isn’t a racist either.  Ooooh, wait a minute…

Wasn’t it Zimmerman who did all that racial profiling of Trayvon Martin in his 911 call, before he actually shot him to death?

That alone gave you a keen insight as to what or how George Zimmerman felt about young black males.  And his actions zimmerman-trial-017-062413spoke the rest.

Anyone who would have racially profile someone as in-dept as George Zimmerman painted that picture in his 911 call, of what Trayvon Martin looked like, his demeanor… his supposed behavior… etc.  cannot be considered anything less than a racist.   And there is no way of esq-trayvon-martin-skittles-032712-xlggetting around that.

Zimmerman said that the person he was ‘following’ was someone who looked like he was up to no good… that it appeared as though he’s on drugs or something… he’s black or Hispanic… he has his hands on his waistband (meaning like he was packing a gun).   And then Zimmerman said… ‘these @#!# they always get away.’


In the CNN story below the person being interviewed states that the Trayvon Martin case wasusa-trials-zimmerman not a case of racial profiling, because racial profiling can only take place when someone is involved in law enforcement.  I am a dissenting voice to this theory and statement with regard george-zimmerman-surveillance-video-detain_0to this case.  Because that definition can be extended to include anyone ‘believing’ he is a law enforcement officer. There is no secret about George Zimmerman and history of fantasying becoming a cop.

A psychologist should have been brought into this case who could have clearly said that George Zimmerman portrayed certain traits, habits,  and forms of behavior and language  that indicated he felt he was operating as a cop.  When taken into perspective even George’s scio-background, family history, and his history of prepping himself and taking up martial arts etc. all unquestionably show Zimmerman imagesto be a man possessed with a deep rooted desire to be cop, or someone involved in some matter in law enforcement.  Hence, his position as ‘CAPTAIN’ of the neighborhood watch.

It is quite clear that George Zimmerman wanted to be a police officer.  When that avenue did not open up to him… he then tried to study law.  And that failed too.

So, the next step was to join the neighborhood watch.  It is not hard to draw a correlation between that and George actually being a cop on the beat.  George neighborhood-watch-db7357ebde248a6fZimmerman was clearly and unequivocally a wanna-be-cop, and all his actions  and language on the night, in which he confronted Trayvon Martin, attest to it.  And this is not a large leap or even a very short hop to get to.

The other thing about Zimmerman… he obviously suffers from  a feeling of wanting to be a hero.  He appears to be the kind of person you read about who goes to work in a hospital…and awaits an opportunity to unplug somebody’s life support machine… then quickly plug it back in just in the brink of time, then claim that he saved that person’s life.  When in reality he was the person who had thrown the person’s life into jeopardy in the first place.

It is not hard to see that Zimmerman was… or is… a loser.  Perhaps even a black sheep in a family, of George Zimmerman Trial Begins In Floridawhat seems to be full of people who are professionally involved in law enforcement in varying capacities.  But everything and time that George tried to do in order to get in… it would appear that he just could not make the cut.

I had a dispute with a friend over George’s 120515113003-zimmerman-walking-into-court-story-topweight.  Because at 1 point there arose this question of Zimmerman’s weight as opposed to the weight of Trayvon Martin.  Which of course should have also been a key point in this case.

When Zimmerman finally turned himself in… some 45 days after the killing of George Zimmerman (R) enters into the couTrayvon… it was apparent to me that Zimmerman had gone on some type of crash diet during those days.  The issue was  whether or not Zimmerman weighted considerably more than Trayvon Martin?  Even in the picture of above of Zimmerman being lead into court … you can see that the suit he is wearing is a lot larger than he is.  However, during the hearing walla… a much fuller fatter Zimmerman, and his clothes seem to fit him just fine.  Meaning Zimmerman’s body mass between the time Zimmerman shot Trayvon and the time Zimmerman finally went to trial… shows Zimmerman at his true weight and mass, when the young teenager was shot to death.  But, of course, zimmerman-no-injuries1Zimmerman’s side had good reason to want to dispel the fact that Zimmerman was much heavier in body weight to Trayvon.  Hence, Zimmerman’s miraculous weight lose before turning himself into the police department in Sanford.  Otherwise, that story made up by the Defense Attorneys of a helpless and fearful George Zimmerman at the hands of a Trayvon Martin just would not have played out.  070113_zimmermanwrap1_640Nobody would have believed that.

So, George had to lose that weight.  Which, of course, as you see in his court pictures that he totally gained back.

Then there is the camera footage of Zimmerman that night following the supposed fight that lead to the untimely demise of a young Trayvon Martin.  Zimmerman’s head had no cuts or lacerations.

If the truth be told there were a lot of ‘so-called’ myths that the Zimmerman team wanted to Opening Statements Begin In George Zimmerman Trialdispel… and some they wanted to seriously promote.

Some myths about Zimmerman…

  • 1. He always told the truth
  • 2. His family was full of truth loving people
  • 3. Zimmerman didn’t stalk Trayvon
  • 4. Zimmerman was really in fear of his life
  • 5. Zimmerman feared Trayvon was going to kill him
  • 6. Zimmerman was a good law abiding citizen
  • 7. Zimmerman had great reasons to believe his life was in danger

Some myths the Zimmerman team wanted to promote about Trayvon…trayvon-martin-grad

  • 1. Trayvon was a wayward kid
  • 2. Trayvon was a trouble maker
  • 3. Trayvon was an addict
  • 4. Trayvon was out looking for trouble
  • 5. Trayvon was out to kill Zimmerman
  • 6. Trayvon beat Zimmerman
  • 7. Trayvon had a right to be killed

Let me stop right here.  Who has ever seen anybody who fell to the ground hitting their head?

When did they get up with a cut or cuts?7cad362f-08d5-441e-965b-49279964661a_zps7c726495

I have hit the ground and have seen people bang their heads and they always ended up with a knot in their head.  Big bump.  The harder they fell the bigger the bump on their head.  But never did I see a straight cut appear in anybody’s head, from someone falling to the ground and hitting their head.

PS_0Here again is a big problem that I had with the forensic evidence in this case.  These are the kinds of things that real professions are called into Court to testify about.  But this case had no real forensic people.  No big wig specialist… like in the Ojay Simpson case.

Those cuts on the back of George 22655032_BG1Zimmerman’s head could have clearly been blown up and recognized as having not been done by some type of fall to the ground.  And lugging all the concrete sidewalks in the world into court could not prove otherwise.

3_article_photoThis case had so many missed opportunities on the part of the DA office… you really have to wonder if they ever intended to try this case to win it?

And that answer here again would have to be a resounding ‘NO.’

Clearly, Trayvon Martin’s case biggest opposition or problem were the very people who were supposed to be seeking justice for his murder.U.S. President Obama speaks about the benefits of the Affordable Care Act while in the East Room at the White House in Washington

I really do hope that Mr. President, Barack Obama, sends in the Feds to take on this case.  Because Trayvon Martin truly deserves justice.  He had done nothing for which his young life should have been stolen from him.  And by his cries for help… he dearly did not wish to die… or deserved to.

Bill Cosby, Charles Barkley, Shari… whatever her name on charles-barkley-2the View, President Jimmy Carter… and many others who felt that this case and its verdict was just… definitely missed something.  This was no ‘new thing.’  It is something that we as black folk in America have long had to deal with.  Trials like this one are not new.  And zimmerman-juror-this-case-wasnt-about-racewe have come to recognize them when we see them… and know them when we hear their verdicts.

All of this… the trial and the circumstances which brought about the trial are all historic.  Even to the having of some black folk who want to say ‘Oh, it wasn’t racist.’  When it clearly was nothing but racist.  Race had everything to do with Trayvon Martin being killed… and there is just no getting around it.

I was really hoping… as we always do… that the jury would do the right thing based upon the shear George Zimmermanmerits of this case… and also having full knowledge that Zimmerman was a liar.   Also, being fully aware that it was Zimmerman not Trayvon who had been the provoker.  But in looking back over the court pictures… where Zimmerman does an awful lot of smiling for a man, who should believe he might be found guilty, and have to spend the rest of his life ingeorgezim_notguilty_630x390prison.  Too much smiling in fact…

So, now looking over these pictures and seeing this smiling Zimmerman, it appears to me now that Zimmerman knew how this case was going to go to end up right from the very start.   That is really very unfortunate… 2ab-the-bishop-wifecover money and power play a big factor in the outcome of a lot court outcomes.  But I guess having a father with connections… goes a long way to assuring a favorable outcome.

I just finished watching a video of Geraldo Rivera talking about the Trayvon Martin case.  It is funny how much people change over time.  I thought Geraldo used to be a lot smarter.  Based upon Geraldo’s take on this case, any one of us could have been shot dead and would have been alright.  Based upon Geraldo’s assumption, if we look just like some black guys who were supposedly vandalizing that neighborhood then it is okay to kill you.

Now, how stupid is that… and ignorant?

I don’t know how long the myth that all black folks look alike has been going around in me resized...gty_geraldo_rivera_mi_130201_msAmerica… but it has.  We know we don’t look alike… but to some people we all look like criminals …murders… crack fiends… and welfare fraud people etc…

Shame on Geraldo.  He must be trying to get a new tv show or renew his contract.  Some people will do and say anything… for a little money.  He must need it real bad…  And he sure looks old.

Guilty by looking like a criminal.  Trayvon was dressed just like most teens dress, black or white… Hispanic or Asian etc… You see them all day long with hoodies everywhere… going to school… coming from school… riding richard-i-anson-young-man-with-skateboard-melbourne-australiaskateboards… on bikes.  When did wearing a hoodie mean you were a criminal?

And though I do not like the style… it is a style for the kids… shagging pants.  A hoodie and shagging pants does not make anyone a criminal.  Much less worthy of dying.  And because somebody’s house or neighborhood is having problems does not mean you go out shooting anybody you think looks like the type who did it.

Where is the justice in that?

I pray justice and peace for the Martin family… and America.Boxing champion ... Mike Tyson in New York, 2004.

I have to admit that on this topic Mike Tyson spoke saying something that I very much can agree upon… or with him on.  When asked what he thought about this case… Mike said, “I don’t know any more than what I have seen on television.  But I do know that kid should not have ended up dead.”

In happening to catch a segment of The View, they were discussing the trial and I have to say elizabeth-hasselbeck-hotthat I truly admire Elizabeth Hasselbeck’s stance on this, and her outrage is truly worthy of my mentioning.  As a mother ever woman should be highly upset regarding the circumstances of this case, and the cruel, brutal and cold blooded murder of Trayvon Martin.

Well, God bless… I know you are probably wondering what took me so long to get around to writing this blog?

I did… but I have mostly done so on Facebook.

The other reason is I sprang my right foot.   It has been a few weeks now.  I had pain in it before… but not realizing it after I stepped into a hole and twisted my foot that I had done damage to it.   Which while at a convention in Baltimore I had plenty of time in between limping around, and trying to stay off of it… I spent a lot my down time watching the case on TV.  Because there wasn’t much else I could really as my foot was killing me.

My foot is still bothering me.  I understand it takes about 16 weeks for a sprang foot to heal.  BLD080493So, I am trying to stay off of it as much as possible still.

And the other reason it took me so long to write this blog was, of course, the weather… ALL THIS HEAT.

It has been soooooooo hot and humid here.  The humidity was almost unbearable.  Every time I got up to do the slightest thing… sweat would be pouring down my face… my nose… my brows etc…   I was showering up to 6 times per day.  Because I cannot stand to be sweaty… even with an aching ice-cream-sxcfoot.  Yeah, pain or no pain into the shower I went.  But the weather has broken now.  And I hope it stays this way.

I certainly hope you fared well… better than me in all this heat… and got done all you needed to do.  Have a good rest of this week… and I will catch you again soon.  I’ve got to go put my foot back up.

And again I thank those of you very much  who have ventured out and purchased my book… which can be ordered on-line at any number of websites… just google THE BISHOP’S WIFE by Bernadine Smith… and see for yourself.  And you can also read excerpts from my book on-line as well at Barnes&Nobles Nook, etc…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment July 25, 2013

PRESIDENT OBAMA and GUN CONTROL… the View on Chris Christie and Weight…

It is a shame that it took this long for this conversation to sincerely and truthfully come to the forefront 75084_10151396532909238_1417681934_nof American conscientiousness… but at last it has happened.  And 1 might say several senseless massacres too many before something should have really been done… like a long time ago.

After mass killings after mass killings finally the l_gunviolenceUnited States government is taking a stand, and President Obama is initiating laws against assault weapons and hand guns…all of which the Republicans for the most part want no part of it.

Well, I understand when your biggest financial campaign contributor is a gun manufacturer, and you have all those gun lobbyist sitting on Capitol Hill.  Yes, that might sway your judgment about gun control until it becomes a question of your own son or daughter…getting killed in some ruiz5k-1-webmovie theater… grade school or upon some college campus etc…

I’m happy that President Obama has said enough is enough, and is taking a lead on doing something that the Congress and the Senate of the United States has refused to have taken seriously for all these years and episode after episode.

But  what is so annoying and distasteful to me is how the Republicans hate President 485992_433034763435241_415730549_nObama…and are so very disrespectful of him.  they despise him. And no matter what good President Obama tries to do… they are against him.   Whereas, no matter what George Bush did…    In fact, it appeared that everything George Bush did was good to them… down to lying about weapons of mass destruction… and sending off people’s sons and daughters to be killed in wars which should not have been.   But they… those arrogant Republicans stood by George Bush… all the way.   Pushed pass everything Bush wanted without so much as a sniffle.  But oh how they cry bloody murder over everything that President Obama does or tries to do.  And then they want to say that ‘they are not racist.’

Yeah, sure…

Finally got a chance to read the above entire article LINK.  Those republicans are a real joke. They can’t even President Obama Speaks On Homeland Security's Announcement About Deportationsbring themselves to call Obama ”Mister President” or ‘President Obama.’. It seems that uttering those words when referring to the President would seriously hurt them.

0238190179_1_296x196_tlWhat kind of fool do they think President Obama is?

Trying to scare Obama by saying they will consider impeaching him for legally using Presidential authority 394934_433034866768564_800118516_ngranted unto him, as President of the United States. I don’t think anything dumber has EVER been said. What a bunch of fools.

Arrogance… ignorance and hatred will make a fool of you all the time… and that is the state that the American Republican party is in.  They are arrogant… ignorant fools.  And they show that by making the stupid statements such as those expressed in the above news LINK.

I am so happy Obama is not a chump. He doesn’t back down.. and he knows exactly who he is and they can’t stand that.

He’s the President…and they are only members of the House… He’s ”head houcho”…and that really bugs ’em…. And even worst of all Obama acts like it…and THAT is killing them.

It is far beyond the time for the Federal Government to step up into the role of ensuring the safety of the American Public by enacting laws that will lower the availability of guns to the criminally minded, and those who have some insane agendas.  These incidences have become too frequent and they are escalating.  I am just story that it took a bunch of very young school children to signify this point.

I just happened to catch a segment on The View regarding gun control and various methodsmedium_viewmccainad_jez_Sm.flv that can be put into place at schools.  It was 1 of those rare times that I must admit to being totally in agreement with Elisabeth Hasselbeck… who is almost always a voice of dissension on that show… and a devote Republican.

Whoopie, Sharri and Barbara were all for guns being given to school teachers as a good method of curving school killings.  Which is something I find to be totally ludicrous.

gun-violence_0Do not teachers go berserk and fall off the deep end too?

Of, course some do.  And then the other side of that scenario is this…

What happens when a student gets a hold of 1 of his or her teacher’s guns?

Or even worst…  What happens when a school shooting occurs and the police arrive and can’t determine who is the real culprit with so many people firing guns?normal_Guns-1920x1080

Because arming teachers and/or other school faculty staff is a very very bad idea… so many walking and carrying guns in school this could very well become a worst problem… and dilemma would arise at  knowing who to shoot at.   In the heat of a shoot out… like out on the battlefield this is not necessary 1 of the easiest things to decipher…  Hence, ‘friendly fire.’

But fear and a haste to make all the wrong choices by putting into place measures that could bring about even worst consequences, than the problems we now face itself  are worthy of some deep thought.  And it is not Obama’s plans that I fear… but all these so-called do-gooders who may have some very flawed thinking triggered by lots of fear… or hidden agendas… all coming… running with their irrational suggestions.

Guns_1000I was not in favor either of arming flight attendants.  And thank God we got over that fear… when flying high in the friendly skies.

It would have been a disaster if suddenly a shoot out  between a passenger and airline personnel broke out in an aircraft… leaving all the passengers in grave danger not to mention the aircraft itself.  And so would be arming teachers or other supposed teaching professionals with guns be too.  The mediumlast time I checked that  shooting at Sandy Nook school, in Connecticut where 26 people were killed… and most of theml children under the age of 10… it was the mother (the school teacher of that classroom)… who had owned those guns which were used…by her crazed son.

The article reads that the woman…the female victim was the true hero here…

But, no.  It was the 14-year-old boy who opened the door and let her into him parent’s home who was house4738the real hero…because it was at risk to himself and his 2 younger siblings.

I am, however, sure that his parent’s might have seen this picture entirely different… and particularly since the crazed man, who had kidnapped the young woman, torched their home in an effort to get the young female victim back.

The young 14-year-old in this story definitely deserves to be praised.  But I know his parents must have an entirely different take on this story.  But he saved that young woman’s life…while at the same time putting at risk his own, and that of his younger sister and brother.  And not to mention their family 5333118-baseball-in-mitt-isolated-on-white-backgroundhome.

But it was an unselfish act.  And a lot of times people can’t understand unselfish acts…because they only see the dangers in them.

But this boy will probably be blessed for the rest of his life…because he did what God calls Seton Hall takes on Notre Dame in mens basketball game on 2-11-2010all of us to do.  To love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  The text actually specks of laying down your life for your brother.  Something that I know would run across no parent’s mind at the time when they hear how their home and family was put into jeopardy by the actions of 1 their older child.

the-viewAnd going back to The View… on that same show they were also discussing Governor Chris Christie and his weight.  Truthfully speaking I felt a bit offended.  They made it sound like ALL overweight people are unhealthy… which is definitely not the case.  And they also made it sound like only overweight people have health problems… and we all know that is definitely not true.

whoopi_goldbergBut what struck me as being somewhat bias was Whoopie’s response to the whole conversation.  She who for many years… if not still… has been known to be a very heavy smoker.  Even while listening to Whoopie speak you can hear the effect of those years of smoking upon her voice.  Yet she failed to mention that her own addiction… the 1 to cigarettes is even far more unhealthy and harmful…if not just as much so… as she talked about all of Christie’s weight wearing on his heart… and would hinder his ability to do the job of a President effectively.

According to the consensus cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, accounting for close to 17 percent of total healthcare spending.  Cardiovascular issues include: hypertension, coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, per-cutaneous coronary intervention, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure.

Cigarette smoking is a major contributor to theCigarette butts in an ashtray
three most prevalent causes of death in African Americans… heart disease, cancer, and stroke. All people, regardless of race and ethnicity, can become addicted to tobacco and can be damaged by the harmful effects of smoking.

So, what I am saying is this…  Governor Christie should not be singled out and declared unfit… or otherwise unhealthy simply because of his weight.  It brings about an astigmatism Man-Exercisingthat is many times placed upon all heavy-set people unjustly.  Causing many of them to not get health benefits… jobs… and oftentimes ostracized.  Which certainly is not fair and treads upon their civil rights.1263239297_fit_person

It is very likely that if Christie chooses to run again as Governor of New Jersey… tries to leap out into Presidential waters his weight is going to be continuously made a factor.  And that really should not be.

I recall that this guy wrote this book called ‘THE JOY OF JOGGING.’   He was an avid jogger.  By every regard he was considered in good health… and his body trim and fit.  One day while out jobbing the man dropped dead from a heart attack.  I imagesam not trying to poke fun here… but merely saying skinny or fat… tall or short… you are subject to drop dead or have a heart attack.  And yes, I would agree that having more weight upon your body does put stress upon your heart, but so doesn’t smoking or some of those other bad habits like excessive drinking or drug abuse… etc…

So, then why keep talking about this man… Christie like it just doesme resized...n’t happen to skinny or fit people.  Because that is a lie.

Now, I do not advocate being overweight.  Lord, no…  I have had my own issues and battles with it.  But I also can see where such a conversation is hurtful, demeaning and liable to bring about discrimination to those seeking  job placement… or whatever.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

God bless…hope you enjoy your weekend.  I think I may get so much needed sleep… and edit some video projects this weekend.

And remember that Monday… this coming Monday is both President Barack Obama’s second inaugural… AND Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s birthday celebration.  Enjoy them both… and I am hoping to see you in D.C fomichelle-obama-inauguration-parade-GCr the festivities.  But if not please enjoy it for me too.

I am so happy about it.  Truly a time to remember…   And if you can be part of it don’t let the michelle-obama-dnc-fasion-600x400opportunity go by… by not being so.

And happy belated birthday FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA… can’t close without saying that.   I love you.

In fact, I love you both….  And 49 is a great year…  A very good year indeed…

And I hope that you are checking for a picture of me in these blogs…  Who knows I might even think of doing something real special.  Just keep looking out for me… in my blogs.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment January 18, 2013

A PARENT’S WORST NIGHTMARE…Sandy Nook Elementary School

Wrote this on my Facebook page….kids_1861945c

“Can’t imagine getting up early in the morning and rushing to work…and seeing my children off to school…only to hear my child’s teacher’s son came to school with a gun shooting to death his own mother…and stealing away the life and breath of my baby as well…and 17 other poor little children unfortunate enough to be that boy’s mother classroom.

And he takes his own life without enough courage to face me…

children-playingMy, Lord…when will this come to an end?

Had that young merely taken his own life first…

This current situation is more than sad….

Christmas for those parents will never be the same…nor their lives…

I pray a peace that surpasses all understanding come to them all right now…in Jesus name…”

It has to be a parent’s worst nightmare.  Many parents who sons and daughters have school-shooting-newtown-ctenlisted in the arm services dread getting that call… or knock on their front door telling them that their son or daughter had been killed in battle.
But how do you deal with it when you are just starting your day and seconds into your child’s school session a imagesderanged intruder steps in wheeling guns and begins picking off your child and all his classmates.  Bang bangbang… bangbang…   And the teacher of  the class…  the school principal and other members of the staff and school?
How do you process that your little 5-year-old was just murdered in a place that you479774_536592236354077_273915417_n thought was safe?
In a place where you prayed that he or she did their work… and did not interrupt the class 121214035649-newtown-connecticut-locator-c1-maintoo much today… and you hoped that they didn’t get sick from anything they may have eaten last night?
After school you had book a dentist apartment… and afterward you were going to swing by your mom’s house to drop them off… your little child… his or her bigger sister and/or brother… while you went out to pick up a few more of their Christmas things?
How does 1 process that they will not be seeing their child smile up at them ever again?christmas-tree-close-up
Or won’t be able to look into their curious little eyes as they plead and beg you to buy them something?
How do you process that some 21-year-old boy… son of your child’s school teacher deciding that he hated his mother… and father soooo much…  enough to not want to kill them… but KILLED them both?   And then was selfishPresident Obama Addresses The Nation On The Connecticut School Shooting enough to despise your child and every child in his mother’s classroom enough to kill them too?
The fact that he took his own life is really a non-issue here.  I would not even go as far as to believe that he was deranged or suffered from some type of mental defect.  Because the SandyHookwhole story sounds like one motivated by selfishness.  Because if it wasn’t then what was the purpose of also killing every child in that classroom?
Was he scornful or jealous of the little children that his mother got up to go teach everyday?
I cannot imagine what dispute or contempt he must have held for his parents …nor why?
But did he have to bring a family issue into that classroom?
What more than some kind of selfishness could have motivated him… that school teacher’s son to stand there and kill cool-gunsoff every little child in his mother’s classroom?
We will never know… not really even if somehow a glimmer of the truth somehow manages to surface.
But would it change anything?
What could it change?

article-shooting-1214No… I think not.  It cannot bring back all… or even 1 of  those innocent lives which it so ruthlessly took.  Twenty-six people… 16 or 18 little children… between the ages of 5 to 10… whose parents will never forget yesterday… when they woke up their child was alive.  And less than 3 or 4 hours later they were not.

I first heard this story when a cousin called me saying she thought I had heard.  Somehow hearing her tell me of the very little she knew of the incident just did not impact me the way my reading about it on Facebook impacted me.  It brought tears down my face.  I was sadden all the night… and still am.
Yes, the gun laws should be changed in this country.  For tdy_1_pwi_presserinfo_12121.vembedsmallthe strong lobbyist that are so adamant against laws being put in place against guns… it is these very people who are not locking up their guns which become so readily accessible to their wacked out children… who think it fun to go to school and kill a bunch of people.
Between the movie theater… the various schools and now this act of senseless violence weguns1 all should be saying enough is enough.
And this type of thing is growing… and will continue unless something definitively is done about guns… and those who carry them legally or illegally.  For the illegals caught carrying gun… automatic life.   I hate to say it… but they should not have a gun anyway.
For these parents who children take their guns and go out on a rampage… everything 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverthey own should be taken.  They can, of course, never repay for the lives that may have been taken by their child.  But the parents should suffer financially as well… because evidently they were not paying attention …or the guns were too accessible to their wayward child.
But yes if  penalties are not put in place… and I mean STRONG penalties where people loose things… this thing will not stop.  And it must be made to stop… loosing all these innocent people… people who lives are forever changed through acts of violence with guns must stop.  And the only real way to do that is to have very stiff  laws… and probably it will have to be on the federal level like bank robberies being a federal offense in this country.,d.dmQ
I really do not want to hear another story like this… or that movie theater… or about some Chinese guy who went into a school in China stabbing people…   I truly do not…  I am sicken by the level of crime we hear and read about today.
UPDATE: THURSDAY, December 20, 2012… In listening to a report of the number of gun shops within a 10 mile radius of the Sandy Nook Elementary School was appalling.  Within a 10 mile range there are 37 guns near that school… and within a 3 county area the commentator said that there were nearly 400 gun stores in that area.
What could they be doing with that many gun shops near them?
20378376_BG1It is insane.
It is a shame that the deaths of so many children ‘at 1 time‘… because yearly many children died from gun shot wounds… be they gang related or accidental.  But this time it was not in the ‘hood’ …but in a suburban elementary school where the children were barely older than toddlers… and it was 20 of them at ‘1 time‘… along with other school personnel.  Hate to say it… but maybe now the conversation about control becomes ‘real’ in America.
God bless…  I have been forgetting to write that lately and only catch it about the time I just about ready to hit ‘publish.’    I guess I am becoming plague by some things.  Personally I am fine… but when I think of others my heart goes out.  And I think about them… and think about them… and pray for them.
There are so many people going through with something.  And we should all consider them.  Hope you enjoy your Christmas if I fail to write anything more between now and then.
Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2012

Add a comment December 16, 2012


It is baffling to me the times we now live in… and just how we happened to get here????

They are… the times we are now living in… they are strange and seem so foreign to me.  The sickness of the crimes… the extreme insanity… and cruelity that seems to be abounding in these times.

Who ever before ever heard of women ripping unborn babies out the bellies of pregnant women for the purpose of stealing their children?

To read story… after story…   Well, to find headline after headline of such is frightening to me.  Not frightening in that I am afraid it will happen to me… because I am not pregnant.  And doubt that I will be ever again.

But frightening in that such things are happening to anyone.

But how insane can you get to prepetrate such a cruel act upon another woman?

Or any acts of crime and/or crimes upon anyone?

I have not particularly cared for a lot of people.  Well, not so many as that.  It is really not my nature to distain people.  And certainly if for some reason I should… to let it mount up in me turning into some kind of twisted wackco thang.  No.  I think not.   I have neither the time or energy… to linger there in those kinds of deep and dark places in my mind.  I am much too busy.

But for those where perhaps I might have found some kind of fault in… I have never thought about taking out or enacting any type of criminal act against them.  Though I must admit to picking up a baseball bat or 2…  Okay, maybe 3 or 4…  Oh, alright… maybe 5 or 6 times… just to get my thought through …or to go after somebody.   But that was all before I became saved.  And never without due cause.

But I have never looked upon any woman… pregnant or otherwise …and wished that I was her… or that I had her baby.  And then came up with a plan to replace her… or to steal her unborn… or born child.  But people have.   Some people have.

They truly and really have.

People try to pretend to be other people… and all kinds of craziness.

There was this guy in New York City who killed an elderly man, so that he could take his apartment and live in it.  He also was living off the man’s social socurity… until they caught up with him.

But it goes beyond being sick… or insane… or  being just plain crazy.

How dumb is it that you would get a knief, overcome some woman, and turn yourself into some kind of surgeon… cutting open her belly, remove the unborn child…and leave the woman bleeding to death?

While these predators go around for the most part pretending to have given birth to the infant… if it survives… that they had illegally taken…while committing murder in order to obtain it.

Who would do this kind of thing???????

Who thinks up this kind of stuff????

Though clearly they all look like fruit cakes… and perhaps I should not slander fruit cakes in such a way. Because I used to kind of like them.

But who does this??????

And they are women of all colors, types, body sizes, come from different states, countries etc… etc… etc…  And now they vary in ages as well.  A 14 and 13 years did the exact same thing.

They take the baby from the belly of another woman in order to pretend that they had given birth to the  baby.  A baby that they either lost  some how  by mis-carriage or whatever.  Or  they never were pregnant with in the first place.  So, they took the infant from the mother’s womb… so they could-   Now, get this… let me say this slowly…

So they could pretend to some man that it was his baby.

I cannot go any further with this.

Because if the truth be told there are some things which I just do not have any patience with.  There are times that I think tax-payer’s money should not be wasted on.   There are lots of ways tax-payers would be better served by the tax dollars taken out of each and every pay check, then by paying for  cases like these that really do not warrant trials.

I know…   I know…it would open the door to many of us being locked away for no cause at all.  Because the system itself needs correction.  BUT…

When you think about the economy… about the millions upon millions upon millions of people out of work… who could use another extension to their unemployment benefits …or whatever have you.   There are plenty of places where money could go that would really serve some type of legitimate societal interest.  But not  the paying of  lawyers and court costs for people like these women, in these cases cutting up women to steal unborn infants from their mother’s womb.

Why bother?

What would be their defense?

What defense could they have?

“I was crazy.”

We do not  need to waste valuble court time to hear that.

And we have not even began to talk about the health issues that may surround the infants… or the lives and outcome of the murdered women’s other children, and family members if she had any.

Perhaps, it doesn’t sound Christian like to you… and I am a Christian. 

I love the Lord… and He loves me.  But in Biblical text we are informed to not lust after our neighbors possessions… it is called coveteness.  Or to not envy them…that is coveteness too… and to do right by all men.  And that ”thou shalt not kill.”  Or “steal.”

So, I do not advocate killing such people… but I do believe they should be locked away.  And kept away forever.

Perhaps, you feel differently.  But the acts in the stories listed above were senseless, hateful acts enacted upon people who were probably very unsuspecting… and very very innocent victims.

When I went up to read a story on 1 woman cutting a woman and stealing her infant, I  in my wildest imagination  never expected to see a listing of stories…one after another of simular acts.

I recall when I read the first story of this nature.  It was some maybe 6 or 7 years ago.

The story centered around 2 women who had met over the internet… Craiglist or myspace ….or something like it.

One of the women was pregnant and the other woman befriended her.  Over a period of time as their friendship grew… I guess… the pregnant woman gave the other woman her address.  Whereupon near the time of pregnant woman’s delivery date for the birth of her child, the other woman went to whatever state where the pregnant woman lived and performed surgery upon the pregnant woman, killing her and removing the unborn infant from her body.

That was the very first time I had ever heard of that kind of story.  So, it was a shock for me to find story after story after story… of women in various states all having done the same exact thing since that initial story.

This copy-cat thing is ridiculous.  And the only way to deal with such things is to deal harshly with people who commit them.

But because the mind of people today is so warped the news sources should not divulge so much information  about certain kinds of  heinous crimes.

Also, I was grossly turned off by that reality show that showed doctors actually performing surgeries. Don’t know whether or not it still comes on… but is the need?

Who really needs to watch shows like that?

Or do our children really need video games that depict people realistically being blown apart, or shot to death, or cut up etc… etc…?

What are we developing here?????

One can clearly state that there is little reason for why the times are as they are today.   Truly.  There are a bunch of heartness conscienceless people walking around today.   And we have only ourselves to blame… because of what we allow either in our homes via the television …or via our children’s video games… or in the movies on the big screen… or in the magazines… or whatever else and wherever else people consume negative images whether it be through music, or music videos, as well… we allow it.

It is amazing to me the things that people will get up and go marching against… such as same sex-marriages.  Something which may never affect them, their family or anyone that they know.  But they will picket against it…. vote against any politican remotely in favor of it, they will form rallies and bus trips to go to 2ab-the-bishop-wifecover capitol statehouses.  But they say nothing about what is allowed to strem into their homes, on their radios… through out their movies  or even from page to page of the magazines put out form our consumption.

Whether Bobby marries Bobby or not is not anything that really deal with any of us personally.  But the impact of what comes across the airwaves of our televisions and radios… and what is printed in our books and magazines, and movies does.  And it can be harmful… hurtful… and can produce and inspire all kinds of criminal and violent acts.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByBut we say nothing.

We said nothing to the 10 Commanments being removed from Courtroom halls and buildings.  We said nothing really about prayer being removed from schools… or the conversation of removing ‘In God we trust’ off of our currency.

When will we say something to something that really counts, is the question?

When will we ceased to be tossed to and fro with every whim like mindless and blind puppets?

There are a lot of things that should be challenged… and that serve no useful social purpose.  Such as television shows that show people actually getting cut up during surgeries.  And then we wonder why there suddenly is a rash of people out there using surgerical techniques while perpetrating various crimes.

It seems that there are those who have been voted into political office who think not about those whom they vowed to represent… but entered into the arena of politics so that they could establish some kind of name for themselves.

They consider not the needs of those whom they are vowed to serve and represent… whether or not they voted them in or not.

When 1 goes into political office it not for a chosen few… but for the masses of which they are said to be over their district… ward or whatever have you.

That being said…

“Why would any politican in his right mind vote down a plan that could possibly put millions back to work?”

Politics.  That is the reason why.

There is no good reason behind hindering a bill that would put people to work rebuilding the infrastructure of this country.  Clearly, it is a plan that could not fail… because bascially it calls for a lot of manual labor.  As opposed to a bunch of computers or robots doing the work.

In a vote of 50 to 49 Obama’s Job Bill was defeated in the U.S. Senate.  Every single Republican voted against the bill… inclusive of 2 turn-coat Democrats, Ben Nelson, Nebraska, and Jon Tester, Montana.  The Jobs Bill needed 60 Senators to vote in favor of it in order for it to pass… to begin the process of  putting thousands of Americans back onto the work rolls again.

There are people who do a lot of  clicking and clacking… mostly because they want attention.  Almost all of the Tea Party people can be classified as clickers and clackers.  They only want some attention.  Perhaps, they even have visions of themselves rising up out of the ranks to become some kind of major political player… or the next Barack Obama.  Though they would never say that.

But they click and clack… posture… and pose… and never do anything for anyone.  Because they can’t see beyond their own nose  and selfish political goals.

The Jobs Bill needed to be passed.  Not for the sake of Washington… but for the sake of the millions who have been out work …and can’t seem to find any solutions to their non-working dilemmas.  They have been looking… but there is nothing out there. 

Wouldn’t any bill that created any amount of substantials jobs been better than nothing?

To the people without 1 it would.  But to a bunch of politicans who already have it made in the shade… quasi professions …politicans made up of  lawyers… and now some doctors and businessmen… what do they have to worry about?

Their families are fed.  Their bills are all being paid.  They don’t have to worry about adequate health care… and they’veall  got a job… supposedly representing you and me.

Every which way President Barack Obama has tried to re-boot this economy… and to get it in gear and restart it… along comes a bunch of  Republican Politicans who would rather sabotage the President… rather than aid in helping America out of a dilemma that a former President… a Republican like themselves… put us all in.

A man who was a known and proven liar… yet nobody ever called him ‘liar.’  Yet, that word has been thrown at President Obama by so many Republicans… it makes you wonder what planet were they on while George W. Bush was sitting in the White House as  President of the United States?

Well, God bless… and enjoy the rest of  your week.  How quickly these days are rolling by.  We are mid-way through October already.  Soon the rain drops in this picture will be replace by snow flakes.  A welcome change… just hope that when it comes it won’t be too cold.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011


1 comment October 14, 2011






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