Posts filed under: ‘Bishop G. E. Patterson‘

Black History Month…fakes…and the church…

Now I know that it is Black History Month and that I have been kind of quiet for this month.  But I now no longer write a blog…and I guess this is true too for the earlier ones as well…unless I really have something to say.  So, I guess it was that I just had more to say on things earlier when I initially started blogging then I now do…which is why I wrote them more often then. 

But I am nonetheless highly opinoinated…I guess you might be able to tell that.  So, while I was kicking up my heels and waiting on something to come in the mail…while searching over the web I came across this video and…and… Well, it has stirred  me to write something.

Knowing that I am saved…as I am sure that you must know by now.  Least ways I hope you have gathered that.  I would like to think that my light is shinning in everything I have written over this site.  And of course…my being being saved is not a state that I have always been….but it has been so  for a few years now.

Most recently God spoke into my heart to not sit back and keep quiet on everything.  So, thus…I speak on some things when moviated by a strong opinion regarding that subject or thing which sparks me to do so.

Now, having said that I could not see this video clip without commenting on it.  I believe in truth…and hate any form of mis-information.  Some people really hold onto things that people tell them…and they take it for truth when it is very much not.  And very far from it.

You view this video and you tell me what you think.

There is a folley is loving  yourself  too much.  And believing that you know all the answers…and particularly when you think that the mis-information that you dish out is correct.

There is no way that partying in the form as is expressed in the above video is correct.  And to refer to when David danced…and compare it to a ‘male stripper’  is insane.

But the devil’s children know scripture…they are great deceivers who love to call upon the Word of the Lord to make their points. 

In downtown Brooklyn near Fulton Street and Flatbush Avenue …it is not uncommon to see and hear the 5 percenter’s…or the 10 percenters…or the 12 tribes of  Israel…or whatever they call themselves.  It is a group of  about 5 to 8 black guys dressed in olden day garments…as in the anicent times of  Moses…standing on soap boxes (milk crates) chanting about their god…and refering to the Bible as a means of discrediting Jesus and Biblical text. 

Whenever I heard  them saying stuff that was wrong…and though I didn’t know the Bible and certainly not any of  its Biblical texts…but I grew up in church.   So, I always felt that someone in those crowds…and there was always a crowd gathered around them as they spoke.  I just felt that someone should have challenged them…and countered them.  Somebody had to know scripture…so that they could have said something…but no one ever did.  So, day after day…those guys stood out there on the corner of  downtown Brooklyn dispelling lies…and falsehoods without any correction.

I now have learned a few things…not as much as most…but even so I refuse to let anything I see or hear and know that it is wrong go without me saying something.  I just cannot.

Hence, my response to the above video by this young woman named Ty Adams.  I have seen a few other videos of  her’s over the internet…and know that she considers herself to be a Christian lecturer, teacher, conference speaker…and I guess you could say possibly even some kind of  ‘life coach’ on relationships. 

To top it off she calls herself…’Dr Ty.’   There are a lot people in the church today who have given themselves this  title…doctor.  Guess it sounds good to their ears.  Juanita Bynum along with a few others…have done so as well.  But when you go to read their bio info there is no mention of an institution to go along with their title.  They just like the way it sounds…and to some degree it elevates them to a higher status…adds more credibility or something.

Yet, in the church  you will hear them say…‘it’s not all about titles.’   But it seems that everybody wants one.  Christina Glenn claims she earned her’s in some collage in India…I just had to look it up.  And if  push comes to shove…you can always buy one…there are plenty of  services that will sell you a doctorate title…which is more like ‘give you one’…if you get that hard pressed for  to have one.

But going back to sister Ty. 

How in the world can anyone be paying this woman to come to their converence looking…and dressing…and talking as she talks?

There is no such thing as a ‘saved club.’   And yes…clubs are something which the kids of  that other guy…not God’s kids…or followers of  Jesus created.  Club are dens of  iniquity.  The purpose for clubs is for sinners to gather like Christians go to church.  But instead of worshipping and praising God…sinners go in to clubs to sin.  They go looking for sexual partners…somebody to rub up against…somebody who can dance and make them look good.  It is a place where they can drink and carry on…and have all kinds of  loose and ungodly conversations while listening to ungodly music. 

I know all about clubs because I owned one…it was a lesbian club…but I owned it nevertheless.

Tell me what real church song can you get up and slow drag to?

And clubs have almost always been for single people…somebody looking for somebody.  Because most people who have somebody do not frequent clubs regularly.  And do not want to hear that their husbands or wives are…because everybody knows what goes on in clubs…and why people seek them out.

So, then why would this ‘new group’ of  so-called saints call it alright to party…and hangout at a club?

Because they have leaned to their own understanding.

 There are some things that some people are just not willing to give up.  They want to cuss and everything else…take a look at these videos below.

One of the worst things that could have happened for some of  these co-called preachers and teachers…is their decision to get into media…and put their ministry where the world can view them…so we can all see and hear them for ourselves…and come to know who is or who is not of  Christ.

One of the biggest jokes…and it is really not funny.   But it  is the River Church in Durham, NC…where Sheryl Brady’s husband…bishop whatever his name is…can be seen turning their church service  into a 3 ring circus from Sunday to Sunday…and I guess in whatever other services they may have. 

Who wouldn’t go to a church where the pastor pulls out a thick wad of  hundred dollar bills every Sunday…passing them out like water.  Sometimes 3 and 4 of  them at a time while telling people to pull out their money and bless one another with it…as he ocassionaly calls someone up and starts handing out a few notes  of his own.  But never the whole thing…just enough to entice his membership.

How many ink pens have you owned?

And how many of them have gotten away from you…got lost or somehow walked away from you?

Aren’t you glad it wasn’t a $5,000 pen?

What is happening to the church?

Preachers are not acting like preachers any more. 

What is happening to us?

Most recently I myself  had a run in with a preacher.  He is currently the pastor of our church.   I had noticed that he began to act a little bit too friendly towards me.  While trying my best to stay away from him…he became more aggressive….blatant in fact in his actions.

When I thought I had worked out the perfect plan…this guy…the pastor…and I refuse to call him ‘our’ pastor.  Well, this guy always seemed to be one step ahead of me.

When I told my son to give me the keys to the car so I could sneak out of  church just before service ended…wouldn’t you know it…here comes the guy down the center aisle of  the church.  It was just before he was to get up and preach…and he came down the center aisle stopping at me.  He bent down and rested his forehead against mine with his nose touching mine…as if we were alone and in bed together.

I was…I was totally shocked…dismayed…and angered by it.  How dare this guy embarrass me like that.  I was fuming…and I was so for weeks upon weeks.  I could not believe such a thing had happened…and right there in the midst of  the whole church while service was going on.

My son kept telling me that I was reading too much in it.

“Awh, ma…he does that with everybody.”


And if  he did…then he was out of order then too…and somebody should have told him so long ago.`

How can people sit in church and allow their pastors to do whatever it is that they want without anyone questioning him or challenging him or her on it?

I had  just started returning back to this church after being away…after living out of  town for years.  I had never really cared for this man because he had utterly destroyed our church…and everbody who hadn’t died had left it.  The church was down to just about 8 members now…and my family was the only remnant left in it.  And now I could understand why…clearly this preacher had over stepped his boundary…not just with me but with many others.

So following the forehead thing… I stopped going to church for a while…but God spoke into my heart and told me that I could not stop going to church…nor to allow satan to chase me out of  church.  So, I went back.

And this time the preacher…again before he was to preach…he came down out of  the pulpit and started walking down along the one side of  the church as if  he were walking to the rear of the church.  He stopped…and entered into my aisle where he soon took a seat right beside me and commenced to ask me for my phone number.  I almost exploded.  I got loud for a second then remembered that I was  still in church.  Then I took the piece of paper wrote it and turned away from the man…trying to ignor him as he said something else to me. 

He did try to call me at least once…but I never answered.  Finally, when I went to church again…just as he got up to begin preaching he stopped and began talking about how he had been trying to reach me.  This mind you from the pulpit.  I was livid.

Now, this was too much.  This guy was beside himself and he wasn’t even trying to hide it.  Funny, I am just now thinking of  it…but this guy was stalking me.  I could barely go into church without him doing something to embarrass me.

I went on and on for weeks about this guy…verbally voicing my anger about it.   I know my son must have grown tired of  hearing me complaining about this preacher and his poor behavior…but  I could not help it.  

First of  all…this man was and is  in his seventies…and though his wife was ill she was still very much alive.  But I would not have wanted him regardless…as this man had known me since I  was a kid.  And I felt this whole thing was not only an insult to me…but to the memory of  my parents.

Finally a few weeks ago I had an opportunity to confront this preacher…it was over something involving another issue…but sooner or later he was going to hear from me regarding the matter because it was eating at me.  At that time I did not fail at the end of  our discourse to tell  him just how I felt about  him putting  his  nasty forehead to mind and chasing behind me like he was some kind of  dog in heat.  Well, I didn’t quite say it that way…but I said it and got it off my chest any how.  And I have not had to worry about him since…and it still feels good.

Anybody seeing any or all of that would have assumed that he and I had a relationship going on…and nothing could have been further from the truth.  I do not know what could have  possibly possessed him…and given him the idea that he could do such a thing to me…but he was definitely coming on strong.  And the sheer thought of  it made me sick to my absolute  stomach.

Something has definitely happened to the church.  It is doing something that my father called…‘going backwards instead of going frontward.’   The holy ground that the church once had…that it possessed and stood on…it is rapidly lossing.  Too much of the changing times…excepting everything…and wanting to incorporate too many things of  the world is pulling at the very fabric of  the church.  We are going backward…and lossing too much solid ground in the process.

Where are teachers and preachers who taught this stuff  the way it used to be taught?

Since alot of  people having been hitting this site to read about Ruby Dee lately…I can only assume that it has a lot to do with Academy Awards.  I had read that she had gotten the nod for a nomination for a possible Oscar.  Now that would have been nice, but I did not find her name anywhere on the list of  Academy Nominees.

It cannot be argued that Ruby Dee is an actor’s actor.  She along with a long  list of  outstanding black men and women certainly can be labelled ‘fine craftsmen’ in their art form…having worked in both stage and screen quietly for many years. 

I often think of  Lena Horne…or a Hattie McDaniel when I think of really great women actors or performers. Paul Robeson…as well as Ruby Dee and others.  I would have loved to have casted some of  them in one of  my films. 

In case any of  you are a budding screenwriter…here is the link for the Nicholl’s Fellowship which deadline is April 1st.    And if you can’t get it together to submit something this year keep the link for next year…as it is an annual thing.  You can hit the link to find out all the details.

Well, hope that you have enjoyed Black History Month…and learned as much as you could about some these men and woman who have melted away into our  past…but should always be celebrated and their lives…work…and struggles always  remind us of  just how blessed we are…because of  them.

And since I am ending on this note…on films and actors.  I hated ‘Precious’ the movie.   I found a lot of  errors in that movie…technical stuff  that was just hard to overlook.  For 1…and I will just point out 1 thing only.  Did you notice that Precious and her mother lived in an apartment building?

Then how in the world did they end up with an upstairs and downstairs in their apartment?

It was not like they were living the penthouse of  some exclusive building.

And the music was all wrong…and a lot of  other stuff.  Okay…I said 1.  But I just had to try and sneak that in.

But I did like Gabby, the young actor who played Precious.  I however did not feel that the script was the very best.  And though Mo’que really…really…really played her part.  And she truly did…but I would hate to see an Oscar go to her. 

I just don’t think we should celebrate that kind of  mother.  And there are women who are just like that to their children…and they never ever should be celebrated on any level.

Speaking of  Mo’que while checking on something over the View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByinternet I happened to come across a note…that Mo’que herself  had been a victim of  incest…having been taken advantage of  by  her own brother.  That story is in a past issue of   Essence…October 2008 issue.

I had  to shovel snow 3 times this week.  One day twice…and it had me laid up for most of the week.  But since those 2 days it has mostly been rain…and thank goodness.   Because if  it had been snow…the way it has been raining…night 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverand day…they would have had to have flown somebody in here to dig us all out.  We would have been buried under it.

But I have been on top of  my Cream of  Wheat and taking my iron tablets.   And  the house amazingly hasn’t been too cold…praise the Lord.

But it  is all good.  

Hope you had a good week. 

I really  really love winter…it  is  so beautiful. 

Next year I will have me a 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2husband…somebody who can go out and shovel snow with me.  Somebody I can hit with a snowball or 2…and then go in and cuddle with. 

Now, that would be so nice.  And we could drink hot chocolate and talk about how the Republicans keep trying to hinder Obama by blocking everything that he is trying to do.

And then we’ll put in a movie..and call it a day.  But not before we pray.

God bless…

Thirthy inches of snow in New York City.  Oh, wow…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

1 comment February 26, 2010






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