Posts filed under: ‘Mama/Baby-Daddy Drama‘


black-woman-thinking-2I just had to do it.  I thought about it most of the night last night… and decided to not write anything on this subject until sometime later.  But here I am… and here I go.

I know all you reality freaks probably can’t wait until PREACHERS OF LA. hit your TV screens this fall.  I can’t imagine the mess that that show will be.

It is a risky venture for any preacher to want to take.  If they had offered me1002392_1402766343269170_1869681019_n-620x415 the money I would have said, ‘No.’

It might just be a congregation breaker.  And if they really let themselves go and show us themselves for real… many of you may not really like what they uncover.

Pastors disagree over new Oxygen reality show ‘Preachers of LA’

So, just who are these 6 bold preachers who decided that they would take the challenge and allow TV cameras to follow them both in and outside of their churches… and exploit their personal lives?

GibsonPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWIn watching the trailer to the show you get the picture that it is really going to be about just 3 of the preachers… Bishop Noel Jones… Bishop Clarence McClendon… and Deitrick Haddon.  But the other 3 are Bishop Ron Gibson… Pastor Wayne Chaney… and Pastor Jay Haizlip… the lesser known pastors.

I must say that I had not really thought much about it since I watch little to almost no television.  So, therefore I wasn’t hit with a ton of commercials hyping this show to death in order to set me on the edge of my seat waiting to see it.  HaizlipPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEW

However, it was not until yesterday while looking up some YouTube videos for my blog which I posted yesterday, JESSE JUNIOR… BISHOP PAUL MORTON RETIRING…and ANTHONY WEINER A REAL JERK… that I happened to come across a video about Noel Jones and Lisa Raye being a couple.


Now, that really shocked me.  In fact, it threw for a loop so to speak… because 1 would hardly consider Lisa ChaneyPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWRaye to be…     Well, to be preacher-man material.

Well, maybe I should say it like this… Not the stuff that First Ladies are made of.  Well, let me take it a step further… and say it this way.  Not the stuff that Church First Ladies are made of.

But then again… anybody can change.  McClendonPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEW

Haven’t we all?

But I must say that that I thought she made a very good First Lady of that little island that she happened to marry into…  Turks and Caicos.  And she did hold up very well under the pressure of that crazy king or DeitrickPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWwhatever his title was over that island… whom she married.

Lets face it… Lisa is a very pretty girl.   Well, I guess I should say… woman now.  But preacher material?

Well, I don’t really know about that.  But 1 thing I am sure of… what NoelPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWLisa wants…  Lisa gets.  And she will be whomever or whenever she needs to be to get it done.

Another thing… can I just say this?

No pastor or preacher should be dating anyone… whom he is not possibly looking at as a candidate for marriage.  And no so-called man… especially a so-called Bishop or any pastor or any other supposed man of God, who is single… should be out impregnating women and not marrying them.

My Bible says a Bishop should be blameless.  So, exactly where does that put Bishop Noel Jones?

Now, having said all of that let me get to what I was saying about the Bishop.  For years Noel Jones portrayed himself as being this celibate preacher, following the divorce between him and his wife many many many many many years ago.  You get that picture?

Born January 31, 1950, Noel Jones, a Jamaican,  is the twin 0brother of R&B/Rocker singer Grace Jones of the 70’s.   I can hear her sing ‘Pull Up To The Bumper, Baby’ now… think it might have been her biggest hit.

Anyhow, Bishop Noel Jones is the Pastor of a large mega-church, City of Refuge Church… and highly sought after as a preacher besides deciding to be featured as 1 of the 6 pastors to parade his life and affairs before TV audiences, on the up-coming reality TV show PREACHERS OF LA.

The last time I watched a television broadcast of Bishop Jones he was preaching on a subject that involved him relaying to his Stacy-Francis-baby-daddy-bishopcongregation his struggles to maintain himself sexually… and I think… winning.  Being a very dynamic speaker and a man well versed with words, with a large vocabulary…  his take on winning that battle and overcoming that demon even had me glued into that message.

But then I found out that Bishop Jones, if you did not read… or had not heard yet… had been less than forthcoming about his victory over his sexual urges.  In researching information for this blog… which is 3a9ceec2825739d4dbd6ab5cd5c5b885 something that I sometimes do… not often… but at times.  When I want to lets say  hit upon a topic that I am going to write about, but I am not sure about what little info I have.  So, I do a little digging just to make sure of what I have heard or saw or read… and to see what else I can find to make my blog a bit more interesting.   And I also like bringing some facts into my blogs… beside just my opinions which I am always full of.

So, while digging… I found out that the Bishop had impregnated a young woman, named Stacy Francis about a couple of years ago.  Hmmmm….

Now, I’m smh… (smh means shaking my head for those of you who don’t know).  Never would I have bishop-noel-jonesthought that because…  Well…  Well, because I thought the man honestly was gay.  Which kind of goes back to what my friend, Sue… always says about me.  She says… I think that everybody is gay.  Though I say that is not true.  Not EVERYBODY… just some people.

16a-grace_jonesIf you read my blog on Raven Symone supposedly being gay… then you would know that my friend, Sue’s, statement is far from being true.  Because I certainly definitely don’t truly believe that Raven Symone is gay… no matter what she says.  I think she is just going through a phase.  It might even be just a Hollywood thang… because it seems to me that everybody almost in Hollywood these days has either a girlfriend or a boyfriend.  As being gay in Hollywood seems to make for great news.

But lets get back to Noel Jones.  After years of watching him during his morning church broadcasts… I think on BET… I had long thought that he was gay for all the obvious reasons.  But 1 reason in particular… he just plain looks like it.  Well, to me.

I know somebody just passed out… while somebody else just got mad because I’m talking about their pastor.  Yes, I probably lost about half of my readers right there in having said that.  But it is true.  He just looks like a gay male to me… and if anybody has seen a lot of them I have.  Because as you know I was once in ‘the life’ myself.  And you kind of get to know them when you see them.

Thank God for redemption… truly.

lisarayeAnd since I am talking about it right now… let me just add.  For anybody who has come out of it… and I am talking about being gay…or homosexual… or lesbian… or whatever… they no longer look like it.  The things… the look… the characteristics… how they talk… mannerisms… nuances etc… dress… style etc… all also change.  This is really how you know that they truly are ‘new creatures’ in the Lord.

Not to say that the Bishop is gay… but he always struck me as being so.

Also, having been in ‘the life‘ I know the games and tricks people play… usually men… to try and hide their true sexuality.  They court women that they have no physical interest in… some even get me resized...married… have children etc… all as a way of hiding who they really are.

So, Bishop Noel Jones messing with Lisa Raye… or having a child out of wedlock… it all just might be a sham.  And probably will make for good TV for those of you who love drama… especially baby-mama/baby-daddy drama.

Forget me saying that Lisa was not Church First Lady material.  But just how much of Bishop material is Noel Jones to having at least 1 child out of wedlock.  And is carrying on 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversexually or otherwise with young women who could be this 60 year old man’s daughters?

My thoughts, however, are still out on the broadcast of the Preachers of LA.  But I have 1 question…

Are we selling out the Church… to shine on TV and make an extra buck… and gain earthly fame?

deitrick-daughterAre they pimping the Church?

How much soul winning or counseling in the Church can a pastor do who is busy courting Hollywood… and all that it brings to them?ron-gibson

And somebody tell me please…  When did Deitrick Haddon move to L.A.? kind of preachers are these that this show is showcasing… with their Bentley’s … Ferrari’s… bling-bling and outside children… and whatever else?

When you look at the clothes that this pastor let his wife wear out of the house…  you really have to wonder about the fate of the Church… and where it is headed?

Excuse me… but I just can’t get over the dress that that man… that PASTOR’S WIFE is wearing… exposing her breast like that.  Did I say that I thought Lisa Raye might not be Church First Lady material?????

My, Lord… smh… again…

This thing is scary…

And can I add this?

I really wonder when was the last time Ron Gibson really out of his car to approach some brothers in the hood to share the Word of God maxresdefaultwith them… when the cameras weren’t rolling?

When it has all been said and done I wouldn’t be surprise if half of them leave the show… and go up under IRS investigations for misusage of Church funds.

Whatever happened to ‘having all things in common?’

Or feeding the motherless and the fatherless… instead of driving around in exotic cars and living lavishly grand life’s while their congregations languish?

Well, God bless… well, it is Friday.  I hope you have a blessed and enjoyable weekend.  I am going to go and work around the yard tomorrow I think.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

26 comments August 16, 2013


I need not tell you just how intolerable I found this story… which I happened to come across on Facebook.•Aswad-Ayinde

I am not liberal in my thoughts concerning people who violate children.  I have no tolerance for them whatsoever.  And this particular news item only heightens my disdain.

This particular person is a man… if you care to call him that… a father, if you care to even half way call him that… who lives in Patterson, New Jersey.  He at some point was very involved with the group that Lauren Hill emerged from, the Fugees.  He was said to have been the music 1091245_v_jpg8053ea7f21e7e63cabec3d18b183c8e2video producer of 1 on their videos, Killing Me Softly.

But here is the story in a nutshell as I read it.  The man’s 12 year old daughter pops up pregnant.  And I guess the mother was questioning the child.

The man then told his wife, ‘I think the baby is mine.’1297448293769_ORIGINAL

He what????

He said, “I think the baby is mine.”

It is not amazing to me how bad you begin to look when you begin to do the unthinkable.  How 1 lives with themselves knowing that they have gone into forbidden territory is beyond me.  There is no way this person could have thought that what he was doing was right.  Because for 1 thing he kept it hid for years while making 1 daughter after another… then again and and again… pregnant.

“I think the baby is mine.”

This would be enough to have me on death row somewhere.  Because he would not have220ASPQB683-417 walked out alive.  And I am not just saying that.

I recall thinking this sometime after my son was born… ‘that if anyone touched him,… my son… I would go to prison.  And I meant it.

So, then I have to wonder about this mother?????????

The woman has 5 daughters with her husband…  this man… again if you want to call him that…  who had been  a music video director for a video of the Fugees.   Now, 3 of this woman’s older the-fugees_4802daughters had turned up pregnant… giving them 6 grand-children.  For him they would be 6 grand, and 6 more daughters for him… since all the babies were his which he had with his daughters… and their mothers, whom his wife, their mother gave birth to.

How does this happen?

Man Impregnates Daughter 4 Times

Then another 1 of the woman’s daughters turns up pregnant.  She was her resized...

I guess after making that confession his conscious must have started in on him… though he really couldn’t have had  much of 1 to have done what he has done.   But he told the woman, his wife… the girl’s mother… the 12 year old’s mother… the same mother of his other daughters, whom he had babies by already…  that he had also begun working on their 4th daughter too.  A little 8-year-old girl… whom he claims to only have performed oral sex on.

Okay, if you want to believe that.  But a man without boundaries… has no boundaries.  So, I doubt that ‘only oral sex’ thang.   Even THAT was 1 step far too much for someone who was supposed to protect his children… not abuse them.

I really can’t go on with this…  I will have to talk to you later.  I am 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversick to my absolute stomach with this story.

And these are black folk.

Truly, a demonic spirit and/or spirits were working in that house.  And a corrupt mind to perpetrate  it all.

This man …according to the mother… these young mother’s mother… said that her husband was trying to create his own ‘blue bloodline.’  abraham_post1



So, he thought he was Abraham?

Only, Abraham did not mess sexually with his own children.  Nor did Abraham deal in incest.  He sent a servant to his wife’s family house to seek a wife for his son, Issac.  Which in those times was a traditional thing to so.

God help those children… all of them.

Well, God bless…  I cannot imagine being 12 with my stomach pushed out… having to go to school… and this story comes out.  Everybody in Patterson is going to know this story.  All her little friends… her friends parents… her teachers.  And this is what this man was doing in his house to his children.DeBarge

He was breeding them.  Like some kind of animals.  My Lord…  help mankind, Lord God…  Please… please… please.  Save us from ourselves…

This story is as bad as the father of the DeBarge family.  The only difference is we never found out until they were grown people.   But their adult lives were as much a wreck trying to cope with it, as their haunted childhoods.  And these stories are not rare as I am beginning to find out just by looking up this story.  Click the links below… it proves it.

Then there was that man in Austria.  He kept his daughter locked in some hole down in his basement for 20 years… impregnating her with 9 children.

It is unbearable…  Madness…  Truly…

WTH: 58-year-old man impregnates his 2 daughters, attempts to rape the 3rd in Bayelsa

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

6 comments July 29, 2013

Bits and pieces from my FACEBOOK page…#1

facebooklogoThought I would schiff through some of my Facebook postings to share a few of them with you…

So, here goes…

  • When I was very young I kept having this re-occurring dream. It was always the exact same dream every night… and I alwaysisk-ispi049131 awoke at the exact spot in the dream.  The dream scared me. So, one night I prayed to God to take the dream away from me. And He did…that very night…and I have never ever dreamed that dream again.

            But I did not ever forget that dream.

In that dream I was always being chased…or so it seemed to me then…by these people with wings…like birds… who flew just above me… but somewhat slightly back just about over my head… 3 of them…

I always thought as a child…that they were chasing me. I never knew that God had dispatched them to watch over me.
And so I have…all my life…been watched over. Even though I prayed that prayer…and He stopped the dream…but He kept up the watch over me.

God’s favor….and I didn’t even know it until one of my brother’s told me… concerning something else in my life. And when he said, “Oooh, Bernadine, God favors you.”  I really nearly fainted… that thang scared me nearly to death.

students-taking-testGod favored me????


That was such a frightening thought.


Big…powerful God???

All these million upon millions of people???

I’m still scared by the thought of it…but I know it’s true.

Why?Whitney Houston

I do not know…   But He does…He loves me…

  • A while back last year I was at Newark Airport…and I was curious how many of the guys helping people with their luggage were there that day when they flew Whitney’s body in from LA?

         whitney-houston   I wanted to know if a lot people had gathered that day here at the airport?

            That day Whitney flew into Newark Airport as she had never flown in before. She may have had a limousine… but she left that airport as she had never left it before.
We come all come into this world one way…and leave it in another. But as we existed before in another form… so shall be then exit here to be in yet another form. But whether we have victory or end up in defeat…life everlasting in peace and joy… depends entirely upon what we do while we are in this form…

  • It has come to my attention just now that a lot of people come to me seeking my advice on a variety of subjects…and I counsel.


      Sometimes the matters are personal…other times they are legal…or affairs of the heart…or family issues…but whatever  the subject or the matter I try to give good counsel…and sound counsel. And an ounce of wisdom…not really having a lot myself. But an ounce of good wisdom and rightly judgment is worth more than 2 barrels filled with foolishness…


    • It is almost my son’s birthday. 32 years ago tomorrow I gave birth to a little bouncing baby boy…who had looked like he had been in a fight with Muhammad Ali. But he was mine… So, I loved him anyway. And when I first held him in my arms and looked down upon…I knew I couldn’t afford him.

So, by the time spring semester classes rolled around I started resuming my formal education.

One day while out walking with my son…he then was about 4 years old…he looked up and pointed at a man and said, ‘Ooh, look, mommie… there’s my daddy.’

I knew then at that very moment I had to take my son to Chicago to introduce him to his father. So, that everyday while being out he boy-on-lap-378x378would not point at someone…and proclaim them to be his father.

Women do not demonize your children’s fathers. It does not matter whether ‘THEY’ do the right thing or not. It is absolutely wrong…and men you should not try to turn your children against their mother either. It’s wrong.

I never once spoke badly about my son’s father. Till this very day they have only met once Sphysically…face to face. But they have occasionally spoken to one another via the phone.

After son graduated I sent him away to school. The school did not have dorms and the small southern town it was in had no cabs or buses. So, I had to get him an apartment…a car…open him up a bank account…buy him a cell (which is also the time I got one just so he could stay in connect with me and me with him)…and paid monthly installments on his schooling.

032612-national-students-cheatingI also hopped the bus from New York headed south to check all his monthly receipts…to make sure he was paying all his bills as he should with the money I would deposit into his bank account. And while there I always went grocery shopping…buying him enough groceries for the month…though he always had money to buy whatever he wanted…and could call me if he needed more.

Some time thereafter after settling my son in he contacted his father, he told me…and asked him for some money. My son told me that his father turned him down…and told him he should leave school and go back home until he could afford it. black-men-image-of-depressionNeedless to say I was furious at hearing this story. THAT…that man had told MY son to throw away everything I had invested in my son to get him to school and set him up properly so that he could do it…and he who had done nothing told him ‘go back home.’

When my son called and told me this story I was livid…but I did not speak badly against my son’s father…but I do have a few choice words for him if ever I should see him.

But I told my son ‘no’ that he was not coming home and he was going to stay in that school until he graduated…and he was not going to waste the money ‘I invested’ in getting him a car…a cell Bphone…an apartment…and paying tuition to that school. And that settled that.

Some time recently my son told me that his father had contacted him requesting a loan. Over a period of some years my son has connected with some of his father’s other children…sending gifts black-male-teacherand things to his young nephews and nieces. Also, over the years…really in a short period of time after his graduation…my son has become very very successful in his chosen field. And I guess his father had heard.

So, when my son told me about the request for a loan I asked what he told him. And he said ‘I told him no.’

And I asked nothing further…but made note in my mind that was yet another conversation I was going to have to take up with my son’s father.

Fathers…AND mothers be good to your children. And they will be good to you…if you treat them right…train them right…and always seek to do good for them and by them…and DO give them a firm foundation in the Lord…and the things of the Lord. AndBlack-Male-College-Graduate-TCT they shall be blessed…and you shall be blessed of them…and shall reap well the rewards of a good harvest

This big head boy is well on his way to probably becoming a millionaire before he hits 40. That is why I put him down there in that school to sit among millionaires…not theirme resized... kids but ‘them.’. So, that he would know them…and so that they would know him…

And oh, yes…   I decided this year to let you really see me too.  So, occasionally I will pop up… you just keep on reading my blogs and see…  And this is me…  But from time to time I look different…depending on a lot of different factors…  You just keep looking out for me…  : )


Well, the weather has been great.  Spent the night in the hospital with 1 of my sisters the other night.  All is well…and God is soooo good.  Cannot thank Him ever enough.

Hope you enjoy the rest of this week.  And I hope that all is well with you and your family too.


God bless…hoped you enjoyed it.  I just thought I would share a little with you…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment January 11, 2013

Creflo and His Daughter… the 911 Call…. VENUS & SERENA Taking it all at W

When I first heard this story I have to admit that I just casted it off as a plain unruly child picking up the phone and calling 911 on her father…


Because she could.  And because that is what the law tells them.

You know the law?

The law that prohibits parents from chastising their children.  A law which many times clearly has made parents victims due to unruly children.  Because if the child doesn’t like what the parent has done …or says… all they have to do is drop a dime… or in other words… pick up the phone and call the police on their mother or father… or both of them.

The information when this story broke was that Creflo and his daughter had been in a dispute… which arose upon his daughter asking him… her father… if she could go to a party.

I have heard of many children who wanted to go against their parents … then decide that they would settle the matter simply by picking up the phone and calling the police on their parents.

So, of course… I thought this was just 1 of those stories.  Where a 15-year-old spoiled child decided that she did not like that her father told her ‘no’ she could not go to the party.  So, she therefore picked up the telephone of him… or popped open her cell …and called the police lying on her father… telling them that he had choked her.

That is what I believed and that is how I thought that it had happened.

So, I never felt that Pastor Creflo Dollar had really done anything wrong.

But it was not until I heard his recounting of the incident before his congregation… and after listening to his daughter’s 911 phone call… that I must say that I am not entirely sure that maybe the daughter did lie.

Here is her 911 call:

Now here is Creflo’s account of that situation:

Since I know neither of the 2 parties it is hard to determine what and what is true.  But it was Creflo’s own words and how he just seemed to literally throw his daughter up under the bus regarding the whole incident while speaking to his church, in his accounting of what his daughter said had happened, that stuck me as… hmmm.  He virtually called her a liar and continued to pounce upon her.  And that is what I felt was odd.

I do not believe a loving father… or any parent angry or not get before people and begins to pounce upon their children making their child appear bad or evil.

As a parent I have at times found myself angry at my son… and didn’t like something that he said to me .  But there are ways that parents handle these type of things privately.  Though at times I have had to admonish my son that he needed to tread lightly a couple of times while in public… as since he has reached his 30’s he has at times needed to be reminded ‘that I am  still the parent.’

While speaking Creflo took the opportunity to turn his message on its heels making himself the victim.

There is no doubt that this present system of taking the control out of the hands of parents to properly chastise their children… has made many parents almost helpless when it comes to their interactions with their own children.

It is clearly stated in the Biblical text that parents should not spare the rod.  Without following the instruction of God our children will become unruly… untrained… disorderly… and lack moral standards.  But with proper training… love… and guidance our children will make us glad.  It is Biblical text…

I knew a young mother… she had at lease 4 children and I doubt that she was older than 24 or 25.  One day in passing she informed me that she was having problems with her youngest child in school.  And she told me that they wanted to medicate him… I counselled her against that.

The little boy was bad… and very busy.  But I told to not let anyone give any of her children anything that would alter their mind… because it would rob her children of their lives.  And she told me how her oldest boy had call 911 on her… and how afraid she now was of trying to disciple any of her children in the least.

I was shock as her oldest child, who was at the time was just about maybe 9 or 10… was a very likeable and handsome boy.  He often stopped by my yard 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverto speak with me as he passed by.  I found him very pleasurable… and never would have thought that he would have imagined to do such a thing.  But he had… the that incident scared his poor mother enough into not doing anything for any 1 of them, for fear of 1 of them ever picking up the phone on her again… and her children being taken away.

It is clear that the law against parents chastising their children binds the hands of good parents… people who love their children and only want to see that they do well.

No one enjoys little children who have no training at all.  They are like little animals… and as they grow up to they become even worst.

I was once investigated.  My son and I laugh about it today… but when it happened that thang scared me to death because all I could see was that ‘they’ were going to remove my son from our house.  That would have destroyed me…  I doubt that I would have stayed around to let such a thing happen to my child.

But the investigation was dropped when it was discerned that it had no merit.

My investigation stemmed from my son not doing academically well in school.  So, the school suggested that I allow them to test him to see why.  I was young and foolish then… don’t let the school do any type of psycho-analyzing of your children.  Because they sit in rooms asking your children about everything but what they told you they were going to do.  And that is what brought about my dilemma… my son had not called anyone on me… but the school began questioning  him about me… whether I whipped him or not etc…etc… etc…

Needless to say I have since learned.  I am not the smartest but that situation taught me something… and I learned it shortly after I gave my permission for that school to tell me why my son’s grade were not so good.

How innocent was that?

That nearly had my son removed from our home… and placed into foster care.  There is something wrong with this system… and it truly works against parents… good parents.

I did not stop chastising my son… but I did tell him that if he ever told anyone that I whopped him that I would kill him.  And that is what we laugh over today.  He tells me that I was View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByalways threatening to kill him…

“Boy, I’m going to kill you!”

It was kindda the way folks spoke back then.  Most parents said it… but none really meant it.

However, the world has changed today… different kind of parents.  And that is truly sad… and what has brought about this problem.

Well, God bless… and have an enjoyable evening.


Just in case I don’t write anything else for a while let me just include this.

Serena Williams took Wimbledon winning the Women’s Single…  then turning right around and grabbing the Women’s Doubles title with her sister, Venus.

Venus was turned away in having lost early in the Women’s Single matches… largely due to her illness which renders her to be tired.  But the illness did not stop her when it came to the Women’s Doubles finals match, where both little sis and big sis walked away with the big one together.

I am very happy for them both.  I love their family.  Just love seeing the love… appreciation and unity they all  have… and through the situations and turmoil they still WIN!

Together Serena and Venus have won 13 Grand Slam Doubles titles together… and with Serena’s Wimbledon Single’s win a couple of weeks ago… the have between them 10 Wimbledon Single wins… with each of them having amassed 5 a piece.

Now, how good is that????

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2012

Add a comment July 23, 2012

Weiner as dumb as they come… sexual intrigue over the internet…

How do you jeopardize everything by getting caught up in virtual sex?

Believe it or not so many people are caught up in sexual internet encounters.  They are intrigued with meeting up with sexual partners over the internet…and go rushing to get back on-line day after day… or night after night to continue their on-line internet intrigue of sexual encounters.  With many of them… ‘the people’  doing this…ending up rushing off to meet physically  with their virtual love interest.

You would not believe the numbers…

Yes, ‘the NUMBERS’ of people that become introduced via social networks over the computer is astounding.  And they become so wrapped up in technical instruments… be it their computer or their cell phone… their ipad… or laptop …as long as it keeps them plugged into whoever it is that is whetting their sexual appetites over those instruments.

What is the intrigue?

What is the enticement?

What makes so many men and women crazy enough to get so deeply involved in this kind of thing?

And you would be surprised about the number of  women and men who are in ‘the church’ who are as involved in this type of  behavior… if not more so than those outside of the church.,0,6807419.column

I first learned of  this when I happened to be downtown Brooklyn preparing to get ready for an edit session, when an older minister came swinging into the room.  He proclaimed that he was on his way out of  town but wanted to check on something over the computer.  The room was lined with computers… and he fell into a seat at 1 of them… and he began talking to me as he struck the keypad to the computer.

He told me how he was meeting up with women over the internet for sex, and that this was how he was now spending much of his time.

Without any shame or remorse he began opening up pictures over the internet to show me various black women he had carried on with… and was now carrying on with.  They were mostly women outside of  New York… a lot of them in the south.  But I was…

Well, I was shocked.

All I could think was…

“What kind of Preacher is this?”

I stood there looking down on the man… as he gleefully went about his task of communicating with these women over the internet.  I could not phantom myself wanting to do anything like that.

That man had it bad… but if I thought he was bad… 1 of my sisters overtook him.  And soon after…

Well, maybe a year or so later after finding out about her absorbtion in this mess… I came to find out that thousands of women had fallen into the very same trick bag.  And they too were rushing off to points unknown… like crazy to meet up with men that they had become enticed with over the internet.

Not to mention the hundreds of  women who up and marry strangers that they become entangled with over their computers.

This thing is an epidemic.  Truly…

I don’t understand it… but I know that it can all happen quickly.

I recall when I first started learning the computer… which believe it or not really wasn’t so long ago.  Oh… yes it was… now that I think about it.  It was about 10 years ago…   No, I think a little more.

My then lover had taken it upon herself  to teach me how to get started.  We had gone up over to the Black Voices’ site into a chat room.

Remember those?

Don’t hear too much about them today… since 1 on 1 conversations have proven to be far more better…I guess.  You also don’t have wonder about who is talking to who.  And besides  the technology has improved vastly.   It has become by far very much more advanced.

But back then it wasn’t all that shabby either  over a period of time… basically slower… much slower.

But getting back to what I was saying… as we were sitting there at the computer… me and my lover… I got my first ‘IM.’   I didn’t even know what the thing was… it was an ‘instant message’ she told me.  But it was really more like an ‘instant photo.’

Wow… this was great I thought.  But my lover didn’t like it… because the woman was attractive and told me all kinds of information about herself.  She lived in D.C. etc…etc…  But that thang came so quick… it was just like that.  And if my lover had not been sitting there I might have struck up a conversation with that woman.

But today the technology is even better… and quicker.  The systems are more compact and lighter as well.  You don’t need to sit at your dusty computer all night anymore.  All you need is your cell phone or ipad… or whatever you have and the possibilities are unlimited.

But would you really risk it all for some lewd encounter over the internet?

I was never really a chat room person.  But the 1 sister I referenced above… she stayed there.  Now, she is on to the next level…social networks.  First it was myspace…now facebook… and who knows what else.

She has met countless men during the course of these past …I don’t know …but I am sure more than 10 years of being involved in this type of behavior.  She is overcome by it… and sadly many many …many other women are too.

Personally, I think it is just a step up from prostitution.  You are just not getting paid for it.  Well, maybe they are if you consider dinner and a cheap hotel constellation for your services.

Needless to say… I have spent many hours considering the actions which she takes so lightly… and prayerfully so.  I find it hard to believe that anyone would trust such encounters… if for no other reason than just the health risk alone.

How do you so willingly trust people who many of them over the internet… use a bunch of alias’… and tell a bunch of lies.

And if they really had anything going on in their lives would not have to be meeting up with people over the internet.

And the worst thing about it is this…

  • How do you go running off to meet up with somebody you don’t even know?

And all that you do know is what they have told you… which for the most case is a bunch of  nothing.  Just some stuff to make you all hot and bothered… and eager to give them what they want.

Maybe, I am not the brightest or the smartest… but I am not going to involve myself with seeking out people over the internet to fall into bed with… or with the hope that they will become my husband or wife.

The old fashion way of meeting people… and getting to know people worked just fine for me when I was doing that kind of thing.  And I would never be fool enough to want to risk my life… or livelihood on a virtual reality relationship of any sort.

Evidently, Congressman Weiner was quite proud of his lower half.    So much so that he would take pictures of it and forward them out to women …and possibly young girls… over the internet.

It is all so boyish to me… childish.  I recall when growing up… and it seemed that young boys are so anxious to show you their stuff.  I really cannot remember how many times those of the male species had exposed themselves to me.  Or tried to grab my hand and try to force me to touch something that I did not want to touch… that was attached to them.

But certainly by the time they become adults… I would think that they would have all grown out of obsession with it.  But not so.

Once while standing down on the platform of the subway waiting on my train… I happened to glance across to the platform just across from me.  There staring at me was a man openly exposed with his penis in hand and ejaculating.

I have no idea of what all the intrigue with their lower part is… but somehow those men who have not outgrown playing with themselves in public places… or flashing themselves at women… truly they need to get a life.  And put their hands and heads on bigger and brighter things in this world.

And some women are just as bad… but they do it in other less obvious ways.

No doubt it is truly a spirit which overtakes people.  But the Bible says… ‘be ye not enticed.’

I find nothing enticing in it.  I have always shied away from people who seemed to be too sexually aggressive.  I found it to be a big turn off.  Today… though I do not dwell on sex… but I know that many do.

I am so happy that God released me from the trap that I was in.  I used to be driven by sexual desire.  It was all I could think of.

Some might say that I was a late bloomer since I had not dealt sexually until after I hit the ripe old age of 25.  But even then I was timid… highly selective… and quite discrete.

But sexual desire had me.  It held me captive.  But thank God… He set this captive free… and I now walk in liberty.

I cannot think of anything I would rather not do …than to once again fall prey to my old sexual ways.  To be caught up in sex.  It was all I would think about… and all I wanted to do.  I am soooooooo happy to be free.

But Weiner was as dumb as they get.

As much as I was driven by my desires… I never did anything that would make a fool out of me.

Perhaps, I was a bit prudish in my ways.  I had heard it said of  me… that I liked doing it… but I just didn’t like talking about it.  Nor was I willing to film any video tape footage of me indulging sexually… or take any photos of me naked.  I have to admit that… at the time I liked to hang out at a certain nude beach… but that was the extent of my public exposure.

Once a woman sent me a nude photo of  herself.  This was before computers… when I opened the envelope I was horrified.  I dropped that picture like it was something hot.  The woman was totally naked… and she had positioned herself with her legs wide open. I will stop there.

I could barely pick up that picture.  I didn’t even want to touch it to stuff it back into an envelope and forward it right back to her.  How dare anyone send me such filth.  I forgot what I wrote back to that woman… but it was not nice.

No rational person would involve themselves in such behavior.  The man had a wife who based upon the news is currently pregnant with their first child… and he was or ‘is’ a Congressman.  How could he have acted so foolishly …and so carelessly.

The Bible says… ‘what is done in the dark will come to light.’

Weiner after initially lying… saying that a hacker had done it… he now states that he mistakenly sent the photo of his lower part by error over Tweeter.  He stated that when he realized his mistake he quickly tried to remove the photo.  Needless to say… by that time it was a little too late.

In all of  his excitement… Weiner certainly ‘exposed’ himself.  It came to light…

Well, I really only got up to go to the bathroom.  Never intended to write this… but I had fallen asleep with my son’s laptop resting partly on my stomach and upper legs.

So, just as I crawled back into bed… I decided to check the news headlines.  And it read… ‘Weiner admits lewd tweets.’

After nearly 2 weeks of lying about it Anthony Weiner finally decided to breakdown and tell somewhat of the truth.  It is kind of like John Edwards over his mistress and baby outside of his marriage… or like Bill Clinton in the White House with Monica.  Or like that Senator in the men’s bathroom… something about his foot and the stall next to his.

We have been through it before… and it  always seems that if we give it a week or so the story will change.  The lie becomes a half truth… because you can’t really believe that a liar is really going to tell you the truth… not the whole or even the real truth.  They only admit to just enough… but never tell us really ‘the truth’ concerning the matter for which they have become embroiled.

We never quite get the whole sordid truth out of them.

But do we really need to… or expect to?

Just know for the next time… from the on-set when the story first breaks… always expect to hear the lie first.  And then later maybe… just maybe some part of a manufactured truth.

Do you recognize any of these faces?


Do you remember any of their initial stories?

And what was the final outcome?View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

Wait a minute… I think that there are a few pictures missing.

Is  morality a thing of the past?

I have got to get some sleep.  It is starting to rain now.  I hear it lightly hitting the windowpane.  Good night… rather morning…and enjoy  your weekend.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011


Add a comment June 11, 2011

Arnold living ghetto fabulous…transitioning and other gay tales…

I have never thought much of  Arnold Schwarzenegger since a controversy once arose about him being a racist.  I have since forgotten the details… but I think it had to do with him not hiring minorities within his staff, as governor of California.  Or maybe it was something to do with him not having any minorities in his movies.

Through the course of  living we have grown accustom to reading and hearing stories of men and women who have fallen down… who were living double lives and baring children with people outside of their vows of  matrimony.  So, this story about Arnold Schwarzenegger really shouldn’t be a great surprise.  He is afterall… a man.

Don’t you hate hearing that?

“Well, he’s just doing what men do.”

“All men do it.”

“Maybe he wasn’t getting any at home.”

And the list goes on and on… as to the kinds of things people will say.

But sometimes we are caught off guard.  People who we never would have suspected… though I would never classify Arnold as 1 of  those as there had been rumors.  Things about him groping and feeling up on women.  But there were people like for instance… John Edwards.  Even watching that mess unfold while standing at the counter of a local corner store… I just could not believe it.  Not him was all I kept saying.  Not goody 2-shoes… squeaky clean John Edwards.  The John Edwards who said-

“I’m in love with my childhood sweetheart… that John Edwards?”

Then before him… there rose up Jesse Jackson.  What a fine dude he was in his day.  And I do mean fine.

He was the 1 that all the networks turned to concerning ‘black issues.’   He was a man for all season when it came to… his peoples…


Up to the point where he called Obama the ‘N’ word.   But let’s go back before that… to those pictures displayed upon the front page of the New York Post and everywhere else… of  Jesse…  and ‘the’ woman… the very pregnant woman …carrying his ‘love’ child… who at the time that story broke… she had already had the baby.   That was the picture with him and Bill Clinton…another 1… and her just grinning like there was not going to be a tomorrow for any of  them.

Yes…the ‘right’ Reverend Jesse Jackson.   Needless to say that controversy certainly changed a lot of people’s opinion about him… and what he truly represented.  Which as already mentioned… was compounded by that little incident with him talking off camera with an open mic on… talking some crazy stuff about what he would like to do to Obama while referencing him with the ‘N’ word.

Clearly, if  I had been Jesse’s wife… and I have said it over and over… since seeing that 1 picture in  the New York Post.   The 1 with the woman being 7 or 8 months pregnant with Jesse standing… I think behind her… grinning from ear to ear with his hands stretch around her inflated belly.

Oh, yeah… I would have been just like Morgan Freeman’s wife, and got me 1 of  those high power lawyers.   And he would have been seeing stars for the rest of life… after I got through with him.  He would have been too dizzy to ever walk up onto any stage ever again… when I got through with him.  But I guess Jesse’s wife is kinder… gentler… and more forgiving than I am.

But some women when they have had enough… they truly have had enough.  And Morgan Freeman’s wife was 1 of those women.

One could argue… what was he thinking?

Maybe it was a lapse in judgment.

But for how many years did he suffer that lapse?

I am talking about Schwarzenegger now.  What could he have been thinking?  And to be doing it with someone who worked within his own house.  Who was impregnated with his child at about the exact same time as his wife with their last child.

And who allowed the other woman… a maid to bring that child into the house of  his wife… where this little boy probably played with his other son… the 1 born about the same time as the child he fathered with the maid… a woman who worked for his wife… aiding  Maria around the house… and probably with her children as well.

Is this a confusing story?

Obviously, not.  It did not seem to confuse Arnold at all.  Because some how during the course of the last 10 to 13 years… the span of the life and birth of his outside son… he  never slipped up.  That is Maria Striver claims to have never known about the child before Arnold finally told her about him some weeks ago.  Whereupon, she packed up and moved out… taking her children with her.

Not to be or seem evil… but I never thought the Striver/Schwarzenegger marriage was a good match.  And it goes beyond him being Republican… and her being deeply rooted as a Democrat.

It just seemed to me that Arnold Schwarzenegger had a need to legitimize himself.  Coming from Austria… and having a funny last name… combined with a funny and then quite thick accent… as well as… I guess he had some political ambitions.  What better way to create for himself the type of  American acceptance that he might not have ever gotten any other way than by marrying a Kennedy.

In seeing a picture of  the woman… 1 would have to wonder what did Arnold see in her.   She appears to be older than Maria… and I don’t know what she looked like some 20 years ago when she started working for the Schwarzenegger family… but that is all gone now.   But then I thought that about the woman John Edwards impregnated… and about  Marla Maples or Naples…or whatever her name was.  The woman who Donald Trump took up with… and soon married.  She probably was pregnant too… because that whole thang happened pretty quick.  And soon it was over.

They snub their noses at those who do not have the money that they do… or who do not live quite as well  off as they do.   I’m talking about the supposed ‘high class’  who talk  about… ‘all they do is make babies.’  But when push comes to shove they themselves are about as ‘ghetto fabulous’ as those they often look down upon.  And they have far less class in the dealings of  their own infidelity… than those they shun.

Though now nearing the end of his term as a governor, I have no doubt… Arnold felt it now safe to disclose his little secret.  However, what men do not take into account is how women feel about men who cheat.  And particularly if they not only cheat …but also make someone pregnant in the process of their cheating.  And don’t let them walk around for years like they had not done anything… pretending.

But Arnold was so bold… he got the woman pregnant and then decided he wanted to be governor too.  That is about just as bad as John Edwards deciding to run for President of the United States a second time… while his wife is dying of cancer… and his mistress was pregnant.

And to put the icing upon the cake for Arnold… it was all done  within the preview of  his wife and children.  Right there under  their own noses.

This is why I will never be able to stand that little guy… Woody Allen.  I will never support him or anything that he does.  To think that Mia Farrow adopted some children… and during the course of some time… he began taking lewd and questionable pictures of the then quite young girl… whom he later divorces Mia Farrow for… so that he could marry her.

What kind of craziness was that?

Clearly, the man had… and has problems.  And I for 1 do no sanction them.

Another rat was… or is… that Rudolph Giuliani.  Yeah, that guy from New York City who used to be the Mayor…then ran for President… and might try to run again.  But he will never make it.  Because women do not forget.

Giuliani… when he was Mayor of New York started seeing this women.  This woman… he would bring to Gracie Mansion… the Mayor’s place of residence. in New York.   This mind you was where  his wife and his son lived.  And Giuliani… the good mayor… would have this woman staying there with him… under the same roof with his wife and child.

What kind of  a dog is that?

At least in the ghetto… most men know not to try that.   If the woman doesn’t have an apartment of  her own… then they know how to find a cheap motel or hotel.  But ain’t nobody in the ghetto going to pull up to his wife’s house talking about he going to bring some other woman… in there to do his thing.  Huh-uh… that ain’t happening… ever.   Not with the wife knowing about it… it is not.  Definitely not.

You have got to be kidding.  And I am not joking about this… as this type of behavior is not acceptable.  It is immoral …and it can be traced throughout history.  Infidelity is not new… you only have to go back a few years to Bill Clinton and his little 24-year-old friend… named Monica.

It would seem that wedding vows do not mean very much today.  Maybe never… as long as men and women have allowed themselves to become enticed sexually outside of their marriages.

Through the course of the 20 years that woman who worked in the Schwarzenegger household was taken care of by Schwarzenegger.  Who knows maybe Schwarzenegger placed her there… got her the job in his home in the first place?

Who knows?

But upon retiring from her job as a maid for  the Schwarzenegger… he bought the woman a nearly $300,000 house in an exclusive LA residence.  And it also looks like he paid for her to have a boob job as well.  Because in her pictures she clearly looks like she had 1.  It does not look natural.

The 1 thing about outside of a marriage children… it is funny how many times those children look more like the men that fathered them… than the children within the marriage.

The Bible says a good name is worth more than rubies.  I was listening to a Preacher preach and he began to talk about rubies.  He said that rubies are more rare than diamonds.  I had never thought about that… but you know what it is true.

The way most things operate in this world is based upon supply and demand.  The higher the demand and the less the supply…the greater the price.  Except for this 1 thing… rubies.  We often hear of the diamond mines in South Africa and other places.  There are some areas where I have heard it said that they… the people who live in some places… almost stumble upon diamonds daily.  In these places the people are banned from gathering the diamonds in their country.  But I have never heard anything about rubies.  I really don’t even know where most rubies come from.

Hold it …I have got to ‘google’ this up.

They are 2nd only to diamonds …and are only the 2nd hardest mineral known to man.   They are found in Thailand, India, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Kampuchea, and most notably  in Burma.  And here is 1 for you… they are also found in North Carolina… right here in the United States.  Imagine that and we rarely ever hear anything about rubies.

But back in Biblical times it is possible that rubies were considered more valuable than diamonds are today.  Because the Biblical texts says that ‘a good name is worth more than rubies.’

When you think of  it through history certain family names have stood out in this country such as ‘the’ Kennedy’s… ‘the’ Rockefeller’s… and so on.  And with those names has come a certain level of  respect… and to degree of  regard… reverence and honor.  These names are held in high regard and come with a track record so to speak of  commitment and success.  Having such a name opened doors and created opportunities for those who bared their family mark… their name.

Maria Striver has held onto her family identity being part of the Kennedy clan.  I never once ever heard her being refered to as Maria Schwarzenegger.  Though I guess that was kind of  hard to get away from totally as she was, and at this time… still is married to Arnold… who is still governor of  California.

How it all plays out remains to be seen.  But Maria has lawyered up… and if she moves forward this will be a big 1.  And it will cut deeply into Arnold’s fun money.

The moment I read the headline to this story… I knew that I was going to write something on it.

I cannot believe that a 17 or 18…or maybe 20 something young woman would elect to surgically have her body transformed to pretend to be something that she is not.  But then to do it… and want to play on the women’s basketball team… is more than a bit puzzling to me.

What is the point?

It just does not make sense.  Maybe the boys team is too rough for her… or whomever.

Okay…so, you believe that you are man… and that somehow your body type got confused.  And you decide to straighten out whatever mistake that you tell yourself that God must have made… why then after doing all of  this… changing your sexual organs and such… I guess… from female to male… then why would you want to play basketball on the women’s team?

Could it be that somewhere down deep… she still feels and knows that she is really a woman?

Perhaps, as confusing to me …it must have been for the young lady, Kye Allums, who ventured out to do it.  And recently she has decided to come off of the Georgetown University women’s basketball team amid all this controversy.

It is perplexing.

And maybe… you don’t care to hear this.  But if  it had not been for the Lord we would all be just as equally confused.  Making all kinds of  crazy decisions and seeing them as right.

I first heard this story when a friend relayed it to me.  I, of course, had always had my own thoughts on this as I had come in contact with Queen Latifah a couple of times.  I hadn’t run into her at any parties …but I had heard where she hung out at when she came across the bridge into Manhattan.

And I am all for letting people along… and letting them live their lives.  I once was there and I always felt that what I did in the privacy of my bedroom was my own personal business.  I, of course, at that time never had any consideration of  God.  I just felt that as along as it didn’t involve children or animals… then leave me alone.

I also felt that same way about other people and their lives.  I never liked listening to people tell me about their long weekends with their boyfriends.  BORING.

Because I never thought of the workplace as a place of sharing every detail… and particularly those kind of stories.  I was more quiet… laid back.  I didn’t talk about my business… and only half  listened to what other people were telling me about theirs.

So, the story is finally out… and with pictures.  But if you believe it or not… because most people believe whatever they want to… pictures or no pictures anyway.  I have always admired Queen Latifah.  I am not interested in looking into anyone’s bedroom… I have too much on my own plate for that.

But to me Queen Latifah has always been a good role-model.  Even as a rapper… she did not sell herself out… or our people… or other women.  She was clean… decent… and came with rapps that jammed not insulted… or made us shame.  And then she flipped that around and made herself a movie star…it just showed that she was also capable of reinventing herself… and she was always an entrepreneur.

So, I applaud her.

The fact that you or I may not agree with what she does in the bedroom… does not take away from the fact that she is an adult woman making her own choices and decisions and doing well at doing so.  And 1 day she may make another decision just as I did… but that choice is hers… God gave that right  to her.

But here is something we can all agree upon… at least she is not walking around trying to make it seem that it is alright.  She is not flaunting it.

That takes me now to Tonex.  I saw Lexi’s interview… even posted a blog about  Tonex.  But it is hard for me to agree with anyone who knows scripture… as it is written in the Holy Bible… to believe that living such a life is agreeable to the will of God.  It is totally out of step… and I would be remiss if  I did not say so.

To some level I will not deny that I have and do still now suffer with my own level of  homophobia… which might sound strange coming from an ex-lesbian.  But even while living ‘in the life’… I had it.  But the 1 thing that I am careful not to do… is to hopefully not offend… hurt… or despise anyone.  Nor do I poke fun at… or laugh at… or make light of any situation of  being.  And this is the way that more people should come to be.

I am not talking about being in acceptance… but being understanding… loving… kind… and not confrontational.  The Bible say that with ‘love and kindness have I drawn thee.’

Find that spirit within yourself… and you may start drawing more people to the Lord.

Oh, on my final note… since so many people have been hitting my blog for more information on Cher’s ex-daughter…Chastity… since the release of  some pictures this week and the announcement that she is going to marry her long time girl-friend.   Here is what I have to say on the matter…

Well, she has managed to harden her facial features and looks more like a man… but at the end of the day… none of us can really un-do anything that God has done.  No matter how hard me try… or how much medication… and surgeries you have.  It can’t be undone… no matter what the mirror says… or what people tell you.

I’m sorry, Chastity… it is just the way that it is.

Gender transitioning is a misnomer.  There is no such thing as transitioning your sex into another.  We are what God says we are.  Removing or having certain things changed about our physical being does not change our basic DNA.  It may corrupt certain cells etc… even effect  parts of our chemical make-up.  But it is impossible to totally reconstruct certain core things about our inner workings and true gender.

Just have any gay transgender male sit down beside you and go to sleep…  and see if  they View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBysound like a woman then.  Impossible…

If you can transition your sex… then why stop there?

Why not transition yourself  into being rich… or famous?

That’s the point… it just does not happen like that.  Though becoming rich and famous are certainly reasonable and achievable goals.  But reconstructing your entire physical chemistry is not.

Well, I have been working on this blog for the better part of  my day now.  Started at about 2:30 this afternoon… and it’s now  a little after 4:30 in the morning.   Definitely time for me to go to sleep now.

But I did get up to mop the kitchen and bathroom… and got me something to eat in the in-between time.  In a few hours it will time for me to get up and go to church.  So, I will say good-night…

Hope you have a bless day… 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverand weekend.  They say mostly sunny and warm weather this week.  I really didn’t mind what we got this past week.  It was dark and rainy most of the time.  But I like the rain… and  that is not to say that I don’t equally enjoy the sun.  Because I do.

Well, God bless…

  Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

2 comments May 22, 2011

Alicia Keyes baby-mama drama …and everything that glitters…

Somehow I thought Alicia Keyes was smarter… maybe even a bit wiser.

When I was growing up I never thought to look outside of my home for my role models.  But the kids today like to pattern themselves after everything and everybody they see.

Their whole attire is based upon watching people in music videos.  That whole thing that they do with fingers…like we used to throw up the peace sign.  It’s from watching the guys on the videos.  Grinding and grabbing at their stuff…its from…

Well, you get the point.

I have read a couple stories on this romantic little couple…Keyes and her hubby to be.

But how does that happen?

He’s in divorce court…not even un-married yet  dropping sperm all over the place while hanging a ring around her neck.  Well, I mean on her finger.

He is on the verge of having 3 sets of  kids…children from 3 separate women… 4 in total whenever Alicia gives birth to hers.

Here is a guy where all you have to do is look at his track record and that should give you reason to ease back from him.  What kind of  man is he that has 2 children with the woman who has him in divorce court, and before settling that matter he impregnates another woman and says-

“Lets get married.”

And I thought I was disappointed in Vivica Fox when she hooked up with 50¢.  I thought she was too classy for him…just what I thought about Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown at first.  Though I still think that Whitney had more going for her than Bobby Brown, and over a period of time I began to see where neither Whitney or Vivica were quite what I had thought.

Which goes to my point that you should never idolize people who you do not personally know.  If  you don’t really know them then you do not a true perspective as to who they really are.  And that old saying really is quite true-

“All that glitters is not gold.”

Meaning though they may shine…be famous…popular…or whatever  but what you see and believe to be good may…   Well, it may be something totally different from you think you see.  And I am starting to think that about Alicia Keyes.

The guy doesn’t even look like anything to me.  But from the articles Alicia is totally smitten by him.  And she has to be to want to…or to have allowed herself to fall into the predicament she is in.  Pregnant with child by a guy who already has 3 children by 2 different women…and is currently still married.

I hate to say it…but it sounds so ‘ghetto.’  And I say that knowing that many people who live in the ‘ghetto’ do not all act ‘ghetto.’   That is to say that they come out of what is called a ‘ghetto,’ but they do not act or behave in a manner that reflects the negatives of that environment…or the stigma we have come to associate with certain elements within ‘ghettos’ or poorer neighborhoods…such as the character played so realistically by Mo’que in the movie ‘Precious.’

Within ‘the hood’ baby-mama/baby-daddy drama is something well documented…whether you witnessed it on the street or happen to hear someone conversing over a cell phone.  You know it when you hear it.  It  is in the tone of the conversation…the shouting…the emotions…and usually the cussing and swearing.

Amazingly, just like Alicia and this guy, Swizz Beatz.  The name alone gives you a clue that there is nothing there.  But going back to my initial statement…a few months into a fresh new romance everyone looks as in love as Alicia and this guy in this picture.  But then comes the drama.

And I have no doubt that it is going to come…if  history has anything to say about it.

And we all know that history as a way of  repeating itself…and clearly the guy’s history speaks for itself.

The mere fact that he had no respect for Alicia by at least waiting until he finalized his divorce to impregnate her and to set a ring upon her finger…speaks loud and clear.  And it ain’t saying ‘love.’

Oh, you may say-

“Oh, he is just trying to do the right thing.”

The right thing?

The right thing was to respect the mother of  his 2 children whom he is currently attempting to divorce before dropping a ring on somebody else…and making the other woman pregnant.  And Keyes is definitely the other woman in this scenario.

If one went back in time it is possible that the woman who this currently his wife…may have at the time found herself on the other side of the table.  And had been the other woman in that scenario between him and the mother of  his first child.

It is a know fact that if you meet up with someone this kind of way…where you take them from some else…  Well, sooner or later you will find yourself in the same predicament.  While the person moves on to the next one.

This guy strikes me as someone who likes to fraternized with women who have made  it or are their way to making it.  Hint…hint…  All gold digger are not female.

The ex-wife to be is a singer too…somebody named Mashonda.  Since I do not listen to R&B any more…or rapp…or anything much outside of gospel music…I have never heard of  her…or him.  But in watching a music video or 2 of  his… he definitely has to hook up with someone.  Because his talent, if you want to call it that…is not nothing.  You might consider him to be another…uhm… Bobby Brown.

So, he was in dire need to go to the next level.  And I guess you can say he did just that when he somehow managed to rope Alicia into his web of  romance.

At first glance Alicia struck me as clean cut…intelligent…gifted…and a young woman of  high standards and morals.  But she seems to have believed the hype and sunk into the life of  supposed stardom… rapp culture…  and whatever else.  She seems to have lost some of  that style… innocence…  and intuitiveness I thought she had.

So, how come she didn’t see this guy coming?

How could she have fallen so deeply under his spell?

Her style changed… her talk changed …she changed.  She started showing more…and leaving less to your imagination.

Maybe it was a desire to become more like…say a Beyoncé.  And for a while I had thought that it was going to Alicia and whatever Beyoncé’s husband is named.

Then I had thought it was going to be Alicia and Common.  But Serena Williams tied that up.

But personally she looks smart enough to be a lawyer’s wife… or some doctor’s wife.  But somebody with a brain seemed to be what I would have thought Alicia would have wanted.  Somebody like a Barack and not a Swizz Beatz.

But maybe like Vivica…Alicia wanted a thug.  Just somebody able to throw her down and sex her all night long.  But I would have thought that she would’ve wanted far more than that.

Maybe someone she could converse with.  Somebody who could do more than flash and throw his hands up in the air… or spin a couple of  turntables.  Somebody who knew something about responsibility.  Somebody who could really love and respect her.  Somebody who felt so deeply about her that he would not dare pull her into a mess.

But then what about Alicia?

What happened to her common sense?

Why would she want somebody who would pull her down?

Didn’t she see what happened between Janet and her ex-husband?

How about how far Whitney fell messing around with Bobby?

Is she  oblivious to what has been going on around her concerning messing with married men…and baby-daddies?

Doesn’t she realize that depending upon what state they live in that his children could pull a piece of  her earnings too?

Yes, that is right.  Once his way of life increases under the influence of  Alicia’s money… she could be forced by the court to aid him in supporting his other children due to her income.

So, then what would possess Alicia Keyes to want to tie herself down to a man who already has 2 set of children?

I know that it is hard to find men today who do not have any children… but there are some.  Some fine decent men waiting on a fine decent woman.   Who work and are more than capable of support his queen to be.

What happened to choosing one of them?

I see Alicia carries expensive bags…  which cost thousands of  dollar, like Chanel, Veneta, Louis Vuitton etc…etc… then why go bottom shelf  when it comes to choosing a mate?

And she wouldn’t take a bag that somebody else owned.  So, why do that when it comes to a man?

Why would Alicia Keyes want to let herself  in for all the baby-mama drama that is sure to come out of  her relationship with this guy, Swizz Beatz?

I don’t really know Alicia’s background but I have heard an interview or 2 where she has talked about her schooling and music classes.  And it never struck me that she came from the ‘ghetto.’

But one thing is for sure… she is beginning to act like it.

And let me just state this…that ‘ghetto’ is more a state of mind than being.  Because I know people who live in a variety of places including what would be called the ‘ghetto.’   But they do not possess a ‘ghetto’ state of  mind.

No respectable woman would set herself up for failure…except perhaps the woman Ruby Giuliani married after he finally divorced his wife.  What a mess that was… the guy had no respect.

How do you bring your mistress into Gracie Mansion, the Mayor’s mansion in New York City, where your wife and young son live to do your thing with her?

What kind of  woman was she?

I guess Giuliani was just too cheap to get a hotel.  But he did not impregnate her… least ways not that we know.  And just prior to his attempted run for the White House, he married her.

As to whether they are happy or not… I can’t answer that.  But I do not believe any woman can can sleep peacefully at night knowing that have hooked up with someone with a wandering eye.  If  it wandered 1 time…it can and usually wanders 2 or 3 times.  And in Alicia’s case maybe 4… if someone steps up to the plate with more money and appeal.

Because that is clearly the kind of guy this guy strikes me as.  Otherwise, Alicia wouldn’t be pregnant right now.  And he probably worked hard at that… he needed to seal that deal.

And he did.

I do not wish Alicia ill… but I just do not see it working out.  History always repeats itself, and someone’s nature is their nature. But God…only if God steps in and changes them.   And this guy has z history that is speaking loud and very clearly.

But going on to my initial point regarding role models.  Like Serena and Venus… I had thought Alicia as a good and decent role model.  But this thing about being out-of-wedlock, pregnant and messing with a married man has definitely put a dimmer on that.

The problem is …is that because Alicia is in the public eye she does bear a certain level of  responsibility.  I have no doubt that she realizes that there are many young girls and young ladies who follow her closely.  And for them she sets a kind of  standard of excellence and determination.

Her lifestyle and choices like that of  many celebrities gets digested, and incorporated into the being of  those who follow them.  Becoming pregnant by a married man…

Well, it is something most people do not brag about.  It shows a level of  insecurity…  carelessness… and a balant disregard for the other woman on the other side.

This scenario is weighted in history.  Its outcomes can be  read in newspapers time and time again, due to all kinds of crazy acts of  revenge… hatred… threats… kidnappings and murder plots.  It is not a pretty situation …and under it no one can truly find happiness.

Because what started wrong in the first place …can’t help but end up wrong too.

Then that is not to say that errors or lapses in judgment can’t happen.  But never compound a mistake.

Okay, Alicia may be pregnant…but should she really marry the guy?

No.  She made a mistake.  But she does not need to make another mistake… by marrying the wrong person.

Sure she is pregnant with his child.  But if he was worth anything that would not be the case.

Clearly, Swizz Beatz lacks certain morals.  I know that sounds like a foreign word to some.  But morals stand for something.  And anyone without them…

Well, would you really want to trust them with your heart?

Apparently, 2 others did.  And you can see what was the outcome.

Why should the 3rd…Alicia’s relationship with him be any different?

And don’t say-

“Oh, he might really love her.”

Might is the operative word.  He might …and then again he might not.  She might just be another trophy to him.  Might  be just another target for his ego …and something for him to laugh about while chatting with his boys.

As is often in this kind of  case… the man walks out on the other woman eventually…leaving her for the next one.  It is an endless cycle for those who have no moral consciousness going from 1 woman or  young girl to the other.

I pray that women wake up.

In the Biblical story in the Book of  Genesis… Leah eventually did…wake up…but it was not until after she had bore Jacob 5 sons.  She kept hoping child after child that Jacob would love her.

Today, we this scenario still plays itself out over and over again.  In the story of Leah and Jacob …you can assume that Leah did not love herself very much.  The text said that she had a tender eye… whereas  Rachel was beautiful.  And she could clearly see how much Jacob loved her.

It had to be painful.

Hence, any woman…or girl who loves herself  is not going  to just allow someone to use them with the hope of  winning them over.  Or baring a child for them with the hope that this will tie a  person to them.

I had a Jamaican cousin who passed last year.  Since I really didn’t know her I was informed by 1 of her sisters-

“I don’t know what happened to Marva.  She was never ever like that before she met him.”

Before my cousin Marva ‘met him,’  my other cousin shared with me…she was happy and carefree.  She loved life… and was always playing practical jokes.  But then she ‘met him.’  She loss the essence of who she was.

He did not love her… but he kept stringing her along.  Because he knew he had her.  She gave him a child… but yet she could not keep him.  There were other women in his life …but she refused to let go.  Then he married another woman… and my cousin’s life caved in on her.

Suddenly, nothing mattered.  Not even her own child.  Her thoughts were consumed with him.  Her desires were all for him.  Then he shun her… cursed her …and stopped seeing her as regular.

And she began attempting suicide.

She succeeded last year when she finally turned a bottle of  bleach up to her mouth.  This time there was no doctor that could help her.

They could not pump her stomach.  It burnt up her  insides.   And they could do nothing to help her but watch her suffer…for days… my aunt (her mother), her husband (her father) and her other sisters.

But at the funeral they realized that she was now at peace.  But what a sad way to go.  And what a horrible way of  trying to find peace.

What could possess someone to love someone so much…more than than they do themself… or her child… to attempt on several occasions… and then to final succeed in killing themselves?

Could anyone on this planet be worth all that?

No.  Not at all.

His life went on.  But her’s ended…and ended horribly.

It had been compounded by 1 error after another.

There are some people not worth being bothered with.  And particularly if they can somehow manage to cloud up how you feel about you.

I was once so in love.  I do know how it feels.

I loved this person so much.  She had me.  And when it was other… I spun into my own web of  depression… remorse …loss …and pity.  It came across my mind…that thought of  suicide. 

Everywhere I turned I saw couples.  Everywhere I looked I saw people walking hand in hand.  Spring was in the air… and so was love.  And I had no one…I was alone.

The one I cared for had cast me off.  And I was floating …drifting in my mind.  Reality was lapsing from me.  I saw that which I wish I had.  And it was all aroun4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2d me.  Happiness …chatter… the glee of  being with someone you loved.

But there I was alone.

And yes… it came to me.  To kill myself … and to bring it all to an end.

But instead it was overcome by another thought.

I began thinking that maybe ‘the life’ wasn’t for me.

I began thinking that being in ‘the life’…meaning ‘in a gay lifestyle’ was not so2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverme place where I could be happy.  And maybe I needed to try the other way?

I tried it.

But I didn’t like it.

But I emerged from it pregnant.

I thought of  abortion.

So, I called the hotline.  But when they started talking about ‘partial anesthesia’ View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByor ‘full anesthesia’… I knew that either way it was going to hurt.

So, I just decided to go through with the pregnancy.  Truly, that was my thought process.  And that is why I now have a son… who I must say is a far better person than his mother.

And my goodness… what would this world be like if my son were not upon it?

I made the right choice.  And it is God’s desire that we have freedom of choice… so we can exercise our right to make ‘the right choice.’

And I am glad that I made another choice.

It took me years to get here.  But I made the choice to walk in liberty …and to come out of darkness.  And I am so happy that I did.

Oh, well…   I have got to end now.  Because I am really supposed to have watched a movie… and now I’ll be up and working on a legal paper.

So, I really must get moving.  Enjoy your day tomorrow.

In closing let me say 1 more thing… Alicia at 29 years of  age should be wiser.  I say all of this because I have no doubt that a lot people will read this blog.  And I would just be wrong if  I did not speak truth…with the hope that someone might hear.  Or that it might help someone…including Alicia.

God bless.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

You have got to watch the BELOW  video.

1 comment June 1, 2010

Celebrating women… Mrs. Dorothy Height’s passing… and women we cannot applaud …what some women won’t do…

I don’t know where you live…but here where I live it’s cold.  And I do mean cold.

This morning before leaving out I made me a bowl of  Cream of  Wheat.  Then I made sure I put on a coat.

Yes, a coat.  Because…    Well, because it is cold.

Though in speaking with one of my mother’s cousin’s I found out that they are having 90 degree weather in Florida.  Wow…90 degree weather already.  It is going to be smoldering there in Florida this coming summer if those kind of temperatures hold up.

But here it has been cold.  And though I had been denying it.

I am now ready to face the hard and very cold facts…it’s cold.  And I am not imagining it.

So, getting off the bus with my mind set on getting in the house and having myself a big hot bowl of  steaming soup, but I decided to head in the opposite direction upon stepping off the bus instead.

Yes, my conscience was bothering me… because I haven’t blogged in a short while.  So, I decided that even if  I just started it tonight then I could finish it tomorrow.  And that would be so much better than not getting started with this at all.

So, that is just what I am doing.   Because I have so much I want to talk about… I just know that there is no way that I am going to be through before this lab closes at 11 PM tonight…and it is just about 7:30 PM now.

First, let me start by mentioning the passing of  Mrs. Dorothy Height.  Though I had never met her, I certainly did know of her.

Mrs. Height along with her many years of work as a Civil Rights activist, and as head  of the National Council of  Negro Women… she was also known for her signature hats which she always sport without fail through the years.

Ida B.Wells "stands apart as the most recognizable and effective antilynching crusader in history."

She passed on Tuesday, April 20th in Washington, DC after several weeks of  illness.  It is sad to hear that she suffered.  But truly she exemplified all theMerle Evers Williams strengths and character of  the women with whom she had the great fortune and I am sure pleasure to walk Former slave who helped lead the Underground Railroad.among… such as Mary McLeon Bethune, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King,  Myrlie Evers, Ida B. Wells, Shirley Chisholm, Fannie Lou Hamer, Barbara Jordan, Bernice Reagon, Bessie Coleman and so many others.

Women upon whose shoulders we their daughters and grand-daughters now stand.  And what I see in these women is a vast amount of humility and a humbleness you do not see in the spirit of  people of  today.  When you view the video clips BELOW of  Mrs. Height you will exactly what I mean.–Twenty-Great-Arfrican-American-Women

It is odd that I am writing this blogg on this topic today.  I never plan these things and never have any idea where I am going when I first start.  And believe me that some people have written me pointing that out to me.  But I welcome your comments…good or bad…or indifferent feel free to comment or drop me a note or 2.

Since this past Sunday was Mother’s Day…you really would have thought I had planned this.  But I did not.

I love celebrating women…and it has nothing to do with me being a past lesbian.

Maybe it is that my mother was a woman…my grand-mother was one…my great grand-mother was one… and all my aunts and nieces and most of my friends are one.  And I think of them as being phenomenal people…and women.  Clearly, Mrs. Height and all the women that I mentioned above were phenomenal women…but the women I am going to mention now are not.  Some how they both fell well below the mark.

Many times while surfing over the internet looking for things…mostly to buy…I sometimes come across things or an article that sparks my saying something.  And these 2 stories did just that…though one of  them I saw on the Oprah Show.

But this story I came across over the internet.  In reading it …it made me wonder-

“What women won’t do for a man.”

Women on Death Row - Linda Carty What this women did was insane…and she is not the first.  Though if  I were a  Judge…she would have never been able to walk into my court with such an excuse…though I do not know exactly what her lawyer or lawyers plead for during her court trial.  But if I had been the Judge it would not have been that…because what this woman did and the reason behind it was so sorted and sick …and just  plain selfishness.

This woman was a grandmother…and had been a school teacher…who at the time she committed this heinous crime against a young mother…she was 42 years old.

She was not some uneducated woman out in the streets.  But I guess we may all very well agree that her mind wasn’t half as good or as decent as many of  those women who we so often look down upon, when we come across them.

I will not call this woman’s name…not because I fear being sued or anything.  But I do not want to add to her ever becoming famous or known.  I feel she should go down into the depths without fanfare or pity.  She was indeed evil.  Her mind was without a doubt twisted…and she did it for a man.

This is what she did…she sought out some woman who was pregnant along with a group of  thugs…beat and killed…and tortured.  Then she stole the woman’s infant child to pretend that the child was her’s in an attempt to fool some man…with the hopes of  being able to keep him.

You can read the story if you like…the LINKS are BELOW.  But what kind of  woman would have done such a thing?

And I think what bothered me more about this story is that there are those rallying to keep her from being executed for the insane criminal act which she committed.

I am sorry…and yes I am very much a Christian.  But I have no tolerance for people who allow the devil to use them in such a vile and evil way.  And by judging my her most recent picture she seems to be highly content.

We have all…I imagine…been the recipient of  some vile and most evil thoughts.  The kind of  thoughts that came to us that were so foreign to us.  It was some insane maybe even immoral act…or something that we would never imagine doing.  Something that we  totally rejected even the thought of  it…or thoughts of it.

And yes…I too have experienced it.

I have a cousin who told me of such an incident which occurred with her.  She told me that she used to be an alcoholic, and once while sitting at a table the thought came to her to get up from the table where she was sitting.  She said she was told to take up a fork and begin stabbing a baby…a little infant that was nearby…and to stab it to death.

My cousin told me that at that moment  is when she realized she had to stop drinking.  She recognized the thought at being crazy and that it had frightened her…because the impulse to do it was so strong.  And she said that she never drink again since that night.

In looking up info for this blog I came across information on Malcolm X’s grandson.  The grandson who set his grand-mother on fire while she laid sleeping.  Betty Shabazz suffered for nearly 2 months or more before finally succumbing to those injuries.

I have often wondered about her grandson whom she loved so much…a problem child…and perhaps is still troubled today.  A child that she loved so much that she rather to have him come live with her than to see him placed some place and  locked away, because no one could control him.  And at the age of  12 he killed his own grand-mother.

What I have thought about on the times I have since reflected on him…was what went through his head that he would have done such a thing to someone who loved him so dearly?

It cannot be argued that some of  toughest demons to resist are those which live inside of us.  It is sad.  But when crazy thoughts come into our minds we must with all our might resist them.  A very large part of  it is learning how to pray…and how to call upon the name of  the Lord.   It is what my cousin did.   And it works…I know it for myself.

Now, on to the story I watched on Oprah last Thursday or Friday.

I had been in New York when the story broke…but like most people over time I had forgotten it.  But if  I thought the woman I wrote about above was evil that goes doubly for Vanessa Jackson…whom one of my brothers informed me was a member of the Church of God in Christ.

Note in the picture above…you will notice that 4 of the children look like something is wrong with them.  They are different from the other children…not quite as well dressed…and if you look real closely you see that they were not as well…

Well, healthy looking…meaning not well nourished.  Because they were not.  That woman and her husband straved those little boys…while she, her husband and their biological  children all eat well and seemed to be quite happy.

I do remember this story when it first broke…

Some neighbors called 911 because late one night they heard a noise outside their window.  And when they looked out they thought they saw what looked to them like a very young child rampaging through their garbage looking for food.

That young child was the boy in the picture to the right of the woman.  The little tiny boy who looks so light and fragile.  He was actually 19 years old and weighed under 60 pounds.  And look at her own children…some of them quite plumb… as well as, she and her husband.

I was dumbfounded when I listened to Oprah interview the brothers of that boy.

How could anyone be so heartless and so cruel?

These people called themselves ‘saved.’  They took those boys to church with them and their other children every Sunday.   These people adopted those boys.

On the show the boys told how the woman would dress them in 3 or 4 sweaters under their clothes to make them appear fatter.  How we gave them pancake mix to eat…and would tell them that they only had ‘x’ amount of time to eat it.

What kind of  depraved people exist in this world?

Is money that important?

Vanessa Jackson and her husband, who has since died while in prison, went to church where they…I hope…were taught ‘love’…and that it is better to give than to receive.  But somehow they felt that taking and cheating…and being evil and cruel was a better way.

They straved those little boys…and aided in seriously debilitating their growth, physically and mentally.

I could never love money that much.  The world is filled with sick and degenerate people.  I am so thankful to God that He gave me a mind to not to be 1 of them.  And I hope that you aren’t either.

My Mother’s Day started with my cousin Jean…who loves reading her name in my blogs…waking me up early.  It was then followed by my son telling me to get up and get dress because he was taking me to breakfast.

He greeted with a large bouquet of flowers in a tea cup.  They are so beautiful…and I love my tea cup.View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

I hope your Mother’s Day was great too…or that you did something especially special for your mom or wife.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

And what do you know it is not 11 o’clock yet.   I must be getting better at this…because I am just about finish with this blog.

Well, God bless…and hope that you have a beautiful day tomorrow.

And if it is cold where you are…  Don’t forget about a bowl of  Cream of Wheat before going out…or a nice hot bowl of  4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2oat meal.

And don’t you dare leave out without your coat.

And God bless….

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…

Add a comment May 12, 2010

Serena at the top of her game… Women turned men…having babies…

Well, what can I say…except she has done it again.  Though she dominated much of  the game playing some of  women’s greatest tennis. ..and she really did.  I enjoyed watching her play…and how well she kept her opponant working and running chasing down balls…and how she made Serena run and chase down balls…and send the balls back.    

It  was certainly not hard to see  Saturday night  during the  Australian Open Women’s Final why Serena is  ranked #1 in the World.   Along with #1 Woman Athelete…#1 Women’s Sports highest ever prize winner…#1 in Women’s Tennis Doubles (along with her sister, Venus)…and #1 in the eyes of  her older sister…and just as deadly on a good day…Venus Williams.

The love and respect that they share for each other is not hard to recognize.  While baby sister sweated it out on the court…older sister, Venus sat prayfully in the stands along with their ever faithful mother, Oracene Price.  With ever stroke Venus sat clutching her hands…cupping her chin…watching every ball as she not only sweated it out with her younger sister but you could see that she struggled with her…mentally right up until the very end.  And when it was all over little sister pulled herself up from the ground and went over to her mother and the waiting arms and kisses of  her mother…and an ever elated older sister who could not have been prouder as she stretched down gripping her little sister in her arms and buried a kiss upon her while whispering something in her ear.  

Now, that is love.

So many times sisters and brothers get so caught up rivaling one another…that  they have very little appreciation for one another.  Sibling  rivalry can be one of  biggest problems  for why  most  families cannot get along.  Clearly we all need to take a  page out of  Venus and Serena’s play book  about  family love and admiration, for the skills and gifts that  God has so richly invested in all of  us.

To be so dominant on the tennis courts…and often coming up against one another… yet  both of  them maintianing the desire to want to win and become #1…earn alcolades…and huge bundles of  money coupled by the fame and prestiege…and yet  it  seems  that  the  endless challenge  that one of   them  will have  lose whenever they end up set against one another in finals…yet  it  has never impacted their love for one another.  In fact, it seems to be  that  thing  which drives them closer… with each and ever tournament…opportunity…contest of  skill and power…and desire to win on both of  their  parts.

Saturday night  during  the  Australian Open final,  Serena Williams not only won  the Australian Open  Women’s  Singles  for her 5th time…nor  did she not only take  home yet  another trophe… but she pushed up her game earnings  into the over $30 million bracket as well.  

With a combination of  12  Aces combined with sharp precision…speed and  force…all  of  which played  major parts  in her game.  Serena  took  it  in 3 sets winning…6-4, 3-6, 6-2.  But I  am sure that when  Serena  hit  the courts in the Land Down Under…it  was  also with a  mind that she had  something to prove.   After being fined and forced to sit out a tournament  following  her outburst  and supposed  threat  to a  lines woman  while  playing  in the  US Open this past year.   I am sure that when Serena stepped  into the tennis arena of  the Australian Open  that  she  went  in to prove  a  few things.  With her main point being… that she had the capabilities  and powere to put away anybody who dared to come up against her.  And she did…back to back…and day after day…tournament after tournament. 

What a game…and what a win.  You go, Serena…and Venus.  And congradulations on also taking the Australian Women’s Doubles again…too. 

When I saw this and initially read this story I laughed…sarcastically of  course.   As I found the whole thing  to be absolutely ludacris.  I am sicken  really by it…because  to me it seems that these 2 women turned men are trying to make a mockery of  God. 

This last set of  men giving birth to a  baby… are 2 women who have turned themselves into supposed men.  They look outwardly quite like men… but evidently they
decided to keep some things… and develop some others… but did not rid Pregnant Man Scott Moore (5 pics)themselves of  everything.  And I think that it is sick. 

Yes, I  feel that this thing is sick. 

Why would 2 women want to convert themselves into men…only to end up living their supposed lives as men…living together as gay guys?  

It doesn’t make sense.  It is sick.

On top of  it…taking pills to masculine themselves up…then turn around and become pregnant with all those chemicals in the body of  that woman/turned supposed man.

What is this thing about wanting to be a man…then turning around and wanting to do the most womanly thing any woman can possibly do?

And that is give birth to a little baby.

If  they want to be men…then be men.  But not try to re-write the birth code…or  trying  to revamp  God’s already perfect work…and order.   If   He wanted men giving birth He is more than capable of  performing that little feat for  Himself.  But since He has yet to do so…then evidently it is not His desire.

Then this last couple to do this thing…well, they look not only sick Pregnant Man Scott Moore (5 pics)but freakish too. 

How messed up can a little infant be who is being carried in the womb of  some woman who has jacked up her system, face and body with a bunch of  pills messing with her  hormones in order to turn herslf  into some kind of   make believe man?  

And yes…I said  ‘make believe.’

In a couple of  my prior blogs I wrote about this guy whom I knew… and I guess I still know him…just haven’t seen him in a while…who came to Salsa Soul  Sisters, a lesbian organization…under the guise of  being a woman.  At that  time once he began dating  some women in Salsa…which is or was…as it still exists but under another name…but once he started to date some of  those lesbian women the word started circulating.   And I did say…that he came in as a woman…a supposed lesbian…seeking a lesbian lover. 

Okay, let me break it down for you.  He was a guy…who dressed in drag…meaning wore women’s clothes…who came and became a member of  a lesbian organization…and while coming into the organization began dating some of  the Salsa Soul Sisters.

And in my prior blogs on this guy…who we all thought was a woman…except those who happened to date him…they got to find out first hand that he was not… as he had not had the operation yet…but  was working his way to it.

Well, when the word got out…the roof  was  blown off  of   Salsa when the real women got word that their ‘lesbians only’ organization had been infantriated by some man pretending to be a woman, and  talking about he wanted to be a ‘lesbian.’   

Don’t laugh  because it is true.

I thought the whole thing was bizarre.  It was way too deep for me  to  even want to  comprehend.    All I could think was-

“If  he wants to be with women then why doesn’t he just  stay a man.”

But what he wanted was to be a  woman making love with a woman.  He wanted to turn himself   into a woman in order to be a lesbian.  Now, that was bizarre to me…and made absolutely no sense to me.  But it did to him.   And evidently to a few of  my then ‘so called’  Salsa Soul Sisters.

But  for some of  my Salsa Sisters this  act on his part to join Salsa and become a member of  Salsa’s Board was an out and out act of  war…and boy did they come out battling.  Sisters poured into Salsa one night…coming from all ends.  Sisters who had left the organization…and those who had gotten too busy and had simply stopped coming…and then there were some of  the founding mothers (those who were still alive)…they came storming into  Salsa and demanded a vote.  And when it had all been said and done by the end of  the night  they added a note to their charter…and it went like this-

“No woman born biologically a man could ever become part of  Salsa’s Board or  membership.”

So, needless to say we never saw the guy again in any of  our meetings…but some of  us had befriended him and would occasionally run across him.  He seemed to have no problem in  finding supposed lesbians who were willing to indulge him sexually.  One such woman he moved in with…and  they  lived as lesbians.  But he disclosed to me that she wanted him to give her a baby…and he was feeling pressured…as it was something that he didn’t want to do.  After all, he wanted to be a lesbian…not a mother.  Or should I say…be a father.

But I knew that this guy took a lot of various pills because he was in the transitional  stage of  having his operation.  Knowing this…I just could not help but wonder how a fetus in the womb of  his lover…  fathered by him  could possibly be healthy…as this guy’s system had to be all messed up with all the sex changing medication, as he really was working towards having his operation to remove his male sex organ.  He lived his life as woman…and that is how he acted…which is why none of  us knew he was  a man until some of  our  other  sisters (Salsa Soul Sisters)  started climbing into bed with him…or  her as he called himself …and he  had given himself a  female name too which is what we knew him by.

So, when I happened to go up over the internet a few days ago and come across this news  of  another man about to give birth to a baby.  As much as  I really didn’t  want to read that story…I read it.  And upon seeing their pictures and reading about them I laughed…but  it  really was all sarcastic, of  course.  Because I really don’t  think that it funny.

These 2 woman could not look more manly.  Which is something not uncommon in ‘gay life’…but certainly not the norm.  Mostly the fems want men…or the more dominate type want someone softer and not as hardcore like themselves.  This is of  course if  they are into role playing…which means…those who  play like they are male and their partner being female.  Or then there are those who perfer not to  play  roles at all…but just be themselves…which is what many do…they don’t look either or…they are happy with being who they are and desire  simply to be intimate only with ‘like sex’ partners.

So, looking at the pictures of  those 2…that looked like very much men…with one of  them exposing her swollen belly in every shot…just  struck  me  as being humorous at first because of  the obvious contradiction.   Though  inwardly I really felt they  were trying to make a mockery of  God…and I still feel that it is exactly what they want to do.   It is not by error.  Because why would you butch yourself  up…beards, hair cuts, clothes, probably voices etc…to then want  to turn around  and do such a womanly act as become a mother when everything about you appears to speak to the fact that you clearly want to be a man?

Is that  not  a contradiction?

So,  I have come to this conclusion…this can only be for profit…15 minutes of  fame…lights-camera-action…a movie…a reality show….something…but not because he really want to be a mother…or even a woman in kind of way.

How many more women turned men…are we going to see  pop up and do this?

I can’t imagine children growing up under 2 highly confused women as these 2 women.   I really can’t.   I wonder how they explain what they are…or who they are to their children?

And truthfully speaking,  his belly does not look  healthy.  You can’t take all that medication and not know that that it might affect the fetus in some kind of way.   It  must…and I don’t care how slight or mildly  it may do so…but there has to be some type  of  affect or side affect to any child born to someone who does such.

I hope this is not the beginning of  a  preverted and  highly  sick Pregnant Man Scott Moore (5 pics)trend.   This  is not to say that I think  gay guys can’t make  great fathers.  I would never be that small minded.  But  I think that a bunch of  people who mess with their gender…and who suffer from gender issues…yes, I feel that  maybe  they might not be the best canidates to parent anyone…or to raise anyone.   Because clearly such people who have done to themselves as these 2 women have…   Well, could  they possibly love themselves.

They are out of  step with the world…and clearly are  trying to re-define gender and parenting…and have  a  strong desire to create their own reality.   It  is  make believe…and springs out of  a  crazy notion that they can somehow restructure  the concept of  what  is  family…father…and mother.  And even more so…what or who…is a birthing mother.  And in reality it could never be a true…or real man.

Saw a  few flurries this morning…but the sun is out.  The weather is cold though and been so I guess all weekend long. 

We were out of  town over the weekend…and when I got in this morning I found the kitchen faucet frozen solid.   And the house, of  course, freezing cold.  I felt sorry for the  cat…though I  had tried to warm up the house as much as I could.  But I guess my efforts were just not enough.

Now, I have  got  to  get  a plumber to the house.  Can’t  imagine  what  this is going cost…but  I think  it  is  going  to be  costly. 

But on the other hand  it  might just be a good time to have them put in  that new sink and faucet that I have been thinking about.  And why not  start tackling some of  the other problems I have with the house…such as getting those raccoons out of the attic.  There has be a way of  chasing them out.   I  thinking loud music…if  they  can’t  sleep because of  the  noise…just may be they might pack  and leave.

The other night I heard  2 of  them fighting.  And View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByit sounded vicious…and they are not small raccoon either  like those in this picture. 

I can’t imagine the damage nor the smell in the attic since they moved in maybe about 2 years now. 

I got to  get them  out.  Besides I  am thinking about transforming  upstairs into a production studio and editing 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversuite for some future plans that I have  for this year.  And I  really don’t  want  to have those  raccoons  roaming around just above my head.

Oh, well…there is always something.  I’ll get over it.

Well, I hope you had a great weekend.  I did.  I enjoyed it so much that coming back and 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2finding the kitchen sink frozen really doesn’t bother me.  It  was worth it…for the weekend I spent with some of  my young nieces who had never spoken so much around me before…until this weekend.  And I loved every minute of  it…being with them and their friends.   I really did.

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

  THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

2 comments February 1, 2010

Gang rape… assualt …murder… and fear

I rarely read the newspaper…and have stopped watching television.   So, the means that I accquire the news these days is usually when I go up over the net and see a news flash.   Most of the time I pay little attention to them…but then there are those which draw me in.  And I find myself having to read the story…and not out of  real interest…but because I find the headline hard to believe.

Today, I came across one of  those attention grabbing headlines.   The headline read something like this…‘Gang Rape and nobody helped.’

How could such a thing happen?

What has happened to mankind?

The incident took place during a high school homecoming dance outside in some alleyway or something on the school grounds…for 2 hours long this raping continued.  And kids stood around watching, while others  jumped in to participate while a 15 year girl was repeatedly  raped  by up to as many…if  not more than 15 to 20 people  who in some way participated in this incident  or  stood  by watching.

What would possess somebody to stand around and want to cheer on or watch such a thing?

Why didn’t someone call for help?

Or run and go tell somebody?

What is going on in the minds of our young people that they could get caught up in such a thing…and then become party to it by standing around and doing nothing…or worst…jump in and become more than a watcher?

Everyone of those kids should be pulled into court…and facing some type of charges. 

Many were busy lighting up their cell phones taking pictures of the crime…and even videotaping it…a type of criminal voyeurism.   But no one called for help…or tried to stop what was going on.

I cannot imagine such a thing.  There is not anything that I can see going on…that I would not try to stop…or somehow  help in some way.  I have seen men fighting their girlfriends…and gotten involved.  I have stopped fights between kids.  I have gotten between mama-bady-daddy drama.   And did it  because  I just can’t turn a blind eye to anything that I feel is wrong…or harmful…or potentially dangerous to someone.

I don’t have a fear of getting involved.  But I know that many people do not think like this.   And I know that many people may feel that I am putting my ownself  in jeopardy.   And if  I stopped to considered that…I might act like everybody else. 

But I am glad that  I do not.  I’ve  got nieces and nephews…and a son  that  I have to think about.   I just don’t want anything to happen to them.    So, let me try to clean up the problems now.   Later might be too late…for them and me.

But how could I not help somebody?

Or try to?

But I have never ran towards anything in order to be an observer…not even as a child.

That is something which I cannot understand.  Why would I run towards gun fire to see what is going on…or just to see who got shot…and laugh excitely about  it?

Now, that is stupid to me.

Or, why would I rush to see people fighting?

That’s dumb. 

If  anything…I go to see if  I can help…and whenever I am near a fight I go to break it up.    Not to laugh and cheer anything on.

But this is the mentality of  people…and it is definitely the mentality of  of  the kids.   Everything is a  joke…or funny.   But somebody being raped…or killed is not a joke.  And certainly not funny…nor is it entertainment.

This kind of thinking is dangerous for all mankind.  If  the new group of adults coming into this world are a bunch of  desensitized robots…uncaring…unfeeling…unthinking…uncompassionate ids….where will this world be?

How safe will any of us be…as the world falls into their hands?

I once had a lover who had been gang raped and sodomized…and who knows whatever else.    But I cannot tell you the impact it left upon her…and her life.   Every time she went to the bathroom she re-lived that situation.   That thing lived with her…it was in her insides and something she could not shake.   Though she was successful…as an actress…and part-time music teacher…that incident marked her private life.    That gang rape greatly colored her life in the in-between time.

She was not big in size…small  stature.  So, I can imagine just how helpless she must have felt…not to mention the terror of  it.    She never really talked about it except to say that it had happened.   And I did not push it.

So, how could someone…20 or more people witness something like that and not do anything?

How could we…any of  us be safe if everyone walking around us only cares about themselves…and have no compassion for anyone else?

There is a great need for serious consideration to be given for where will mankind be and the type of world and societies will dominate this planet in the next 20 to 30…or 50 years from now.   Everyting is a joke.   Blood…rape…murder…crimes of every conceivable kind and inconceiveable kind are happening today…and very high rates…escalated rates.  And nobody is paying attention to it. 

And not only a need for serious consideration…but something has to be done now regarding the attitude of  our youth to crime and criminal acts.  And high officials should be concerned now about what affects desensitizing our teens to blood and criminal acts via  computer games, movies, music videos etc.  will have upon the increase of  future criminal acts and the types of crimes prepetrated…and to what degree these crimes are acted out.

Some feel that the lack of anyone getting involved had to do with fear.  But if  their  fear is that great…then they should fear how much worst it is going to be  if  people continue to allow criminal acts to take place without something being done  now. 


They don’t have any fear yet…let the criminals continue acting out as they are acting out.

Fear only empowers those perpetrating the crimes.  Fear is the biggest thing that they have going for them.  That is why the Bible says….‘Fear not.’

The last thing you want to do…even with an animal…is appear to be afraid.  Or in other words…fearful. 

What happens when fear is taken out of the equation?

Then you have power…because the power ceases to be in the hands of  him or them that are trying  to terrorize you.   It is one of the first lessons you learned really early in life.   Usually while you were in grade school when it came to bullys…who  were  only as big and as bad as you let  them be.   But did you ever finally stand up to one…and saw how quickly the tables  turned around between you and them? 

While living in Chicago…I was at wits end.  I was being stalked…something I would suggest that no one try to do today.  Because I am no longer that person…believe me. 

But I became a nervous wreck under that situation.  My fear  absorbed me…totally.  I was well on my way to having a nervous breakdown behind it…had it not been for the Lord.  I could not walk down the street without stopping everytime I heard someone walking behind me.   Being  in  a large city like Chicago…this happened quite often as someone was always behind me…just not  normally  the person who was terrorizing me.     In the evening when I went home…I would throw open the door  to my apartment before entering and step in like police detectives…leaving the door wide open behind me.   I would go  from room to room peering  in trying to make sure no one was in my apartment…which definitely left me open for the person to enter into my apartment behind me.  But when fear has you…it has you…and you do not think clearly.   And when you are not thinking clearly…you leave yourself open  to a whole lot of  the things… anything can  happen to you.

I was tormented by fear.   So much so…that by the time I finally got through it I vowed never again.  I lived  in darkness…afraid to turn on my lights in apartment at night…afraid to answer the phone (this  was at a time before Caller-ID).  I will never go back to being in that state again.   Under any circumstances…or by anyone.

But at the end…the tables turned.   It took a dramatic turn…and had not God intervened I might probably be in prison now…and there for the rest of my life.  Because I would have killed the person.  I snapped…and in my snapping the tables turned…and my perpetrated went fleeing from me.  When I think of it now…it is so  Biblical….‘and I will make you enemies flee 7 ways before thee.’   And that is when it ended…when I finally stood up to the person…the phone calls…the following …the threats….everything…and I vowed ‘never…ever again’

And I have never feared anything…or anyone ever again.

And this is how I know how big a weapon fear is. 

And those who use it…count upon it being so.   They dominate neighborhoods…housing complexes…streets…cities…etc…using fear.

So, the more that people cease to do anything…if  indeed they are fearful…because I believe that most of  them just don’t care…as long as it doesn’t involve them or their family.    But those who are fearful of  doing  something to stop or aid somehow a victim of a criminal act…the more you empower those who perpetrate the crimes.  Thereby, in the end causing yourself  a greater harm…because you did nothing.  And those that you fear become stronger and more  more  aggressive if they are allowed to continue.   It is an unending situation…better to deal with it sooner rather than later. 

If  nobody cares about your neighborhood…then you should.   Because you do live there too.   And you should never allow anybody to chase you up or down a street…or make you run…or have you afraid to leave your home.

What happens when you become the victim?

And you will…one way or another…if you allow crime to fester unrestrained…or  actively sought to be kept down.

I was pretty sick reading about that man who had imprisoned his own daughter in a very small basement space for over 20 years of her life…breeding kids with her.   And all of this while living just above his daughter in the house with his wife…her mother.  That story made me sick for such a long time…so much so I could not talk about it…much less write about it.  But it is an example of the type of stories that we are reading and hearing about today.  But if this is what is going on today…hideous crimes…stomach turning crimes.  How much worst will these stories become in the future…if this trend continues?

Criminal activity is on an increase everywhere…and  much of it  we  never even hear about until somebody leaks something.  And many others  because the value of the poor people who have  fallen into the hands of some very sick people…well, their lives were just not worth looking into.

So, no investigation were ever initiated.

Take for instance this story….

It is very unfortunate when police officials pick and chose who is or is not worth looking for.  So many people go missing without the police going out to look for them while they might have been found yet alive.  But if  they…any of  these poor women in this story been some rich socialites, or high city officials   or lawyers…or  anybody with any degree of  money or some type of clout…no amount of expense or time would have been spared on their behalf.

There is an imbalance in the world…and it stretches all the way around the world.|hp-laptop|dl1|link3|

I know I have told this story in an earlier blog here…   It is when one night…late  night…actually early morning…when my cousin, Vincent, was on his home from having been out clubing.  As he neared his apartment…in the dark of night he heard a woman scream out for help.   He went running in the direction on the cries and came upon the woman and her perpetrator.  He grab the man and flung him to the ground…and then held him down until the police came.

BLD050270[1]My cousin was a very tall and handsome gay male.  I have no doubt that most of  his life he had to deal with people snickering about him as he was very effeminate.  But he never hesitated to step aside for a woman…or get get up to offer his seat to a woman or elderly person… or help you remove your coat…or pull out your chair and hold it for you as you sat down.  He was more a man than most ‘so-called’ real men.  And not only  was  he a very nice…but also a very decent person…and caring in every way.  He really was someone who would give you the shirt off his back.  And if  it cost him…he gave to you regardless if he had suffer.

You could not have met a better person than him.

He would have never ran towards a fight to stand and watch it…but to pull the people apart.   Nor would he have stood around and watched a young girl or anyone being raped.  I wish I had a picture of  him…to put in this blog.  He was a hero.   And we need more like him.

Reggie Jackson of the New York Yankees was the same way.  His name had found its way  into  news headlines for more than baseball…more than once because of some acts of  heroism on his part…when he went to the aid of someone.

More people need to do it…and things would change.  Just think of 9/11…what not would have happened if the people on those first 2 airplanes had been more like the people on that  3rd airplane?

In looking up information of the gang rape…I happened to come by this story.   Though I had seen this picture of this woman many times…I never knew her story.  But it is sick.  In fact, it is more like beastiality.

She is a socialite…who married a man…wealthy man.   He had built a jungle on his property and had a great love for his cats…the type known as ‘lions.’   So, as she started to age and as a means of re-capturing his attention she decided to disfigure herself  like this purposely.  She is called the ‘lion woman.’   Because she went under the knife to have her face disfigured into that of a lion.

It is beastiality…in its highest form.

I think she likes it even more now…with all the attention that having it  done has  given her.   Talk about… what women won’t do.   Nobody is worth destroying yourself  for. 

What a sick mind…and it truly shows what having too much money and nothing concrete to do with it…can bring about.

Finally, in closing… I got an comment today on my Chastity Bono blog…which has been getting a tremedous amount of  hits lately.   This particular person was very disenchanted with my statements regarding Chastity and her sex change.  But he used a very interesting word while stating his point.  

That word was…    ‘transitioning.’  



Evidently, this person  felt that Chastity’s…or Chaz as she is calling herself these days…decision to undergo that surgery to remove somethings and to add some other things…   Well, that it is just a simple  little transition in life.   To a degree we  all  have to go through some transitioning  in our lives, I guess… overcoming some disappointments…some losses…some set-backs…aging….etc.   But the  altering of  ones sex is a bit more deeper  than a simple little transitioning phase.  And  I think most would agree with me about that.

I was reading something on a  quakco doctor…one that performs a lot of these type of  operations…sex changes…who is now a supposed woman himself.  After having undergone the operation himself  many years ago…it seems that all of his partners have been women who ‘underwent the operation.’   He became a woman…and they became supposed men.  Which means…they kind of  ended up in the same kind of situation that they would have been in…in the first place had they merely remained what they already had. 


I wouldn’t let anybody who is not clear headed put a knife to me.  Most of these surgeons are quakes and definitely…these so-called plastic surgeons. 

We are living in a sick world…truly.   And we should all be concerned about where this world is going…meaning….in which direction it is headed in.   Things are being turned upside down.

And I am not really trying to pass judgement on anyone.  Because we all do crazy things…and years later wake up having  lots of regrets.  I still regret some things…many things in fact.  And in the process I have grown.  But thank goodness I did nothing that committed me for my whole entire life to a big mistake.  I was fortunate…no bless…because many can’t say that.

We can’t change people’s decisions about things concerning View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBythemselves…and what it is or isn’t that they want to do.   Nor can we  force things down people’s throats…or should we try.  That is one of the greatest beauties of  God…choice.   He desires that we should have it…and with the hope that we make the right ones.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverWell, the day is almost over.  Its been quiet and I am trying to finish up on some things.  I want to complete some things before the new 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2year comes in.  I want my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE, to be out and available for sale…my website launched.  And a couple of  other things settled too.

So, I am looking forward to transitioning into 2010…working on some other  and new  things.  And to be well on my way to doing more for the Lord. 

And I look forward to it.

Well, God bless

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

Add a comment November 2, 2009

Micheal’s death…the concert… and Palin

Finally, I am up and out.

We just flew back in from Tampa on Sunday afternoon, and I have been drained of  any energy every since.  I have barely eaten a thing.   All I have wanted was sleep…and tv4729_1521[1]more sleep.  But finally today I decided that maybe I needed to get out and get some fresh air to clear out the cob-webs from all that compressed air I was forced to breath in during our flight down and back from Florida.  And maybe…just maybe…I was right.

I feel better already.

Florida was beautiful.  It rained most of the time while we were down there.  But I loved every minute of it anyway. 

My plan was to write my blogs during the evening while laying around in the hotel…as we were in Tampa for the AIM conference with our church.   But our hotel did not have a business room where I could access a computer for free.   Instead they had an UPS store with computers that could be rented at a rate of  59¢ per minute.  Needless to say, I was livid.  And my son had failed to bring our lap-top computer on the trip. 

So, it meant that during this whole Michael Jackson thing…and Palin resignation…and the whole of the 4th of July weekend…I had been computerless.  And unable to voice any opinions on anything to anyone accept to the walls of  my hotel room…how boring.

So, alas…I am happy for this opportunity to be able to once again feel the rugged curves of  the keys of my keyboard.  And now able to voice my voice…but I have forgotten what it was that I had wanted to say.

Though through the whole week last week…I had much to voice…I now, however, find that maybe I am just too tired to say anything.  Though I did think that Palin has committed political suicide…not to mention that there most be something bigger behind her quick decision to resign at this time.   And then… frankly, I believe Michael may have been murdered.

If  Michael was in the mental state that those around him claimed that he was in…then any contract signed by him for 50 concert dates would be null and void…as he was not mentally competent to sign anything.  My other point to this is…is this.   When an artist signs a contract…and particularly an performing artist like a Michael Jackson…the promoters would have insured him.

I am curious just how much the owners of the Staple Center in LA had Michael insured for…as they were the ones promoting the 50 concerts in England.

My second point…is this.  No talent in their right mind would have ever signed a contract for 50 consecutive concert dates.  Most entertainers can barely make it though a couple weeks of  performing without becoming exhausted. 

At 50 years of  age there was no way that any out of shape performer who had not been on the road or on stage for at lease 8 to 10 years…such as Michael… could have possibly pulled off  the 50 concerts that Michael Jackson was said to have been booked for.  Not without battling complete exhaustion and/or possibly killing himself  by dropping dead on stage while attempting to do it.  

It was simply an impossible fete that even the King of Pop would not have been able to pull off.

Had Michael died during the time of  his rehersals for his 50 concert gig…it would have meant a big pay day for the promoters of his supposed 50 concert dates.   Had he died while on the road or any time during his 50 concerts…also meant a big pay day for his promoters.  And having died while under contract…which Michael was…also meant a tremendous pay day for the concert promoters of his 50 concerts.

But had Michael gotten up on the stage and not been able to fulfil his concert dates…for reasons due to exhaustion…burn-out…fatigue…drugs…etc.    This would have meant financial disaster for the promoters…and demands for rememburstments for all tickets of the shows which had to be cancelled.  Something which no promoters wishes to ever face.

Michael Jackson’s untimely demise has left many questions.  And among them are questions as to whether or not Michael superseded the law in the aquisition of  his children?

In perhaps, the biggest baby-mama drama ever…if  Michael had aquired the first 2 children, Price Michael and Paris, legally…then why had they not been legally adopted by him?

No legitimate lawyer would have allowed that to get pass him or her.   He or she would have counseled Michael on the merits of  legalizing those children as being his.  And it would have had to have gone through Probate Court.

Then there is the issue of  Blanket.  

What happened to his mother?

Why is she not named on the birth certificate for the child?

Was this legal?

Since Blanket had to have come from some woman…or girl…somewhere…who was she…and what happened to her?   As  Blanket did not  just materialized out of the  air and just came to be.  Why was his mother’s name omitted from her son’s birth certificate?

I have never heard of any such a thing before…and the matter really sounds quite fishy to me.

The lawyer…or lawyers involved in Michael’s acquisition of  his children really should be questioned…because it seems to me that they…or he…or she…overstepped some boundries of the law.   Even though California laws vary so much from other states…perhaps it was all legal and aboard board.   But I think not.

Having money you get whatever you want.  And I think that Michael Jackson having money managed to find the right people who for a nickle or a dime would deliver to him whatever he wanted. 

And in the end…it is those very people who you cannot ever trust.

So, it is not a mystery to me…that papa Joseph is crying foulplay in the untimely death of  his son, Michael Jackson.  It is sad and becomes highly unsafe for anyone who becomes worth more dead than alive.

We await the autopsy.

Hope that you are enjoying this weather.

u18488564[1]I got up early this morning to read my Bible on my mother’s very large front porch.  The sound of the birds chirping and feel of the early morning breezy on a beautiful sunny summer morning…made it an absolutely beautiful experience.  Just me…my Bible…and the beauty of the Lord.

Enjoy your day.

I am still twiddling my tumbs waiting on the publishers to finish…but the hold up this time is kind of my fault…in that because of the money 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverI had already put out to publish my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.  You know when I gave over 2 grand to Xulon Press…which I go into more in-depth in another blogand got nothing back in return.  So, when I finally decided upon another company…I had to do it on a payment plan because I just did not have all the money to pay for the printing of  my book all at once.  Which was really one of the main reasons I chose the company that I finally decided upon. BLD050448[1]

Four payments in the amount of $175 for the package that I chose…which with a special they were running gave me 20 advance copies of my book for free.  And they should have given me something out of the deal…as I had done all the work for my book including designing  my cover and the layout of my interior pages…plus the editing of the my text, as well…which what has been the hold up. 

I just keep finding another error…and I am such a perfectionist.  It would kill me not to put out a work that is not quality.  So, please continue to bare with me.  THE BISHOP’S WIFE will soon be out and available for your purchase soon.    the time when my book will soon be made available for sale.  God is good…I am so happy to finally  have gotten it done and out…and into the final stage of the process…besides getting out to aid in selling it.4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2

And I am still working hard on my book trailer for ‘youtube’ too…and my radio promo.  All of  which I shall premiere right here on my blog site first.

 Well, enjoy the rest of your day and I have so much more to tell you.  It’s coming. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

2 comments July 14, 2009

South Carolina Gov Stonewalling… Iraqi War 6th year… baby boom in white America…

Leave it to a Republican to try and throw a wrench into the works.  That South Carolina Governor really should consider his actions before he walks around trying to sound tough.

He claims that unless the Obama Administration allows him to do what he wants with the money to be allocated to his state…he won’t take the money…none of it.   Well, isn’t that just like a Republican?

No consideration to his state…but only to his will to do what he wants.  And undoubtedly he is hoping that other governors will follow suit.

But let us examine the state allocations of the Obama stimulus plan

1.  $53.6 billion to help state budgets

2.  with 82% to be used for public schools and colleges

3.  and 18% on public safety and other government services

So, what is the problem?

I do not see anything wrong with that.  It is putting the money in some areas where it is definitely needed to be placed.  Schools everywhere are suffering…the state infrastructure…okay.

But the South Carolina Governor wants to take South Carolina’s share of the stimulus and pay down South Carolina’s debt rather than taking the money allocated by the federal government…earmarked for health care, jobs and schools.  For which he is playing politics…saying if he can’t do with the money as he wants he will decline to accept it at all.

Talk about cutting off the nose of  South Carolina in spite of its face.  Perhaps, if it were his personal nose the Governor of South Carolina would not be so quick to say ‘no’ to those funds.

The Democratic National Committee in an effort to inform the good people of South Carolina about the deed of their dearly beloveth Governor…began running ads on the matter.  For which the Republican governor called ‘foul’…saying that he thought the Obama Administration was not going to play politics as usual.

Those Republicans can always think of things when it suits their own purposes.  Those people in South Carolina deserve to know the kind of  fool they have running their state…and it is about time that Democrats have started standing up.

I sincerely applaud the Obama Administration concerning the matter…and taking their stance on the matter of not allowing anyone to bully them.  It is about time some Democrats with backbone finally got into some positions of real power…and used it.

In Willamina, Oregon, the school board is planning of distributing birth control pills to the teens 000814bs1in their high school.  Following what they call an outbreak in the increase of pregnancy in Willamina.  With fewer than 300 students in their high school system…they had 5 senior girls who gave birth to babies this year with another 9 girls on their way to the maternity ward.  So, feeling helpless and lost in a vote of 2-2 the school board was split on whether or not to start passing out birth control pills.

This to me is tantamount to an ostrich putting its head into the ground.

Now, not only an urban problem…the problem of teenage pregnancy is hitting the white suburbs with a bang.   After all…remember Sarah Palin and her 17 year old daughter…all the way up there in Alaska…facing the same issue.  When this issue was one confronting poor people…and mostly non-whites…the issue was lightly bn2690031overlooked…much like the issue of drugs and AIDS used to be…in the beginning…when it only affected the ‘thems’…’those people over there…in the ghetto.’

It seems that when certain issues only affect certain people…nearly everybody in this country finds little effort in turning a blind eye to it and on them…just as long as those issues continue impacting certain people.  But like those teens in Massachusetts who made the pact to get pregnant…as if having a baby is a game…which sparked momentary conversations but that was it…don’t let it start hitting them.


The lily white areas of Oregon now too?

And evidently…Alaska as well.

Well, now…now…now something really must be done…now.

Today is the 6th anniversary of the Iraq War.

Thank God…for a change.

Six years of suffering and dying…all for what?

What in this world has changed for the better since Bush and his friends decided they were going to strike Iraq?


In fact, things have gotten worst…and in a big way.  Everything is costing us far more today than what it did 6 years ago.  Many people have lost a son or daughter, niece or nephew…or grand child due to a senseless war that has accomplished nothing but caused more problems…hardships…pain…and hurt in the lives of people around this world…not just here in America.

Well, here is a story for you.  This story below is worth reading for all of those starving for love…but looking in all the wrong places.

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on “ ©2009

Add a comment March 16, 2009






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