Posts filed under: ‘self-publishing‘

The Pavilion Book Expo… THE BISHOP’S WIFE…

Pull all these book promos because I liked them… and at the time I was trying to decide just how to go about producing 1 myself.  I am 1 of 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverthose people who likes to look and see what everybody else is doing… then decide upon how I’m going to do it.

When it came to creating the cover for my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE, I went to Barnes&Nobles and walked around just looking at the book covers trying to decide which grabbed my attention the most and why?  Then I went home and began creating…

For the past 2 or 3 years I have been contacted by the America Book Expo about taking part in their event.  It is costly but a fellow author-girl, forgot her name… but she has several books out and a great website…forgot that too… but it is her name  Tracie something or other .com… I think.   Well, she told me that she is there every year passing out her books.  She says you really go there to sell… but to make contacts.  Plus the libraries attend purchasing books for their shelves.  Maybe next me resized...year who knows… I would really love to do it.

Right now THE BISHOP’S WIFE may not be a best seller but my sells are picking up.  I do receive royalty checks.  And I have sold a lot of books over this site… which is why I first started writing a blog in the first place.

So, I guess my efforts paid off.  Then I kind of liked writing on this site… it gives me an outlet to express my opinions, thoughts… and feelings on various topics and issues as they pop up.  And I kind of lot having my say and not having anybody to tell me I can’t.

I get asked often about promotions and self-publishing.  One thing I can tell you for sure and that is that there are a lot of free avenues for you to exhaust before you start thinking about shelling out that big dough to all those different publishing booksstackxxcompanies who make you a lot of empty promises.  Social media is free exploit it… it can get you out there, and that is exactly what you need… to get out there.  And there are a lot of ways you can do it… and it can work for you if you are smart, aggressive and diligent.

And yes, writing a book is very much like going into business.  You have to push it…  A business can’t run by itself… and neither can your book.  It goes way beyond just having a few pages printed up.

At any rate… here are a few of my book promos along with some other author’s book promos… and some footage from the Pavilion Book Expo…

Well, God bless…and thank you very much those of you who have ventured out and purchased my book… which can be ordered on-line at any number of websites… just google THE BISHOP’S WIFE by Bernadine Smith… and see for yourself.  And you can also read excerpts from my book on-line as well at Barnes&Nobles Nook, etc…
And, I hope you noticed that I am not so self-centered or insecure that I can’t celebrate what some other writers are doing.  And some of their book promos and trailers are fantastic, which is why I choose to include them in this blog.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment April 30, 2013

NEWS FLASH… … over 100,100 readers…

I just could not keep this to myself.

Today I hit and went over 100,000 people reading this blog.  That is so amazing.

I feel like celebrating.  I could not have done it without you.

Not that I get paid to do it.  Or that I am looking to get paid for doing it.  But it is surprising to me that over 100,000 people would want to read anything that I have to say.  And then to like doing it.

When I first started blogging…I have to admit there was a time when I wondered-

“How is anybody ever going to find me?”

Meaning this blog over the internet.  It is not like I put up a big sign or some billboard somewhere.

But somehow you did.  You found me.  And I think that is so amazing.

Initially, I started off   with about 7 readers per day…had to have been friends…as I sent them all out a notice…and I really thought that was great.  I mean…that 7 people…even if  they were my friends…7 people somewhere liked my blog and wanted to read it.  But then my 7 grew to 9 regulars each and every day.  And that was a big turning point for me…I could not believe it…and they always read my blogs about the same time each day.

Then my readers went from the 9 to 24…and I kept thinking-

“This is amazing…24 people reading my blog everyday.  Wow…”

That was, of course, when I was blogging each and every day.  Something that I do not do any longer.  Not because I do not want to…but I just do not have half as much to say anymore.  Besides, when I started blogging the race to the White House was in full swing between Obama, Hillary and McCain.  Hillary started acting crazy…Bush had long ago gotten on my nerves…gas prices went soaring out of control…and tons of people were facing foreclosure including my parent’s property.

So, you see…

Yes, I had lots and lots to talk about when I got started some what…???

Well…it has been all of  less than 18 months ago.

Though through that time I did manage to publish nearly 200 blogs…write and publish a book…complete 8 college courses and emerge with my BS in Communications and Political Sciences…with minors in History, English and Human Relations.

And today I hit over 100,000  readers on this blog…nearly 100,100 to be exact.  And it is early yet…the numbers are still climbing.

It is my sincere hope that this blog has not only been entertaining to you…but also informative…as well as…thought provoking.  And I thank you for allowing me opportunity to share with you.

Perhaps you have not always agreed with me…but I thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion on the matter anyway.

Or perhaps you have and usually do…agree with me.  Wow…do I love you.

Please continue to share this blog with your family and friends…and that lady down the street…the man upstairs….just everybody!

And I promise I will continue to write.  Though I actually do it all via the computer.  Straight off of  the top of my 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverhead.

Thank you so much for reading…and may God bless you.

And oh, yeah…  I don’t know what it is doing your way…but it has sure gotten cold over this way.  Some people say it’s going to snow at least once more.  But I do not think so.  I do believe, however, that we are in for a very very hot summer.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByAnd since most of  this summer I plan to be on tour with my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE…I have already started planning for it.  First thing of  course…was an investment into a whole new wardrobe…and I do mean a ‘whole new wardrobe.’  I will not tell anyone how much I spent Saturday  while calling here and there placing orders.

But I needed them.  So, I won’t complain.  Every now and then…we owe to ourselves to invest something in ourself.  So, I did.

I can’t be out around people and looking shabby.   Though most of  time…well, I hate 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2to say it.

But who cares about clothes?

I’m too busy.  But sometimes you just got to break down and buy something new.  From one place I ordered 14 items.  Then another place I order 1 thing, and 1 thing from some place else.  And then I tried to hide the charge card…

Because once I got started spending it seemed that I didn’t want to stop.

Hope you enjoy your Easter.

Well, God bless

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

2 comments March 29, 2010

Family…Obama and Health Care Reform Bill passing…out of work out of mind…

Well, I know it has been a while since I last blogged anything…but if you knew what I have been doing…then I don’t think you would have minded.

First of all…most recently we have discovered some long lost relatives.  And I do mean…loooooong and lost. 

They live in Alaska…believe it or not.   And I did say Alaska…where they have been for the past 40 years. 

Who knew?

Well, we sure didn’t.  But God has a way of  uniting families…and friends again.  He really does…and always in His own time.

At any rate…I have found some new cousins.  Or rather they have found us.  And it is so wonderful.

One in particular…a cousin by the name of  Jean…has been taking up all of  my time.  Somehow or other…she came to believe that I do nothing all day but sit around waiting on her to call me.  And she talks for hours.  So much so that she even has told me-

“Oh, why don’t you just take the phone with you into the bathroom.”

This mind you…so we can continue to talk while I shower.   She is so funny.  She keeps me laughing.

She is indeed a character.  But I guess it gets like that when you find something that you never thought you had.  What a feeling it is.

In watching bits and pieces of news in between my various stops…as you may recall…I no longer watch television.  So, I catch the news from time to time while stepping into this place or  dashing into this one…that is if I don’t read it first over the internet.

But while watching Obama out stomping for Health Care Reform…I could not help but notice how much more he seemed to be in command…sure of  himself…by far more Presidential than I had ever seen him (outside of  the debates he had had with John McCain while running for office).  He seems to be more comfortable with the position…and the carrying of  that title…’Mr. President’… than ever before.

It made me think while observing on a news flash…of  the Biblical text where it states-

“What the devil means for evil, God will turn it around for your good.”

Truly, one could say that this has been the case for President Obama.  

What the Republicans meant for evil…God has turned it around for his…and I guess you could say  for ‘our’ good as well.  Where they tried to hinder him and block him…it only forced Obama to step up his game…push harder…fight tougher…become more determined.   And in the process he has come off  looking sharper and keener…and certainly by far more Presidential than I have seen him. 

Though the battle to get the bill through the Senate has clearly shown that Obama is not somebody who backs down.  He has proven that he is tougher than they think.  And the good part is…they can’t pull anything out of  Obama’s closet in order to try to keep him quiet…or keep him in check.

Pulling skeletons out of  the closet is a popular deviced used by Republicans.  It was what they used against President Clinton from the very moment he stepped into the White House…and if the truth be told…before he even got there.  

It was also a ploy that the Republicans used against  Ted Kennedy to keep him out of the White House…and oftentimes as a means to try to keep him silence him and keep him quiet, and in his place.  But Teddy was a fighter.   Call him what they would…but he never backed down…or let it stand in his way when it came to standing up for what was right.

Which is why for the life of me…I cannot see why Democrats in Massachusetts did not turn out in full force to ensure that  Ted Kennedy’s seat stayed Democratic?

Say what they will about the woman who was running for that seat.  It still should not have mattered whether she got out and worked for it or not.  Because at the end of  the day…she didn’t really matter.  But what really mattered was…that we continue to give Barack Obama all the support, aid…and help that he needs to get his job done…and done properly.  And that cannot be done with a whole lot of complacency because people feel that Obama has not done anything since being in the White House.  It has only been a few months.

By this time in his term…George Bush had alread squandered away the surplus that Bill Clinton had left on the books…when he departed from the White House following the end of his term as President.  And then he kept on spending more and more money…even though he had already gone through the reserve.

Which is why George Bush and his buddies were so hot to go after the Social Security money.  They wanted to wreck that too…and leave all of us in a hole.   Not to say that they didn’t leave us in a big fat pit anyways.  Because they did.

It is like folk expect Obama to be some kind of  a magican.

Who said change comes ‘over night?’ 

If  it took all of  8 years to get us into this mess under George W. Bush.  So, why should anybody believe it should take a few months or a year…or a couple of years to get us out of  it?

It may well take all of  Obama’s years and then some before we finally see any turn in the Bush mess.  Because believe it or not…George W. Bush really did ‘a job’ on this country…on our country’s policies…and anything and everything else he could corrode…taint…or  destroy.

Half of  what  Bush did to undermind this country is still yet to come to the forefront.  After years of chaos and havoc…and ton loads of  failed policies…a wars…and antagonzing our friends…and allies…not to mention ‘the money.’   And then not to mention all the power brokering that set into motion a failed economy…that not only rocketed us but also the world into near bankruptcy…plus skyrocketing unemployment numbers…massive massive massive job losses due to lots of  failing corporations…many which had been staples in our economy.  Companies that churned out the very first automobilies…drafted the blue prints for them…and built them from nothing.  Now gone…   Or bought out by foreign entities.

What has happened to us?



And yes…Bush…and Bush senior…and everybody in between had a hand in it…when they started selling off  America to the highest bidders…sending jobs overseas…seeking cheaper labor…and failed to look at the greater and bigger picture. 

They lacked vision. 

All they saw was a global market…a bigger world to take from.  And how to weaken and get richer by. 

But what happened to the vision?

Shouldn’t our leaders have some vision of where they want this country to go?

Where they are taking us?

What it should look like and be like in the next 10 or 20 years?

The Bible says-

“My people perish for lack of vision.”

Where are the visionaries?

Don’t we have any…any more?

When the Founding Fathers laid the foundation for the government of  this country they were looking in the future.  They had an understanding of what the President should be like…his values…his morals…and his judgement.  If they could step into this present time…I wonder what they would say.  Perhaps there would be some tears…because it seems that the very things they tried prevent from happening over time came about.  And they saw it…they realized the problems that certain selfish endeavors and alliances could bring about.

Even in my own town I see a lack of vision.  It started years ago and has continued from administration to administration. 

When I look at downtown Brooklyn and what Brooklyn has come to look like in the past few years…it all looks great.  But…

When I look at 125th Street in Harlem…it looks okay.  But…

What happened to the people who used to live there…the stores that used to be there…the business people who were forced out of  their businesses because of  higher rental rates…and eminent domain… etc…etc…?

When I look around and see all the vacant  warehouses that used to house massive factory complexes and tons of workers…all that is gone now.  And those places if  they have not been torn down have all be turned into condos and/or artist work spaces.

Today you see everybody trying to get into health care.   Of course a few years ago when AIDS first came upon the horizon…everybody began moving away from careers in the health field…but no more.   In fact, you see more men than ever before opting to become nurses.  It is all rather strange.

When I was back in college…practically everybody…   Well, most of the women were studying to become school teachers.  Our campus did not have a nursing department…but today nearly most campus’ do.  And there are tons of  people vying to try to get into a good nursing program…which from what I hear they tend to be highly selective and very competive.

When I was in college you could always get a job as a bank teller, or a receptionist,  or office clerk…telephone operator, switchboard operator, telemarketing person…etc.,   but all of  those jobs for the most part  are gone…meaning most of them no longer exist.  Between banking machines, automated voices…and of course, the influx of  computers millions of  people and jobs have been shoved out…and onto the sidelines.  Or should I say…into unemployment lines.

Today, I heard that the National Unemployment rate is 9.7% for Americans who are out of a job…and for African Americans the rate is vastly higher being…being 15.8%.   Bush-nomics hard at work… 


To hear people talking about being out of work or 2 or more years…is really heartbreaking.  It is hard to survive without a job…not knowing where your next dime is going to come from…going from month to month in uncertainity about your food…shelter…who is going to pay your bills…or what bill you can afford to pay this month.   I do know the feeling…and can relate to anyone going through it.

There was a time you could be a home health attendant just by merely filling out an application.  Now people need classes and have to take  tests.  And it seems that today even that kind of  job is hard to find…when before they were always looking for people to fill those slots. 

Times truly have changed…but one thing has not.  People will continue to need and will have a need for good health care whether they have a job or not…and irregardless if  they may be health today.  With escalating prices…a system nearly now dominated by ‘for-profit’ entities on all sides of  the coin…people (the general public) need to be protected from them…and serviced properly by them…and with dignity.  And that is what I hope that this bill just signed and brought about by President Obama will do.

Can you imagine that various Democratics have been targetted since having passed the bill?

Can you imagine such hatered on the part of the Republicans…and those who have bought into their lies?

Cutting pipe lines…shooting pellet guns into windows…trashing  Democrat’s offices…and throwing bricks.   Definitely sounds like a bunch of spoiled little brats…those Republicans.  What a bunch of  sour  and sore loosers.

I guess all that lying about Obama’s Health Care Reform Plan…fell upon deaf hears in the end…nor the calling the President a liar.  With a vote of 220 to 207…the Democrats won…which finally allowed the bill to pass in the U. S. Senate.

While Sarah Palin called for the brainless to-

“Don’t retreat…but reload.”

Can you imagine such a woman ever sitting in the White House? 

I understand that the real reason Palin bailed out of her office was because the people in Alaska were calling for her to be impeached.  That sounds like a good reason to go running for the hills, and to leave her office in midst of  her term.  

Wouldn’t look so great now would it?

I mean not with all the bad press that  that would have gotten her.  The woman is  truly a disaster.

On another note…while reading something other things over the internet I came across an article  regarding Israel’s new attitude towards the United States.   

“We don’t need America.”

Such a statement seems ludacris to me…after all these years of taking America’s money and being given our weapons…and actively seeking the support of  America to defend and maintain them in the Middle East.  Yes…that statement seems a bit odd to me.

I would hope that it does not stem from the fact that America now has a black…or African American President. 

Least ways…I would hope not.  But one must wonder.  There could be no other reason.  As though American suddenly has lost some level of  power or authority in the world since Barack Obama went into office. 

If  anything we have regained a new level of  respect…and respectability.  And I have no doubt a greater level of security and a feeling of  sincerity among our Allies fowlling the Bush era.

I was happy to read the below article in it regards to President Obama’s support of  Black Colleges and Univerisities.   These historic institutions are so important to us.  And deserve to aided as so many leading African American professionals emerge from them.

Besides blaming my ‘new found cousins’ from taking up all of  my time…I am2ab-the-bishop-wifecover proud to inform you that soon you will be able to purchase my book, ‘THE BISHOP’S WIFE.’   And you will be able to do it in less than a couple of  weeks.

I am trying now to rush and put the finishes touches on my web site…and finish off all of  my stuff.  Because when you go to my official website I want you to love it.  It will have all kinds of  info on my book, including excerpts for you to read…and info of course on me…photos…music…and information on all the other stuff that I am doing, and that I am involved in.  It should be exciting. 

Some of you have checked out my ‘Filedby’ CLINK to the right of  this View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByblog…and found purchase info on my book already.   But if you hold off  I will soon be offering an opportunity to get an advance copy for far less.  So, just sit tight…because it is coming.  And now you know why I have not written as many blogs lately.

4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2Because yes…I have been busy…meeting new family members…and trying to launch my official BSMITH101 website…as well as…started planning my 2010 intenerary for my book tour this year.   So, I hope that you will forgive me.  I have not forgotten about you.  And hopefully soon I will be back on schedule.

Well, God bless…

Oh, yeah…   I am sure that you have probably realized that the weather has finally broken.  We are coming into Spring…and it feels good.   So, let us take one last look at my winter scenes as we now look towards the warmer weather.  It is definitely on its way.

I just  love  these  pictures though.   But the ones to come will be so much more welcoming. 

Well, God bless

And oh, yes…one other thing.  In having found our long lost relatives in Alaska…where it really is dark for 6 months and light for 6 months…(I had to ask if  it was true).  Not only that but my cousin, Jean…told me that on any given day…they are subject to running into a moose.  Which they have to pay attention to whether or not his…or her…ears are down and their hair is standing up…which means ‘look out.’  Because it could charge at you at any moment.

It all sounds a bit like living out in the wilderness to me.   Because…well…  Because of  the bears.  Yes…I said bears.  And there are 3 types…one you can fight off…the black bear. 

Then there is the brown bear…and of course…the polar bear.  Both of  which are no joke… and will eat you.

Yes…it sounds a bit too wilderness-ery to me.  And they live in downtown Anchorage.   And this picture…of course…is Anchorage in the summer…where they do have 24 hours of  light all summer long.  Unbelievable.

And in discovering our lost relatives…we also have found out what Native American Indian tribe my family belongs to.  It  is the Seminole Indians.  Which I will have you know is the only indian tribe in America that never signed a peace treaty.  I just had to go up on their site to find out about them.  I would love to meet our family on that side as well. 

I wonder if  it is possible?

Wow… this is soooooo interesting.

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

2 comments March 25, 2010

Obama’s speech to school children…21 murders Milwaukee

Really, what was all the fuss about?

Why were some so desparately against Obama delivering a speech to our school children?

What kind of  brainwashing were all those Republican conservatives worried about?

Every opportunity our children can get to hear from someone who can encourage and inspire them…it should be availed upon them.  And what a great thing for the President of this country to take the time out of  his busy schedule to go to a local high school,  and to impart his own personal story to them…and not only to tell students how important education is to them…but also to be a living and shining example  of  the heights that education can bring them.

What I wouldn’t have done to have been a student in a school where  the President of this country happened to stop by to challenge us to be successful.  And then to take the time to step down off the stage and to shake their hands…certainly an event those students in the Wakefield High School will remember for the rest of their lives.

Any parent who was suckered into keeping their child home for the purpose of missing President Obama’s speech to students…was seriously mis-informed.  And their child missed out on something not only historic…but great and beneficial to them.

Some things are just absurb.  And certain controversies utterly ridiculous.

Imagine parents sending notes to schools and telling school districts that they did not want their child to hear Obama’s speech to students. 

Imagine school districts making decisions not to allow any of their students to watch or hear it.

Then imagine a world full of bias, pomptous, ignorant and quite foolish people.   Oooh…you really don’t have to imagine that.  Just take a look around…the world is full of them…many sitting in high positions.

It is hard to believe that it has taken 21 years for the police in Milwaukee to final solve a string of serial murders. 

A 21-Year Murder Spree?

After 21 years…Milwaukee police have finally apprehend a supposed murder of some 9 black women. 

Perhaps the fact that they were as called in the news article  and other media ‘a bunch of prositutes and addicts’   had something to do with  the reason why no real attention was given to this case.  

Over a period of 21 years, I have no doubt that perhaps there may have even a couple of  ‘copy cat’  murders thrown into that pan.  And why not?

After all, the police couldn’t have really cared in the first place because the victims were poor undesirables.  That’s what they were…undesirables…least ways maybe that is what the police in Milwaukee felt about them. 

Just trash…waiting to be thrown out or away.

Of no real human good…the lot of them.

So, their murders went barely touched for some 21 years.  City finances and that sort of thing, you know.   The money couldn’t be spared…and there were more important things to do with the city’s money. ..than to stop a slew of  murders against black women.

They were black, you know?

So, what did it really matter?  

And then for the Milwaukee  police department and city officials to want to pat themselves on the back for having finally possibly solved a 21 year old murder spree…how pious and self-righteous of  them.

How strange it is that we don’t  apply an equal value upon all life.  People have blown up abortion clinics and killed abortion doctors… calling themselves pro-life.  Yet, they would not get out to call for justice and demand that the police do something in regards to tracking  down a murder of young black women. 

It reminds me very much of the Atlanta child killings.  How long did that go on before the police really began to do something about it?,2933,155774,00.html

And yet…I have never believed that they arrested the right person or perhaps the only person responsible for all those young boys and a few girls who were killed throughout the city of  Atlanta from the period of 1979-1981.

There is a great injustice when skin color determines the amount of urgency, resources, effort and monies put into a case.|hp-laptop|dl1|link3|

While school has started I am very happy to say…you won’t find me in any classrooms this fall.  Well, not taking any classe anyways.  

No, because I am just to busy still looking  forward to the day that  my2ab-the-bishop-wifecover book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE, rolls off the press.   And when it does…I will be out promoting it.

Well, I’ ve got to get some sleep now.

Hope you enjoy your day. 

Well, God bless… and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

  THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment September 9, 2009

Venus & Serena US Open…and women’s health and heart attack issues

Busy in New York City, Venus and Serena Williams are at it again.    williams_sisters_1474882c[1]Busily working their way through the Women’s Single and Doubles tennis matches…truly they are a force to be reckoned with. 

Though injured…Venus  limping and  with a heavily bandaged knee…yet a true fighter all the way, she is  refusing  to give up…or in.   Determined to not let a little thing like severe pain or a weak knee stop her from attempting to take yet another grand slam tournament  title.   While all the while…her little sister is hoping  for the exact  same  thing.

Currently ranked Number 2 & 3 in the World of  Female Tennis players…clearly Venus and Serena can be ranked right up there with all of the top all time tennis greats such as…AltheaMartina and Christie…and Billie…as being not only highly talented athletes…but gifted as well.  

They really should be making lots more money for  what they have managed to accomplished… not to mention for the beauty and excellence that they both have brought to the game of women’s tennis.    Venus and Serena are truly endowed with that something.   And I think that Billie Jean Kings says it best in the article linked below…if you care to read it.,0,2200533.story

UPDATE (September 7, 2009):  Venus is out in the 4th rounds of the couch-venus[1]US Open…and Serena is still in after having won her match.

There is no doubt that going in…Venus knew that her shot at another championship was going to be an up-hill battle…due to the problem with her knee.  But she didn’t let it deter her. 

She went for it…and took the pain fighting her way through every round…every point…and every game.   She didn’t cry about it.  She went out there on the court knowing what it was that she had to if  she wanted to make it into the finals…and she almost made it.

Packaged as the ‘all American girl’Melanie Oudin an attractive young blonde from the deep south…is being touted at as ‘the Great White Hope.’    A tennis power house who may be able to do for those too shallow to feel that they can cheer whole heartedly for 2 young sisters born and raised in a ghetto in the worst side of Los Angeles, CA…known as Compton.

Yeah, they come from Compton…though they currently live in Florida.  Compton with police helicopters patrolling the neighbors night and day…one of the toughest and most dangerous areas in L.A.  The home of  hard core rappers like Snoop Doggy Dog, Ice Cube, NWA…etc…etc.   But yeah…it was the place of  their humble tennis beginnings.  And some how they beat those mean  streets of southern California.

It is sad that since the days of  Jack Johnson the heavy weight boxer of  the 1930’s. ..many white people in this country still feel that it goes against their grain to totally except and celebrate anything or anyone but someone who looks like them.    The same is even quite evident in how many in this country feel about Barack Obama.  Many have yet to truly embrace him as President of  this country.  And are strongly oposed to him…and intended to do everything they can to make it as hard on him and his administration as possible…with a sincere desire to undermind his ever move and effort.   This kind of thinking is truly sad…and quite sick.

Oh, sure they love to win the games and do take to the athletes who possess the skills to make it happen for their favorite teams.  But it is the white players  on the team that they make the coaches…move to the front of the team…and put in front of the TV and newspaper cameras…etc.

It is sad that as much as Venus and Serena Williams have managed to do…and from very humble beginnings…without the benefit of  suburan country clubs and well kept tennis courts.  They are a true American success story…and well worth celebrating and holding up before the world as the stars and champions that they truly and really are…and gracious and humble young women regardless of  their vast success both on and off the tennis courts.

You can read the below story on Oudin by CLICKING the LINK below…to clearly understand my statements regarding this issue of  ‘the Great White Tennis Hope.’|hp-laptop|dl5|link3|

UPDATE: (September 8, 2009)  Serena is on to the Semi-Finals…and the predictors are saying that she is on her way to taking her 3rd Grand Slam win this year…having take both the Australian Open and Wimbledon.

Turning 28 on the 28th of this month, Serena has won 11 Tennis Grand Slams, 2 Olympic gold medals and over $25 million…having become the first woman athlete to win over $22 million a few months ago.  To date Serena has won the US Open in 1999, 2002 and 2008.

She and Venus are on their way to taking the Women’s Doubles at US Open, Wimbledon  and the Australian Open…etc…etc…  Venus who is 29 years old…and yet they continue to keep reeling in the wins.  And as a team they are unbeatable.  CLICK the LINK BELOW to the full stop and to see video footage of the Open.

Didn’t know though that Venus and Serena are part owners of the Miami Dolphins.  Wow…they are really smart.  Not to mention being authors having written some books…Serena working on a screenplay…and Venus working doing interior designing and fashion.  And I almost forget…Serena designing and selling jewelry (as you caught in the video above).  But check out their videos below and Serena will tell you all about it herself.

I am really happy for them.  I like to see successful people…and they also give back to their community via their tennis camp for inter-city youth.  Bravo!

UPDATE: (Women’s Semi-Finals…September 13, 2009)   Evidently Serena  had some type of melt down today during her semi-final match  against Kim Clijsters.  Maybe it was bound to happen at some point or other.  I mean how long can you just sit around…or go out one game after another…come out the winner and never get the claim or fame …or the real big bucks for having done so?

How many times can you get called the “N word” during a tournament…heckled…boo-ed…or look into the eyes of  your opponents knowing what and how they really feel about you.   On  top of   that…to be ignored by the tennis world in general…who run after the young blond haired girls with  their batting blue eyes…with their microphones and cameras…and can’t  seem to get  enough of  them.  And they didn’t have to do half  the work  or  win a  game…but reap all the fame.

How long can you tolerate that…and not experience some type of  emotional melt down?|hp-laptop|dl5|link3|

It is unfortunate, because it is what they had been waiting.  Something to tarnish your squeaky clean image…taint your name…some character fawl to 90644421[1]justify why they haven’t cover you the way they cover your white opponents…plastered your face over all the popular magazines…or offered you some of  those major big dollars advertising contracts.  

Oh, they were waiting alright.  And finally the right button was pushed…the straw that broke the camel’s back…and the flood gates burst open.  And all those nasty little words started flowing out…and when the flood gates opened up…all you had been trying to hide and hold back for months just came rushing out.


It is not like melt downs haven’t happened during tennis tournaments before.  

Who could tell you more about that  than John McEnroe?

Who by the way said what amounted to that Serena’s behavior was shameful.   This from a man who never walked out on the court without wild outbursts and one swear after another.

I am certainly not condoning Serena’s behavior…but I have seen a lot of black folk who after awhile just got plain fed up.  And once they did… Well…you can figure out the rest.

Baby, it is just hard to contain them…until they get it all…and I do mean all…off  their chest.

Serena’s apology…

I don’t know…I guess as we all get older we start to think more and more about our health.   Maybe it has something to do with seeing others go through some many different kind of  health issues…that we suddenly begin to think about our own mortality more and more. 

Whatever the cause that brings us into a mind that we need to start taking better care of  ourselves…it is all for our good.  And hopefully for a better and healthier future…or for our continued good health.

As women our schedules, families, jobs…and various other choices all sometime supercede us taking care of us.  But the truth of the matter is this…if  we’re not in good health…nothing else can operate well either.   And everything comes to a halt.

So, before that happens…now is a good time to start caring for you. 

I now find myself  listening to my body.  Mostly, because my body now has began to make me listen to it.  Whereas I used did not…I now have to.  Otherwise, my body will put me out of commission for days…and  I  do mean days.    And in a way it is like listening to your car.

Who doesn’t listen to their car?

Only a fool wouldn’t. 

And that is how we should fell about listening to our bodies when it starts sending warning signals out to us. 

In the link below…listed are some warning signs that women  should pay close attention to in regards to on-coming heart attacks.    One of  the  first  keys  to  prevention is being informed.  Information is important…then paying heed to it can be essential.|main|dl5|link3|

I set my glasses down the other day…then carelessly knocked them over onto the ground.  While searching for them…I stepped on them.   Now, I am working with a pair of  broken eye-glasses.   What a cross to bare…when I have so much work to do.   And can barely read a thing with these lopesided glasses.

Spent my whole day…well, most of  it  outside today on my parent’s front porch reading.   Well, as best I could…considering my delemma with my glasses. 

But the weather was great…and I am trying to soak up as much of  it as I can…as I believe that we will be in for a very cold winter this year.   Sorry,  I know your probably did not want to hear that. 

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBySo, I am already laying my plans for it.  I only wished the fireplace worked.  And it does…but I am afraid to lite a fire in it because I don’t want to burn down my parent’s house. 

I have read and heard too many stories about faulty fireplaces to want to risk it.

Still looking very much forward to the day that  my2ab-the-bishop-wifecover book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE, rolls off the press.  

So, I am going to go back to working on my website now that  I have completed my book trailer for youtube.  And I will also finish the radio commercial that I intend to air in  various markets to promote my book.  4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2  Since I have to wait…I might as well use this time well.  Because when my book is finally pubished…I will have to hit the ground running.  And I won’t have a moment to spare.

Well, God bless… and enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

  THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment September 6, 2009

For whom the bell tolls…Senator Teddy Kennedy gone

I didn’t know until this (FILES): This July 19, 1986 file photo shows Jacqu...moment that Senator Ted Kennedy had passed.  It was just a week ago that the family laid his last sibling…his sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, at age 88 to rest.   And now I read that Teddy is gone too.

A double blow to a family that has suffered blow after blow…and somehow has always managed to get up running.

Some say it was the sins of the father visited upon the children…the curse…the dredded Kennedy curse…or  whatever else you want to call it.   But truly for a family so hugely popular and politically active…they have had more than their share of personal woes.

Left to raise his brother’s children, John’s and Bobby’s,  Ted Kennedy did not have a easy road.  Through many years he battled the bottle…and finally found peace with himself, his family and his political life…emerging stronger, fitter and more determined to correct wrongs and right the up-side down, unbalanced politics of this country…just as his brothers before him had tried to do.   And through his recent battle with cancer, he continued what they call in church…‘the good fight’ for the people who needed to be fought for the most…and often overlooked. 

Diagnosed with cancer during the last leg of  Obama’s race to the White House, of  which he was a leading supporting voice…and a voice of  wisdom to the man ‘who would be’…though it was not a popular choice.   But true to his form…Teddy was true to the voice with-in…and did that which may have  not popular…but was what he felt was right…and always with an eye on what was best for America and her people.

And through that diagnoses of brain cancer, every time you saw him…he was smiling.  He took the illness as he took everything else he had to battle with during his life…acceptingly.    He accepted the challenge…and did not curtain his political life…didn’t let it stop him from attending the Democratic Convention…nor from showing strong support for his candidate of choice for the Presidency of this  country. 

My…what a man he was.  And I will never forget him for how he stood up for the ill treatment of  Anita Hill who had been summoned to Capitol Hill to testify against Clarence Thomas.  And no matter how many times the Republicans tried to sit him down and quiet him by bringing up the topic of  ‘a bridge in Massachusetts’…Kennedy refused to let that or them to silence his voice for justice and fairness.

Truly, he was a man for the people.   The type of  politicans that all states should endeavor to elect into office…a man of  convictions.  A  man of  compassion who was not afraid to take that compassion into his office as a Senator of  the United States.

May God continue to bless the Kennedy family.

He shall be truely missed…and write this with tears in my eyes.  I will never forget how happy he was…gleeful, in fact, to have been able to attend what his last Democratic Convention last August 2008,  in Denver, in which Barack Obama was announced as the Democrats candidate to run for the Presidency of this country.   And he did it after just getting out the hospital…and shortly upon the heels upon first finding out that his body was being attacked by cancer.

He died yesterday, Tuesday, August 25th…at the age of 77…11 years shy of  his sister’s Eunice’s age.   It is probably the reason why Carolyn Kennedy decided not to pursue Hillary Clinton’s seat as Senator in the State of New York.    They owed him much…she and John…they all did.  He gave his life to them…and his passion…politics.

You can view the history of  Senator Ted Kennedy by CLICKING the 2 CLINKS BELOW.


        No man is an island,  entire of itself

TR002822[1]     Each is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.

     ….Each man’s death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind.

       Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for      thee…by John Donne

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByWell, enjoy the rest of  your day…and God bless.

Got to keep on plugging my2ab-the-bishop-wifecover book,  THE BISHOP’S WIFE.   

Finally finished tweeking my book trailer  and have been watching it as often as I can.  Can’t wait until you see it…so you can get all the purchase info on my book.

I think I did a good job on it… and I hope that you will too.4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2    

So, soon you will be able find out more about my  book right here, as well…on youtube. 

Didn’t make much money at the Jamaican Festival… partly because of our location. 

This year I chose to be down by the stage…because last year when I looked down from where we were…it seemed to me that that was where the most people were.   That may have been true last year…but not this year.   We barely got any traffic…whereas, last year it was none stop.  We were so busy last year that every time a family walked by my booth…I had to grab them and enlist them to work in it…of which at least 4 of us were already working. 

So, yes…location is everything.   And this saying is true too-

“The grass always seems greener on the other side.”

Now, for my saying….but don’t believe it.    We would have done part better had I just gone back to the same location or near it as we had been last year.   And I do mean…far better.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

  THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

3 comments August 26, 2009

Feeling mellow…

MyPointofView[1]jill-scott-picture-3[1]Every now  and then I like to do something different.

So, while re-reading some of my old blogs  today for errors…and up-dating some things…I decided to do this.barbara_streisand2[1]

On rainy days…like today…sometimes you00-kim_waters-i_want_you-2008-front[1] just want something diffierent…a change….something mellow…easy…relaxing.

And so here it is….enjoy…

I’m staying in today…fighting a bug.  I  guess it would be the reason why I’m feeling just  a bit mellow…since I’m in today  just laying back and taking it easy while I work on my bug.

Some dust…I guess… got into my system over the weekend while I was painting up a sign…and every since Saturday… I have orange-juice[1]been fighting something which feels  like an on-coming cold.  After thinking it over for a few days it dawned on me… that some dust must have some how  have gotten into my system and  kicked up my allergies.

So, it’s a good thing  I had gone out a few days ago and bought plenty of  OJ (orange juice) when my throat started feeling funny…and I realized something was coming on me.     Thus far I have been able to keep it a bay.   But I need to be over it by this weekend as we will be out smoking  up some barbeque ribs and selling hot dogs, and fresh squeezed lemonade etc…etc…at the Caribbean Festival.  

I 543283577_8db5341196_b[1]know … I know… they are not West Indian dishes…but…  Everyone else will   be selling curry goat, curry chicken, oxtails, jerk pork and jerk chicken…along with beef patties, plantins, escovitch fish…etc…etc.   So, we spice it up a bit  by selling something a little different.  And everybody loves it.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByWell, enjoy the rest of  your day…and God bless.

I am just not willing to allow any opportunities to get by 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverwithout mentioning  my book,  THE BISHOP’S WIFE.   Just this week I finally tweeked my book trailer  into being just what I wanted.    You will get an opportunity to 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2see it soon…and find out more about my  book right here, as well…besides being able to see it on youtube.

I have been busy…but most of it is coming to an end now.  And I am looking forward to that…as I am now gearing myself  up for the next  leg  of  this  journey…which is getting out to promote my book.

Now, that should be interesting.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…just CLICK the picture of my book for the LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

1 comment August 13, 2009

Corrective rape??? Infant rape???

There is something seriously wrong in South Africa.

I have read some sad and very sick things in the past couple of weeks… but this thing has to make one wonder about what kind of times we are currently living in.

How can you correct something while committing something worst?

What is going on with the thinking in South Africa?

And perhaps other places as well.  From the raping of  infants by grown men claiming because they are trying to avoid AIDS????????????     To raping lesbian women in order to correct their sexuality?????

What kind of  thinking  is  that?

The crimes being  perpetrated are far greater  than any fear of AIDS…  or any  woman’s  involvement in lesbianism.

How can anyone be so overcome with fear that they would destroy the life of an infant?

If  I were that fearful of  AIDS…I would cease to have sex.  I would abstine from it…rather than think to destroy innocent babies.   But this kind of  thinking is a perversion…that stems not from fear of  AIDS…but of  desire to have  sex with babies.   The lie of  the  so-called fear…gives those men some kind of  license to perpetrate that evil thing that has seeped  into their very pours yeilding forth their evil perverted mind’s  endowing them with a fetish to go out and commit  such a horrible crime against innocence.  And like mad dogs…or animals…once they have tasted it…seek it out all the more.

STop lying…it is not about protecting themselves against AIDS…but it is a deceitful  and lustful mind that seeks babies to satisfy an evil supplanted need…not for being with a woman but with babies.   Otherwise, there could never be any kind of satisfaction in that.

And corrective rape???

There is no such thing.

Crimminal acts are crimminal acts.  And they should not be allowed nor  tollerated by any country …or  any group of people.

Having grown up reading  and  hearing about gay men who had been killed simply because….they were…gay.   Having heard the stories from some of the last surviors of  the Stone Wall bar…that marked the beginning of  gay men…black gay men…deciding not to take it any more and began to fight the New York City police back after years of  being raided and put into jail…simply because they were…    Having participated in Gay Pride…walked in the parades…sat on conference panels…and never once having to fear that my life was in danger because I was…who I was…at  that time.

The thing that most parents of gay children fear…is that something will happen to their child simply because…

How sad it is that  gangs of men would seek out a woman…gay women in South Africa and rape them.   And kill then…kill them…because they are…

Many gay men and women…came into ‘the life’…and are in ‘the life’ because of some things which happened to them.  And many times it was rape…that brought them there.

So, how could rape ever be corrective?

How can violence of any kind of way be corrective?

Rape is destructive.

And throughout history it has destroyed… many lives… people… families… etc…

There is something sick about these times.

How do good people…decent people sit around watching this sickness…or hearing about it…without doing something?


Somebody has got to do something.   And satan be defeated.

Many years ago…I almost fell victim to gang rape…but by the grace of God…who has more than once spared me.  I was but a child.  I had no knowledge of  what  was going on.  Because I was too young to process it or anything else really.

I was raped by one man only…but there had to been about 20 of  them who would have had me…had not the man who owned the rooming house where these men were staying…not seen the man who had the little girl by the hand and had walked her into that rooming house.

As the man prepared me for himself and his friends…one of them came to the door and told him that the owner of  the building had come.  The 20 blocked the doorway with some type of  wild commotion …while I was quickly ushered through a back doorway.

I recall it well.  And yes it marked me…and perhaps you can tell that it did when you read my opinion on some things.

But I was fortunate…to have  gotten out… that that man…the owner had seen me being taken inside.   Through the grace of  God…I had been spared…stained perhaps…even  tainted…no doubt.     Today, they not only rape children…but kill them too.

These are sad times…but I guess…   I guess…that since the time that sin came into this world  it has been sad times.

I hardly feel like talking about my book now.  But can’t allow any 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoveropportunities to get by without mentioning it to you.

Finally completed my book’s trailer…which is kind of  like a commercial…which I put together for youtube.  So, that you can get a feel of  what my book,  THE BISHOP’S WIFE, 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2is about.

I hope you enjoy your day…it is hard to do knowing that there is so much madness in this world.

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment August 9, 2009

Something out of sync…Juanita Bynum

I have been thinking about the below video since I first saw it.  I found it a bit troubling… perhaps many of you won’t understand this blog at all…but those who are under the blood of  Jesus Christ will… I believe might.

So, if you do not…it is okay.   It’s alright.

But what has me wondering about the below video?

Well… at first it was why in the world was Juanita Bynum wasting her time to produce a video about  Valentine’s Day????

For a self-proclaimed prophet…(now turned actor etc…etc..)…and woman of  letters (a doctor of  ministry???)… why would she be celebrating something which has nothing at all to do with anything Biblical?

And then want to make a video about her celebrating it????

Then the other thing that troubled me about the below video was this…

Now, I am not a drug person…and I know very little about drugs.  ButPAA166000075[1] one day someone was talking to me about a possible job…and another person who was already working for my family was present with me while the other person talked to me regarding the possibility of  being hired.     Well, following after that person had left, the other person who was with me…who already worked for our family… turned to me and said-

“Did you see how she was acting?”

I had no idea what she  was talking about…as I had noticed nothing.  But the other woman went on to say-

“You didn’t see how she kept on moving and didn’t stop?”

I said, “No.”

But once she had said it…I did note in the back of mind how much the woman while she was talking to me had kept moving her arms restlessly about…but it had not meant anything to me at the time.  But it had meant a lot to the other woman who had been standing there near me looking on as the other woman talked with me.  She then commenced to begin to tell me that  the woman had to be on drugs.  She said-

“Only drug addicts act like that.”

And while I watched the below video of  Juanita Bynum that is exactly what struck me…how she continuously keeps on moving.  Her movements seem erratic.   The working of her arms…hands… head… facial expressions… and body.

And I also noticed how seductive and cute-sie her movements appeared to be.  Almost like ajuanita-bynum-bishop-thomas-weeks clamorous woman in a bar.  Now, I have seen 1 or 2  of  those  in my life time.  Never been one…but have seen them.  But on Dr.  Bynum’s part in the below video they seemed to be quite intentional and purposeful…as if  she wanted to entice someone.

juanita-bynum-450pk061210However, I found it odd behavior all the way around.   And as I watched the video again…I noticed how she weeks and bynum in happier timespassed her hand across her nose (her new nose) …as I had once or twice seen people do who sniff cocaine (seen that move in movies a lot).  And she sniffles at least a few times in the below video.   Signs which had been pointed out to me by people who were familiar with such things…consistent signs of  someone  who sniffs cocaine.

I may not know that much about drugs …but clearly the odd behavior of Bynum only heightened  by Juanita’s high level of  gaiety  in the below  video is questionable at best…not to mention the total subject matter about Valentine’s Day…and how she was going to celebrate it…etc…etc…

It was everything but  godly?

bishopweeks and cristina glenn marriedWhich prompted me to wonder why would a woman of  God want to produce such a video?

And particularly about a holiday which clearly is not…for the most part godly.  But  created for lovers…and/or  want to be lovers.

bynumweeksClearly, the below video was not intended for anyone but her ex-husband.   Why else would anyone make such a fool of  themself  concerning  Valentine’s Day and their plans on celebrating it?

But he it seems has moved on.  The same advice I would give to  Juanita Bynum.

He recently purchased a warehouse in Atlanta and turned it into his new church and video/internet production house.

And what did Juanita do?

ycba[1]She went back down to Atlanta and  is renting or purchased  her own warehouse…where she currently holds services.   And dubbed it  ‘The Warehouse’…and officially launched her leadership as a pastor over her own church.   But it is a far cry from the ex’s.  Obiviously his family indulges him…highly…as he is a third generation preacher…and his wife-to-be comes from a line of preachers too.    That  mixed with a little elbow-grease from his membership…lots of  elbow-grease by them based upon the video…they have really put together something.   CLICK BELOW until the video comes up…and ignore the text…if you want to see his new house of  worship.

Weeks’ new wife-to-be  looks very young though…but can’t find anything on her age.  And they seem to be seeking their fame and fortune over the internet.  When they marry it will be his 3rd marriage and her second.  And Juanita Bynum’s marriage to him was her 2nd.

To view the BELOW video just CLICK  the  SCREEN a FEW TIMES and  just  ignore the text.

I also have to admit to question much about  Juanita Bynum juanita-bynum-1040kc021811lately…as I am not familiar with her past history as a woman of God.  But I found it quite odd when she decided to put her wedding gown back on…and wheel that  very large diamond encrusted sword…proclaiming herself  to be ‘Juanita Bynum for the second time’…Juanita Bynum II.   It seemed more to me like she was marrying herself.  It was an odd ceremony.

The Bible says…then went in the man with 7  more spirits, and the latter state of that man was worst than his 1st.   And Peter said  it like this-

“It is better for a man to have not known him than to have known him and then return back to sin…like a dog to his own vomit.”

There is something out of sync here.

I am actually sadden by it…and hope that I am incorrect.   As  I really do hate to see people warring within themselves…and loosing the battle to things of  this world.

Update (September 1, 2009):  The date has been set…November 17th will be the wedding day for Bishop Week’s 3rd marriage…of  which he managed somehow to find his new bride over the internet…(what a joke…and crime against God).

When he failed to get a TV deal for his bride-finding reality show (little wonder why following his wife abuse charges).   Then decided to air his hunt over the internet…hence, his new bride.

I think his plan is to try to make her bigger than Juanita Bynum…since Bishop Week’s claims that he made Juanita Bynum.  And he is indeed trying hard.

Is Juanita big??????

If you dare CLICK on this LINK:

urlLittle wonder their marriage didn’t last…it was highly flawed…and so were they.  And the real tragedy was that they taught their mess to people who believed what they were preaching.  False teaching.

Today I messed up my book trailer and I am so upset.  Now, I will have to go back into the lab and re-work it.  It had been coming along 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverso well… until I decided to rush things…and there in went the cause of  my problem.   Now everything looks like I’m rushing through it from frame to frame.   Which is exactly what I did do…because before I had thought that all the clips were a bit  too slow.   And now they are the reverse.

Oh, well…I will learn.  That is the thing about me I sometimes find 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2myself re-learning old lessons…and it always costs me time.

So yes…I’m still working on my book trailer  and plugging to officially start plugging  my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.     But it is just about ready for youtube.    Then I will be back to completing my radio spot…and finally finish up with the pages for my web site.  Soon and very soon…   It  is coming.

Well, enjoy your day tomorrow.   And my  hot flashes are still going strong.   Oh, well… 

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

21 comments July 31, 2009

Micheal’s death…the concert… and Palin

Finally, I am up and out.

We just flew back in from Tampa on Sunday afternoon, and I have been drained of  any energy every since.  I have barely eaten a thing.   All I have wanted was sleep…and tv4729_1521[1]more sleep.  But finally today I decided that maybe I needed to get out and get some fresh air to clear out the cob-webs from all that compressed air I was forced to breath in during our flight down and back from Florida.  And maybe…just maybe…I was right.

I feel better already.

Florida was beautiful.  It rained most of the time while we were down there.  But I loved every minute of it anyway. 

My plan was to write my blogs during the evening while laying around in the hotel…as we were in Tampa for the AIM conference with our church.   But our hotel did not have a business room where I could access a computer for free.   Instead they had an UPS store with computers that could be rented at a rate of  59¢ per minute.  Needless to say, I was livid.  And my son had failed to bring our lap-top computer on the trip. 

So, it meant that during this whole Michael Jackson thing…and Palin resignation…and the whole of the 4th of July weekend…I had been computerless.  And unable to voice any opinions on anything to anyone accept to the walls of  my hotel room…how boring.

So, alas…I am happy for this opportunity to be able to once again feel the rugged curves of  the keys of my keyboard.  And now able to voice my voice…but I have forgotten what it was that I had wanted to say.

Though through the whole week last week…I had much to voice…I now, however, find that maybe I am just too tired to say anything.  Though I did think that Palin has committed political suicide…not to mention that there most be something bigger behind her quick decision to resign at this time.   And then… frankly, I believe Michael may have been murdered.

If  Michael was in the mental state that those around him claimed that he was in…then any contract signed by him for 50 concert dates would be null and void…as he was not mentally competent to sign anything.  My other point to this is…is this.   When an artist signs a contract…and particularly an performing artist like a Michael Jackson…the promoters would have insured him.

I am curious just how much the owners of the Staple Center in LA had Michael insured for…as they were the ones promoting the 50 concerts in England.

My second point…is this.  No talent in their right mind would have ever signed a contract for 50 consecutive concert dates.  Most entertainers can barely make it though a couple weeks of  performing without becoming exhausted. 

At 50 years of  age there was no way that any out of shape performer who had not been on the road or on stage for at lease 8 to 10 years…such as Michael… could have possibly pulled off  the 50 concerts that Michael Jackson was said to have been booked for.  Not without battling complete exhaustion and/or possibly killing himself  by dropping dead on stage while attempting to do it.  

It was simply an impossible fete that even the King of Pop would not have been able to pull off.

Had Michael died during the time of  his rehersals for his 50 concert gig…it would have meant a big pay day for the promoters of his supposed 50 concert dates.   Had he died while on the road or any time during his 50 concerts…also meant a big pay day for his promoters.  And having died while under contract…which Michael was…also meant a tremendous pay day for the concert promoters of his 50 concerts.

But had Michael gotten up on the stage and not been able to fulfil his concert dates…for reasons due to exhaustion…burn-out…fatigue…drugs…etc.    This would have meant financial disaster for the promoters…and demands for rememburstments for all tickets of the shows which had to be cancelled.  Something which no promoters wishes to ever face.

Michael Jackson’s untimely demise has left many questions.  And among them are questions as to whether or not Michael superseded the law in the aquisition of  his children?

In perhaps, the biggest baby-mama drama ever…if  Michael had aquired the first 2 children, Price Michael and Paris, legally…then why had they not been legally adopted by him?

No legitimate lawyer would have allowed that to get pass him or her.   He or she would have counseled Michael on the merits of  legalizing those children as being his.  And it would have had to have gone through Probate Court.

Then there is the issue of  Blanket.  

What happened to his mother?

Why is she not named on the birth certificate for the child?

Was this legal?

Since Blanket had to have come from some woman…or girl…somewhere…who was she…and what happened to her?   As  Blanket did not  just materialized out of the  air and just came to be.  Why was his mother’s name omitted from her son’s birth certificate?

I have never heard of any such a thing before…and the matter really sounds quite fishy to me.

The lawyer…or lawyers involved in Michael’s acquisition of  his children really should be questioned…because it seems to me that they…or he…or she…overstepped some boundries of the law.   Even though California laws vary so much from other states…perhaps it was all legal and aboard board.   But I think not.

Having money you get whatever you want.  And I think that Michael Jackson having money managed to find the right people who for a nickle or a dime would deliver to him whatever he wanted. 

And in the end…it is those very people who you cannot ever trust.

So, it is not a mystery to me…that papa Joseph is crying foulplay in the untimely death of  his son, Michael Jackson.  It is sad and becomes highly unsafe for anyone who becomes worth more dead than alive.

We await the autopsy.

Hope that you are enjoying this weather.

u18488564[1]I got up early this morning to read my Bible on my mother’s very large front porch.  The sound of the birds chirping and feel of the early morning breezy on a beautiful sunny summer morning…made it an absolutely beautiful experience.  Just me…my Bible…and the beauty of the Lord.

Enjoy your day.

I am still twiddling my tumbs waiting on the publishers to finish…but the hold up this time is kind of my fault…in that because of the money 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverI had already put out to publish my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.  You know when I gave over 2 grand to Xulon Press…which I go into more in-depth in another blogand got nothing back in return.  So, when I finally decided upon another company…I had to do it on a payment plan because I just did not have all the money to pay for the printing of  my book all at once.  Which was really one of the main reasons I chose the company that I finally decided upon. BLD050448[1]

Four payments in the amount of $175 for the package that I chose…which with a special they were running gave me 20 advance copies of my book for free.  And they should have given me something out of the deal…as I had done all the work for my book including designing  my cover and the layout of my interior pages…plus the editing of the my text, as well…which what has been the hold up. 

I just keep finding another error…and I am such a perfectionist.  It would kill me not to put out a work that is not quality.  So, please continue to bare with me.  THE BISHOP’S WIFE will soon be out and available for your purchase soon.    the time when my book will soon be made available for sale.  God is good…I am so happy to finally  have gotten it done and out…and into the final stage of the process…besides getting out to aid in selling it.4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2

And I am still working hard on my book trailer for ‘youtube’ too…and my radio promo.  All of  which I shall premiere right here on my blog site first.

 Well, enjoy the rest of your day and I have so much more to tell you.  It’s coming. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

2 comments July 14, 2009

The shot heard across the world…Michael Jackson gone…

They say that it always comes in 3’s. 



Then…Ed McMann

Now, Michael?

I had thought about writing today…then got tired and decided not to.  But then the phone rang…and word came of  Michael’s passing.  And I have been in conversation after conversation trying to find out exactly what is what.  And all the while thinking…how sad.

I had heard about Farrah earlier today…but then had forgotten about it.  She had battled hard against cancer…but perhaps it was her battle with drugs…that had taken a bigger total on her.  Once the body becomes weaken…there is not much that it can do to ward off  too much of anything else.  And drugs had definitely weaken her.

Classical example of  ‘bad boy/good girl.‘  From the time she became involved with the wrong man…she just never recovered.   Though she had proven that she ‘really’ could act…all of  it  was blown to the wind when drugs became to her…a soul mate.

Michael at 50, just days away from his next birthday,  had years ago began  fighting his own addiction…surgery to his head, body and face.  It seems that once he got started…he could not stop.  It became perpetual.

Then on top it…I guess the injuries…to his back and knee… that he suffered while shooting that Pepsie commerical and after falling off stage…just never went away either.  So, down went the pills…and on came the addiction.

It is sad really…a life filled with so much promise should have such an end.  One can not help but to think about how much he seemed to romance the  idea of  becoming  ‘the next big thing’  behind Elvis after death.  So, much so that he even married into that family.   The King of  Pop vs  the King of  Rock & Roll…knocking at heaven’s gate.

But it is sad when you reflect and think back on Michael’s life…how he just never seemed to connect with life.   Somehow, it all seemed beyond him…just out of his reach… a real life… with any kind of  normalcy.   How he just never appeared to have felt comfortable being who he was.  How much he must have really hated himself… to ruin his face and body in the way that he did.  How sad he and lonely he must have  really been…that he only sought solace among young children.

How sad a life Michael had.  Never was allowed to be a real child…growing up in school…with real friends.   Once he had been sitting on top of the world…but over the course of years that world began to crumble from under him. 

He was king…because he wanted to be.  He could dance and sing his way into anyone’s heart.  And he did for years… years ago… but today was a new day.  Though…yes, he still had plenty of adorning and loving fans…who remembered Michael ‘when.’

Amid years of allegations of  child molestation…Michael lost most of all he had behind one legal battle after another.  And like R. Kelly…quietly paying parents off.

It was not hard to see that Michael had problems.  Much of  it started when Michael started listening to the handlers who caused him to separate himself from his parents and other sibling.  Filling his head with big ideas… how he didn’t need them.  And how he could make it on his own.

And he did.

He made it on his own.  And blew up…and became as large as life.

But through it all…all the money…platinum records/CD’s… sold out concerts… big record breaking contract deals… large real estate holdings… etc… he… he lost it all…and was hoping for a final horrah with plans for a final tour.   But it was not to be.  

Even when it seemed that he had it all…way up there on top of the world…you sensed that he was not happy.  And no amount of  famous names collected around him…or who he had managed to encase himself with…seemed to off-set that fact. 

Yes, Michael was never really happy.  Which is why he probably poured himself into his musical projects… and his talent the way that he did.  To some degree working… and performing… became hislover… the seat of his happiness.  The place where he forgot… he was Michael…isolated…and shut-up away from the rest of the world.

But he seemed to like being shut-up and away from the rest of the world…much like Howard Hughes.  But then life comes closing in on you.   It did for Elvis…it for Howard…and I suspect it did for Michael Jackson, as well.

Al Sharpton following the corners reporting…called Michael Jackson a trail blazer.  And that he truly was.  With more than 750 million albums/CD’s sold worldwide…13 Grammy’s…and tons of  other alccolades.  Eccentric at times…even down-right weird at others…he was nonetheless Michael Jackson…and perhaps the greatest entertainer of all times.

The whole music video industry would be nothing without the vision…foresight…intuitiveness and creative energy of  Michael Jackson.   He saw how music and videos could be merged and used as a creative medium and selling tool. 

Then there was his music…and with the on-slant of pop music…   Yes, I guess you could say he was the undisputed King of  Pop

Who could beat him?

Who could move like him?

Who had perfected their art the way he did?

During the MOTOWN 25th television special he stole the show with a single move…called the ‘moon walk.’ 

They say…he was frail.  

They say…it was the medication.

They say…it was the addiction to the pain pills.

I say…he found this world cold…and unaccommondating.

Elvis may have  impersonators…but Michael Jackson has spawd a slew of  ‘would be shinning stars.’

I am just sorry that I could not do anything to helf  him.  What a great loss.

One can truly say-

“He gave his life to his profession.”|main|dl2|link3|,2933,529103,00.html

I am still twiddling my tumbs waiting on the publishers to finish.  I am counting down 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverthe time when my book will soon be made available for sale.  God is good…I am so happy to finally  have gotten it done and out…and into the final stage of the process…besides getting out to aid in selling it.

I am working hard on my book trailer for 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2‘youtube’…and my radio promo.

 Well, enjoy the rest of your day and evening. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Just DOUBLE CLICK to see the videos BELOW…and ignor the text which will appear.

1 comment June 26, 2009

The attitude of champions…

I feel for you, Serena.

Because when you loose…you hate yourself.  Because you know down deep…your fullest capabilities to win.   It is the mark of a winner…and time after time they push to continue to reach that mark.

Capabilities are good.  Many people have them…and never end up living up to them…their fullest capabilities.   Because it takes work…hard work…and plenty of dedication.   And many of us are just not willing to make the sacrifice…or sacrifices required to make it happen.

Just imagine how many of us have the capabilities to become champions.  But just lack the attitude of  champions…not to mention that burning desire to make it happen…which of course also encompasses…dedication and a displine to develop the craft to its highest level. 

But Michael had it…and probably still processes it as a businessman.  Tiger has it…Densel has it…Muhammad Ali…many have it.   They can iBut it takes that something more…that many of  us are just not willing to do…or add into our being.  But imagine the possibilities if we did.

Certainly, losses are to be expected…it goes with the territory.  You will some…and loose some…Tiger, Michael and Muhammad have all experienced it.   Even Denzel has experience a flop in the theaters…when a movie did not met its expectation in box office sales.  It is life.  But it makes winners work all the harder for the next time.

I am twiddling my tumbs waiting on the publishers to finish.  I am counting down 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverthe time when my book will soon be made available for sale.  God is good…I am so happy to finally  have gotten it done and out…and into the final stage of the process…besides getting out to aid in selling it.

 Well, enjoy the rest of your day and evening. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

1 comment June 16, 2009






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