Posts filed under: ‘Frankie Beverly & Maze‘

I DECLARE…It’s my day…

Today was 1 of those rare days.  You know the kind of day you rarely ever get.  A day you wake up knowing that if you don’t get up at all it will be alright.

Didn’t have to rush to go catch nothing.  No buses… no cabs… no car pool… no ride to the store… no NOTHING

No need to ask my son for the keys to the car.

No need to beg-

“Can I catch a ride with you?”

“About how long for the cab?”

“Will you come by and get me?”

Yes, I woke up not having to go anywhere… or having to do anything.

I could lay there and there… and lay there enjoying the warmth of my bed.

I didn’t have worry about nothing.  Didn’t have to rush off to finish this… or finish that.

Today was… and is all mine.  ALL  MINE… all by myself.

Nobody to say-

“Auntie this…”

Or, “Auntie that…”

Didn’t have to answer any questions.

Didn’t have to worry aboout getting caught out in the rain.  Or go searching in my bag to pull out my sunglasses.

Didn’t have to search for my keys… lace up my shoes…. or make sure everything I needed was in my carrying case. 2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Didn’t have to ask nothing… say nothing… or particularly do nothing thing.  Just lay back and enjoy it.

A day all to myself.


Don’t you wish you had 1?

When was the last time you could say this?

They don’t come often.  And for that reason I am going to end this blog, and continue to enjoy my day… with me… myself… and I.

Well, God bless… I’ve got a few more hours to this day… and I mean to continue to enjoy them.

And whatever your day is like I hope that you are enjoying it too.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

Add a comment October 24, 2011

I’m back… What? A soda what?

BLD043504[1]Well, I finally did it…and now at last I can get some real sleep.  And I have a lot of sleep to catch up on.  But I finally got the final edition of the book off and out…and I am so glad.

So, while I doze… enjoy Frankie…

Because I am really tired…haven’t gotten much sleep in the past 4 weeks because I have been burning that mid-night oil…day and night.  But it was worth it.  I have managed to produce a quality piece of work…through the grace and mercy of God.  And I am so happy about it.

But I have been thinking about that tax on soda

I really have never heard anyone say that soda caused some kind of physical condition…or was hazardous to anyone’s health.  Anything can kill you if you indulge in it too much.  But are we going to go around and start taxing everything…because of some kind of mis-preceived notion that it causes people to get sick andk0876817[1] adds millions  to Medicare or become some type of burden on medical plans across America?

Oh, course not.  Least ways…I hope not.

The whole thing sounds absolutely ridiculous. 

Besides, it’s not like soda isn’t already taxed with that 5 cent  charge on the cans and bottles.  Does alcohol have that?

My goodness…some people just want to take all the pleasure out of life.  Like being able to go and buy a simple little soda…without it being a hardship.

Then I was thinking…how do you take over a company and not really manage it?

I understand that the government doesn’t want to really get into the automobile industry…nor do I  want the government in it.  But don’t tell me you are going to takeover something…and then tell me that you are turning it over to a bunch of guys who will call all the shots with little to no one watching over them.  Too much freedom…far too much.   I think that…if they were or are that good…then Obama should have sold them the company…or something…and just been done with it. 

The whole thing sounds a bit too Big Brother-ish to me.   You know as in George Orwell-ish.  I really don’t like seeing government overstepping it bounds…and I don’t care how much I like Obama.

After listening to him talk about how “he didn’t want to get into the auto industry business.”   Only made me think…

“Woe…pull back a little Obama.”

Because you see when you become the President of the United States…you ceased to be a little independent operator any more.  There is a much bigger picture.   There is no more “I’ or “Me”….it is all “We,” baby.

The President of the United States of America is not an “I”…but a “We.”   And she or him…must operate in that capacity at all times…and think like it.

You are not an “I”…Obama.   But a “We”…presenting every person in this country…as the head of our government.   So, you have no “I.”    It is either “Us,”  “Our” or “We.”  You are the Head of State…aren’t you?

Consider yourself…like the head of a major company.  Like the one you’re turning over to those guys…and then you may get the real picture about the ‘me…myself…and I.’    It no longer exists for you.  You’re…you’re the President.

So, kill the “I.”

Go back to what the founding fathers of this country intended…mixed with some Hamliton, Jackson and all those other schools of thought…as to who and how a President of this country should operate…and think.[1]

And forget about taxing soda.  Isn’t it enough that we have gas taxes in some states, taxes on clothes and property taxes…and on almost everything else.  Can we not start putting tax on food too?

My goodness…just buying groceries…if you go in for a few things…and I do mean a few things…cost you $100 or more.  A large pack of hamburger is $10…cereal is k0256783[1]about $6…milk is $4 something…butter is $5…ice cream about $6…bread is $3…laundry detergent is $8…chicken wings is $8…a pack of hot dogs is $5+.   And now you want to tax soda.   Oh, give me a break.

What next…a tax on Kool-Aid?

And you know what I really can’t stand?

u26165724[1]It’s a bunch of  health nuts.   Do-gooders who are going to force you into something…by making it a burden to you.

Obama drinks beer and smokes cigarettes.  And I am not out there running around trying to shove anything down his throat about the ills of those things.  And lets face it…the reports are out…all over the place about them…and been out about them.  

Cigarettes and beer…which is a form of alcohol…is harmful to you body…cells and everything else…including to people around you.  Can they say the same about soda?

So, what if it is a sugary drink.  I like sugary drinks.  I add sugar to my cup of tea…and many people add it to their coffee…lots of it.   I also love lemonde and ice tea.  Should I have to suffer a tax for loving these things?  In fact…I drink them alot…but do not touch alcohol.  Will the next conversation to hit the House floor on Capital Hill be about taxing all the things we can add sugar to?   Like cereal…desserts…Kool-Aid…lemonde…etc…   Maybe it will become against the law to add sugar to anything.

The whole discussion is crazy and highly illogical.  Ridiculous in fact.

Yes, I’m back…and with a vengeance.  And I have a lot of things I have been holding in…for such a time as this.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE…is coming….    Yes, my book is  coming…and I am very 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverhappy about that.   Though the road has been rocky.  I am really beginning to believe that this whole self-publishing thing is a racket.  And filled with racketteers.

But if you will excuse me…I really must get some sleep now.  I am sure I will have more to say on this tax subject…but not now.  I am just too tired.   This is the first night I have gotten into bed before 7 AM in weeks.

So, enjoy your day tomorrow…and we’ll be talking.  I’m sure.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

Add a comment June 9, 2009






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