Posts filed under: ‘Whoopi Goldberg‘

PRESIDENT OBAMA and GUN CONTROL… the View on Chris Christie and Weight…

It is a shame that it took this long for this conversation to sincerely and truthfully come to the forefront 75084_10151396532909238_1417681934_nof American conscientiousness… but at last it has happened.  And 1 might say several senseless massacres too many before something should have really been done… like a long time ago.

After mass killings after mass killings finally the l_gunviolenceUnited States government is taking a stand, and President Obama is initiating laws against assault weapons and hand guns…all of which the Republicans for the most part want no part of it.

Well, I understand when your biggest financial campaign contributor is a gun manufacturer, and you have all those gun lobbyist sitting on Capitol Hill.  Yes, that might sway your judgment about gun control until it becomes a question of your own son or daughter…getting killed in some ruiz5k-1-webmovie theater… grade school or upon some college campus etc…

I’m happy that President Obama has said enough is enough, and is taking a lead on doing something that the Congress and the Senate of the United States has refused to have taken seriously for all these years and episode after episode.

But  what is so annoying and distasteful to me is how the Republicans hate President 485992_433034763435241_415730549_nObama…and are so very disrespectful of him.  they despise him. And no matter what good President Obama tries to do… they are against him.   Whereas, no matter what George Bush did…    In fact, it appeared that everything George Bush did was good to them… down to lying about weapons of mass destruction… and sending off people’s sons and daughters to be killed in wars which should not have been.   But they… those arrogant Republicans stood by George Bush… all the way.   Pushed pass everything Bush wanted without so much as a sniffle.  But oh how they cry bloody murder over everything that President Obama does or tries to do.  And then they want to say that ‘they are not racist.’

Yeah, sure…

Finally got a chance to read the above entire article LINK.  Those republicans are a real joke. They can’t even President Obama Speaks On Homeland Security's Announcement About Deportationsbring themselves to call Obama ”Mister President” or ‘President Obama.’. It seems that uttering those words when referring to the President would seriously hurt them.

0238190179_1_296x196_tlWhat kind of fool do they think President Obama is?

Trying to scare Obama by saying they will consider impeaching him for legally using Presidential authority 394934_433034866768564_800118516_ngranted unto him, as President of the United States. I don’t think anything dumber has EVER been said. What a bunch of fools.

Arrogance… ignorance and hatred will make a fool of you all the time… and that is the state that the American Republican party is in.  They are arrogant… ignorant fools.  And they show that by making the stupid statements such as those expressed in the above news LINK.

I am so happy Obama is not a chump. He doesn’t back down.. and he knows exactly who he is and they can’t stand that.

He’s the President…and they are only members of the House… He’s ”head houcho”…and that really bugs ’em…. And even worst of all Obama acts like it…and THAT is killing them.

It is far beyond the time for the Federal Government to step up into the role of ensuring the safety of the American Public by enacting laws that will lower the availability of guns to the criminally minded, and those who have some insane agendas.  These incidences have become too frequent and they are escalating.  I am just story that it took a bunch of very young school children to signify this point.

I just happened to catch a segment on The View regarding gun control and various methodsmedium_viewmccainad_jez_Sm.flv that can be put into place at schools.  It was 1 of those rare times that I must admit to being totally in agreement with Elisabeth Hasselbeck… who is almost always a voice of dissension on that show… and a devote Republican.

Whoopie, Sharri and Barbara were all for guns being given to school teachers as a good method of curving school killings.  Which is something I find to be totally ludicrous.

gun-violence_0Do not teachers go berserk and fall off the deep end too?

Of, course some do.  And then the other side of that scenario is this…

What happens when a student gets a hold of 1 of his or her teacher’s guns?

Or even worst…  What happens when a school shooting occurs and the police arrive and can’t determine who is the real culprit with so many people firing guns?normal_Guns-1920x1080

Because arming teachers and/or other school faculty staff is a very very bad idea… so many walking and carrying guns in school this could very well become a worst problem… and dilemma would arise at  knowing who to shoot at.   In the heat of a shoot out… like out on the battlefield this is not necessary 1 of the easiest things to decipher…  Hence, ‘friendly fire.’

But fear and a haste to make all the wrong choices by putting into place measures that could bring about even worst consequences, than the problems we now face itself  are worthy of some deep thought.  And it is not Obama’s plans that I fear… but all these so-called do-gooders who may have some very flawed thinking triggered by lots of fear… or hidden agendas… all coming… running with their irrational suggestions.

Guns_1000I was not in favor either of arming flight attendants.  And thank God we got over that fear… when flying high in the friendly skies.

It would have been a disaster if suddenly a shoot out  between a passenger and airline personnel broke out in an aircraft… leaving all the passengers in grave danger not to mention the aircraft itself.  And so would be arming teachers or other supposed teaching professionals with guns be too.  The mediumlast time I checked that  shooting at Sandy Nook school, in Connecticut where 26 people were killed… and most of theml children under the age of 10… it was the mother (the school teacher of that classroom)… who had owned those guns which were used…by her crazed son.

The article reads that the woman…the female victim was the true hero here…

But, no.  It was the 14-year-old boy who opened the door and let her into him parent’s home who was house4738the real hero…because it was at risk to himself and his 2 younger siblings.

I am, however, sure that his parent’s might have seen this picture entirely different… and particularly since the crazed man, who had kidnapped the young woman, torched their home in an effort to get the young female victim back.

The young 14-year-old in this story definitely deserves to be praised.  But I know his parents must have an entirely different take on this story.  But he saved that young woman’s life…while at the same time putting at risk his own, and that of his younger sister and brother.  And not to mention their family 5333118-baseball-in-mitt-isolated-on-white-backgroundhome.

But it was an unselfish act.  And a lot of times people can’t understand unselfish acts…because they only see the dangers in them.

But this boy will probably be blessed for the rest of his life…because he did what God calls Seton Hall takes on Notre Dame in mens basketball game on 2-11-2010all of us to do.  To love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  The text actually specks of laying down your life for your brother.  Something that I know would run across no parent’s mind at the time when they hear how their home and family was put into jeopardy by the actions of 1 their older child.

the-viewAnd going back to The View… on that same show they were also discussing Governor Chris Christie and his weight.  Truthfully speaking I felt a bit offended.  They made it sound like ALL overweight people are unhealthy… which is definitely not the case.  And they also made it sound like only overweight people have health problems… and we all know that is definitely not true.

whoopi_goldbergBut what struck me as being somewhat bias was Whoopie’s response to the whole conversation.  She who for many years… if not still… has been known to be a very heavy smoker.  Even while listening to Whoopie speak you can hear the effect of those years of smoking upon her voice.  Yet she failed to mention that her own addiction… the 1 to cigarettes is even far more unhealthy and harmful…if not just as much so… as she talked about all of Christie’s weight wearing on his heart… and would hinder his ability to do the job of a President effectively.

According to the consensus cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, accounting for close to 17 percent of total healthcare spending.  Cardiovascular issues include: hypertension, coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, per-cutaneous coronary intervention, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure.

Cigarette smoking is a major contributor to theCigarette butts in an ashtray
three most prevalent causes of death in African Americans… heart disease, cancer, and stroke. All people, regardless of race and ethnicity, can become addicted to tobacco and can be damaged by the harmful effects of smoking.

So, what I am saying is this…  Governor Christie should not be singled out and declared unfit… or otherwise unhealthy simply because of his weight.  It brings about an astigmatism Man-Exercisingthat is many times placed upon all heavy-set people unjustly.  Causing many of them to not get health benefits… jobs… and oftentimes ostracized.  Which certainly is not fair and treads upon their civil rights.1263239297_fit_person

It is very likely that if Christie chooses to run again as Governor of New Jersey… tries to leap out into Presidential waters his weight is going to be continuously made a factor.  And that really should not be.

I recall that this guy wrote this book called ‘THE JOY OF JOGGING.’   He was an avid jogger.  By every regard he was considered in good health… and his body trim and fit.  One day while out jobbing the man dropped dead from a heart attack.  I imagesam not trying to poke fun here… but merely saying skinny or fat… tall or short… you are subject to drop dead or have a heart attack.  And yes, I would agree that having more weight upon your body does put stress upon your heart, but so doesn’t smoking or some of those other bad habits like excessive drinking or drug abuse… etc…

So, then why keep talking about this man… Christie like it just doesme resized...n’t happen to skinny or fit people.  Because that is a lie.

Now, I do not advocate being overweight.  Lord, no…  I have had my own issues and battles with it.  But I also can see where such a conversation is hurtful, demeaning and liable to bring about discrimination to those seeking  job placement… or whatever.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

God bless…hope you enjoy your weekend.  I think I may get so much needed sleep… and edit some video projects this weekend.

And remember that Monday… this coming Monday is both President Barack Obama’s second inaugural… AND Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s birthday celebration.  Enjoy them both… and I am hoping to see you in D.C fomichelle-obama-inauguration-parade-GCr the festivities.  But if not please enjoy it for me too.

I am so happy about it.  Truly a time to remember…   And if you can be part of it don’t let the michelle-obama-dnc-fasion-600x400opportunity go by… by not being so.

And happy belated birthday FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA… can’t close without saying that.   I love you.

In fact, I love you both….  And 49 is a great year…  A very good year indeed…

And I hope that you are checking for a picture of me in these blogs…  Who knows I might even think of doing something real special.  Just keep looking out for me… in my blogs.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment January 18, 2013

McCain… Republican Convention… Lies


Reform…Change …McCain????

The real agents of change…McCain…or Obama?

It was interesting hearing the Republicans talk about change during their convention as though they were the first to conceptualized that idea of change…or that America was in need of a change.

And man do we need a change.

And that change is by way…of removing the Republicans out of office…getting their hands off of regulating the business of the United States of America.  Under Bush this country has hit rock bottom.  It has gone to places where it hadn’t been since the stock market crash of the 1930’s bringing about the Great American Depression, which lasted into 1940’s.

How could one group of people do so much damage?

From a huge surplus left by Bill Clinton to a massive deficeit that continues growing moment by moment as another bullet is shot or a war tank is moved through the dessert sands of Iraq.

Under Bush has come war, attacks on American soil, home foreclosures, U.S. takeovers of huge companies  with the hope of trying to stablize a highly flautering economy.  Companies like Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae…who ever thought anything would happen to her…or them?

And they say that Bush was an Economics Major

Well, that is one degree that Yale should go back and reclaim quick before everybody starts wondering just what is Yale teaching its Economic Majors?

It is easy to preach change…but without it being actually in your heart…or having the heart to actually implement it….change just becomes a catch phrase…a means of merely trying to get elected without the hope of making any change.  And that is exactly what ‘change’ means to the Republicans.  It is a catch phrase…a practical joke that everytime they said it…they almost choke trying not to laugh.

Those Republicans…they have no real desire to change anything.  And why would they want to?

From what I heard at the Republican Convention….they’re all happy with the way things are.  And why not…they have reaped the benefits from this mess that the Bush Administration has sunken us into. 

Who ever heard of paying $4.00/per gallon for gas in America before George Bush got into office?

Even under Bush senior…this country still was under 90 cents per gallon for gasoline.

But when you go into office and the first thing you do is increase your own salary that really should speak volumes to everybody in the country.  Bill Clinton as President of the United States only received $200,000 a year…but George Bush felt that wasn’t enough.  So, the President’s salary went up to $400,000 a year.  That meant that within the first 4 years of Bush’s term he was paid all of what Bill Clinton got for the whole of 8 years Bill was in office.  And Bill Clinton never took any 4 week vacations at any time while he was in the office of President of this country…a thing George Bush really loves to do  (that’s that party boy attitude he’s had all his life)…and he started taking them shortly after he stole his way into the Oval Office.

Honestly, when you look at the American Economy…Bush has really been on vacation for his entire 8 years that he has been in the White House.  Well, maybe if he had…then maybe we wouldn’t be here where we are right now. 

What a mess!

So, yes…drinking champagne and watching their stocks vested in fuel, food goods etc. go soaring through the roof those Republicans loved that. 

Why shouldn’t they?

They’re making money.  That’s why they are against better health packages for employees, more taxes for the richer Americans, help to the poor, disabled, sick and disenfranchised

When you get right down to it….those…those…those REPUBLICANS are a selfish bunch!

They could care less about anybody but themselves.

So, for the most part they enjoy their standing in America…they are vested.   Vested in things remaining just as they are.

When you looked out upon the people who filled the coliseum where the Republican National Convention took place…it looked more like a meeting of the Wall Street Klan.  They for the most part looked like a bunch of stuff shirt business people (who all by the way looked sad to be at their own convention).  The Republican Convention certainly didn’t seem to have a cross section of people from all sectors of America as were the people that attended the Democratic  National Convention.  And besides that…the Republican Convention didn’t have one person who was just an ordinary Joe or Jane who came up to tell their story…like the Democratic Convention did.  And all of those stories were quite moving and compelling…as to what the Republicans have done to the American Economy and how people…everyday people are truly suffering.

Not only did there seem to be a deep difference between the 2 types of crowds attending the various Political Conventions…but also…the Republican National Convention was geared towards personality and had nothing to do with what the maverick McCain would do differently for America.  In fact, the whole Republican Convention was one big war hero story.  It would have been great for Memorial Day or something…but it didn’t speak to what McCain plans to do for America.

The Republicans attacked Obama…his eloquence and ability to rally the crowds.  But they failed to offer up any meat on a Republican agenda.  They talked ‘change’…and spoke about ‘reform’…but never said ‘how’…or what differently they were going to do.  Because the reality is…it is all talk as it has always been when it comes to the Republicans. 

The Republican make promises…but only continue to enrich the rich and could care less about those who are struggling to keep above the water…as the Republicans steadily watch their bank accounts grow having invested in energy, oil and whatever else that is bleeding us into nothingness…we who don’t have their deep pockets…and have to work hard at trying to make every dollar stretch as far as we can get it.

McCain may well have been a hero…but having served in the military and making the decision to stay with his troops is not something that many others also did not decide to do when they had the option of doing something else.  I have watched stories of such people all the time on PBS.  And no one has said of them-

“This qualifies you to become the next President of the United States.”

If so, then we would see more military people running for political office along with mostly lawyers and other professional types who choose to become Senators, Governors, Mayors etc…  But no, you don’t see them…those just plain military people…and if they were to stand up and say-

“I can do a better job than of those guys.”

Somebody would tell them to sit down….and that they just did not have the experience or whatever else it takes to be in politics. 

So, therefore, military service is no prerequisite to be President of the United States…nor can it be a substitute for qualifications or experience.  When your military record is all that can stand on or all that can be said about you…one really has to wonder about John McCain.  And believe me that Republican Convention was all about John McCain’s military record.  Not once did I hear about some bill or anything else he managed to push through.

I say, give me a person who knows what it is to serve people though he may have not have been Governor or a corporation executive…but a honest caring person who has made it his life work to serve the everyday woman and man.   And that is the history of Barack Obama.

“Drill, baby…drill.”

Sounds like the Republicans don’t mind destroying what little lands this country has set aside in order to protect certain eco-systems and various species of wildlife, foliage etc.  As long as they can make money the Republicans could care less about anything else. 

Is this not the very reason that the investigators laid claim to about Hurrican Katrina?

Did they not say that that if the wet lands had not been removed that perhaps New Orleans might have had the flooding it suffered?

It was the eco-system that had been destoryed in order to increase the city limits…and in the end nature dealt New Orleans a death defying blow by the name of Katrina.

But destorying the eco-systems mean nothing to the Republicans.  Because they reap all the benefits and none of the fall-out from such decisions.

Money is the only thing most Republicans put first.

That sign being waved by many at the Republicans at their National Convention which said ‘Prosperity’ looked so much like a Hersey’s Chocolate wrapping…to me that I started craving a Hersey’s bar for the remainder of the night.  And finally got one just this week.

Prosperity…not change is what the Republicans want.  Its their same old game…they’re just trying to repackage it and give it a new name.   And during their own convention those Republicans were bold enough to display large signs reading just that…”Prosperity.”

Remember to get registered if you are not…the clock is ticking.  And be sure if you are registered to go down to the Voter Registration Office in your city or town and double check on your registration…just to make sure you won’t run into any problems on election day.  You vote counts.

Well, God bless…and enjoy the rest of your day.  And thanks for reading…and please remember to share this blog address with your friends….‘…pass it on…’ 

God bless…and thanks for reading  ©2008

Add a comment September 20, 2008

In whose View…


A term of endearment????

Enpowering ourselves by taking it back…and calling us (each other that).   But you can’t use it.

What kind of lunacy is that? 

In this case Elizabeth wins.  She has got it right…why would you call yourself something that you don’t want other people to call you?  

Doesn’t that just sound backwards?

So, what you grew up with your family members using it. So, what!

Like your family members ain’t never been wrong about anything. And everything they did and said was right. Grow up…and get a brain.

Now, here’s Whoopi‘s view on the “N” word…

Here is what Rev Al Sharpton had to say about the use of the “N” word…and Jesse Jackson‘s use of the word in regards to black people.

How can we command respect from others if we cannot respect ourselves enough to stop continually abusing ourselves by using a word that is offensive and has been used offensively towards us…and was originated to demean, belittle and insult us?

There is no such thing as “taking it back”…because we weren’t the ones who originated the “N” word.  It was a word targetted against us meant to keep us in our place.

For Jesse Jackson to have gotten caught on national television belittling black people in America by calling them the “N” word and talking in such a way as to what he would like to do to Obama was glaringly offensive to us all as moral decent human beings. 

After getting in front of national cameras many times saying that the “N” was a word that is wrong and should never be used by anyone…well, you pick the adjective…hypocritical (somehow that word sounds a bit weak in regards to Jesse Jackson)…and even more so in regards to what that one word has done to us as a group.

Just listen to us on these clips.  And they symbolize the intelligent rational black folk…from Whoopi and that other woman on the View, to Jesse Jackson, to Al Sharpton, to Dr. Alvin Poussaint and Bill Cosby.  Yet they are so far apart in their thinking on this subject…that it is frightening.

How can one word have so much power… or conjure up so much pain and ill will…and division? 

So, then why would anyone or any group of people want to hold onto such a word?

African-Americans are as messed up as a group of people can be in regards to this word…and the reason is as Elizabeth, Dr. Poussaint and Bill Cosby state…home training.

Listen to Whoopi Goldberg and the other black woman on the View…she says ‘she grew up in a home that used it’ and that she uses it.

Whoopi says that saying it is okay because it gives us power. 


They, Whoopi and that other black woman on the View, have been desensitized to the word probably from growing up with it and hearing it all of their lives…as well as probably most of those rappers and three-quarters of the other black folk in this country.  As well as, many other people today who hear it on the videos, in the movies, in our personal language among each other, in the locker room, classroom, school hallways etc…everywhere. 

Not only rappers, or Jesse Jackson…but professional black folk use it…athletics…preachers…you name it…they indulge in the use of the “N” word.

There is some cultural relevance to this…it is called “self-hate.”  

We still have it…no matter what we say. 

Why else use that word and continue to allow it to perpetuate as if it is a cultural norm acceptable only when we say it?

There is something ill-logic with that thinking.

I grew up in a home that didn’t use the “N” word…nor did my parents…or most our relatives curse or swear. 

So, therefore, I am not desensitized by the word. It will provoke me to become angry…and I don’t want anybody…white or black or otherwise calling me by it.  And I don’t want them thinking it…and I can tell that too…and there are ways.  It is in the body language and certain behavors that make it quite evident.

I once got on the bus travelling to New York City a while back. A young hispanic guy got on the bus that day at the same time I boarded…during the whole ride he was at the back of the bus talking very very…very loudly. And every other word out of his mouth was the “N” word…and I do mean every other.  It irritated me.

It irritated me so badly that I had put into my mind…that if he said the word one more time there was going to be a racial incidence on that bus because I was going to get up…and we would have to go at it.

Now, what you need to know is this…anytime I put something into my mind to do…I do it.

And things were not going to be pretty on that bus…because I had already decided upon it. The good thing for him…as the thought came into my mind…the bus pulled into his stop and he got off.

I consider myself to be a nice person but there are somethings I am just not tolerant of…I am not tolerant of the “N” word out of anybody’s mouth. To speak it in my presence is like speaking a curse word.

We really have to grow up…it is not time to get over that word.   But time to release it…and let it die.

I have felt guilty since I wrote that blog about not taking my iron tablets.  I mean…I really have.   It may seem like such a little thing to have bothered me.   But the next day I started thinking about having made that statment…about not taking the tablets…but who does what they are suppose to anyways.

I started thinking about how all I have to take is this one little tablet.  It doesn’t make me queazy or up-set my stomach…or any of those things.  All it does is add some much needed iron to my system to aid in increasing my red blood cells.  No biggy.

When you think of all the different types of medication that people are forced to take daily…because they have to…they have no choice in the matter.  What do I have to complain about…not that I was complaining. 

But, my goodness…I am blessed.

So, why not take the one little pill that I am suppose to take?

When you think of the type of money people have to spend on medication in this country…it is unbelievable.  I have a friend who informed me that one bottle of something that she needs costs $300.  Wow…

And all I have to take is a simple over the counter…less than $3.00 iron tablet. 

It is very foolish of me to be so lackadaisical in taking something that might prevent me from ever having to spend $300 on something to correct that which I could have prevented simply by taking my little under $3.00 tablet today.  And that is why I have been kicking myself…after saying what I wrote in that blog…I realized just how foolish I was…and have been.

In the mid-80’s I lost my cousin Vincent to AIDS.  He had to take over 30 different pills a day.  One of the tablets he had to take was a bright yellow pill…which he had to take because he somehow contracted a parasite that only birds normally got.

I recall think as he held up the pill telling me about it and why he had to take it…I recalled thinking-

“My goodness he can’t even walk into a pet shop without walking out without something.”

I didn’t at that time quite understand AIDS…as most people did not at that time.  But I realized that living in New York City he could not even walk between a flock of peigons eating drops of bread without fearing getting something…that might mean taking another pill.

Since, I only have that one little pill to take…and really it is good for me to take.  Yesterday, I took my iron tablet for the very first time in a long time.  And now that I’m thinking of it…I better take it while it is still on my mind.  So, excuse me…hope you had a good day.   Its been hot here…and I am definitely thinking about the beach.

Have a good one….and…      God bless….

ps…well, technically you can see I am really catching on to this stuff…but it doesn’t hurt to be able to write code either (html)…baby, all those classes are paying off!!!

And thank you all for reading…don’t forget to share this blog site…   …with your friends, family, co-workers, the people on your block…your next door neighbor…your church…everybody…the people in the grocery store…the cashiers at the movie theater…the man down the street….even your ex….and don’t forget you can holla at a sisah every so often.   

You can reach me simply by writing in the “comment” section below that is how to comment on these blogs or…if you wish to converse with me…you can reach me through it as well.  ©2008

Add a comment July 18, 2008

Woe, Jesse…woe…is there anything else…

It would seem that Rev Jesse Jackson had a bit more to say about Obama than Fox News actually leaked out…including based upon some of what I have heard and seen calling Obama by the “N” word.

It is blaffling how anyone who himself once supposedly represented the hopes and dreams of so many African-American people in this country could have made such a shocking statement as the Rev Jesse Jackson concerning castrating Barack Obama…and then follow it by a gesture of grabbing or snatching…jerking his arm…aimed at exhibiting his desire to cut off the private parts of Barack.   It is shameful…and can certainly not be washed away by a zillion apologies or sadden downcast looks.  

There is something so sick about what Jesse Jackson did and said concerning Barack Obama.  And then to have called Obama the “N” word too.

For years Jesse Jackson has been running around this country like the man of steel…able to leap over buildings in a single bound…at the mere hint of a racial outrage directed at black folks by someone outside of our race. 
Both Jesse Jackson and Rev Al Sharpton have campaigned against rappers for their use of the “N” word and their misogynistic lyrics against women, with particular disregard towards black women.  
So, for Rev Jackson to use that word in an anti-Obama conversation…shows that the “N” word is very much a part of Jesse’s own volcabuary…forget the rappers.

I have to tell you that…you really have to go up on youtube and watch the clips of the View.  They are quite entertaining…and in many ways quite refreshing as the conversations those women have on that show really do typify the concerns of most Americans on a myriad of issues that effect us all, and issues that we all debate between ourselves from time to time.  But in one of the clips the issue that women of the View are debating is the use of the “N” word.

Whoopi states that she would rather people just said the word and get it out in the open rather than call it “the N word.”  Her rationale for making that statement was that people are thinking it anyway so they might as well just say it.That is not a good rationale.It is littered with inconsistences.

Because you think it…I should allow you to call me that?


Because you think to kill someone…we should allow you to go out and kill them because you thought it?

No.  That would be wrong.

We cannot justify wrong by allowing it.  Wrong is wrong…whether they say or think it.

Anything meant to be demeaning or hateful…or degrading to anyone or any group should not be allowed.  And should never become acceptable.

A negative can never be made a positive…it goes against nature, logic and science.

No other group in this country or anywhere else has ever taken on a name meant to demean them.  In fact, you don’t even hear many of those words used anymore…like “Spic”….”Whop”…”Cracker”…it has been so long…and we don’t even hear these words anymore…so much so that I can’t even think of the rest of them that I used to know and hear. 

Yet, that one word…that “N” word is striving and doing well.  In fact, it is blowing up big time.  Every little radical rapper who wants to make a name for himself can’t drop it enough.  They  incorporate it into the group name, put it in the title of their CD tracks, use it as their CD title…it is all in their lyrics…etc… 

Because it incites people.  It stirs up emotions.  And they say-

“Oh, it’s okay because we don’t say it using ‘er’ but with ‘ah’.”

As if spoken any kind of way could make a word that was used to degrade, insult, belittle and demean black folks in this country could really at any time be alright.  A word that many were killed over…died over…fought over…and got hung because of. 


How do you erase that?

How can you undo the pain that such a word caused?

How do you remove the grief that that word brought about?

How can you bring back those who thought it was well worth their pride and dignity to get hung, killed, jailed, tarred, feathered and beat…or defiled rejecting the use of that word against them and their families?

The Bible says-

“My people parish for lack of knowledge.”

It is not knowledge that the kids or these rappers lack…but a sense of loyalty.  They see a big pay check down the road…and they forget the debt that was paid…the blood shed…so that they could have the opportunities that they have today.

How many of them took a trip to DC to pay their respect to Mrs. Rosa Parks as she laid in the Rotunda?  Or when they ride across Rosa Parks Blvd in Detroit…do they think about what she did that day on the bus in Montgomery, AL…and how her act impacted all our lives?

One could argue that the kids don’t know the history. 

And whose fault is that?

One could equally argue…that they (the kids…these rappers etc.) know enough about it  (the ‘N’ word) and our history to know the controversy that the use of that word will bring to them and their project.  And that does equate into revenue.  So, they know something…they are not as dumb as they would like us to believe.  And the companies behind them recognize that controversy sells.

Jesse Jackson and Whoopi they are old school…they know the pain of that word…and though Jesse speaks one thing…his own use of that word he never relinquished.  And Whoopi, though bright on some subjects…faulters on others.  This has always been the problem that we have had among us…it really plagues us.   We simply cannot come to a mutual consensus on anything that is vital to us.

The “N” word does not need a superficial burial…but instead it needs to be universally respected that the “N” word is something that we will never call ourselves nor allow others to call us ever again. 

It needs to be shredded and lost in the annals of history along with all those other negative words and names which even I can no longer remember…and that other folks refused to allow to be attached to them.

To walk around using the “N” word and allowing others to call us by it…is to continue with a slave mentality…self-imposed.   And continuous self-degradation against ourselves.

Whenever people such as Don Imus…get caught and put under fire for saying negative things towards us…they always point to how some of those within our our culture use and say those very same things. 

That should never ever be the case. 

You never hear the Jews or any other group giving people that kind of power or ammunition against them by trying to justify anything said or done with regard to them because of negative labels they have attached to themselves.

No.  It is unheard of…except………………for us.

Well, I have been sleeping all day.  Been very tired.  I think I needed some real food.  Never eat much during the summer.  But then I am very anemic also…so, that attributes to my being a little bit tired and weak from time to time. 

I’m suppose to take iron tablets but who does what they are suppose to do?

I’ll get up feeling energized in the morning…I’m sure.   And I should…since I have slept most of today away. 

But then I have been on the road.  And that does tire you out a little bit too.  But I love the road.  

And I love sitting out just taking in the beauty that God has given us. 

Have a good day…and just take a look around and check out what God has given us.  Enjoy it. And if it gets too warm head for the beach…yeah…

And oh, yeah…no donuts tonight. 🙂  ….God bless…  ©2008

Add a comment July 17, 2008






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