Posts filed under: ‘Shirley Caesar‘


Yeah, I remember the days when you could not sit in a black church with your skirt riding hqdefaultall the way up to your hips… not even while sitting in the back row.

But sadly those days are gone.   And back in the day it didn’t matter what you were wearing in our church they trained you that you could not sit like some man in a cowboy movie…  or anywhere else, and I do mean anywhere.   They trained us to be ladies… and to sit like ladies.0607-Savage-BlackChurch-550x3581

I just recently saw a picture of 1 of our general board bishop’s wife who was sitting with her legs wide open.

And it did not matter what you had on… since in our church you were never suppose to have on pants anyway.   Nor did it matter where you were.   Agains, they trained us to be ladies and to always sit with our ashanti-3.jpglegs closed.

Sitting with your legs wide open was just not tolerated.  It was not an option …nor our clothes pulled all the up on us so people could see everything we had either.

But today is a different story.

Even these preachers… young and old… are marrying worldly women who have never had any type or form of church training.   Then how are they …these women to know how to train any women in the churches they are becoming the first lady of how they should carry and hold Meagan-Good-Bet-Awards-2013themselves… if the first lady does not know?

Oh, I see where they all have start to carry large handkerchiefs to throw across their legs now.  But that can’t hide what is going on above …in the exposing of their breasts.

Everybody it seems want to be naked.    I take that saying from my father… who called any woman not dressed appropriately ‘naked.’  And I guess daddy was right… because the more and more as time has progressed
the more ‘naked’ they have become.16729487_10207929340142286_941661490743467775_n

Take long time gospel music queen Shirley Caesar at this past Grammy’s and what she was wearing.  But if the truth be told Shirley’s shoulder lines have been dropping for a while.

1434034_tsb_sexy_jpgc03ecd522f38eb8c4009b5cd08900855It is 1 thing for the hot little floozies on the corner to be dressed in nothing, but to see gospel legends to begin to strut their stuff is a bit too too too much.   Particularly when they are old women and women who had been highly respected in the
gospel world for years, such as Mother and Pastor 1482230345ey-caesarShirley Caesar.

76eb43abb5b5a2949184fec249dd147aAnd you have these pastors who are marrying women who they are proud to flaunt on their arm and during church services, women who look like they could be in the local club or bar… sitting on a bar stool and inviting any old body to come and taste some of their cheap goods.

2012+BET+Awards+Red+Carpet+1weNNFtZKSXlI was trying to find this dress I had seen Yolanda Adams wear some years 340d09308e664af669482111919e10ebago.   It made me wonder as to whether or not she too had decided to leave the gospel world for secular music fairyland?

It is one thing when you watch the Oscars or whatever and see these women who are not saved… but when the unsaved seem to display more discretion in their dress than some of these gospel divas… then there is a problem.

20130208-062721How could anyone forsake such a standard and code of the church as to the proper dress of a religious or church woman.   Are not these things spoken of in the Bible as to what is or bui38is not acceptable?

So, then why would Shirley Caesar after years of covering up properly while in public stoop to what she put on for the Grammys this year.   When she saw it she had to known, (1) that that dress was not first of all age appropriate for her, and (2) that it was certainly not something she should have put on…exposing her breast as it did.

Shirley-Cesar-1481389760-640x465For years Shirley Caesar had held up the standard for women in the gospel world.   A ACH003247827.1354683344.580x580standard she was taught by those who had come before her… and had undoubtedly been in  the church in which she grew up in… as many of us had been trained and nurtured.   To wear our clothes as to not intrigue anybody.  Nothing hanging off your shoulders, no slits ShirleyCaesarStandsOnHerNewlyUnveiledHollywoodWalkOfFameStar-238x300up the side, especially nothing too short or anywhere above the knee… and certainly nothing exposing our breasts.

To this very day I find it hard for me to want to walk into a church… any church with a pair of pants on.   Though I only wear pants occasionally… more or less sweat pants when I do.  But my training was women did not wear pants.

article-0-16BD736B000005DC-945_638x821I was also trained that you just did not walk across the pulpit… for it was holy ground.   Even if I am summon to come into the pulpit I go reluctantly… and if I am asked to say something or to speak… I prefer to do from the floor and not in the pulpit.   It is not that I am not saved… erica-campbellsbut God declared certain areas in his sanctuary to be holy
or holy… where only the high priest was allowed enter.   Since we no longer have those inter chambers that only the high priest could enter into… we do still have His pulpit.   And it is holy.

So, when I see this trend where not only are gospel singers moving towards Kim-Burrell-2_652x367the secular world… just as R&B singers went towards becoming crossover artists… or better known to become pop artists.   The gospel artist today are also forsaking not only their roots …their music and their original audience, which fed and celebrated them 2280962for years… and now they are casting them aside and their clothes to go half naked before the world… just like the world.

We have cast off following God… to chase mammon and all his friends.

maxresdefaultWell, see how much music Shirley will continue sell.   I don’t think it will come anywhere near what she used to do… for she has forgotten the Lord her God.   And we all know how He handles things like that….yolanda-adams-bet-awards-2012-01

article-2555030-1B511DB600000578-535_634x710I personally do not see what is wrong with representing the Lord and/or the Kingdom of God as we should… because we honor Him.   If we love Him and Yolanda-Adams-1not the world… then why would you want to follow the ways of the world?my picture croped

“Choose ye whom ye will serve.”

Well, God bless….    We’re back into cold weather now.   But then it is March so it would be no surprise if between now and some time in April we get dumped with a ton of snow.

So,  tell your friends, co-workers and family… everybody even the man down the street and … “pass it on… ” ©2017



Add a comment March 6, 2017

THE VERIZON ATTITUDE… changes in the workplace…

I can’t imagine working for anyone who threatened me.

In reading a posting on my facebook page, I read where the daughter of 1 of my facebook friends was told by her employer during Hurrican Irene-

“If any of you leaves, you’re fired.”

Meaning that if any of the employees left the job they would be terminated.

I can’t imagine me wanting to work for anyone who would even consider trying to strong-arm me like that… and particularly in a state of emergency.   But it made me think of 9/ll.

On September 11th …on the day that the airplanes flew into the World Trade Center, after the first plane hit the first tower  …many of the workers in the second tower were told to remain seated, to continue working.

But friends of mine who were inside the 2nd tower of  the World Trade Center that day… told me that when they saw that first plane hit… they didn’t care what their supervisors said… they were getting out of there.  And because many people had already began evacuating that second tower, as soon as they saw what had happened to the first tower… it for many meant the difference between life and death.

A few days ago while driving down to Atlanta, I happened to catch a news story on 1010 WINS …an all news radio network in New York City.  I had seen the picketers standing before various Verizon locations.  But I did not know what was going on.

It seems that the contract for 45,000 Verizon workers had expired… meaning the Verzion worker’s contract is now up for renegotiation.  Playing hardball, Verizon withdrew their worker’s health plan when the workers went out on strike.  Verzion claim that they could no longer afford to pay for the worker’s health coverage because they were losing so much money with them being out on strike.


Everybody who is doing any business with Verizon should cancel every service …or whatever have you with them.

What money is Verizon losing?

None.  In fact, with the workers out… they are saving money.  Because Verizon doesn’t have to pay them while they are out on strike.

But the problem we face today is this…    IT IS AN EMPLOYER’S MARKET.

Do you hear me?

Can you understand that?

It is like how they say it is a buyer’s market in terms of  real estate sales.  Because not many people are buying homes …and banks are not lending as much as they used to.  So, if you got money …and it doesn’t matter about what the seller is asking for …make them an offer.  They may just take it… you never know.  Because they are not getting many other offers these days.  And who knows… your’s might be their only offer.

And you see this clear across the board.   Car sales and other large ticket items… because there is less cash flow these days with so many people out of work.

And therein lays the Verizon workers dilemma.Verizon is having its way with the Verizon worker’s union because so many people are out of  work… and Verizon knows that it has the power to wheel and deal as it pleases because of the way the job market is today.

These companies have no employee loyalty.  In fact, most companies today could care less about their employees.  This is why most companies today do not even offer full-time employment anymore.  Who needs full-time employees when there are millions of people willing… able …and ready to accept part-time employment with no benefits, and wages that amount to little… but beats nothing.

There had been a time when America was sending top executives to China to learn techniques of how to create a happy and more productive working enviroment.  It would seem that those executives learned something much more valuable to them.  How to take an iron fist and hold it over the heads of your employees… and keep it there.  Forcing them to produce more for less… while compensating them little… and forcing them to smile while the company break their backs.

I dislike companies with the Verzion attitude.  My cell phone is a Sprint account… but my broadband was with Verizon.  I can’t tell you how happy I am that it is off … and has been so for some time now.  But I can’t see myself giving money to a company that will not do its employees right.

Though these companies may feel that they have the power… the truth of the matter is… no they don’t.  We do.  And our power can bring any company to its knees just as the Montgomery bus boycotts brought that city of Montgomery to its knees in the mid 1960’s, and gave way to the opening of the doors that gave us all the right to vote, sleep and eat … etc… etc… where we wanted to.  Today we get on the highway and travel anywhere we want… as African American people in America… eat where we want to eat… and book a hotel and sleep where we want to sleep.  But for years this was not the case at all.

I remember listening  to Shirley Caesar talking about that very subject on a television show that she was being interviewed on.  She said that back then when they travelled… talking about her days as a young singer travelling with Albertina Walker and the Caravan… back in latter 50’s through the 60’s.   She said-

“We had to sleep in our car.  Because back then they did not allow us (black folks) to stay in the hotels or the motels like they do today.  And we just couldn’t pull up anywhere and eat either.  Because it wasn’t allowed.  If we wanted food.  We had to go back around to the back the door and see if they would give  us some food.”

Thank God for powerful people… who knew that they possessed power.  Or we would still be sitting on the back of the bus today.

Union busting is not anything new.  One of the greatest examples of it is when Ronald Reagon decided to interfere in the air traffic controller strike, PATCO …in August 1981.  Reagon froze the air traffic controller’s $3.5 million strike fund in order to force the striking workers back to work… saying that they were in violation.

And if you remember any facts to this story… you will remember how  quickly many of the striking air traffic controllers were replaced.  While a the powers to be… then trained a bunch of  unprofessionals to replace to them.

And our air ways have never been the same.  They have found people sleeping and all kinds of crazy things.  And we will not discuss what took place on 9/11.

Because if the truth be told… that is still a mystery to me?

How is it that at least 3 airplanes took off from Logan Airport in Boston… and got so far off of their courses.  And nobody …not 1 person knew about it until very important buildings began to be flown into?

Something is wrong with that picture.  And for the life of me… how was it that the 2nd airplane was allowed to hit the 2nd tower of the World Trade Center?  This is even a bigger mystery to me?

Because before it did… every airplane and helicopter in New York City was up in the air that day soon after the 1st airplane had flown in the World Trade Center.  So then, how is it that nobody saw the 2nd airplane until after it hit the 2nd tower of the World Trade Center?

My niece woke me that morning with a phone call saying that an airplane had just flown into 1 of the towers of the World Trade Center.  And as she was still talking to me… some 20 minutes later the 2nd airplane flew into the 2nd tower of the World Trade Center.

How could that have happened?

After the 1st airplane into that air space…  clearly, a 2nd air craft entering into that same air space should never have happened.

First of all, the air space around the whole area of the World Trade Center  and Statue of Liberty was and is…a protected air space. Which means it was supposed to be under the protection of fighter jets anyhow. But notwithstanding the admission of the 1st air craft into that air space… clearly, a 2nd air craft entering into that same air space should have most definitely been shot down…and shot down long before coming in contact with the 2nd tower of  the World Trade Center.

But going back to the then President Reagon who decided that he needed to step in on the striking air traffic controllers… and teach them a lesson.  Reagon, of course, being the idol of ever Republican… the 1 that they most try to exemplify, and proclaim themselves to be the most like.  And I wonder if that was before or after he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?

But then of course… nobody knows exactly how long Reagon had actually been losing it.  Though I must say that most of the Republican Party seems to be fit candidates for an Alzheimer’s examination.  Because truly most of  them seem to be suffering from some sort of mental deficiency…  starting with but not limited to Palin.

Something has to be wrong …mentally with a bunch of people who claim that they love something and seek so vigilantly to destroy it.  And I am talking about America.

They claim that they love America.  Yet everything they have been doing lately… and I am talking … for years now… has been done to undermine America… if not to utterly destroy it.

One of the most disastrous things to happen to the United States of America was something called George W. Bush.  I understand how wars were used in past American History to re-jump start the economy.  But George who was supposedly an economy major from that great learning institution known as Yale University, in New Haven, CT.  George having gotten into hot water somehow either on his own… or via the un-wise thinking of some of his flunkies…they came up with a plan.  The plan was to go to war.  Start some wars and the economy will take off again… the money you spent will be forgotten… and forgiven…  and all will be well.

But there was a problem with the plan.  The work place had changed.

In years past America had plenty of factories and factory workers.  But by the time George stole his way into the White House all those jobs were gone.  Those factories had been closed… and years later turned into lovely condominiums.  And if  the companies still exists those jobs didn’t… robots had moved in and replaced the workers.

Do you remember when you used to read the Help Wanted Ads and saw a train of Bank Teller jobs being offered?

Look for that now.  You won’t find it.  Because many of those jobs no longer exist.  Bank tellers have been replaced by atm machines.

The same has happened to a position called ‘receptionist.’  When was the last time you heard that word?

It is voice mail… and automated voice activated systems now.  No more receptionist jobs almost anywhere today.

Most utility companies have closed down their offices which used to handle bill paying services.  They don’t do that any more.  Oh, no…   If you can’t send it in by mail… or go to a local payment center at your check cashing center  …or corner store… then for a charge call them and they will take your payment over the phone.

In 2008 Americans voted for a change.   While Republicans are quick to say that Obama did not… or has not delivered.

Yet  on the other hand Republicans will never say-

“And we  have done everything within our power  to ensure it.”

On every issue… and non-issue Republicans have done their best to block Obama from even trying to do anything to fix the mess.  A massive and highly expensive and burdensome mess… that George W. Bush… a Republican …whom I believe will never ever be forgotten… for the mess that he left us all in.  And when President Obama has managed to get something pass them… they … the Republicans attack it like a bunch of mad dogs.

Whoever said that Barack Obama was a magician?

Whoever said Obama was Merlin?

Or even had some kind of ‘black magic?’

In case you did think that let me be the first to just say-

“Are you for real?”

Magic is an illusion.  It is based upon trickery… cunning and deceit.  Thank goodness these are not traits that are found within our President Barack Obama.

President Barack Obama has never lied to us about ‘weapons of  mass destruction.’

He has never tried to pull the wool over our eyes… by blinding us with a bunch of codes that meant absolutely nothing… code RED…  code YELLOW…  (if you have no understanding of  this then you would have had to have lived in New York City following 9/11).

Obama has never tried to used 1 fear tactic to keep us up under our beds… or hid in our closets.

President Barack Obama is not the cause for why America is where America is today.   He had nothing at all do do with it.  He did not bring us here.  In fact, as quiet as it is kept… he is trying to fix this mess.   It is more than possible that he might aid in bringing us a long ways out of  this runt… if we all stop listening to lies.  Stop being deceived…  and turning every which way the winds blows.

It is Republican deceit and lies that have turned this country upside down… and not Barack Obama.

  • Corporate greed and mis-handling of business was here long before Barack Obama walked into the White House
  • Job losses many years before Obama
  • National Debt was already there… but really began running away after George W. Bush stepped into the Presidential picture
  • Problems on Wall Street with the stock market are not new… trace them back into the 1930’s

Several States now have had to fight against Republican Governors who lead people into believing that they were either the man or woman for the job… and would wholly work for them… the voters.  Telling them that they were a person with their interests in their mind and in heart… only for those voters to lament a vote that they ever casted in that person’s favor.  It ended up costing voters benefits… or their job… or a less powerful union etc.  Because that Republican political had an agenda.  And that agenda had nothing to do with the people’s minds… or hearts that they  con into believing in them with their claims of  ‘I want to serve you.’

The Republicans are so slimy they have created a 2nd Republican Party… the co-called Tea Party a group of real lunatics… formed by that lunatic queen Palin and few other crazies.  All of whom who have fallen out with one another… that is how firmly rooted they were.  Like a bunch of crabs in a barrel… all clamouring to be the top dog… and if they can’t then they pick up their marbles and go home.

They have all… whether they call themselves ‘Tea Party’ or not… they …the Republicans have all developed a seek and destroy attitude.  And that attitude did not just get started when President Barack Obama stepped into the White House… it is an attitude that they have long adapted to.

You need only to look at the 2000 Presidential Election between George W. Bush and John Kerry to see how demented the Republicans are.  They saw nothing wrong …NOTHING…in undermining the entire American practice of our right to vote… and to have ALL our votes counted.  And it was not something that they were not bold enough to do so all could see… and dared any of us to do anything about it.

So, don’t blame Obama.  This mess is not his.  But he decide to champion the cause… to try to set America back on the right course.  To raise Her from low depths She sank to under what no one can call ‘leadership’… but just say… George Bush brought Her to.

Don’t look for magic.  Look at it as it really is.  The world has changed.  And the work place and work force has changed with it.

Many jobs that people used to do… no longer exist.

Re-training people has it place… I guess.  But when they are re-trained where will they go?

Everyone is learning computers… but there are only but so many computer jobs.

The medical field is good.  In a field that had nothing but female mostly… had seen a great emergence of male.   Use to be you never saw a male nurse… but today hospitals are loaded with them.  Men are entering the nursing field in very large numbers.  And to think there was a time that such a thing… would have been seen as being sissy.

One thing is for sure… no matter what happens in this world… we all at some point or other need something medical.  As long as we are in these bodies the need for the medical profession cannot …or will ever be replaced.  But that is not to say that it too… will not evolve.  It has.

However, technology is forever changing things.  But even so there will still only be a need for but so many people to work in the medical field too… at any given time.

Radio stations have changed… television stations have changed.   Most newspaper companies have gone out of business… because few people read newspapers any more.  They get their news now over the internet… on their ipads… and cells.   And if you haven’t noticed… most news companies have cut back drastically on their staff.

For 1 of my journalism classes, my professor… a great woman… had been booted out of her position as a staff writer for a local newspaper… a job she had had for many years.  That company’s lost was of course … my great gain.  Because she came with a wealth of knowledge, and understanding about the history and future of journalism… and media at large.

But if you have noticed over the internet all the news sources seem to buy their stories from 1 source.  You can read the exact same story… word for word from 1 internet source to another.  And if you are like me… you always have a need to want to know more… but they don’t have it to give.

And somewhere along the way… they grab ahold of this attitude:   THAT LESS IS MORE.

Yeah, right…  When I want to know less…or read less… I will just stop.  I don’t need anyone deciding for me… when I have had enough.

Which I guess is the main reason why so many people like my blog…  For as you can tell… I do not believe in the ‘less is more’ concept.  Nor do I just regenerate news items.  What a waste that is.  If  I follow a story… I want to read something I haven’t already read… or at the very least …give me some more details …or info on whatever it is I’ve come to your website searching for.

But going back to my thought… the workplace has changed.  It is not what it was 20 years ago… or even 10 years ago.

Remember all those customer service jobs that used to be in the newspapers?

Roughly about 20 years ago customer service became such a big thing.  There were tons of  ad campaigns about the type of  service you could expect if you did business with such and such.  Companies trained their employees to  greet you in a special way, and to service you as quickly and efficiently as they could.

Today all of that is gone to the wind.  You can stand in a line for up to 10 or 20 minutes listening to someone… who is working the only open window… or check-out line… carry on a conversation with another employee or either with the person who had been right ahead of before they got to the cashier.

Have you experienced that?

You are at the top of the line… but suddenly the ‘ONLY’ open window has a highly talkative employee… or someone looking around as though they are trying to wonder why ‘their’ window or ‘their’ counter is the only 1 open?

So, what do they do?

They slow down… as if mentally they have taken a mental stand in their mind… to not kill themselves trying to serve all the people who waiting in line.

No body cares about customer service any more.  And so… gone are these jobs.

Switchboard operators are a thing of the past too.  A little company in your area that hired local people… mostly women to man the phone lines.  But then it was for mostly doctor’s offices.  Today those people can be anywhere in the world taking tons of calls for everything from subscriptions to publications, orders for books or other products, complaints, messages, prayer requests …you name it.  But small companies in your town probably do not offer this service any more because it has been farmed out around the world.

Most of the manufacturing companies long departed …going into Mexico and other countries where the labor was cheaper.

This country really does not have a great number of blue collar workers any more.  Most of  the automobile workers were replaced by robots… or companies that sent large divisions of their manufacturing into other countries as well.

So where are the jobs?

Where are the openings that are available …or will become available for all the displaced workers who are currently out of  work… and have been so now for years?

There are none.   And nobody can do anything to change that… because of computers coming into the marketplace.  They… computers brought about an unpresidented change to what was our workplace.

The only thing you can do is look for the next big wave in the future.  That will

More and more colleges are offering on-line courses.  Have you noticed that?

Some schools are over the internet only.

I am dropping hints here.   Personally, I hate on-line courses… and feel that they are a huge waste of  time.   If you are going to sit in isolation… with no classroom interaction… then you might as well just read the book and be done with it.

But if you were considering a teaching career.  Great… but you should also consider this fact.  That soon many of  those teaching jobs too will soon be gone.  Due to on-line classes and on-line classrooms… and schools… cities… colleges and universities looking to cut their budgets.   It is coming… and soon the classroom as we know it today will  be gone forever too… just like yesterdays work force.

And with it will be gone… tenure.  Tenures will bite the dust just like pension plans… and all other full-time employment;  and whatever else they can do away with for the sank of the bottom line.

Soon even common currency as we know it will be gone too.  They are already talking about stop minting the $1 bill.  Soon it will just be all plastic… be it a debit card …or credit card…. or something else.  But the coins will be gone …and the paper bills.

Bet all those folks working at the Mints all felt that their jobs were well secured.  We have all better start to think again.

Who ever thought there would be no more pension plans?

Or health care benefits on your job?

I didn’t.

You really have to be a visionary.  You have to look deep into the future.  You must go beyond your nose… if you truly want to have a chance in the future.  You have to look deep beyond what you see.  The future is what you cannot visually see… but something coming.

Many people now do not even go into the office any more.  They can do all their work from home.  They write their news articles at home… edit news copy at home… edit books at home… and mother-frames and inter-locking networks are big things in corporations now.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

I do see computers… and our dependence upon them growing.

In New York City they have all most totally done away with ticket booth operators down in the subway system.  They too have been View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByreplaced by machines… which can dispense to you fare tickets.  And while in Boston not so long ago… I noticed that they were doing the same in their subway system.

The world is becoming a place of less working people… and more automated machines.  And unless you are prepared to service these machines… or program these machines… your work history will too soon come to an abrupt end.  And you will find yourself with a need to be re-trained… to nothing.

So, when George W. Bush thought that he could jump start the economy by creating a war… with the hope that the war would create jobs.  He and his people forgot something.  All those factories were gone… and so weren’t those jobs.  And even if  the jobs could be revived… robotics still had replaced the manpower that used to produce the goods.

So, the wars didn’t work.  But only sunk us deeper and deeper into debt as the years have dragged on.  But of course …the Republicans will never tell you any of  this.  Any more than Verizon will tell you that they were happy for any old excuse to rid themselves of paying their employee’s health benefits.

Irene hit the East Coast hard… and it seems that my cousin who informed me of the storm was right.  Sadly there were a few deaths.  But thank God He saw most of us through it safely.

My cousins and friends in various places… including my brother had to deal of electrical outages.  But that is the least.  Many suffered damages due to flooding and/or falling trees.

The good news is Irene wasn’t as bad as what had been expected.  To God be the glory.

The New York subway is up and running once again.  Though on our way back from Atlanta… I did notice where many of the over-passes in the New York area were being worked on.  And that was following the earthquake that hit us… before Irene came bouncing and blowing in.

Well, God bless…and enjoy the rest of  your week.  Amazingly we are at the end of August already.  Schools and colleges are already in.  I pray that all are safe and do well.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

Add a comment August 28, 2011

Albertina Walker…. gospel legend in a big way…

When I went up over the internet tonight I wasn’t at all surprised when I saw something come up with Albertina Walker’s name in the title.  I felt that it was an announcement about her having passed… even though I hadn’t heard anything on it until that time.

But I had noticed in seeing Albertina in various video footage and on a television program that she seemed weaker… a bit more sickly.    The television show I saw her on was a reception honoring her.

It is nice to give people flowers while they are yet alive.  That is what these people at that event had come to do for Albertina.  And she seemed so humble as she sat in her wheel chair beaming  up at them all barely able to speak.

Sometimes, when you begin to age and fall off  the horizon people turn away from you.  They forget your name… who you are… or  who you were.  But Albertina Walker did more for gospel music than just sing  it… and sing it with a passion.   She knew also talent when she saw it… and could pick voices… people with unspeakable gifts by way of  their vocal cords.    It is through her that such notable gospel artists, such as Shirley Ann Caesar first caught our attention… when she began performing with Albertina’s group, the Caravans, at a very young age.

Also  part of  Albertina’s group, the Caravans, was Dorothy Norwood… who is still on the gospel scene just like the Queen of  Gospel Music, Shirley Caesar.  But the Caravan also included some other great and mighty powerful gospel singers… such as Inez Andrews,  Rosetta Stone and others.

In fact, I was surprised to read in the announcement of  Albertina’s passing that I found in my email today…  that James Cleveland also got his start under Albertina Walker as well.

I also did not know that Albertina Walker had been a protegé of  the late and very great Miss Mahalia Jackson.  What a background… what musical history… and what  gospel music history.  My mother …and I guess everyone about her age and older…all loved Mahalia.  She was truly an icon.

While I was working at a radio station in Jersey some years ago… I got the opportunity to see Albertina perform.  The show was at a small church some place in Newark, New Jersey.   I got there early because I wanted a good seat… so I was there to see when Albertina first walked in.

Albertina came walking in …in this fabulous full length fur coat.  And ever since having seen that coat… I have had my sights on buying me a fabulous full length fur coat ever since.

That coat was talking.   It was absolutely beautiful.  And I could tell that it was also absolutely expensive.

And it looked fantastically marvelous on Albertina.

The show was  promoted by 1 of  the other radio announcers from the same radio station that I worked for.  His name was Herman Amish. .. I call it because I know a lot of  people know him, as he was popular on the gospel circuit.   Especially with the old-timer gospel acts…  because Herman did a lot of  gospel promoting in and around Newark area at that time.  And he knew almost   all of2ab-the-bishop-wifecover the gospel acts during and before that time… as he had more than likely probably booked them for a show 1 time or other.

But of all the shows that Herman had done… it  was View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByAlbertina Walker’s show that I went to.  I had long admired her voice and her musical skills and  genius when it came to relaying feeling in her songs.   But I never knew she was a song writer too.  Albertina wrote “Please Be Patient With Me”  …and personal favorite of mine… “Joy Will Come.”  

I will never forget that when my mother passed Shirley Caesar had released “Joy Will Come” on her then latest CD.  And it was a duo with Albertina… there is nothing like it.

I have hunted high and low to find that CD ever since.  Because it gave me so much comfort at a very low time in my life… to hear it.  And I would sit at that radio station playing it over and over…and over again  just crying and thinking about my mother.

There are few real song writers any more.  And even fewer real people with true talent.

Truly, Albertina may have been gone from the scene for some time but her imprint will linger forever in gospel music… and its history.

This morning a true gospel legend passed…  and her name was Albertina Walker.  She passed due to respiratory failure.   She was 81… and has now gone on home.

I don’t know about where you live… but the weather here has been unpredictable.  For a few days it has been wet and cold… then suddenly it is unbearably cold.

At any rate the leaves are starting to change colors now.  So, I guess we are really into fall now.

Hope you have a great weekend.  I understand that it is supposed to be a 3 day weekend.  Guess I’ll run around tomorrow so I can rest all day on Monday.  Definitely, sounds like a plan.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

2 comments October 9, 2010

Venus and Serena always at the top…

Okay, I admit it.  I have not been paying close attention to either Serena or Venus lately.

Okay…okay…maybe it was because I just can’t seem to agree with the skimpy clothes or skin-like almost naked look of  Venus’ under garments of her tennis outfits.  But that does not mean that they are not the best…or perhaps the greatest sister act to ever hit the  World Tennis Courts.

And because I can’t always agree with their clothing choses does not mean that they are not ‘yet’ still beautiful young black or…African American young ladies.

So, then why did the Austrian Open fail to include their names.  Venus and Serena Williams… in its list of  ‘the ten most beautiful women?’



If  it was an oversight on the part of those who did the electing could it have been one due to color… as in their ‘skin color?’

Very possibly.

Beauty can be measured in a number of ways.  But if you are looking at beauty as it pertains to women’s looks…  then you certainly cannot overlook the Williams sisters.  And they are more than just physically beautiful.

Some people even believe that a good mind is beautiful.  And if you are one of those then… they are beautiful even in that.

Some people believe that having a good personality is beautiful.  And if you are one of  those than you might even agree here.  The William sisters are beautiful

Some believe that having height is beautiful.  I love height.  And if you think that being tall is a sign of  beauty… then you can agree here.  That the William sisters are beautiful.

Some people look at your skill and ability, and find beauty in that.  Maybe, you are one of those.  Certainly, it cannot be said that they… neither Venus nor Serena are lacking in either of  those departments.  In fact, they possess great skill and ability in all the things that they do… be it designing jewelry, or designing sets  for television or video productions… or designing clothes …or slicing tennis balls straight down the court and making Aces.

Yes, the Williams sisters possess talent, skill, ability, smarts, intellect, height, charm, elegance… and everything else.

So, then why did they not get chosen …or at least 1 of  them for some ‘tennis most beautiful list?’

Well, you figure that one out.  I have my own opinion on the matter already… and you probably know what it is.

All in all… whether they were picked or not for that list… what can you say except…  they are still winners in everybody’s book.  And very much still at the top of  their game.

Now, how could your overlook that?

With regard to their clothes…

Who says that the under pants to Venus’ tennis outfits have to be only white?

Evidently, it is not in the rule book.

The other young ladies on the tennis court wear white under garments and nobody says that they are trying to give off the illusion of being naked…being that they are white.   So, why then should we perceive that Venus is trying to give off  an illusion of  being naked… even though that might have been what she expressed when she was confronted by a bunch of  foolish questions concerning the matter.

Can you believe that an article states that when Venus steps out on the court at the US Open this year…she will do so as the ‘under-dog?’

Clearly, many in the tennis hate the Williams sisters…and simply just wish that they would just disappear.

And once again Venus is causing a stirr…news articles saying ‘short and skimpy.’   You guess what they are talking about.

Well, hope that you enjoy your weekend this weekend.  The kids are back at school here on Monday.  Unlike when I was growing up you don’t really see parents out shopping for school clothes the way they used to.  My son says that it is because kids wear uniforms now.

But still what happened to having to buy new shoes and socks, and other things for school?

Then today too… many kids have to supply themselves with their own notebooks, pens, pencils, and paper… etc…etc…etc…

They don’t even get to carry their school books home from schools any more.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

And everybody is wondering why they kids are not getting the education that they should?

What tools are we giving them so they can?

Not every child has a computer at home… or at their immediate disposal.    They do not all have the same resources.

So, why does the public school system feel that they do?

Where are all our tax dollars going?

When they started lotto in this state they said that the money… or a large portion of it was View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBygoing to go  towards education.  I really do not see where any of  has.

Today, the kids have no lockers in their schools to even hang up their coats… or  to place their books in… if  they were given any.  They have to furnish their own pencil sharpeners… art supplies …everything.  All of which were  given to us when I was in school.

For every class I had… I had a corresponding textbook.  These books were given to me as my personal possess for the year, and at the end of year I had to return them back into the possession of the school.  But today’s kids don’t have anything like that.  Their books can’t leave their classrooms. 

So, what happened to all that lotto money?

Why do kids have less in school today than we did yesterday?

And in this environment of less… how can we possibly expect or hope for them to do just as well or even better than we did yesterday?

I can’t see it happening.  The sakes are higher today… and our kids should not be made to deal with less simply because the school system is not allocated its  fair share.

Now, so much for me standing on top of  my soap box.

Enjoy your weekend… and hopefully each and every one of our children… and they all are ours… will have a great and tremendous school year this year.

I have yet to launch my official and new website…but I must say that it looks great.  And almost everything is working.  Just needs some final tweaking.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family to em , co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

2 comments August 28, 2010

Kim Burrell secular music star…wanna be

I have been thinking about Kim Burrell since my son made mention to me about her crossing-over into secular music.  From gospel artist to jazz diva…or R&B mama…I don’t know… But I find it hard to wrap my mind around it. 

Why would anyone want to give up on the Lord and go search out something else?

To me all I can think is that she sold her soul for a contract and a hope for a few  more dollars. 

When you sit down…when you think about it…her rep and CD sales were not shabby gospelwise.   So, then why the cross-over?

Why did Kim decide that she wanted to forsake gospel music for something more inclined to not be accepted by the gospel community…something like going ‘secular?’

Maybe she feels that if  Sam Cooke could do it…and do it… I guess by some reports…that  he did so successfully… then maybe she could… or can do it  too.   But  Sam died young.  I  think he ended up being  shot to death.

And that is why I would never turn my back on the Lord.  The Bible tells  us  that it is better to have never known Him…than to turn away from him.

If   Whitney Houston knows better…and I feel she does…how  then can Kim Burrell who professed to be saved…then how can she be so backward in her thinking?

And Whitney does know better.  Whitney has always added bits and pieces of  gospel to her repertoire.  And  just  the other day…I heard Patti singing a duo with the Queen of   Gospel  Music… Shirley Caesar…and they really were singing that song.  So much  so that I had to get up and write  down the name of the song so I could look for it and buy it.

Gospel music is definitely where the money is.   The only people who are making money in secular music right  now and for some time now  have been and are rappers.  So, then…what does Kim Burrell hope to obtain by crossing-over? 

Then the other thing most recently Kim was given a very big promotion in the ranks of  the International Church of  God in Christ.  She became the second in command over the cogic international music department…a dream job that many would literally die for.  And here  it is…she  is  going secular?

I know it must mean that she is forsaking this post that had most recently been bestowed upon her.   But if  this has been on her mind…then why did she take on the job in the first place?

I say for the prestiege that went  with it.  She had just gotten the position only a few months ago.  She had to have been thinking about getting her gastric operation…and sexing herself up…way before that.  After all, that operation is not just something you  just  jump up and decide to do overnight.

She can’t  possibly be planning on keeping the post…and be a secular artist…say another Beyonce…too?

Can she?

Though I do honestly believe that some people get involve with a very large organization…such as the Church of  God in Christ…just for the sake of  launching their careers.  Practically everybody in the music industry… singer-wise and musicans…have at some time been in a choir or played in the church band…and many of  them in cogic churches.  You often hear them being interviewed on some  show talking about  their cogic experiences under Dr. Mattie Moss Clark…the Clark Sister’s mother.  And many stars, Grammy and Stellar winners have come out of  the Church of  God in Church…such as… the Clark Sisters just to name one (who since being babies had been involved with the cogic music department).    That list also includes the God Father of  Gospel Music, the late and very great Rev.  Timothy Wright…not to mention Myrna Summers, Rance Allen, Vanessa Bell Armstrong and the list goes on and on…

Though I have to truthfully  say I  have wondered how Bishop Blake could have replaced more than 400 years of  collective experience in the international music department  between Iris Stevenson, Bettye Nelson and the Clark Sisters alone not to mention several others in the cogic international music department… with people who had never even worked in that department before…in its highest positions? 

I am a believer in that old saying…if  it is not broken don’t fix it.   Considering how the cogic international choir has lead the way and set the standards that many other choirs and group follow…  So, why would have Bishop Blake wanted to mess with that?

It just didn’t make sense.  Now, one of people whom he put over that department decides to go secular?

Though I must say that I have never been  big on Kim Burrell.  For one thing I just do not understand why people taunted her…like she was some big singing phenomenon.  Like she was an Aretha Franklin or somebody.  And like she had been around for  years…I just could not understand it.

Maybe it all has to do with the time that Kim came to our church to perform.  It was one of the worst and most un-professional shows or performances I had ever seen any known talent perform.  And it cost Kim Burrell, now 100 pounds slimmer, shows off her new look after making annoucement on her web site that she's planning to record a "mainstream" pop project.our church $5,000…with a demand for a limousine and a 5 star hotel to boot. 

And that $5,000 cost came with no band…but with Kim shouting during theKim Burrell 2010 BET Honors performance to the audio guy way in the back of  the church what tracks  to play as she performed one song after another.

Once somebody told me something.  They were talking about a young rapper…and she said-

“Where did he come from?  It seems to me that he just sprang up on the scene and look at how large he is.  I believe he must have sold his soul to the devil.”

I thought that statement was interesting coming from her…because in all the time we had sat together editing video tape footage I would have never have thought she thought about such things.  Nor did I believe her to be religious.   But it was true…the rapper she was talking about  did spring up overnight and did  seem to  become instantly successful.   That rapper which she was talking about   was  50¢.   And he kept on getting hotter…hotter…and hotter.

I would never want to walk away from following the Lord.  I can’t imagine anything that I would rather not do.   Besides I am fearful of  Him.  But even more I love Him.  I would love Him to be able to trust  me as much as He trusted  Job…and feel that I like Job would never let Him down.

No contract…or hope of supposed fame…or riches could make  me do what Kim Burrell has decided to do.

And though she said she did the gastric operation for health reasons…   Well, anybody could have told her she needed to shed weight.  I don’t  need anybody to tell me that…much less a doctor.   Everytime I look in the mirror…I get the message.  And this pass weekend  while we were away…the hotel that we stayed in had a mirror on the bathroom door.  Well, everytime I sat down on that toilet…I was startled back to reality as I sat looking at myself horrified at what was reflected back. 

What  a disaster.

I left that hotel vowing to take it off.  I mean shed it like crazy.  But I am not going lay down on some operating table to do it.  No…I am not.  I know how to set down the fork…and push away from the table.   And that is what I intend to do…and add a little workout to my daily routine. 

Baby, it’ll be a brand new me.   Eat your heart out Lil’ Kim…I mean Kim Burrell.

UPDATE: Wednesday, Februray 18, 2010

If  you took the time to read the enclosed letter  up top which was to the body of the Church of  God in Christ…though it is interesting that it was not sent out to the church at large via the cogic  bulk email launcher to all its membership.  However, I just received this it from Judith McAllister concerning Kim Burrell…(just CLICK on the letters to enlarge them).   It would seem that many within the church of  the Church of  God in Christ  have some concerns concerning Kim  Burrell and her current position as Vice President of  the International Music Department of the Church of  God in Christ.  Of  which in the reading of  the letter it seems that Kim is not willing to relentish her position in the music department…and that fat pay check… though she is currently seeking a wider career in the music industry.  Note I did not say the word ‘secular’…as it seems that Kim Burrell is trying to step away from that term now.  But as in Kim’s own words…it is what it is…if  you want to sing non-gospel music…then you must be becoming a ‘secular’ artist, Kim.  You can’t have it  2 ways…you either are…or aren’t.

Though Kim Burrell claims that this endeavor change in her career is due to a deep desire to reach and preach the gospel to those ‘out there’ who do not come in contact with gospel music…is a lot of  baloney.  The Bible tells us ‘to be ye separated’…and there is a reason for that.  You cannot reach anybody by becoming ‘one of them.’   Try doing that with a drug addict or a prostitute…or anything else… and see how much sharing of  God you can do with them then. 

The only real reason someone choses to make the choice that Kim Burrell has recently made…even in terms of  her dress…and to cross-over from gospel music to ‘secular’…has nothing to do with winning souls…but everything to do with that  thing called  the ‘all mighty dollar’…or a hope for more of  it.  And it would seem that both Bishop Blake and the current president of the International Music Department of the Church of  God in Christ, Judith McAllister…are willing to let her do it…and keep her post…and pay check too.

And then too…anybody who saw Kim Burrell sing at the last Holy Convocation in Memphis…then you could tell that she really didn’t  want to be there.  Go back and take a look at the footage…and you will definitely see what  I mean.

UPDATE: Monday, May 23, 2011… just thought I would share this with you.  It is something that I wrote on my facebook page after watching Kim’s latest video called  ‘Sweeter.’

Since 1 of my facebook friends happened to mention this video…I just thought that I would take a look. Thought it better not to comment on her post…because I thought she might not like it.  This video is a typical example of what happens when you decide to step away from the Lord…and do your own thang.  Too much of nothing…and no substance either. Beautiful location…visuals beautiful…but come on, Kim.  What is with all the attempts at sex appeal???

It looks like Kim  wants to be a sex kitten rather than a singer. And technically… if you spend all that money to go on…  location to some isolated island… then don’t go cheap and shoot video… shoot film the next time the end product will look a lot better.  And clearly the director knew nothing about correct lighting…because Kim is certainly shot all wrong…and with all the wrong make-up.

I ain’t hatin’ but just sayin’… I would like to see a woman of God be of God in all that she does. 

Now, on that note watch the video for yourself and you tell me what you think.

Now, this photo of  Bishop Weeks and his new little bride… I  do not understand.   They are drinking champagne… 


She grew up cogic…was pastoring…and we all know that Bishop Weeks had… and probably still does… have issues.   But they are toasting one another and drinking champagne.

Maybe they just got tired of  pretending to be holy.  Since people tend to follow them anyway.  Unbelievable.

I’m fighting off  a cold.  It’s something that happens whenever dust gets 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverinto my system.   Yes, I have allergies.   Most of  the time they don’t bother me…but then once in a while a spec of  dust  is  somehow  introduced into my system…and  the battle begins.

So, since getting from our little trip this weekend…I have had the sniffles.  Of  course  I have started downing the OJ…as in orange juice.  And drinking cranberry juice…and taking my iron tablets.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByBut it  is all good.  I will not complain.  I am blessed and this  too shall soon pass…and then maybe sometime this week I will really get some sleep. 

Hope you had a good day.  I have begun psych-ing myself  up.  I have so many things I want to do this year.  And it will be exciting.

4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2Lots of  editing…and shooting footage…and working on my websites…and launching a couple of  access programs…and  launching  my 2 other business enterprises.  I am so excited.  Not to mention my book,  THE BISHOP’S WIFE, will definitely soon be out.  And when it does…it  means I begin to hit the road to sell it.  

So, you see…yes I will be very busy as the year continues.   I hope this year has lots of  good things in store for you too.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

I really love winter…it  is  so beautiful.

  THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK my book cover for the LINK to purchase my book.    Thank you. 

13 comments February 5, 2010






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