Posts filed under: ‘HIV‘


Last spring while in Minneapolis I can’t feeling I was going to see Prince.   I was going to see Prince… that’s all I would think anytime I was out and about during our2012-prince-australian-tour[1] church convention, which brought me to Minneapolis in the first place.   But I never did.

While working as radio announcer I clearly remember when Prince first emerged upon the scene.  He was touted c4e7c722eea1b37090a4b51de2ea9110[1]then as he still is now… as a musical genius.

His first album… that’s how long ago that was.   Many today have never heard of an album… and most have forgotten what they were.  But on his first album Prince was the only musician.   He played every instrument used in the recording of that album.

The man was brilliant at his craft and as a business man too.   He was a rough 17f4819543[1]negotiator who fought the record company and won… to maintain musical freedom and the rights to all his work.  He was definitely not a dumbie.

I had wondered how old he was after I hear the news late yesterday MI0003641474[1]evening of his passing.   And I thought about Michael and Whitney… and how they had died in their 50’s… that’s when my son came in and voiced exactly 1035x1444-GettyImages-51312859[1]what I had been thinking.

They all had died in their 50’s.

I read today that Prince was 57.   Michael had just hit the bit five-‘o.’   And Whitney was in her early 50’s too I believe.MichaelJackson02PA280411[1]

Three remarkable people musically… but dark around the edges.  We are all familiar with Whitney and her battle whitney-houston-01[1]with drugs and for happiness.   And Michael’s peculiar ways… dipping and dapping into all kinds of things… and his involvement and fascination with little boy children.

But Prince…219992_1[1]

Well, back in the day he was always seen with highly attractive young ladies… though he did admit in an interview to being bi-sexual.   I have very deep opinions regarding people who proclaim themselves to be bi-sexual.  It kind of goes in line with Biblical prince[2]scripture… ‘either they will hate the 1 and love the other.’   Something is going to be more intriguing to them sexually over the other… and that is just the way it is.

In fact, I was surprise to find out that he had once married.  During the early days he lived a fast life… though he always appeared to be shy and introverted… as Michael often attempted to appear as well.billboard2[1]  But I think more that a song writer Prince was a musician… and lived as 1.

Though he lived quietly and without much controversy through much of his musical career… except for moving from 1 woman e0c24a71f227318ee22013f06dea54d5[1]friend to another…  Prince managed to stay pretty much out of the limelight.

During his aging process Prince still looked pretty much the same.  Though a friend told me this morning that he had had a hip replacement and a knee replacement.  I guess that came from yearsjames-brown-05[1] of dropping to his knees while performing… playing his guitar and dancing like James Brown… who was 1 of Michael’s idols as well.

Well, if you are going to mimic someone… mimic the best.   And James Brown was the best at what he did.   Truly.

And though not well educated James… based upon his movie… was a screwed n_a[1]businessman.  Which I guess Prince also learned to be.

In reading an article on the passing of Prince  they alluded to the possibility of Prince having suffered a drug overdose.  I seems to me every time a black person dies they want to tie it to drugs.

Maybe it’s true.   Or maybe not.   But 1 thing is for sure Prince was a decent person who gave back… and was not selfish enough to not open the door 103011-shows-soul-train-awards-original-7ven-the-time[1]c08d31ee1d674b45897928fba95ebb7f[3]for other musicians and/or singer etc.

He refused to leave his beloved Minneapolis thereby forcing the record companies to come to him.   And because he did acts like… Ready For 1454974218533[1]the World… Time… Babyface and L.A. Reid… Terry Lewis and Jimmy Jam etc.. etc.. etc.. were introduced to the world.

That was a fete that not many black folk are known for… reaching back or opening the doors for others.  But Prince 1d35d62c369f78e97606d6ff74693313[1]IMG_20160414_173627[1]did and there are a ton of people who can share their stories of how Prince aided them… or  impacted their careers…  or opened a door for them.   And that truly is a great legacy.

In the end, however, there is the question of eternity.   I hope as I had hoped for whitney-houston-05[1]Michael and Whitney that Prince was able to resolved that with the Lord.tumblr_lnv9crrs8o1qd7nivo1_400[2]

I have no doubt that Princes funeral will be filled with people whom we all know their names… there will be weeping… and fond memories… happy stories of being out on the road.   Or prince-2012-australian-tour-announced_h[1]maybe the family may chose to quietly bury him … just as he had lived.

Well, God bless…   It’s Friday and I hope each of you have an enjoyable weekend.

160215-denise-katrina-mattews-vanity-jsw-946p_4157efc2d0f3c86331d31f080e40c64d.nbcnews-ux-2880-1000[1]Before closing I ran across pictures of Denise Matthews… better know as Prince’s girl, Vanity.   Whom years later left the music scene and became a woman of God …while also battling A.I.D.S.   Ironically,  like Prince… AR-160219453[1]Vanity passed as well but a few years ago… also at age 57.

Another 1 of Prince’s girl well known to us was Apollonia.  She had been a former cheerleader of some major league team before 10390405_657758107634137_4104721258179979_n[1]hooking up with Prince.    And she had won a beauty contest or 2.

Vanity often attributed her battle with A.I.D.E.S. to the life she prince-purple-rain2[1]had lived while running with Prince.

Though in life he wore platform heels to add to his short height… he sold lots of records and made lots of money.  But in the end I hope his arms were not too short to box with Satan… to 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverhave ended up on the winning side.

Imagine in 3 short years Prince would have been 60.   Wow…

me-resizedThank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment April 22, 2016


Wow, I don’t even know what happened here.  I lost my whole post all most.600x600

I will try to rewrite it again but don’t know if it will be as good as the first.  But here goes.

I came across this posting on a site called, MOTHER’S PEARLS.  And since the day I initially posted my blog on the DeBarge 8y5pugfamily and their deep family secret which tormented them for years, that post hands down has been my most popular.

That being so I thought that many of you would also like to read what was said by Tommy DeBarge, who for years as growing up had been molested by his older brother, Bobby.debarge

It cannot be a secret how much pain must go through 1 when they are physically violated.  But that pain and hurt must be much deeper when it does not come from the man or woman down the street… but is within your own home… among those who are suppose to love and care for you… and protect you.

The DeBarge children had … I guess all of them… had be imagessexually abused by their father… both the girls and boys.

The damage that is done to children who experience sexual abuse cannot be overstated.  I know this first hand having also been a victim of it, though it was not within the confines of my family.jamesrandybunny

I know some women who once worked at a facility that housed children sexual offenders.  Yes, I said, CHILDREN SEXUAL OFFENDERS.  I asked 1 day what were the ages of the children in their facility and I was told, “Well, the youngest is 3.”

That has always stayed with.  I cannot image what it is like to be locked away from people for the rest of your life because someone began sexually abusing as an infant or toddler and at the age of 3 they have to lock you away.

rdebargesrThe world indeed is a very cruel place… very cruel.  And has gotten crueler with all of this child sex trafficking and everything else like it that goes on today.7fa7e89e9661de04176c3c8485942b98

For that kind of torment to be going on in your own home is something which a very beautiful family of children have had to fight to regain and sustain some type of sanity from the horrors they had to endure not only at the hands of their own father… but as their own b31053c60c49d4d9626f908c76042975siblings began to prey upon them.

As a note here, Bobby the oldest of the DeBarge children died many years ago from AIDS.  9477989_109738431579His predator… his father who had sexually abused … I guess all of his children…   Their father died only several years ago… and am sure if he had a conscience he died a very tormented man.

This is from Mother’s Pearls:

According to Tommy Debarge of the Debarge Family


Anything and everything was exposed and deemed acceptable in Hollywood.  A homosexual lifestyle didn’t have to be kept secret there as it did back in Michigan.

Men were attracted to men and openly spoke their minds about it, which offended me because of my past with Bobby.  I felt as if something queer had been permanently affixed to me because of the horrible things he did to me.


I blamed him for the unwanted attention I was getting from men.
I had never confronted Bobby about what he’d done to me.  Instead, I’d gotten high or occupied myself with women in order to not have to deal with it.  I had to be honest with myself.  The whole man with a man thing had me on edge.  I did learn through my industry peers, however that it was necessary to be appealing to both genders in order to sell lots of records.  Still, it bothered me a great deal.


At this point, Bobby was dating women.  There was a brief period of time when I actually thought Bobby might be straight.  However, as he became more sure of himself as an artist and comfortable in his surroundings, the more he openly expressed his desire for men.


I watched as homosexuality manifested itself in Bobby’s life.  He had a stronger attraction towards men than women.  He had a male friend, Tony, whom he had met in California, and whom accompanied him everywhere.


After a while, Bobby removed all restraints from his sexual desires.  He didn’t care if his private life was private or exposed.  He was staying at a Hollywood Hotel; Tony moved in.


I was with Bobby in his hotel room one evening when he pinned Tony against the wall and kissed him like he was kissing a woman.  His tongue was in Tony’s mouth and he embraced him.  They kissed and caressed each other without shame.

Later, Bobby revealed himself to be bisexual, meaning that he participated in sex with both men and women.  He stated that a man’s love is what he was searching for because women were only useful for sexual pleasure and couldn’t be trusted.  He used neglect and abuse from the past as an excuse for his lifestyle.


Since we were on the topic, it was a good time to ask him about what he had done to me as a child.  He said he regretted what he had done to me back then, explaining that he was just a boy.  I waited to hear, “I’m sorry,” but he didn’t apologize for any of it.

Add a comment March 8, 2016

Weiner as dumb as they come… sexual intrigue over the internet…

How do you jeopardize everything by getting caught up in virtual sex?

Believe it or not so many people are caught up in sexual internet encounters.  They are intrigued with meeting up with sexual partners over the internet…and go rushing to get back on-line day after day… or night after night to continue their on-line internet intrigue of sexual encounters.  With many of them… ‘the people’  doing this…ending up rushing off to meet physically  with their virtual love interest.

You would not believe the numbers…

Yes, ‘the NUMBERS’ of people that become introduced via social networks over the computer is astounding.  And they become so wrapped up in technical instruments… be it their computer or their cell phone… their ipad… or laptop …as long as it keeps them plugged into whoever it is that is whetting their sexual appetites over those instruments.

What is the intrigue?

What is the enticement?

What makes so many men and women crazy enough to get so deeply involved in this kind of thing?

And you would be surprised about the number of  women and men who are in ‘the church’ who are as involved in this type of  behavior… if not more so than those outside of the church.,0,6807419.column

I first learned of  this when I happened to be downtown Brooklyn preparing to get ready for an edit session, when an older minister came swinging into the room.  He proclaimed that he was on his way out of  town but wanted to check on something over the computer.  The room was lined with computers… and he fell into a seat at 1 of them… and he began talking to me as he struck the keypad to the computer.

He told me how he was meeting up with women over the internet for sex, and that this was how he was now spending much of his time.

Without any shame or remorse he began opening up pictures over the internet to show me various black women he had carried on with… and was now carrying on with.  They were mostly women outside of  New York… a lot of them in the south.  But I was…

Well, I was shocked.

All I could think was…

“What kind of Preacher is this?”

I stood there looking down on the man… as he gleefully went about his task of communicating with these women over the internet.  I could not phantom myself wanting to do anything like that.

That man had it bad… but if I thought he was bad… 1 of my sisters overtook him.  And soon after…

Well, maybe a year or so later after finding out about her absorbtion in this mess… I came to find out that thousands of women had fallen into the very same trick bag.  And they too were rushing off to points unknown… like crazy to meet up with men that they had become enticed with over the internet.

Not to mention the hundreds of  women who up and marry strangers that they become entangled with over their computers.

This thing is an epidemic.  Truly…

I don’t understand it… but I know that it can all happen quickly.

I recall when I first started learning the computer… which believe it or not really wasn’t so long ago.  Oh… yes it was… now that I think about it.  It was about 10 years ago…   No, I think a little more.

My then lover had taken it upon herself  to teach me how to get started.  We had gone up over to the Black Voices’ site into a chat room.

Remember those?

Don’t hear too much about them today… since 1 on 1 conversations have proven to be far more better…I guess.  You also don’t have wonder about who is talking to who.  And besides  the technology has improved vastly.   It has become by far very much more advanced.

But back then it wasn’t all that shabby either  over a period of time… basically slower… much slower.

But getting back to what I was saying… as we were sitting there at the computer… me and my lover… I got my first ‘IM.’   I didn’t even know what the thing was… it was an ‘instant message’ she told me.  But it was really more like an ‘instant photo.’

Wow… this was great I thought.  But my lover didn’t like it… because the woman was attractive and told me all kinds of information about herself.  She lived in D.C. etc…etc…  But that thang came so quick… it was just like that.  And if my lover had not been sitting there I might have struck up a conversation with that woman.

But today the technology is even better… and quicker.  The systems are more compact and lighter as well.  You don’t need to sit at your dusty computer all night anymore.  All you need is your cell phone or ipad… or whatever you have and the possibilities are unlimited.

But would you really risk it all for some lewd encounter over the internet?

I was never really a chat room person.  But the 1 sister I referenced above… she stayed there.  Now, she is on to the next level…social networks.  First it was myspace…now facebook… and who knows what else.

She has met countless men during the course of these past …I don’t know …but I am sure more than 10 years of being involved in this type of behavior.  She is overcome by it… and sadly many many …many other women are too.

Personally, I think it is just a step up from prostitution.  You are just not getting paid for it.  Well, maybe they are if you consider dinner and a cheap hotel constellation for your services.

Needless to say… I have spent many hours considering the actions which she takes so lightly… and prayerfully so.  I find it hard to believe that anyone would trust such encounters… if for no other reason than just the health risk alone.

How do you so willingly trust people who many of them over the internet… use a bunch of alias’… and tell a bunch of lies.

And if they really had anything going on in their lives would not have to be meeting up with people over the internet.

And the worst thing about it is this…

  • How do you go running off to meet up with somebody you don’t even know?

And all that you do know is what they have told you… which for the most case is a bunch of  nothing.  Just some stuff to make you all hot and bothered… and eager to give them what they want.

Maybe, I am not the brightest or the smartest… but I am not going to involve myself with seeking out people over the internet to fall into bed with… or with the hope that they will become my husband or wife.

The old fashion way of meeting people… and getting to know people worked just fine for me when I was doing that kind of thing.  And I would never be fool enough to want to risk my life… or livelihood on a virtual reality relationship of any sort.

Evidently, Congressman Weiner was quite proud of his lower half.    So much so that he would take pictures of it and forward them out to women …and possibly young girls… over the internet.

It is all so boyish to me… childish.  I recall when growing up… and it seemed that young boys are so anxious to show you their stuff.  I really cannot remember how many times those of the male species had exposed themselves to me.  Or tried to grab my hand and try to force me to touch something that I did not want to touch… that was attached to them.

But certainly by the time they become adults… I would think that they would have all grown out of obsession with it.  But not so.

Once while standing down on the platform of the subway waiting on my train… I happened to glance across to the platform just across from me.  There staring at me was a man openly exposed with his penis in hand and ejaculating.

I have no idea of what all the intrigue with their lower part is… but somehow those men who have not outgrown playing with themselves in public places… or flashing themselves at women… truly they need to get a life.  And put their hands and heads on bigger and brighter things in this world.

And some women are just as bad… but they do it in other less obvious ways.

No doubt it is truly a spirit which overtakes people.  But the Bible says… ‘be ye not enticed.’

I find nothing enticing in it.  I have always shied away from people who seemed to be too sexually aggressive.  I found it to be a big turn off.  Today… though I do not dwell on sex… but I know that many do.

I am so happy that God released me from the trap that I was in.  I used to be driven by sexual desire.  It was all I could think of.

Some might say that I was a late bloomer since I had not dealt sexually until after I hit the ripe old age of 25.  But even then I was timid… highly selective… and quite discrete.

But sexual desire had me.  It held me captive.  But thank God… He set this captive free… and I now walk in liberty.

I cannot think of anything I would rather not do …than to once again fall prey to my old sexual ways.  To be caught up in sex.  It was all I would think about… and all I wanted to do.  I am soooooooo happy to be free.

But Weiner was as dumb as they get.

As much as I was driven by my desires… I never did anything that would make a fool out of me.

Perhaps, I was a bit prudish in my ways.  I had heard it said of  me… that I liked doing it… but I just didn’t like talking about it.  Nor was I willing to film any video tape footage of me indulging sexually… or take any photos of me naked.  I have to admit that… at the time I liked to hang out at a certain nude beach… but that was the extent of my public exposure.

Once a woman sent me a nude photo of  herself.  This was before computers… when I opened the envelope I was horrified.  I dropped that picture like it was something hot.  The woman was totally naked… and she had positioned herself with her legs wide open. I will stop there.

I could barely pick up that picture.  I didn’t even want to touch it to stuff it back into an envelope and forward it right back to her.  How dare anyone send me such filth.  I forgot what I wrote back to that woman… but it was not nice.

No rational person would involve themselves in such behavior.  The man had a wife who based upon the news is currently pregnant with their first child… and he was or ‘is’ a Congressman.  How could he have acted so foolishly …and so carelessly.

The Bible says… ‘what is done in the dark will come to light.’

Weiner after initially lying… saying that a hacker had done it… he now states that he mistakenly sent the photo of his lower part by error over Tweeter.  He stated that when he realized his mistake he quickly tried to remove the photo.  Needless to say… by that time it was a little too late.

In all of  his excitement… Weiner certainly ‘exposed’ himself.  It came to light…

Well, I really only got up to go to the bathroom.  Never intended to write this… but I had fallen asleep with my son’s laptop resting partly on my stomach and upper legs.

So, just as I crawled back into bed… I decided to check the news headlines.  And it read… ‘Weiner admits lewd tweets.’

After nearly 2 weeks of lying about it Anthony Weiner finally decided to breakdown and tell somewhat of the truth.  It is kind of like John Edwards over his mistress and baby outside of his marriage… or like Bill Clinton in the White House with Monica.  Or like that Senator in the men’s bathroom… something about his foot and the stall next to his.

We have been through it before… and it  always seems that if we give it a week or so the story will change.  The lie becomes a half truth… because you can’t really believe that a liar is really going to tell you the truth… not the whole or even the real truth.  They only admit to just enough… but never tell us really ‘the truth’ concerning the matter for which they have become embroiled.

We never quite get the whole sordid truth out of them.

But do we really need to… or expect to?

Just know for the next time… from the on-set when the story first breaks… always expect to hear the lie first.  And then later maybe… just maybe some part of a manufactured truth.

Do you recognize any of these faces?


Do you remember any of their initial stories?

And what was the final outcome?View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

Wait a minute… I think that there are a few pictures missing.

Is  morality a thing of the past?

I have got to get some sleep.  It is starting to rain now.  I hear it lightly hitting the windowpane.  Good night… rather morning…and enjoy  your weekend.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011


Add a comment June 11, 2011

Nothing in particular… Obama and Michelle’s weekend retreat… and on wisdom… sex psychopaths…

Yesterday I got soaking wet.  Today I went out thinking it would be warmer…but I quickly found out I was wrong.

When I first stepped outside yesterday the sun was shinning, and all was well.  But while standing at the bus stop the skies suddenly turned dark…and shortly thereafter came 1 little sprinkle followed by another.  And before long  it was all over I was soaked, and the bus was nowhere in sight.

Today, while riding on the bus…which is why this month I decided to buy me a bus pass since my son started complaining about me using his car.  It is just as well…I really don’t mind…though the buses are a bit small and can be not as clean as I would always like.  But I got tired to listening to my son sounding as though I’ve been taking advantage of him.  So, I bought me a bus pass…now nobody can complain.

But while riding the bus today I overheard a woman say-

“They got 2 feet of snow today.”

I do not know who they were…or where they was.  But I do know that that sounds bad for us.

Here it is almost May…and it is still snowing.

Yes, it sounds very bad for us.  Because I know that the snow is on its way here too.  There is no getting around it.  Plus, it is cold.  And cold enough now to go back to wearing our winter coats.

It is hard to believe that just a few days ago it was in the 90’s.  But that is gone now…and been gone now for more than a week.

But least ways when I went away for the weekend this time…I didn’t come back to any frozen water pipes, and water all over the place.  And I didn’t have to worry about the cat being left in a cold house due to our furnace still being out.  But if  all things work out this summer my winter will be very different come October, November, December etc…etc…of this year.   Yes…very very different.

So, we were on the road again this pass weekend, and needless to say we had to travel through some rain.  But it was beautiful nonetheless.  And one of the best parts is…is that while on the road we saw no accidents.

That is not to say that we did not meet up with some traffic.  But there were no accidents.  And I just thank the Lord for that.

I now have grown to not only pray that we travel safely but also everybody on the road with us does too.  And though I never thought of  it before…it does indeed make a lot of sense to do so.

Just think about that.

When I started this blog I thought that I had a lot to say.  But right now I can’t think anything outside of the weather…and I’ve already mentioned that.

What else did I want to talk about?

I just do not know.

I was awaken from my sleep early yesterday morning.  It was one of the church ladies calling me.  She had called me saying-

“We lost Deek last night at about 11:30.”

It made me think of the last time I had been with them.   I was in New York City and it was the night before the New York City Marathon.

I had gotten into the city late and had found a great parking spot not too far from their apartment building.  My plan was to get up early…about 4 or 5 AM and move my car as I knew that the Marathon went right pass their building.  But when I went out to move my car early that morning…it was gone.  And all I could think about was the New York City Towing Hell that I was bound to be in due to getting towed.

First of all, the car was a rental and that was a problem right there.  Since, when they tow in New York they want you to submit papers on the car…all of which were inside the car.  Since we didn’t own the car…it meant that they were going to send me to the rental place to have them give me documentation on the car and that I was going to have to be the valid driver.  Of which I was not…since my son had rented the car for me.   And he, of course, was hundreds of miles away back home.

So, this meant trouble.  I could hear my son talking to me as I stared at the spot where the rental car had been parked.  And I dredded calling him.

Because it meant that he was going to have to get up, get dress and now drive in to New York City…something that I knew he was not going to want to do.  And certainly was something that he wasn’t going to be happy of doing it either.

So, I put in the call.  He didn’t answer.  And I took a deep breath of  relief…it was after all now just about all of  4:30 in morning.

The street was clear…no cars anywhere.  But the roadway was filled with squad cars riding up the avenues and crossroads making sure everything had been towed.  Turing I went back into the building feeling that I was in for it now…and wondering how much all of  this was going to cost me?

By the time I got back upstairs and explained the situation to Deek and his wife…he ask me-

“Did you go and look on the other streets?”

That was the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard.

Why would I go walking around to look for my car when it was obvious that it had been towed?

And all I could think about was how mad my son was going to be hearing this.

So, I finally decided to go back downstairs to try and find out where  they had towed it to.  And get directions to get there.

By this time Deek had gone out on the balcony trying to still tell me that  I should walk around looking for my car.  I thought he was loosing it.

Why would they pick up my car to tow it just to set it back down somewhere else outside of a car bound?

Was what  I kept thinking in my mind.  When they tow your car in New York City…you are in big trouble.  And you better have cash…if you want any hope of getting your car back.

Downstairs I walked out to the street and flagged down one of the police squad cars to asked them about my car being towed.  And they directed me to call the precinct.  And when I did it was just like Deek had said.

We laugh about it now.  I have to smile every time I think of  it.  It makes me think of  wisdom  every time…this story…and those of us who lack it.  We don’t even have good enough sense to know wisdom when we hear it.  We pass it up thinking that it is foolishness.  That is what I thought Deek was telling me…foolishness when he kept saying that I needed to walk around looking for my car.   

He had wisdom over a situation which I thought I knew everything…after having been towed more that a few times in New York.  Sometimes we can be so foolish because we think that older people don’t know nothing.  That they are off the mark…far removed from things…and even at times lack real understanding of things…or knowledge of things.  But nothing can be further from the truth.

Oftentimes given a chance their wisdom far exceeds any mere thoughts we could have on the matter.  As such was this case.

To me it sounded ludacris that my rental car was picked up to clear the roadway for the Marathon runners only to have the City of  New York without any profit to themselves re-assign me another parking space.  But that is just what they did…and Deek knew it.  While during the whole time  I refused to pay him any attention.  And you know…he never held that against me.

Even that shows great wisdom.  How many people would have been mad…or become upset because you discounted their suggestions or ideas?

But Deek didn’t.

So many older people get kicked to the curb and totally disregarded simply because they are older.  People refuse to believe that they have anything legitimate to offer…all because they are aged.  But age breeds wisdom.  It brings about a plethora of  experiences and knowledge.   A richness that we just should not pass up…or so freely let get away from us because we lack the wisdom to see just how valuable they are to us.

While on the road we caught the news over the radio that the President and First Lady, Obama and Michelle were taking a little weekend-get-away together.  I grinned and my sister turned to me smiling saying-

“I love them.”

And I just loved hearing that they stopped and got some ribs.,0,6829607.photogallery

I just happened not long ago to come across this story listed below.

And if  you took the time to read it then you realize that the story is about some black man who purposely passed the HIV/AIDS virus to 13 women.  And that there seems to be a debate about what should be done with him.

What are they debating?

Spreading AIDS knowingly is like taking a loaded gun, aiming it at someone’s head and pulling the trigger killing them.  So, what is there to think about? 

The guy should clearly be thrown into prison and never released ever again.

Why should he be allowed to walk around…enjoying himself  while he knows that he committing someone else to a death sentence?

AIDS kills…and not everybody has the resources of a  Magic Johnson to sustain them and their medical needs.  The medication for AIDS treatment is not only very costly but they have to take tons of different types of medicine.  I will never forget all the pills my cousin Vincent had to take daily.   And I have seen what that type of  death looks like…and it is not pretty.

I have seen youth turn into the very old…go from being very  fit and carefree to bent over and broken, with all types of medical problems and conditions that most of us never have to think about because our system works fighting off everything and anything that might try to invade our bodies.   But their system does not…it can’t.

I saw a 34 year old man turn into an old man before very my eyes.  He could barely operate his hands, walk or hear well.  Vincent became old…a senior man at 34 years of age.  Had I not seen it I would have not known anything about AIDS…but I saw how it ravaged his body and stole his youth and everything else from hm.

No one should be allowed to purposely inflict that disease upon anyone.  Such a person is quilty of  murder.  And clearly after reading what his mother had to say…I can see why he is the person he came to be.

When I was teaching…I recall one day that 1 of my student’s mother came to school to pay me a visit.  Upon meeting my student’s mother I realized why I had the problems I had with her daughter.  Or perhaps I should say…why she was having the problems that she was having with me.  Because in my class I do not have problems with students…but there had been some students who may of  have had a problem or 2 with me.

This girl’s mother came to my class and she…her mother…had to have been an utter embarrassment to her daughter.  The woman was very un-rulely and out of  order….but at the end some of  my students while handing in their work gave me their take on it that situation.  And you know what they said?

They said-

“I had my money on you.”

Smart kids.

I think that that girl’s mother thought that I was going to back down or become intimidated.  But that was far from the case…though she did everything she could to get me to be so.   Needless to say that mother never visited me again…and I don’t think I ever had any more problems out of her daughter.

But when her mother came to my class I could see why the girl was like she was.  She was very much like her mother.  But in my class and classes I lived by one motto-

“It was going to be either them or me.”

And I made up my mind early that it was always going to be me. I was going to be the one in charge and who ruled my classes…and not my students or any one student over me.  No…and that went doublely for mothers.

Some mothers are the reason why their children are the way that they are.   Many men children are not men because…

Well, because of their mothers.

The weight and impact of  ‘mother’ upon the lives of  her children or child is great.  It can either enable them or aid in making them become strong, fully thinking and functioning adults with high hopes of success in their lives.

Clearly, anyone wishing to get back at women or others because they have contracted AIDS is a person not willing to take their own personal responsibility in the matter.  There are so many people who go around blaming others for everything wrong in their life.

It would seem to me…not that I know a whole lot on this subject…but knowing that so much is out there besides AIDS, that it just makes sense to use good common sense and judgment.  Personally, I am an advocate of  abstining…but if you love sex that much that you can’t protect yourself then why blame anyone else?

I knew that there was something that I wanted to write about.  And now I have found it.

Can you imagine that…the possibility of  possibly really finding Noah’s Ark?

It might just be some large ship that became ship wrecked many years ago.  I doubt that Noah’s Ark will ever be found.  It is not that I doubt the story…but what purpose would it serve God for Noah’s Ark to be found?

None.  So, therefore, God would not leave it around to be uncovered several thousands of  years later.

But it does make for an interesting story  though doesn’t it?

And before I close I have to mention this.  Perhaps my son has been so mad at me over his car because I never stop for gas.  And it was until we hit the road that I realized that the gas prices had gone up so much.  It was costing $4 plus in New York.  Mannnnnn……

While on our little road trip this weekend I also got my first chance to publicly talk about my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.  And I was 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverpleasantly surprised at how well it went.

And you know what?

I didn’t even think about getting nervous.   There was a time I wou4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2ld never have done it…and certainly not as freely and as well as I happened to present my book to these people this weekend.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByI guess I am growing.

Well, enjoy your day…and night.

And God bless….

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2010

THE BISHOP’S WIFE is now on sale…

3 comments April 29, 2010

Family…Obama and Health Care Reform Bill passing…out of work out of mind…

Well, I know it has been a while since I last blogged anything…but if you knew what I have been doing…then I don’t think you would have minded.

First of all…most recently we have discovered some long lost relatives.  And I do mean…loooooong and lost. 

They live in Alaska…believe it or not.   And I did say Alaska…where they have been for the past 40 years. 

Who knew?

Well, we sure didn’t.  But God has a way of  uniting families…and friends again.  He really does…and always in His own time.

At any rate…I have found some new cousins.  Or rather they have found us.  And it is so wonderful.

One in particular…a cousin by the name of  Jean…has been taking up all of  my time.  Somehow or other…she came to believe that I do nothing all day but sit around waiting on her to call me.  And she talks for hours.  So much so that she even has told me-

“Oh, why don’t you just take the phone with you into the bathroom.”

This mind you…so we can continue to talk while I shower.   She is so funny.  She keeps me laughing.

She is indeed a character.  But I guess it gets like that when you find something that you never thought you had.  What a feeling it is.

In watching bits and pieces of news in between my various stops…as you may recall…I no longer watch television.  So, I catch the news from time to time while stepping into this place or  dashing into this one…that is if I don’t read it first over the internet.

But while watching Obama out stomping for Health Care Reform…I could not help but notice how much more he seemed to be in command…sure of  himself…by far more Presidential than I had ever seen him (outside of  the debates he had had with John McCain while running for office).  He seems to be more comfortable with the position…and the carrying of  that title…’Mr. President’… than ever before.

It made me think while observing on a news flash…of  the Biblical text where it states-

“What the devil means for evil, God will turn it around for your good.”

Truly, one could say that this has been the case for President Obama.  

What the Republicans meant for evil…God has turned it around for his…and I guess you could say  for ‘our’ good as well.  Where they tried to hinder him and block him…it only forced Obama to step up his game…push harder…fight tougher…become more determined.   And in the process he has come off  looking sharper and keener…and certainly by far more Presidential than I have seen him. 

Though the battle to get the bill through the Senate has clearly shown that Obama is not somebody who backs down.  He has proven that he is tougher than they think.  And the good part is…they can’t pull anything out of  Obama’s closet in order to try to keep him quiet…or keep him in check.

Pulling skeletons out of  the closet is a popular deviced used by Republicans.  It was what they used against President Clinton from the very moment he stepped into the White House…and if the truth be told…before he even got there.  

It was also a ploy that the Republicans used against  Ted Kennedy to keep him out of the White House…and oftentimes as a means to try to keep him silence him and keep him quiet, and in his place.  But Teddy was a fighter.   Call him what they would…but he never backed down…or let it stand in his way when it came to standing up for what was right.

Which is why for the life of me…I cannot see why Democrats in Massachusetts did not turn out in full force to ensure that  Ted Kennedy’s seat stayed Democratic?

Say what they will about the woman who was running for that seat.  It still should not have mattered whether she got out and worked for it or not.  Because at the end of  the day…she didn’t really matter.  But what really mattered was…that we continue to give Barack Obama all the support, aid…and help that he needs to get his job done…and done properly.  And that cannot be done with a whole lot of complacency because people feel that Obama has not done anything since being in the White House.  It has only been a few months.

By this time in his term…George Bush had alread squandered away the surplus that Bill Clinton had left on the books…when he departed from the White House following the end of his term as President.  And then he kept on spending more and more money…even though he had already gone through the reserve.

Which is why George Bush and his buddies were so hot to go after the Social Security money.  They wanted to wreck that too…and leave all of us in a hole.   Not to say that they didn’t leave us in a big fat pit anyways.  Because they did.

It is like folk expect Obama to be some kind of  a magican.

Who said change comes ‘over night?’ 

If  it took all of  8 years to get us into this mess under George W. Bush.  So, why should anybody believe it should take a few months or a year…or a couple of years to get us out of  it?

It may well take all of  Obama’s years and then some before we finally see any turn in the Bush mess.  Because believe it or not…George W. Bush really did ‘a job’ on this country…on our country’s policies…and anything and everything else he could corrode…taint…or  destroy.

Half of  what  Bush did to undermind this country is still yet to come to the forefront.  After years of chaos and havoc…and ton loads of  failed policies…a wars…and antagonzing our friends…and allies…not to mention ‘the money.’   And then not to mention all the power brokering that set into motion a failed economy…that not only rocketed us but also the world into near bankruptcy…plus skyrocketing unemployment numbers…massive massive massive job losses due to lots of  failing corporations…many which had been staples in our economy.  Companies that churned out the very first automobilies…drafted the blue prints for them…and built them from nothing.  Now gone…   Or bought out by foreign entities.

What has happened to us?



And yes…Bush…and Bush senior…and everybody in between had a hand in it…when they started selling off  America to the highest bidders…sending jobs overseas…seeking cheaper labor…and failed to look at the greater and bigger picture. 

They lacked vision. 

All they saw was a global market…a bigger world to take from.  And how to weaken and get richer by. 

But what happened to the vision?

Shouldn’t our leaders have some vision of where they want this country to go?

Where they are taking us?

What it should look like and be like in the next 10 or 20 years?

The Bible says-

“My people perish for lack of vision.”

Where are the visionaries?

Don’t we have any…any more?

When the Founding Fathers laid the foundation for the government of  this country they were looking in the future.  They had an understanding of what the President should be like…his values…his morals…and his judgement.  If they could step into this present time…I wonder what they would say.  Perhaps there would be some tears…because it seems that the very things they tried prevent from happening over time came about.  And they saw it…they realized the problems that certain selfish endeavors and alliances could bring about.

Even in my own town I see a lack of vision.  It started years ago and has continued from administration to administration. 

When I look at downtown Brooklyn and what Brooklyn has come to look like in the past few years…it all looks great.  But…

When I look at 125th Street in Harlem…it looks okay.  But…

What happened to the people who used to live there…the stores that used to be there…the business people who were forced out of  their businesses because of  higher rental rates…and eminent domain… etc…etc…?

When I look around and see all the vacant  warehouses that used to house massive factory complexes and tons of workers…all that is gone now.  And those places if  they have not been torn down have all be turned into condos and/or artist work spaces.

Today you see everybody trying to get into health care.   Of course a few years ago when AIDS first came upon the horizon…everybody began moving away from careers in the health field…but no more.   In fact, you see more men than ever before opting to become nurses.  It is all rather strange.

When I was back in college…practically everybody…   Well, most of the women were studying to become school teachers.  Our campus did not have a nursing department…but today nearly most campus’ do.  And there are tons of  people vying to try to get into a good nursing program…which from what I hear they tend to be highly selective and very competive.

When I was in college you could always get a job as a bank teller, or a receptionist,  or office clerk…telephone operator, switchboard operator, telemarketing person…etc.,   but all of  those jobs for the most part  are gone…meaning most of them no longer exist.  Between banking machines, automated voices…and of course, the influx of  computers millions of  people and jobs have been shoved out…and onto the sidelines.  Or should I say…into unemployment lines.

Today, I heard that the National Unemployment rate is 9.7% for Americans who are out of a job…and for African Americans the rate is vastly higher being…being 15.8%.   Bush-nomics hard at work… 


To hear people talking about being out of work or 2 or more years…is really heartbreaking.  It is hard to survive without a job…not knowing where your next dime is going to come from…going from month to month in uncertainity about your food…shelter…who is going to pay your bills…or what bill you can afford to pay this month.   I do know the feeling…and can relate to anyone going through it.

There was a time you could be a home health attendant just by merely filling out an application.  Now people need classes and have to take  tests.  And it seems that today even that kind of  job is hard to find…when before they were always looking for people to fill those slots. 

Times truly have changed…but one thing has not.  People will continue to need and will have a need for good health care whether they have a job or not…and irregardless if  they may be health today.  With escalating prices…a system nearly now dominated by ‘for-profit’ entities on all sides of  the coin…people (the general public) need to be protected from them…and serviced properly by them…and with dignity.  And that is what I hope that this bill just signed and brought about by President Obama will do.

Can you imagine that various Democratics have been targetted since having passed the bill?

Can you imagine such hatered on the part of the Republicans…and those who have bought into their lies?

Cutting pipe lines…shooting pellet guns into windows…trashing  Democrat’s offices…and throwing bricks.   Definitely sounds like a bunch of spoiled little brats…those Republicans.  What a bunch of  sour  and sore loosers.

I guess all that lying about Obama’s Health Care Reform Plan…fell upon deaf hears in the end…nor the calling the President a liar.  With a vote of 220 to 207…the Democrats won…which finally allowed the bill to pass in the U. S. Senate.

While Sarah Palin called for the brainless to-

“Don’t retreat…but reload.”

Can you imagine such a woman ever sitting in the White House? 

I understand that the real reason Palin bailed out of her office was because the people in Alaska were calling for her to be impeached.  That sounds like a good reason to go running for the hills, and to leave her office in midst of  her term.  

Wouldn’t look so great now would it?

I mean not with all the bad press that  that would have gotten her.  The woman is  truly a disaster.

On another note…while reading something other things over the internet I came across an article  regarding Israel’s new attitude towards the United States.   

“We don’t need America.”

Such a statement seems ludacris to me…after all these years of taking America’s money and being given our weapons…and actively seeking the support of  America to defend and maintain them in the Middle East.  Yes…that statement seems a bit odd to me.

I would hope that it does not stem from the fact that America now has a black…or African American President. 

Least ways…I would hope not.  But one must wonder.  There could be no other reason.  As though American suddenly has lost some level of  power or authority in the world since Barack Obama went into office. 

If  anything we have regained a new level of  respect…and respectability.  And I have no doubt a greater level of security and a feeling of  sincerity among our Allies fowlling the Bush era.

I was happy to read the below article in it regards to President Obama’s support of  Black Colleges and Univerisities.   These historic institutions are so important to us.  And deserve to aided as so many leading African American professionals emerge from them.

Besides blaming my ‘new found cousins’ from taking up all of  my time…I am2ab-the-bishop-wifecover proud to inform you that soon you will be able to purchase my book, ‘THE BISHOP’S WIFE.’   And you will be able to do it in less than a couple of  weeks.

I am trying now to rush and put the finishes touches on my web site…and finish off all of  my stuff.  Because when you go to my official website I want you to love it.  It will have all kinds of  info on my book, including excerpts for you to read…and info of course on me…photos…music…and information on all the other stuff that I am doing, and that I am involved in.  It should be exciting. 

Some of you have checked out my ‘Filedby’ CLINK to the right of  this View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByblog…and found purchase info on my book already.   But if you hold off  I will soon be offering an opportunity to get an advance copy for far less.  So, just sit tight…because it is coming.  And now you know why I have not written as many blogs lately.

4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2Because yes…I have been busy…meeting new family members…and trying to launch my official BSMITH101 website…as well as…started planning my 2010 intenerary for my book tour this year.   So, I hope that you will forgive me.  I have not forgotten about you.  And hopefully soon I will be back on schedule.

Well, God bless…

Oh, yeah…   I am sure that you have probably realized that the weather has finally broken.  We are coming into Spring…and it feels good.   So, let us take one last look at my winter scenes as we now look towards the warmer weather.  It is definitely on its way.

I just  love  these  pictures though.   But the ones to come will be so much more welcoming. 

Well, God bless

And oh, yes…one other thing.  In having found our long lost relatives in Alaska…where it really is dark for 6 months and light for 6 months…(I had to ask if  it was true).  Not only that but my cousin, Jean…told me that on any given day…they are subject to running into a moose.  Which they have to pay attention to whether or not his…or her…ears are down and their hair is standing up…which means ‘look out.’  Because it could charge at you at any moment.

It all sounds a bit like living out in the wilderness to me.   Because…well…  Because of  the bears.  Yes…I said bears.  And there are 3 types…one you can fight off…the black bear. 

Then there is the brown bear…and of course…the polar bear.  Both of  which are no joke… and will eat you.

Yes…it sounds a bit too wilderness-ery to me.  And they live in downtown Anchorage.   And this picture…of course…is Anchorage in the summer…where they do have 24 hours of  light all summer long.  Unbelievable.

And in discovering our lost relatives…we also have found out what Native American Indian tribe my family belongs to.  It  is the Seminole Indians.  Which I will have you know is the only indian tribe in America that never signed a peace treaty.  I just had to go up on their site to find out about them.  I would love to meet our family on that side as well. 

I wonder if  it is possible?

Wow… this is soooooo interesting.

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

2 comments March 25, 2010

Winter and the snow… PUSH….SAPPHIRE …the movie ‘PRECIOUS’

Well, Mother Nature has stepped in and this time she made her welcome known.  It  was loud and clear…and I was so surprised when I looked out and saw it.   It was all white and covered the ground, and everything else that was out there.

We had gotten some snow before…came overnight.  And by morning it was gone.  But not this time. 

I woke up early…the house was cold…but not overly.  But I knew when I glanced out the kitchen what it was that I was going to have to do.  So, I did it.

I pulled out some clothes and got dress…bundled up, wrapped my scraf around my neck, put on my socks, stuck my feet in my Tim’s and proceeded outside…to shovel snow.

So, now you know how I spent my day yesterday.  Well, the early part of it.  Because I ended up shoveling not only my parent’s sidewalk but our neighbor…when I saw him come out with his cruchets due to an injury he suffered last winter when he slipped and fell.

He was on his way to physical therapy…and told me that he could do it.  But I knew better than that.   So, I just gave him a hand…cleared his steps and then his sidewalk and part of his driveway so he could get to his car

But I did it.   And by the time I was through…I just went back into the house and crawled back  into bed. 

Hope you had a beautiful day…and are enjoying your winter weather.

And oh, yes….

I happened to see the movie ‘Precious’ sometime this past weekend.

I really didn’t care for it too much.  I found it lacking in may ways.   And I never really connected with Precious. 

I am one of those people who cries at everything.  Graduations…weddings…even during commercials…truly.   But I never shed one tear over that movie or anyone in it.  But came  close to feeling more compassion for the Mo’nique character than her daughter.   And that never should have been.

It may have been a script problem…but I think it was a directing problem.  Even though Lee Daniels, the director of the movie, may well be gay…he can never get to what women feel.   Our emotions are too involved.  We are complicated in ways that men just cannot understand.  He never found the essence of Precious or her pain…her feelings on any level about being abused…sexually tormented by both her mother and father…and the mother part of it never really comes across the screen.  Nor her having to bare two children by her father…ending up with AIDS…given to her by her father…and all this while her mother stood by watching it happen.  And then seeking out sexual acts from Precious as well.

Lee totally missed the mark.  But I never liked ‘Monster’s Ball’ either….that was another disaster.   Which was also a film by Lee Daniels.

Well, so much for my movie reviews.  But I make movies…I see them different from you.  I see the lighting…    And oh….yeah….

One big gaffe in the film.   How do you live in an apartment building….a five or six story walk-up…and when they shoot the interior of your apartment —you have an up and downstairs inside?

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByThat might have been if  Precious and her mother had lived in a penthouse somewhere.  But not in the projects.

So, that really got me.  the exterior shots of their building a ‘very’ ghetto apartment complex…while the interior of their apartment was really shot in a brownstone apartment building.

And the music was all wrong…very much wrong.   Well, I guess I have rant long enough.

It is just that I think abuse on any level is a serious subject.  But Lee Daniels made a mockery of the very insane and spiteful abuse Precious had to endure.   And particularly since Sapphire had written such a horriffic, demoralizing  and tradgic story…”PUSH.”

Then one of  my neices told me that all the fat and dark skinned girls in her school are being teased and called ‘Precious’  by the boys in her  school.  And I think that is sad…and really points back to what I was saying.

Lee Daniels failed to make anyone feel any sympathy for Precious.  I never once felt sympathy for her…and I know I should have.  But what saddened me was to know that in real life children daily are treated as badly and worst by those who are suppose to love them…and to care and 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverprotect them.

Children are precious…and we all should do all that we can to assist and protect them.  And show them as much kindness as we possibly can…even when we cannot understand them.  Because it is those kids which probably need it the most.

Definitely hope that you had a great  Thanksgiving.  I did and I am still enjoying it.  If  I say so myself…and there were many who the very same observation…

“I really made some great apple pies this year.”

But everything was great…tons of  food…cakes and pies for everyone.  But it all gets down to that turkey and dressing…wow…wow…   In fact, I think I will make me a turkey sandwich when I get finish with this blog. 


Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

  THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment December 10, 2009

Two 5 year olds…raped…and murdered… and on Obama and the detainees…

I recalled with I was taken advantage of…back then they didn’t kill you.  Well, they sort of did.  They killed you alright…but you were like  the walking dead.  They stole something from you…you didn’t know what or even that they had stole it.   But you knew something was wrong with it. 

So, you just never told anybody.  Never whispered a word…just kind of  hid it down deep inside…if  you could.  And if  you couldn’t…then those kids became problem kids…some even predators preying upon other kids.

The life of  a child can be hard…and particularly so when viewed as a sex object…something to fill someone’s sick preverted fantasy or sexual obsession.

Upon just coming up onto the internet this evening  I have read and watched video about  2 very young girls… both of  them age 5.   One white and one half and half…mixed…half white and half black.  And both of  them were sexual violated and then murdered.

Two very beautiful young children…and their lives were destroyed at the tender age of 5.   Forced into acts that no child should have to endure…or be forced to become party to. 

One buried alive and the other the autopsy is forthcoming.

How dare anyone steal their lives from them.

How dare someone rob them of  becoming teenagers…going off to college…and hanging out at a movie with friends.

How dare somebody steal their womanhood from…their motherhood…their promise…and now has robbed us all of  them and what they might have achieved.

I have no doubt that they both suffered traumatically.  People who kill people suffer from a deep sense of  needing to feel powerful.  Can you imagine being mentally that small that children give them a sense  of  power when taking their life.

Then there are those who kill children just so that no one is there to tell the story…as to what and who did what to them.   What cowards they are.

They are man enough to do it…but not man enough to stand up for having done it.  So, they kill the victim…they murder the innocent child…the woman or whoever.  And they set out  doing  it…again and again…and again until they slip up and somehow get caught.

They are like the bank robbers of  old…who kept on robbing banks until they got caught.  Went to jail…got out…and sooner or later went right back to robbing banks…until they caught again…or shot down.

Does alerting neighborhoods that there is a sexual predator in their neighborhood really work?

I think not.

Do most of  these men go back out and start seeking children all over again?


Paedophiles and sexual deviants clutter most neighborhoods.  The only problem is…is that most of  them are never caught.  Because most children don’t tell.  And a lot of  women who get raped don’t either.

Then there is this other factor… a lot of  them look like your husband…and/or brother.   In fact, they are your husband…and/or brother.  Most men have had sex with somebody who was not of  legal  or consenting age.

I have a friend who often during some of our conversations has laughed to me about how while in college he had had sex with a 14 year old girl we both knew.  And for the life of me I have always wondered why he thought it was so funny? 

And why would anybody want to laugh about such a thing?

There are certain things if  I were guilty of  them…I would not talk about them.

It’s illegal!

Having sex with children is illegal in this country.   And in most countries.

Outside of  it being taboo…what could possibly be interesting about having sex with a  5 year old child…or a 3 year old…or any child…or teenager?    And in South Africa…they have wide spread incidences of  men having sex with infants.   Yes, INFANTS…claiming that it is because they have a fear contracting AIDS by having sex with women.


This whole topic is really more than I can bare.  I guess because it hits so close to home.  I had not only been sexually molested as child…twice…and before I reached 4th grade…but I came very narrowly close to being gang raped by a group of maybe 20 if not more men…had not it been for the grace of  God.

I spent my life from that point on…until I was in my mid-20’s abstaining from sex.   There were those who asked me…and there were those who tried to force me.  But I said ‘no’…and I resisted where I had to.

But I never allowed anyone ever again to take advantage of me…or to use me again like that.

When I had those experiences I was too young to even know what was happening to me.   I knew nothing about sex…or sexual intercourse.   I had never seen it…the act before…or anyone indulging in it.   So, it was very foreign to me.  I could not wrap my little mind around it…much less even know that it was wrong. 

Though my abusers were not violent towards me…they did steal my innocense.    But they steal more than innocense today.  They bully, beat, violate and then butcher the child.

I had read many years ago in a book or a publication of  some sort…that 3/4  young girls experience some type of  sexual abuse.  And that  a quarter of  the  men have been propositioned by another male or experienced anal sex. 

Since so many men…particularly black go into the prison system today…that figure is probably far higher now.  Because a lot of men today also indulge more freely in what they call ‘man love.’   Some openly while many others on the DL…the down low.  And the same can be said for more women today…in terms of  lesbian hookups…getting themselves a girlfriend.  It seems to be the rage (the new in-thing).

There seems to be a growing obession with sex…and deviant sexual behavior…and violent deviant sexual behaviors.

It has become a growing practice for sexual offenders to ‘snuff  people out’…killing them while engaged in sex or following it.

Those 2 little girls looked so innocent and so beautiful.

How could a mother sell her child out as prostitute?

Her little 5 year old daughter…her own flesh and blood?4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2

Can there be that much hate…and bitterness in anyone?

Yes…sadly, yes.

I am sicken by all these things.  And whether you believe it or not…it is a spirit…very  very dark spirits sweeping across America.  And I guess the world.

And I was going to talk about Obama and the detainees being imported to the main land…USA.  Which I think might be a big mistake.  But I guess I will discuss that in another blog.

But let me just point out real quick…that the errors committed by the Bush Administration in the handling of those prisoners…in that  many of  them were just swept up and secretly flow out from their homes, family  and country.  Some who were innocent of  any crime.  But now all violently anti-America…and Americans.  And who would not be after what they have all had to endure in Quantanamo Bay?

The past treatment of  those prisoners makes them high security risk and threats upon American soil.  The bitter taste put into their mouths via the Bush Administration can’t be turned around by any acts of  kindness.  And particularly not among people who willing do not mind killing themselves to kill you.

So, no they are too dangerous to be brought into this country.  America has many other options…and  we should  be considered.  Because those people for the most part will have to be locked away for life.  Because theyView Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy will pose too great of  threat…in terms of  them trying to  get  revenge  for any  and all preceived wrongs that were brought about when they were initially imprisoned.  And of course…due also to their gross treatment under the past administration.

Lets face it…I doubt that few of  them are  not bitter over the situation.  And I would be too…and so wouldn’t you.

Well, hoped you had a beautiful day.  Started off  fine but then turned cold.  And we are inching our way towards Thanksgiving.  I know that I am looking forward to it.  And hope that you are too.|hp-laptop|dl1|link3|

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment November 17, 2009

Charla Nash… Fort Hood…AIDS and women

I just finished watching  partial footage of  Oprah’s  interview with Charla Nash, the woman who’s face was ripped apart by a neighbhor’s raging chimpanzee.  I recall a friend telling me about the story some time ago.  She kind of  joked about it…talking about how the neighbor and her lover,  the chimp…were having a lover’s spat.

At first I thought it humorous at the time…based upon my friend’s jokes about it.   But my goodness…it was anything but a joke.  Far from it.  But anything where a person is injured can never be  a  joke at any time.  Unfortunately, I wasn’t thinking like this when my  friend initially  told me the story.   And I am  so ashamed to have laughed.

I never knew that such a thing could or would have happened to anyone.  I prayed for that woman upon seeing that clip.  And  I am not going  to show any pictures in  this blog…or put any videos in it…in respect to that woman. 

I feel for that woman very much…as someone who ran to someone’s rescue…to try and help them…and ended up being severely injured.  Injured beyond all recognition.  As half of  her face was torn off…and it seemed that her fingers and hands had been destroyed as well.

Her face wasn’t even a face.  Her eyes…it was like her whole mouth…teeth were gone too.   But I guess it was the best that anyone could do for her considering the intensitiy of  her injuries. 

It was a horror…but even more so something which really made me feel sad for the woman.  And I began to pray for her.

The fact that the woman went on Oprah’s show and discussed the attack was a sign that the woman has come to grip with her life as it is now.  Which speaks volumes for her.

But she didn’t sound angry…or furious with God over what had happened to her.  As so many people often do when tragedy strikes. 

What a woman.  Much can be said for inner strenght…and being able to connect to it…in order to see your way through any circumstance.

I don’t know if  I have that.  But I pray that if ever the need were to arise  that  I would have the strenght of  character to connect to it  too.

One day after Veteran’s Day…I spent some time trying to digest what happened on the  grounds of  Fort Hood where 13 were killed and several others were shot and injured.

I wondered if this was the act of  one of  those buried or implanted individuals that we had heard so much about following 9/11?

You know…those who were trained aboard then shipped here for some appointed time to cause havoc while killing Americans in the wake of  it. 

There is so much killing these days…domestically that  who is going  to tolerate non-American forces or luntics of  any kind  coming here to add to the carnage?

If  indeed there are implants…persons angry with America and Western culture…sitting around and waiting on a time to attack.  Well, Americans are not going to sit back and just take that.

So, if  indeed that doctor at Fort Hood was part of  some kind clan…he will be dealt with very harshly.  And as well he should be.

Is it not enough that they went aboard and risked their lives in foreign lands…then to come home and be shot down?

From 19 to 62…so young and so dedicated to the US Military.  They did not give their lives…but their lives were taken…stolen.

Since the medication for AIDS has gotten so much better…and people are living longer…we pay little to no attention to AIDS any more.  It is not the hot topic it once was.

Because Magic looks so good…so healthy…for many the fear of  AIDS has all but been washed away.   Many feel that it isn’t as great of a threat as it once was…and its affects are not taken as seriously any more. 

But unlike Magic…Natalie Cole doesn’t look so healthy.    In fact, she looks sick…aging and weak.

This past week  I came  across this article about  AIDS and that it is a leading cause for deaths in women.   You might want to read this  for yourself.

Hope you had a good day.  It’s late…after 2 AM…and I am planning on getting up early.  So, I hope that you have a beautiful day tomorrow and a beautiful weekend.

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment November 13, 2009

EXTREMISM…Chastity Bono

I had thought not to touch this story and just keep my private thoughts on it to myself…and share  them among friends only…and only if they asked me.  But after thinking about it I realized that I could not.

One of the things about coming out of something…is that you sometimes can become highly convicted in your stance against  whatever it is or was that you may have come out of.  Or in other words…things you no longer wallow in…or transgress in…indulge in…or no longer partake in…and was the way you used to be…etc…  So, you emerge from it  being  very strongly opposed to it.

You become very anti- it…about  whatever it was  or is that you used to do…or who you used to be…but now are not…or of  that which you no longer do…or indulge in.    You in fact…move all the way over to the far left side of the bar…and become an extremist regarding that issue…or thing that once had you bounded.  Usually, the farthest  you can get from it…emotionally and opinion-wise as well.

So, having already told you that I was once ‘in the life’  in several other blogs…meaning  I was a lesbian…gay…lived  in the homosexual lifestyle…then I feel I can freely talk on this subject.  But do not ask me anything about drugs or alcohol…or most of anything else…because I know little to nothing on such subjects…outside of the fact of what I have seen regarding the affects of them…or the after-affects of them.  That being said…

Chastity Bono, the daughter of Rock icons Sonny & Cher of the 70’s, decision to alter her sex…and the way that it is being presented in the media…really kind of disturbs me.  Not her decision to change her sex…because that is her choice…but it is the media (the type of coverage) on it that concerns me.

Having had been in the life for many years…some I don’t know…more than 30+ years…I have known many women.  But the people I knew…or should say know…as I still know them…and still converse with some of  them…though I do not hang out with them…but all of them were women who were happy to be women.  In fact…they celebrated their BLD056858[1]woman-ness… sought out places that were exclusively women… restaurants… bookstores… vacation spots… curise-liners… clubs… etc…

So, Chastity’s decision is not the norm… far from it, in fact.   Many lesbian women have no dealings with men.  And hate them for various historical reasons in regard to their lives and past histories.

Though today, I do see many more young girls trying to really do this thing…that is called ‘butch’ themselves up.  With the hanging pants…and all the other things they do.  But still it is not the norm.  And thank goodness for that.|hp-laptop|dl3|link3|

Imagine this world…if  everybody decided that they wanted to u13351086[1]change who God created them to be?

How whacked out this place would be?

Some people would be walking around calling themselves some kind of animal…maybe this is a bit  extreme.  But not that far fetch… considering some of the things that some people involve themselves in.

I can’t image wanting to change my sex to become a man.  I am so happy that I never had that conflict.  I mean I have always wondered…how it is that men go to the bathroom when they do the number 2?  u18855339[1]

Do men sit on the toilet and have to hold that piece downward in their hands?   I don’t really know men like that as I was a lesbian.   So, I have no way of knowing.  But I do have a serious thing about germs.  I know I really wouldn’t want to do that.   I would be so afraid that I might touch some filthy toilet seat…if  I were out in public having to do that.   Though  rarely do I go to the bathroom while out.

And yes…I am a bit naive.  I do admit it.  There are many things that I do not know.

And since we are on the subject…   When they…men…stand over the urinals…all of that spattering…all over your pants legs.  Who wants to go through all of that?

Yes, I am happy to be a woman.  Though the men’s bathrooms tend to be a bit cleaner.   I have heard that.

But if…I were a man.  Why would I want to be a woman?

What would be the benefit of that?

s1051676[1]I am just so glad that God does the selecting and choosing…as to what we will be.  Could you imagine a more confusing situation than that?   Trying to choose whether your child would male or female.   Though some scientist have tried to come up with a way of doing just that.  And many countries  put a premimium on one sex over  the other…the male species.  Though without women this world would come to a very sudden and complete end.

But  going back to my original train of thought…I just could not see myself as being a man…or having ever wanting to be one.  And thank goodness none of my gay women friends have had to battle with that either…nor any of my male friends.

I can imagine the pain that one must go through having that conflict.  Because that has to be one very big and hard inward battle going on to decide to do such a thing.

The truth of the matter, however, is this…the mind plays tricks…and if you are not careful you will fall into the trap.  Of  believing something that is not so.

If  you look into the mirror every day thinking that you hate what looks back and that-

“I would look good as a man.”

Or perhaps…as a woman.  Sooner or later you will begin to believe that you should have been born a man or a woman.   You will also start to believe that you see certain characteristics or qualities about yourself…which in reality  have been sub-consciously taken on…and/or implanted in your sub-conscious…which may not  truly be there…and do not really exist.   But because it is what you want to see and  placed in your mind…it is what you will see.  So, if you desire to see certain things…over time you may come to believe that you see them.

Then in turn you will believe that those characteristics verify the fact that you should be…and are really something else other than what you are.  And so you come to the final conclusion that through some trick or error of  nature you were born a woman rather than a man…or visa versa.

All that kind of thinking is a head-trip…a real mind game.  You will see what you want to see…you will feel what you believe you want to feel.s1045511[1]

The mind is wicked…and highly deceptive.

For most of my life I have thought of myself as being unattractive…ugly in fact.  I never wanted mirrors arround…hated to take pictures…etc.   Because I hated seeing me.  It was not until I had to start taking pictures for my book cover…that I came to  realize that I am really not ugly.  In fact, I have to laugh…because of all the years I let get pass me believing myself to be ugly when I was not.

Then too, in my book I made a statement…which made me really 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverhave to think.  I state in my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE, how I had been stalked at least 3 separate times in my life.  After writing that…I began to think about what it was those people saw in me that would have lead them to want to do that.  When I know many good-looking people…very good-looking…exceedingly good-looking…and they had never been stalked.

So, why me?

This is when I thought…again.

Here it was all those years I never realized that I was not ugly.   Because of my profession and always being the public eye…people gravitated to me.  And people who listen to you over the radio…

Well, they just fantasize  about everything…and they all believe they love you.  But I could not have looked that terribly bad…to have problems with 3 separate people at various times in my history.

But I never really knew until I looked into those pictures for my book…that I wasn’t as bad looking as I had thought  I had been for all of my years.  It is amazing.  But it was a mind game…which for me came about when I started thinking that I was not as good-looking as any of my sisters or brothers…as a young child.  And that shaped my thinking of myself for all of these years.

My mind had me tricked…I saw that which my mind allowed me to see.  And so I lived under that shell all of my life until about 6 months ago.

Let me take a quick station break:  my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE… is coming…. Yes, my book is  coming…I will definitely let you know when it is available for purchase.

Now…back to the subject.

I was deceived by my mind a 2nd time…when I fell into lesbianism.  But thank God…I didn’t sink so far down that I ever thought about mutilating myself…with a sex change.

And yes…I had met some hardcore women…who wore men’s clothes and under garments.  Some even who  thought it manly to beat up their lovers and/or girlfriends.  But I never heard any one of them talk about changing their sex…or wanting to do so…no matter how much outwardly they tried to emulate men.

Yes, though we were living in confusion…we were far from being that confused.  And I thank God…from removing me totally from it.  I no longer dwell in a ball of confusion…and under the cloud of lesbianism.

But the article that I read of  Chastity Bono’s decision to under-go a sex change was so accepting of it…as though it were a natual transition in life…something acceptable. I would hate to think that any poor child or teenage or another adult currently battling with issues over their sexuality…should read that  article and think that such a thing is either natural…or really acceptable.  Not acceptable to you or me…but for themselves.  As it goes against nature.

And there have been many articles and books written on the subject…some opposing and some pro.  But there have been many regrets regarding that whole process.  And I have seen much sadness and anguish among those fighting that battle.

As I mentioned in at least 2 other blogs…I did know a guy…who when I met him was in the process of under-going his sex change.  I met him as the women he presented himself  to me to be…as he had started coming to Salsa Soul Sisters meetingsa lesbian organization in New York City…and we all at the time  believed that he was a woman.  But from the time I met him…and I cannot call him ‘her’…I would be lying if I said that.  But from the time I met him…in the back of my mind I always felt that something about him was out of whack.

I have met many gay guys…but had never met one trying to become a lesbian before.  And neither had anyone else in Salsa Soul Sisters either…until we all met him…who presented himself as a woman to us all.   But when they found out…nothing could hold them back…those black lesbian women.

One night those women stormed into Salsa and turned that meeting out…because they were not having a biological man…turned lesbian…or turning lesbian…within their organization and on their board.  And they meant every word of it…and voted that night ‘that no one born biologically a man could ever sit on the board of Salsa Soul Sister, Inc. or become a member of  Salsa.’     That was their sentiment…and they were right.  I did agree…and still agree even though I am no longer a member.

The fact is…regardless of the pills and surgery…you will always be what God created…biologically.  You can change your name…your hair style…your walk…talk…even your game…or anything  and everything else you want to change.  But underneath it all…your real DNA…can’t be changed.  It can be confused…I guess with all that medication.   But  who you are…is who you are.  It is who you really are…and that can’t be changed no matter what.     No matter how much you dislike it…or dislike yourself.

I don’t know when I saw it…but it was on television.  I think it was a Barbara Walters’ special.  It was one of the saddest and most horrifying shows I had watched in my many years of watching TV.  It was a show on parents allowing their children to cross-dress.  Byk1261249[1] this I mean…there are parents who are allowing their very young pre-teen children…sons or daughters to decide that they were not whatever sex they had been borned…and dressing like whatever they wanted to be.

It was horrifying.  Truly, horrifying.

It made me sick to see a  4 or 5 year old being allowed to demean himself  or herself  in that fashion.   And they looked hideous.

At such young ages children being bred in a continuous state of high confusion…and their own parents abetting them in doing so.  It was terrifying…absolutely terrifying.

In one of those stories, Barbara visits with a family who allows their little boy to dress as a little girl…long hair…the whole 9 yards.   The little boy has a baby sister.  Her cup and everything about her is pink…while everything for him was blue…do note the word ‘was.’

The boy wanted the pink cup…the pink this and the pink that.  Well, it really doesn’t  take a rocket scientist to figure that thing out.  The little k1669660[1]boy had become jealous of his little sister.  I don’t know…maybe the parents stopped doting on him and became pre-occupied with his little sister.  So, he of course wanting his parents attention once again…he might desire to become his little sister…or some how take her place in order to regain their…his parent’s attention and love again.

So, what does his little confused mind decide to do?

He starts wanting what she has… her things… clothing…etc.  He develops a desire to replace her… by becoming her.   Thus, a desire to be a little girl… as in his confused little mind he views it as being the root cause and remedy to his little situation.

It is not at all that he really wants to be a girl.  But he desires his parents’ attention again.   Which if his parents had taken any time with him…it would obvious to them.   That the love he felt that they have taken from him and given to the k1376526[1]little girl…his sister…he wanted it back.

Then there is this other side of the coin.  If the little boy doesn’t like boy stuff…toys, sports etc..

So, what if  he doesn’t grow up playing baseball…or basketball…or watching sports.  It doesn’t mean you have to put your stamp all over him…and say-

“I know what…we’ll call him girl.”

And  dress him up like one.

Yes…I do know that some gay guys…and even some women… claim that they knew they were gay from the craddle.  But closer examination on the matter…might bring them to some other opinion if they really sat down and looked back at things in their history that they may have forgotten.

It is a mind game.  Some kids grow up thinking that they are the biggest and the baddest.  Some that they are stupid and don’t know anything.  Some believing that they are beautiful…some that they are smart.  It can vary depending upon who they are…what their social-economic backgrounds… neighborhoods… family… schools… churches…etc.. and what is going on within their home.   But over time it almost always changes…our preception of ourselves…and the world around us…and how we view ourselves in it.

Imagine a little child…4 or 5 years old trying to fight that battle everyday.   Of  having to go to school everyday…and trying to interact with other children…dressed as a little girl when he is a little boy.  It is a ticket to suicide…or drug abuse…and self hate.

Most gay guys can’t even deal with issues from their history…family rejection…etc. when they reach older ages.   They battle those issues most of their lives.    Which is why many of them suffer from alcholism, drug addictions…and indulge so heavily in all types of dangerous sexual practices.

Yes, sadly…I have seen and heard many gay people…mostly men…crying over their broken relationships with their families…endless cycle of  broken love relationships…etc.   Crying over their  lives wreked in pain and sorrow.   Dealing with dying lovers…ex’s …rejections…regrets… etc…etc…  It is hard no matter whether straight or gay to deal with such things.  It’s hard.  But then to have the added burden of  being rejected by your classmates… churches…and society too…makes it all the more worst…and painful…and as a kid?

All across the gay community there are vast levels of self-hate…fear…and self-destruction.  It is sad…very sad.  So, how could any loving or caring parent indulge their child  in any such way as to let them suffer with such thoughts…and conflicts that they…themselves have probably placed upon their child in the first place?   Of which the child may end up battling and trying to fight…and deal with for the rest of their lives.   When all they…the parent or parents of that little boy… had to do was get rid of all that ‘pink and blue’ stuff…and stop setting up stereotypes…and road blocks for their son.   And tried to give him…their  son some quality time.   Rather than to assist him into the further creation of confusion in his little life…by buying him girls clothes etc…and engage him in trying to emulate something which the child is not.  He is not a girl…nor a joke.  Or a plaything…he is a real person…who is on his way to  being badly damaged.

Beu18075991[1]ing a woman encompasses a variety of things.  We do and think differently from the male species.  Our tendencies towards giving, sharing, helping, family, responsibilities, listening, conversing with others, aiding, depth of compassion, commitment, emotions, emotional strenght etc…and so much more are all quite different from men.   It is  far more than one group having a different set of sex organs from the other.  And all the pills and operations…and therapy in the world is not going to change this.

I personally  think that that particular Barbara Walter’s special should have never been aired.  There are some things better not put out there for public consumption.  People start to get simular ideas…and start following suit…copying eveything they see and ear.   We sadly live in a world of people who have  stopped thinking for themselves…and merely seek to duplicate…follow…and do likewise.  And for some people  it is just simplier to assist certain behavior rather than try to work to stem it.

Isn’t that a horrible why to be?

Even worst…to have that kind of parent…or parents.

We would all have been in trouble with those kind of parents…that were that Barbara Walter’s special.  Many parents from time to time feel helpless…but they do not give in to their helplessness.  No, another force kicks in…and they step it up…to the next level.  Parents have to…because all parents are faced with challenges when it comes to their children…at some point or other.  And you just can’t throw up your hands saying-

“I just can’t do anything.”

At that point…some people know that there is one other thing.  They start to pray.  There is power in it.

Finally, no matter what  Chastity’s decision concerning trying to alter her sex…she will always be known as woman…who had a sex change…if she proceeds with the operation and all those pills (which she probably already has done seeing how they have released the story).    But she will never be known as ‘a man’…no matter what she does to herself.  People may pretend…but in the back of their mind will be the fact that she was and will forever be…woman.

Well, in between, Chastity’s decision to change her sex…and that supposed man having another baby (another subject that I said I was not going to touch…as I have already given him rather her too much of my time already)…it has been a very busy week.

In the end Chastity will always be a woman who had the operation.  That is how people will see her…never as a bonafided man.   That only comes by birth.  It is the way people think.  And it is true really… and we should keep it that way.

Besides, if you are truly unhappy with yourself…do you really believe that changing your sex is going to do it?

I say no.

True happiness is something that you have to find within you first.  Putting up pretenses…or  making superficial changes…only brings about more unhappiness… and sadness.

How can you feel happy…when you put up a bunch of pretenses?

I have sat on the trains (the subway) in New York and watched the drag queens.   Unless they were out partying and hanging with friends did I see any gaiety.  Most of  time when I saw them…I saw a lot of saddess…emptiness…and loneliness.

I also talked to some and knew some.  It is how I knew of the inner conflicts.  Which a lot of gay women have too.  I didn’t I did…but I guess I must have.  Because I am so happy that I am out of the life…and have no intentions of ever going back into it.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByIt is a hard life…and if  the  truth be told.  Life is not  easy for most of us.   And all of  us have found something which we don’t like about ourselves.

But we deal with those things without trying to destory ourselves in the process…or tear ourselves apart.    And that is how I feel about sex change operation.   It is very much like  trying to go against the grain.

One other observation…  Chastity’s girlfriend really looks a bit like her mother.

Well, enjoy your weekend.   And I am still trying to catch up on my sleep.

UPDATE: ON CHAZ (Monday, September 5, 2011)….recently read that she will be on ‘DANCING WITH THE STARS’ this season.  Needless to say there has been an outcry against it.  And I am not really going to say much on it…except this.

Look for her to be voted off the show early.  Controversy brings about higher ratings.  And I have no doubt that some people are going to tune in just to see Chaz’ transformation for themselves.

Chaz was smart in that she only elected to make some outward changes…and not have other parts of her body touched.  Which makes me think of a conversation that I had recently with a cousin.

That conversation was about gay men who had the operation.  My cousin was trying to tell me that when the so-called ‘bottom’ partner… and not all gay men think as my cousin was trying to tell me.

What she was trying to tell me… as if she really knew anything about which she was talking about… that there was a thing known to gay males as the ‘bottom’ partner and the ‘top’ partner.  That is while they are engaging sexually 1 male is always the 1 on the bottom, while the other sexual partner is the 1 taking him sexually from his position on the top.

While not all of them… gay males operate like that.  And how do I know… because not all gay women operate that way either.  Some do… but not most.

I know this because my cousin Vincent… a gay male… would tell me about some of his partners who would try to force him into taking them sexually… which he never did.  But Vincent was not the norm… and had lost partners because of that.  Anyway… my female cousin who was talking about this was talking like this was the norm for the masses… which is not true.

So, I told her that the real thrill in homosexuality did not come from anything more than knowing that it was ‘a man’ …or ‘a women’ depending upon the preference of the people dealing with each other sexually.   And I told her this in an attempt to explain that once someone went through the operation of having their sexual organs changed… that also changed the whole dynamics of their relationship.

Real homosexuals only want someon of their own sex …be it a man or women.  So, therefore if their lover underwent a sex change… they would cause many to get out of that relationship… because the person who underwent the sex change no longer had that part of them that attracted the other person to them in the first place.

Therefore, if the person’s mind becomes warted enough to want to take their body through some type of outter transformation… most elect to not touch their sexual organs.  Which is what Chaz had also elected not to do.

And even if  Chaz had chosen to do the entire thing …and get the whole thing done in terms of having had the final step done… the re-structuring of her sex organs… she still would be a woman.  No matter what she does.  It is utterly imposible to totally erase God’s stamp upon you …in terms of whom He has declared we shall be… male or female.

It is amazing to me how so many people like to talk about homosexuality as if they are in the know… and do not have any real understanding of it at all.

How in the world could my cousin…my female cousin… who had never really been in ‘the life’ as I had been… tell me anything about a life I was definitely a part of for many years… in regards to what our selections and sexual behaviors are that lifestyle?

I would know… because I lived the life.  And in it we… lesbian women were always tied in things… events and discussions etc. with the gay male population.  We shared spaces together, concerns, emotions, conflicts etc. all being homosexuals.  Which I was at that time… I was in the gay lifestyle.  And that is what Chaz is in… the gay lifestyle.

Having an operation can’t take you out of it… it can’t take you out of  being gay.  But it does indeed intrence you deeper in it.  Because you are making some extreme choices that later you might  just want to be able to step away from… if  or when your mind  …or prespective on this lifestyle changes.

This thing is deep…

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK on the image of my book cover to purchase my book.   Thank you. 

8 comments June 12, 2009


Last night I started thinking about something and it began to strike me as being funny.   And yes, the funny ha-s10143731ha kind of funny.   I thought –

“Wow, if I told my gay friends this they would fall over and die laughing.”

And they would.

So, then I tried to call one of them…one of my gay women friends but she wasn’t home.

So, then I thought to call another friend…and finally I called a cousin of mine who I knew would understand what it was that I had found to be so humorous.

I should preface this first by saying…I have never been funny.  I couldn’t tell a joke if they gave me all of Oprah’s money to tell one. 

This is what I felt was so humorous.  As you may or may not know I am saved and have been so now for at least six  or so years.  But during this time…I have run into some very strange things in the church.    s10519641Here in lays the joke…when I was in the club and hanging out I understood what it meant if I exchanged my phone number with someone.  It was one of the main reasons we hung out. 

06698301Since having come out of gay life…I do not find it necessary for me to want to exchange my phone number with any woman and particularly any woman I don’t know.  Don’t know her name…and do not share anything in common with…just somebody out of the clear blue sky.  No.  

 And if you have ever been stalked…you too soon learn.   No.

While in the school library computer lab a couple of days ago, this woman who has stopped to talk to me on a few occasions came and began a conversation with me again…near the end she asked me for my phone number so she could call me.  Before I could think about what it was I was going to say…I blabbed out-

“No, I’m not giving you my number.”

To which the woman just grinned at me and asked me why not?

I had not meant to sound so…I don’t know what.  But I thought I had been a bit harsh in my response so I soften a bit.

Then the woman offered me her number…grabbed up a piece of paper and wrote down her number and 02965241gave it to me…to which I told her I would not be calling her.

But I recanted…somewhat and said…

“But if you want here is my number.”

And she gave me a piece of paper to write it on.  While I tore up her phone number and handed it back to her saying-


And with that the woman was gone.

I never thought anything of that incident until last night…and then I started laughing.  I have all of my life been naive.  It is something that all of my friends can clearly tell you about me.   It had never dawn on me from the moment that woman started talking to me…I don’t even know how long ago…that she was trying to hit on me.   It is funny but last night…while doing something…I can’t remember what…but that woman asking for my phone number came back to me.  And I started laughing…it struck me humorous.

Once while in church, I was called into one of the church hallways by a very older church mother.  I had no idea what she wanted to say to me.  From the point I had joined this church I had been friendly towards this very older woman.  I respect and have a great love for older women.   I loved my own grand-mother very dearly.  But the thing that this older called me into the hallway to discuss with me horrified me.  I was shock…and …and…   And…oh, I don’t know…insulted.  

Yes, I was insulted…that some woman older than my mother and grand-mother could have possibly thought that I was interested in her.  A woman who was very exceedingly old…with…with…     Well,  with false teeth…and…lots and lots of  wrinkles…and…   And…she was real old…and a church mother too?

It was absolutely appalling to me.  Who would expect such a thing from an old church mother?

What could have been going on in her mind?

 How could she have possibly have thought such a thing? 

This was so far fetch…and yes…again…absolutely appalling to me.  That when our conversation ended…where she had called me out into a hallway to talk to me… I went immediately to my friend, the one I wrote about in a blog earlier who passed, another church mother in this church with whom I had become very close to.  She was a friend… a confidant… a counselor…and  an ear to me and for me…and I told her.  The blog that I wrote about her was back in August 2008…if  you go back through the calendar to the right of this blog you can go right to it…if you would like to read it.

At any rate…I told mother about what the other  older  woman had just said to me.  I had thought about telling it to the pastor.  But mother said no.  She counseled me to not tell anyone and she told me to stay away from that  woman.  There is something which can be said about wisdom…it is wise….and wise always.  I did as mother told me…and have continued to do it even though that older woman seems to changed towards me somewhat…and though my friend has since passed.

In another blog I told you of another church woman…whom following the end of an evening service I offered her a ride home along with someone else.  I have always offered people rides…I do it as this is how I have been trained…my mother taught us.   When we were growing up before church service my mother had us up and out picking up people from the nursing homes and nearby towns to bring them to church.  And at the end of the morning service those people would go home with us to have dinner and then return back to church for the evening service…after which my mother had us take them back to their nursing homes or homes in nearby towns.  So, if  I am driving and I know I am going to pass near somebody’s house and that they do not have a car…I offer a ride to them and to as many people who can fit into my car.

But as I told you in a prior blog about this woman…as I drove up to her apartment.  And it was just me and her in the car…as she started to get out…suddenly  this woman turned back to me and gave me this kiss that even when I was in gay life I never allowed anyone to kiss me that way.  You know that all in the mouth…tongue…everything.    No…it was horrible.  I withdrew from her…and acted like I had not noticed…if you can believe that.

So, last night I thought of  the woman who wanted to exchange phone numbers with me…I thought of the very old church mother…and I thought of that woman who after service I had driven home…and I started laughing.  I thought-

“If my gay friends only knew this they would die laughing.”

Here it was I had gotten out of the life…meaning gay life.  And this was happening to me.

So, I called my cousin because none of my gay friends were home to hear this story…and I…I felt that I just had to share it with someone who could…and would understand what I was talking about.  So, I called my cousin.   And yeah…she understood.

She enjoyed hearing it and began to share some things with me as well.  And by the time I had laid down to go to sleep following my conversation with my cousin I had started to regret having called her at all.

She had taken too much pleasure in my little stories. 

But here is one of the stories she shared with me.

She told me of a church she used to go to where there were a group of older women just like the old s10338301church mother I had told her about in my story.  The only difference was…was that they had all become involved with a very good-looking young male who also went to their church.  As time went on the young male died…and he died from AIDS.   Thus the story broke about his involvement with some old church women in the church who were in their latter 70’s and 80’s.

Since Viagra…I understand that the nursing homes have gone crazy.   But the church too?

Though women do not need viagra…or anything else.

If you have been really reading any of these blogs which I have written…then you would know I find all s10968511of this absolutely shocking…appalling really.  It is unthinkable to me…that such older women would be behaving in such a way.  And the other part about it  is that they are so loose…that they don’t care who knows.

In hearing this, I said to my cousin-

“You know some people are just in church because their mother is or was in the church…or their father was in the church…or because they just grew up in the church and have nothing else to do.  Some are in the church because they want to find a husband…some because they want to find a good wife…some because they view it as a great networking opportunity.  So, they are just sitting in the church but they have nothing in them…they are just there.”

And I came to find out as we continued to talk that was also true of my cousin.

s10183831I had oftentimes admired her for how she could quote scripture and knew where stuff could be found in the Bible.  But I found out last night that that was about it…she could quote it.  Because she sure wasn’t living it.

Awhile back, she had told me of a guy in her church with whom she had a flirting relationship…but she kept saying-

“I just thank God for keeping me.”

This guy sent her pictures of himself…in the nude via their cell phones.  That right there spoke volumes to me as to character of the guy.

So, last night since my cousin had not said anything about this guy for a while, I asked her about him. 

 Yes…the flirtation was over.  She had done it…and that in of  itself was not what was shocking or appalling to me…because I knew it was going to happen.  She had told me how she had gone to Victoria Secret…well, need I say more?    

She had all the while been preparing to do it.   This mind you while she was thanking God for keeping her from doing it.  Yet, she prepped herself to do it.   So, yes…I knew she was going to do it…sooner of  later she and that guy were going to end up in bed with each other.s10891861  And they did…and evidently not with the results she had been hoping for either.

She is in her 40’s now…and she sometimes speaks about how she would like to get married.

It seems that very few people save themselves for marriage any more.   And that is quite curious to me.  I would think you would only want to give your husband the best.  Not something used up and all ran through already. 

Isn’t that suppose to be part of  the beauty about  marriage?

I guess I am just old fashion in my thinking. 

But then my cousin went on and commenced to tell about her female supervisor for which she would love to go to bed with…and that is when I started regretting having called my cousin. 

It is hard to believe that she is an active church member and is readily carrying on in such a way.  But her state is not unusual only to her…there are many fallen pastors to go along with all those old church mothers who seem to not be too old to want to get enough of sex either. 

It is disheartening to me…but it does not sway me.  I intend to stand.   I know that everyone may not know what that means…but there are many who do.

Talking about something that is also somewhat appalling.  Blagojevich.

You do remember him don’t you?

Well, he is rather hard to forget since the guy is popping up all over the place.  If we thought he was insane for trying to get paid-off for selling off the Obama Senate seat of the State of Illinois.  We  know now for sure that he is. 

He seems to be getting a charge out of his 15 minutes of fame that is what is really unbelievable to me.  It just goes to show that some people have no shame.  And Blagojevich is one of the biggest of them.   What ah…ah…(I hate to say this)…but what a fool.  And everybody is inviting him on their show…and he is loving every minute of it.

And yes…   Why is it that people who know that they have issues which will probably be found out…such as having not paid their taxes. 

Why do they accept positions when they know that this information is going to be sought after and checked?

Is it that they secretly hate the people who approach them and say-

“Hey, have I got a great job for you.   And I believe you are the best person for it.”

Do they really hate these people so much to want to embarrass them for having asked you in the first place, Tom Daschle?

I don’t know who Ann Coulter is but clearly she either has issues or she lacks a large amount of understanding.  I had heard this interview with her on the View before…but at last I get a chance to comment on it.

It is interesting to me to hear any white person be critical of a black person for celebrating their blackness…or being African-American… or being a non-white person in America or anywhere else in this world.  Or celebrating the lives and legacies of other black folk.   

After years of  black folks trying become more like ‘them’ and less like us.  I think it was great for Halle Barry to accept the Academy Award in remembrance of all the black women who had stared in movies and never received anything…not even a nod in their direction for their great work.  And there were some truly highly fabulous and talented black women actors who had done some outstanding work…both on stage and screen..and now are little known for those efforts. While everybody knows Bette Davis and their other white counter-parts of the screen.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverI also think that it is equally as great for Barack Obama to celebrate his blackness and to be proud of who he is and the forces behind him which have all aided in him getting to where he is today.

If Ann Coulter had grown up as a Halle Barry or a Barrack Obama…when people looked at them and didn’t see screen actor or president…but a little black girl or little black boy whom they didn’t want their little children associating with…much less playing with.   Then maybe Ms. Coulter might have a clue as to why they celebrate their blackness…which has and has always been a prominent part of their everyday lives.   (Also just DOUBLE CLICK on below screen to see and hear Halle make the best acceptance speech of the Academy of all times…and ignore the text that appears.)

Wow, having said all of that…and I am just realizing that it is “Black History Month.”   February will never be the same.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByWell, I had to shovel some more snow today.   And I am not tired of it yet…though it was very cold out today.  But it is winter…and we haven’t had a real winter in such a long time.  This winter is making up for those past few years.  And I just love…just wish I could lite a fire in our fireplace.  But I rather be safe than sorry.   For now I will just enjoy looking over at my parent’s fireplace and dream ‘fire.’   Smile…and enjoy.

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on” ©2009  

Add a comment February 5, 2009

Benjamites… concerned…

A few years ago…really it has been more like….many years ago a friend had a conversation with me concerning the town that he grew up in.  He told me something which totally surprised me and of which I bld0463591have never spoken about until now.  He said-

“In the city where I grew up…the older men would have sex with all the young boys.”

He said this to say…that the older men in his hometown preyed upon the very young boys in that town.  And I knew without asking…that he had been one of those young boys.

It is hard to believe that such things could happen…and that such things could possibly go on. 

Could you call it sexual perversion?

Or some kind of sickness?

I have been looking around town and I am seeing more and more young girls involved in lesbianism…and gay young men.  One day while shoveling the snow last week 2 young women just happened to pass by…and I could see that one of them could have possibly have been gay.

I have to clarify this just a bit…I don’t want to say that she was ‘gay‘…because I have a friend who accuses me of ‘always calling everybody gay.’   It might be a bit hard to believe…but even I have had to come face to face with it. 

And you know what?

Yes, I am a bit homophobic.  Gay most of my life…and now finding is989-0781myself homophobic…and if the truth be told…I have always been so.  There is no rhythm nor reason to it.    I am odd…to some degree.  I really am.

So, I work hard at trying not to be homophobic…and I don’t think I am homophobic in the classical sense.  Not as most people know or understand homophobic to be.  But because once I came out of the life…I had even become somewhat scornful.  And that is the problem with sin.  I have seen it in people who were involved in drugs or alcohol.   They are quick to hurl words like “that ol’ crack addict’….or ‘that ol’ bum’ or ‘ol’ drunk.’

Yes, falling into scornfulness once you come out of being something  yourself…is quite easy.  And it is a danger.

I felt for my friend and have felt for him for many years.  He seemed to always be in need of validating his manhood.  And I have no doubt that it was because of his early experiences.  Those men were paedophiles.

As children we have no power to dictate what will or will not happentfl0011 to us.  The only power we have is over our future.  There is much we might have liked to have changed in our past…but that time is gone.  And there were things and times we would love to take back and changed even today.  But that too may be impossible. 

Some children carry guilt with them forever.  And really we all do…we are just not as scared as some other children are or were.  But we all have been scared…and no matter what anyone says-

“We do carry these scars forever.”

However, I could see that one of the young ladies, of the 2 who walked by as I was shoveling… by her apparel seemed to be dressed a bit…well…shall we say ‘non-feminate.’   Which is something you really cannot go by today…since78631-12lc1 a lot of girls are choosing to wear their clothes baggy and with pants hanging down too…like most of their male counter-parts.  Something which I may address later…as I have much to say on the matter.

 So, lets say she looked ‘AG.’    I learned that this past summer from a couple women friends of mine in New York.  It stands for ‘aggressive.

So, I thought as I had glanced up and saw the 2 young women that they might have been ‘gay.’   A few minutes later the non-AG one came walking back alone but along beside was a car of guys trying to talk to her as their car drove  beside her…and I heard her say-

“Yeah, but my girl….and my girl…my girl…”

And I knew that that was what she called her friend…the other girl whom I had seen her with earlier.  But in my day we called them ‘our lover.’  But everything changes over time…even me..  And I am so happy that I am.

But I have noticed increased numbers of gay people…perhaps it is 558428041that I am more keyed in to them than most people.  I don’t know…but it seems to be on a raise.   And I have to be concerned. 

I am not concerned because I am afraid of gay people…or that I have a fear that they are seeking to turn the world gay…or that there is some master plot or plan somewhere.   No, that is insane.  

My fear is for my friends…those whom I left ‘in the life.’   People whom I loved…and shared many good times with.   Women who help me to grow up and mature…and how to celebrate my ‘femininity.’  4270511Not all women in the life are hard core and butchy…far from it.  And I feel for the young boys and girls who are falling into a lifestyle…that I used to be in.  I am concerned about them.

I had fun while I was in it…but I was never happy.   I thought that was who I was…but it was not.   It is funny I always felt that I was happy though…but I never knew how unhappy I was in that life until God pulled me out it.

I have heard many proclaim that it is a ‘gene’…a ‘sickness’…a ‘chromosome.’  But I know it is none of those things.  There are many desires we fall prey to.  Many things that we become curious about.  Things we seek to find out more about…experiment with.  They are choices that we choose to make.  To do…or not to do…that is the question?

When I used to hang out, I used to hear the gay guys talking and 759105101laughing about the guys they used to pick up.  The joke was they 558426341would go out to find the most manly men they could find only to take them back to wherever…and the men would lay down and throw their legs up in the air looking for the gay guys to do them.  The gay guys would do what they call ‘howl’…they would howl on end at that.   Meaning they laughed themselves almost to tears…because they found it to be so funny.   And I imagine it was funny.

After all the gay guys were the ones who were ostracized for being ‘gay.’   And here were these big burly mucho men…quick to lay down and give it up in a heartbeat.  Which reminds me of my cousin, Vincent, who used to tell me stories. 

Vincent told me how he used to look out his apartment window and 200246043-0011see the telephone man up the pole…how he would catch the man’s attention then with his finger indicate ‘come here.’   He said the man hurried down the pole and into his apartment. 

Vincent told me of another time…when the UPS man delivered a package to his apartment and how he had invited the UPS man in for a cup of tea.  And I am sure that you can guess the rest.

These stories may seem a bit amusing to you.  But what they show is that there is something wrong…and it is not always with those whom you or many others would chose to blame.  Gay people take the wrap for ar1216052161many things.  But they are not the culprit…nor does the fault lie within them.  But, however, it is those people who would never call themselves ‘gay’…who parade around as though they did not indulge in such things…and are the biggest perpetrators.  It is these people who prey upon children…not gay people.  Like all those old men in that town where my friend grew up…men who had families and pretended to be both godly and honest decent…upstanding men…while all the while ruining the lives of young children.  These people who prey upon children are paedophiles…they are sick beyond understanding. 

They are Benjamintes.

There is a book in the Bible…and at the end of this book there is this story about a priest who goes after this harlot which has left him to return to her family.   Claiming to love her so much that he couldn’t do without her, the priest goes after her and upon setting out to return to wherever he came from…it turns dark.  And he decides to turn into a city of his own people feeling that he and his woman will be safe there for the night.  While there the priest encounters an old man who invites him to come and spend the night in his home…as he informs the priest that it is not safe to sleep in the streets of that city. 

Shortly after the man and priest enter into the old man’s house…a group of men pay a visit to the old man’s home.  They bang on the door and demand that the old man send out the priest…so that they ‘may have their way with him.’  It was a sad story…that ended in the woman being casted out into street to the men who had come seeking to have sex with the priest.   That city was not Sodom or Gomorrah.  Those men were men of Benjamin…they were Benjamites.  And that city was plagued with morbid men corrupt in their nature.

I don’t know what has prompted me to write this.  It is hard to do so…but it is not anti-gay…if anything it is anti-those who pretend that they are not something much worst.  And unlike that woman years ago who came out against homosexuality…I have bxp363411forgotten her name (Anita something or other…the one who  caused gay people everywhere to ban drinking orange juice back in the ’70’s)…and it was soon discovered that it had all been because she had found out that her husband was gay.  I am not her…I don’t have those kind of problems.  But I am concerned  about some things.

Maybe it is that I am concerned about how gays are always under attack.   Or maybe I am concerned about all the lies concerning homosexuality and lesbianism.  Or maybe I am concerned about all the confusion in this world.  Or perhaps I am just confused as to what I really concerned about.

I don’t even know if this thing even will make any sense to anyone.  I really don’t. 

Perhaps, I am just too analytical.

I loved my cousin Vincent dearly.  He was more manly than most men…yet I know for most of his life he had to fight being jeered and bld0502701called names because he was so effeminate. 

One night late while returning to his apartment a woman screamed out in the distance and my cousin Vincent went running to save her.  He grabbed and threw down the man who had been attacking and attempting to rob and possibly rape that woman.  And he held that man down on the ground until the police came.  No one gave him a metal.  No one put a star on the walk way outside where he used to live.   He went running in the dark to recue a woman who had screamed out into the dark of night for help.  He did what a lot of men…so-called ‘real’ men would not have done…and he did it without thought of injury to himself.   That was the kind of person he was.

Vincent was the kind of guy who held the door open for women to walk through.  He would pull out your chair so you could be seated.  He helped women with their coats…and he would get up out of a seat to offer his seat if he saw her standing.  He was a gentlemen…worth more than 50,000 bld0502691or more of the so-called real men

He would give the shirt off his back to friend or a stranger…and family.  He was always giving…and quite caring.  Quite handsome and always nice…and friendly.  I never once saw him angry…though I had seen him hurt.  And knew when he was in pain.

Vincent died from A.I.D.S. many years ago…and I am sure that when those men, the telephone man and UPS man…finished their day’s work whatever day that was when they paid Vincent a visit…that they went home to their wives or their girlfriends…pretending.

Speaking of which, I went to dinner the other night with my son and one his church friends…a young lady.  They told me a slightly amusing story about another church girl.

“Oh, she don’t know God didn’t bless her with that car so she couldn’t drive nobody nowhere,” said my son’s friend who was out with us.

Then she dropped the bomb saying how their mutual church friend had just got a brand new car and was out driving one day.  The girl told how my son and her mutual friend just happened to come across this boy whom she used to go to school with many years ago.  So, seeing the boy was walking the girl offered him a ride to wherever he was going.

So, the boy got in…the girl then commence to ask the boy if he wasbld0547751 interested in watching a movie and how she would cook him some dinner.  The boy agreed and while the girl was in her kitchen throwing together the pots…cooking turkey wings, macaroni & cheese, warming some greens, making corn bread and things…the boy came and told the girl that he had felt something down in her car.  So, she gave him her car keys.

Yes, the boy stole the woman’s car…while she was busy as a bee singing and humming to herself as she slung together her pots cooking…and thinking about what she was hoping to get in between the movie. 

Now, how foolish was that?

As the girl at our table continued to talk…she began talking about herself and how she only ‘likes older men.’  Now, I am my son’s mother and we are out with a friend of his whom he just happened to offer if she would like to join us.  I don’t know but when I was growing up there things that I would have never talked about in the company of one of my friend’s mother. 

I find young women today lacking.  They seemed to be overcome by bld0406181a strong desire to only have sex…and if they are not having sex then all they want to do is talk about it.   They consume themselves and their conversations with nothing else. 

The young lady who had joined us at the restaurant was suppose to be in church…and her friend that they, she and my son had told the story about…the one who’s car was stolen.   Well, she was the church secretary.   Their minds are as corrupt as everyone else’s.  The issue of sex is such a huge issue…even in the church.

There is indeed much to be concerned about.   And I am, therefore, concerned…

God blessand thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on” ©2009 

Add a comment January 15, 2009

Debarge family…a family in a history of crisis …shattered lives

I was shocked when I read this story in Vibe magazine.  I would have never realized the things that they were going through…and had gone through as they were all growing up.  It is a shame some of the things that many children are forced to endure.  There is little wonder why some have such anger and rage years later. On the surface who would have thought what hidden darkness they had locked within.  Family secrets can be some of the worst kind of secrets.

They were one of the hottest family groups along with the Jackson’s to emerge from Motown.  It is funny how success usually is often rooted in so much pain, sorrow and personal sadness.

A large family of 8 boys and 2 girlsBunny, El, Randy, Mark and James made up the DeBarges, the Motown singing group, who left home from Detroit by way of Grand Rapids, Michigan to LA in search of success… but they were haunted by many sad memories that perhaps they had been trying to escape…but found that they couldn’t.

Two other members of the family made up part of the group called Switch which was e4071also hot during the early 80’s, Bobby and Tommy.

Tortured by the deep dark secrets they all shared and carried into their success in the 80’s, they were colored by a past that ultimately claimed most of their lives.   Their lives have been left shattered…and though the church could not and did not help shield them from the events that were taking place in their home as very young children…but over time some have found healing and renewing in God.

You can read the full story below.  It is sad…and painful to read.

When I think of the times that a friend and I used to rush home to catch them being showcased on TV shows, and how we used to laugh at them.  Though we loved their music and them…it always struck us, me and one of my friends, that the boys…were well rather ‘sweet.’   And I am shamefully sorrowful of that now.

We should not poke fun or laugh at others.   And I will not blame it upon my youth nor on the lack of proper home training.

I never laughed at people with disabilities but I have seen people who have…and I have seen them do it openly as I was growing up.  These people, of course, were not in our family…because my parents were not that kind of people.  Plus they would not have ever allowed it of us.  Nor did they indulge in gossiping or talking or laughing about anyone.  Yes, they would occasionally chuckle about things.  But they were never mean spirited or degrading people, nor did they find fault with people or talk or laughed about anyone.

There are some things which some people feel is okay to pick at or make fun of about other people.  But if you really think about it…that could never be further from the truth.

I laughed at those boys, fine as they were but yet so effeminate…I found humor in that.

Should we laugh at such things and pick fun at people?

No.  We should not.

And I regret having ever done it…which is why I am writing this blog.

I have never liked preachers doing such things as finding humor at the expense of gay people.  It seems that within the debarge1church everything else is sacred accept poking fun and making jokes about gay people.  They do not do that with any other sinprostitution, lying, stealing, murdering…none of these things find their way into a Sunday morning sermon or any other time…as a joke.

Then why should they find it okay to make jokes about gays, lesbians or homosexuals?

And really the church is loaded with…  Well, it is loaded with some of everything.  And a lot of times from the top to the bottom…somebody is doing something which they should not be doing or acting out in ways which are not Godly.

And I am not trying to come down on the church or incite a war of words.  But the church is full of everything.  It was true in Jesus’ time and it is still very true today.   The church is even full of predators.  Not so long ago at least 10 Priests in the upper North East, the Massachusetts…Boston area were found quilty of such acts…leaving in their wake hundreds of very shattered and broken lives.

In Connecticut a preacher impregnated a 12 year girl that he had been routinely been engaging in sexual intercourse with.  Since she was 12 when she had the baby…she had to be 11 or maybe 10 if not younger when he first got started. 

This was the plight of the DeBarge children.

Without a doubt there should be some level of sensitivity with regards to making jokes that are belittling and unkind to anyone at any time.  And particularly any jokes about all those lost in sin… any sin.   The church is suppose to loving and giving in spirit.   Yet, it is sanctuary for all types of activity as well.

Once well sitting in the choir as a young teen…I was seated beside this boy.  His father was preaching less than…I  don’t know…less that 4 or 5 feet away.  And this boy produced from under his choir robe his…….. and tried to pulled my hand across to touch it.   I at the time did not quite understand anything about erections or anything else.   But that was what he had…and his father was preaching right there beside us as his son did this one Sunday morning…in front of the whole church.  It is hard for me to believe that no one sitting in the church that Sunday saw our exchange as we were seated on the front row of the choir facing outward…must less seeing what he had in his hand.

switch1Nor, will I ever forget the night I dropped this woman home following church service  that night…and this was not so very long ago.  As I pulled in front of her building and she was about to get out of my car she suddenly turned to me and kissed me in a way no woman had ever kissed me before.  And having come out of lesbianism…that should
speak volumes as to how and the way this woman kissed me. But I didn’t say anything.  I didn’t respond.  She got out and I drove home determined to not even think about what that woman had just done.  And I didn’t.

I didn’t think about it…for a couple of reasons.   For one thing because I didn’t want to dwell on that kiss.   For another reason I just did not want to obsess  about it.  I felt it was a trap…orchestrated by the devil to try to lure me back into a life I had now left behind.  And I was not going to fall for it.  So, I shoved that kiss and that woman aside in my mind…and never bothered to linger there thinking about it…now or then.

But the church is full of a lot of things…like whoremongers, adulterers , liars etc.   None of which I see any humor in…as all sin is sin and shameful.  But for some reason people in the church really like to poke  fun and laugh about gay people…and no one seems to find that to be offensive…but me it seems.

It is almost as though it is open season on gays in most churches while all else is taboo as something to joke about.  None of it should be something to joke about.  Perhaps it is that none of them were ever gay…or maybe they just do not want to confess to it.  But there must be some reason for this.

Here were these children, the DeBarges,  growing up in the church and such nasty things were going on in their own home from the earliest of ages.  And I laughed at them when they finally hit the stage and started performing.

They were the most beautiful family of siblings…as were drs_jacksons_200511those Jacksons.




And in case you do not understand what ‘fine’ means when used here this way…it means that they were fantastically handsome, terribly good looking etc…etc…etc…

But those boys acted so gay.

I didn’t try to figure it out…I didn’t try to see anything other than that.  And it struck me as being humorous…and that is as sad as whatever else they had to go through…if not more so.   That we should all be so small…especially me…to have thought that that was humorous.

I sincerely apologize for that now.  Not just because I now have a part inkling of Bobby Debarge their story, affliction and pain that they were forced to suffer…but because it was wrong of me to do so in the first place.  And particularly because of all the misery and heartaches they have all had to come through and to have to bear in their lives very young children.

I cannot imagine how hard it is for a child to grow up having a father who is a predator…and using his own children sexually for most of their years growing up.


In August of 1996, Bobby DeBarge at the age of 39 died after years of alcohol and drugs abuse.  He died from complications AIDS related.  He was named after his father, Robert Louis DeBarge, a man who frequently sexually abused his own children beginning very early in their childhood.  Bobby was a multi-1027_el_debarge_mug14talented song writer, lead singer and musican.  In 1988 both he and his younger, Chico, were arrested for attempting to traffic drugs, they served 6 years in prison.

In October of this year, 2008, El DeBarge was back in court on more drug charges, vandalism and domestic violence.  Though for many years El was able to not fall prey to the demons chasing him, as well as, his other sisters and brothers…but following Bobby’s death and other family issues, El too soon fell to the demons chasing them all.

Update on EL:  I was very happy to see El last week when he emerged on the Soul Train Music Awards Show.  He looks absolutely great… and he sounded great too.  I am happy for him.  Trying to pull your life back together is not an easy accomplishment.  But thank God it can happen.

2116s1e1 Bunny today is free of drugs and alcohol.  She is saved and a mother.  She is living her life as a Christian and has just finished writing a book called “The Kept Ones,” a tell all autobiography.

James DeBarge who was once married to Janet Jackson for a few weeks before her family had the marriage annulled, is also saved and living his life as a Christian, as well is their mother, Etterlene DeBarge.

You can CLICK the LINK S below to read the whole VIBE magazine story.

Their mother Etterlene DeBarge, which is also Bunny’s real name, is 72 with her own page on myspace.

Their lives have not been easy.  But through it all they have a testimony of 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversurvival, defying the odds and are attempting to rise above, and through it all to once again unite as a family victorious through Christ Jesus.

In the  words of James DeBarge in the last youtube video clip below-

“Oh, Lord…I don’t care what it sounds like…or how I come off.   I just want somebody to be saved.”View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

Child abuse hurts…and in many cases it ruins people’s lives.  Many never recover from it.  Some just learn how to go on.  But we all remember it…and it does remain with us for the rest of our lives whether it appears on the outside or not.

UPDATE: July 29, 2010…Robert Debarge, the father, died last year, August 2009.  What a very sad, lonely and broken man he must have been for all the horrors he committed.  Truly a sad story…which I understand is soon going to hit the big screen.

UPDATE: August 7, 2012…Just checking on my files and things as I usually do…when I spotted that a few people had been looking for info on the death of James.  Immediately, I hit the internet looking thinking that James must have just died.  But thank God… he has not.  But I came across some pictures of him… and he has really aged.

In looking at his pictured I noticed how much he looks like his father.  It must be hard waking up in the morning and looking into the mirror and seeing him… the face of the man who used to abuse you and all your other siblings.

I imagine that they all have good days… and bad days.  There are some scars that never go away.  That kind of  hurt most hurt forever…but thank goodness for Jesus, He can make a difference.  A lot of things become easier to bare because of  Him.

Let us keep them all lifted up in our prayers.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  And I would like to thank you all…if you have purchased my book.  It is amazing to see that my book sells are growing and it is because of people like you.  I thank you…and hope that it is a blessing upon to you.

God bless…and…

…pass it on…’

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God bless…and thanks for reading and  …pass it on ©2008

73 comments December 14, 2008






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