Posts filed under: ‘Cities‘


Well, it is Black History Month.   And I really can’t remember when this actually took place… the year when a young 15 year old youth went south to Mississippi from Chicago, to unknown-1spend the summer with relatives in the south.

In looking back at a newspaper article on the story, I see where it took place in 1955.  The summer unknownEmmett Till went to spend what was to be his last1986.1198.8summer visiting those cousins, and an aunt and uncle down south.  Because somewhere during that visit in August 1955 it was said
that Emmett took certainly liberties with some white woman.  He got out of place… he crossed that divide that colored and white were not to cross… because he was just being a young innocent kid… unaware of the do’s and the don’t of the then… and maybe still in some parts of the south.201392001web-jpg__800x450_q85_crop_subject_location-520245_upscale

Supposedly young Emmett while in this woman’s family store had told the white woman how he had dated a woman just like her up in Chicago.   And upon leaving the store it was said that young Emmett Till gave that woman 1 of those big long whistles, that men did back in that time when they thought a woman was beautiful… somewhat of a wolf call or something.

It was that story of Emmett Till which always colored me and my thoughts about how 250px-mason-dixon-linewhen you leave home… if you lived north of the Mason/Dixon Line… how you should behave very differently if you were to go down south.

Something like how you had to remember when you crossed that line …that Mason/Dixon Line going into the south, that you were maxresdefaultno longer in the north… or in your little Northern town or big city, like Chicago or Detroit.   And how remembering this… that this ‘black and white thang’ could possibly save your life.

images-2I recall once just we had crossed that line 1 summer on 1 our many drives south to visit my grand mother in the south, that once we pulled up to a motel where my mother sent me out to go inside and ask robertfrank-inamerica-2000pxhow much it would cost to get a room?

An occasional stop at a motel to freshen up used to be a habit of my family sometimes blue-swallow-motel-tucumcari-01while we were making the more that 20 hour trip down south to Florida.  But this particular day as I almost was about to reach for maxresdefault-1the door leading into the motel office, out came running two black boys… or teens… something I couldn’t really tell how old they were as they came running through that door shouting back to me, ‘Get of of here!  Go!  Go!’

I immediately ran back to our car and reported to my mother and father what those 2 boys 1g_cigrvbn9anl9oyoultsgarticle-0-14e4a319000005dc-697_634x629had told me as they had whizzed pass me and shouted for me to get out of there.

Suddenly, my mother started screaming at me to get in the car… and she started hollering they ain’t gonna take my sons.   ‘They ain’t gonna take my 1486652-980xsons.’

Boy, I had never seen anything like it or ever heard my mother react in such a way.  But years later I understood.

At that time my brothers were young kids… maybe 10 or 11 or something like that.  But my mother having grown up in the south… my being a Jamaican had grew up in Jamaica so hqdefaulthe had not really experienced any that Jim Crow stuff of the deep south.  But my mother knew it well.   And she knew that it emmetttilltrial3dwould not matter to white folks that my brothers had not robbed or done whatever those 2 boys had done… but that they were black and that in of itself would have been enough for my young brothers to have been taken …in place of the real crooks or emmett-till-memorialwhatever they were who had come running out of that motel office.

I do not think we ever again stopped at another motel in all the years we continued to travel back and forth to Florida after that.

For years, I think that up until this very point I had always felt that Emmett Till  should 1485539341214have been told how to behave, and carry himself while down there in the south.  I always 032612-george-zimmerman-trayvon-martinthought it was his mother’s fault for not sitting him down, and telling him how to behave down there when it came to being around white folks.   It was the typical blaming that many people do when they blame the dead for being dead.  Like some people blame Trayvon Martin for being out late… or out in the rain in that white neighborhood when he got shot and killed.

I thought that way because I 1393539392000-emmett-till-gravect-emmett-till-accuser-false-testimony-20170128 was stupid.  I was  blind.  Ignorant of the fact that many times it just didn’t matter what we did do or not, irregardless there was a very likely could still 8f8213ba9fe7d4faf4423d711f8c3b7dcome up dead

He was a kid.   And you could have told him something a thousand times, and would you believe you wouldn’t have to tell him it again… as we all do when it comes to talking to our children?
Emmett Till did not live in the south.   Nor was there any reason for me to b3ivwu2iaaar4htbelieve that what had been said regarding that story had been true.   For you see, evidently I had believed something inappropriate must have been done for those white men to go in the middle of the night seeking this young boy, regarding something something he had said and/or done.

That is the irony of it.  How readily we eat up the things we see or hear.

MAMIE TILL MOBLEYIt had been a lie.   It had all been a lie.   And because some white mqdefault-2woman had lied on her son, Mrs. Till was forced to go down to Mississippi and collect the bloated remains of her young teen age son, her only child… I think… and bring him back to Chicago in order to bury him.

Years later after Emmett Till had been viciously murder by a group of white men in the 0middle of the night, after going to his relative’s house and demanding that they send him out to them or they would burn them out and all up in their home.

How could that woman possibly live with herself after that?

Years later, I moved to Chicago and while working as a church secretary for a pastor by the name of Dr. A. L. Reynolds, Jr.,  I was told something by Dr. Reynolds, who pastored Sixth b1d9cacba60be97bb15bca5e42697e3fGrace United Presbyterian Church, at Cottage Grove and 35th Street, on the South Side.

Dr. Reynolds 1 day came into the office and for some reason began telling a story, of how he had had to run away from his home, which had been 96490754back in Arkansas.   The reason he had to pick up and get out of there he told me, was because some white woman wanted him and he didn’t want her.   That is exactly how he put it.   He said, ‘she wanted me.  But I didn’t want her.  So, I had to leave.’   Because I did not want her to lie on me.   Because in those days a white woman could say a black man raped her and they (meaning the other white people… mostly men) would kill him.

So, Dr. Reynolds said he got of Arkansas as quickly as he could.

migrant-man-packing-suitcase_320b-gffAnd he said he left Arkansas running because he didn’t want her to tell a lie on him.

Through the our history in this country many black people have found it necessary to get up and get out of town in the middle of night, headed north or to other points unknown.  Because they were afraid of some type of bad consequence which might take hold upon them… or befall them due to a lie… or some white person wanting something that belonged to them.

It comes to mind that even in Biblical text Abram lied.  He was forced to lie when he and Sarah went to enter Egypt.   And he became afraid that the king… otherwise known as Pharaoh… would want his wife, Sarai…as she was then before being renamed by God Sarah.   Because the Bible says she was fair and goodly to look upon.

So, Abram felt that he would be killed by Pharaoh.   So, therefore, told Sarai that they should say that he was her brother rather than her husband.

The end of this story is that Pharaoh and the people of his kingdom are overtaken by what the Bible calls a ‘great plague.’   Pharaoh questions Abram and asked him why he had not told him that the woman, Sarai… was his wife?

emmett_tillWe come into the 21st Century now, some more than 60 years later and now we hear that mqdefault-1images-1the white woman who had told her husband and his white buddies, that Emmett Till had whistled and spoken to her… a white woman inappropriately… that she had lied.

All that pain and heartbreak … tears shed had been over a lie.

1485901864-us-racism-tillA young boy was pulled and dragged out into the dark of night… tortured 1485539341214and beaten …then partially burned and thrown into the river… to be found days later a bloated beyond recognition dead decomposing body.   Because that woman lied.   And now …I guess on her death bed… or on her near death bed she tells the truth… that she lied about the whole thing.images
How did that woman do that… when she knew what Emmett Till Murder Defendant in Court with Familythe consequences for any black man would be?

She knew what times she lived in.   But just did not care.  She told that lie knowing that emmett-tillersome out of control white drunken men were going to go and find them a white boy, and have what they called ‘have bryantmilam2some fun.’    While they enjoyed torturing him and beating him…and eventually killing him.

How did this young boy respond?

Can you imagine what was going through his mind and heart… scared beyond his wits…
kicked…slapped…punched… stomped… cut… lit on fire…emmett_till

And all because some white woman thought it nothing to lie on him.   And 1-extralargeme thinking tillyears later that it had been his fault… because nobody every trained him properly how to behave around white folks.

This reminds me of how I hear black commentators on television now emmett-till-2-1when they are talking about black men being shot and killed by white police officers.   Everybody saying they should have kept their hands on the dashboard… or where they could be seen… or not moved too quickly… unknown-1etc… etc… etc….

Blaming the victim because racist people still my picture cropedabound….

Well, God bless… It was sleeting a little bit this morning.  But I hope it is nice and warm
where you are.  Have a good day all… and remember it’s BLACK HISTORY MONTH.   “pass it on…” ©2017




Add a comment February 8, 2017


I just happened to be on youtube when I saw this video and decided to click on it to see what Juanita was preaching about… only to be a bit surprised by her new look… and since the video was just uploaded a few days ago it is very much a ‘new look’ for her.   A bit too much 76162-4022909023plastic surgery for sure… and the make-up does not help.  It only makes her look worst …and again like she is in some kind of spiritual trouble.

bynum2-jpgc200I suspect after somewhat watching her transition into this ‘new Juanita’… the 1 before this… it is not hard to see that she has had this thing about how she looked. juanita-banner It appeared to be some kind of self-hate… or maybe that is too extreme.  Let me say a  dislike for her natural facial features.

Yes, that sounds better.

Looking at the photographs displayed at the beginning of her video… her program intro as this seems to be a new undertaking for Juanita…with unknown-1 her in a cap and jeans… Juanita seems be trying to recapture her youth… or some kind of teen to 21 hip look or something.yolanda-adams

In listening to her video below it appears to me she is trying to join the ranks of dorindaloltYolanda Adams… Donnie McClurkin, Kirk Franklin, Dorinda Clark and that marymary sister, Erica Campbell… on the radio air-waves with a syndicated national radio broadcast.

1275283948_a20f0250e9But being Juanita… she appears to not only be happy being on the radio air-waves… but also wants to have video live-streaming juanita_bynum_071712_400jrwwhile she broadcasts her radio show.   And this show… or broadcast… or this video take of it was evidently recorded with a very bad camera with terrible audio… and doesn’t appear to really be a live radio show but a pretense of doing it live in her home.  Nor does it appears to be anything like the Juanita Bynum I have come to know via my observation of her.  She has always been on top of her sound.

If nobody else on the podium sounds good… you can beat she is going to sound greatjuanita-bynum-1 because she leaves nothing to chance when its come the quality of her sound… which is, of course, her money maker.   But no so in these videos.

_mg_6351Now, many thousands of people no longer go into a read radio radio to broadcast their radio shows because technology today has made it so easy to do it that way… if you have
good quality professional or semi-professional equipment… and have someone close to being a professional set it up for you.  You can broadcast from anywhere in the download-11world… even in your bathroom or a cave…  and nobody will know whether it was in or out of a professional broadcasting studio.

But clearly, we can tell that this video tape was done with professional equipment …or some high level recording equipment… camera with a good mic or a mic tied in.

wpid-20141001_19095411But it is not the technical problems with Juanita’s video … but the evident continued plastic surgery which it appears she is continuing to engage in… and her new hair that she is so busy flinging all over the place… and her body language …and total look of glee that makes you wonder… is she back on drugs?

juanita-bynumHow could Juanita possible be so happy with her new look… in looking so overjoyed while recording this video.  In which in my opinion she looks far less than her normal self.

Just with all the batting of her eyes so continuously.  And all her what appears continuous movements… and such personal internal glee within herself … you can’t help but wonder is Juanita herself under the spell of drug addiction which she preaches about in the first video. juanita-bynum-mugshotillegal-drugs-650x01

After Pastor Zackary Timms being found in a New York hotel dead from a drug overdose… we should all be on the lookout for who else may be in trouble.  We are so busy just listening to these folks and fail to recognize that some of our pastors, evangelists etc. are in trouble.

zachery-tims-microphone-smile-facebookaf32ac49ec91d4ac8e3a87b317fd9c43There were definite signs that Pastor Timms was in trouble.  I can clearly say that.   I will never forget seeing him 1 day leap up on his podium like he was Batman or Superman.  And I recalled thinking where was the reverence to God’s altar in what he had done?

juanita-bynum-fall-life-coaching-retreatListen how fast Juanita is talking in her video… all that hyper energy that is clearly displayed.
I once was having a conversation with someone who was talking to me about possible employment.  While speaking with this person someone else was standing nearby observing this conversation.  When we had finished talking and the person had left… the unknownperson who had been observing said to me, ‘Did you see how she was moving?   How she never stopped moving?   And how she was talking?’

I said, ‘No.’

juanita-bynum-1040kc021811I know nothing about addiction.   Or people under addiction.  But the women who had been standing watching that conversation knew plenty about it.  And she began to educate me.


She started saying, ‘Didn’t you notice that she used to be a junkie?  How she rushed through their words while speaking, how her eyes move?  How she could not stand still or sit still

No, I had not noticed… nor did I know how to pick up on those type of things.  I knew nothing about how people show signs of things of addition or past addiction… actions that are not natural for folk normally.  That is exactly what I hear and see in this video of Juanita.  9ebbc5185e1dd1c3a5405ebad4f6ceab

Juanita is not acting 5730b607d72b6c72c77f8c12ede0e9d3as she normally acts. Her actions and language are out of sync with the Juanita we see displayed in most of her videos… while delivering the word or trying to share thoughts on tv or in her other videos.

No, this is an irrational fidgety Juanita… with eyes that keep rolling and batting uncontrollably… racing through what she is speaking about.  Look at her eyes.  Listen to what she is saying.76162-4022909023

Clearly, Juanita is either drunk or high… or maybe both.    All that flinging of hair… particular articulation of certain words… treats of hitting somebody… fast un-expectedhqdefault  jerky erratic movements… and just a pattern of cb6ba2d08c981419622641eebd2399ddirrational behavior for Juanita … it all clearly says Juanita is very much out of character.  And her in the photo shots in her show intro at the beginning and end of her video …of her in pants and
cap looking very much like Beyonce speaks volumes also.

I am not certain that Juanita has not taken money to promote the music of the artists that me-resizedshe is featuring in her video shows.  But she gives each song’s date when it will be able for purchase, so that might be a hint.

Okay, I’m waiting on a very important telephone call now.  So, I must stop here.  And I am suppose to be editing… so much for that.   But I must go but you enjoy the rest of the week, and have a good weekend.   At some point I hope to find time to talk about Donald Trump… what a mess this whole political cycle has become… 1 big joke if it weren’t so serious.

Well, God bless… and thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©201


UPDATE:  September 27, 2016… Truly speaking Juanita Bynum is getting weirder and weirder with each and every 1 of these videos she does.  Note bwrkkcdcaaa1kdxhow she grabs hold of her nose as she just finished taking a snort of cocaine or something.

ed6f930fdd158ed3fe71669e5f324025This is a woman who is usually so up on the quality of everything she puts out.  But all these latest videos released by her doing this ‘new thing’ lack her usual attention to detail … particularly when it comes to the audio of these videos.

In the video I just posted below she has a leg up with her legs wide open.  I know …. I’m old school.  But isn’t she representing the Kingdom… is there not proper protocol regarding women and how we sit when in public?  And I really do not understand the new look with regard to her hair.unknown

It really does appear to me that maybe Juanita may be on her way to a crash.  She seems to be slipping… and long ago lost focus.



Add a comment September 15, 2016


eddie-longWell, by now I take it that you know I must have seen the video or come across something which has alerted me considering this new controversy circling around Bishop Eddie Long.

Yes, as a matter of fact a few weeks ago I came across the YouTube sexed-dielongvideo posted by the Bishop… or someone telling everyone that he was alright, but had started this new health kick or some kind of diet.  But honestly to tell you the truth as I watched him… and paid great attention to his body language and facial expressions…

Well, to tell you the truth he looks like a man who has either consumed himself with alcohol or become an addict.

bishop-eddie-long-pictures0I know…. I know you probably don’t want to hear this.  Some of you really do still believe and trust in the Bishop.   But he is a man who is greatly troubled.  And the demons which possess him do not seem to have finished with him yet.

I hate to see people brought down.   Or shamed before everyone.  But eddie-long-all-white-three-wise-menwhen I look at those boys whom he groomed into homosexuality… and think about how he claimed he was ‘David facing Goliath’ when it came to his legal battles with them over their abuse.   I feel sorry…  for them all… all the way around.  Really.

I clearly understand how a demonic spirit can enter into your body and attack you… bringing you into submission IF YOU ARE NOT bishop-eddie-long-sittingFULLY EQUIPPED to fend off such attacks through the Holy Spirit.

Unless you are FULLY EQUIPPED with the Spirit of the Lord… the devil will steal your bishopeddielongmind.  And don’t sit there and think that he won’t do it… nor that it can’t happen to you.  Because it can.  Even to me.   Yes, it can… if I were not equipped and believed fully in God.  And that God is able to keep me through all things… if I desire to be kept.

There is this thing that we must all understand… and that is ‘in order to stand and fight off the devil you better be fully prepared for the battle.’  We are not told as Christians that we must have on ‘the WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD’ for no reason.   Without God’s amour… His protection…  eddielongclothwe too can become easily overtaken by demonic spirits.  And when these spirits get a hold of you… when they enter into your body… and get into your spirit… they are not easily shaken.

We all need the power of God truly working within us in order to bring us out of such attacks.  But… and it is a big BUT.  But if we become captivated by the lure of the sin that is trying to entangle us then we loose.   You cannot fall prey to such eddielongattacks, and the attraction to the evil doing that you begin to operate within it… for you will get lost in it.   As we see how that thing took a hold of Bishop Long.   One day out marching against homosexuals… while entering those spirits within his own flesh.  And it over took him.

For the most part Bishop Eddie Long has long been recognized as a prosperity preacher.  I will be 1 of the first to tell you… and not me alone… that God truly endowed him with the word.   But he went astray… and got into all that prosperity mess.

fifth-accuser-of-eddie-longOnce Long got into the prosperity teachings and doings… he was lost.  He got turned around and lost his focus.   His god became mammon… riches.   You cannot serve both God and the lure of riches. You will either love the 1 and hate the other.jamal-parris-e1309522027847

eddie-long-portrait-suitTherefore, the lust of money then made him more susceptible to any other spirit that would attach itself to him.  Hence, the spirit of homosexuality came calling upon him.

Thus, Long began to open up facilities to house boys from which a chosen few were picked televangelist-eddie-long-to-take-time-off-8jltjdc-x-largefor his sexual grooming… to fill his desire to interact with them on a less than religious manner…  as a perpetrator… a sexual deviant.  A grown man seeking to delight himself sexual among young boys.

So, these young boys came into his range where he had access to them… could ‘father’ them into a seemingly caring relationship where what he was doing appeared to them … and I guess all who were near as a harmless religious relationship among him and them… the boys.    As Long vlcsnap-46681did not take sexual advantage of them physically… per what the boys/now grown young men claimed in their law suits against him.  But he did do touchy and feelly things… things that excited and brought about certain urges… which Scripture has called ‘unnatural.’   Creating longings and desires within the young boys…  which when you see them you can clearly see the damage that was done.   They were groomed like cattle …or a horse for a certain kind of thing… a certain kind of behavior.    And that ‘thing’ … in my opinion when I look at their videos and pictures of those young boys turned to young men… that ‘thing’ stole their manhood.

Now, fast forward to Eddie Long  today after having paid out some $9 million plus to these young men whom he had doctored up and touched… and groomed in his special way to be his select stable… to feel whatever demonic fantasy that was going on in his head.

Today it appears that the bishop-eddie-longdemons have chased him down.  Long looks broken… as broken as a drunk on the street (I hate using such terminology as it is not how I view people or ever speak of them… but for the purpose of this blog and the message I’m trying to convey, it is the only way I can get you to really see what I’m talking about.  So, please forgive my terminology when speaking or classifying anyone here)

bishopeddielongYes, Bishop appears a broken man in this video below.  And unlike zachery-tims-funeral-for-orlando-pastorPastor Zachary Timms… I do see where possible drugs or alcohol may be playing a factor in his life.

That which loosing all that money and some of his congregation could not do… I now believe his conscience is making up for it… sadly.   Such a gifted man at 1 time in the Lord.  And look how he let the devil use him… and now I believe he is truly paying for it mentally and physically… and it is ironic.

The irony is how much he worked to build up his body… and what was bishop-eddie-longan apparent love of his physique.   To now be dwindled down to almost nothing… half a man.   A tormented man it seems.

I pray he find a way back to the Lord.   As we serve a God who is long suffering and forgiving.   But to have taken his position as a spiritual leader and have turned it into an artful predator, using the house of the Lord as his playground… might be something that me-resizedGod will not forgive… as He did not forgive Eli when it came to his sons.

I just read that Bishop Long is now on a medical sabbatical after revealing to his church that he is facing some health challenges.  Repentance is the only cure.  A true and real pouring out of his heart

UPDATE:  Yesterday morning… Sunday, January 15, 2017…  it was reported that Bishop Long passed.   I will not comment or speculate as to my thoughts further on this matter.  It is sad all the way around …for all who were effected and involved.

I pray peace and resolution to the minds and souls of the young then boys drawn into this scandal.  And that God call them out that they may be saved from the perverse thing and things which have and are happening to them.  Because this now is their choice to chose to live or die in that mess.

Well, God bless… and thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016









Add a comment September 10, 2016


imageIt is hard for me to believe that most of you had not realized this thing about Brian Carn before until this controversy about him has come about.

From the very first time I ever saw and heard Carn preach on television I knew just who and what he really was… a con man trying to play holy and very prophetic.

Carn has always come off as a phony to me… even when watching some of these videos on youtube on Carn being outted as a fake prophet now…when supposedly he is speaking in tongues the guy doesn’t even try to pretend like he is really speaking in tongue… that heavenly language…  but just speaking in some kind of mumble jumbo he has made up.

It is pathetic how people …people like Carn who want to use the church and the gospel of Jesus Christ as some type of play thing… by choosingbrian-carn-cd.jpg.html to use the church and God’s gifts in such a way that is so low and underhanded… all for Unknownpersonal gain… the love of money.  And I mean they lust after it… money as if it were sex.  My, Lord…

When I first saw Carn he was a young man.   I thought then that he had perhaps been 1 of those young kids reared up in the church like what we see today. Somebody at a very early age that someone or some people… images-1namely his parents or some other family member began to  declare that ‘God’s got such an anointing on’ his life.  When hqdefaultin essence all the poor little child was doing was just mimicking what he had seen done in church.  I did it and practically every child I know who has sat in church  has done the same thing 1 time or another.

Some woman out of Houston back in 2013 it was reported contracted a vignal disease called trichomoniasis from Carn, a disease that 11111causes women to have an itchy discharge and a foul smell… while men have no signs of it at all.   Or so that story  went.  Whether it is true or not I do not know… but Carn who professes to be a man of God… walking in the steps that God is leading him in should of course be blameless.

Well, if that story is true Carn may not have known he had an STD.  But as a Brenda-Burton-Prophet-Brian-Carnman of God he wasn’t supposed to be indulging in anything that would have given him STD to pass on to anyone in the first place.

brian-carnBut I say if women aren’t careful if they choose to sin with Carn… then messing around with Carn a fear of catching some STD from Carns is not the only they may find themselves with.  Because personally I think the man is gay… and I have always thought he was gay besides being a false prophet, from the first time I saw him.

Carn wouldn’t be the first man to try to cover up his desires for images-11men but messing around with women in order to try to throw people off.   It is a common trick that some believe they are smart enough to pull off… loving men while making it seem like they love women.

The other thing about Carn is if you have watched the people… or rather ‘the type’ of peopleunnamed he has consistently surrounded himself with… a bunch of other false prophets should have spoken to most people long time before this that Carn too was a fake.

Carn often could be seen on television programs with people like 33ua2e0E. Jordan and his son Massansah… Rod Parsley… Benny Henn… and that list goes on and on.

Recently I heard Brian Carn give a list of supporters on periscope who have rallied behind him in the wake of this mess.  With Brian Carn getting caught stealing the predictions from some prophetjordanwoman…some call a witch or self-professed psychic… a woman who  claims to images-6be in alignment with familiar spirits…reads tarot cards and things like that.  No big names mind you… because the truth is painfully obvious… Brian did it.   And that is the reason he can be kept crying on some of youtube videos where is trying to explain this thing away.

Why would a supposed man of God being stealing the predictions of a psychic to give out to people …unsuspecting followers of his at some supposed prophetic event as him prophesying things to come in the future about 2 years ago.Unknown-1

After watching a series of youtube videos on this matter I couldn’t find videos that a better job at exposing this story of Brian Carn and his true lack of spiritual abilities
Unknownthan Lexi’s periscope video on him.

Now, Lexi Allen was …and as I just found out… still is a host on the Word Network.  She at 1 point had had her own weekly TV show on the Word… I forget what it was images-2called but it was later taken over by Bishop George Bloomer, a man who has his own demons to deal with, if the truth be told.  And she took that show over from Bishop what’s his name … a guy originally out of Delaware.

Oh, yeah… Gregg Davis.   Another person who is highly questionable.

hqdefaultThe way Lexi pounced upon people who did not agree with her on her periscope treading as she busted Brian as a fake … well, it really rather shocked me.  It was a 365 degree turn from who she portrays to be while sitting on the Word Network as a gospel artist and/or brian-carn-prayerreligious television host.

Though Lexi tells it  like it is concerning  Carn and his fake supposed ImpostersSheepFull1prophetic gift…  I was totally really taken aback by Lexi’s periscope style and own attitude… and her use of the ‘N’ word and I think an  occasional curse word or 2 in her attacks on viewers responding on her periscope channel, prophet-carn-artistand  the rage at which she personally attacked Carn for imagehaving diss-ed her girl Le’ Andria.

Now, I’ve been looking for Carn’s periscope attack on Le’ Andria…  but have only come across partial statements on various videos by Carns where he is try to back track his own situation by making certain references to ‘preachers passing out condoms and cigarettes.’  Well, everybodyimages
has to know by now that is a direct reference to Le’ Andria.

imagesIt appeared to me amazing that she would be totally against Carn as being a fake… and yet be so pro Le’Andria and all her antics.   How can 1 uplift 1 sinner and dross another was a mystery to me?

Both Le’Andria and Carn need to fall down and beg for forgiveness.   And if the truth be told… and she may not like it… but Lexi too.   And call me what you may… but Lexi you too… because you bewareoffalseprophetsare no better and your tone and language on your video proves that as much as Brian Carn and the footage of him giving that woman’s predictions… and Le’Andria going out on the street dressed as a prostitute handing out cigarettes and condoms.   All is in error.

They  are all pretenders.   Pretending to be holy… righteous and yet unclean vessels.  There is no partial walking with God.   You are either all in… or all out.   Whether on the television screen… or standing in a false-prophet.gifsanctuary… if you profess to be holy it requires a full time commitment.  There is not
thing called ‘half-time saints’  or prophets… or pastors.  All this faking must stop… and it must stop on every level.   And knowing scripture or Bible or having grown up in the church is not going to help… because sooner or later the masquerade is over… Brian, images-3Le’Andria and Lexi.

All I can say is get right with God.   Get a right relationship with God… and stop trying to fool others… while only fooling yourselves.

It amazes me after all of this… and it cannot be denied.  That after Brian Carn stole those predictions from a woman who played with predictions and familiar
spirits…  as in Lexi’s  video exposing him speaks for themselves… that there are still prophetic training school banner_finalpeople willing to follow Carn.   This is worst that being just plain gullible… it is plain stupid.    Why are people willing to be so mislead by people that cannot rightly deny whatever they got in?img_1478

In the case of Brian Carn … he now professes to prove he gave those predictions on his own… and that he has never stolen anything from anybody especially a witch.

Oh yeah, right, Brian.   On this I must agree with Lexi… ain’t no way.

I personally do not see how anyone became so captivated  by Brian Carn in the first place.  images-3Because it was not hard to see that he was a fake.  But then the Bible tells us that the people have itchy ears and are drawn to many ungodly things.   That those things are more easily grasped by them than the truth or someone who is not fake.   So many rather follow false images-7prophets… false pastors (Le’Andria)… false teachings …than to follow the truth.   And so many are still following Carn regardless of what has been brought to light on him and his fake prophetic gifts.

Well, God bless… it’s time I got to down to some other things I have to take care of right now but hopefully you me-resizedwill have a beautiful 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverday.  It is not as cold as  it was yesterday here… but a bit damp.   But I love the rain…

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment March 23, 2016


Wow, I don’t even know what happened here.  I lost my whole post all most.600x600

I will try to rewrite it again but don’t know if it will be as good as the first.  But here goes.

I came across this posting on a site called, MOTHER’S PEARLS.  And since the day I initially posted my blog on the DeBarge 8y5pugfamily and their deep family secret which tormented them for years, that post hands down has been my most popular.

That being so I thought that many of you would also like to read what was said by Tommy DeBarge, who for years as growing up had been molested by his older brother, Bobby.debarge

It cannot be a secret how much pain must go through 1 when they are physically violated.  But that pain and hurt must be much deeper when it does not come from the man or woman down the street… but is within your own home… among those who are suppose to love and care for you… and protect you.

The DeBarge children had … I guess all of them… had be imagessexually abused by their father… both the girls and boys.

The damage that is done to children who experience sexual abuse cannot be overstated.  I know this first hand having also been a victim of it, though it was not within the confines of my family.jamesrandybunny

I know some women who once worked at a facility that housed children sexual offenders.  Yes, I said, CHILDREN SEXUAL OFFENDERS.  I asked 1 day what were the ages of the children in their facility and I was told, “Well, the youngest is 3.”

That has always stayed with.  I cannot image what it is like to be locked away from people for the rest of your life because someone began sexually abusing as an infant or toddler and at the age of 3 they have to lock you away.

rdebargesrThe world indeed is a very cruel place… very cruel.  And has gotten crueler with all of this child sex trafficking and everything else like it that goes on today.7fa7e89e9661de04176c3c8485942b98

For that kind of torment to be going on in your own home is something which a very beautiful family of children have had to fight to regain and sustain some type of sanity from the horrors they had to endure not only at the hands of their own father… but as their own b31053c60c49d4d9626f908c76042975siblings began to prey upon them.

As a note here, Bobby the oldest of the DeBarge children died many years ago from AIDS.  9477989_109738431579His predator… his father who had sexually abused … I guess all of his children…   Their father died only several years ago… and am sure if he had a conscience he died a very tormented man.

This is from Mother’s Pearls:

According to Tommy Debarge of the Debarge Family


Anything and everything was exposed and deemed acceptable in Hollywood.  A homosexual lifestyle didn’t have to be kept secret there as it did back in Michigan.

Men were attracted to men and openly spoke their minds about it, which offended me because of my past with Bobby.  I felt as if something queer had been permanently affixed to me because of the horrible things he did to me.


I blamed him for the unwanted attention I was getting from men.
I had never confronted Bobby about what he’d done to me.  Instead, I’d gotten high or occupied myself with women in order to not have to deal with it.  I had to be honest with myself.  The whole man with a man thing had me on edge.  I did learn through my industry peers, however that it was necessary to be appealing to both genders in order to sell lots of records.  Still, it bothered me a great deal.


At this point, Bobby was dating women.  There was a brief period of time when I actually thought Bobby might be straight.  However, as he became more sure of himself as an artist and comfortable in his surroundings, the more he openly expressed his desire for men.


I watched as homosexuality manifested itself in Bobby’s life.  He had a stronger attraction towards men than women.  He had a male friend, Tony, whom he had met in California, and whom accompanied him everywhere.


After a while, Bobby removed all restraints from his sexual desires.  He didn’t care if his private life was private or exposed.  He was staying at a Hollywood Hotel; Tony moved in.


I was with Bobby in his hotel room one evening when he pinned Tony against the wall and kissed him like he was kissing a woman.  His tongue was in Tony’s mouth and he embraced him.  They kissed and caressed each other without shame.

Later, Bobby revealed himself to be bisexual, meaning that he participated in sex with both men and women.  He stated that a man’s love is what he was searching for because women were only useful for sexual pleasure and couldn’t be trusted.  He used neglect and abuse from the past as an excuse for his lifestyle.


Since we were on the topic, it was a good time to ask him about what he had done to me as a child.  He said he regretted what he had done to me back then, explaining that he was just a boy.  I waited to hear, “I’m sorry,” but he didn’t apologize for any of it.

Add a comment March 8, 2016

Le’Andria Johnson and the Church… Preachers of Atlanta

To tell you the truth I really don’t know much about her but…Unknown-5

Well, I had heard she won Sunday Best and I have seen a few videos on youtube of her, but other than that I have really had not  had much to say about her.  But then this new show came along this fall on 1 of the networks, Preachers of Atlanta.

After watching a couple of episodes of  it and then listening to some reviews of the show on images-2youtube… and watching Le’Andria let down her hair.  And I do mean…’let down her hair,’  with a for real ‘I just do not care what you think attitude.’

All I can say is, “Uh-uh…”

While I was no big fan of the original, Preachers of UnknownL.A. with all their ‘bing-bing,’ and money being their god.  With Detrick Haddon trying to pretend he so Saved and holy, to  Bishop Noel Jones and his supposed 16 year old relationship with some woman, whom he may or may not have been going to bed with,
noel_loretta_buffooneryalong with that young girl, or much younger women whom he supposedly made pregnant.bishop-noel-jones

But this Preachers of Atlanta is a subtle destruction of the church.  These pastors, on the Atlanta version, seem to be a little bit more palatable…with their pretense of ‘We love god…but are a new generation.’   Don’t be fooled.  They are even worst… but playing on the down-low like they are not.   But that it is all for God.

Yeah, right.

Who ever the producers are of these shows….they are bent on destroying the church by showing proof of everything sinners already believe to be true of the church.   Their goal it appears is to not only make a mockery of the church,  but in particular ‘the black church’… by tearing it apart bit by bit and stone by stone.  And Le’Andria Johnson is their best candidate yet.  Well, maybe not their best… because those preachers out of LA… did a job on the black church too… sad to say.hqdefault

imagesBut this woman, La’Andria, is crazy and not shame about it… or to be crazy.   She has a perfectly good excuse for why she decides to do… and does everything she do and does.

She drinks…. and can often be seen with a cup in her hand.  She swears like a sailor when she gets a notion, as in her ‘periscope’ upload, where she removed the make-uP…and was talking about being evicted from herimages house.    She has a very ungodly no-holds-barred attitude about everything… and a highly filthy mouth.

There is no possible way I could or can believe that Le’Andria is really Saved.

periscopeI also think she needs to be a lot more thankful to God for the wonderful gift He so graciously endowed her with.  And then He opened the door for that gift to shine… which she so willingly is making a fool and mockery of.

All of these singers today it the charts and the next thing 81d97b_2e2f05508b2675ad42e249b5b88ddd0d.jpg_srz_963_385_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzyou know they are walking around and Unknown-7calling themselves ‘pastors’…. and in the case of Kim Burrell ‘bishop.’   Personally, I don’t understand it.  But when I thought about it Andrae Crouch did it and I images-1.jpegguess a few others.

But I just thought I would do this really quick… and I did.  Because this thing with Le’Andria Johnson and Preachers of Atlanta has been on my mind.

It really disturbs me to see the church… and particular the blackme-resizedchurch being pulled apart in such a way as I am seeing in these shows.  These programs are really undermining the fabric of the church and give an illusion that all black churches and/or churches are 2ab-the-bishop-wifecovercorrupt and/or filled with leadership which should not be in leadership… fake people pretending to know Bible and to be doing the will of God when they are really just agents of the devil seeking to destroy the church.

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016


Add a comment March 3, 2016


Personally I have never quite understood the hype over Beyonce.  I have seen a million and 1 sisters who can look or do look beyonce_church_church_of_bey_beyismjust like her… including 1 of my nieces.

Okay, then you want to say it is the way she can dance.

Please…   What is she doing?

Nothing… that she has not copied from some Jamaican gals who have been 27xgpyhjingling and shaking their stuff for quite some time now.  And on Labor Day in Brooklyn you can catch as many as your eyes can see walking Dancehall-Queen-Spreadup Empire Blvd doing just that during the Jamaican Liberation Parade.

Empire Blvd becomes a haven of men with their eye bungling out of their heads at a bunch of young and old Jamaican women making their way up the Blvd in a parade shaking every piece of flab they’ve got… and a lot of it you don’t want to see.

Going back to Beyonce… it appears her following has developed into some worshipers… calling Beyonce a ‘deity.’  And they haveBeyonce-hair-up developed their own church down in Atlanta, called THE NATIONAL CHURCH OF BEY.

If nothing else it should be crystal clear to you by this time that we are truly living in last days and times.   And the evolution of Beyonce into a ‘god’ or ‘goddess’ can certainly be looked upon as a clear sign that Satan is busier than ever… and that there are some crazy folks out there.

“We are very disappointed in the failure of the public to recognize the imgresexistence of a divine Deity walking among them,” said the church’s founder Pauline John Andrews.  This woman must be the supreme witch of the group as she is the founder of such a ludicrous religious start-up group of the Beyonce worshipers.  I have heard of die hard fans… but this?

Come on…    Why would some woman want to worship any other woman in the way that makes a religious goddess out of her?

Something is definitely wrong with that woman.  And undoubtedly Beyonce is getting a charge out of… meaning she is loving it.

BeyonceKnowlesHow do you become so taken with someone that you want to worship them?

Though I have heard of loving people to death.  But this is beyond loving someone… even to that length.  To death.  Here the woman loves her unto heaven.

Now, how stupid is that?beyonce-and-jay-z-in-soho-nyc

And from what I hear Beyonce and her hubby are in their own diverse religion… that illuminati mess.  Jay-z says he believes in 1 God… but not in hell.  He does not believe in Christianity… meaning he does not believe in Jesus.  That should speak volumes in of itself to many of you.

But going back to Beyonce…  Oh, I have heard it said in movies… when men or women desire someone so much sexually that they will tell someone anything… even that they want to worship them.  But before the end of the movie… the worship is all over and so wasn’t all that hot and heavy sexual desire that inspired those words.

I have heard too that Atlanta has a lot of strange things… and things Satanic going on.  It can’t be that far behind New York City then… because I know for sure that New York has all kinds of crazy things going on.

I was very surprised 1 night when a very attractive black woman, well attired, very professional article-0-0D0C44B5000005DC-237_470x423looking… walked into Salsa-Soul Sisters and began talking to us about S&M.  It wasn’t until she pointed it out that I even noticed that she was dressed in all leather…black all leather… or maybe it was gray.  But it was all leather.  She called herself  ‘1 of the leather people.’

janet-jackson-takes-bondage-thing--large-msg-12052660369I never knew much about S&M but that night I got a very in-depth lesson of what was supposed to be the ‘joys of being involved in S&M.’   Now, if you can get to that you might be a better person than me.   No, a bigger fool than me… because can’t nobody tell me somebody standing over me  while I am all handcuffed and tied up…being whipped by that person standing over me… with a whip or beating me with a belt buckle… can give me any joy.  No, that you cannot tell me.  I know much better than that.  And I also knew something that I do not believe that woman ever recognized if she is still wetsuits_bondage_ii_by_mixnuts-d5a07gxalive.  And that is… that at any moment 1 of those fools could be subject to torture her to death… but even that thought might have been pleasurious to her.

Evidently, that woman had not processed that thought.  For the woman claimed that she got pleasure out of what those S&M people had taught her and done to her.  And she said she got mad at her friends because they had waited until she was 50 years old to article-0-197FE49900000578-310_634x1014introduce her to that lifestyle… and it is very much a lifestyle.

That woman also shared with us that night at Salsa-Soul Sisters that there was a restaurant in Manhattan that at a certain time of night shut it doors and locked them… and then the fun (if you care to call it that) began.

I was horrified when she told us that.  Who would have ever had thought such a thing.

A restaurant??????

Full of people who were all into S&M?????41288-rihanna-sm

And all waiting on the clock to tick until they all got started on 1 another.


That woman also picked up what looked to me like a notebook jacket… and she pointed out that it bared the S&M flag.  They had their own flag… a nation of people unto themselves.  Who would have thought it.

It makes you wonder how large could that thing be?

Large as it may be… it was not going to get me.  And I appeared to be the only person at Salsa that night who totally rejected anything that woman had said.

I found no part of it interesting or tempting.  But some of my fellow Salsa-Soul Sisters did… and I could tell.  539wSome time later… the 1 who had appeared the most interested in it that night… I came across a few years later.  She was all dressed up in leather… I knew what course she had chosen.

Then there was another Salsa-Soul Sister who had become part of a religious group in New York called Isis.  In fact, a few of the gay sisters I knew got involved in that religion.  I recall 1 night this particular sister had given this party over at her home down in Riverside.  She was dressed all in white, and as I came in her house I started to reach over to embrace her in greeting her… and she backed away keeping me at a distance without really touching me …talking about she had not yet gone over.

Gone over????Seated Bodhisattva Maitrya. 4th c. Gand.met

Gone over what???

Later a friend told me that the woman… our Salsa-Soul Sister had gotten involved in this Isis religion and that she was going through some type of purification ritual.  Why this woman became involved in that Isis stuff was a mystery to me as she always seem so afro-centric…  and also smart.   Needless to say I soon began to think of her as anything but smart.  She became odd and started acting funny… weird.   Alvin+Ailey_y

This guy… obviously gay… and as gay as he could be… moved into an upstairs apartment in her home.  While at work… we later found out… her girlfriend would go upstairs to him.  At the party it was pretty obvious that there was something going on between them.  She kept dancing all up on him like she was crazy.  And later on the woman ran off with this obviously gay man… who was the head of their religious cult.

In looking up that Isis mess… just now… it says that Isis was a goddess of Ancient Egypt and the religion spread through Greco-Rome.images

Then not too long ago while listening to the news, I believe, I heard of this church where the congregation went to church nude… totally nude.  They worshiped in their church naked.  And I had seen on 20/20 or something a while back about some church African-American-Woman-Crying-Tearswhere they were snake worshipers.  They dance and pranced around their church twirling snakes.

While in the library 1 day a young woman came and sat down beside me at a computer.  After a small amount of time I noticed that the woman was wiping tears from her eyes.  Shortly thereafter I decided I should speak to her to see if I could help.  That is when she told me she was running for her life from some religious cult she had fallen into while living in Atlanta.  She was all messed up.  Jumping at her own shadow… because she was full of fear… saying the cult people wanted to kill her because she wanted out.

beyonce-knowels-net-worth-1024x768So, my point here is this… there are lots of crazy people around the world seeking to worship all kinds of things if somebody is crazy enough to come up with it.  And the group of people deciding that Beyonce is holy and should be worshiped is about as crazy as any of them can come… maybe worst.   And certainly to me… is as insane as anyone can get who joins them.

And there is 1 thing for sure… somebody may get mad at me for saying it.  Because people like to say that we should not condemn others.  I do not hell_forever_and_everbelieve in condemning anyone… and it is not condemning if you speak the truth, particularly if you are attempting to warn them… better yet show them the errors of their ways.   However, there are many people who have no problem in condemning themselves to hell… and somebody needs to tell them so.

Therefore, people involved in S&M, Isis, Beyism, Muslim-ism, Buddhism, Hinduism… or any other kind of  -ism and everything and anything else that is not like Jesus and God… nor of His doing.   They will go straight to hell… Byonceand I did not condemn them there… but their acts did.

However, it is not the desire of God that any of us should be lost.  But due to foolishness most people will be lost.  I pray you won’t … or me.  But how are you going to turn a woman into a god and become a worshiper of her… and not think that something is wrong with you… is my question?

Beyonce cannot do anything for anyone… like heal someone… save someone from hurt… harm or danger… illness… disease… or any kind of enemy including the devil.   In fact, she is in as much of a need God as we all are.  And I hope she and her worshipers find Him before it is too late.

My Lord… have mercy.

mary-maryThen I happened to catch a video segment from the MaryMary reality TV show where the marymary2 sisters, Erica and Tina… are having a ‘for real’ conversation.  Somebody should have called for the cameras to be cut off.  Because the words started flying  ‘God-Dang’ world???    Erica got beeped… who knows what she said.  And I am not trying to  figured it out… or even read lips.

We have all heard that the gospel world is not what we all thought or think that it should be when it comes to the language and behavior of some of the people walking around saying they love the Lord… singing gospel music… and that live lives that speak something totally else.

One of the worst things that could have happened to some of these people is reality TV.   They don’t know how to stay off of it.  Stuff slips… and everybody sees or hears something that wasn’t supposed to be seen… or DEITRICK-HADDON-WENDY-WILLIAMS-VIDEO5268a4cf69170.preview-300heard… or hinted at.  Then again drama sells… and keeps the ratings coming.

One of the biggest disasters is that boy… Deitrick Haddon.  Nobody can tell me he is really saved.  Somebody is going to be mad cause I called him a ‘boy.’   Don’t send me any more comments professing to me about how cruel and ungodly I am… and how much of a man of God Deitrick is.

That boy is not saved and not trying to be.  If I wasn’t much of a lady I would post a picture of his lower half which evidently he is very proud of.  The internet is loaded with pictures of the boy’s penis… and he didn’t release that picture or those Deitrick-Haddon-opens-up-on-nude-selfie-FAB-Magazine.JPG3_pictures some 10 or 20 years ago.  No, it was while he was supposed to be ‘Saved’… while he was a recognized gospel artist… while he was still married to 1 woman while showing his stuff to another …or who knows how many others.   And all this I guess while he had taken over the leadership of his father’s church upon the passing of his father.  I suspect Deitrick-Haddon-opens-up-on-nude-selfie-FAB-Magazine.JPG4_those people must have put him out… and he deserved it.

We are living in a time when some folks have figured out how to get more exposure… any kind and any way they can.  paris-hilton-best-friend-08They make sex tapes… send out instagrams of pictures they claim they didn’t send… or this they get arrested or shoplifting or while driving drunk etc..  It worked for Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Brandy’s little brother, Lil’ Kim, R. Kelly, Puff Daddy and the list goes on and on…

You cannot tell me that if you are a recording artist or a movie star or a wanna-be that you have not figured out that sending pictures of your naked sexual organs or videotaping yourself involved in some kim-kardashian-122720730sexual act… that you don’t know it won’t find its way to the public eye.  It has happened far to many times for anybody to do it… and not do it with the intention that it is going to viral… where Dietrick-Haddon-Weddingeverybody and their brother and mother is going to see it.

Some do it to revive a fading career.  Others to jump start a career in the spotlight… news… or gain a reality show etc…

Unfortunate Video of Gospel Singer Kevin Terry Leaks Online

kevin-terry1When my son told me this story I was on my way to St. Louis… and he mentioned to me how this gospel singer by the name of Kevin Terry had a videotape leaked6821556 with him down on his knees… and he wasn’t praying.  But giving some man a blow job.  I never saw the video but while in St. Louis I mentioned it a couple of times… and I know for sure that others saw it.

This Kevin had ties with our boy Deitrick whom I do believe has some issues in the same department.  I often realize something that goes deitrick-haddon-preachers-of-laover the top of the heads of most other people.

What I have realized is this… that a lot of time you will find men on the down-low who appear to be crazy about women.  That is because that is what they want you to believe.  They act like they want to sex down everything but the tree when it comes to women… while all the while hiding what they really like and with who.  It is a game that they play to throw people off from thinking that they are really gay.

email-integration-2I know I’m going to get some comments about this… but so be it.  I really do get tired of these so-called gospel ‘I love Jesus’ artists… who are more sinful that Joe Small out on the street corner selling drugs… or pimping girls or whatever.  They have a semblance of holiness… but they are not holy.  And I don’t care how many gospel songs they write …or sing.

And I get tired of people trying to make saints out Steve Harvey and Tyler Perry.  Come on steve-harveynow…

Have you heard how Steve curses?"Alex Cross" Press Conference

There has got to be a line… some kind of a line somewhere.

Why does everyone want to make people holy just cause they like them… or they find them to be funny… or they write Jesus into their plays… or tell church jokes from time to time?

I do not hate either Steve or Tyler.  And I would never be jealous of anyone’s success… but in the same token success does not mean ‘godly’ just they are successful… and happen to utter the word ‘God’ once or twice.

I have a cousin who totally blew me off when I told her I was not really a fan of Tyler Perry’s plays or movies etc.   They were something I just was not interested in.  Boy, did she call me everything but a child of God.  She said I was bourgeoisie… I was a hater… and I was this… and I was that.

Man, what did I do?

Witness-Protection-BluI am sure that I have work that Tyler won’t like either.  But it would not mean he hated me.  Needless to say I have not talked to that cousin since.  Not because she said all of what she said regarding Tyler… but because she called me ‘light.’  I don’t want or like people to call me ‘light.’  I hate it… and I am not really ‘light’… I am brown… black through and through.  But let me go back to my blog topic….black man

The Bible tells us that we have to ‘put off the old man.’   We become brand new.  Our language is new… how we dress is new… how we walk and talk is new…. how we think and behave is new.   Many of these so-called people… many pastors and bishops… evangelists etc. included they have not lost that old man… he’s in the closet and peers out when the coast is clear.  And they do what they do… believing nobody is going to find out… until somebody lets the cat out of the bag.

You can’t condemn someone who condemns them-self.  The Bible tells us to judge them by their fruits.  I would not believe that would be in the Bible if we are to be blind by the ways and the wills… and ways of people.

I am not gay bashing as that would be ridiculous for me to drag-queen-e1333520188285do… having come out of ‘the life’ myself.  Though I hear we can be some of the biggest critics of it.  But I would not do that.   Least way I hope that I would not… even if I hadn’t come out of ‘the life.’

But I really think that my thoughts today come out of me recently coming in contact with someone who supposedly is in the church but living or trying to live his life as a woman.

Yes, I did say… trying to live his life as a woman in the church.  The guy looks some what like a woman to most people I guess.  But I noticed right off that Bscott_2010something was out of sync about him.  No matter how much they try whether it be the arms… the adam’s apple or their legs… body structure or something else…   No one can truly wipe away totally who they really are.

And let me just say here and now before I forget it… our God does not make mistakes.

Evidently, this guy had taken the pills…not the 1 in this picture but the 1 that I am talking about having just met.  His voice sounds very much like a woman and if you didn’t notice certain things about him… he could easily past as woman to most people hands down.  But I came out of  ‘the life’ so I would be subject to pick up on certain things that most people simply do not catch… as I had come to know a lot of gay guys… many of whom were my friends.  I know them for the most part to be highly fantastic people… highly creative… kind and giving… so not so kind… but many of them loving the Lord.

drd18What I do not like though is this… it is about the kind of people who move far away from home so people won’t know who they are and can’t recognize them as being so-and so’s  son or daughter.  They assume another life  and identity as whatever role they are playing… be it either a man or a woman… walking around tricking …or a better word ‘fooling’ people.  Or attempting to fool people.    No, I do not like this kind of people… at all.queens001

They have eaten up all these pills to either make themselves look and sound like either a man or a woman.  And some of them have gone the distance and gotten the operation… removing their breast or male gentiles… growing breast or facial hair etc….

What also disturbs me about this… and perhaps the most.  It is this…  the fact that it is all a lie.  It also undermines God perfect order.  And it is highly deceitful when people walk around pretending to be something that they know they are really not… but look and sound every bit like it to unsuspecting people whom they charm into their lives …and never inform the truth… unless somehow forced to.

CEE_006I foresee a time when many will be marrying such people unaware.  There have past cases where someone found out that either their husband or wife was not really a man… or a woman.  I even read not long ago of a case where a woman found out that her husband had really been her father.   The world truly has gone crazy.  And everything is turning upside down.

I recently was hired for a job… and from the jump I recognized immediately that the person introduced to me as a woman… was not a woman.  It is from that moment I think I was going to write this blog regarding this subject.  Because it bothered me.

I cannot lie and call someone a woman when I know that they are a man.  I do not want to hurt anyone’s 0212-SD-1feelings.   But to tell you the truth I would rather not come in contact with them.

Yes, back in the day I used to do it.   I used to say ‘hey, girl’…when I was hanging out to the gay guys… and play that game with them.   But I’m not that person today… or any more.    I don’t want to play that game.  And I just don’t want to lie… or aid or abet them in that lifestyle.

A lot of people do it.  They grin and smile all up in their faces (meaning the gay guys faces) …while ripping them apart when they are among their other friends… laughing and making jokes about them.  I have seen it.  And I might have done that myself… I think.

But these people (and I do not say ‘these people’ to demean anyone)… who live these kind of lives trying to fool people are truly ‘double-minded.’  Their mind is split… they are biologically whatever they were born… and then they are whatever they are viewimage_storypretending to be.  Over a period time yes… much because natural but still the core of who they really are cannot be removed by doctor… by pills… by surgery… or anything… unless God does it.  And we all know that He is not.

But what bothered me most about my meeting and supposedly working with this person… was that I knew them to be a liar from the very beginning.  You cannot be passing yourself off as something you know that you are not… and not be a liar.  If you would lie to me about a core thing such as who you were born to be… then how can I trust you regarding anything else?

ts-Jasmine+Bonet1And that was the dilemma I was thrown into.

And I just hqdefaultcould not do it… because I knew the person could not be trusted… because he was definitely not a woman.

You cannot trust anyone who would introduce himself to men as a woman… with all the parts…having gone through the surgery… as though they were born that way.

I am not going to go to hell aiding someone in their lying by holding up their lie pretending like it is the truth.  No, I cannot do it.  But the people who brought us together… church folk… were and did do just that.  And I really could not understand it.

If there is 1 thing that I clearly understand… I understand that homosexuality illegal-drugsis a spirit.  Now, I know many would disagree… and that is alright.  I will not argue the point.  But homosexuality is as much a spirit as lying can be on some people who gay-black-men-examinerwill tell you a lie even when there is nothing to lie about.  Or as the spirit of drinking strong drink… or taking drugs.  The measure of a spirit is this… how they talk… walk… act out.

All people under the influence of alcohol slur… walk drifting from side to side or show some sign of being unstable on their legs… and can be funnier than usual or 142423609-african-american-lesbian-couple-holding-each-gettyimagesmore argumentative or mean depending upon the spirit that has a hold of them.  The same is true with the spirit of homosexuality… their is a likeness in their mannerisms… hand movements… the way they talk etc.  Even with the women they take on similar characteristics…looks… mannerisms etc…. these traits are a mark of the spirit that is within them.   Some may say ‘I don’t have 1267652770-6a00d8341c730253ef01310f5895cf970c-500wiany gay mannerisms.’  Oh, yes they do… but they are not readily picked up by all people who don’t know what they are.  Because there are many gay people who pride themselves on being ‘invisible’... meaning they think nobody can tell that they are gay.

So, all sins are a spirit of 1 sort or another.  And if I were to hold up 1 sin or another I would be as bad as the people who doing that sin.

008So, there are things I prefer not to become involved in… or with.  I can’t hold up a lie no matter how much I like you or may love you.  I would be contributing to the sin if I did… and I cannot do that.  That would make me a latrice-royale-rupauls-drag-race5liar.  And lying is definitely as sin.  Should I lose my soul for the sank of holding up someone else’s sin by playing their game and introducing them as a woman when I know they are a man?

No, I cannot do that.  It does not mean I hate them.  It just means I can’t play the devil’s game.  And I will not be drawn into it… whether I like you or not.

It amazes me all the tricks the devil will play upon us.  The people who go through that thing they call ‘transitioning’ can get driver’s licenses Job_1146-copythat say whatever they change their new sex to.  Further evidence of a highly deceitful game.  And it is a game.

I feel sorry for anyone who believes that they were born the wrong sex.  I know that they are confused.  But they do not realize who has confused them.  Then others support that confusion by calling them ‘girl’ or ‘boy.’ 

I know devil to be a liar… and I am well aware of the tricks he can play on the mind… and it is a head game.  But I know someone who can remove the bibleconfusion and turn everything around… and make it right side up again.  His name is Jesus.

And I am not preaching… because preaching to the lost does them no good.  They are lost.  They have eyes but Members of the group SWAG (Sexy with A Goal) pose for a portrait as they socialize together at an annex of the AIDS Service Center of New York City (ASC/NYC) in New York City's East Villagethey cannot see… and ears but they cannot hear.  Until God removes the blinders and they step into his marvelous light… then they will come to see and understand how they were deceived.  It happened to me.  I know first-hand.  And I thank the Lord for Saving me… but it might not have happened if the church where God lead me had realized who I was at the time and what kind of spirit had a hold of 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverme.

The problem is many churches… particularly African American churches chase out gay people… when God has called them in.  The Bible says that faith black_gay_here-360x240comes through hearing… and then it says ‘with love and kindness have I drawn thee.’  We must show love and compassion in our churches… and stop acting like none of us were ever in sin, or may still be as the case usually is.

Most church people won’t even testify about what God Saved them from.  But God did not give us a testimony for us to keep it to ourselves.   It is of 1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_nnone effect if we keep what God has done for us to ourselves.  It is to us His glory for us to share it.

me resized...I am thankful that God brought me out of lesbianism… and I will share it everywhere I go… along with all of His other goodness to me.  I am not shame that God lifted me up… and now I walk in liberty.

Well, God bless…. I’ve got to get busy now and do what I really came into this computer lab to do.  I said a bit more in this blog than I intended to.  Hope it is a blessing to you…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2014

37 comments April 15, 2014


Ever since reading the caption under this little girl’s picture on a posting on my Facebook page… I have been haunted by her eyes.eyes of little girl 2

But as I looked at her face it seemed to tell a story… of much sadness… weariness… and age.  She looked tired and older that her physical years… like an old woman.  A young face but so old.

I think what impacted me ever so much about this story is the fact that she was homeless with her mother… and I guess other siblings… living in a shelter.

Living in a shelter???



In America????0

Little children living in a shelter???

It is not that I am naive.  Because many years ago as I happened to be crossing a busy Manhattan street down near Macy’s… walking towards me was a woman pushing a baby carriage and a couple of other children along side of her.  But from the moment my eyes fell upon them walking towards me… as we were both going in opposite directions….  I could tell that that woman was homeless and her children too.  So, I have seen it… though you don’t often hear about it.  It is something that is hard not to notice when you see it.

I do not think that little children should be allowed to live in shelters… no matter what.  It is 1 thing for parents to have to go.  But I do not think children should be made to suffer that kind of experience when they had nothing to do with whatever circumstance fell upon their parent and/or parents.  Though some might argue that it is because of their children that they are in the state that they are in.  But children do not bring about poverty.  It is brought about by relisha 91395692232-kqHF--606x404@wp.compeople who are not prepared to deal responsibly with their charge of caring for themselves.   Part of taking care of ourselves is also being able to take care of our children decently.  This is why we have be educated… work… and endeavor to provide even when times get hard.

Perhaps, I am not realistic.  I am not talking about pulling up your own bootstraps.  I’m talking about adulthood takes preparation and serious determination for a successful life.  And we can do that only by advancing ourselves… studying… improving our skills… get into training positions… and endeavoring to move up.1395463719000-1395432912003-Relisha-4

The 1 thing I can still foremost remember about parents of old… they almost all wanted their children to have better lives than they did.  So, they worked to make that happened.    They struggled to make that Relisha 21395692291happened.  They saved to make that happened.  But there is a new parent of so-called parents… and everything appears to be more and more about them.

So, many of these young girls have killed off their children or attempted to kill off their children for the sank of some love interest… or because they were tired of being tied to their children… or whatever other excuse they may have had.  These people are having children without any paternal instinct in them at all.  I am not necessarily talking about Relisha’s mother… because I do not know her… nor do I know the situation that drove her to seek shelter with her children in a shelter.

Based upon the article a janitor working at the shelter where this little girl, Relisha Rudd, lived with her mother… a place where they have been living for the past 3 years.    The janitor befriended the mother who allowed him to take her daughter off… away from the shelter (on perhaps more than 1 occasion).

That was more than 3 weeks ago now… Relisha was never returned to the shelter… and it has since been discovered that the janitor killed his wife.  And then later somewhere… or where he killed his wife…  he took his own life.

And the story kind of ends there… except for the fact that they are searching for Relisha.

motel-slaying-missing-girlThe police are out searching for her the little 8 year older who was allowed by her mother to go off with 1 of the shelter janitors.   A 2nd grader who lived in an old Washington, DC deserted hospital turned into a shelter for families.  A news article said…  ‘place said to be filled with bedbugs and no playground.’  It probably smelled… and an overall feeling of complete destitution abounded there.

I cannot imagine what it is like to be forced to go live in a shelter.  It seems to be the last resort for those forced in that situation… next to just plain living on the street.  And many people chose living on the streets if they can… because I have heard them say that the shelters were not safe.

I don’t know this child’s mother.  But as a mother I would not ever have allowed my daughter big or small to go off with some man.  Sometimes when we sit in situations of desperation we might do anything… that under ordinary circumstances we might not allow.  I have no idea what could have been going through this mother’s mind.  relisha_rudd_kahlil_tatumThe first thought that would have come to me… was ‘why was this person so interested in my daughter?’

There are mothers who will turn their children over to people… because they have an interest in that person.  And the person’s interest in their child gets them attention from that person… because of their interest in the child.

I once knew a mother who used her children like that.  Not being worldly I really didn’t really know what was going on at the WRC_0000000005929223_1200x675_209561667846time… it is over a period of years that I now realize what I had been seeing.

This woman had a very attractive young daughter who she used to take to the club with her… a lesbian hang out.  An older lesbian woman… much older lesbian woman became interested in the woman’s daughter… who at the time may have been 12 or 14.  I am not sure as I did not know the family at the time.  I can only bear witness to what I saw when I came to meet them.

The older woman was about in her 40’s … approaching 50  at the time she took up becoming involved with the woman’s daughter.  This meant obviously perks for the mother and the daughter.  At some point the young girl started living with the older woman…  I met the daughter when she had moved back into her mother’s house… by this time the girl had developed her own mind and didn’t just want the older woman but wanted to play around with other woman… young girls etc.   She was exceedingly pretty… and knew it… everybody was chasing her.    The old woman truly cared for her and bought her everything the young girl wanted… clothes and everything she owned…  even after the young girl moved out and went back to her mother’s house.  And that young girl was very well relisha-collagedressed from head to toe.

When I met them their lives were different from what I was accustom to.  The mother’s house seemed like Madison Square Garden to me… or Penn Station.  People were coming and going from the mother’s house all night long.  It was like the local drop in center.   It was not until later that I noticed 1 of the younger sons answering the door… which usually was unlocked and people just walked in.  But the young boy sold the person some drugs.  I was taken aback by it.  I had never seen such a thing before… and a young kid doing it.  He was probably all of 9 or 10 at the time.

I was clearly out of my element at the time… way out of it.  But going back to the young girl who at the time I met her… I thought she was 17 or 18…  later I came to find out she was only 15.  But thing was when you entered her mother’s house and then stepped into her room it was like stepping into another world.  Her room was like night and day to her mother’s house… because of how that older woman cared for her… by that I mean ‘took care of her.’  She had everything in her room… she never had to leave it.  She had a refrigerator… and I don’t know what else now.  Can’t remember…  all I remember is the 063011-news-opinion-ny-gay-marriageremodeling-tips-for-studio-apartmentshocked I had when I stepped in the young girl’s room in her mother’s house.

I had seen nothing like it.  She was well taken care of by the older woman… who obviously was so attached to her that she did not mind sharing her with other people… if that was the only way she could keep her.   It was wired…  but the young girl was not the only child of the mother that the mother let people take and do what they wanted.  She had a son… I could tell that the young boy… younger than his sister was obviously gay.  But the mother had a border living in her house.  And the 1 time that I visited their home the young boy and the young man who boarded their were having an African-american-pregnant-mom-300x199argument and sounded like husband and wife.

I never went back to that woman’s house again it was too weird for me.  But I felt sorry for her children… all of them.  So, I would take them out trying to expose them to things that most little children usually do.  I drove them 1 day to the beach… can’t think of what else it has been so long.  But I cannot rationalize how any mother could exploit her children as that woman.  The girl’s mother liked me which is why she invited me to her house.  But their way of living was so foreign to me that I rarely ever went back to that house.  Mother knew that my eye was on her daughter which is why she invited to their house…  but when I found out her daughter’s real age…  there was a boundary that I could not cross and didn’t.  But I got to see a side of life I might not have ever otherwise… a dark side… a side where anything goes… and everything is alright if you show me some attention too.  That I think is how that young girl’s mother thought.

eyes of little girl 2I do know that being homeless works on many people mind… and they become unglued.  They loose it mentally.  One can hardly blame them as the burden of 1395442389000-missing2homelessness must be so great… that it could tear most of us to pieces just thinking about it.

When I think of homelessness I often think of the lady who I used to pass everyday when I walked through the tunnel from the World Trade Center to the subway train going home or heading to someplace in Manhattan or going to Jersey.

She sat quietly on a large run to the left side of the wall between the Path and the ‘A’ train.  I have always wondered whether or not she made it Mugshot-backgroundout on the day that the airplanes flew into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, on 9/11.  But much like this young girl, Relisha…  memories of that woman many times haunted me.  I often wondered if there was something that I could do for her?

How the elderly woman became homeless I do not know.  She appeared to be very proud.  I once stopped to offer some food and she became very angry at me telling me she did not want it.  And she meant it… as she became very angry and I realized then that I had offended her by offering my food to her.

There is so much happening to young children today.  Every time you finish reading 1 story that is haunting and detestable to you… there pops up another even worst.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

It would be my hope that Relisha is found unharmed… but the likelihood of that is bleak.  Perhaps it was conviction of his own conscious that had her kidnapper take his relisha-rudd-missing-poster-536x379own life.

The story was sad enough just reading that she… this beautiful little child was living in a shelter.

I cannot imagine how many other children are living in shelters around this country or in this world.

Sometimes we get so caught up in the joys of our own lives… that we totally forget or are obvious to all the sadness that is in this world.  And there is much sadness in this world… whether it touches us personally or not.  But we should all be touched images…or moved by it to try to help or make a difference in the lives of others less fortunate than we… somehow….

me resized...Just saw while looking info on this story that Mickey Rooney has passed.  There was hardly a Saturday afternoon that Mickey was not in some movie on our television.  I guess I could call him 1 of Saturday friends… just like Shirley (Temple) and Tarzan….1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_n

Mickey was 93….

Since writing what I did above about Relisha Rudd the 8 year missing in Washington, DC… and though no one is saying it… thought to be dead… as they have on camera Relisha’s kidnapper purchasing large trash bags and buying lye.  Meaning he… if he did… killed her put her body into a trash bag and buried her pouring the lye all over her body to dissolve her away.  My, Lord…

I watched the video below where the mother speaks… and truthfully speaking you can tell the mother has problems.  She appears to be slow… if you know what that 3413161_Gmeans.  She says she allowed the man… the kidnapped to take her because he did not seem to be the type of person who would do anything like that.  Many times it is exactly the people who appear ‘not’ to be ‘the type’... who are ‘the type.’  It is part of what gives them 0324-new-relisha-ruddthe thrill of doing whatever evil they do… because they know no one would believe ‘they would do something like that.’  I have never once heard a news items where someone was discovered committing heinous crimes or mass whatever’s where no one said ‘he just didn’t seem like that kind of guy.’

I would have to believe that this man may have had an obsession for little girls.  Many men do.  R. Kelly is not the only 1… or all by himself.  One thing that has aided in this kind of thing is the law becoming extremely lax when it comes to filing cases against men or boys… teenage or otherwise… who indulge in having sex with under age young girls.eyes of little girl 2

Once I read a news article about a little 12 year old girl who had to be separated from her 17 year old brother.  The 12 year old was pregnant by him… and she was head over heels in love with her brother who obviously had been having sexual relations with his little sister for many years.  The young girl was so attached to him sexually 337436that they had to remove her from him via court order for them to stay away from each other.  At 12 and having grown up being abused by her brother… I doubt that the eyes 2young girl really understood the breath or the width of that order… or why it was being enacted.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul.  When I first looked upon this young girl’s picture all I really noticed were her eyes… and the sadness within them.  She looked old… worn… and had traveled many miles….

I posted a picture of her on my Facebook page and here is 1 of the comments I got concerning it… or this story…

article-2596629-1CA250FE00000578-536_306x423Myra: This case makes me sick!!! The police should be concentrating on her family!! The last video shown of her was dated 2/28/14 shows her with the man in hallway of hotel wearing pink boots then last week the news reporter was interviewing the child’s grandmother and she shows the pink boots. She was last seen 3/1 so how did the grandmother get the boots?? The school reported her missing 3/19/14 not even her mother reported her missing!!! Then his wife’s body was found eyes of little girl 23/20/14 so she knew too that’s why he killed her! The the coward kills himself without disclosing where she is! Somebody knows and needs to come forward’! Sickening

We must work to save the children… from despair… from homelessness… from abuse… from people who really can’t care for them or protect them properly…

Well, God bless…. its getting late and I am getting hungry.  I’m supposed to be working on another project for client.  And here I am writing this… but it was on my mind.   Enjoy your day and the rest of this week… and I think Spring is really in the air this time.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2014


Add a comment April 8, 2014


I have been trying to find the time to get around to writing this blog ever since I heard the latest on the 090313-national-dexter-king-bernice-king-martin-luther-king-IIIdispute between the King siblings.

What bothered me the most was that everyone seemingly is coming down on Bernice King, the youngest of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s children, over this latest controversy in her family amongst her and her brothers.

nobel-peace-prizeLooking at the pictures it appears that Martin L. King, III has jumped ship.  At one point it had been him and Bernice against Dexter King, their baby brother.  Dexter and Martin 3 want to take out of the hands of Bernice their father’s traveling Bible, and what has to be any families most valued treasure if we could all get 1… Dr. King’s Nobel Peace Prize medal.

Who in their right mind would dare part with these 2 things?

There are just some things you simply cannot put a price tag on.

Perhaps, some down and out someone or other might think differently.  Or just some plain greedy kids… out to liquidate everything they can get their grubby little hands on of their mother’s and father’s estate.

Is it not enough that the court ordered Bernice to surrender to Dexter personal cards and letters written obama-hand-on-bibleto their mother by their father… items that Mrs. King had personal given to her youngest daughter?

Now, here comes Dexter again… and this time Martin 3 is with him.  They are in the boat together to snatch out of their sister’s hands their father’s Bible (the Bible that President Barack Obama placed his hand upon when he took his oath for his 2nd term in the White House) and Dr. King’s Nobel Peace Prize.

How low can you go, Dexter and Martin 3?

Unless you have been there you will never understand how hard it is to stand when everyone around is Dexter-Coretta-Bernice-Martin-III-013106-SFTA1-300x232grabbing for what they can get… and all you can think of  ‘my parent’s are gone.’  Dealing with loss can be very difficult.  And especially when the responsibility somehow falls upon you… be it a sense of duty or whatever…  but you are the one who ends up trying to maintain what you see as what your parent’s desire would be.

I clearly understand Bernice King and her decision to try to keep her bbe5a030398f11054b0f6a706700a12cbrothers from selling off every piece of their family legacy to the highest bidder.

And why should she?

We have all heard of down and out athletes and actors selling off their championship rings or Academy awards… when left with no other options.  But this is something else.  It is just pure and simple greed driving Dexter boy and his older and brother, Martin #3.

It is always very unfortunate when the value of your things winds up meaning more to your children than you… or what your desires would be… or the remembrance of you… or in this case have a higher cost than the King legacy and remembrance of their mother and father to some of

Bernice King has every right to try to hold onto the precious memories and legacy of Bernice King1_0both her mother and father, without having gifts which her mother gave to her… entrusted her with …being lost to a couple of greedy brothers who care nothing about the King legacy, or even how bad they are making their family and themselves looked by forcing the hand of their baby sister in this matter.Andrew-Young-Jr-9539326-1-402

I heard an interview where Andrew Young, a man who I thought used to be a King family friend, commented on this matter by merely snickering at it and saying, “They sue too much.”

You know what Mr. Young?

Dexter-Scott-King-Rev-Ber-001When you have to take somebody to court ….or they want to take you to court.  Baby, you better learn how to fight.  Cause if you don’t learn how to swing back… then just crawl into a hole and pull some grass over you and die.Bernice King

Thank goodness Bernice has not decided to die.  When you honor your mother and father, and their memory… you don’t try to sell off precious things that belonged to them, because you cherish them.  Those things were a part of them… and they should remain in the King family to get pass down.  Many people today can’t even put their hands on old family pictures or 8mm films that may have been taken of them as children.  Because somebody in their family grabbed them all up and years later discarded them… or they somehow got lost.

tumblr_lwh2lzzt8f1qa7boko1_500I long for a picture my mother had taken of me and my sister many years ago.  We were just young children then.  My sister took my parent’s picture and cut it up throwing away my half of that picture while keeping herself.  Today not even that part exist.  There had been other copies of that picture which my mother had sent to various relatives, but I have never been able to track not 1 down….or put my hands on them some 50 or more years later because they too were probably destroyed.

The problemdexterking in this story is one of greed.  Dexter boy has been selling off everything… every piece of the King family estate he can since the passing of their mother… down to making the Federal government pay him for the use of his father’s image and likeness in the creation of his dexave2monument in Washington, D.C..  One would have thought that the honor and recognition given to his father in the creation of the Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. monument in D.C. would have filled him with joy.  That he would have been eager for the King family to assist anyway it could.  But no…  imgresnot Dexter.  He saw it as a money-making opportunity and milked the creation and erection of a monument to his father for every dime he could get out of it… including forcing them to pay for the use of any of Dr. King’s quotes.

[LISTEN] Bernice King Sets Record Straight on the King Family Feud

large_mlkchildren1Why anyone would want to throw stones at Bernice King for standing up to her brothers in their pursuit to sell off what has to be two of the most valued possessions of both their mother and father, Dr. King’s Bible and Nobel Peace Prize… is crazy.  Clearly, those people do not know the whole story. king-children But it has always been my experience to know that it is usually the good person… the person who is trying to do the right thing… the one who is innocent of trying to do wrong that gets blamed for starting the whole thing and is singled out as the culprit in the eyes of almost everyone looking in on matters like this.  I have been there… and in many ways I still am.  Trust me me I know.

So, yes… I side with Bernice King.  I cheer you on Bernice King.  Do not give up the fight.  Fight the The Rev. Bernice Kingfight… it is well worth fighting.  And I pray you God speed and victory in this matter.  As there are some things you just do not sell off… like your birth right.  And the right of any 3rd or 4th generation King’s etc. to not have to go to a library or museum to see an award presented to their grand-father or great great grand-father, because his kids sold off everything.  Some things really are too sacred.

And I also pray for a changed mind and heart of both Dexter King and Martin #3.

In regards to Martin #3… I have no respect for him.

mlk-and-wifeI recall going into court trying to fight for my father.  I went in thinking that 2 of my other siblings were on my side.  That is what they pretended… that is until we got before the Judge.  When we got before the Judge they said nothing.  They offered nothing not 1 agreement to anything to what I was saying.  I was left out there all alone trying to fight for our father to be returned home, and they said nothing.  I later came to realized they never wanted daddy back home in the first place.  The house was divided and everybody had grabbed what they wanted.   My father’s house had been invaded and taken over… and daddy was forced out of his own property. A fact I never knew until some time after that court hearing.

It is amazing how quickly we can forget all the sacrifices and all the good times… and how much our parents poured into us.  If Dr. King had not struggled…  if he had not kingbmarched… if he not sacrificed his life… what would they have to fight over?

What would we all have to celebrate?

The car… the family house… everything that every family at the end is forced to fight over… I suspect they might have fought over that.  Because there will always be at least 1 who sees a bigger picture than just self and…  and thank God for that.  They see more than what they can get out of the passing of supposed love ones.  Always 1…  and it appears that Bernice King is the 1.   And yes… I stand with her.

On another note on the King family.  Dexter has gotten married.  This is really not new news.  But I Leah_Weber_Kingknow it is not mentioned or talked about but if the truth be told… Dexter is really not the marrying kind.  Everything for him is show.   His wife is a supposed ex-lesbian.  f04e0398b098336804e278c0f5f44490But I have known people who were gay who married with each 1 doing their own thing.

When I first encountered this it was a couple of the weirdest 2 people I had ever met.   The guy was flamingly gay… and between them they did have a child.  I really don’t know how she managed it?

But I figured out that they had been great friends and this is what laid the foundation for them agreeing to get together as husband and wife.

I also remember when once a lover of mine had been offered quite a considerable about of money from a man, who at the time was a boss of mine (he owned the radio station).  His son was very very gay and t2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverhe father wanted a grand child… an heir or something I guess.  So, he proposed an offer to my girlfriend of this substantial amount of money to marry his 1 and only childme resized..., this gay son.   And no she did not do it… as it was totally out of the question.  But the point here is… is that there are some people who will do anything in order to have their gay children reform… get married… have children… even if it means they will not give them or leave them a dime unless they do.  Then there are some people who get married for various other reasons… other than love.   It’s called a ‘marriage or convenience.’

Well, God bless… it has been snowing… snowing…  And I have been out shoveling… shoveling…   I 1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_nhope you have been keeping warm and dry.

I must say though… that all this snow is beautiful.

If you are out there in the snow please remember safety rules.  Drive with care and caution in the snow and ice.  Apply brakes when riding on icy roadways lightly… come to a nice and easy stop by slowing up.  Do not slam on your brakes… it will send your car sliding out of control.

I like this little cartoon  thing that one of my friends made.  I makes me laugh every time I look at it.article-0-1B2C2484000005DC-402_308x425

blackhistorymonthGuess I’m moving a little bit too fast.  I had all but forgotten about it being BLACK HISTORY MONTH.  So, in celebration of Black History Month let me just quick tell you about a young lady in England.  The youngest person to ever become a barrister (that is practicing lawyer in their terms).  Her name is Gabrielle Turnquest.  She is from the States, Florida to be exact… and she is just 18 years old.  Amazing.  To be young gifted and black… is definitely where it is at.


shirley-temple-young__140211120835And let me not forget that this week Shirley Temple passed  (Shirley Temple Black) at age 85.  I cannot begin to tell you the countless Saturdays I spent watching Shirley Temple dance and sing her way down long stair steps… or try to cheer up a friend.  She was more than just a favorite… Shirley was my friend.,0,3833749.column,,20787230,00.html

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2014

Add a comment February 15, 2014


Just in from our Holy Convocation I must say that I feel refreshed and excited about the things of slide-hc2013-21the Lord.  Though in looking around and seeing so many old Bishops and Preachers with young wives and girlfriends… it is hard to believe that the Church has taken such a backward turn.  For the most part all I can see is that this new branch or bunch of women that these men have taken up with bring to the table is sex appeal.  What happened to man in leadership wanting a wife who could add to his ministry…and not just be something on his arm?We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration At The Lincoln Memorial

Thank goodness our President didn’t think like some of these Preachers here at this convention.  Though I guess you could say that Barack Obama was smart enough to get the best of both worlds… beauty plus smarts.  But for some of men of the clothe smarts does not seem to be what they are after these days.

I hate to say it… but some of the young ladies which frequent these conventions are so hot to trout and come in dressed like they headed for the party… and are out looking for whatever old man they can entice.

I saw 1 couple that when they approached me I would never have guessed that they were even together …not at all… until the young woman called the much shorter man… very wide in stature man…  older and seemed easily 58C5EE2F3E055E29457A8641BD6C7_h400_w300_m2_bblack_q99_p99_cJqmqsnSjtired man and out of breath man–   Well, I would never have guess that they were together until she called him ‘baby.’   In hearing that my neck almost snapped as my head quickly jerked back in their direction.  I just would not have put those two people together …no way… and no how.  But they were.  Guess he had money… a big church or something.

It’s funny also because in a way 1 could say that that television show Book_of_NehemiahPREACHERS OF LA…  is timely in a not so funny way.  It certainly does not feature such things.  Well, maybe it does…but they haven’t got to that part yet… if they get to it at all.  And that is Bishop Noel Jones and how he impregnanted a much younger woman.

That show also sadly portrays a direction in which the Church is moving… more away from God and more towards the world.

When reflecting upon Biblical text… you might even say that it is scriptural.  Meaning you can find the same thing being done back then in olden times in the Bible.  It happened throughout scripture, in fact, that God’s people continually kept moving away from Him.

When you go back to the book of Nehemiah you find that there are some Priests, as well as, many of the preachers-of-la-620x402-300x194people who have married outside of the Israelite nation.  God told them not to either go in to them or to allow them in to them… or their sons or daughters to go into the women or men of the other nations of the land.  But all through the scriptures you find that God’s chosen people polluted themselves by disobeying the commandment of God to keep their bloodline pure.  They married into other races and religious groups… got into idolatry… and it was to their doom.

In the Preachers of LA the relationship of Deitrick Haddon and the young lady who had his child… deitrick-haddon-pastors-of-la-reality-show-the-jasmine-brand-595x433can clearly be classified as an unholy union.  Haddon had carried on a sexual relationship outside of his marriage… to which throughout the course of the television show Haddon proclaims, as a mere justification for his unholy actions… that he is a man.  As if all men have a legal right and obligation to go out and do whatever they want to… with whom or whatever they want to do it with… because they are men.


Show me that in scripture.

As someone who wants to proclaim himself to be a Pastor/Minister… clearly Haddon must know that such talk or understanding clearly goes against all Biblical scripture and cannot be justified by any means… outside of 1 merely proclaiming, ‘I was weak and I pray the Lord forgives me.’  Something which is not anything that Deitrick Haddon has dared to say or announced to have ever said.

loretta_bishopjonesIn the case of Noel Jones it is highly unlikely that any woman… with any kind of brains under her capbishop-noel-jones would be with any man for 16 years and he not marry her.  Also, no woman in her right mind would be with a man for some 16 years and still be with him… if he had gone outside of their relationship and fathered a baby with some young girl as Noel Jones has done… and there has been no mention of ithat at any time in their conversations on that Preacher show.  And no self-respecting woman would continue to play like a fool for 16 long years with any man who seemed to be so uncaring and lacking emotionally towards her, as Noel Jones to that woman, Loretta, in the show Preachers of LA.

Not unless…   Well, not unless he is taking care of her REAL good…

I do not watch the show after finally happening to see the original first episode of it.  Not much is really said about the show…among church people.  But while at the Convocation 1 night for some reason that network that carries the show kept re-running the same show over and over again.  So, I finally did see another episode and it over and over again.   And I did not change my opinion on the show one iota as being garbage.

ron-gibsonWhile at the Convocation my path and that of Ron Gibson’s did happen to cross… and it was all I could do to contain myself and hold my tongue, and not tell the man what garbage I thought the show was.

Preachers of LA validates everything that people who are against the church  already say and feel is wrong with the Church.  That show leads people to believe that all Preachers are scheming and trying to get rich off of their congregations… which is not totally true.  Though there are some clearly who this is all that are about.

The show also portrays that Pastors are not really actively in the business of Saving or winning souls from the pitfall of sin.  But they are getting rich,  ascertaining prestige and messing with women.  Which could very well be true depending upon where you go to Church… and who your Pastor is.

Now, in the case of Ron Gibson… he shows us his down and out sister who has been 30 years dealing withXNPLA13104H 07070-550x321 addiction.  Something that he says he brought into his family’s house when he became involved in gang life and drugs as a young man.  But to me it was odd how publicly he decided to show up his sister as a drug addict with himself as her crusader, coming in to save the day and help her.

After 30 years??

He does this now?

I only wondered why he had not tried to help her before the cameras started rolling… and why he felt comfortable doing so while the cameras were on him… making himself appear to be doing this great thing.bishopron_ep4  Wouldn’t it have been great that he had been helping her before to kick that habit?

But we never heard that testimony when this is business he’s supposed to be in for everybody and anybody, who needs him to come to them and help them to overcome the demons in their lives.

Another observation I have of Bishop Ron Gibson… is the fact that he claims he is no longer involved in gang activity, yet he sits before the TV camera wearing gang colors and clothing… like a Blood.  I don’t know if anybody else has caught that… outside of maybe those in gangs.  But I can’t help but wonder about how much ‘out of gang life’ Ron Gibson really is?

Then while I was in the hotel at the Convocation I also caught a commercial a couple of times about 15faith1_t607some black church… another new reality TV show.  Boy, are really zooming in on us.  This show is about where they help you straighten out your Church some kind of way.  What happened to prayer and simplification?

What is it about Black Churches that everybody is throwing our religious institutions to the dogs?

Well, maybe not everybody… but we ourselves.

It appears that our churches are all messed up.  and it appears that we are willing to sell our churches, congregations, worship, songs, music, and sanctuary services etc. off for a dollar.

That which was sacred… is sacred no more.  We can barely recognize the Church any more… and in mbcogic7_t607some Churches neither can we recognize what used to be regular Church services.  There is nothing regular about it any more in so many of these new Church under many new young men stepping into leadership.  Some of these younger Pastors have a new-skool philosophy on how service should be held… and how to bring in more numbers of people.  They have removed the podium…the altar and everything else that remotely looks like the inside of a church.

stage_set_rental_custom_rent_concert_platform_rendering_good_black_325In some of these newer Churches with young Pastors the congregation stands for the entire time like they are at some type of rally.  They jumping up and down like they are at a concert… because for them the service has pretty much turned into an event similar to listening to a concert performance, for the whole entire time, rather than a Bible teaching or preaching orderly service.  And many Church pulpits have been transformed into performing stages complete with flashing lights, and everything like that found in a club, used to seduce and entice people psychedelically.

In all this has the Church lost sight… or is loosing sight of holiness?Physician's stethoscope rests on a large, used Bible with copy space above

Has the Church forgotten how to reverence the Lord and His house… and His Holy Word?

If the Church becomes the new club or dance hall where will the Saved folk go?

A new norm is overtaking the Church and that is to not to resist the devil but to use his methods and tools… supposedly in the name of God.  So, along comes these shows such as Preachers of LA and everything else which diminishes what worship really is… what real Church service is about… what going to Church is me resized...2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverreally so supposed to be about… and more importantly how to reverence God’s sanctuary… and the things of Him.

When I came in I knew I had to write a blog today… but I did not know what I was going to write on.  Guess I found a subject…

Well, God bless… it is nearly the weekend.  It is about as close as you can get to it without being in the weekend, I guess.  1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_nAnd I am starting to get sleepy so I’m on to end now.

I had gotten an early morning call and now I’m feeling like it is time for me to go and lay down.  So, enjoy the rest of your day.  And if I fail to post another blog between now and Thanksgiving… thanksgiving-dinnerenjoy it anyhow…

A friend did this animation of me and her having lunch today.  I though it cute and decided to share it with you.  And as you can see… I really am a real person.  So much so that someone decided to draw me.   : )

Before I jet out of here though let me say that sometimes we should really look deeper into some of these Sheep-without-a-Shepherdsituations happening in many of our Churches today.  We see on YouTube where some woman punched the Pastor… all the time I want you to know that some of these people make you so frustrated with wrong doing that in the heat of a moment ‘yes’ somebody might loose it.

The Bible says that the Pastors have scattered His sheep.  And I do not think we see this happening more and more and more than today.  Sad but true.  I wish I could tell you some things right 1465214_10152443370023228_1376606627_nnow… but they are coming.  And what a tell to tell…

There is so much going on in the Church that it would make your head spin.

And 1 more quick caption before closing…   Just can’t believe my home-girl, Chirlane McCray is the First Lady of New York City.  It is soooooo amazing… and I am very very very happy for her.  Fantastic person… truly…  I know that together they are going to do much needed good for New York City.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

2 comments November 21, 2013

ELMO and MORE…continuation of PASTOR’S OF LA my take on it…

‘Awh, come on, Bern.  Where have you been?”3879ff4ef0522baecc3821cbfd2083bc

A friend recently ask me shocked, as we were engaging in a conversation via the telephone around a variety of subjects.  When some how or other the conversation fell upon poor little ole Elmo.

“You mean you haven’t heard?” my friend continued.

elmo-toymaker-hasbro-responds-to-underage-sex-scandal-surrounding-the-kids-characterThen she commenced to ask me where I had been for the last year, as she claimed that the story surrounding Elmo had been a big 1.  Evidently, I had not been reading much by way of the news because when I looked it up on Google… I found that my friend had been right.  It had been a big story.  A story of sex… underage boys and a Sesame Street employee.

It  had to have been a very big and alarming  surprising shock to the world of children… and their parents I am sure.  Elmo was being sued.  Well, not Elmo to be exact… but the man who had… or as my friend claimed to have been the creator of Elmo.  I don’t know if he had been the creator of Elmo… but for the last 30 or so years, which I guess had been about as long as the period that my son last watched thatScreenShot2012-11-21at83925PM show… being that he is now some 30 years old himself.   The man had been the voice of the Sesame Street puppet named Elmo.  A man by the name of Kevin Clash.

She said the guy was into young boys who were of mixed races, Hispanic and who had long flowing hair.

In Googling some pictures of the guy, here again my friend seemed to be correct.  He did like boys about 15 or so years of age… with their hair a certain kind of way.

I have to say, “Where had I been when this story broke?”

With the popularity of Elmo around the world…Stephens-Clash-e1353352704697 it really had to be a bit of a big shock to hear and then to read this story.  And to see pictures of the boys… suing the man.

I totally dislike stories like this… news items about people who prey upon people… destroying young lives …and particular the lives of children… even seniors… or those who suffer from some sort of mental diminished capacity.  Or preying upon anyone in general.

In reading over the news articles on the internet all I could think of were those past Christmas commercials regarding Elmo products… in particular the tickle me Elmo doll.  Elmo seemed for some reason to have 13293_1348140085captivated both the hearts of children and adults alike… and over time has become quite popular.

I thought of Melissa, a young school teacher friend of mine… whose email address was ‘Elmo something something’ or other.  Can’t remember exactly what… which is why I have not been able to email Melissa for quite some time now.  But she utterly loved Elmo.

I wonder how she feels now?

Well, I kind of know exactly how she feels… very much like me.  But I never was into Elmo… so, I suspect that she has dropped any association with Elmo now.  Though I must say… it really wasn’t Elmo’s fault.

But in case you never heard the story either.   Sesame Street dropped the guy… Kelvin Clash… and the 4 law suits that had been issued against him by varying parties… were I guess… based upon some of the articles I read on story were dropped due to the statue of web_ElmoAccuserlimitations.  Though at least 1 of the articles I read said that 1 of the 4 boys… young men at this time… was paid off in a settlement $125,000.

Shame that for the most part they had no real legal recourse due to the law of the statues of limitation.  Tragedies that happen in your life never go away.   Ruining kids lives should never have a statue of limitations put upon them to prohibit them from coming back to seek damages, for things done to them to destroy their lives… as most kids try to forget those kinds of things.  And during the time of the abuse children do not know anything about having a ‘legal recourse’ against perpetrators… or any laws that would protect them… though nothing can really protect them from such people.   And for many it totally messes with their physique as to who they really are… and brings about conflicts in sexual identity.

Of 1 thing I am sure of… child abuse ruins lives… future relationships… dreams…  and a sense of security and/or self-confidence and self-worth that children growing into adults may or may ever have.

Now, on to the Oxygen network TV reality show called Pastors of LA… another conversation that me and my Clarence-McClendon-Bentley-Pastors-of-LA-False-Teachers-Word-of-Faith-Heresy-e1373105724778friend hit upon the other day while speaking on the phone.

She told me snickering into the phone, ‘Bern, I watched it four times.’


That is my

Yes, I finally caught it…. episode #1 on on-demand I saw it yesterday evening.  And they will not have to worry about me having a desire to see another episode.

I had wondered why it was when I went up on YouTube to see some video reviews of the show… I had found so few of them?  As a rule the people who watch these shows like throwing a camera… or their cell phone up on themselves while they give play by play comments on the shows.  But not so with this show.

Now I know why.  The show actually really is not worth talking about.  And I too have to admit… like Bishop T. D. Jakes… that the show to be ‘junk.’   Absolutely and completely…  pure ‘junk.’

It lacks any real reason for even being on TV outside of destroying what the Church is supposed to be really all about.deitrick-haddon-pastors-of-la-reality-show-the-jasmine-brand-595x433  It makes leadership in the Church look bad and in particular… leadership in the Black Church.

People in the secular world already have a tainted view of Church and of most people in the Church… particularly when it comes to so-called Pastors.  Now this show only fuels those mis-perceptions.

If ever you want the Black Church shown in a bad light… then 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverwatch the Black Pastors of LA.  They will do it for you… bound to keep the captives bound… and sinners laughing.

Now what I am going to discuss next my friend, Linda and I did not discuss this story… however,  as I just happened to come across it just now.  But it struck a nerve so I decided to post it.

Somebody said to me…. ‘You know black people are starting to commit the same kind of crimes as white people.’   It was my cousin… now that I think back on it who said this to me just this week during a phone conversation I happened to have had with him.

If you are white please do not take offense… none intended.  This is, however, how we talk among ourselves… as I am sure you talk  among resized...

But it is true that there were certain type of crimes which black people never ever used to commit… least ways that was the perception.  In fact, when we heard that such and such type of crimes had been committed, such as mass murders… or people being buried in walls… or serial killings…etc… we often knew immediately that it could not have been a black person.  Least ways that is what we thought…. but very rapidly this has all changed.  We are becoming as guilty of committing crimes such as bondage… killing people and putting them in walls or floors (and still be living in the house) as everybody else …etc.

So, of course, this story would leap out at me… as almost all the other stories of teachers indulging in sex with jamila-love-williams-teacher-grand-rapidstheir underage students… as far as I had read… were all white women.  And now… here comes this story.  A black woman… a math teacher… she had been carrying on sexual relations with under age boy students in the school she taught in, in Michigan.

Though as I begin to remember some things… I remember a young college student… a friend of mine… who had been involved with her high school counselor.  She had been under age when the relationship started… and it went on and on through her years in college… and I guess afterwards.  And they were both black.n-JAMILA-LOVE-WILLIAMS-large

So, I guess maybe the story of a black woman being charged with committing such a crime really should neither be a surprise nor a shock to me.  And certainly not something that I thought only happened along other color lines.

I guess we are all guilty of narrow thinking.  So, I must apologize for my narrow thinking in this  …and perhaps many other areas in my life.  It is ignorant to assume that only certain people do certain things.  It is absolutely not true… and my remember of my college friend and her sexual relationship with her high school counselor certainly proves it.  And I think that relationship messed up her entire life.

african-american-woman-datingThe girl was absolutely beautiful in her youth… not that she looks bad now.  But her youth is gone.   And that man eat it up.

I often think that if any of us should have been married… it should have been her.  But it never happened for her.  And I think it was or is because she wasted all her valuable time on a loosing proposition… a rat.   Her formative years were spent hanging on a string… of  a worthless predator who stole that part of her life from her.

Well, God bless… hope you enjoy the rest of your week… and your soon to come weekend.  They had said rain… but it did not come.  Now, it is sunny and warm… beautiful.  And I am looking for the rain to come anySchoolboy Writing in Notebook minute now… as they say sunshine all weekend long.

In going back to the female math teacher above and her sex scandal… I don’t know what goes wrong.  But I do know that things go wrong in the mind of women.  And if carried out we would all be in prison.

But then even men could say the same.  The ‘thing’ is nothing short of demonic spirits… and if none of use are careful or prayed up… they can grab a hold of us all…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment October 17, 2013


In the past few weeks we have celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the March on images1Washington, 9/11 and who knows maybe the first time that America iam_00024441tgovernment will actually come to a complete halt… per the calamity of having the wrong people in office.

The Republican Party makes their boast of their history but 130919_ted_cruz1_mscottin recent past history and  by present deeds they leave much to be desired.  Many of them are so busy trying to align themselves for a possible Presidential bid that they will do anything to get their name and face out there… even if it makes them look and sound like a fool.

Now, having said that… along comes this guy called Senator Ted Cruz, of Texas… talking big and making bachmann_rectwaves, just as his recent past counter-parts had, namely people like Paul Ryan, Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann etc…etc… and that list goes on and on.

What the Palin, Bachmann, Ryan and Cruz’s and multiple others…. of those wanna-be’s have in common is a deep burning desire, that binges on lunacy to the point of self-destruct… because all they have in mind is… I just wanna be President of the United States… or I just want everybody to know my name, and hence,  receive some level of power or pull to sit on top of some big Capitol Hill committee.  So, they will obstruct… try todefund-obamacare undermine… destroy… disrupt… and yes, even threaten to bring to a halt everything on Capitol Hill and around the country… while they have a temper tantrum attempting to do it… or read children’s story books for hours while trying to hold up the workds (i.e.  Cruz)… or do whatever their ‘it’ is.

Where do these people come from?

Well, they were birth out of a joke many of them… this group of extremist Republicans.  A joke called the ‘Tea Party.’  They see themselves as self-made patriots… savers of America… slayers of the big government… and the restorers of our American way and values.  When in reality America is the last a_560x375thing that they have on their minds.

In essence they are just a bunch of wanna-be’s… spoiled brats who somebody… or maybe nobody… birth something in them that they could be the next Commander in Chief… President of the United States of America… el honcho grande.   Yes, that is how they see themselves… when in essence the real fact of the matter is… is that they are all a bunch of big time losers… with no more brains than a bag of rotten potatoes.

Or is that tomatoes?

I get so tired of these guys… and gals… who want to undermine Obama and everything that 8-7-13-Ted-Cruz-blogObama attempts to do… by taking aim at our government itself… to destroy it just in order to show Obama up.  They care about nothing but their supposed end game… get Obama… make Obama look bad… block Obama… attack Obama… etc… etc…

The problem here is that they are too dumb to realize that Obama is really smarter than they are.  Because you see they really do not see Obama as being smart at all… but just as somebody who got into the White House on a lark.  Hence, Romney’s inability to recover imagesfrom his stunning defeat following the announcement that he had lost the 2012 Presidential race to Obama.  They, Romney and his crew… were soooooo sure that President Obama would not make it back into the White House for a second term, that Romney had not even prepared a concession speech.  Now, that should tell you that these people, those against Obama… that they don’t see the world as it really it… but only as small as their very small little circles are.

Oh, sure they have money.  Some even have clout and lots of it… but they lack anything substantial upstairs.  They have no brains… but a whole lot of hot air.   And they operate only and solely upon their own selfish desires and highly inflated ambitions.

So, we sit here for the 3rd or 4th time awaiting a threat by the Republican Party to shut obama-immigration-1down the American government.


Because they hate Obamacare.  No, it is more like they hate Obama.

Did not Obamacare pass the Senate?

Yes, it did.

What is Obamacare…  THE AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE PLAN… for THE PATIENT PROTECTION AND AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE of everyone who really needs it.  If Obamacare is for the protection of patients rights…  from being over billed… from being forced out of hospitals when their medical plans run out… or for medical plans failing to cover various health issues or limiting health care to patients… should not a bill been put into place to help those who fall under the mercy of these hugeHAFA_CoverPhoto_Defund_201308 and powerful, and often times mercilessness medical insurers?

So, why would anyone be against it?

Because… and this answer is simple.  Because it was Obama who did it.  It was Obama who got it through the Congress and Senate… who turned the bill into law.  And then they… the Republicans began to call the Bill, Obamacare… and that is their real other issue.  It bares his name… they name they began calling it just as a means of irking Obama.   Oh, my…

Far be it that this medical plan should have to go through the hallow halls of history with the name of the President who did it… Barack Obamaobama1.  It is the first Bill ever passed that has ever bared a name of any President who signed it into legislation.  And it is is not that it really bares Obama’s name… not technically…  but as a ruthless joke that has turned on them.

Wherever, speaking about the Bill the Republicans began referring to it as Obamacare.  It was all meant to be poke at President Obama concerning something they vowed never to pass.  But it did pass… and the name of the Bill has stuck with it… as an initiative on the part of the President to bring affordable and caring medical care back into America.

Well, what would be wrong with that?

First of all he’s black… or dare I say it… African American.   Second, he’s the first black man to ever rise to such a position… a position as President of the United States, that many Republicans have come to consider as an easily achievable fete that anyone can now ascertain… based upon Obama having done it.  So, you see all these non-achievers stepping forward saying ‘I’m running for President.’  People who have no more desire to help or aid America or us, her people… the people who live here… than the man on the moon.  They only desire the title of President and Commander and Chief… and whatever that may bring to them.   They are a bunch of people willing to jump on the band wagon merely for the glory of it… and take that ride for a far as it brings them.

obamacare-nightmareThe thing they fail to see is that Obama cares.  He truly does. Barack Obama did not run for President of the United States merely for a title… or because he sought a position for fame and glory… but because he felt that our government was in trouble… which it was and still is… and that it needed someone who really cared about her people.  Hence, Obamacare 1 of the first steps in his initiative to revive America was birth.   But the Republicans are attempting to do anything and everything they can to wipe it away and any remembrance of it before it even goes into effect.  The ironic thing about it… it was them who gave that Bill Obama’s name.   And now that that that name has took… they want to do everything they can to un-do it… such an important Bill and it should bare a name that has stuck to it?

Everyone knows the Bill now as Obamacare because that is the name the Republicans gave it.  So, now the Republican rant and rave about the Bill… it cost to much… it hurts small businesses… it… it… it… it… like they, the Republicans… really care.

But Obama won’t be bullied.  So, shut it down… shut down the government, you Republicans.  You big… you bad… you do it.  But as you can see Obama is not backing up.  Cruz like Palin and everybody else who JORDAN-US-POLITICS-OBAMA-DIPLOMACYhas come up against him… or attempted to come up against President Obama… soon always find themselves fading away.  All the detractors and nay-Sayers… they soon fade away.

But it appears that every 15 minutes or so up pops a new 1… some new Republican thinking he or she can take on our President.   Trying to take President Barack Obama on is not nor has proven to be as easy for none of them… and certainly not as easy as they may have thought from the day Obama walked into office.  And in the end… and there is always an end… theirs and not Obama’s.  For they have all soon faded far far away off the radar… one right after another… gone.  Now, that should tell them something.

It is the cost of being too big for one’s pants… or better said… not knowing what size pants you really wear.  They have no idea of what it is to be respectful, when respect is due… and respect is something that always been allotted to all our other Presidents.  But for some reason they feel Obama does not deserve any.   But we are still, after all,  talking about the highest position in our government and the person sitting in that position… the President of this country… whether he be a black man or white… or Indian chief.   Obama deserves respect.   hospitalAnd no matter what they… those Republicans may think about him or say… he has not proven to be too shabby either… not shabby at all.

Being aduls we all sooner or later come to the realization that it is okay to disagree… but one does not have to be nasty or bitter in their disagreement.  Nor demeaning or out and out arrogant… something which many in the Republican Party have no understanding of.  Guess they have not fully grown up… and against their recent actions certainly prove that.  They  are so blinded by hate of President Obama that common courtesy …forget respect… fully and completely fails them.  And it fails them badly… to their own demise.  And this they continue to be trampled upon by Obama at every turn… because they can’t see how their own actions hurt them more than anything Obama can say or do to them.

I say… let us rally behind our President.


Because Obama is on our side.  It is really hard to believe that today hospitals kick people out because they run out of money.., or refuse to service you if your medical plan doesn’t cover a certain thing.  I me resized...remember when the medical business was about saving people’s lives and aiding in keeping them healthy and well… and never turning a back on them.  Obama remembers those days too… before it all became about big business and the bottom line… and making more money and more money.   Health and wellness should never be about that… otherwise it fails to do or serve its primary function, and that is to help sick and/or ailing people to be well.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverWell, God bless… well, it is Friday and it has looked like rain all day.  Burst of sun here and there… but I am surprise it has not rained yet, based upon how dark it has been.  It has turned a bit cool too.  I put on the heat because inside it is a lot cooler than outside.  And these old bones can’t take it… and have never been good at taking cold.  Well, hope you stay warm and enjoy your weekend.

UPDATE:  Thursday, October 2, 2013…. today is the 2nd day of the shutdown and no body is laughing.  Thousands have been laid off from their jobs… without pay and no idea as to when the Shutdown-thumbRepublican will grow up and throw in the towel.  But if they throw in the towel now… well, better now than later.  But if they throw in the towel now that they have managed to bring our government to a stretching halt they will look like the buffoons they truly are.

But, my goodness, to want to take down the whole government with you while you act like an idiot… really should be an issue addressed around this country during the next few elections.  VOTE REPUBLICANS OUT!

They are truly bad for this country… and so anti-American.

ethan-harris-a-government-shutdown-could-be-sustained-and-damagingI don’t blame President Obama for scratching his head… and wondering ‘How could they be so dumb and selfish?’

Continue to stand your ground, Mr. President.  And let know and see once and for all who they really dealing with.

Well, thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

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