September 15, 2016 bsmith101
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I just happened to be on youtube when I saw this video and decided to click on it to see what Juanita was preaching about… only to be a bit surprised by her new look… and since the video was just uploaded a few days ago it is very much a ‘new look’ for her.   A bit too much 76162-4022909023plastic surgery for sure… and the make-up does not help.  It only makes her look worst …and again like she is in some kind of spiritual trouble.

bynum2-jpgc200I suspect after somewhat watching her transition into this ‘new Juanita’… the 1 before this… it is not hard to see that she has had this thing about how she looked. juanita-banner It appeared to be some kind of self-hate… or maybe that is too extreme.  Let me say a  dislike for her natural facial features.

Yes, that sounds better.

Looking at the photographs displayed at the beginning of her video… her program intro as this seems to be a new undertaking for Juanita…with unknown-1 her in a cap and jeans… Juanita seems be trying to recapture her youth… or some kind of teen to 21 hip look or something.yolanda-adams

In listening to her video below it appears to me she is trying to join the ranks of dorindaloltYolanda Adams… Donnie McClurkin, Kirk Franklin, Dorinda Clark and that marymary sister, Erica Campbell… on the radio air-waves with a syndicated national radio broadcast.

1275283948_a20f0250e9But being Juanita… she appears to not only be happy being on the radio air-waves… but also wants to have video live-streaming juanita_bynum_071712_400jrwwhile she broadcasts her radio show.   And this show… or broadcast… or this video take of it was evidently recorded with a very bad camera with terrible audio… and doesn’t appear to really be a live radio show but a pretense of doing it live in her home.  Nor does it appears to be anything like the Juanita Bynum I have come to know via my observation of her.  She has always been on top of her sound.

If nobody else on the podium sounds good… you can beat she is going to sound greatjuanita-bynum-1 because she leaves nothing to chance when its come the quality of her sound… which is, of course, her money maker.   But no so in these videos.

_mg_6351Now, many thousands of people no longer go into a read radio radio to broadcast their radio shows because technology today has made it so easy to do it that way… if you have
good quality professional or semi-professional equipment… and have someone close to being a professional set it up for you.  You can broadcast from anywhere in the download-11world… even in your bathroom or a cave…  and nobody will know whether it was in or out of a professional broadcasting studio.

But clearly, we can tell that this video tape was done with professional equipment …or some high level recording equipment… camera with a good mic or a mic tied in.

wpid-20141001_19095411But it is not the technical problems with Juanita’s video … but the evident continued plastic surgery which it appears she is continuing to engage in… and her new hair that she is so busy flinging all over the place… and her body language …and total look of glee that makes you wonder… is she back on drugs?

juanita-bynumHow could Juanita possible be so happy with her new look… in looking so overjoyed while recording this video.  In which in my opinion she looks far less than her normal self.

Just with all the batting of her eyes so continuously.  And all her what appears continuous movements… and such personal internal glee within herself … you can’t help but wonder is Juanita herself under the spell of drug addiction which she preaches about in the first video. juanita-bynum-mugshotillegal-drugs-650x01

After Pastor Zackary Timms being found in a New York hotel dead from a drug overdose… we should all be on the lookout for who else may be in trouble.  We are so busy just listening to these folks and fail to recognize that some of our pastors, evangelists etc. are in trouble.

zachery-tims-microphone-smile-facebookaf32ac49ec91d4ac8e3a87b317fd9c43There were definite signs that Pastor Timms was in trouble.  I can clearly say that.   I will never forget seeing him 1 day leap up on his podium like he was Batman or Superman.  And I recalled thinking where was the reverence to God’s altar in what he had done?

juanita-bynum-fall-life-coaching-retreatListen how fast Juanita is talking in her video… all that hyper energy that is clearly displayed.
I once was having a conversation with someone who was talking to me about possible employment.  While speaking with this person someone else was standing nearby observing this conversation.  When we had finished talking and the person had left… the unknownperson who had been observing said to me, ‘Did you see how she was moving?   How she never stopped moving?   And how she was talking?’

I said, ‘No.’

juanita-bynum-1040kc021811I know nothing about addiction.   Or people under addiction.  But the women who had been standing watching that conversation knew plenty about it.  And she began to educate me.


She started saying, ‘Didn’t you notice that she used to be a junkie?  How she rushed through their words while speaking, how her eyes move?  How she could not stand still or sit still

No, I had not noticed… nor did I know how to pick up on those type of things.  I knew nothing about how people show signs of things of addition or past addiction… actions that are not natural for folk normally.  That is exactly what I hear and see in this video of Juanita.  9ebbc5185e1dd1c3a5405ebad4f6ceab

Juanita is not acting 5730b607d72b6c72c77f8c12ede0e9d3as she normally acts. Her actions and language are out of sync with the Juanita we see displayed in most of her videos… while delivering the word or trying to share thoughts on tv or in her other videos.

No, this is an irrational fidgety Juanita… with eyes that keep rolling and batting uncontrollably… racing through what she is speaking about.  Look at her eyes.  Listen to what she is saying.76162-4022909023

Clearly, Juanita is either drunk or high… or maybe both.    All that flinging of hair… particular articulation of certain words… treats of hitting somebody… fast un-expectedhqdefault  jerky erratic movements… and just a pattern of cb6ba2d08c981419622641eebd2399ddirrational behavior for Juanita … it all clearly says Juanita is very much out of character.  And her in the photo shots in her show intro at the beginning and end of her video …of her in pants and
cap looking very much like Beyonce speaks volumes also.

I am not certain that Juanita has not taken money to promote the music of the artists that me-resizedshe is featuring in her video shows.  But she gives each song’s date when it will be able for purchase, so that might be a hint.

Okay, I’m waiting on a very important telephone call now.  So, I must stop here.  And I am suppose to be editing… so much for that.   But I must go but you enjoy the rest of the week, and have a good weekend.   At some point I hope to find time to talk about Donald Trump… what a mess this whole political cycle has become… 1 big joke if it weren’t so serious.

Well, God bless… and thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” http://www.bsmith101.wordpress.com ©201


UPDATE:  September 27, 2016… Truly speaking Juanita Bynum is getting weirder and weirder with each and every 1 of these videos she does.  Note bwrkkcdcaaa1kdxhow she grabs hold of her nose as she just finished taking a snort of cocaine or something.

ed6f930fdd158ed3fe71669e5f324025This is a woman who is usually so up on the quality of everything she puts out.  But all these latest videos released by her doing this ‘new thing’ lack her usual attention to detail … particularly when it comes to the audio of these videos.

In the video I just posted below she has a leg up with her legs wide open.  I know …. I’m old school.  But isn’t she representing the Kingdom… is there not proper protocol regarding women and how we sit when in public?  And I really do not understand the new look with regard to her hair.unknown

It really does appear to me that maybe Juanita may be on her way to a crash.  She seems to be slipping… and long ago lost focus.



Entry Filed under: Atlanta,Beyonce,Christian Radio,Deceit in the Church,Donald Trump,Donnie McClurkin,Dorinda Clark Cole,Erica Campbel,Gospel Music,gospel music industry,Hypocrisy,Juanita Bynum,Kirk Franklin,MaryMary,Media,Medication,Radio Industry,Social Media,TV Reality Shows,Uncategorized

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