Posts tagged ‘the black church ‘


I saw the video that Kim says someone took of her during a service some night at her gettyimages-628757570-527x350
church, when Kim Burrell goes off the chain proclaiming her dislike of gay people… with particular reference to those in the church.

I also saw the video that Kim made backing or attempting to back away from much of what she said in that video, of her ranting about gay people.  My thing in watching this video was this.

kim-2‘Kim if you really feel about gay people as you said while standing in the pulpit.  Then why back down from it… if you feel that what you had said was right?’

Cause you see if I say something that I think is right… then I am not going to back down dd589f50e054ab03eadb2e5fa1152a6afrom it.  Oh, I can change my mind… yes, regarding my thinking.   But if I feel that I am correct in my thinking then I am not going back away from what I believe.  And I don’t care who may not like it.  Unless… again… if I think about it and later begin to regret what I said… or how I said it.   Or I might even discover that I was wrong… because that does happen too.   And has happened to me.

I mean I would be lying if I said I never regretted saying something.   It happens all the time to many of us.  We spoke too fast.   Or mis-spoke…

But the way Kim was going on and on in that pulpit… I would have to say Odell Beckham JR.that she was really versing her sentiments quite definitely.  And if what I heard in another video was correct… in that what that person said about her husband, whom Kim is now either divorced from or separated from for some years now… was that he was gay.

I would say that might cause a woman to go on and on about hating gays.  That woman who used to sell orange juice years ago… I forget her name.   She had 0e47a041283dda2741139b0310b1ee63been an ex-Miss America when she came out strongly against gay people back in the latter 70’s or 80’s… and boy did they slam her.   She lost all orange_juice_recipes_copyright_2012kind of contracts behind that… and the orange juice industry was quick to get rid of her.  But what a price that industry paid in revenue losses when gay people boycotted orange juice… and boycott it they did.   And unknownthey won.

With regards to Kim Burrell… whom I often have found to be sharp with her tongue… I find it hard to believe that she did not think about her wardrobe person, or  her make-up person, or her hair stylist or everybody else who may possibly be on sexykim11her team, when she is preparing to get up to perform… because most of them are gay.   But I am sure that hit home shortly after she realized that that video got out… had been uploaded on youtube, and the calls started coming in to her.

This is America and, of course, Kim Burrell like everybody else in eddielong
America has a right to an opinion on whatever she wants to have an opinion on… whether I may or may not agree with her on it.

But where I thought Kim Burrell went too far …was for her to be standing in the pulpit and talking about certain things… like men having ‘p___nis’ in their mouths.   Or women with their breasts shaking in front of another woman.  It was a bit too much.636191327948984978-ap-pharrell-performs-on-nbc-s-today-show-87282656

Kim went overboard and that is what more than anything I believed killed her… and took away from anything that she was trying to say.    She was not preaching… nor was she teaching.    But Kim was spouting out vicious remarks of feelings, that maybe she had been harboring for windycitywardrobe-black-gay-weddingsome time and just felt it was okay… for some reason or other… to release those sentiments into the atmosphere at that time… in that church service.

I am a firm believer that the pulpit is not for all types of conversations.  Nor is it a place for where we should be standing in it believing that it is okay to just say whatever comes into our narrow minds.  The sanctuary and …certainly the pulpit is ‘holy.’    It is holy ground and it is not meant to be a place where we preach hate or condemnation.

michael-robert-crawford-shorty-gay-black-wedding-atlanta-grooms-21Who are we to condemn people as though we too were not once lost in sin?

This is the problem I have with many people in the church.  They act as though they were never once sinners.

And I really get tired of hearing those people who say, ‘I’ve been alg-preschool-graduates-jpgsaved since I was 3.’

atelAre you really trying to tell me that since you were a child… and supposedly became saved that you never once sinned?kimburrell

I will bet that you sinned more than once.   And probably did things I never thought to do.

So, the devil is a liar.   And those people need to stop telling that ‘I’ve been saved since’ lie.

imagesWhy do people want to pretend that they are so holy and righteous …when they are filled with such ‘high looks,’   bigotry and animosity against not just gay people… though gay people always seem to be at the top of everyone’s list… but against everybody but fornicators… adulterers… liars etc….etc…etc..  Because THAT list certainly goes further than just being gay.

Some of these same people voted Donald Trump into office and saw no sin in him.   I would _91018703_5abbae28-ace0-4db7-ae31-aa94fc8a9328c9c80615a93a102726dd94659af2d744not have believed that either… had I not heard and seen them at our national convocation in St. Louis.   It was quite disturbing to me.  And a couple of them… bishops even… I had to set straight.

302388829Speaking of bishops.  Some of these very people are ‘the long990244corrupters.’   Stealing away the lives of many of these young boys, by feasting on them sexually …while proclaiming something else in the pulpit and making jokes about ‘limp wrist.’

This thing is sad.   And there are a bunch of hypocrites in the church… in the black church and white church… and everything in between.

Yeah, they can proclaim they hate them… but they lead the choir… play the instruments… Free Gospel Sundays3229d22415d1c972a458081da606dc66sing the sermonic solo.

So, stop playing with yourself… and trying to preach hate,  when their is a cleansing that needs to take place.   And it is in the hearts of each and every one of us because we have been commanded to love… not condemn or chastise folk because we act like we can’t stomach their sin.

It is not for you to stomach.   God who is the creator and is also the finisher.   And you don’t know who he is going to clean up and place over you.

He can turn everybody around.  Did He not turn you around?1120-andrew-caldwell-youtube-4

Oh, I forgot.   He is still working on you, Kim and everyone else who thinks like her.

BRANDON-PORTER-Andrew-Caldwell-gay-no-more-controversy600I was at the convocation 2 years ago when that guy came out and started proclaiming, ‘I
ain’t gay no more.’

That whole service was like being in the midst of a comedy show.   That guy from Orlando Be The Man Conference 2009who was suppose to preach… was beside himself …just like Kim.   And practically the whole area was eating it up… they were rolling over in laugher of this guys homophobic tyrants.

It was so good to them that the video department sold out of that dvd that night… and could not keep up  with the demand for it.  This I know not because I tried to buy it… but because the next day while waiting on Essence Music Festival, New Orleans, America - 06 Jul 2014my ride back to my hotel a bunch of people were still laughing over that mockery of a church service.  I sat through it, yes… but it was all I could do not to get up and walk out on that guy that night.  And I would have had I thought my courtesy driver was outside writing-love-beach-sand2to take me back to my hotel.

We should stop all this ‘gay mess.’   It is not the only sin… need you think of what you are kim-burrell-weight-loss-before-and-afterdoing that God may be angry at.  Because at the end of the day… that is what really should concern you more than anything else.  Because when you shut your eyes… it won’t be that gay man in the choir or up the street whom you will have answer for.   But your behavior towards them will black-church-clip-art-church-house-black-mdsurely be an issue before God.

I think we all need to read the Bible more.   Because somewhere along the line you are all missing something when you attack anyone who is lost in sin.

And I think that any pastor or anyone who calls him or her self a pastor …or whatever who
invites someone to come and preach at their church and says, ‘You can come to preach but don’t mess with my sissies.’  

I think that person needs to remove themselves or the church remove him or her… because they are users.   But not Godly.   They rather see people not hear the truth… and I am not talking about a bunch of harsh and hard words of condemnation… but ‘the truth’ as to what the Bible says because they desire that everybody in their church or under them know what God desires in order for us to sincerely get into heaven…african-american-gospel-beighu-clipart

Let us not chase people out of the church.  But let us work on trying to allow God to do His perfect work in them.   The Bible says, ‘faith comes through hearing the word of God.’   They must be allow in the church… so that they do not go to ‘gay churches’ and sit up in there believing that everything is imagesalright… and while they play church that they can make into heaven.

Let us not be that mean …or selfish.    Thank God the doors of the church were open for us… or we too would still be out there doing whatever it was that we used to do.   And many of you still do… if the truth be told….

my picture cropedWell, God bless…     Well, I finally got my chance to say what has been on my mind concerning this subject.   I just hope that people will come to love and respect one another and all of our differences.   I hate sin and it hurts for me to see people languishing in it.  I have many gay friends … and even some family members whom I know will be lost if they fail to change.   But I pray that God call them out as He was so kind and gracious enough to do me.   And that they have an ear to hear… and God gives them a desire to come out… and stay out.

Well, God bless… I’m out. Thanks for reading my blogs. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016





Add a comment January 9, 2017


I just happened to be on youtube when I saw this video and decided to click on it to see what Juanita was preaching about… only to be a bit surprised by her new look… and since the video was just uploaded a few days ago it is very much a ‘new look’ for her.   A bit too much 76162-4022909023plastic surgery for sure… and the make-up does not help.  It only makes her look worst …and again like she is in some kind of spiritual trouble.

bynum2-jpgc200I suspect after somewhat watching her transition into this ‘new Juanita’… the 1 before this… it is not hard to see that she has had this thing about how she looked. juanita-banner It appeared to be some kind of self-hate… or maybe that is too extreme.  Let me say a  dislike for her natural facial features.

Yes, that sounds better.

Looking at the photographs displayed at the beginning of her video… her program intro as this seems to be a new undertaking for Juanita…with unknown-1 her in a cap and jeans… Juanita seems be trying to recapture her youth… or some kind of teen to 21 hip look or something.yolanda-adams

In listening to her video below it appears to me she is trying to join the ranks of dorindaloltYolanda Adams… Donnie McClurkin, Kirk Franklin, Dorinda Clark and that marymary sister, Erica Campbell… on the radio air-waves with a syndicated national radio broadcast.

1275283948_a20f0250e9But being Juanita… she appears to not only be happy being on the radio air-waves… but also wants to have video live-streaming juanita_bynum_071712_400jrwwhile she broadcasts her radio show.   And this show… or broadcast… or this video take of it was evidently recorded with a very bad camera with terrible audio… and doesn’t appear to really be a live radio show but a pretense of doing it live in her home.  Nor does it appears to be anything like the Juanita Bynum I have come to know via my observation of her.  She has always been on top of her sound.

If nobody else on the podium sounds good… you can beat she is going to sound greatjuanita-bynum-1 because she leaves nothing to chance when its come the quality of her sound… which is, of course, her money maker.   But no so in these videos.

_mg_6351Now, many thousands of people no longer go into a read radio radio to broadcast their radio shows because technology today has made it so easy to do it that way… if you have
good quality professional or semi-professional equipment… and have someone close to being a professional set it up for you.  You can broadcast from anywhere in the download-11world… even in your bathroom or a cave…  and nobody will know whether it was in or out of a professional broadcasting studio.

But clearly, we can tell that this video tape was done with professional equipment …or some high level recording equipment… camera with a good mic or a mic tied in.

wpid-20141001_19095411But it is not the technical problems with Juanita’s video … but the evident continued plastic surgery which it appears she is continuing to engage in… and her new hair that she is so busy flinging all over the place… and her body language …and total look of glee that makes you wonder… is she back on drugs?

juanita-bynumHow could Juanita possible be so happy with her new look… in looking so overjoyed while recording this video.  In which in my opinion she looks far less than her normal self.

Just with all the batting of her eyes so continuously.  And all her what appears continuous movements… and such personal internal glee within herself … you can’t help but wonder is Juanita herself under the spell of drug addiction which she preaches about in the first video. juanita-bynum-mugshotillegal-drugs-650x01

After Pastor Zackary Timms being found in a New York hotel dead from a drug overdose… we should all be on the lookout for who else may be in trouble.  We are so busy just listening to these folks and fail to recognize that some of our pastors, evangelists etc. are in trouble.

zachery-tims-microphone-smile-facebookaf32ac49ec91d4ac8e3a87b317fd9c43There were definite signs that Pastor Timms was in trouble.  I can clearly say that.   I will never forget seeing him 1 day leap up on his podium like he was Batman or Superman.  And I recalled thinking where was the reverence to God’s altar in what he had done?

juanita-bynum-fall-life-coaching-retreatListen how fast Juanita is talking in her video… all that hyper energy that is clearly displayed.
I once was having a conversation with someone who was talking to me about possible employment.  While speaking with this person someone else was standing nearby observing this conversation.  When we had finished talking and the person had left… the unknownperson who had been observing said to me, ‘Did you see how she was moving?   How she never stopped moving?   And how she was talking?’

I said, ‘No.’

juanita-bynum-1040kc021811I know nothing about addiction.   Or people under addiction.  But the women who had been standing watching that conversation knew plenty about it.  And she began to educate me.


She started saying, ‘Didn’t you notice that she used to be a junkie?  How she rushed through their words while speaking, how her eyes move?  How she could not stand still or sit still

No, I had not noticed… nor did I know how to pick up on those type of things.  I knew nothing about how people show signs of things of addition or past addiction… actions that are not natural for folk normally.  That is exactly what I hear and see in this video of Juanita.  9ebbc5185e1dd1c3a5405ebad4f6ceab

Juanita is not acting 5730b607d72b6c72c77f8c12ede0e9d3as she normally acts. Her actions and language are out of sync with the Juanita we see displayed in most of her videos… while delivering the word or trying to share thoughts on tv or in her other videos.

No, this is an irrational fidgety Juanita… with eyes that keep rolling and batting uncontrollably… racing through what she is speaking about.  Look at her eyes.  Listen to what she is saying.76162-4022909023

Clearly, Juanita is either drunk or high… or maybe both.    All that flinging of hair… particular articulation of certain words… treats of hitting somebody… fast un-expectedhqdefault  jerky erratic movements… and just a pattern of cb6ba2d08c981419622641eebd2399ddirrational behavior for Juanita … it all clearly says Juanita is very much out of character.  And her in the photo shots in her show intro at the beginning and end of her video …of her in pants and
cap looking very much like Beyonce speaks volumes also.

I am not certain that Juanita has not taken money to promote the music of the artists that me-resizedshe is featuring in her video shows.  But she gives each song’s date when it will be able for purchase, so that might be a hint.

Okay, I’m waiting on a very important telephone call now.  So, I must stop here.  And I am suppose to be editing… so much for that.   But I must go but you enjoy the rest of the week, and have a good weekend.   At some point I hope to find time to talk about Donald Trump… what a mess this whole political cycle has become… 1 big joke if it weren’t so serious.

Well, God bless… and thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©201


UPDATE:  September 27, 2016… Truly speaking Juanita Bynum is getting weirder and weirder with each and every 1 of these videos she does.  Note bwrkkcdcaaa1kdxhow she grabs hold of her nose as she just finished taking a snort of cocaine or something.

ed6f930fdd158ed3fe71669e5f324025This is a woman who is usually so up on the quality of everything she puts out.  But all these latest videos released by her doing this ‘new thing’ lack her usual attention to detail … particularly when it comes to the audio of these videos.

In the video I just posted below she has a leg up with her legs wide open.  I know …. I’m old school.  But isn’t she representing the Kingdom… is there not proper protocol regarding women and how we sit when in public?  And I really do not understand the new look with regard to her hair.unknown

It really does appear to me that maybe Juanita may be on her way to a crash.  She seems to be slipping… and long ago lost focus.



Add a comment September 15, 2016


I know…   I know… I’m late on this but from the moment that I found out… which was recently like last week… that Paula White got divorced and married a rocker I thought to 11183446_10153396011807313_241918137063719847_nmyself.

Married a what???

A rock and roll rocker… as in musician????

Paula White the woman who became the head of what’s his name church in Orlando… who had a church in Tampa.   That Paula White???

hqdefaultYes, that 1.

Needless to say that it struck me odd that a so-called woman of God would even consider marrying a man… all tattooed up and images-1still plays as a musicians touring on the road.  He is in his mid-sixties while Paula claims to be in her mid-forties… with each
having married three times.

His name is Jonathan Cain… I’m not really familiar with him.  But then I have never b4s_whites071309_75959a_8colfollowed rock music or any of its groups outside of the BeeGee’s, img_3599Hall & Oates… if you can call them a group… and maybe 1 or 2 others but that
has been it

But it is not him who I wish to speak about… but Paula.

I first saw Paula on television.  I guess the Word Network where she had imagesbeen a fiery  woman of God, at the time… who definitely knew the Word and could preach it.   But over the course of time… lot most of the TV evangelists and pastors … or so-called… that I have seen on television they soon loose sight  of God and become all about money.   And that is exactly the only thing that Paula White seems to be consumed with getting… and does not paula-white-marries-jonathan-cainmind freely letting you see that that is what she is all about these days.

I happened to come across the information of Paula’s wedding over the internet… on youtube.  Where I thought it was interesting that the 2 videos talking Paula White and her new man… were 2 white people.   Some man and some woman… who appeared to have a connection with each as the basic look of their videos were paula-white-marries-rocker-jonathan-cainthe same.  But since Paula White’s congregation for the most part… as part as I have seen… has primarily been and continues to be majority African American… I would have expected videos on youtube regarding Paula’s wedding to been from some black folk.

I read where someone on Facebook posted on their page last week this question, ‘Why can we find black churches under the leadership of a white pastor, but cannot find the reverse?’


That is a very real question.  Black are by far more accepting of having a white person leading them as aAtheist Megachurches pastor than the opposite.  A perfect example of this is the break between the Church of God in Christ and Assemblies of God.

Unknown-4When the Church of God in Christ was birth under Bishop C. H. Mason a number of white folk were also involved and in membership but later the white member withdrew from the Church of God in Christ to create their Unknown-3own denomination known as the Assemblies of Christ.   This example of the split in membership between the white members and black members of the Church of God in Christ does strongly suggest that black people… though we had gone through slavery and oppression in many countries …not just in America but around the world… but when it comes to laying aside every weight and bias …especially when it comes to matters of paulawhite3UnknownGod… black folk are by far more forgiving and tolerate than white people and can lay aside the color of someone’s skin.

But I am not trying to give a history lesson here.   I want to comment on Paula White becoming unevenly yoked.  But that is not to say that maybe she had not done so before.  Because after all she had had 3 prior marriages… just like the man she married.   So, both Paul and her rocker husband make the fourth marriage that each of them have said ‘I do’ to.

But how does a woman who professes to know the Lord.  None less a pastor of the Word of God marry 4 times?paulawhitedoubledate

And the the 4th time being to a man in his 60’s who has spent his life playing and writing rock and roll music… and still does for a living?

Clearly, he has money.  And we know that Paula definitely has money especially since her television time tab is picked up by the church she stepped in to assume the pastoral of following the death of Zachary Timms… giving way for a takeover by some church heads to put in slave master Paula White.   Because if you listen to those youtube videos this 2 people uploaded

Zachery-Tims-—-funeral-for-Orlando-pastor-While Zachary was making a name for himself in Orlando, with New Destiny Christian Center, a church under the order of Apostle Fredrick Price… Paula was busy with her then husband… husband #3… Randy White building up their church in Tampa, Without Walls International… which has bit the dust and gone under the auction block.zachery-tims-the-late-pastor-of-new-destiny-christian-center-in-apopka-fla-was-found-dead-in-a-new-york-city-hotel-room-on-friday-august-12-2011

There was lots of controversy when somehow Paula White emerged as the pick to lead Timms church following his death, due to overdose.   To say the least it was a big mess.  But to tell you the truth there are a lot of big messes in
the church… as our home church is dealing with 1 itself.   But maybe sometime other time I will address that… but it was highly disappointing.

When I first saw Paula… I have no idea how long she had been on the scene prior as I never watched TV or had heard of her until I guess I used to start watching my sisters television on occasions and when I saw her preach at Bishop T.D. Jake’s Woman Thou Art Loose.  At that time she was different … not obsessed with riches here on earth as she had since become.  She today has stepped away from the ‘soul saving’ or ‘caring’ business to increase my pockets business.abc_brianross_rod_parsley_080521_mn

It is interesting to me when I see these so-called pastors such as Rod Parsley… who when I first saw him he was different too.  Today the man seems to be on the deep end… tethering between sanity and Unknown-5insanity.  Money too has taken his mind.  And like Paula and more than three quarters of those preachers on the Word Network… all of them in search of getting rich on the backs of gullible black folk willing to send them in whatever amount they ask for of that given day.  As everyday on these people shows is a ‘give me’ ‘give me’ episode ‘if you want such and such.’   Or are looking for ‘such and such.’   It has become a real racket.

zachery-tims-the-late-pastor-of-new-destiny-christian-center-ndcc-is-seen-in-this-june-2011-photo-published-on-ndccs-public-facebook-pageSo, Paula is leading the black folk of Timms congregation now for the past 3 years or so… since Zachary died in New York City… found dead in a hotel room of an overdose.   It must have been like hitting the jackpot because Zachary loved media.  He loved being on television and had invested much in the state of art television and audio equipment.  Not to mention all the television time his church purchased weekly.  And Paula was and is a lover of media herself… it is what she has used to get paula-white-wedding-03-526x350her to the place where she now it.

But before at least Paula preached the gospel before.   She merely uses the gospel now.   But this marriage to this guy was a step way beyond ‘I could less what anybody thinks.’    It
was like ‘I’m going to have this man… and his money and I don’t care whether he ever finds Christ or not.’

Now, how does a supposed ‘woman of God’…  much less a pastor with a large congregation do that?Unknown

Isn’t she suppose to be the role model… the standard bearer?

riva-timsWell, Paula is worry about any standards godly or otherwise.  She is too caught up in her own importance over her temple worshippers who I guess are willing to follow her straight into hell.   The woman must be into witchcraft… voodoo or something because they are servants and she is their god head… married to her prince of Unknown-2
rock and roll, baby.   And ain’t nobody up in arms about it… Unknown-1because Paula has her followers… the Destiny congregation
bewitched.  Just as bewitched as when whomever elected her to take over their church that cause the whole board of elders selected to aid in that process such as Bishop T.D. Jakes and Bishop Ivy Hilliard to both hit the door, and start walking.

So, this woman marrying an ungodly man should not upset anyone… because honestly speaking Paula White ceased to be godly a long time ago.Paula-White-e1365732339594

It is clear that for anyone who marries time and time again… then evidently that person must be marrying outside of the will of God.  There can be no other answer to that question… which would mean that any marriage outside of God’s will is doomed.   Thus Paula White’s 3 prior marriages… and this cannot be any otherwise as the man is not of God… but is in the world.

God bless… It’s almost time for me to get out of here now.   So I have got to hurry.   But usa-obama-dinnerbefore I check out of here I just want to say, ‘What a fool that guy was last night who1438303073942 followed President Obama during that press dinner event they had.   The guy was completely out of order.   And to use the ‘N’ word when referring to my President absolutely inferiated me.

These clown uncle toms need to go and sit down.   And never to arise again.

If I ever hope someone were to loose his job… on what overnight tv show he host… it is definitely him.  He is not worth whatever they pay him.   Kill that contract and bury that guy.   What a fool… in a clown suit and make-up.   No, maybe I am giving clowns a bad name to equate them and that idiot… whatever his name was.  2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverme-resized

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment May 3, 2016


imageIt is hard for me to believe that most of you had not realized this thing about Brian Carn before until this controversy about him has come about.

From the very first time I ever saw and heard Carn preach on television I knew just who and what he really was… a con man trying to play holy and very prophetic.

Carn has always come off as a phony to me… even when watching some of these videos on youtube on Carn being outted as a fake prophet now…when supposedly he is speaking in tongues the guy doesn’t even try to pretend like he is really speaking in tongue… that heavenly language…  but just speaking in some kind of mumble jumbo he has made up.

It is pathetic how people …people like Carn who want to use the church and the gospel of Jesus Christ as some type of play thing… by choosingbrian-carn-cd.jpg.html to use the church and God’s gifts in such a way that is so low and underhanded… all for Unknownpersonal gain… the love of money.  And I mean they lust after it… money as if it were sex.  My, Lord…

When I first saw Carn he was a young man.   I thought then that he had perhaps been 1 of those young kids reared up in the church like what we see today. Somebody at a very early age that someone or some people… images-1namely his parents or some other family member began to  declare that ‘God’s got such an anointing on’ his life.  When hqdefaultin essence all the poor little child was doing was just mimicking what he had seen done in church.  I did it and practically every child I know who has sat in church  has done the same thing 1 time or another.

Some woman out of Houston back in 2013 it was reported contracted a vignal disease called trichomoniasis from Carn, a disease that 11111causes women to have an itchy discharge and a foul smell… while men have no signs of it at all.   Or so that story  went.  Whether it is true or not I do not know… but Carn who professes to be a man of God… walking in the steps that God is leading him in should of course be blameless.

Well, if that story is true Carn may not have known he had an STD.  But as a Brenda-Burton-Prophet-Brian-Carnman of God he wasn’t supposed to be indulging in anything that would have given him STD to pass on to anyone in the first place.

brian-carnBut I say if women aren’t careful if they choose to sin with Carn… then messing around with Carn a fear of catching some STD from Carns is not the only they may find themselves with.  Because personally I think the man is gay… and I have always thought he was gay besides being a false prophet, from the first time I saw him.

Carn wouldn’t be the first man to try to cover up his desires for images-11men but messing around with women in order to try to throw people off.   It is a common trick that some believe they are smart enough to pull off… loving men while making it seem like they love women.

The other thing about Carn is if you have watched the people… or rather ‘the type’ of peopleunnamed he has consistently surrounded himself with… a bunch of other false prophets should have spoken to most people long time before this that Carn too was a fake.

Carn often could be seen on television programs with people like 33ua2e0E. Jordan and his son Massansah… Rod Parsley… Benny Henn… and that list goes on and on.

Recently I heard Brian Carn give a list of supporters on periscope who have rallied behind him in the wake of this mess.  With Brian Carn getting caught stealing the predictions from some prophetjordanwoman…some call a witch or self-professed psychic… a woman who  claims to images-6be in alignment with familiar spirits…reads tarot cards and things like that.  No big names mind you… because the truth is painfully obvious… Brian did it.   And that is the reason he can be kept crying on some of youtube videos where is trying to explain this thing away.

Why would a supposed man of God being stealing the predictions of a psychic to give out to people …unsuspecting followers of his at some supposed prophetic event as him prophesying things to come in the future about 2 years ago.Unknown-1

After watching a series of youtube videos on this matter I couldn’t find videos that a better job at exposing this story of Brian Carn and his true lack of spiritual abilities
Unknownthan Lexi’s periscope video on him.

Now, Lexi Allen was …and as I just found out… still is a host on the Word Network.  She at 1 point had had her own weekly TV show on the Word… I forget what it was images-2called but it was later taken over by Bishop George Bloomer, a man who has his own demons to deal with, if the truth be told.  And she took that show over from Bishop what’s his name … a guy originally out of Delaware.

Oh, yeah… Gregg Davis.   Another person who is highly questionable.

hqdefaultThe way Lexi pounced upon people who did not agree with her on her periscope treading as she busted Brian as a fake … well, it really rather shocked me.  It was a 365 degree turn from who she portrays to be while sitting on the Word Network as a gospel artist and/or brian-carn-prayerreligious television host.

Though Lexi tells it  like it is concerning  Carn and his fake supposed ImpostersSheepFull1prophetic gift…  I was totally really taken aback by Lexi’s periscope style and own attitude… and her use of the ‘N’ word and I think an  occasional curse word or 2 in her attacks on viewers responding on her periscope channel, prophet-carn-artistand  the rage at which she personally attacked Carn for imagehaving diss-ed her girl Le’ Andria.

Now, I’ve been looking for Carn’s periscope attack on Le’ Andria…  but have only come across partial statements on various videos by Carns where he is try to back track his own situation by making certain references to ‘preachers passing out condoms and cigarettes.’  Well, everybodyimages
has to know by now that is a direct reference to Le’ Andria.

imagesIt appeared to me amazing that she would be totally against Carn as being a fake… and yet be so pro Le’Andria and all her antics.   How can 1 uplift 1 sinner and dross another was a mystery to me?

Both Le’Andria and Carn need to fall down and beg for forgiveness.   And if the truth be told… and she may not like it… but Lexi too.   And call me what you may… but Lexi you too… because you bewareoffalseprophetsare no better and your tone and language on your video proves that as much as Brian Carn and the footage of him giving that woman’s predictions… and Le’Andria going out on the street dressed as a prostitute handing out cigarettes and condoms.   All is in error.

They  are all pretenders.   Pretending to be holy… righteous and yet unclean vessels.  There is no partial walking with God.   You are either all in… or all out.   Whether on the television screen… or standing in a false-prophet.gifsanctuary… if you profess to be holy it requires a full time commitment.  There is not
thing called ‘half-time saints’  or prophets… or pastors.  All this faking must stop… and it must stop on every level.   And knowing scripture or Bible or having grown up in the church is not going to help… because sooner or later the masquerade is over… Brian, images-3Le’Andria and Lexi.

All I can say is get right with God.   Get a right relationship with God… and stop trying to fool others… while only fooling yourselves.

It amazes me after all of this… and it cannot be denied.  That after Brian Carn stole those predictions from a woman who played with predictions and familiar
spirits…  as in Lexi’s  video exposing him speaks for themselves… that there are still prophetic training school banner_finalpeople willing to follow Carn.   This is worst that being just plain gullible… it is plain stupid.    Why are people willing to be so mislead by people that cannot rightly deny whatever they got in?img_1478

In the case of Brian Carn … he now professes to prove he gave those predictions on his own… and that he has never stolen anything from anybody especially a witch.

Oh yeah, right, Brian.   On this I must agree with Lexi… ain’t no way.

I personally do not see how anyone became so captivated  by Brian Carn in the first place.  images-3Because it was not hard to see that he was a fake.  But then the Bible tells us that the people have itchy ears and are drawn to many ungodly things.   That those things are more easily grasped by them than the truth or someone who is not fake.   So many rather follow false images-7prophets… false pastors (Le’Andria)… false teachings …than to follow the truth.   And so many are still following Carn regardless of what has been brought to light on him and his fake prophetic gifts.

Well, God bless… it’s time I got to down to some other things I have to take care of right now but hopefully you me-resizedwill have a beautiful 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverday.  It is not as cold as  it was yesterday here… but a bit damp.   But I love the rain…

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment March 23, 2016

ELMO and MORE…continuation of PASTOR’S OF LA my take on it…

‘Awh, come on, Bern.  Where have you been?”3879ff4ef0522baecc3821cbfd2083bc

A friend recently ask me shocked, as we were engaging in a conversation via the telephone around a variety of subjects.  When some how or other the conversation fell upon poor little ole Elmo.

“You mean you haven’t heard?” my friend continued.

elmo-toymaker-hasbro-responds-to-underage-sex-scandal-surrounding-the-kids-characterThen she commenced to ask me where I had been for the last year, as she claimed that the story surrounding Elmo had been a big 1.  Evidently, I had not been reading much by way of the news because when I looked it up on Google… I found that my friend had been right.  It had been a big story.  A story of sex… underage boys and a Sesame Street employee.

It  had to have been a very big and alarming  surprising shock to the world of children… and their parents I am sure.  Elmo was being sued.  Well, not Elmo to be exact… but the man who had… or as my friend claimed to have been the creator of Elmo.  I don’t know if he had been the creator of Elmo… but for the last 30 or so years, which I guess had been about as long as the period that my son last watched thatScreenShot2012-11-21at83925PM show… being that he is now some 30 years old himself.   The man had been the voice of the Sesame Street puppet named Elmo.  A man by the name of Kevin Clash.

She said the guy was into young boys who were of mixed races, Hispanic and who had long flowing hair.

In Googling some pictures of the guy, here again my friend seemed to be correct.  He did like boys about 15 or so years of age… with their hair a certain kind of way.

I have to say, “Where had I been when this story broke?”

With the popularity of Elmo around the world…Stephens-Clash-e1353352704697 it really had to be a bit of a big shock to hear and then to read this story.  And to see pictures of the boys… suing the man.

I totally dislike stories like this… news items about people who prey upon people… destroying young lives …and particular the lives of children… even seniors… or those who suffer from some sort of mental diminished capacity.  Or preying upon anyone in general.

In reading over the news articles on the internet all I could think of were those past Christmas commercials regarding Elmo products… in particular the tickle me Elmo doll.  Elmo seemed for some reason to have 13293_1348140085captivated both the hearts of children and adults alike… and over time has become quite popular.

I thought of Melissa, a young school teacher friend of mine… whose email address was ‘Elmo something something’ or other.  Can’t remember exactly what… which is why I have not been able to email Melissa for quite some time now.  But she utterly loved Elmo.

I wonder how she feels now?

Well, I kind of know exactly how she feels… very much like me.  But I never was into Elmo… so, I suspect that she has dropped any association with Elmo now.  Though I must say… it really wasn’t Elmo’s fault.

But in case you never heard the story either.   Sesame Street dropped the guy… Kelvin Clash… and the 4 law suits that had been issued against him by varying parties… were I guess… based upon some of the articles I read on story were dropped due to the statue of web_ElmoAccuserlimitations.  Though at least 1 of the articles I read said that 1 of the 4 boys… young men at this time… was paid off in a settlement $125,000.

Shame that for the most part they had no real legal recourse due to the law of the statues of limitation.  Tragedies that happen in your life never go away.   Ruining kids lives should never have a statue of limitations put upon them to prohibit them from coming back to seek damages, for things done to them to destroy their lives… as most kids try to forget those kinds of things.  And during the time of the abuse children do not know anything about having a ‘legal recourse’ against perpetrators… or any laws that would protect them… though nothing can really protect them from such people.   And for many it totally messes with their physique as to who they really are… and brings about conflicts in sexual identity.

Of 1 thing I am sure of… child abuse ruins lives… future relationships… dreams…  and a sense of security and/or self-confidence and self-worth that children growing into adults may or may ever have.

Now, on to the Oxygen network TV reality show called Pastors of LA… another conversation that me and my Clarence-McClendon-Bentley-Pastors-of-LA-False-Teachers-Word-of-Faith-Heresy-e1373105724778friend hit upon the other day while speaking on the phone.

She told me snickering into the phone, ‘Bern, I watched it four times.’


That is my

Yes, I finally caught it…. episode #1 on on-demand I saw it yesterday evening.  And they will not have to worry about me having a desire to see another episode.

I had wondered why it was when I went up on YouTube to see some video reviews of the show… I had found so few of them?  As a rule the people who watch these shows like throwing a camera… or their cell phone up on themselves while they give play by play comments on the shows.  But not so with this show.

Now I know why.  The show actually really is not worth talking about.  And I too have to admit… like Bishop T. D. Jakes… that the show to be ‘junk.’   Absolutely and completely…  pure ‘junk.’

It lacks any real reason for even being on TV outside of destroying what the Church is supposed to be really all about.deitrick-haddon-pastors-of-la-reality-show-the-jasmine-brand-595x433  It makes leadership in the Church look bad and in particular… leadership in the Black Church.

People in the secular world already have a tainted view of Church and of most people in the Church… particularly when it comes to so-called Pastors.  Now this show only fuels those mis-perceptions.

If ever you want the Black Church shown in a bad light… then 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverwatch the Black Pastors of LA.  They will do it for you… bound to keep the captives bound… and sinners laughing.

Now what I am going to discuss next my friend, Linda and I did not discuss this story… however,  as I just happened to come across it just now.  But it struck a nerve so I decided to post it.

Somebody said to me…. ‘You know black people are starting to commit the same kind of crimes as white people.’   It was my cousin… now that I think back on it who said this to me just this week during a phone conversation I happened to have had with him.

If you are white please do not take offense… none intended.  This is, however, how we talk among ourselves… as I am sure you talk  among resized...

But it is true that there were certain type of crimes which black people never ever used to commit… least ways that was the perception.  In fact, when we heard that such and such type of crimes had been committed, such as mass murders… or people being buried in walls… or serial killings…etc… we often knew immediately that it could not have been a black person.  Least ways that is what we thought…. but very rapidly this has all changed.  We are becoming as guilty of committing crimes such as bondage… killing people and putting them in walls or floors (and still be living in the house) as everybody else …etc.

So, of course, this story would leap out at me… as almost all the other stories of teachers indulging in sex with jamila-love-williams-teacher-grand-rapidstheir underage students… as far as I had read… were all white women.  And now… here comes this story.  A black woman… a math teacher… she had been carrying on sexual relations with under age boy students in the school she taught in, in Michigan.

Though as I begin to remember some things… I remember a young college student… a friend of mine… who had been involved with her high school counselor.  She had been under age when the relationship started… and it went on and on through her years in college… and I guess afterwards.  And they were both black.n-JAMILA-LOVE-WILLIAMS-large

So, I guess maybe the story of a black woman being charged with committing such a crime really should neither be a surprise nor a shock to me.  And certainly not something that I thought only happened along other color lines.

I guess we are all guilty of narrow thinking.  So, I must apologize for my narrow thinking in this  …and perhaps many other areas in my life.  It is ignorant to assume that only certain people do certain things.  It is absolutely not true… and my remember of my college friend and her sexual relationship with her high school counselor certainly proves it.  And I think that relationship messed up her entire life.

african-american-woman-datingThe girl was absolutely beautiful in her youth… not that she looks bad now.  But her youth is gone.   And that man eat it up.

I often think that if any of us should have been married… it should have been her.  But it never happened for her.  And I think it was or is because she wasted all her valuable time on a loosing proposition… a rat.   Her formative years were spent hanging on a string… of  a worthless predator who stole that part of her life from her.

Well, God bless… hope you enjoy the rest of your week… and your soon to come weekend.  They had said rain… but it did not come.  Now, it is sunny and warm… beautiful.  And I am looking for the rain to come anySchoolboy Writing in Notebook minute now… as they say sunshine all weekend long.

In going back to the female math teacher above and her sex scandal… I don’t know what goes wrong.  But I do know that things go wrong in the mind of women.  And if carried out we would all be in prison.

But then even men could say the same.  The ‘thing’ is nothing short of demonic spirits… and if none of use are careful or prayed up… they can grab a hold of us all…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment October 17, 2013

Bishop Eddie Long…can it really be true?

I have been thinking about this all day.  Since last night, really.  Ever since my son called me to tell me this story it has been on my mind.

I really can’t begin to phantom any of  this.  I hardly know where to begin.  And it is not that I am soooooooo in love with Bishop Eddie Long.

The truth is I know little of  him really.

The first I ever saw him…he was part of  Bishop Paul Morton’s Full Gospel organization.  He had been one of  the speakers during one of the Full Gospel Convocations…him along with Bishop Larry Trotter, whom I really loved.  The man preached.

I guess that is the problem.

They can preach.  And many times we get so carried away with their ability to preach that everything else about them somehow gets around us.  Even when it is glaring at us.

We exalt people because of  theatrics…and their ability to spin ‘The Word.’

Clearly, charismatic…Eddie Long was and is a master at what he does, and has been doing.  I loved his ability to speak to the ‘everyday man.’  Whatever that may mean.

Well, it means to bridge through to the masses.  To have the ability to reach the man in the street in a way that is clear and understandable to him regarding God, how we should live, and what God desires of us.

I have no idea of whether or not these allegations are true.  But the truth of  the matter is this.  It does not look good.

No, it just does not look good at all.  And when these type of charges start emerging against anyone…they only get worst.

When the charges against the Priests in Massachusetts got started it was just 1 person.  Then it grew to more…and finally it ended up with more than 92 cases of  people claiming that they have be abused by the Priests in their Parishes.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

In my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE, I state that I have come to realize that it is not the Church which is under attack.  But God bringing some things  to light…or to our attention, if you will.

Though my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE, is basically a fictional novel…at the rear of  the book I state some things which God has revealed to me.  Much of  which has to do with Pastors and ‘so-called’ religious leaders… mega churches… prosperity… women… etc…

This is not to say that I am talking against Bishop Long.  But one does have to wonder.  And because of our discerning spirit…or ‘supposed’ discerning spirit… somehow it rings as true.  As much as I would love not to believe it…something in my gut says-

“Its true.”

I recall the last time that  I watched Bishop Long’s broadcast on Streaming Faith…maybe a couple of months ago.  During that broadcast he took the time to bring out onto the stage…or pulpit…but at New Birth it seems more like a stage.  But anyways…he brought a young man out from the choir who he refered to as “1 of his spiritual sons.”

This young man was one of  the youth leaders of  Bishop Long’s church in Atlanta, who had recently won some type of  national recognition on “America Got Talent”…or something.  The boy…or young man stuck me as being possibly gay.  Or so I thought in the back of  my mind.

But then I am told by a friend that I am always calling somebody ‘gay.’

But having been ‘gay’ and having lived in ‘the life’ for some more than 25 years…it is hard for me not to spot it no matter how closet-ted it may be.

Besides I am told that  ‘you can spot’  …whatever it is that you do…or used to do.  That is to say that an alcoholic can spot another alcoholic or an  ex-alcholic…or a drug addict another drug addict or ex-addit…even if  it might be difficult for someone else to pick up on certain things about them.

In fact, that was not the first time that I had heard Bishop Long make mention of  his ‘spiritual sons,’  as these legal charges against Bishop Long are being brought against him by some of  his alleged past… possibly near-present ‘spiritual sons.’

I have also heard Bishop Long call Bishop T. D. Jakes his ‘spiritual father.’   Whom I am sure by this time has sought him out to assist him regarding this matter.

Just how much collateral damage these allegations will bring about is uncertain.  Sometimes just the sheer allegations are more than enough to make everyone run to the hills and dessert you.

UPDATE: Wednesday, June 22, 2011…  Nooooo, not so for Bishop Eddie Long’s congregation.  They are sticking by him…while Bishop Long has vowed to fight this to the very end.  Though I heard that maybe some negotiations have now taken place.  And maybe some paying off  may take place.

In searching over the internet for information on this story, I came across something on Bishop Trotter which shocked me.  It is the title to one of  his books….”My Wife, My Mistress, My B–ch or My Whore.”

This stuff  is too wild to even be fiction.  This is why we are informed in the Bible to put our trust in God only…and not man.    We can admire them…respect them… and give them honor as being our Pastors.  But at the end of  the day many of  them fall very short.

Another item on the radar is about Kim Burrell.

Has anyone heard this story?

Kim Burrell has left her church, Nelson Temple Church of  God in Christ, in Houston, to start her own church.  And has declared herself to be a ‘bishop.’

Kim’s church which she stated in a radio interview will be called ‘Love and Liberty Fellowship Church.’

It seems that Kim Burrell is determined to remain controversial.

There is definitely a war going on.View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

Perhaps, when the Bible said that ‘there would  be wars and rumors of  wars’… some of  the wars that it was referring to would not be as  traditional wars.  But perhaps some mighty great  ‘spiritual wars.’

One other note on Bishop Eddie Long…one could say that he was… and still is a ‘Preaching Icon.’  There are hardly any current Preachers who do not duplicate at least one thing or way that Bishop Long routinely says something.  Often now you can a Preacher or 2 saying “Look at me.”  Another Bishop Long line that is widely used by others is the word ‘scared’…Eddie Long’s way…‘skarrr-ed.’  Then there is…”I’m not afraid of  nobody in here.’  And the list goes on.

It will interesting to see  just how many of  these sayings survive this latest religious scandal.

UPDATE: On Bishop Eddie Longe saga…  What a shame.  It really sadden me… in regards to all parties.

A 4th young man has levied accusations against Bishop Eddie Long.  When these kind of allegations come to light there are usually more.  The probably is… this.  When the door is open… as this door has been opened many more may come forward.  And it may or may not be true regarding all of  them… but the door is definitely open for more allegations to come.×360.jpg&imgrefurl=–Fourth-Man-Files-Suit.aspx?BlogID=37f8a64e-5beb-46e3-bd5a-7eeba000f503

One of the first things one has to believe is this.  Whenever someone states something about you …or says something about you…or that you said…or did which is not true… the natural and first response  from you is to call it a ‘lie.’  But this is yet to be said on the part of  Bishop Long.

UPDATE: Monday, October 24, 2011…Trouble upon trouble for Bishop Eddie Long.

Well, hope that you are enjoying this weather.  For the past 2 days it has been very hot here.

Yesterday I went to our state fair.  I only go to eat the food.  I love fried dough…and the sausage with onions and green peppers…and mustard, of course.  I also can’t leave without buying a large fresh squeezed lemonade.  And the only thing I missed…was the mini donuts.

I just didn’t feel like walking that far to get  them.  Otherwise, they would have been had.  But after eating all of  what I had already bought…

Well, who had the energy?

But I am sure missing those mini donuts now.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

6 comments September 24, 2010

Tonex… and being honest…

Somewhere between being half asleep and awake…I laid listening jf746ARBL0832[1]when something so impacting caught my attention.  I was forced to turn over and pick up my son’s laptop to see who was talking.

Taking up my broken glasses and trying as best as I could to fix them upon my nose…I glared into the monitor screen of the laptop.

I have heard many conversations on being gay…involved in the homosexual lifestyle…but none as touching or as honest as Tonex’s  discussion with Lexi

Now, for those of you who do not know who Tonex is…well he is a young gospel recording artist…now turned pastor and gospel artist.   And Lexi is a gospel recording artist with a talk show on the Word Network…a black religious television channel…which I catch by viewing it over the internet.

This season Lexi has set about making her show more sustance  filled…hitting hot topics and talking to people in the black religious world talking about hot and usually taboo issues within the black church.

So, I was awaken and drawn into the discussion wondering who I was listening to talk about having been abused as a very young child at the age of 3 then again at 6.  But who was careful to clarify that the choices he had made in his life were his choices… and that he did not want to put them off upon the circumstances of sexual abuse as a child.  And that is what made me really start listening to the program.

Oftentimes, people go about playing out their lives and doing things which they want to blame because of past things in their lives.  It is easy to say-

“I did it because of what I had experienced as a child.”

Imagine what kind of world we would be living in if we all set about doing things because of  something in our past.

We have all experienced things.  Things that we may or may not have shared with anyone else or  even our parents.  My 2 experiences as a very young child, I never spoke a word of it to my parents…or anyone else for that matter.   For what reason I do not know. 

I believe as children we feel that certain acts against us are wrong…or that something was not right about it.  Our little minds as a child had no way of quite understanding the acts.  For the most parts we were not even participants…though the act was perpetrated against us.  We felt it…went throught it…but could not wrap our little minds around it (what had happened).

Some became marked by it early…and started acting out sexually.  But others went on…all the while trying to deal with that hidden secret.  And carried it through their lives…and it marked every experience…every relationship…and every thought that they have had.

What struck me as interesting was how honestly Tonex was able to articulate some very true and highly mis-understood things.  Many outside of the life have no understanding at all of  anything gay…except some mis-concepts that they have developed on the subject.

They fail to understand that not just straight people can develop deep and loving relationships with one another.  And that these relationships can run as deep as any of  those of any person.

But these relationships though the people involved may feel  is right…but yes…it is out of  alignment with the word of God.  The feelings…attractions…etc…are not really real.  It is a spirit.  And this spirit is just as strong as any spirit that can attach itself  to anyone.

And unless God brings you…or them out…they continue to linger in the feeling that what they are doing is alright.  What many do not understand is…is this…that it is through God’s grace and mercy that we are all save.   People say that they believe this… and that they know this.  But they don’t… not really.

It is through His love that we who have come out…have emerged from the lives that we once lived (be it drug abuse, adultery, fornication, lying, stealing, lesbanism, homosexuality etc…).  Because without Him none of us would have come out of anything.

I admire people who are honest.  That whole on the DL thingon down-low thang…distrubs me.  Because it is littered with lies…and deception.  It thrives based upon falsehoods…and may times denial.

I like honest people.  People who know they are battling with something and are looking toward God for deliverance. 

I can see the work that God is going to do in the life of  Tonex…because he is what God loves.   Tonex is someone  who is not afraid to be honest…yet loves  the Lord…and wants Him to do a work in him.  And not ashamed to say-

“I am waiting on Him to do it while I battle living in this thing.”

What a great program that Lexi had with Tonex.  Both she and Tonex through that show did a glorious work.  I am sure that someone fighting to find themself emotionally and sexually…and perhaps has turned against the church for having turned against them…found strenght in that show.  And confirmation of the fact that God is important even in their life…as they continue to battle with the demons that dwell within them. 

But God shall truly give them the victory…if they continue to trust and believe.  And not grow weary.

Love you, Tonex.  Your honesty will fall upon the hearts of many.  And I look forward to continue to see the great works that God is going to truly do through your life and through your honesty.  Many may not understand it…but it is not for the many.  But for those whom God intends to hear it…it shall reach them.  And it will do a work in their hearts.

Married for 4 years, Tonex fought with the demons.  But found that the draw was too great…and eventually came out of his marriage. 

He battled over his singing career though having won many awards…while trying to deal with the demons drawing him.  And for a while turned away from performing and recording.

The demons…the demons.  We fight them everyday.   We all do no matter what they may be…but we fight them.   There are times when we have all submitted ourselves to them.   And if  it had not been for the Lord…we would still all be in them.

It is a subject rarely proached by the black church except as thing of a joke.  But  there is nothing funny about it.   And the problem is in the black church as much as it is everywhere else. ..for the devil has many captives everywhere and in all kinds of  snares.

Though I admire Tonex’s honesty regarding his sexual issues.   A Pastor, however, is suppose to be without spot or blemish.  Though I know that there are many Pastors who fall far short from being spotless.   The office, however, calls for those who are truly lead by the Lord…that they should not themselves be confused…or  be living in confusion.  But God, I am sure…will press this upon his mind and heart. 

Recently, I had to stop going to our usual church because of the Pastor.  He began to start to get too friendly…and believe me it was not my imagination…far from it.    Though I had heard stories about him…I had felt that all the problems in his home had turned him around.  It seemed that God had stricken nearly everybody in his family…wife…children…etc…with something.  And still  he  hadn’t gotten the message.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverSince I couldn’t get out to do anything that I really wanted to do today…I stayed home.  Sat out on the porch reading my Bible and then decided to take a nap as I didn’t go to sleep last night until some time after 5 AM4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2 this morning as I busy writing another blog…the one before this one.   So, I am a bit tired. 

Hope you had a beautiful day.    

Well, God bless… and enjoy the rest of your evening.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment September 10, 2009






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