Posts filed under: ‘Child Trafficking‘


Wow, I don’t even know what happened here.  I lost my whole post all most.600x600

I will try to rewrite it again but don’t know if it will be as good as the first.  But here goes.

I came across this posting on a site called, MOTHER’S PEARLS.  And since the day I initially posted my blog on the DeBarge 8y5pugfamily and their deep family secret which tormented them for years, that post hands down has been my most popular.

That being so I thought that many of you would also like to read what was said by Tommy DeBarge, who for years as growing up had been molested by his older brother, Bobby.debarge

It cannot be a secret how much pain must go through 1 when they are physically violated.  But that pain and hurt must be much deeper when it does not come from the man or woman down the street… but is within your own home… among those who are suppose to love and care for you… and protect you.

The DeBarge children had … I guess all of them… had be imagessexually abused by their father… both the girls and boys.

The damage that is done to children who experience sexual abuse cannot be overstated.  I know this first hand having also been a victim of it, though it was not within the confines of my family.jamesrandybunny

I know some women who once worked at a facility that housed children sexual offenders.  Yes, I said, CHILDREN SEXUAL OFFENDERS.  I asked 1 day what were the ages of the children in their facility and I was told, “Well, the youngest is 3.”

That has always stayed with.  I cannot image what it is like to be locked away from people for the rest of your life because someone began sexually abusing as an infant or toddler and at the age of 3 they have to lock you away.

rdebargesrThe world indeed is a very cruel place… very cruel.  And has gotten crueler with all of this child sex trafficking and everything else like it that goes on today.7fa7e89e9661de04176c3c8485942b98

For that kind of torment to be going on in your own home is something which a very beautiful family of children have had to fight to regain and sustain some type of sanity from the horrors they had to endure not only at the hands of their own father… but as their own b31053c60c49d4d9626f908c76042975siblings began to prey upon them.

As a note here, Bobby the oldest of the DeBarge children died many years ago from AIDS.  9477989_109738431579His predator… his father who had sexually abused … I guess all of his children…   Their father died only several years ago… and am sure if he had a conscience he died a very tormented man.

This is from Mother’s Pearls:

According to Tommy Debarge of the Debarge Family


Anything and everything was exposed and deemed acceptable in Hollywood.  A homosexual lifestyle didn’t have to be kept secret there as it did back in Michigan.

Men were attracted to men and openly spoke their minds about it, which offended me because of my past with Bobby.  I felt as if something queer had been permanently affixed to me because of the horrible things he did to me.


I blamed him for the unwanted attention I was getting from men.
I had never confronted Bobby about what he’d done to me.  Instead, I’d gotten high or occupied myself with women in order to not have to deal with it.  I had to be honest with myself.  The whole man with a man thing had me on edge.  I did learn through my industry peers, however that it was necessary to be appealing to both genders in order to sell lots of records.  Still, it bothered me a great deal.


At this point, Bobby was dating women.  There was a brief period of time when I actually thought Bobby might be straight.  However, as he became more sure of himself as an artist and comfortable in his surroundings, the more he openly expressed his desire for men.


I watched as homosexuality manifested itself in Bobby’s life.  He had a stronger attraction towards men than women.  He had a male friend, Tony, whom he had met in California, and whom accompanied him everywhere.


After a while, Bobby removed all restraints from his sexual desires.  He didn’t care if his private life was private or exposed.  He was staying at a Hollywood Hotel; Tony moved in.


I was with Bobby in his hotel room one evening when he pinned Tony against the wall and kissed him like he was kissing a woman.  His tongue was in Tony’s mouth and he embraced him.  They kissed and caressed each other without shame.

Later, Bobby revealed himself to be bisexual, meaning that he participated in sex with both men and women.  He stated that a man’s love is what he was searching for because women were only useful for sexual pleasure and couldn’t be trusted.  He used neglect and abuse from the past as an excuse for his lifestyle.


Since we were on the topic, it was a good time to ask him about what he had done to me as a child.  He said he regretted what he had done to me back then, explaining that he was just a boy.  I waited to hear, “I’m sorry,” but he didn’t apologize for any of it.

Add a comment March 8, 2016


It is hard to know where to begin with this blog since I have so many different things on uni-sex_bathroom_signmy mind.  But let me begin with this…

As I just came across it on a Facebook post… where the mayor in Houston had proposed to allow transgender people to legally use the bathroom facilities that they identify with.

Needless to say… why write certain things into law?

woman-public-toilet-7348288They already do it.   So, such a thing is really kind of stupid.  But the other side of the coin is this …writing such a thing into law opens the door for many women to become victimized by men looking for new opportunities in ways to victimize women.  What I mean by this is this.

Most times women go into a bathroom… it is usually not full… not unless you are at a club or some large social setting.  A lot of times we are the only ones in bathrooms.  When we enter the ladies room we do not expect anyone stronger than us to overpower us and shove us into stalls to rape us… or to carry out any other type of crime that people perpetrate against women.  But such a city ordinance would open the door for such a thing to happen to women.  As just anybody could walk into any bathroom they wanted and not necessarily have in mind the intention of using the toilet.toilet

Not to mention women often allow their children to go into the ladies room… most of the time under their care.  But such an ordinance would put at risk both a mother and a child if a deranged person were watching them… and then followed them into a co-ed bathroom.  Whereas such a person entering into the ladies’ room would easily be spotted if the bathroom facilities were not co-ed.

In places where perpetrators look for unsuspecting victims …such as in movie theaters and amusement parks where there are always large number of children this type of policy would be very disastrous.

I know that campuses now have co-ed dorms and co-ed dorm rooms…  and “unisex,” coexisting-in-coed-dorms“gender-neutral”  “gender-inclusive” bathrooms etc.

But is this thing right?

I say, ‘No.’

And it is a resounding ‘no.’  

Perhaps I am a little bit too caution.  Or maybe you just think I am being super homophobic.  But it is not the homosexuals I am thinking about.  I’m thinking about the people who would take such an ordinance and use it to prey upon certain people…such as unsuspecting women and possible children, as many times children do go into bathrooms with their mothers.   And these people are not gay… they are rapists… child molesters… predators of every sort.

And believe me… I would rather fall on the side of a little per-caution rather than hearing someone say,  ‘I’m sorry. We never dreamed this sort of thing would happen.’

All this  might stem from the fact that I was abused as a child.  I really don’t know.   Or it may stem from the fact that I have been stalked several times.  Now, that I do know.toilet sign

I think about it this way…  if it ain’t broke ‘don’t fix it.’  

What is wrong with having the women’s bathroom for women, and the men’s bathroom for the men?

Has not that system worked all these years?

With regards to the home situation…  Well, is totally different.  We are at home.  We all know each other… ans supposedly nobody is trying to prey upon another.  We grow up using bathrooms inside the home as a family.  But in public the same principles do not apply.  And it has always been broken down as facilities for men… and separate facilities for women.

Why mess with that now?

One could say that this is the problem that we have with our medical system in this country today.  Who in the world started messing with it?????


We had a system that used to work.  People used to be able to see qualified doctors not just Stethoscopepeople tied into their medical plans, who only issue prescriptions for medication manufacturers tied to pharmaceutical companies who own their plans… to whom their now doctors are also tied to.  Kind of a vicious little circle… called lets keep the money in-house.  And that is exactly what they do… if they can.

Sure our old medical system might have had issues… lets face it nothing is perfect.  But it had worked fine for hundreds… maybe thousands of years more or less as it was.   The pluses were  (1) you could pick and chose your 50c4090e22ffa.preview-620own doctors.  (2) Hospitals had to treat people whether they had insurance or not.   And (3) if a doctor wasn’t working for you… you could just pick up your marbles and go to another one without asking the doctor you are trying to rid yourself of… to write you a ‘referral.’

Who thought of this ‘doctor’s referral‘ thing?medical-insurance_policy-insurance_company-health_insurance-prescription-medication-llan1213l

We are not children.  Why do we need to ask a doctor ‘may I?’

Or ‘can I?’

And if they won’t then… you can’t.  You are just plain STUCK.

That is just a little bit too much control over  patients if you asked me.

But going back to my original issue with removing ‘MEN’ and ‘WOMEN‘  signs from public toilets….or those little pictures that mean ‘MEN’ or ‘WOMEN’ toilet facilities.   I clearly understand what probably escapes many people…   is that who is going to get blamed when stuff starts going wrong with making such an sane which to our long established system of public toilet facilities.

Most people like to believe that the people who perpetrate crimes on children… particularly on boys… little boys are all gay.   If you only knew.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  If you could  only hear some of the gay guys talking on this subject, then you would certainly know  THAT to be a lie.   Most gay men… and36875-Boys-Like-Men-Love[1] women… if not all of them… hate people who  perpetrate sexual crimes against children  …or anyone else for that matter.

I know personally that many gay people get mad when these people… sexual perverts such as NAMBLER… North American Man/Boy Love Association… attempt to tie or associate themselves to the gay community.   Mostly because those men involved in that kind of thing are not gay.  They think of themselves as straight men who merely love having sex with very very young boys.   These men are low life predators.  A bunch of six depraved men with warped minds.   Of whom I have absolutely no tolerance whatsoever for.

The Nambler men are sexual deviants straight out of hell who prey upon very very young boys while living what appears to be very regular lives as heterosexual men… and men who seek out very very young little girls to do the same… they are just as intolerable.    They are all highly deceitful.  Many are married and/or have girlfriends… some even have their own children.

We are living in a time when laws and ordinances are being created and made that will medical+marijuana+(1)cause more harm to our society … than at any other time.  And crimes are becoming more and more heinous… and laws more and more lacks.

Who thought of legalizing marijuana?

Who approved it?

Now, you not only have to careful and the lookout for drunken drivers… or those underimages the influence of all those other long recognized nonlegal and legal drugs out there.  But now also have to be on the lookout  for people driving around buzzed… under the influence of marijuana, whose system is just as whacked out and as much impacted by effects of marijuana as anyone who has been drinking or using some other narcotic drug.

Now, these guys are selling marijuana stocks and bonds on Wall Street to fund their marijuana farms.

This whole thing is becoming very insane.   My father would say… ‘the world is going out backwards.’  And it truly is.

Pandora’s box is being left wide open.  And there is no turning back the terrible tide that it is unleashing upon this world.

Fools and depraved minds have taken over our Courts and government.  They are creating laws and writing into place legislation that are turning this world upside downTraditional_Wedding_001.

Having been in ‘the life‘ for many years, of course, I do understand why gay people wanted the right to be legally married.  I myself had personally witnessed and knew of several relationships where one partner or lover had died.   After having spent many years together I saw where families IMG_0016stepped in following the death of their family member deciding  to take over everything from the surviving lover in that relationship… including the funeral arrangements.  Just ripping everything out of the hands of the surviving partner or lover.

They may have had amassed a house… and/or a business… or other items purchased and/or paid for together… or co-owned by the both of them… but in came their family.   They took 7979_michael-robert-crawford-shorty-gay-black-95c9f1136cb41710control over the dead body… and eventually forced the surviving partner out.

So, yes I can understand how having some level of law to protect what 2 people had accumulated together would be helpful to them. Particularly in light of greedy family members… who many times cast off their gay family member years ago… only to re-emerge following their death to declare to their surviving lover ‘you don’t own anything here… and get out.’  But then I have seen that in heterosexual relationships too… where people lived together for years and failed to marry.

But did the law governing marriage have to be rewritten to provide for that is my question?

I think not.   That right could have been gotten a whole entire way without trying to *Jan 07 - 00:05*23_NE Consortiumredefine marriage as something other than what God intended marriage to be… and between whom He intended it be between.

But their are people who have been put in place to bring about any change that delights that other spirit that also inhabits this world.  Just a chosen few people in the right places is all it takes to set about a change that effects everyone in the land.   And that is the problem with our system… it doesn’t take the masses to do it any more.

It was just a single woman… a mother with 2 sons that took prayer out of public schools around this entireimages nation.  Just 1 demonic woman.

Today just a small group of people can decide to do something… and BAM!     It is done.   Things changed that you never thought you would see changed.

Who would have guessed that marijuana would ever get legalized in this country?


Next it will be crack cocaine… then cocaine and everything else.  Why not… it all makes money?

Even  lying after Bush became acceptable if it somehow can be seen mission_accomplishedto serve greater good.  Or some kind of meaningful …or in Bush’s case devante purpose.  But nobody started throwing stones at him when they finally found out he lied about ‘weapons of mass destruction,’ as a means for him to invade Iraq and start an unnecessary war, in order to push up gas prices and make his family richer.  And that it ended up killing millions of Americans, mostly young college kids for no good cause.

There is someone somewhere making BIG BUCKS from marijuana …and that you can bet your money on it.   Otherwise, how did marijuana stocks hit the stock market so quickly?

And who are the really people cashing in on it?

Probably the people who have always been at the top of the illegal American drug trade in the first place.

No, there are things happening in our government today… that even those guys on Capitol Hill… the insiders know and are dealing with …who are pulling all the strings to our never money-flying-background-24856509before.  And because we now live in a global economy… our inter-actions in the global world… wield lots of global influence…  that person or persons may not even be American… nor Americans.  But they are for real.

They are getting things done that no of us ever dreamed would ever be done.  And the change that they are effecting is not for the good of this country.

Not at all.

If, indeed, legislators were legitimately looking to legislate some good policy they should take a look at the evils in this world and sincerely seeks ways to remove and/or lessen them… not open the doors for more to come about.

I had wanted to talk about the 300 or so Nigerian girls which were kidnapped.  But I’m being pushed out of here.  Maybe tomorrow…5448296-3x2-340x227

But the 1 thing that stays on my mind about that whole thing is how nearly 300 school girls were kidnapped from their school… and nobody did nothing?

How did that happen?

How it that 300 young school girls, kidnapped on April 15th of this years and are still under 140502114535-nigeria-schoolgirls-demonstration-story-topthe hands of their kidnappers, have yet to be found or released?

Most of the problem in this case stems from world interest in this story and the fact that the Nigerian government officials do not want the involvement of outsider aid… such as the United States… in assisting them in freeing the girls … or seeking freedom for them.  Most of it boils down to political pride on the part of the Nigerian officials not wanting it to be seen as they cannot handle their own affairs.  Of which they evidently cannot based upon the kidnapping of these young girls they are in dire need of some help… from someone.nigeria-missing-girls

Why be so proud that you cannot accept assistance in such a matter as this?

It is foolish.  If any of the government official’s daughters were involved they wouldn’t be able to accept help quick enough.  But it is evident that none of their daughters is at risk.

There is no telling as to what is happening to those young girls when you consider the treatment of women who have be taken by such groups as the bunch of criminals who claimed that they took these girls.  1399593508062.jpg-620x349[1]It is not uncommon for women/girls to be raped, beaten and abused in an array of various ways including sold into bondage and prostitution.

It is my hope that a resolve comes soon… as it has already much too long in the making.  I pray for those young girls.nigeria-girls

I am thankful we have a President who cares about Africa …and her people.  Thank you, President Obama.

I know people are going to think I am whack-co but since I am on the subject let me take a moment to go back and hit upon this subject regarding transgender individuals as well.   It appears to me that this whole 0thing is becoming more and more rampant.  It has become a trend …and it is growing fast.

There was once a time when transgender and yes, even drag queens were kind of looked down upon.  But a boom is on to change all of that.  Their ranks are growing… and growing even at early ages.

It is almost becoming a fab now among many in the gay community.  Kind of like all this body piercing and tattooing that has grown so popular… and tattooing lately.  And not only has it become popular… trendy… but it is even d91fdb1b548bb8890a97863a515f3604becoming acceptable to many outside of the gay community.

Few people used to talk about such things as ‘I feel like I was born to be a man’ if they were a woman… or vise versa.  But there is lots of chatter about that now.  The seeds have been laid… and it has become like a ranging fire swirling out of control.

It kind of reminds of my niece saying to me 1 Sunday, ‘Auntie, I don’t afro-americanwant to go to this church any more.  I’m not being fed.’

Not being fed?

What did she know about not being fed.  It was not she like she was Young Woman Thinkingsaved or anything… or even paying any attention much during our church services. But she had heard someone else said it.  And that was all she needed… to being her own reverberating of those words ‘I’m not being fed.’

The true being told no church was going to feed her spiritually as she, at that point, was not really interested in being in church at all anyways.

black_gay_LGBT_black_enterpriseSo, what I am trying Bio-headshot-300x243to say here is this… all these people declaring that they are something other than what God created them to be… be it male or female.   They have been bitten by a bug… and the world today is full of people who follow what other people do.  This stems from hearing something like ‘I never felt comfortable being a girl’… following somebody sitting on some television show… national, of course… sounding and looking every bit like a man or ever bit like a woman.  And the viewer internalizes that notion and begins feeling and saying that exact same thing… as they start e5545ef4c71211e2b06022000a9e289e_7working their way to becoming a transitioning something or other.

It is really rather sad to me.  But who knows …when the devil had me… he really had me too.  So, who knows if this trend had been so hot and heavy in my days what I might not have elected to do it too?

Perhaps I should not cast any stones.  But thank God that is not my mind today.  For the devil no longer has be captive.

But now I am seeing them everywhere… transgender people.  And reading and hearing  more and more about people ‘transitioning.’  Meaningmedicine-543 slipping out of being 1 type of sexual being into another… as in going from being… or appearing to be male to appearing to be female via surgery, shots and medication etc.

For a while now I have been thinking about a friend of mine who recently was informedtimthumb by her daughter to begin calling her ‘Harry’ or some nonsense… (I am kind of playing with the name here as I do not wish to disclose the real name).     But yes, she has begun eating up all those pills and seeking to undergo the surgery.

I cannot think of anything more which resembles self-hate more to me than an act such 894497as this.  And the thing seems to have become more and more popular… and widespread among those in the gay community.

And that is what they say ‘I hated myself because I knew I was suppose to be a girl.’

You know what the devil is the great deceiver.  All of my life until most recently I used to think of myself as being ugly.  I really thought I was ugly and never like taking pictures.  I didn’t want any mirrors in my room.  I rarely looked at myself in the mirror.  But you know what a few years ago I started thinking about something…

I started thinking about all the times I had gotten stalked.  Yes, I said stalked.  And I said ‘all the times I got stalked.’Short-Haircut-with-Long-Bangs1

I have been stalked at least 5 times in my life if not more.  And I started thinking about that.

I had had some very beautiful girlfriends… but none of them had ever been stalked.  Or least ways not to my knowledge.  So, I wondered 1 day ‘why me?’2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

It was not until I started trying to get a picture for the back cover of my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE,  that I discovered something.  And it came about shortly after I got saved… and came into the realization that God never created anything ugly.

So, now as I was looking for a picture for my book… I also began to see myself in a new and very different light.  And in that light I realized that I had never ever been ugly.

I laugh at it now because for over 40 nearly 50 years I had felt that I was not attractive at all.  I just never saw what I see now… and I have attached this picture of me so you IMG_1524566753448can see too.  Isn’t it funny.  Stalked at least 5 times …and I mean seriously stalked.  Once so bad I almost had a nervous breakdown because I became so terrified.  And I have been stalked by men and women.

But once I came into the light… and the scales were removed from my eyes I began to see me that had always been there… but I had never seen before because… to me … in my eyes then I was ugly.

So, now you see me.  And, of course, that is me below also.  But when the devil has your mind …he can make you believe anything… even that you are man when you really are a woman.  God does not make mistakes.  But the devil does… and often.  Don’t let him fool you too.

When my friend’s daughter…  her other daughter called me up and told me the story about her decisions to become a man… my mind began to take a tumble.  It is hard for me to wrap my mind around anyone wanting to destroy river-church-e1338382904428them-self in such a horrid way as this… as  an act of trying to re-order their sexual gender would be doing.  And all I could think of was the woman… really a man who tried to join Salsa-Soul Sisters.  An act which met with such furry that the person was totally forced out of our group sessions and following that night stopped entirely coming to our Salsa-Soul Sisters meetings at all.

Those lesbians called an emergency meeting where immediately they voted in unanimously ‘that no person who is not born bio-logically a woman could ever be a board meeting of Salsa-Soul.’   And they meant every word of it.2012-03-23-MCpicwithlavernereduced

And I mean they all rush into that meeting that night… for that emergency meeting.  The only emergency meeting I think Salsa ever had.  Sisters I hadn’t seen in years… some I even think got up out the grave to attend that meeting.

It was a pivotal point in Salsa-Soul Sisters history alexander_robinson_1that night.  I think in the lesbian world really… in how we all view some things… Salsa was a scared female only organization.   So, a man… even 1 dressed up as a woman.. with boobs etc…   Well, a thing like that was not acceptable to us… to none of us.  And a man… going through a sex change to become a woman so he could be a lesbian… was not acceptable to those real 100% lesbian women who came into that meeting to voice their opinions on the matter… and it would never be and they made sure of that.  Lease ways not as a board member of their prized and beloved organization… Salsa Soul Sister, Inc.   And I have to say… I agreed.

But the odd point is this … as freaky as that whole thing was to me… and as it was to my fellow Salsa-Soul Sisters… I never saw where it might ever become a larger issue.  A world issue… if you get my drift.  As I now see it 10444567_10152485603178664_1942096084515253197_nbecoming.

This thing is large and it incorporates changing legal documents which are adjusted to the conform and affirm the status, name etc. of the said person.  This includes drivers licenses and everything… which once read ‘male’ are now changed to read ‘female.’  And to me that is scary.  Because these people move away Kylar Broadus_3_0from home where nobody knows them and present themselves to unsuspecting people as someone totally different from who they really were born to be… and they look many of them every bit the part of who they are trying to pretend to be… and sound like it too with the help of all of what they are taking by way of medication to assist in their incredible changes.

If questioned about it… saying that someone questioned if they were a man or a woman?

All they have to do is pull out this new false licenses, passports etc… listing their new names, social security numbers and sex on them.  And who could argue that they were not who or what they claimed to be.b0454ff6518b7c9a0079e1f9bf52dc09

Today the amount of people opting to change their sex is staggering to me.  It is like a fad with many people deciding to do it… like changing an old hat or pulling off an old tee shirt.

I would years ago not believed that there were more than a mere handful of whacked out people willing enough to do it.  But Laverne and Kylarit has become the new ‘in thing.’   And it is catching on like wildfire.

Whenever I am talking to the sister of the daughter who is going through this type of change… which is called ‘transitioning,’  I avoid speaking about her sister at all now.  As the thing really is a bit too much for me… and I would rather not hear about it.  But I understand that she has had her breast removed and her voice is changing.  And ‘yes’ she is beginning to grown facial hair… so the process of DTQAQohnVThGBDG-556x313-noPadlooking more and more like the male species is well underway for her … as well as, sounding like 1.

The sister has told me that her mother and everybody else in the family is calling her ‘him’ now… and by his adaptive name… ‘Harry.’    Which really surprised me.  Because I would not have believed that their mother would have fallen into that game… and it is a game.  Really it is.  And it is a game that I just cannot play… because it would be lying… and too accepting of your child going through that process.

If your child was a robber would you accept that?

ts-amiyah+mizrahiI think not.  Then why accept a change that is going to alter your child into someone or something you will no longer recognize …and living in such a diverse lifestyle that is GTY_cher_chaz_bono_sr_131101_16x9_992bound to bring them nothing but unhappiness later on down the road… if not already  And it will.

I hear that Chaz… Cher’s daughter has found that it may have been the wrong choice for her… in altering herself or attempting to alter herself into a man.  Let’s face it… Chaz will always be known as Cher’s daughter whether they call her Chasity of not.   We can all agree that she looks and sounds ever bit like a man.  But at the end of the day she is just a woman who had a sex change.   And THAT, my friend… really doesn’t add up to being a ‘real man.’

How could I go around calling someone ‘her’ or ‘she’ when I know that they are a ‘he or a her?’ 

And since I would rather not hurt their feelings it is best ‘we’ do not come together at all.

black-baby1Now, I am not for disowning people.  Or throwing away ones children.  That would be down right wrong.  But we cannot accept all kinds of  junk either.   A parent cannot discard their child… and should not.   But  this whole ‘I changing my sex thing’ certainly should not be forced down any parent’s throat either.  That is the feeling I got about my friend’s daughter… she had no respect of what or how her parents felt about it.  Or cared about how they felt about it.  It was her way or no way.  So, her mother conceded and began calling her daughter ‘he’ and ‘him’ … and whatever name she is calling herself.african-american-woman-drinking-water1

I had lovers… a few of them even met my parents.  But I was 1 of those people who was very discrete about my relationship with the women I went to bed with.  I certainly never kissed or held their hands in the company of my parents… or out in mixed company anywhere.   In fact, while in the company of my parents it never tumblr_static_249320-supreme-court-gay-marriagecame to me to want to.  Because… I guess I respected them too much to want to.

I have always maintained and still maintain… that my life is my life.   I also felt that it was not necessary for me to go shouting through the streets or around world who I was sleeping with.  And I have always maintained that I really did not care who other people were sleeping with as long as it was not involving children or animals.  Outside of that… it  really wasn’t any of my business.

Though I had a friend working at a radio station in New York and 1 evening I imagesaccompanied her to the radio station, and upon greeting someone she noted to me privately ‘that he likes young boys.’    She went on to say, ‘boys between 4 and 7.’   I never went back to the radio station with her after that… because all I could do was kind of duanna johnsonstare at the guy and think that somebody should put him out of his misery.  Such people have to be sad people to me.

How could you live with yourself doing such a thing?

I don’t know how she could work in a place like that… with someone like that.   I could barely make it through the evening knowing what she had told me about him.

But how does anyone share information like that with anyone?

And how does anyone not report him?

And you would have had to have seen the guy… never would you have guessed it.  Tall… muscular… good looking kind of guy… normal on the outside.  But dark on the inside… filled with some deep dark secrets.  It Black-Man-Back-Pain-669x272was written in his eyes… I think.

Why or how he managed to share them… that kind of information about himself and his sexual forays with my friend I do not know.   But that was all she had to say to me to keep me away from that radio station ever again.  But I have never forgotten him.  Because there was something rather sad about him… as well.  You cannot live like that… or that kind of life and not be sad.   A very sad sad person.

GTY_bruce_jenner_76_olympics_sk_140213_16x9_608But back to this transgender revolution that is exploding all over the place.  It is sad to see how the world is going backwards.  How twisted and turned around people are becoming.  There is a lost of direction… and everything bad seems to be in.  Or appears to be the latest thing to do.  bruce_jenner_skin+cancerEven Bruce Jenner, step dad of the Kardashians and an Olympic champion, in his younger days… has gotten in on the transgender act.    I is hard for me to see or understand why so many people are electing to do so… or are so guns-hoo for it.  It boggles the mind.

Bruce Jenner’s Daughter Cassandra Marino Supports His Sex Change and Physical Transformation

6a00e550255d3c883301901bcd0eb5970b-320wiAnd what is even more mind boggling to me… is the fact that many once they undergo their change now classify themselves as being ‘straight.’  Meaning they do not want to be classified as being gay or transgender etc… etc… at all.  They think of themselves as being totally man or woman… not transformed being.  This thing is crazy.ziegler

That is what I think about this whole new thing… crazy.  This whole thriving world of transgender individuals…. people who think that it is ‘hip’ … I am dating myself here I know but I can’t think of another word that fits better than ‘they think it is ‘hip.’   ‘Hip’ to be an ‘it.’  

I have seen them… seen pictures of them… and they seem to be happy outwardly…and loving who they are pretending to be.  But I know that is a lie.   You cannot be really happy or  love anything …and be out so of alignment with God.

You did know this part was coming.  Least ways I hope you did… because I could not leave this blog without bringing Him up.  He does play a factor… a major factor in all of this.  Especially since He created us all.

Oh, you can appear to be happy.  But appearing to be happy and being happy are 2 totally different

What God has made us to be… that is what we are.  And no doctor or amount of chemicals or operations can change it.  Your DNA is your DNA and that is God’s doing.  Everything else is meant to be confusion… strife… and deceitful.

Do not let the devil destroy you.  And if your child is dealing with these issues remember rakdos-demon-lordyou can’t change them… therapy can’t change them…  but God can.  He changes and mind and the heart… He changed mines.  Just keep your children lifted up in prayer.   Pray without ceasing and love on them …and let God do His perfect work in them.

My parents prayed for me.  And you see me as I am today… God made a new creature out of me.  And He didn’t need any medication or shots or surgery to do it.

One last thing before I get out of here…

This woman here and her daughter… turned male supposedly… are just looking for a reality show deal 610x3601on the backs of this whole transgender mess.  If they don’t already have 1.  The thought of it makes me sick… because it puts out there this concept of changing your sexual identity is alright… that it is good… and okay… and above all… it can make you happy and ‘in.’   And so many many many people are just looking for anything that will o-VIVIAN-BILLINGS-TRANSGENDER-SON-facebookmake them ‘in’… they are looking for anything that make them more friends or gather them some attention.  They are looking for their 15 minutes of fame and possible fortune.

And this is sad… and sends the wrong message to those whom we see today are mixed up in this very vivian-billings-kaydenimpressionable society.

And if you ask me this woman is definitely pimping her daughter… and the look of her daughter’s face…says she is loving every minute of it.  It is all me resized...about money, baby

You do see what her cap says don’t you?1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_n

Or maybe they are both just pimping each other…2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Well, God bless…. I have got to get started on something else before I get out of here.  So, I have to end now.  But you will not believe that I actually wrote this blog several weeks ago… and I am now just getting around to adding all the finishing touches to it today.  Oh, well…   Hope you enjoy your weekend and I truly do God will bless you and keep you well.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2014

When you watch this stuff it really really makes you scared for the world… and all its people. It is frightening times because the devil is taking the minds… hearts… and bodies of our children.  And some parents are aiding in that process.

This stuff is sick… and very distressing…   Perilous times…. II Timothy 3:1…

UPDATE:  Wednesday, July 10, 2014….Okay, I’ve just finished watching the graduation speech to -d5080b0ec13c29aathe college in the video above by the (I hate to say ‘he-she’ above)… but you know what?

I think whoever termed that phrase got it right.  And for a truth they were way ahead of their time when they first started saying it.

Times have gone crazy.  Why would you invite a transsexual to be your graduating class main speaker?

classof2014Alright, maybe I could see it if the person had done some type of fantastic or earth scattering deed… discovered something (other than he wanted to be a woman and was now pretending to be one).   But all this guy does is pull at his very bad weave and talk about himself.  I must admit that I have known more than my share of drag queens who loved to do the very same.  But nobody paid them ‘x’ amount of dollars or extended an invitation to them to come and be the guest speaker of their class graduation at some college.

I must be missing something.  And I am not trying to be funny… but I kind of liked it _MG_3679_0when we celebrated people for ‘really’ achieving something other than cutting off their penises… or attempting to grow 1.   This is sick…truly.

And I know somebody is not going to like it.  They will call me homophobic and bildeeverything else.  And I can live with that.

But what I cannot live with… is me sitting around and being quiet as I watch this world sink into holes it will never ever be able to pull itself out of again.  Pandora’s box is open…

One thing about everything when you are growing up.  Everything is a joke to you… until it isn’t a joke.   Don’t be caught unawares…  ©2014


Add a comment June 20, 2014

Terrible Things…Infants, Babies, Toddlers and 9 Year Olders…

Black-woman-thinkingI have been thinking about writing this blog for a little while now.  But so much has been going on and I have had so little time to do much of anything… except edit video and work on my podcast (which I will tell you about a few weeks from now).

Does anybody but me feel like time is running away from us?

It seems I just do not have enough time in my day …or night any more.  I am finding myself staying up from  6 to 10:00 in the morning… if I sleep at all any more… only to still run out of time.

But here is what has been on my mind lately.

I have not heard of such grotesque things as these kinds of things I have happened   across posted on my Facebook page.  I have just spent the last 20 minutes trying to find some of those post on my Facebook page and can’t Hillard.jpgfind 1 of them now.

So, what little I know of them I am going to tell you.

First, there was this huge picture that leaped up at me of the woman you see here.  Just seeing it made me think…. “I  do not want to read this.”

Does she look like she is smirking… happy with herself????

I don’t know maybe she is about 30 something if that… a young black woman, heavy set….   You can’t tell much more than that.   But she was a supposed mother who had  2 children.  The ages of her children were an infant, of about 6 months, and a little 3 year old… 2 little girls.  She was arrested for having allowing some old man have sex with her children for money.

Yes, I know…

I couldn’t really get past that point either.  An infant?

And a 3 year old daughter?

An infant… about 6 months old?????

And you selling your children for money…    And get this.  Videotaping the man doing it… and I think it said ‘sometimes joining in.’

They both deserved to be thrown under the jail… and never revisited again.

It made me think of Mo’que in that movie…Precious.

There are some stories I really can’t tell you about because I only read the caption below the picture of the person.  Based upon that I just didn’t not want to know any more.

Somethings are so heinous that you just don’t want to read any further.

I have found that I cannot read everything.  All of these kinds of things make me sick.  And they stay with me… really they stay with forever  it seems.

I find myself now praying day and night when it comes to mind that God build up His hedges african-american.baby_.shutterstockaround the babies and children, young kids, teens, young girls… and boys etc…   The times are very bad.  The level of sexual perversion is appalling… the acts and the deeds being perpetrated upon innocent people and children are unthinkable.

Since I can’t find any of the postings any longer on my Facebook page that I had wanted to write about… and this is the only one that I can think of… as I never got pass the picture or the caption of the others to really read any of their details.   Because after reading some of the comments under those postings I knew not to open it up… and a lot of times I felt I wished I hadn’t even read the caption under  the picture.

I just pray for all the little children… and that God heal the land of this and the other acts of diversness.

But as much as I would love for God to heal the land… I do know that the worst is yet to come.  All this is Biblical and our only defense against all the madness that is happening in today’s world and to come is to put on the whole amour of God.  Read the Word of God… and find out for yourself.

old_combsHappened to come across this story of a supposed Baptist preacher and his wife who had kidnapped a young little girl, raise her for 19 years as their daughter while molding her to be a slave.e_combs

They abused the girl some much that not 1 area of her body is not scarred.  They beat her with metal baseball bats, water hose, hanged up, burned her, cut her, used pliers on her, and raped her etc…. And when she tried to run away she would only be returned to them… who would then abuse her even worst.

And these people called themselves saints… the man was a pastor… his wife was a first lady… and they had a son who also abused and aided in torturing the girl, turned young woman.  david_combs

It is horrific the sadistic things going on today… across the board among all people.

Trying to dig up some pictures for this blog… another one of those stories came to me that I could not read pass the caption at the bottom of the picture.   That posting on Facebook had to do with a 9 year old girl being gang raped.An-anti-abortion-billboar-001

I am shaking my head at these stories… they are many and they are around the world.    I pray for these children and the insanity that surrounds them on ever side.  But I guess we really shouldn’t be shocked about it all really.  Because it has always been here… we just never heard about these kinds of things so readily.

It hurts me to read stories of this nature.  I cannot understand anyone who would destroy a child or ruin them for the rest of their lives.  Little GirlBecause whether it appears to be so or not… they are ruined in some way or other… and it does impact them on many various levels… if in no other way than robbing them of their innocence.–Houma-man-rapes-9-year-old-girl-repeatedly/18664248

I know this first hand because of my childhood past.

Oh, I wasn’t a 9 year old girl who got ganged raped.  488659-child-1357254151-374-640x480But I could have been had it not been for the grace and mercy of God.  I was being prep for it… but God interceded.  I was laid up on a kitchen table in a boarding house for some migrant workers, Hispanic men.  I do not know how old I was… but it was before I was in the 4th grade by at least a couple of years.

One day I was out playing and I heard a piano being played.  I followed the sound that was inside an abandon building across from the apartment building where we lived at the time.  Hand_Hand_opt1The man took me by the hand and lead we away into this boarding house… of course, at the time I had no idea of what was going on… or even that I was lead into a boarding house.

The man brought me into the kitchen and put me on the kitchen down laying me down with my legs hanging down off the table.  He began working on me.  He had pulled down my pants and panties and started working on by putting his finger inside of me.  And then he began to penetrate me.

As soon a she got started a man opened the door and began speaking with him in Spanish.  The man quickly closed the door and man working on me stopped zipped up his pants… and he got me off the table.  He opened the kitchen door tentatively and slowly eased me out with him.  As I stepped into the hallway all I saw was a sea of heads and heard a lot of confusion.  cute-black-baby-300x199There were a ton of men all gathered around the front door of the boarding house.  They were blocking the entrance of the door while the man eased me out the back way.  But the owner of the boarding house had seen the man bring a little girl into the house and he had come to see about what was going on.  That man rescued me.

I think of now knowing that God was good to me.  What I did not know as a little child is crystal clear to me now.  I was blessed.  No, it didn’t happened to me but it could have and was in the process of going to… had it not been for the Lord.beautiful_young_woman

However, the effects of it have stayed with even to now.  Growing up I always thought something was wrong with me.  It seemed that I was always being approached for sex.  I began to wonder if there was some kind of sign or something on my back.

Up until this very time I have really never had sexual relations with men.  When I got to to th2ab-the-bishop-wifecovere age where I matured a little …somewhere in my early pre-teensme resized... I determined not to have sex until after I got married and then would have a house full of children and a 2 car garage.  Funny the things you think about when you are a kid.

But it did impact me… and it has followed me all of my life.  I know the periods when I acted out.  So, there is no one who can tell me that such acts do not impact the lives of children.  Because they do… whether or not it is obvious or not.

africanamericanbabies1aLet us pray for the babies and the children, and the teens … and …and just everyone.1452460_10200798820042084_848507925_n

What happened to protecting our children?

We never used to do such vile things.

Biblical scripture says that when the children of  Israel emergency-dental-carefell into the sins of those around them, they began doing worst than them.  We are seeing today much of the same.  It is horrible that anyone should be doing these kind of vile things to anyone…

Well, as you can see I still get a chuckle out of my friend’s animation of me and her grabbing a bite to eat.  Bet you can’t guess which is supposed to be me.

***Please note that the pictures of the children are not those which have been preyed upon.  I merely use them to get the message across… as to how beautiful children are and their innocence should never be striped from them.***

Well, God bless…. it is Friday now and kind of wet outside.  But at least it is not snow… though 1 of my cousins called me saying they got snow.  And I hope they keep it there….  🙂

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2014


Add a comment March 28, 2014


I need not tell you just how intolerable I found this story… which I happened to come across on Facebook.•Aswad-Ayinde

I am not liberal in my thoughts concerning people who violate children.  I have no tolerance for them whatsoever.  And this particular news item only heightens my disdain.

This particular person is a man… if you care to call him that… a father, if you care to even half way call him that… who lives in Patterson, New Jersey.  He at some point was very involved with the group that Lauren Hill emerged from, the Fugees.  He was said to have been the music 1091245_v_jpg8053ea7f21e7e63cabec3d18b183c8e2video producer of 1 on their videos, Killing Me Softly.

But here is the story in a nutshell as I read it.  The man’s 12 year old daughter pops up pregnant.  And I guess the mother was questioning the child.

The man then told his wife, ‘I think the baby is mine.’1297448293769_ORIGINAL

He what????

He said, “I think the baby is mine.”

It is not amazing to me how bad you begin to look when you begin to do the unthinkable.  How 1 lives with themselves knowing that they have gone into forbidden territory is beyond me.  There is no way this person could have thought that what he was doing was right.  Because for 1 thing he kept it hid for years while making 1 daughter after another… then again and and again… pregnant.

“I think the baby is mine.”

This would be enough to have me on death row somewhere.  Because he would not have220ASPQB683-417 walked out alive.  And I am not just saying that.

I recall thinking this sometime after my son was born… ‘that if anyone touched him,… my son… I would go to prison.  And I meant it.

So, then I have to wonder about this mother?????????

The woman has 5 daughters with her husband…  this man… again if you want to call him that…  who had been  a music video director for a video of the Fugees.   Now, 3 of this woman’s older the-fugees_4802daughters had turned up pregnant… giving them 6 grand-children.  For him they would be 6 grand, and 6 more daughters for him… since all the babies were his which he had with his daughters… and their mothers, whom his wife, their mother gave birth to.

How does this happen?

Man Impregnates Daughter 4 Times

Then another 1 of the woman’s daughters turns up pregnant.  She was her resized...

I guess after making that confession his conscious must have started in on him… though he really couldn’t have had  much of 1 to have done what he has done.   But he told the woman, his wife… the girl’s mother… the 12 year old’s mother… the same mother of his other daughters, whom he had babies by already…  that he had also begun working on their 4th daughter too.  A little 8-year-old girl… whom he claims to only have performed oral sex on.

Okay, if you want to believe that.  But a man without boundaries… has no boundaries.  So, I doubt that ‘only oral sex’ thang.   Even THAT was 1 step far too much for someone who was supposed to protect his children… not abuse them.

I really can’t go on with this…  I will have to talk to you later.  I am 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversick to my absolute stomach with this story.

And these are black folk.

Truly, a demonic spirit and/or spirits were working in that house.  And a corrupt mind to perpetrate  it all.

This man …according to the mother… these young mother’s mother… said that her husband was trying to create his own ‘blue bloodline.’  abraham_post1



So, he thought he was Abraham?

Only, Abraham did not mess sexually with his own children.  Nor did Abraham deal in incest.  He sent a servant to his wife’s family house to seek a wife for his son, Issac.  Which in those times was a traditional thing to so.

God help those children… all of them.

Well, God bless…  I cannot imagine being 12 with my stomach pushed out… having to go to school… and this story comes out.  Everybody in Patterson is going to know this story.  All her little friends… her friends parents… her teachers.  And this is what this man was doing in his house to his children.DeBarge

He was breeding them.  Like some kind of animals.  My Lord…  help mankind, Lord God…  Please… please… please.  Save us from ourselves…

This story is as bad as the father of the DeBarge family.  The only difference is we never found out until they were grown people.   But their adult lives were as much a wreck trying to cope with it, as their haunted childhoods.  And these stories are not rare as I am beginning to find out just by looking up this story.  Click the links below… it proves it.

Then there was that man in Austria.  He kept his daughter locked in some hole down in his basement for 20 years… impregnating her with 9 children.

It is unbearable…  Madness…  Truly…

WTH: 58-year-old man impregnates his 2 daughters, attempts to rape the 3rd in Bayelsa

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

6 comments July 29, 2013

BISHOP LARRY TROTTER and child in a bathtub…

I often check my blog to see exactly what people are referencing my blog to read.  It often signifies a hot topic or that some event has just happened.  And so was the case this morning larry-trotter-grandaughterwhen I logged in to check my blog and happened to noticed that I had gotten a lot of hits concerning Bishop Larry Trotter, of Chicago, IL., and a little girl… supposedly a 4-year-old grand-daughter of his in the bathtub together.

Immediately, I Googled the story and lo and behold there it was a picture of Bishop Trotter, and what is reported to be 1 of his young grand-daughters… and both appear naked in the bathtub together.

All I can say is who takes a bath with their children?

Or their grand-daughter????

I remember my father in the bathroom… there were times that we would pass the bathroom and Screen-Shot-2012-09-23-at-8.29.11-PMwould see that he was shaving or brushing his teeth, but by the time he was taking off any clothes we never saw him.  There were times when he got into the shower and needed something and called for 1 of us… but he was always safely in the shower careful to keep himself out of our view.

For that matter my mother was pretty much the same.  We never saw her in the tub or in the shower either.

They did not allow us © Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporationinto the bathroom with them while they were naked.

Years later, however, while growing up we… me and my sisters from time to time had gotten dressed in the same room or area as our mother when we had to… you know like while visiting a relative’s house or in some hotel etc.  But outside of that no.

Bishop Larry Trotter Attempts To Explain Photo Bathing With Granddaughter… [AUDIO]

During a radio interview  Bishop Trotter attempted to explain away the incident. But  Bishop Trotter stated that he saw nothing wrong in getting into the tub with his very young grand-daughter.  And he added that he had gotten into the tub with all of his children.

In that interview also, Bishop Trotter recalls his growing up, when he and his sisters and BIM-BLD048010 - © - ERproductions Ltdlbrothers bathed together.  I would believe that most people who have or have had siblings may have also experienced this.  But beyond a point it ceased to happen.  None of us went into adulthood… or grew up as teenagers jumping in and out of a bathtub or shower with his or her sister and/or brother.  That is to say… not unless something was going on.  And I never grew up in that kind of family where those type of things went on.  Least ways… I don’t think so… oprah-winfrey-22and never heard of any such thing in our family.

However, many people will tell you that they were sexually molested.. abused or raped by a close family member.  Oprah, for 1,  herself speaks of an uncle that sexually abused her.  I even think Donnie McClurkin speaks of an uncle donnie-7829981 who abused him for years.

I have heard people testify about things that even their father had done to them sexually.  So, these kinds of things do happen… and sad to say they happen more often than we all really care to talk about.debarge-donna

For years the DeBarge family carried around their ‘dirty little’ secret about what their had father had done to all of them while 10557846-largegrowing up in their mother’s house.  So, this thing is not new.

So, yes eyebrows would go up upon seeing such a picture.  Or when they hear of such a thing as this picture.  And to say that you both had on ‘swimming trunks’…   Well, it simply does not wash.

Who takes a bath with swimming trunks on?110514-el_debarge_617

Another question…

If it happened as Bishop Trotter says it did, then why was he taking a bath with the bathroom mqdefaultdoor open so that just anybody could walk in on him… much less a little child?

In fact, Bishop Trotter’s explanation for how the picture came about… the events surrounding it… and how he and his grand-daughter ended up in the same bathtub together in what looks like they are both naked… really opens the door to a whole lot of other questions?

In fact, if you really listen to that radio interview Bishop Trotter actually states that there was no reason for his little FOUR YEAR OLD GRAND-DAUGHTER to not be able to take a bath with her ‘pa-pa’ if she wanted to.   WHAT???   And evidently, the little girl at 4 years old must have been down on her knees or something while on his lap in that water.  Because at 4 she would be taller than we can actually make out in that picture.

I recall the first time I ever saw Bishop Trotter… he at the time was part of Full Gospel under Bishop_Paul_MortonBishop Paul Morton.  And I think that was about the same time that I first saw and heard Bishop Eddie Long too.  Shortly, after that Full Gospel conference  both Bishop Trotter and Bishop Long broke from the Full Gospel Baptist organization, and decided to pursue their own separate church organizations, New Birth and Sweet Holy Spirit.

A few years ago Bishop Long fell into his own share of bishop-eddie-long-pictures0_270x203troubles by the way of 4 or 5 young men who had been a part of his New Birth organization.  To which Bishop Long later settled out of Court with, for a few million dollars against allegations of sexual misconduct and abuse.

The moment I read the story and saw the picture of Bishop Trotter, I must say that it brought back memories of Michael Jackson… and all the controversies of Michael with little kids.  Namely little boys…

And just like Michael, Bishop Trotter in his radio jackson30cinterview clearly states that he found nothing to be inappropriate about him being in a bathtub naked with a little child… much less a little girl.  With Michael it was that he found nothing wrong with being in bed with little boys.  And like Bishop Trotter, Michael said that he did it all the time.

Bishop Trotter stated in his radio interview that ‘he used to jump into the bathtub all the time with his son, and their army men.’  Then added ‘I guess the times have changed.’

It really has nothing to do with how times have changed… which is what Bishop Trotter was trying to pass off as an accuse for the uproar over the picture.  Because when you get right down to it… it is not about times changing at all.  It is about putting yourself in a situation where something could happen… or bringing a small child into something they are not supposed to be exposed to.

girl_swimmingI recall how when we were small my mother used to take us to this wading pool in our neighborhood.  All the kids loved for summer to come around… and so didn’t we.  During the summer our mother always took us swimming when it got too hot.  There were times when she would pack us up and drove us to the beach… or to the pond where we could feed the ducks… or to that small wading pool, that was not too far from where we used to live.

The pool wasn’t very deep… but got deeper as you stepped closer and closer to the center of the picHarrisIntegratedPoolBlog-733412pool.  In the center of the pool you could float or try to swim and then put your feet down, and stand up any time you liked.  So, we had fun playing in it… splashing… and sometimes running through it.

But then there came a time when our little pool became invaded.  An occasional Spanish man or 2 would get into the pool playing around with the children.  They mostly hug out near the center  of that small wading pool so you could not see below their waste.  Therefore, anyone sitting along the far outside edges of the pool could see the children in the water… but nothing too much under the water that girlswimmingmay have been going on.  And of course, the pool always had lots of kids into and out or the pool or running in the water… or splashing about further obstructing any parent’s watchful eye.

But 1 day I came to find out why they… those men liked being in the pool with us…    I saw something… and I never liked going back to that pool again.

Pulled this off from over the internet…someone had writme resized...en a comment about having attended a conference where Bishop Trotter spoke here is what she said:

I went to a convention where he was at in Virginia.

He was promoting his newest series “My Wife, My Mistress, My Bitch or My Whore”.

The whole church gasp, he said don’t be in shock, don’t judge,get the CD and then you will understand. For a Bishop I thought he was out of order fo2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverr that.

I had come across where Bishop Trotter had written that book a while back.  The title was curious to me also… and like the person who wrote that comment over the internet… I too thought it very inappropriate.  Especially, since Bishop Trotter had written that book about his wife… who was… is … and had been the mother of his children… and I guess at some point the First Lady of his church.

Inappropriate is a very good word here. And I guess we can all say the same thing about him climbing into a tub… or allowing a little child to climb into a bathtub with him while he bathed.michelle-obama-inauguration-parade-GC

God bless…hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.  The weather has broke here.  We are now experiencing mild weather today… but for past couple of days it was freezing cold.

Remember that Monday… this coming Monday is both President Barack Obama’s second inaugural… AND Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s birthday celebration.  Enjoy them both… and I am hoping to see you in D.C for the festivities.  But if michelle-obama-dnc-fasion-600x400not please enjoy it for me too.

I am so happy about it.  Truly a time to remember…   And if you can be part of it don’t let the opportunity go by… by not being so.

And again…happy belated birthday FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA… can’t close without saying that.   Love you…   In fact, I love you both….  And 49 is still a great year…  A very special year in fact…

Serena Williams on the bike champion Lance Armstrong finally admitting that he 2013 Australian Open - Day 4cheated…

“Serena Williams said Armstrong let all athletes down by doping and lying about it for so long, while No. 1-ranked Victoria Azarenka says the disgraced cyclist “deserves everything he gets.”

“I think a lot of people now look and are like, `OK, if somebody (is) that great, what about imageeveryone else in every other sport?” Williams said.

“As an athlete, as someone that works really, really hard since I was 4 or 3, I think it’s a sad day for all athletes in general. Overall, it’s even more disappointing for the people that were adversely affected through everything. You can only just hope for the best for them.”

For years Armstrong had denied that he ever used any drugs to enhance his ability to become the top ranking bike cyclist in the world.  And recently sat down with Oprah and confessed that he had lied.

And I hope that you are checking for a picture serena-williams_2454743bof me in these blogs…  Who knows I might even think of doing something real special.  Just keep looking out for me… in my blogs.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

5 comments January 19, 2013

A PARENT’S WORST NIGHTMARE…Sandy Nook Elementary School

Wrote this on my Facebook page….kids_1861945c

“Can’t imagine getting up early in the morning and rushing to work…and seeing my children off to school…only to hear my child’s teacher’s son came to school with a gun shooting to death his own mother…and stealing away the life and breath of my baby as well…and 17 other poor little children unfortunate enough to be that boy’s mother classroom.

And he takes his own life without enough courage to face me…

children-playingMy, Lord…when will this come to an end?

Had that young merely taken his own life first…

This current situation is more than sad….

Christmas for those parents will never be the same…nor their lives…

I pray a peace that surpasses all understanding come to them all right now…in Jesus name…”

It has to be a parent’s worst nightmare.  Many parents who sons and daughters have school-shooting-newtown-ctenlisted in the arm services dread getting that call… or knock on their front door telling them that their son or daughter had been killed in battle.
But how do you deal with it when you are just starting your day and seconds into your child’s school session a imagesderanged intruder steps in wheeling guns and begins picking off your child and all his classmates.  Bang bangbang… bangbang…   And the teacher of  the class…  the school principal and other members of the staff and school?
How do you process that your little 5-year-old was just murdered in a place that you479774_536592236354077_273915417_n thought was safe?
In a place where you prayed that he or she did their work… and did not interrupt the class 121214035649-newtown-connecticut-locator-c1-maintoo much today… and you hoped that they didn’t get sick from anything they may have eaten last night?
After school you had book a dentist apartment… and afterward you were going to swing by your mom’s house to drop them off… your little child… his or her bigger sister and/or brother… while you went out to pick up a few more of their Christmas things?
How does 1 process that they will not be seeing their child smile up at them ever again?christmas-tree-close-up
Or won’t be able to look into their curious little eyes as they plead and beg you to buy them something?
How do you process that some 21-year-old boy… son of your child’s school teacher deciding that he hated his mother… and father soooo much…  enough to not want to kill them… but KILLED them both?   And then was selfishPresident Obama Addresses The Nation On The Connecticut School Shooting enough to despise your child and every child in his mother’s classroom enough to kill them too?
The fact that he took his own life is really a non-issue here.  I would not even go as far as to believe that he was deranged or suffered from some type of mental defect.  Because the SandyHookwhole story sounds like one motivated by selfishness.  Because if it wasn’t then what was the purpose of also killing every child in that classroom?
Was he scornful or jealous of the little children that his mother got up to go teach everyday?
I cannot imagine what dispute or contempt he must have held for his parents …nor why?
But did he have to bring a family issue into that classroom?
What more than some kind of selfishness could have motivated him… that school teacher’s son to stand there and kill cool-gunsoff every little child in his mother’s classroom?
We will never know… not really even if somehow a glimmer of the truth somehow manages to surface.
But would it change anything?
What could it change?

article-shooting-1214No… I think not.  It cannot bring back all… or even 1 of  those innocent lives which it so ruthlessly took.  Twenty-six people… 16 or 18 little children… between the ages of 5 to 10… whose parents will never forget yesterday… when they woke up their child was alive.  And less than 3 or 4 hours later they were not.

I first heard this story when a cousin called me saying she thought I had heard.  Somehow hearing her tell me of the very little she knew of the incident just did not impact me the way my reading about it on Facebook impacted me.  It brought tears down my face.  I was sadden all the night… and still am.
Yes, the gun laws should be changed in this country.  For tdy_1_pwi_presserinfo_12121.vembedsmallthe strong lobbyist that are so adamant against laws being put in place against guns… it is these very people who are not locking up their guns which become so readily accessible to their wacked out children… who think it fun to go to school and kill a bunch of people.
Between the movie theater… the various schools and now this act of senseless violence weguns1 all should be saying enough is enough.
And this type of thing is growing… and will continue unless something definitively is done about guns… and those who carry them legally or illegally.  For the illegals caught carrying gun… automatic life.   I hate to say it… but they should not have a gun anyway.
For these parents who children take their guns and go out on a rampage… everything 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverthey own should be taken.  They can, of course, never repay for the lives that may have been taken by their child.  But the parents should suffer financially as well… because evidently they were not paying attention …or the guns were too accessible to their wayward child.
But yes if  penalties are not put in place… and I mean STRONG penalties where people loose things… this thing will not stop.  And it must be made to stop… loosing all these innocent people… people who lives are forever changed through acts of violence with guns must stop.  And the only real way to do that is to have very stiff  laws… and probably it will have to be on the federal level like bank robberies being a federal offense in this country.,d.dmQ
I really do not want to hear another story like this… or that movie theater… or about some Chinese guy who went into a school in China stabbing people…   I truly do not…  I am sicken by the level of crime we hear and read about today.
UPDATE: THURSDAY, December 20, 2012… In listening to a report of the number of gun shops within a 10 mile radius of the Sandy Nook Elementary School was appalling.  Within a 10 mile range there are 37 guns near that school… and within a 3 county area the commentator said that there were nearly 400 gun stores in that area.
What could they be doing with that many gun shops near them?
20378376_BG1It is insane.
It is a shame that the deaths of so many children ‘at 1 time‘… because yearly many children died from gun shot wounds… be they gang related or accidental.  But this time it was not in the ‘hood’ …but in a suburban elementary school where the children were barely older than toddlers… and it was 20 of them at ‘1 time‘… along with other school personnel.  Hate to say it… but maybe now the conversation about control becomes ‘real’ in America.
God bless…  I have been forgetting to write that lately and only catch it about the time I just about ready to hit ‘publish.’    I guess I am becoming plague by some things.  Personally I am fine… but when I think of others my heart goes out.  And I think about them… and think about them… and pray for them.
There are so many people going through with something.  And we should all consider them.  Hope you enjoy your Christmas if I fail to write anything more between now and then.
Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2012

Add a comment December 16, 2012


Okay, I know I’m jumping on this band wagon rather late but… it is not that it got pass me.  But rather I have been simmering it.  You know thinking it over.

And not whether or not rape in any case or other … or under any circumstance is okay.  But I have been just milling over what kind of person would say such a thing?

Rape under any circumstance is a fierce and violent act.  And that says that it is a criminal act… and one which can never be justified.

By its sheer name and meaning… we all know that rape is an act which is forced upon another party, and very much without their consent… that is a crime.  Hence, it is illegal and an act of aggression.

So, then how could such an act ever be classified as alright or okay… with anyone?

I have written many blogs about sex and women.  About people who have committed some heinous crimes upon innocent unsuspecting victims.  Crimes against infants sexually, as well as, other small children… and it sickened me. Often causing me to leave off from writing anything further on it.

I even stopped watching television because it seemed to me that ever movie or episode of any law and order like program was a crime being perpetrated against a woman …girl or child.

I wondered how a channel such as Lifestyles or WE could call themselves channels for women, when they only programmed were movies where women were being victimized?

It was sickening.  And I could not understand it… so I shut it off.

Now, here comes this Missouri State Representative in a speech while out campaigning for a Senate seat of a woman, who makes the most profoundly stupid statement anyone could possibly make in these most modern times.  And all I can think is-

“There must be some skeletons in his closet.”

Because only people who perpetrate such crimes would believe them to be okay.

If ever there was a Freudian slip… this guy made it.  But if Freud is right… the slip was a thinking and/or belief within this Akins guy from the very beginning… before he let it slip out.

Rape by its nature is a forcible act and can, therefore, never be considered anything other than  an act of violence against whomever it was perpetrated upon.

But perhaps silently Akins’ thinking is really the thinking of many men.  Perhaps this would explain why women who have gone to court against attackers in rape crimes… almost always are made to look like the criminal themselves.  They are unrobed… and brought low.  They are slandered… and their names muddied… while they are dragged through the mud.

I will never forget Anita Hill and her trip up to Capitol Hill.  She was treated so badly by the Party that she actually was a member of, the Republicans.  They made her look dirty… wanton… ambitious and willing to do anything kind of woman.  And then they wanted to make a joke of her.

It was Ted Kennedy who final stood up and told them that they should be ashamed of themselves for their mean and ugly behavior in an effort to discredit her testimony against Clarence Thomas, for an appointment as a Chief Justice to the Supreme Court.

Thomas himself was never attacked nor any of the acts that Anita described that he perpetrated against her, a then interning law student fearful that her boss, Thomas, would ruin her hopes of any kind of legal career, in his effort to coerce her into a sexual relationship… which she did not submit to.

Thomas needless to say was admitted a Supreme Court Judge, a position he will hold for the remainder of his life, if he chooses to.  While Anita Hill, I have no doubt, had to battle through a lot of bad press for years regarding her legal ambitions.

Was it because she was a woman… and he was a man?

Have men no responsibility for their actions when it comes to the negative things they do?

When Herman Cain was running for the Presidency earlier this year… it was amazing to see all the women in his closet, who had been paid off by the company, Godfather Pizza, that he had headed.  Women who Cain had violated or attempted to violate in 1 way or other for sex.

I guess we have only to look at the Bible to see how men carry on about women and sex.  In the story of the woman being caught in adultery… it is said that she was caught ‘in the act.’  But it is she and she alone who is dragged before Jesus for judgment.


Because many men do not accept their acts as being anything other than natural.

Oftentimes they blame the woman for their actions saying-

“She always wore short and revealing clothes.”

“There was something about how she smelled when she came around me.”

“It was her walk… you know?”

No, I don’t know.

I don’t know why anyone would feel it was or is alright to sexually or otherwise violate someone.

I had a boss… he was my manager… the manager of the sales force I worked for.  As often as he could he would to drive me over to Jersey, which was the territory he had given me to work in.

While in the car he would always talk to me about sex.  He would say how coke… meaning cocaine… made him horny… and a bunch of other things.  I tuned him out as much as I could… only answering to whatever I had to answer to.

Too bad Anita Hill had not hit Capitol Hill before I got that job… or some time thereafter.  I would have owned that radio station… truly.  Because I would have taken them to the bank.  I could not stand that man… and it was not until later that I found out that he had been robbing me of sales I had gotten.  Imagine that…

But I endured him …until I finally left that job and began my own company, Queen Bee Multi-Media Advertising & Consulting Agency.  But women in the workforce are forced to endure so much when they are surrounded by a group of men, or fall upon the attention of an unscrupulous boss.   And even today the playing field is still not fair or much better when it comes to women… but yet we endure.

And most of our endurance comes from the fact that we have families… and for a lot of women they are the head of their family.  So, they have no choice but to put up with it… whatever the ‘it’ is.

So, enter this Akins fellow and opens his big mouth… just like that group of men who dragged that woman to Jesus.  They were not without sin… and dare I say… I think Mr. Akins may not be either.  And I think Freud may back me up on that 1.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Want to take this time to thank all of you who have purchased my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.  It is amazing…  I cannot not believe how much my book is moving …and I thank you from the depths of my heart.  Please let me hear from you.  I would love to know how you liked it… or didn’t like it… or whatever.

And if you have yet to purchase my book I found this link over the internet via barnes& where View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByyou can read bits of a couple of my chapters.  My book can be purchased via, etc…etc… or by placing an order for it at your local bookstore.

Well, God bless… it TGIF… so I hope you enjoy your weekend.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2012

Add a comment August 24, 2012

Sandusky…abuser, liar, sodomite and destoryer of young boys… and Herman Cain…

Yesterday I read that Sandusky’s lawyers released to the press that the young men coming out against Penn State ex-coach Jerry Sandusky were not  victims… but people who were coming forth ‘for the money.’

And you know what?

Oftentimes, victims do come forward for the money.  Sometimes it might move some who would not step forward otherwise.  But regards victims… are victims.  Sandusky used his power, position and a shaddy charity to take advantage sexually of very young boys.  They deserved to make him pay.

What a crazy statement to make.  Money can’t undo what Sandusky has done.

Of course they should come forth…but all the money in the world will never change what was stolen from those young boys.  They are due whatever financial compensation they can get.

But it will never be enough.

Money cannot recover your manhood.

Money cannot restore your innocence.

Money cannot remove the guilt you feel as a child when someone violates you.

Money cannot replace that which was stolen.

Nor can money reclaim that which was eroded and may have been destoryed inside those young boys, when someone enters you into something you are too young to even understand.

There is no doubt that the man was… or is a pedophile.  He destoryed lives… and people knew about it and turned blinded eyes on it.  They should all go down.

It was criminal.  And no one reported it.

In this kind of thing  …and for the number of years that Sandusky had been involved with young children… I am sure that there are many more victims.  And if the truth be told… I believe that Jerry probably had a few of his friends involved in it too.

Truthfully, it would not  surprise me if a ring of pedophiles becomes exposed before this whole story wraps up.  A ring of others involved that includes other football personnel from Penn State… and professional staff… and possibly even players on the Penn State teams too.

The world of pedophiles is very large… and encompasses all kinds of unsuspecting people.  Men from all walks of life… who love little boys… and the younger the better.

N.A.M.B.L.E.R. is a national association of men who seek out young boys for sex.  In fact its initals stand for National Association of  Men and Boys etc… etc… This organization is large.  And their motto is ‘eight is too late.’

Sick isn’t it?

In reading some of the articles that are now surfacing on this story about complaints against Sandusky at least 1 mother some time ago contacted Penn State… when her son came home with wet hair.  She called the campus officals complaining that Sandusky had done something to her son.   So for some time the powers that be upon the campus of Penn State knew.  Not only did they know but they also allowed Sandusky to do his thing in their locker rooms and showers upon their campus… knowing what he was doing.  And they never tried to stop him.

In almost all cases of predators… whether  a school teacher, coach, Boys Scout leader, preacher, priest etc… they seek out victims of a certain nature.  Usually children without a father… or come from troubled homes… underprivilged and/or minority children etc.  Children who cannot help themselves …or come from parents who do not have resources.  And so it was with Sandusky… and his fake little organization that had been supposedly set up to aid underpriviledge children.

In reading the Washington Times article on this story… it states that Sandusky lived only a mile away from an elementary school.  People who are into children sexually… try to get as close to them as many ways as possible.

I recall as little child when walking to school how the cars were lined up just a little beyond the school yard… with white men trying to intrigue us into their cars.  And I say ‘white men’ because I cannot remember seeing any vehicles with black men or any other race doing it.  But I do know that all races have sexual offenders …and those who seek out little children.

Because even though the cars awaiting us on our school block just outside of our school yard were white men… I had encounter Hispanic men… and black men quilty of doing the same… trying to entice little children to lure them into sex.  I eventually did become 1 of them that got lured.

But once while working in Jersey… I was on the bus riding somewhere in Newark when I happened to glance out the window.  I saw a black man in the broad daylight… in the middle of people on the sidewalk.  There he was with his penis in his hand following behind this very young little girl… who trying to escape him ran into a corner store.  And that man went into the store right behind her… with his penis still in his hand.

That scene shocked me.  I often lament that I did not get off that bus and go back to help that little girl.  That thought of her …that little girl and that …and that MAN stays in my mind.  And I will forever regret not getting off that bus.

Men travel all over the world to places where they can indulge with very young girls and boys freely.  The child sex trade is big… and I guess exploding.  So many poor children around the globe are being exploited everywhere… even in this country for money.  Some given up by their own parents in exchange for drugs and alochol …and/or cigarettes.  And in poorer countries in exchange for food, housing or whatever else the sale of their little child can bring.

What a curel world.

Sandusky threw himself into things which gave him massive access to a lot of little boys.   Even in the founding of an organization that was supposedly set up to help and aid underprivilged children, Sandusky put himself in an arena that availed more and more little boys to him.  So much so that his organization somehow got parents to allow their sons to go and stay in his home with him and his wife.

And speaking of Sandusky’s wife… of course she had to come out  finally …claiming that she knew nothing.  She knew.

At least 1 victim alleged that he cried out for her to help him… and she did nothing.  Sandusky’s wife would be party to Sandusky’s crimes if she did claim that she knew.  But there is no way that she could not have known… especially since so many others did… and so much of it took place within their own home.  And it appears that after a point the man began to feel that he was untouchable.

When the charges started surfacing… what did Sandusky do?

He called some of his victims to come and have dinner with him.  Who does that?

The next thing that he lawyers are going to claim is that Sandusky is insane… and probably that he was a victim of abuse himself.  They always play those same game cards.  If they can’t see where they can win the cases 1 way… lawyers shift their game play and start saying ‘he couldn’t help himself.’   ‘He was under great strain.’  ‘His father never loved him’… and used to abuse him… or the man down the street… or his uncle.  The story is always the same.

But if this were true than everyone would be a perpetrator… a pedophile… a sexual predator… an abuser of women, children and/or boys.  But this is not so.  And most people in some way or other have been abused.

If you remember John Gacy… the mass murder years ago from Chicago or a suburb outside of Chicago.  He was a contractor who used to dress up as a clown and perform at all kinds of chartities, parades, kiddie parties etc.  When a 15 year old turned up missing they discovered that Gacy had not only abducted him but killed him too.  They found that Gacy had done the same to many other young boys …all of whom they discovered were buried behind the walls and under the floor broads of  Gacy’s home.

We would all say that such a man must have been crazy.

How could he have done what he had done?

And then to have buried those boys… more than 13 of them within the framework of his own home.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Now, that sounds crazy.  But he was smart enough to continue to do what he had been doing for years.  And who knows how long really that John Gacy had been raping and killing young boys before he thought about deposing of their bodies within the walls and floors of his own home?

Sandusky may look crazy now… and I would want to look crazy too if I thought I was faced with the rest of my life behind bars.  But while he was grabbing a hold of those 10 and 11 year old boys… he wasn’t crazy.  He was enjoying it… and worst of all he thought himself smart.

Didn’t say much about it… but it did not get pass me.

That Herman Cain was a real joke.

For a while it looked like the Republicans had decided to run a supposed ‘black man’ against President Obama.  Now, that would have really have been a joke if they could have mustered it.  But poor ol’ Herman had too many ghost in his closet.

The first thing I would like to look at regarding Herman Cain is why?

Why would you even think about running for President of the United States knowing what Herman knew?

Herman knew that he had a problem keeping his hands to himself.

Speaking of which… I have decided that I have really got to talk to some guy myself.   Not Herman but somebody just like him.

Everytime I see this guy he has got to embrace me… and kiss me.  I do not like it.

A couple of years I stopped the guy as he reached for me… saying ‘no.’   And I told him that I only wanted him to shake my hand if he had to make contact with me.

This I did… and I did write about this situation in a prior blog of mine.  I did this after I was standing in a bank line …and the guy seeing me stepped into the bank, and then commenced to plant a kiss on the back of my neck.

Are you kidding me???????

At first it did not hit me… but when it did I was livid.

How dare that man sneak up behind me and kiss me on my neck …like he and I had something going on.  Nothing could be further from the truth… but anybody witnessing that would have believed otherwise.  The Bible tells us that we have to forsake even the illusion of un-holiness.

So, the very next time I saw the guy… here he came again reaching for me… and I stopped him.  And I told him ‘no’  …and I broke it down for him believing I had settled that matter.  And I had.

But it seems that he has totally forgotten that conversation these days.

If somebody told me that something I was doing made them uncomfortable… I would cease to do it.  I respect other people’s space.  But it seems that many people do not.  And when it comes to men and women… men lack a lot of understanding.  We don’t like just any ol’ body grabbing a hold of us… or kissing us.

And why should we?

Why does a woman have to tell you ‘no’ regarding anything pertaining to her?

It would seem that a man’s respect of women would automatically give way to the respect of her space.

But it does not.  They clearly do not think like us.

Men feel that they can do to women whatever they want.

I do not feel it flattering to have some funky man grab a hold of me.

Nor do I just want everybody in this world to come and just freely lay a kiss on me.

Which is something that just happened to me only a couple of hours ago.  Another person I wish would just stop.

With all the various disases going around… all kinds of things on people’s lips… tongues and mouth.  No, I don’t want people coming up and kissing on me.  And particularly people I certainly do not know… or hardly know… and plan on keeping that way.

Having worked for years with men… I am simply not tolerant of a lot of things now.   Like I don’t want anybody calling me ‘baby.’   I listened to them calling each other ‘man’ and referring to each other by their names… but when it came to me…  is was ‘honey.’

I was not anybody’s ‘honey.’  I had a name… and that name was just fine with me.  My parents gave it to me… and called me by it all their lives.

So, why not everybody else?

But it was a way of  degrading me… minimizing me.  And it is a thing which men love to do to women in the work force.

They like keeping us in ‘our place.’

Herman Cain… it was clear to me even when I first heard him speak  …that he was the kind of man I would have never liked working for.  He sounded arrogant… puffed up… and filled with himself.  Narcissistic in every possible way.

Which would account for why he would believe …knowing his history with women…  and how many women who had filed charges against him… why he would think that such a man with ‘that kind’ of a history  …as his would be qualified to run, and be sucessful in a bid for the Presidency of this country.

Yes, that would explain why.

I only say 1 thing… Bill Clinton.

And maybe you might say… John Kennedy too.

Okay, I’ll give you that.  We could include the Senate and Congress too.   And while we are going at it… let us not stop there… but include Governors and other elected officials… police officers… company heads etc…   And we could go on forever… and this list does not exclude women.  Because there have been a few.

Moral standards are not what they used to be… nor are they required it seems.  Why would you quiz and question canidates for certain Cabinet offices in this country… and just allow people with obvious character fawls run for the highest office of this country?

Or any office?

Or run any school?

Or head up any church?

What are we thinking?

How could we be so caught up with people that we are willing to just lay aside certain obvious faults in their moral nature?

As much as I used to feel that I liked Bill Clinton back in the day… that’s slang for when he was President… and/or running for President… the truth of matter is this.  The man had issues.

Herman Cain had and has issues.  And his were bigger than Clinton’s.  Because the man dotted upon himself so much… and saw no wrong in ‘him.’

What an egomaniac?

And lets not negate Herman’s propensity for lying.

“Who lies about things that are a matter of  legal record?”


Forget ‘999’… it would have been more like ‘666’ if Herman got in.

Now, going back to the game plan.  The plan was to chump up Cain to run against Obama.  Thereby pitting 2 black men against each other… which ‘they’ felt  would split the black vote.  This in turn would allow… ‘their’ real guy…  an outside canidate  to ease into a win, and take the White House.

That was the political game plan of some key Republicans.  It was the way that they were hoping would guarantee a win for them and their party.

Do we really look that DUMB????

We are really not the dumber race.  Believe that if you believe nothing else.

Because ‘you’ had to know that was a game the Republicans was playing …by pretending Herman Cain was so popular among Republicans.

Who were they kidding?

Most Republicans hate Obama.  And they hate him for the most part for no other reason than the fact that he is a black man.

And how dare he be black  …and smart too.

Everything that Obama has tried to do the Republican Party has blocked.  Any bill or intitative to get American moving and back on track they have hindered.  Even down to refusing federal funds to begin rebuilting America’s infrastructure.  All for the pleasure of claiming that Obama is a failure.

But Obama is not a failure.  Failure is something which is not in Obama’s vocabulary.  Nor does he believe in quitting because it appears that the deck is stacked against him.  And do note the word ‘appears.’

I have come to know that oftentimes it not what it ‘appears’  to be… that is what  actually is.  That’s why I do not follow polls.  Learned in my statistics class…  No, it was in 1 of my poli-Sci classes on research… that taught me ‘it is how you phrase the question‘… to get the answer that you want.  Pollsters are paid by interest groups… parties that want to slant whatever their interest is… in their favor by misleading people on a bunch of supposed facts that many times are not true and are meaningless.

So, the polls that showed Cain to be a favorite…

How in the world could you have believed that?View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

No, way in the world were the Republicans going to put any black man into the White House.  And never 2 black Presidents… back to back?

They would have all curled up and died first.

So, that whole thing about Herman Cain was a myth.  They were never going to let him in the White House.  Not unless he was going in delivering some pizza.

Must say though that it is a shame when men in power be they white or black… or any nationality… sit in power, and chose to abuse the power vested in them.  By proving themselves less than moral.  They have no character.  Cain clearly is a man without character.

If they choose not to say anything else about Obama… at least his character is certainly not an issue.   And his desire to uphold the values of his office, and that as a husband and family man are sure and true.

Well, hope you had a good day.  We haven’t had any more snow.  But it has been cold.  And for a while we had lots of rain… but that is sure to change as we move closer and closer to Christmas.

Hoping you have a joyous Christmas …just in case I do not post another blog between and Christmas just thought I would get it in now.

Well, God bless… and enjoy the rest of  your week.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

2 comments December 14, 2011


It is baffling to me the times we now live in… and just how we happened to get here????

They are… the times we are now living in… they are strange and seem so foreign to me.  The sickness of the crimes… the extreme insanity… and cruelity that seems to be abounding in these times.

Who ever before ever heard of women ripping unborn babies out the bellies of pregnant women for the purpose of stealing their children?

To read story… after story…   Well, to find headline after headline of such is frightening to me.  Not frightening in that I am afraid it will happen to me… because I am not pregnant.  And doubt that I will be ever again.

But frightening in that such things are happening to anyone.

But how insane can you get to prepetrate such a cruel act upon another woman?

Or any acts of crime and/or crimes upon anyone?

I have not particularly cared for a lot of people.  Well, not so many as that.  It is really not my nature to distain people.  And certainly if for some reason I should… to let it mount up in me turning into some kind of twisted wackco thang.  No.  I think not.   I have neither the time or energy… to linger there in those kinds of deep and dark places in my mind.  I am much too busy.

But for those where perhaps I might have found some kind of fault in… I have never thought about taking out or enacting any type of criminal act against them.  Though I must admit to picking up a baseball bat or 2…  Okay, maybe 3 or 4…  Oh, alright… maybe 5 or 6 times… just to get my thought through …or to go after somebody.   But that was all before I became saved.  And never without due cause.

But I have never looked upon any woman… pregnant or otherwise …and wished that I was her… or that I had her baby.  And then came up with a plan to replace her… or to steal her unborn… or born child.  But people have.   Some people have.

They truly and really have.

People try to pretend to be other people… and all kinds of craziness.

There was this guy in New York City who killed an elderly man, so that he could take his apartment and live in it.  He also was living off the man’s social socurity… until they caught up with him.

But it goes beyond being sick… or insane… or  being just plain crazy.

How dumb is it that you would get a knief, overcome some woman, and turn yourself into some kind of surgeon… cutting open her belly, remove the unborn child…and leave the woman bleeding to death?

While these predators go around for the most part pretending to have given birth to the infant… if it survives… that they had illegally taken…while committing murder in order to obtain it.

Who would do this kind of thing???????

Who thinks up this kind of stuff????

Though clearly they all look like fruit cakes… and perhaps I should not slander fruit cakes in such a way. Because I used to kind of like them.

But who does this??????

And they are women of all colors, types, body sizes, come from different states, countries etc… etc… etc…  And now they vary in ages as well.  A 14 and 13 years did the exact same thing.

They take the baby from the belly of another woman in order to pretend that they had given birth to the  baby.  A baby that they either lost  some how  by mis-carriage or whatever.  Or  they never were pregnant with in the first place.  So, they took the infant from the mother’s womb… so they could-   Now, get this… let me say this slowly…

So they could pretend to some man that it was his baby.

I cannot go any further with this.

Because if the truth be told there are some things which I just do not have any patience with.  There are times that I think tax-payer’s money should not be wasted on.   There are lots of ways tax-payers would be better served by the tax dollars taken out of each and every pay check, then by paying for  cases like these that really do not warrant trials.

I know…   I know…it would open the door to many of us being locked away for no cause at all.  Because the system itself needs correction.  BUT…

When you think about the economy… about the millions upon millions upon millions of people out of work… who could use another extension to their unemployment benefits …or whatever have you.   There are plenty of places where money could go that would really serve some type of legitimate societal interest.  But not  the paying of  lawyers and court costs for people like these women, in these cases cutting up women to steal unborn infants from their mother’s womb.

Why bother?

What would be their defense?

What defense could they have?

“I was crazy.”

We do not  need to waste valuble court time to hear that.

And we have not even began to talk about the health issues that may surround the infants… or the lives and outcome of the murdered women’s other children, and family members if she had any.

Perhaps, it doesn’t sound Christian like to you… and I am a Christian. 

I love the Lord… and He loves me.  But in Biblical text we are informed to not lust after our neighbors possessions… it is called coveteness.  Or to not envy them…that is coveteness too… and to do right by all men.  And that ”thou shalt not kill.”  Or “steal.”

So, I do not advocate killing such people… but I do believe they should be locked away.  And kept away forever.

Perhaps, you feel differently.  But the acts in the stories listed above were senseless, hateful acts enacted upon people who were probably very unsuspecting… and very very innocent victims.

When I went up to read a story on 1 woman cutting a woman and stealing her infant, I  in my wildest imagination  never expected to see a listing of stories…one after another of simular acts.

I recall when I read the first story of this nature.  It was some maybe 6 or 7 years ago.

The story centered around 2 women who had met over the internet… Craiglist or myspace ….or something like it.

One of the women was pregnant and the other woman befriended her.  Over a period of time as their friendship grew… I guess… the pregnant woman gave the other woman her address.  Whereupon near the time of pregnant woman’s delivery date for the birth of her child, the other woman went to whatever state where the pregnant woman lived and performed surgery upon the pregnant woman, killing her and removing the unborn infant from her body.

That was the very first time I had ever heard of that kind of story.  So, it was a shock for me to find story after story after story… of women in various states all having done the same exact thing since that initial story.

This copy-cat thing is ridiculous.  And the only way to deal with such things is to deal harshly with people who commit them.

But because the mind of people today is so warped the news sources should not divulge so much information  about certain kinds of  heinous crimes.

Also, I was grossly turned off by that reality show that showed doctors actually performing surgeries. Don’t know whether or not it still comes on… but is the need?

Who really needs to watch shows like that?

Or do our children really need video games that depict people realistically being blown apart, or shot to death, or cut up etc… etc…?

What are we developing here?????

One can clearly state that there is little reason for why the times are as they are today.   Truly.  There are a bunch of heartness conscienceless people walking around today.   And we have only ourselves to blame… because of what we allow either in our homes via the television …or via our children’s video games… or in the movies on the big screen… or in the magazines… or whatever else and wherever else people consume negative images whether it be through music, or music videos, as well… we allow it.

It is amazing to me the things that people will get up and go marching against… such as same sex-marriages.  Something which may never affect them, their family or anyone that they know.  But they will picket against it…. vote against any politican remotely in favor of it, they will form rallies and bus trips to go to 2ab-the-bishop-wifecover capitol statehouses.  But they say nothing about what is allowed to strem into their homes, on their radios… through out their movies  or even from page to page of the magazines put out form our consumption.

Whether Bobby marries Bobby or not is not anything that really deal with any of us personally.  But the impact of what comes across the airwaves of our televisions and radios… and what is printed in our books and magazines, and movies does.  And it can be harmful… hurtful… and can produce and inspire all kinds of criminal and violent acts.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByBut we say nothing.

We said nothing to the 10 Commanments being removed from Courtroom halls and buildings.  We said nothing really about prayer being removed from schools… or the conversation of removing ‘In God we trust’ off of our currency.

When will we say something to something that really counts, is the question?

When will we ceased to be tossed to and fro with every whim like mindless and blind puppets?

There are a lot of things that should be challenged… and that serve no useful social purpose.  Such as television shows that show people actually getting cut up during surgeries.  And then we wonder why there suddenly is a rash of people out there using surgerical techniques while perpetrating various crimes.

It seems that there are those who have been voted into political office who think not about those whom they vowed to represent… but entered into the arena of politics so that they could establish some kind of name for themselves.

They consider not the needs of those whom they are vowed to serve and represent… whether or not they voted them in or not.

When 1 goes into political office it not for a chosen few… but for the masses of which they are said to be over their district… ward or whatever have you.

That being said…

“Why would any politican in his right mind vote down a plan that could possibly put millions back to work?”

Politics.  That is the reason why.

There is no good reason behind hindering a bill that would put people to work rebuilding the infrastructure of this country.  Clearly, it is a plan that could not fail… because bascially it calls for a lot of manual labor.  As opposed to a bunch of computers or robots doing the work.

In a vote of 50 to 49 Obama’s Job Bill was defeated in the U.S. Senate.  Every single Republican voted against the bill… inclusive of 2 turn-coat Democrats, Ben Nelson, Nebraska, and Jon Tester, Montana.  The Jobs Bill needed 60 Senators to vote in favor of it in order for it to pass… to begin the process of  putting thousands of Americans back onto the work rolls again.

There are people who do a lot of  clicking and clacking… mostly because they want attention.  Almost all of the Tea Party people can be classified as clickers and clackers.  They only want some attention.  Perhaps, they even have visions of themselves rising up out of the ranks to become some kind of major political player… or the next Barack Obama.  Though they would never say that.

But they click and clack… posture… and pose… and never do anything for anyone.  Because they can’t see beyond their own nose  and selfish political goals.

The Jobs Bill needed to be passed.  Not for the sake of Washington… but for the sake of the millions who have been out work …and can’t seem to find any solutions to their non-working dilemmas.  They have been looking… but there is nothing out there. 

Wouldn’t any bill that created any amount of substantials jobs been better than nothing?

To the people without 1 it would.  But to a bunch of politicans who already have it made in the shade… quasi professions …politicans made up of  lawyers… and now some doctors and businessmen… what do they have to worry about?

Their families are fed.  Their bills are all being paid.  They don’t have to worry about adequate health care… and they’veall  got a job… supposedly representing you and me.

Every which way President Barack Obama has tried to re-boot this economy… and to get it in gear and restart it… along comes a bunch of  Republican Politicans who would rather sabotage the President… rather than aid in helping America out of a dilemma that a former President… a Republican like themselves… put us all in.

A man who was a known and proven liar… yet nobody ever called him ‘liar.’  Yet, that word has been thrown at President Obama by so many Republicans… it makes you wonder what planet were they on while George W. Bush was sitting in the White House as  President of the United States?

Well, God bless… and enjoy the rest of  your week.  How quickly these days are rolling by.  We are mid-way through October already.  Soon the rain drops in this picture will be replace by snow flakes.  A welcome change… just hope that when it comes it won’t be too cold.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011


1 comment October 14, 2011

Blessings Abound… Politics & Republicans…

It really should be no surprise to me to be on the bus or out anywhere… to hear someone call my name.  But I guess I am still not quite used to it yet… though it has been going on for years and years.  It comes with the territory I guess… of being somewhat of what they call a star.  At least, some people think so.

They are always reminding me of my days on radio… things I used to say… music I used to play… events I put on etc…etc…

And it is always nice to meet up with them… though many of them I do not even know their names… but they know mine.  And know it well.

In fact, they strike up conversations with me as though we were old friends.  That’s nice…  To think that they consider me a friend… a voice that used to invade their homes… their offices… and automobiles.  I guess you could say we have a connection… and I appreciate their kindness to me.   That they should feel that.

Nearly 40 years now… and I am still a shinning light to them.  Truly, I have been blessed.

Yesterday, while riding the bus I overheard some people talking about the deficit reduction plan.  Talking about how various social programs were in for big cuts… cuts to social security…. medicare and Medicaid… college money etc.  Not up on the news… I sat listening to them while looking off in another direction.

One lady said that at anytime now we will  start to see major cuts in our income.  It made me start to think…   And…oh, yeah, the sky could come crashing down too.

Then she said… and I ain’t got nothing now.  I don’t even have $5 in the bank.

It made me think that just a few days ago, and for more than 20 days my own bank account was in the red by nearly $120.   Oh, woe is me…

I can’t imagine what $17 trillion dollars may look like… but I do know that Oprah doesn’t have enough to even try to cover that bill.  But it is the state that we are in.   And yes, I am going to throw a stone… a big fat rock if I can find 1 nearby.  Because it is very true… when George Bush stole his way into the White House successfully proclaiming himself ‘President’ …we had a surplus.   And that was under a Democratic President… a guy from a little ol’ State called Arkansas.

That guy’s name was Bill Clinton… but from the moment George W. Bush hit the White House all of that went bye-bye.  The guy was a one-way force stronger than any tornado… the way he whipped in there, and blew us up hard against the rocks… just as hard as he could.

So, here we are today… left in this mess.  One of the worst and  most massive messes to hit this country… and if history has its way, and the truth finally does  come to light… probably worst than the day that Wall Street went dark after the stock market crashed in the 1930’s.

And who was George W. Bush?

He was a Republican!

The Republicans are up to their old tricks again… and it may be cliché to say.  I know… you’ve heard time and time before.   But it is true.  They never fail to keep pulling out that same old smelly trick bag.   And always just about every election time… in order to make the Democrats look bad.

And it is not the Democrats really that they are after… not really… but Obama.  Oh, yeah… I forgot he is a Democrat too… not just ‘a black man.’

How do we stop Obama… is and has been the foremost thing on their minds… and on the tip of their tongues…of every almost 1 of those Republicans.  Because lets face it… as hard as it may seem.  There are some Republicans with a moral conscious and true sense of responsibility to their constituents… and to this country too.

But for the most part…most of those Republicans do not.  They sleep dreaming about this.  How they can keep the poor poorer… and the defenseless weaker.

They lay at night… and so even in the day thinking…

Well, let’s make Obama look bad… in effective… and lets just not pass anything that will get Americans back to work …or aid Obama in better doing his job for America.  Lets just block everything we can… clog up the process… ‘hem and ha’ for as long as we can… go on vacation… and when we get back… vote against everything that Obama puts on the table.

That’s the sentiment.  The vibe… and silent agreement among them.

Well, my friends so you have it in a nut shell.  Oh, my goodness!   Forget that I said that.   But this is the rational of the Republicans… people you may have …or may not have voted into office… but they are there.

Why would a group of people who profess that they love this country …and the people of this country…  be out to do such harm to this country?

It really doesn’t make much sense…

Well, not to us.

Because they like playing political games.  It is not about you or I.   It is about the game, baby.   And seeing who will win… who can make the most money… what friends and compadres… and co-hearts they can make rich today… so that they will able to turn around and bless me tomorrow, when they run for President or that Congressional seat next term.

This is their warped thinking.  That 1 hand washing another hand thang… in the back room thinking.

Someone over the internet asked-

“What does warped thing mean?”

Three answers were given:

  • deviant thought process
  • inappropriate modes of thought
  • …and worst of all…  acting upon those thought

Great numbers of people cast their votes for people who go under the title “REPUBLICAN.”   Within the past few months of  this year, in some State elections many people came to grieve the vote that they may have cast for some men whom they voted in as Governors of their States.  Men who were “REPUBLICANS” who set about to undermine and destroy their State… and attempted to cut their jobs and/or lay them off… and called it in the name of  ‘cutting their budgets.’  They targeted unions, state workers, teachers… and everything else they could set fire to in order to in truest essence … to breakup Democratic strongholds.

Democratic strongholds????

What is that?

That is groups or organizations that continually work to support those candidates which they believe they can trust, and who have their best interests at heart.  Which usually ends up being anybody but a Republican… and usually the  Democratic candidate.

If the Republicans worked as hard at winning back the trust and faith of Americans on the merit of ‘good works’ for the good of the people at large… not just for a chosen elite few… maybe then there would be more trust in the Republican Party.

The Republican Party is not about building trust or faith… or any type of merit… with any kind of real sincerity or genuine heart.  They are full of deceit and corruption… lies… and malice for most of us.  If it were not so then they would not be playing politics with every issue that affects the well-being of the American public.

The FAA today has some 70,000 airport workers laid off from work, because of the political games that Republicans like to play.  They are not into job creation… because the creation of jobs would make Obama look good.  And heaven forbid that should ever happen.

Both sides talk a good game… but none can out-talk those double-talking tricky Republicans.  They are even so cool and cunning that they decided to create a 2nd Republican Party… and call it the Tea Party.  Now, I ask you… how cunning is that?  And what a bunch of extreme jerks they are.   But than anybody who would have gotten their start under the gumption of someone by the name of Palin can’t have ’em all anyway.

I am sicken by all kinds of acts and crimes against children.  Perhaps it stemsView Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy2ab-the-bishop-wifecover from myself having been abused as a small child.  But I have no tolerance for it… and desire that all such people be put where they truly belong …away from all mankind forever.

Though one might argue about what harm does it do if someone only wanted to look at pictures of small children.  But thoughts bloom into acts and actions… and once carried out these acts and actions can never be taken back… or erased from the minds… and sadly from the behavior of many children.  Child abuse on any level does hurt.

I love this picture… so until I get tired of it you will see it again and again.  I just love the rain.  And doesn’t this picture look sooooo refreshing.

Speaking of which… while on my return trip the bus driver started talking to me.  He told me about those places where people are in dire need of rain… as there has not been any for so time now.  If you live in 1 of  those… I hope this picture gives you some relief… and know that rain is on the way.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

Add a comment August 4, 2011

Rev. Bernice King to head SCLC…Haiti…

I have been so busy lately trying  to stay warm…that I really haven’t thought about much of  anything else.  But checking through my stats for this blog I did notice that a lot of  folk had come on my site looking for information on the Kings. 

So, thinking that maybe something new had come up with their legal battles…Bernice and Martin the 3rd against Dexter…I  decided to go up onto  the internet  to  find out if  there was  something new.  And to my surprise…I saw nothing new about their court battles…but that the  stories  were about  the  baby girl.   Dr. Martin L. King, Jr’s youngest child was now going to head up the organization which her father  had  not only  headed in the 60’s,  but was  also  one of  its  founding members… the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

It  has not been easy…and my guess is   Bernice would say that would be  an understatement.  What  with watching  their   mother battle  illness… then  her  passing… and then  just  about  on  the  heels  of   their  mother  passing…Yolanda died too… her only  sister  and the  oldest sibling.     And  on  top  of  all  of    that… Dexter  started  acting up  and  getting  crazy.   Which forced her and Martin the 3rd  to have to go into the courts  against  him…and  thereby  thus  bring  private family matters  came  out  into  the open… opening  them… a very  private  family… up  to  public scrutiny and commentary.   That had to be  hard  decision  to  make.

No,  it  could have been easy.  But  yet  she kept  on going…and doing.   And I have  no doubt  praying.|search3|dl6|link1|

It  is  amazing. 

She was just a very young  child when her father was  so  brutally shot  down and  killed during the  summer of  1968.   The  summer  that saw so many riots  around the United States upon the announcement of  his  death.   A  man who had  stood for  non-voilence and peaceful  resistance…he  had  been  murdered.   

Bernice was  all of   5  years old  only  when it happened.  Hardly able  to  clearly understand… much  less  comprehend  truly what  it all meant…or how even her father’s dying was destined to change a world…and this country for ever.   But  I’m  sure  she  heard her mother crying  many a night  over it.

 Now,  today she is stepping  into  her father’s shoes.   At  age  37   Rev.  Bernice  A.  King, who holds both a   Divinity  degree  and  a  dregree in  law has become the first woman to ever hold the top post at  SCLC.  What a great way to honor the memory of  Dr. King as we all celebrate his birthday this coming  Monday. 

Though there has been much controversy among the remaining members of  Dr. King’s immediate family… his children… Martin the 3rd, Dexter and Bernice… this I am sure would make him smile.   They both would be.

Poised…confident… well spoken… and a member of  the New Birth Ministry under Bishop Eddie Long… as well as having been a law clerk  under Judge Hatchett… and of course having been under the mentorship  and leadership of  her  own mother,  Mrs. Coretta  Scott King… I see a new era  in black leadership rising in this country.   It  has been long over due…a new  guard is on the horizon.  And it  feels like a breath of  fresh air.

It  gives  me  great  pleasure to  write  this on  the  King family…  or  a  member  of  it.   And  I  look  forward  to  writing many more.

I had seen some of  the headlines…but  had just not taken the time  to read anything on it…mostly  because  it  just  kept  slipping  my  mind.    I would get busy  reading  or  doing something else...and  then…well, you know…   I  would  forget… that  is  until my son called me and began speaking to me about  it.   He told  me  that  an  estimated 500,000 people had been killed.  For such a small island  that has to be nearly a  quarter  of  Haiti’s population.

Many many  stories of   are  pouring out   of  Haiti  of untold  thousands upon thousands still being trapped.  The Richter Scale hit  7.0  with a series of  after shocks measuring at 5.9… with the International  Red Cross saying  that perhaps over  3 million people have been affected  by  the massive  earthquake.

We can all remember  still…I am sure… that massive mounting wave that rose up out in midst of  the Indian Ocean back in 2004…which hit 11 different countries with  so  much force that everything near the shorelines for 25 or so miles inland was wiped out into the sea… including families, businesses, homes, belongings etc… perhaps leaving  many of  them  feeling  the affects  probably still,  while  additionally  trying to recover  from it  mentally and physically after having  lived  through  such a  terrifying  and  destructive  thing.

I guess before it  has all been said and done…we are bound to have much more devastation to come  in  our  lifetime…and  beyond if  there is a  beyond.   The forces of  nature  are reaping  havoc  upon  us  in  ways  we are  incapable  of  fighting.  And  Kartrina was just  another example  of  it.

It  can surely not be argued that we have not been one of  Mother Nature’s best friends.   And we are starting  to see… and  feel  the  affects of  it.

Or  you can look at  this way. 

Prophesy coming  to  pass. 

There is  no dispute that within  the text of  the Bible all these things… including wars   have been prohesied long before we got to this point , some more than 2,000 years ago.    When I think of  both  Haiti and  New Orleans…I  think of  2  places steeped in the  culture of  witch craft and voodoo.  When I  think  of  those  11  countries  hit by the Tsunami…I think of  child sex trades and exploitation. 

It is not a secret that many people get on airplanes flying out  from  this  country  to foreign shores,  to indugle in many  things  illegal here in America…such as having sex with children.  Though such laws  have  not stopped a lot  of  people from doing so… such as…Roman Polanski.  A  man who should have been locked away  years  ago…when  he confessed  to  having sex with a 13  year old girl.  Film director or not…the man should  have been locked away.  And the same  for  Woody Allen.

I once watched a  film produced by some independant filmmakers.  The  most  beautifully shot  film  visually  that  I  had  seen in a while.  I was very impressed by  it…visually.   The lighing…the colors…just everything about it.  But…  

It  was a movie  about  young  children…very young children…super  young children…some younger  than 4  who were put into the  sex for hire business.  Children standing in shop windows waiting on someone to walk  by  and pick  them out…like  they were buying a suit or a pair of  shoes.   And shop window after shop window with little  children standing in them…bunches of  them…as  if   they were  live  little manakins on display.

It  is  hard  to believe  that such places assist…much less  that  they  can  so freely  exploit  their children in such a way.  With families  making  decisions to give out  their own children for a few dollars claiming that  the  hardships  in  their countries left  them  no other choice. 

It  is not  hard to believe that God  would  destroy such places.

Most of  these countries trafficing children… or where such practices are openly allowed… are  3rd World Countries… such as Africa… Indonesia (which less than 2 years ago was hit by its own major and highly devasting earthquake)… China etc. 

Even in terms of  Haiti…besides the witch craft and  practices of  voodoo…it  is routine to see one tele-evangelist after another showing pictures of  children while pleading for financial support from viewers… and not only while in Haiti but other countries as well.  When I look at those pictures of  those little children  I feel sorry  for  them.  Because  I know that many times these children are not  only being  used as a means to pull upon people’s sympathy.  And  I  have no doubt that once  those camera  lights go off  and their little pictures are taken… most of children fall  prey to  sexual  abuse by the the very ones who claim they are their to  help them.

It  is  sad  all the way around.  It  is  sad…very.

We… I have no doubt  that  we cannot begin to imagine the vastness of  the devastation which has hit  Haiti.. .nor  its  awful  after  affects  now and  for years  to  come.      Not  to  mention  the danger  that many  Haiti’s  people have fallen into by criminals  and  others who seek  the  exploit  this  time and  Haiti political  problems.

Many American artists…and partically all Haitians living in this country still have   roots  in Haiti…by way of  love for  their  country and  family  members still there…such as  Lauryn Hill, Wyclef Jean and others.   It is very  likely   that within the whole of  Haiti there  is  not one  family  whose  lives have not been touched by this earthquake…whose strong and very high magnitude  shook that  small French speaking  island  just  off   the  coast  of   Florida   this past  Tuesday…with such force that  it  almost virtuely destroyed Haiti’s capital city,  Port-au-Prince.

Those who can please let us all remember  them is our prays…and send support to  Haiti.|hp-laptop|dl2|link1||hp-laptop|dl2|link3|

The images and stories flowing out of  Haiti since the earthquake are saddening.   Limited medical supplies and those who can care for them coupled with criminal elements…make it even harder upon those who somehow managed to survive…barely escaping with just the shirts upon their backs.  Little children left  orphaned… amputations…shortage of  water…and no place  to lay for the night or out of  the blistering sun during the day.   Missing persons…destroyed property…everything gone.   Encompassed by the smell of  death…while listening to the wailing crys…screams  and moans of  emotional and physical suffering all aound…while  wiping at  your own tears at the very same time.  How hard it must be to go through such devastation.

If  you would like to donate CLICK this LINK…

It  is a little after  4:30 in the morning and I stayed up all night doing this.  Well,  I didn’t  really get started until after 1.  And now  I  am  hungry…and need  I say it…have to go the bathroom.  

The bathroom is not going to hold out…but my stomach will have  to.  Because  as much as I hate  to say it…I desparately  need to shed some pounds.  My hair is falling out.   My nails are getting too long.   I think  my  teeth might  be  a touch too  yellow.   My toes are  freezing.   And…oh, I am a disaster.    I truely am.  

Will this weather ever break?

My  son  tells  me on  Friday…we are scheduled  to get into the 50’s.   Do  you think  it  might  be  a bit  too soon  for  me  to begin  singing  ‘Happy days are here again...?’   

Do  you  think?

Well,  I just signed up for  a  blogtalkradio slot.   This  should be fun. 

Perhaps since you have been reading these  blogs…you have often thought about what it would be like to talk to me personally.  Judging  by reading some of  the responses to my Juanita Bynum blog…and perhaps my blog  on Chastity Bono…some of  you may just be dying to get at me.  Well, soon  and  very soon…you may just get that chance.   Because  yes…your girl will soon be coming to you live, baby.   Bet you’ve been waiting  for that.

Well, have a beautiful day.    I hope you got a whole lot of  warmth wherever you are.  And please let us pray for all these people who are going through hard times right now.  There are so many people suffering from all type devastating thing…earthquakes…loosing homes…loosing their jobs…speaking of which.  I spent most of  day today observing an on-line class on how to make ice cream.  I actually have had the  idea  rolling  around  in my head for a couple  of  years  now.   But somehow I fell upon this  internet site…and the next thing  I know they were emailing me about a ‘free training session.’  

Did somebody say ‘free?’

Yes, I did.   And you know  I  took  advantage of  their offer. 

Today could not come fast enough.   Though I over slept and missed  the first hour and half.  I managed to  learn enough in  the  remainer  of  the session to more  than make up for it…and to let me know that my consideration of  the idea was not a bad one…not at all.    I tell you  this… in this time  of   unsurety  you really have to be looking at  your  future  options  too.  LookView Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy  into the future…. and see where you would like to be.   And what you will need to do to get  you there.

Now, start working towards that.

2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverI am a believer that everybody  should consider going  into business for themself.  Or  perhaps  you have aspirations  of  being a writer.  Go for it.   Do it…but you can’t   if  you don’t  start somewhere.   And I am one of  those  people who strongly believes that you can’t wait to start something…or  hold back  talking about ‘waiting on  until you get the money to do it.’  

You will be waiting forever.  

I’ve got to wait… until  I  get  the  money…or  some  money  to  do  it…is  one  of  the biggest  excuses  for never  doing  anything.

Sometimes as the door closes  in  your  face…because you have lost  your  job…or can’t  find one…or  had  some  other set back… then it  just  might  be  because  it is  time  for you to become your own  boss… run your own company… do something that you really like  to do.

Think  outside of  the box… and don’t despair… there is something special waiting just around the corner for you.    And it is  that success  you have always been looking for… had hoped would come… that real career that you have been putting off. 

Just  do  it.    And  I would love hearing about  it.

I’ll give you  more  information about  when, how and where you can link up to me  regarding to my  blogradiotalk broadcasts… on both your  ipod and by listening in to me  right  here  over  the internet.   You know… try as best I can… I  just cannot seem to get  out of  radio…and  stay  out  of  it.  Oh…well..

 And I  almost  forgot  1  other very  important  thing about  my up and coming  blogtalkradio program…   You’ll able hear it  right here  too… right on this blog  page…as  I  plan to add a  link  to  the  program.  However, if   you listen via your ipod or directly over the net to the live  broadcast…you will be able to call in and talk with me over the  air.  It  should be  interesting.  I  look  forward to chatting with  you soon.  And yes…there will be guest…perhaps you would like to be one.  Send me a note via  my comment  box.

I just  love  these  pictures.   So, I may just leave them up all winter long.

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

4 comments January 14, 2010

Two 5 year olds…raped…and murdered… and on Obama and the detainees…

I recalled with I was taken advantage of…back then they didn’t kill you.  Well, they sort of did.  They killed you alright…but you were like  the walking dead.  They stole something from you…you didn’t know what or even that they had stole it.   But you knew something was wrong with it. 

So, you just never told anybody.  Never whispered a word…just kind of  hid it down deep inside…if  you could.  And if  you couldn’t…then those kids became problem kids…some even predators preying upon other kids.

The life of  a child can be hard…and particularly so when viewed as a sex object…something to fill someone’s sick preverted fantasy or sexual obsession.

Upon just coming up onto the internet this evening  I have read and watched video about  2 very young girls… both of  them age 5.   One white and one half and half…mixed…half white and half black.  And both of  them were sexual violated and then murdered.

Two very beautiful young children…and their lives were destroyed at the tender age of 5.   Forced into acts that no child should have to endure…or be forced to become party to. 

One buried alive and the other the autopsy is forthcoming.

How dare anyone steal their lives from them.

How dare someone rob them of  becoming teenagers…going off to college…and hanging out at a movie with friends.

How dare somebody steal their womanhood from…their motherhood…their promise…and now has robbed us all of  them and what they might have achieved.

I have no doubt that they both suffered traumatically.  People who kill people suffer from a deep sense of  needing to feel powerful.  Can you imagine being mentally that small that children give them a sense  of  power when taking their life.

Then there are those who kill children just so that no one is there to tell the story…as to what and who did what to them.   What cowards they are.

They are man enough to do it…but not man enough to stand up for having done it.  So, they kill the victim…they murder the innocent child…the woman or whoever.  And they set out  doing  it…again and again…and again until they slip up and somehow get caught.

They are like the bank robbers of  old…who kept on robbing banks until they got caught.  Went to jail…got out…and sooner or later went right back to robbing banks…until they caught again…or shot down.

Does alerting neighborhoods that there is a sexual predator in their neighborhood really work?

I think not.

Do most of  these men go back out and start seeking children all over again?


Paedophiles and sexual deviants clutter most neighborhoods.  The only problem is…is that most of  them are never caught.  Because most children don’t tell.  And a lot of  women who get raped don’t either.

Then there is this other factor… a lot of  them look like your husband…and/or brother.   In fact, they are your husband…and/or brother.  Most men have had sex with somebody who was not of  legal  or consenting age.

I have a friend who often during some of our conversations has laughed to me about how while in college he had had sex with a 14 year old girl we both knew.  And for the life of me I have always wondered why he thought it was so funny? 

And why would anybody want to laugh about such a thing?

There are certain things if  I were guilty of  them…I would not talk about them.

It’s illegal!

Having sex with children is illegal in this country.   And in most countries.

Outside of  it being taboo…what could possibly be interesting about having sex with a  5 year old child…or a 3 year old…or any child…or teenager?    And in South Africa…they have wide spread incidences of  men having sex with infants.   Yes, INFANTS…claiming that it is because they have a fear contracting AIDS by having sex with women.


This whole topic is really more than I can bare.  I guess because it hits so close to home.  I had not only been sexually molested as child…twice…and before I reached 4th grade…but I came very narrowly close to being gang raped by a group of maybe 20 if not more men…had not it been for the grace of  God.

I spent my life from that point on…until I was in my mid-20’s abstaining from sex.   There were those who asked me…and there were those who tried to force me.  But I said ‘no’…and I resisted where I had to.

But I never allowed anyone ever again to take advantage of me…or to use me again like that.

When I had those experiences I was too young to even know what was happening to me.   I knew nothing about sex…or sexual intercourse.   I had never seen it…the act before…or anyone indulging in it.   So, it was very foreign to me.  I could not wrap my little mind around it…much less even know that it was wrong. 

Though my abusers were not violent towards me…they did steal my innocense.    But they steal more than innocense today.  They bully, beat, violate and then butcher the child.

I had read many years ago in a book or a publication of  some sort…that 3/4  young girls experience some type of  sexual abuse.  And that  a quarter of  the  men have been propositioned by another male or experienced anal sex. 

Since so many men…particularly black go into the prison system today…that figure is probably far higher now.  Because a lot of men today also indulge more freely in what they call ‘man love.’   Some openly while many others on the DL…the down low.  And the same can be said for more women today…in terms of  lesbian hookups…getting themselves a girlfriend.  It seems to be the rage (the new in-thing).

There seems to be a growing obession with sex…and deviant sexual behavior…and violent deviant sexual behaviors.

It has become a growing practice for sexual offenders to ‘snuff  people out’…killing them while engaged in sex or following it.

Those 2 little girls looked so innocent and so beautiful.

How could a mother sell her child out as prostitute?

Her little 5 year old daughter…her own flesh and blood?4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2

Can there be that much hate…and bitterness in anyone?

Yes…sadly, yes.

I am sicken by all these things.  And whether you believe it or not…it is a spirit…very  very dark spirits sweeping across America.  And I guess the world.

And I was going to talk about Obama and the detainees being imported to the main land…USA.  Which I think might be a big mistake.  But I guess I will discuss that in another blog.

But let me just point out real quick…that the errors committed by the Bush Administration in the handling of those prisoners…in that  many of  them were just swept up and secretly flow out from their homes, family  and country.  Some who were innocent of  any crime.  But now all violently anti-America…and Americans.  And who would not be after what they have all had to endure in Quantanamo Bay?

The past treatment of  those prisoners makes them high security risk and threats upon American soil.  The bitter taste put into their mouths via the Bush Administration can’t be turned around by any acts of  kindness.  And particularly not among people who willing do not mind killing themselves to kill you.

So, no they are too dangerous to be brought into this country.  America has many other options…and  we should  be considered.  Because those people for the most part will have to be locked away for life.  Because theyView Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy will pose too great of  threat…in terms of  them trying to  get  revenge  for any  and all preceived wrongs that were brought about when they were initially imprisoned.  And of course…due also to their gross treatment under the past administration.

Lets face it…I doubt that few of  them are  not bitter over the situation.  And I would be too…and so wouldn’t you.

Well, hoped you had a beautiful day.  Started off  fine but then turned cold.  And we are inching our way towards Thanksgiving.  I know that I am looking forward to it.  And hope that you are too.|hp-laptop|dl1|link3|

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment November 17, 2009






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