Posts filed under: ‘Mali and Sasha Obama‘


Sometimes things just slip out when we least expect them to.

Sometimes some of the things we do and say may not seem hypocritical or hurtful to us.

Sometimes things just catch up with us.

Sometimes we pretend to be 1 way but really are another.

nup-156599-0064-jpgWhich of these scenarios do you think best fits celebrity chef Paul Deen?

When 1 of my next door neighbors stopped me to tell me this story I must admit I did not understand what she was saying.  I thought she was talking about some radio station DJ acting a fool again, like Imus in the Morning had done… before he got canned.  But it was not until my son began to tell me this story that I finally got a clearer picture of what my neighbor had been trying to say to me.

Not a big television watcher I really was not familiar with the 1371986353_3459_paula-deen-covername, Paula Deen.  Though my neighbor had said it and said it again several times, as if I should have known her personally.  But of course I did not.  But now that I have looked up the story, I have to admit that I had caught Paula Deen at least once tossing in a couple bars of butter into some dish she was preparing on the Food Network.

One could hardly say that what she said was purely by accident.  Meaning it was how she was accustom to talking… though never before the cameras.  And why not I wonder?

paula-deen-friedWell, maybe because she knew it was wrong.  That it was backwards and intolerable.  But however backwards that way of thinking is and talking… it finally caught up with Paula Deen.  Oh, yeah, she can blame it on her back home training and down-home southern roots.  But can that really justify what Paula said… or has been talking for years?  I mean she is a grown woman… a grand-mother at that besides being a big time TV chef.  So, she is certainly old enough to know that using that word or any word like it deen22f-4was unacceptable and offensive to many.  And that the times have long ago changed… when white people could simple use such words and get away with it.

Let us examine this in its totality.  Exactly what did Paula Deen say?

Well, it seems that Paula Deen liked throwing around the ‘N’ word.  She and her brother,  a partner with her is some restaurant they own together.   They both based upon reports liked calling some of their non-white workers by the ‘N’ word.   And Paula called a TV assistant the word a few times too many it certainly appears.

In a legal action brought against Paula Deen …and 1 possibly against her brother too,  images-3both are accused has having referred to African American employees as the little ‘N’ word.  In various news reports it is stated that her brother continuously referred to at least 1 employee as ‘a little monkey.’  And it also seems that Paula Deen was planning someone’s wedding… where get this… Paula decided it would nice to have a ‘plantation style wedding’ with some little (the ‘N’ word) running around and dressed up like slaves.279_civil-war-soldiers2eee

Now, how far in denial was she?

Who did she believe would not get upset or find that ‘offensive?’ 

There are people who just do not want to let the ol’ south go.  They want to pretend like the Civil War really did not happened.  And that the ol’ south will rise up once again.

food_network_1340984494So, yeah I would say that Paula Deen’s out and out racists remarks and backward thinking deserved to get her booted off the Food Network… seeing that many African Americans love that channel, and many other minority people, as well.  And a whole lot of ethnic cooking goes on on that network.

In fact, many of Paula Deen’s southern style recipes have their direct roots in the African American style of cooking… whether Paula would admit to it or not.

So, lets face it we live in a big world… full of lots of people of all sorts… all kinds of nations and religions etc.  And the world and its people are forever growing.paula-deen_240x340_32

Is it not time that we put aside ever strife and ill thinking when it comes to people who do not look like us?

But there are some people who just want to believe that they are more superior to other people.  That they are smarter… more progressive… higher achievers… more accomplished etc… etc… etc.  And there are... but it is just not the ones who usually think they are.

When you go back into history and really track this thing… if the  truth be total all civilization got its start in africa-bibleAfrica.  The first universities, libraries, mathematicians etc… you name it… architects, astrologers etc. etc… all of it got started in African.  In fact, scientists today are still mystified by some ancient ruins.  They are even still trying to figure out just how certain structures such as the pyramids had been built.

images-2The books say Africans were not seafaring people.  But historical events defy that lie.  In Biblical scripture, II Chronicles 8:18, it speaks of a man named, Huram, who was a master builder who had built up cities for King Solomon, for storage of his chariots and riches.  This man Huram also had servants who manned his ships.  Yes, the Bible said ‘ships.’  And it also said that this man’s men possessed knowledge of the sea.

Which goes to say that yes even way back then, thousands of years ago, in Solomon’s time African men were building large sea vessels and riding the seas.   When you consider the land mass of headsnew_3001Africa in Biblical times… Africa stretched straight to and included Asia.   Which takes me to another point and that is… that the entire Bible basically takes place in book(1)Africa… not in Europe except for when Caesar and Rome come into the picture, and those other places across the Mediterranean Sea, such as Macedonia and Greece etc.  As all the countries and/or nations as we know them today had not been birth yet… nor boundaries such as those of today, therefore, Africa in its time had to have been very powerful.  This is something which has never been reflected in any of our history books.

The history books also do not reflect all the great contributions and inventions created by African Americans even while in this country.  And there a tremendous amount of them of considerable importance not only to this country but to the world… but there is a reason.images

This reason goes all the way back to the myth and historical stereotyping of us that had been created and propagated by those who desired to keep what they called us back then black-history-month-pic‘darkies’ in their place.  So, the myth was that we were not smart… could not learn… were lazy and shiftless.  Also, as time went on it became that we were born criminals… and scoundrels… and not to mention that we were less than human… animals to be owned and bred.

And so… here we are today in the 21st Century still having to deal with old myths and stereotypes … and names made to keep us down… hold us back and seemingly needy.  They tt_index_mainwere created to hinder us and our children from ever achieving anything in this country… least of all any level of pride and our own sense of real self-worth.

It is interesting that this Paula Deen thing has come up when it has… as I happened to catch a portion of a television program Sunday.  As I have already made mention in at least a couple of my prior blogs, as well as, this 1 I really rarely watch television any more… but I happened to be over my sister’s house this weekend, and normally while there I try toarticle-2229201-15DC5D9F000005DC-555_964x693 the-first-familycatch up on my television watching… as there is really nothing else for me to do there except to watch television.  So, this show was called ‘THE FIRST FAMILY.’  It was… or is supposed to be a spoof on the Obama family in the White House.  Needless to say I found it to be repulsive and a slap in the face to our real First Family.

ReganI remember sitting in class and a discussion came up about a made for TV movie on the Reagan family during Reagan’s White House years.  Mind you that this discussion was years after Regan was dead and after he had long left the White House.  Yet, the outcry against that movie was soooooo great.  Every talk show hosts and news medium was doing a story on the uproar that movie was causing.  The TV network that was set to air the movie backed out… and another network picked it up.  But there were tons of letters …there were lots of phone calls… there were a lot of screaming and hollering over this movie about this man, Ronald Reagan, and how this movie would portray his legacy, his CPH-reagan-family_e6_400image, his years as a President etc… etc.. etc..  They saw it as being aimed to discredit Regan, and refused to allow the movie to air without a fight.  And fight they did.images-4

When you think of the Queen of England and how they hold her is such high regard and her position as Queen, they would never allow any sit-com to be made about the Royal Family where they would be the brunt of jokes… and made to look incompetent.  This is also the why they used to think in this country concerning the White House and the Presidency until…

Well…  until the Obama’s moved into the White House.

images-1I am very proud of the First Family, the Obama’s.  Compared to the vast majority of the Presidents who have occupied the White House they are truly a family to be put up as a national example of what a good family is supposed to not only look like, act like or be like… but is.  The President, Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle Obama, are more than just great parents they are exceedingly good role models for those looking to marry.  They exemplify what 1 shouldCookingWithPaulaDeen_April2011 seek in his or her future marriage with regard to their husband or wife.  And how to ensure that your marriage works.

So, yes I find any show, play, television program or anything else designed to make a mockery of them totally distasteful and highly offensive… and clearly an attempt to be a slap in the face of President Barack Obama and his family.   It is beyond me if they really wanted a laugh how no one thought to come up with a sit-com on the Bush’s… wouldn’t have had to look far for material to laugh about there.

Hopefully, that show will get cancelled… and it never should have been allowed in the first place.  What an insult to all of us.

Now, going back to Paula Deen and her story.  Yes, she definitely deserved to get the boot off the Food Network.  I would venture to say if ever there was a word she wished she had 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverprobably never learned… it was the ‘N’ word.  It cost her greatly… and rightly so.

Well, God bless…I hope you are having a great week.  I know… it has just gotten started.  But I can still wish that you have a great 1.  Stay out of the heat and work on getting something done.  me resized...And I will be doing likewise… and as you can I already have.  Another blog… FINISHED.

I thank those of you very much  who have ventured out and purchased my book… which can be ordered on-line at any number of websites… just google THE BISHOP’S WIFE by Bernadine Smith… and see for yourself.  And you can also read excerpts from my book on-line as well at Barnes&Nobles Nook, etc…

Oafrican_americans_wwii_006h, before I end this just let me say for the record that I am not familiar with either of the African American history books whose picture I used in this blog.  So, should I at some time in the future ever read them… or if you do… and find them less than truthful or wholly without merit… please do not believe I suggested them as being that which they may not be.  And that is truthful with regard to our history as African people and African American people in America.

UP-DATE…Tuesday, June 25, 2013:   Just a little update on the Paula Deen story… something that I came across today.  The Food Network owns another network.  And Paula’s show on that network was not pulled.  Uh-huh…  How people do love to play games.  It looks 1 way 1 way… while they are doing something else another way.

Okay, now that the cat is out of the bag lets see what the Food Network is really going to do… on their sister channel…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

4 comments June 24, 2013


image_largeIt may have been cold… but we showed up again to celebrate not 1 but 2 moments in our great history… both the 2nd inauguration of President Barack Obama… 265145_10151308364563241_1565993341_nand of course, the birthday of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.

They say about a million people showed up this year to President Obama’s inaugural… but we all know that it was probably far more than that.  They said only a few thousand for the Million Woman March in Philly… but nobody could tell me that.  There had to have been a least a million plus women there… because when you looked out over that massive crowd of Black Women… all you could see were the top of heads for as far as you could any which way you looked.

01.17.13news-flickr-inauguration-metro-editThey had 2,200 people marching in the parade… which included over 150 horses and about 50 dogs, trained to obamamlk_answer_1_xlargeassist those disabled or otherwise encumbered yet living independent.

The Hawaiians showed up… our native American Indians showed up… Mexican dancers … drilled teams from high schools, Jr. Colleges and various college campuses including 12262012_AP090120057733_jpg_300those Grambling University  high-steppers… a Inaugural Paradegay band… military of all types… forest ranges… mounted patrols… Tuskegee Airmen…OI24 50 floats… and I can’t remember it all.  And President Obama waved and smiled all 20130121_inauguration18_33through it.  It was wonderful… and full of all kinds of people… young and old… including 6 130121_inauguration_crowdbuses of folks from New Hampshire with their band… who all came out to celebrate the commencement of224565_10200427531789456_1438621749_n our President’s second term in the Oval Office.





God bless… hope you enjoy the rest of the week.  It has gotten cold again… with a little more snow.  But then… it is winter.  g183183000000000000aa6c1f70d3f5e675f5219d93d4c5e3fdf4ed1f65

And yes, we did it…  And no devil from hell or all the money from hell could not stop us.

What a great day in American History… Monday, January 21, 2013.


Truly history to be savored forever…

And what makes it doubly so Obama made sure to include a lot of  our history in it… including a traveling Bible that Dr. King used to carry with him during his travels from town to town during our Civil Rights struggle here in America.

Barack Obama, Michelle ObamaThank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and front-dress-3_4_r536_c534all your friends“pass it2ab-the-bishop-wifecover on…”me resized...  ©2013

Add a comment January 22, 2013

PRESIDENT OBAMA and GUN CONTROL… the View on Chris Christie and Weight…

It is a shame that it took this long for this conversation to sincerely and truthfully come to the forefront 75084_10151396532909238_1417681934_nof American conscientiousness… but at last it has happened.  And 1 might say several senseless massacres too many before something should have really been done… like a long time ago.

After mass killings after mass killings finally the l_gunviolenceUnited States government is taking a stand, and President Obama is initiating laws against assault weapons and hand guns…all of which the Republicans for the most part want no part of it.

Well, I understand when your biggest financial campaign contributor is a gun manufacturer, and you have all those gun lobbyist sitting on Capitol Hill.  Yes, that might sway your judgment about gun control until it becomes a question of your own son or daughter…getting killed in some ruiz5k-1-webmovie theater… grade school or upon some college campus etc…

I’m happy that President Obama has said enough is enough, and is taking a lead on doing something that the Congress and the Senate of the United States has refused to have taken seriously for all these years and episode after episode.

But  what is so annoying and distasteful to me is how the Republicans hate President 485992_433034763435241_415730549_nObama…and are so very disrespectful of him.  they despise him. And no matter what good President Obama tries to do… they are against him.   Whereas, no matter what George Bush did…    In fact, it appeared that everything George Bush did was good to them… down to lying about weapons of mass destruction… and sending off people’s sons and daughters to be killed in wars which should not have been.   But they… those arrogant Republicans stood by George Bush… all the way.   Pushed pass everything Bush wanted without so much as a sniffle.  But oh how they cry bloody murder over everything that President Obama does or tries to do.  And then they want to say that ‘they are not racist.’

Yeah, sure…

Finally got a chance to read the above entire article LINK.  Those republicans are a real joke. They can’t even President Obama Speaks On Homeland Security's Announcement About Deportationsbring themselves to call Obama ”Mister President” or ‘President Obama.’. It seems that uttering those words when referring to the President would seriously hurt them.

0238190179_1_296x196_tlWhat kind of fool do they think President Obama is?

Trying to scare Obama by saying they will consider impeaching him for legally using Presidential authority 394934_433034866768564_800118516_ngranted unto him, as President of the United States. I don’t think anything dumber has EVER been said. What a bunch of fools.

Arrogance… ignorance and hatred will make a fool of you all the time… and that is the state that the American Republican party is in.  They are arrogant… ignorant fools.  And they show that by making the stupid statements such as those expressed in the above news LINK.

I am so happy Obama is not a chump. He doesn’t back down.. and he knows exactly who he is and they can’t stand that.

He’s the President…and they are only members of the House… He’s ”head houcho”…and that really bugs ’em…. And even worst of all Obama acts like it…and THAT is killing them.

It is far beyond the time for the Federal Government to step up into the role of ensuring the safety of the American Public by enacting laws that will lower the availability of guns to the criminally minded, and those who have some insane agendas.  These incidences have become too frequent and they are escalating.  I am just story that it took a bunch of very young school children to signify this point.

I just happened to catch a segment on The View regarding gun control and various methodsmedium_viewmccainad_jez_Sm.flv that can be put into place at schools.  It was 1 of those rare times that I must admit to being totally in agreement with Elisabeth Hasselbeck… who is almost always a voice of dissension on that show… and a devote Republican.

Whoopie, Sharri and Barbara were all for guns being given to school teachers as a good method of curving school killings.  Which is something I find to be totally ludicrous.

gun-violence_0Do not teachers go berserk and fall off the deep end too?

Of, course some do.  And then the other side of that scenario is this…

What happens when a student gets a hold of 1 of his or her teacher’s guns?

Or even worst…  What happens when a school shooting occurs and the police arrive and can’t determine who is the real culprit with so many people firing guns?normal_Guns-1920x1080

Because arming teachers and/or other school faculty staff is a very very bad idea… so many walking and carrying guns in school this could very well become a worst problem… and dilemma would arise at  knowing who to shoot at.   In the heat of a shoot out… like out on the battlefield this is not necessary 1 of the easiest things to decipher…  Hence, ‘friendly fire.’

But fear and a haste to make all the wrong choices by putting into place measures that could bring about even worst consequences, than the problems we now face itself  are worthy of some deep thought.  And it is not Obama’s plans that I fear… but all these so-called do-gooders who may have some very flawed thinking triggered by lots of fear… or hidden agendas… all coming… running with their irrational suggestions.

Guns_1000I was not in favor either of arming flight attendants.  And thank God we got over that fear… when flying high in the friendly skies.

It would have been a disaster if suddenly a shoot out  between a passenger and airline personnel broke out in an aircraft… leaving all the passengers in grave danger not to mention the aircraft itself.  And so would be arming teachers or other supposed teaching professionals with guns be too.  The mediumlast time I checked that  shooting at Sandy Nook school, in Connecticut where 26 people were killed… and most of theml children under the age of 10… it was the mother (the school teacher of that classroom)… who had owned those guns which were used…by her crazed son.

The article reads that the woman…the female victim was the true hero here…

But, no.  It was the 14-year-old boy who opened the door and let her into him parent’s home who was house4738the real hero…because it was at risk to himself and his 2 younger siblings.

I am, however, sure that his parent’s might have seen this picture entirely different… and particularly since the crazed man, who had kidnapped the young woman, torched their home in an effort to get the young female victim back.

The young 14-year-old in this story definitely deserves to be praised.  But I know his parents must have an entirely different take on this story.  But he saved that young woman’s life…while at the same time putting at risk his own, and that of his younger sister and brother.  And not to mention their family 5333118-baseball-in-mitt-isolated-on-white-backgroundhome.

But it was an unselfish act.  And a lot of times people can’t understand unselfish acts…because they only see the dangers in them.

But this boy will probably be blessed for the rest of his life…because he did what God calls Seton Hall takes on Notre Dame in mens basketball game on 2-11-2010all of us to do.  To love our neighbors as we love ourselves.  The text actually specks of laying down your life for your brother.  Something that I know would run across no parent’s mind at the time when they hear how their home and family was put into jeopardy by the actions of 1 their older child.

the-viewAnd going back to The View… on that same show they were also discussing Governor Chris Christie and his weight.  Truthfully speaking I felt a bit offended.  They made it sound like ALL overweight people are unhealthy… which is definitely not the case.  And they also made it sound like only overweight people have health problems… and we all know that is definitely not true.

whoopi_goldbergBut what struck me as being somewhat bias was Whoopie’s response to the whole conversation.  She who for many years… if not still… has been known to be a very heavy smoker.  Even while listening to Whoopie speak you can hear the effect of those years of smoking upon her voice.  Yet she failed to mention that her own addiction… the 1 to cigarettes is even far more unhealthy and harmful…if not just as much so… as she talked about all of Christie’s weight wearing on his heart… and would hinder his ability to do the job of a President effectively.

According to the consensus cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States, accounting for close to 17 percent of total healthcare spending.  Cardiovascular issues include: hypertension, coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, per-cutaneous coronary intervention, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure.

Cigarette smoking is a major contributor to theCigarette butts in an ashtray
three most prevalent causes of death in African Americans… heart disease, cancer, and stroke. All people, regardless of race and ethnicity, can become addicted to tobacco and can be damaged by the harmful effects of smoking.

So, what I am saying is this…  Governor Christie should not be singled out and declared unfit… or otherwise unhealthy simply because of his weight.  It brings about an astigmatism Man-Exercisingthat is many times placed upon all heavy-set people unjustly.  Causing many of them to not get health benefits… jobs… and oftentimes ostracized.  Which certainly is not fair and treads upon their civil rights.1263239297_fit_person

It is very likely that if Christie chooses to run again as Governor of New Jersey… tries to leap out into Presidential waters his weight is going to be continuously made a factor.  And that really should not be.

I recall that this guy wrote this book called ‘THE JOY OF JOGGING.’   He was an avid jogger.  By every regard he was considered in good health… and his body trim and fit.  One day while out jobbing the man dropped dead from a heart attack.  I imagesam not trying to poke fun here… but merely saying skinny or fat… tall or short… you are subject to drop dead or have a heart attack.  And yes, I would agree that having more weight upon your body does put stress upon your heart, but so doesn’t smoking or some of those other bad habits like excessive drinking or drug abuse… etc…

So, then why keep talking about this man… Christie like it just doesme resized...n’t happen to skinny or fit people.  Because that is a lie.

Now, I do not advocate being overweight.  Lord, no…  I have had my own issues and battles with it.  But I also can see where such a conversation is hurtful, demeaning and liable to bring about discrimination to those seeking  job placement… or whatever.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

God bless…hope you enjoy your weekend.  I think I may get so much needed sleep… and edit some video projects this weekend.

And remember that Monday… this coming Monday is both President Barack Obama’s second inaugural… AND Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.’s birthday celebration.  Enjoy them both… and I am hoping to see you in D.C fomichelle-obama-inauguration-parade-GCr the festivities.  But if not please enjoy it for me too.

I am so happy about it.  Truly a time to remember…   And if you can be part of it don’t let the michelle-obama-dnc-fasion-600x400opportunity go by… by not being so.

And happy belated birthday FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA… can’t close without saying that.   I love you.

In fact, I love you both….  And 49 is a great year…  A very good year indeed…

And I hope that you are checking for a picture of me in these blogs…  Who knows I might even think of doing something real special.  Just keep looking out for me… in my blogs.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment January 18, 2013






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