Posts filed under: ‘gun controls‘

A PARENT’S WORST NIGHTMARE…Sandy Nook Elementary School

Wrote this on my Facebook page….kids_1861945c

“Can’t imagine getting up early in the morning and rushing to work…and seeing my children off to school…only to hear my child’s teacher’s son came to school with a gun shooting to death his own mother…and stealing away the life and breath of my baby as well…and 17 other poor little children unfortunate enough to be that boy’s mother classroom.

And he takes his own life without enough courage to face me…

children-playingMy, Lord…when will this come to an end?

Had that young merely taken his own life first…

This current situation is more than sad….

Christmas for those parents will never be the same…nor their lives…

I pray a peace that surpasses all understanding come to them all right now…in Jesus name…”

It has to be a parent’s worst nightmare.  Many parents who sons and daughters have school-shooting-newtown-ctenlisted in the arm services dread getting that call… or knock on their front door telling them that their son or daughter had been killed in battle.
But how do you deal with it when you are just starting your day and seconds into your child’s school session a imagesderanged intruder steps in wheeling guns and begins picking off your child and all his classmates.  Bang bangbang… bangbang…   And the teacher of  the class…  the school principal and other members of the staff and school?
How do you process that your little 5-year-old was just murdered in a place that you479774_536592236354077_273915417_n thought was safe?
In a place where you prayed that he or she did their work… and did not interrupt the class 121214035649-newtown-connecticut-locator-c1-maintoo much today… and you hoped that they didn’t get sick from anything they may have eaten last night?
After school you had book a dentist apartment… and afterward you were going to swing by your mom’s house to drop them off… your little child… his or her bigger sister and/or brother… while you went out to pick up a few more of their Christmas things?
How does 1 process that they will not be seeing their child smile up at them ever again?christmas-tree-close-up
Or won’t be able to look into their curious little eyes as they plead and beg you to buy them something?
How do you process that some 21-year-old boy… son of your child’s school teacher deciding that he hated his mother… and father soooo much…  enough to not want to kill them… but KILLED them both?   And then was selfishPresident Obama Addresses The Nation On The Connecticut School Shooting enough to despise your child and every child in his mother’s classroom enough to kill them too?
The fact that he took his own life is really a non-issue here.  I would not even go as far as to believe that he was deranged or suffered from some type of mental defect.  Because the SandyHookwhole story sounds like one motivated by selfishness.  Because if it wasn’t then what was the purpose of also killing every child in that classroom?
Was he scornful or jealous of the little children that his mother got up to go teach everyday?
I cannot imagine what dispute or contempt he must have held for his parents …nor why?
But did he have to bring a family issue into that classroom?
What more than some kind of selfishness could have motivated him… that school teacher’s son to stand there and kill cool-gunsoff every little child in his mother’s classroom?
We will never know… not really even if somehow a glimmer of the truth somehow manages to surface.
But would it change anything?
What could it change?

article-shooting-1214No… I think not.  It cannot bring back all… or even 1 of  those innocent lives which it so ruthlessly took.  Twenty-six people… 16 or 18 little children… between the ages of 5 to 10… whose parents will never forget yesterday… when they woke up their child was alive.  And less than 3 or 4 hours later they were not.

I first heard this story when a cousin called me saying she thought I had heard.  Somehow hearing her tell me of the very little she knew of the incident just did not impact me the way my reading about it on Facebook impacted me.  It brought tears down my face.  I was sadden all the night… and still am.
Yes, the gun laws should be changed in this country.  For tdy_1_pwi_presserinfo_12121.vembedsmallthe strong lobbyist that are so adamant against laws being put in place against guns… it is these very people who are not locking up their guns which become so readily accessible to their wacked out children… who think it fun to go to school and kill a bunch of people.
Between the movie theater… the various schools and now this act of senseless violence weguns1 all should be saying enough is enough.
And this type of thing is growing… and will continue unless something definitively is done about guns… and those who carry them legally or illegally.  For the illegals caught carrying gun… automatic life.   I hate to say it… but they should not have a gun anyway.
For these parents who children take their guns and go out on a rampage… everything 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverthey own should be taken.  They can, of course, never repay for the lives that may have been taken by their child.  But the parents should suffer financially as well… because evidently they were not paying attention …or the guns were too accessible to their wayward child.
But yes if  penalties are not put in place… and I mean STRONG penalties where people loose things… this thing will not stop.  And it must be made to stop… loosing all these innocent people… people who lives are forever changed through acts of violence with guns must stop.  And the only real way to do that is to have very stiff  laws… and probably it will have to be on the federal level like bank robberies being a federal offense in this country.,d.dmQ
I really do not want to hear another story like this… or that movie theater… or about some Chinese guy who went into a school in China stabbing people…   I truly do not…  I am sicken by the level of crime we hear and read about today.
UPDATE: THURSDAY, December 20, 2012… In listening to a report of the number of gun shops within a 10 mile radius of the Sandy Nook Elementary School was appalling.  Within a 10 mile range there are 37 guns near that school… and within a 3 county area the commentator said that there were nearly 400 gun stores in that area.
What could they be doing with that many gun shops near them?
20378376_BG1It is insane.
It is a shame that the deaths of so many children ‘at 1 time‘… because yearly many children died from gun shot wounds… be they gang related or accidental.  But this time it was not in the ‘hood’ …but in a suburban elementary school where the children were barely older than toddlers… and it was 20 of them at ‘1 time‘… along with other school personnel.  Hate to say it… but maybe now the conversation about control becomes ‘real’ in America.
God bless…  I have been forgetting to write that lately and only catch it about the time I just about ready to hit ‘publish.’    I guess I am becoming plague by some things.  Personally I am fine… but when I think of others my heart goes out.  And I think about them… and think about them… and pray for them.
There are so many people going through with something.  And we should all consider them.  Hope you enjoy your Christmas if I fail to write anything more between now and then.
Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2012

Add a comment December 16, 2012

What is the question here…

What is responsibility?

When somebody espouses a whole lot of trash talking in the ghetto…

Well, they just better be able to back it up or say nothing.

That is how it is in the hood.

Now, I have never lived in the streets or out on the lane …or down on the Blvd.  But I do know that when you fool around and talk a lot of   junk you better be ready to back it up… or suffer the consequences.

During the pre-term elections recently held this past November… Sara Palin did a whole lot of  big talking… before and after.   Even as far as pasting up a bunch of  cross-hairs upon certain campaign areas that she and her supposed ‘tea party’ crew… or group of  flunkies… were aiming to take over.

This past weekend in 1 of those areas … a congresswoman was shot in the head and 6 others were killed in an area that Palin singled out on her cross-hairs map.

That sounds like a whole of  lot of big time talk.  The which if  it had been done in the hood it would have meant all out and out war.  Because it would have certainly meant that you were out to get somebody.

And it would have meant that you were gunning for them.  And in hood talk… that means to kill ’em.

You don’t go around drawing pictures like that in the hood… and nobody knows what it means?

No, that is a loud and crystal clear message… ask any black folks.

Frankly, such a thing should be as illegal as shouting “FIRE” in crowded place.

I do not think that it is a coincidence that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a Arizona State Representative, and liberal political was shot in the head some 2 days ago.

Nor do I believe that the shooting was some ramdom act of some dissatisfied Arizonan voter.

No, I think that the picture is a lot bigger than that.

It is a picture of  hate mongering and fear embedding that became very popular under the Bush administration.  Something that the Republicans have become very famous  …or should I say… infamous for doing.    Then turning around and crying that they ‘had nothing to do with it.’  

But the tactics are theirs.  And they pull them out whenever a political race is hot… meaning close… and when they wish to get an upper hand.

So, they set about evoking weak-minded people to do tragic things like shooting an innocent woman in the head, who was working hard to  the benefit of  the people which she represents.

And, yes.

Sarah Palin is to blame along with those who coach her.  And  they need to go up on charges of  conspiracy.    For acting to incite individuals to go out and commit murder or other type of criminal acts against politicians that they are against.

If a person worked in an insane asylum and gathered up the interest of a resident in that asylum provoking that person to hate someone enough to hurt or even kill them.  And the insane asylum person upon his release goes in search of the person they had been provoked against… and somehow hurts or otherwise kills the person… who would be to blame?

Clearly, the person who provoked the insane person to do so.

And the law would seek that person out.

So, why should Sara Palin and her people be any different?

This world is full of a lot  of sick and/or weak-minded individuals who listen and believe  a lot of the political rhetoric that they hear… watch or read.  A lot of  it is devicely twisted to anger people falsely.  And in cases such as in the Palin camp… they work to implant seeds of  violent acts.

And anyone who does this is looking for a violent outcome.

Why else would anyone put up gun cross-hairs if they were not insinuating that someone should go out and shot somebody that they have set their sights upon?

That is the only reason why someone would do that.

And to do so is illegal.

And is certainly not a joke.

Lets say the shoe was on the other foot… and the congresswoman and launch a website and put up a map with gun cross-hairs on it.  And in the center of those cross-hairs was Palin and her family.

What do you think would have been Palin’s out-cry?

Would there have been one?

Yes.  You bet… and a loud one.  And Palin would have been seeking some type of  action.  Maybe even legal I have no doubt.

The Republicans love double standards.  They can play certain games… but not you.

You can’t… because they are quick to cry ‘foul.’

If  a  group of  cons or crooks…. or drug cartel…. or thugs had mastermind such a thing without a doubt they would have all been rounded up by now and charged.

Is this not the same thing when a drug dealer puts a gun into the hand of  little child 12 or 13 -year-old, and tells them to go out and shoot somebody?

They know that the little 12 or 13-year-old is a kid, and not likely to serve a sentence as long as theirs would be, if they went out and perpetrated the crime themselves.

What is the difference between using weak-minded people that do what some of  these politicians tell them to do via their commercials and other rhetoric used to poison the minds of  such people, in order to have  them go out and do their dirty work?

I am for justice and totally against people who would ever try to incinerate anyone against somebody simply because we do not agree politically… or religiously.   Or for any reason really.

In the  1980’s when the anti-abortion acted in similar ways… the outcome was abortion clinics being bombed, and abortion doctors were killed.

How crazy was that?

You don’t believe in abortion but you blow up people in an abortion clinic?

Or go out shooting abortion doctors?

What kind of  life did they believe in?

Only that of  the fetus… and not that of  the adult people they were killing?

Is life not life?

Are we all to agree on every subject?

Just how boring would life be if we all submitted ourselves out of  fear to being liked minded because someone was holding a gun over us.

There is a sickness that prevails and is festering, least ways in this country, that makes 1 re-consider George Orwell’s book.  And perhaps we need not look at  Big Brother as  a government system… but as a political party.  The Republican Party.

Well, this is my first post for the New Year.View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

I was so busy prior to stepping into this New Year that I literally barely got any sleep for almost 8 days.  A whole lot of  legal work to take care of.

First of all, the city had come up against my parent’s house for property taxes.  And I had to act really 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverquickly in order to try to head it off.

So, that is still in the works.  Hopefully, we will get a court date and God will give the Judge to be kind.

Then there some other legal matters that I wanted to have out of  hair before stepping into 2011… and finally I did manage to do that too.

So, you see I wasn’t just goofing off.

And I had to go out to shovel snow 2 times this past weekend.  But thank goodness it was neither heavy or a lot of snow.

So, all is well.

And I am wishing you a great and highly prosperous year.

And thank goodness God is still on throne.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family to em , co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

Add a comment January 10, 2011

Condoleezza Rice…the clock is ticking…

Well, she has decided that she is ready to go back to life in the regular ph20081126037891lane…forget the fast lane…or the jet lane.   No, she doesn’t want that any more.   She is tired of all the lights…TV cameras and microphones being thrown into her face….and everybody holding their breath for her every word.  She is giving up getting up early on Sunday mornings to go Meet the Press.  She has finished shaking the hands of State leader  after State leader.  No, she is giving it all up to now go to greeting college students. 

Yeah, it is back to teaching.  And I can only believe she will be looking forward to it.  

But after a while will she still enjoy it?

That is the question.   It is hard to believe that going back to teaching will be something that will able to hold her for long.  After having the life that she has lead for the past 8 years…can you really go back to teaching and ever be satisfied again?

rice-sarkozy-460_791014c1One thing you can really respect about Condoleezza Rice besides her poise, brains and quiet professionalism…is the way she has managed to keep her private life out of the media.  Having such a high profile life…it could not have been easy at all.   Because I am sure that they have all been looking…to spot Condi and somebody. 

But she mastered it…somehow.  Because I am sure that she has not spent the last 8 years alone.  When you are in the eyes of the world….somebody in going to try to catch your attention.   So, I am sure that there have been many suitors vying for her attention.   Yet, somehow she managed not to get tangled in one media story after another over her love life and who she was or is dating now. zoranphoto1 

And on top of it all…no one will ever be 04-09-2008_rice-300x2251able to say…that she did not do her job well.

“Bravo to you, Madam Secretary of State.”

And good luck at Sanford….I am sure your classes are all going to be quite full with long waiting list of students waiting on stand-by to get in.

I really admire another thing about Condoleezza Rice…and this whole new breed of black folk who are in positions of power and prestige.    They are no longer afraid or ashamed of their blackness.   They  love who they are…and celebrate their lives and history as black folk in America.    And we do have much to be very proud of…years and years of it…and all kinds of black folk who lit our way. 

Besides walking the halls and grounds of Sanford University…I am sure that there are plenty of book deals waiting on Condoleezza Rice.  And I am sure that she has many rich stories to relay…without the lost of her dignity or integrity.  You can just tell that about her…can’t you?

Everybody should not be allowed to have a gun permit and I don’t care who they are.

u192197001Saturday I was in the beauty salon getting my hair done when this peddler came in.  He was towing a suitcase loaded with incense, oilsmed70206011 and various special soaps.  I had seen this guy for many years and never said more to him than ‘hi’….or him to me.

But on this particular day he took a seat beside me and began talking to me as if we went way back as friends.  He began to tell me how he and his wife had broken up a couple of years ago and how foolish she had been.  To my surprise I had known his wife…and he knew that.   I didn’t really know that this guy knew me.  But he not only knew me, but one of my brothers and my father. 

Needless to say, I was quite surprised by all of this.   But what surprised me even more was when he lifted up his jacket and showed me a pistol he was packing on his side.

I don’t like guns…and I don’t trust people who carry them.

After having seen this guy for years standing out on the streets peddling his wares I never once thought he had a gun…or anything u164958301close to a weapon on him.  I never really ever thought the guy was…   Well, was all there…if you know what I mean.   There was just something about him.  He never smiled…and certainly never seemed to have much of a personality.

The person whom he had been married to…  Well, I was surprised when he told me that she had been his wife.  I wouldn’t have thought that she would have married someone like this guy.   Not that I knew him…but he just didn’t seem to have much going on.  And she was nice and smart…and not someone who I thought would have fallen 000094bs1for a guy such as this guy.

But the guy went on talking to me about his gun.  How he could pull it apart and how quickly he could put it back together again.  How he had taken it apart when he boarded the train to come back to our town…and how he had wrapped it in a special plastic so that it would not be detected. 

This guy was dangerous.

Then he started pulling out his gun permits.    Yes, I did say gun permits.

All of this this guy did…and he had never in his life every spoken to me before.  And he did this while he continued to talk to me about his wife.  Needless to say…when he finally got up and I thought about it over a few hours…I have come to the conclusion that that guy was a walking time bomb.   And that the clock was ticking…

Because I could hear and see that he was depressed over the divorce of his wife…and he was walking around carrying a very dangerous weapon.

bn2690561We never know from one moment to the next…who we are standing beside or what they are going through.  In the world we live in today with all the problems of people being out of work, laid off, job closing, forclosures, evictions, divorce, separations etc…etc… there are a lot of time bombs walking around.

I really don’t want to come across the guy again…because I recognized that he was unstable as well as being dangerous.

Well, it is beautiful today.  Still plenty of snow and ice though.  And all I can think about is how nice it is not have to get up for any more 8 o’clock classes…in fact classess at all.  I am so happy…I just keep smiling….‘free at last…free at last…thank God, I am free at last.’

God blessand thank you for reading this blog…and  please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on” ©2009 

Add a comment January 12, 2009

Jennifer Hudson… Obama’s grandmother….

Since speaking with my son last night…who when I called him said-

“Oh, I thought you were calling about Jennifer Hudson.”

I said, “What about Jennifer Hudson?”

“You didn’t hear it over the news?  Somebody broke into their house and shot her mother…killing her.  And they shot her uncle and then kidnapped her little nephew?”

I said, “What???”

And I turned off the music I was listening to…and thought about it for a while.

I can’t believe it.

Here she is working hard trying to establish herself and find her way around Hollywood…and this.  What a tragic event that should happen…simply divastating.

The world is full of evil people…and this you should know if you don’t already do.

At some point after hearing about those murders in Chicago, I started thinking about how parents have always taught their children not to talk to strangers.  I don’t know why it came to mind…except some time ago I saw on television where the schools along with parents were aggressively teaching young children not to talk or walk off with any strangers.  All of this following a rash of strange cars near schools and a man trying to entice some children to get in.  Then there was those laws passed…they carried the names of the young victims of certain crimes.

No one ever said it…but as a young child, I was taught you did not talk to strangers.  They did this because they knew that the world is full of evil people and they wanted to protect us from them.  But in the recent years we have seen the level of evil escalate.

Oh, yes we are accustom to hearing stories of people breaking in and killing people…but we had never heard of the type of events that caused 9/11.   There was even a point where we had never heard of people who put razors in apples and then gave them out to children during ‘Trick or Treat’…or tainted candy.  But the world is full of evil people…and their numbers are multiplying. 

Or it could be argued…we are just hearing more about it now than we did before.  Take for instance that father in Austria who had imprisoned his own daughter in his basement for over 20 years and fathered some 7 or so children with her. 

How could that be classified as anything else other than sick…and quite evil?

That story sicken me so badly that I have until this very time had not said much on it.  But it was evil.

When I think of what I read on the once very popular DeBarge family…sicken me in the same way.  In that case it was a father destroying the lives of his many sons and daughter.  That story too…turned my stomach.

Life is hard in many ways…but these type of undue interruptions that cause even greater hardship of emotional conflict and personal hate…can have and  leave indelible marks and effects upon the lives of many who have had to endure the traumas of them.

I have a friend who was born in Chicago…during some time very early in her life she was gang raped by some boys in a vacant apartment across the hall from where she lived with an aunt. 

This aunt had been forced into the position of caring for her…as she had come into the world some time during the incarceration of her mother.  The whole story is quite sad…but following that rape she was later regularly sexually abused by her aunt’s boyfriend…all this while she was a very young child.  The trauma of her history has marked her entire life…and often when I speak with her…she talks of suicide.

There is  evil in this world.  And Jennifer Hudson’s mother, brother and 7 year old nephew all came face to face with it.

We can only say… 

“Jennifer be encouraged and seek solitude in the word of the Lord…for joy will again come in the morning.”

It is probably hard to believe that right now…but it is quite true.

After hearing the news regarding Jennifer Hudson’s family and then thinking about Obama’s grandmother…I started to cry.

It seems sad to me…after raising him that Obama’s grandmother…a woman he says-

“She poured all of what she had into me.”

It seems sad to think that she might not live to see him become President of the United States of America.

I can only reflect upon the times that once were…while living in the heartland of America an elderly white couple left to raise their daughter’s 2 non-white children.  I can imagine the stares they must have received while going to school conferences and while stepping into the dentist’s office or doctor’s offices with her little dark skinned non-white grand children. 

It was the times…when white parents were against their children having black friends…much less marrying someone black as brilliantly protrayed in the movie starring Sidney Poitier “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.” 

It could not have been easy…they were probaly ostrasized and whispered about behind their backs about those 2 little black children that…yes, probably at first they probably didn’t even want…but through time grew to love and cherish as they grew to love and cherish them.

It is sad think that she is sick and might not live to see it.  Because there had to have been something in them that made her the way she was…and ultimately in him which has made him who he is today.  God bless them all.

Well, have a blessed day.   And enjoy your weekend…it looks as though it may rain over this way.,,20235862,00.html


And I still love you, Willis Kattrell.

Smile and have a beautiful day.

Please be sure to share this blog site with all your friends…family…just….just….everyone!

Have a beautiful day…and thank you for reading.

…pass it on…’

God bless…and thanks for reading ©2008

1 comment October 25, 2008

O.J… can’t seem to get it right

Poor ol’ O.J…you really got to feel sorry for the guy.

Trouble just seems to follow him.  For a man who once had everything that, I guess, most people would have liked…somehow it all just got away from him…it slipped through his fingers.  It happened one night following a long trail of events which really if you examined them were on the road to doom.  And doom it was…it ended in murder.

Had it been written by some great British suspense writer the scenes and scenarios could not have been better written.  It had all the clues and every bit of the suspense of a top rated thriller.

But this latest farce really amounted to nothing more than a shakedown Mob style.  And for having done it…O.J. Simpson is facing the possibility of life in prison. 

It really doesn’t seem fair. 

Considering the world of memorabilia and the problems of thief, fraud and the like…O.J. going after those guys in a way that they could understand…well, the means clearly does not justify the way…but the memorabilia business is big multi-billion dollar business laced with underhanded and crooked dealings.  O.J. was merely seeking to protect and retrieve his own items…in what to him seemed to be the most effective and expedient way of doing so.  Perhaps it was also meant to be a message to others, as well…but at the end of the day the trial amounted to nothing more than getting O.J. up on charges with the hopes of finding him guilty to correct mistakes made in 1995.  And to me seems wrong.

I will agree that O.J. has lead a life that most of us would not have agreed with.  He has been charged with things in which most of us find apprehensible…but dragging throug a trial for the sole purpose of finally being able to say-

“Got cha’ now.”

Is just is not right.

People flash guns and rob people everyday…and frankly many of them really should see some real jail time…but I see judge after judge releasing them…or just giving a few months of probation and these are real criminals.  Though some may argue that O.J. Simpson is a real criminal…and perhaps he is…the court saw otherwise.  And some may say the same about those whom I mentioned I see time and time again being released by judges everyday in courtrooms for doing the same thing as O.J. just did…flashed a gun and sought to rob someone.    

O.J.’s real crime these days seem to be…that since 1995 he has been a real danger to no one more than himself.,,20231198,00.html

Well, hope you have a beautiful day.


Started having problems with my publisher again.  This time I just plain told them to forget it and give me my money back.  Part of the problem with them is that Xulon believes I am just dying to get publish.  Perhaps, I was…until I realized I had made a mistake choosing in them to handle the job for me.  Now, since 6 or 8 months later and it has been one headache after another with them.  I am just too fed up for it to really matter…if they print my book or not.   

You can always pay another company to print it for you.  But I have never seen a company like Xulon more bent on robbing somebody. 

Currently, my project went back into the ‘hold’ mode because I refused to sign off on some things.  These things would prohibit me from later going back and filing for damages against them for not providing the services that they promised.  If you go back to my first or second blog…it lays out the problems…one of which they submitted to me a cover for my book which had been the cover of one of their privious authors.  Secondly, I told them in my contract…where it asked for suggestions regarding the cover…I told no people…and what do you thing I got?


But if the truth be told it is the way that most companies have gone.  It is about money…not about what you paid for…not about service…but money  Once they get your money they feel they have you…then it is down hill from there.  That is when they start to want to make the demands and give the orders.  Not on my money…they don’t. 

So, I am no longer responding to anything that my publishing company is forwarding to me…as I have demanded my money back.  This I already realize…will mean that I will have to sue them.  But I rather sue them than let them get away with murdering me.

But you have got to look out for my book, “THE BISHOP’S WIFE”…once I get it published…and it will be published.  I know you will enjoy it.  It is my second piece of fictional work…about woman in the mid-fifties who can’t put out of her mind a pass love though she marries a Bishop who is not what or who she expected him to be.

The second Presidential Debat is tonight…should be interesting.  I’ll meet you in front of the television or over the internet…but we will meet to see how this round of the debates go.  I think McCain is going to make it a point to look at Obama once or twice this time.  What do you think?

God bless…  ‘pass it on…’

God bless…and thanks for reading  ©2008

Add a comment October 7, 2008






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