Posts filed under: ‘Sara Nuru‘

Michael Jordan’s acceptance speech… Tyra Banks getting real…

Former NBA player Michael Jordan thanks his supporters during his acceptance speech during his induction to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame Class of 2009 Enshrinement ceremony at the Symphony Hall in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, 11 September 2009.  EPA/CJ GUNTHERWhen I read the article on Michael Jordan regarding his acceptance speech… during his induction into the Basketball of  Hall of  Fame… I thought based upon the slant given the article that-

“Okay, maybe he had too much to drink.”

You know…celebrating.  It is after all a great honor. 

But when I woke up this morning it dawned on me…about all those years how  Michael  had probably sat around and listened to  a  bunch of  people taking credit for his success.  People who stood up at podiums with their chest stuck out like his coach at the Univeristy of  North Carolina…and all the others who Michael slapped in the face…and shook them up a bit  while delivering that speech Friday night.   And I thought about all the people who we  encounter  in lives who tell us we will never make it…and how we need to consider doing something else…or going to another school…move some place else…or not go on to college…etc…etc…

And then years later you emerge as the greatest basketball player of all times…after time after time…you were told that you didn’t have what it took … or would never make it into the pro’s…or that your were too dark…hair to nappy…that you are not smart enough…can’t talk right…etc…etc…

And so what do you do when all this is coming at you?

Well, if you’re like a Michael Jordan and half of the other black folk in this country…you pushed harder…worked harder…always striving to perfect that which they told you…you could never do…and were not good at.

It is true.  Behind closed doors white counselors, educators…school officials…coaches…tried to sway us not to go on to college…not to pursue our dreams…not to climb any mountains…or swim any seas.   Working tirelessly to deffer ever dream that could be deffered…that is what they did.    But you looked towards the stars any how…pushed against the grain…filtered through the forces…and worked harder to make it happen.  And one day it did.

Then along came those who had tried to quash your dreams…take away your aspirations…steal your hopes…ripe out your future…to feed you where they wanted to keep you…and all black folk.  And here they came as the rings started mounting up…championship after championship…contract after contract…deal after deal…and everybody now singing your glory.  All of them… all accrediting your fame to what they did for you.

So, yeah…I can understand Michael  Jordan when he stood up at the reception for his induction into the Basketball Hall of  Fame…finally deciding to clear the air…wanting to set the record straight.   Setting the record straight…that it wasn’t them…but him.  Telling every wrong thing that they had ever done to him.  It all had made him work all the more harder to get to where  he has…the greatest of all times…the one that all the young ball players coming up behind him are compared to…if  they show just the slightest bit of  promise.   He became the marker…the standard gage for talent…that they measure the young boys by today.

But like Muhamumed Ali… there will only be one Michael Jordan.  And on his night…he can say whatever  he wants to…and if truth hurts then let it…as well it should.

After years of  holding it in Michael deserved a chance to let it go.  And boy…did he.

I know so well what it is like to have people try to re-direct you  from your  path  and tell you-

“You can’t make it.” 

When I was in high school  I began sending out applications for college.  This following my high school counselor telling that I was not college material…and should consider going to business school instead so I could learn a trade. 

Needless to say…I didn’t listen to him.  I pushed harder…sending out all BLD058945[1]my own applications and doing all my own research about colleges and what they had to offer.  And this way before there was anything that even  remotely looked like a computer…and before such materials became so widely available in libraries or any other place outside of  a  school counselor’s office.

Following my graduation from high school I was off to college.  I had to figure out  all that financial aid stuff on my own…but I did it.  My first year into  college…I started getting offers to do radio.   Though our college did not offer any courses in communication…we did have a radio station.   And I almost lived in that place.

kt_060611_331[1]Though I had gone to school to become a lawyer…I recognized some  faults that I had.  For one,  I hated to talk in front of  people…or read anything out loud.  I also possessed a speech impediment.  And this is why I decided to go up to campus radio station to see about getting on air…I thought that it could help me.

I never thought that I  would  develop a whole other persona.   I just thought that  if  I could play music and talk every now and then…that it would help me to become less introverted…and  that I  would develop more confidence when talking with and before others.  Attributes which I definitely felt would be key for me to have…in order to be able the best  lawyer I could be…and an effective one for my clients.  So, I almost lived in that radio station…covering almost every shift…and job available to me  in our  little station.

I taped every program…and still do…listening over and over again for everything I did or said…what  I liked or  didn’t like.  I never realized that this was creating a radio personality…or anything close to it…not to mention that  I had never considered ever working in radio.  But the offers started coming in…followed my tons of  fan mail.  Who would have ever have thought such a thing would  or  could have happened  to me?  

And finally,  I decided to take one of those offers to do radio professionally and the rest is history.

But it never would have happened had I listened to my high school counselor.   When I walk into oour  teacher’s credit union…I see his face smiling down from upon the wall…as they have a very large painting of  him hanging on their wall.  And I sometimes wonder-

“How many black students had he told not to go to college?”

And if  he were alive today…and read about me…I have no doubt that he too like Michael’s past coaches…from his high school and/or colleges years…and anybody else who ever tried to discourage him…would poke out  his  chest and try to take a piece of the credit.  When  he  did nothing at all to aid  me…but everything he could to deffer me.

To view the CLICKS BELOW just double click a few times and ignore the text.

I have to admit that I have vast respect for Tyra Banks and the job that she is doing…knowing good and well that many teens look up to her as both their she-ro…and model for whom they would like to embulate.

The topics she covers on her show are provocative, intelligent, moving…and touch upon many topics that no one else has dared to examine in quite the same way that  Tyra  has.  Topics such as black women bleaching their skin…teen pregnancy…teen prostitution…racism…gay for pay…and shows about loving and respecting youself…all of which our teens are in dire need of seeing and hearing.   And for some reason Tyra does it so well…that they enjoy watching her.   And I guess it all comes down to them knowing and feeling that Tyra is real…and dealing from her heart.|hp-laptop|dl7|link3|

And she talks about fashion…and realizes how important it is to them…our teens.

Recently while sitting out on my parent’s front porch, I have noticed this young…   Well, I thought she was a young woman…but since school has started back…I now realize that she may well be a teen.  But she is so thin…super thin.  She looks like 2 sticks walking.  Though she appears healthy…nobody without any degree of   body fat can possibly be healthy.

Whenever I see her, I find myself staring at her because I have never seen anybody as thin as she is.  And I can tell by her dress…that she feels she looks good…maybe even sexy.

But to me…she looks anything but sexy.   Because I know she definitely is a product of an eating disorder.   The product of  disillusion…who bought into that ‘thin is in’…and beautiful.  If she could see herself as  I do…she would know that  is a lie…an absolute lie.  Because anyone the size of  this girl could never be beautiful…because she looks sick. 

And this is why a Tyra Banks is so important…because she works hard as dis-spelling the myths.

Well, I finally did in the glasses totally and completely.  Now, they 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverare so broken that I can hardly use them.  So, you can imagine how hard it  was  for me to just trying to get through this blog…trying to see through a pair of  glass which I have to tuck tightly down on nose in order to see as best I  can through them.    View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByBut I made it through…and now I can go to sleep. 

Enjoy your Sunday…how you get out to church.  
It was dark all day today…then finally rained just a little…but remained4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2 to be dark.  We are well on our way to an early winter…and I hope you are gearing up for it.

Hope you have a beautiful day tomorrow.    

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment September 13, 2009

Chyrsler bankruptcy… cause and effect…Ancient African History…

I really do not like people who like to laugh and kajol themselves on the back of other people’s suffering.  As if Chrysler’s going into bankruptcy only impacted the top dogs at Chrysler.  If that was so…then maybe my attitude might be somewhat different too.  But it does not…the top dogs rarely feel much of the ping…when the zing falls hardest upon those at the bottom.  The top dogs get paid out…retire…and go on vacation for the rest of their lives while the poor factory workers get squeezed out of  jobs.   And are left suffering…wondering about tomorrow.

So, I really hate when I hear people laughing and joking about situations which impact poor innocent people…thousands upon thousands of them…just trying to make it…as black folks say…from day to day.

What could possibly be funny about another large American corporation having to declare bankruptcy?

It merely means more re-organizing…further cut backs and down-sizing…and the shuffling of more folks off into the unemployment lines.

It also means more mortgages can’t and won’t be met…due to people loosing their jobs.  Credit card bills that won’t get paid…because…  Well, people have lost their jobs.  Less consumer wares and other items being purchased…because…well…   Yes, people have lost their jobs.  More people waiting to collect unemployment…more food stamps that will have to be given out…more medical problems for Medicare to add to their rows etc…   More…more…more people who will need to be re-trained…for jobs which do not exist etc…etc…etc..

So, what is there to cheer about…concerning Chrysler filing bankruptcy?

And yes…President Obama should do everything he can to help constrain and assist Chrysler from totally going under.

Had I not gone to visit in Detroit last August such things would have never crossed my mind…but I cannot forget all those houses and all those buildings which I saw…street after street in Detroit all boarded up.  There is something about having seen that…that has compelled me to never forget the plight of others. 

Sometimes we get caught up in how big we are and how well we ourselves are doing… and what our family has…what we have…etc…etc…   That we forget all about others…and about what is going on with them.  But this is wrong.  Other people lives do impact our lives…whether we care to believe it or not.

Recently, we have seen a series of shootings…where people just walked into some crowded place…office…church…mall…store…house…neighborhood…and just started shooting.   And as you listened to the story unfold…you heard or read that the person who had done the shooting had just lost their job…been laid off…went seeking help and met up with nothing but frustration. 

When your world comes tumbling down around you…and your family needs to be fed…the rent is due…the utilities are beginning to be cut off…and you are facing eviction…I wonder if you would be laughing because you worked for Chrysler…and your livelihood company just filed bankruptcy…and that meant it was going to cost you your job…your only means of a livelihood…for yourself and your family? 

I doubt it.

The lost of jobscorporate bankruptcies effect us all.  And though you may view it as a government bailout because Uncle Sam is trying to help these companies out…the situations are bigger than their CEO’s.  That money that Obama is taking to aid these companies is far less than what it would cost taxpayers to sustain those people…massive numbers of people who stand  to loose their jobs.  And I really hate to hear people who have limited vision…short sightedness…and who can’t see beyond their own nose…so much so…that they fail to see the bigger…and much broader picture concerning this issue.  

Trying to re-train people for new jobs…many of whom have no computer skills j44-3147961and only know how to work in a factory…who many may be well up in age…meaning old…too old in fact to actively and with any real hope of ever being hired for a decent job outside of becoming some store associate, perhaps… far from receiving the pay they earned while doing piece work while on their factory job.  Yet, they will be sent to school…enter junior colleges and things…on taxpayer dollars…and into various training programs…still on taxpayers dollars…they will receive unemployment…food stamps…Medicare etc…all of which will add up to far more than the cost of trying to keep Chrysler or any other large company on the verge of sinking from going totally under.

So, what is there to laugh about…and to say-

“There goes more taxpayers money.”

It is pay now…or pay far  more later. 

This recession thing is real.   I may not be feeling it personally…but there are  thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Americans who are.  And they are in dire need of this country’s help and support…without the criticism.

Most people in this country have had a desire for a piece of that American pie…and when circumstances change…they should not be held responsible because of  the curved balls that have been thrown their way.   They only work  for these companies and they should not be made to suffer because of them…ridiculed…or made to feel to blame because of any changes in the global economic environment…or the one here in America.

Well, it is not something that many black people had not known.    That is the fact that Africa is the cradle of civilization…the place of the origins of all man.  

The first shoes made were made in Africa.  University…library…books…etc…first in Africa.  It is a widely known fact that most of the great Greek  philosophers all studied in Africa.  Africa is also known to be the place where the Garden of Eden had been.   And where it may still well be…as there are still parts of  Africa not yet seen by modern man…as you probably remember that most recently in some South American country recently they had found some unknown tribe of  people who had not seen the modern world.   And that was in South America…a place which is not  two-thirds the size of  Africa.

But none of this should really be a secret  or  surprise…as much of the Bible takes place in what as then ancient Africa…as Africa in ancient times stretched all the way into Asia.   Ethiopia and other current African countries are cited in the Bible.  Haran, a village in Africa, was the original home of Abram whose name was later changed by God to Abraham.  And mentioned a few times in the Bible is the Queen of  Sheba…an great African queen, who upon one time where she is mentioned she paid a visit  to young king by the name of Solomon where she questioned him concerning things of  God…as she was  a woman of God.

So, if you want to read more on this story just CLICK the LINK BELOW.

If you want to get an understanding of early African History…CLICK and watch the video BELOW.

That being said…then China would really not be the oldest civilization known to man…as history is starting to show…but Africa…the oldest civilization of  all mankind. 

It is funny to me now…as I think back…but in one of my history classes about a year ago…I handed in a paper stating just that.  Not about Africa…but about history…and how depending upon who is writing that history it may or may not bare the whole truth…or even be correct.  I wrote that no matter how much man may try to corrupt history by purposely negilecting to tell some things…or by accidently doing so…that in time all things…meaning the truth…is eventually revealed through time.

Here is the newest African Beauty to emerge upon the stage of the world…and she is a high school student living with her family in Germany…and she is Germany’s next Top Model, Sara Nuru…an Ethiopian.

You must remember that it was a young beautiful…and evidently a very knowledgeable Ethiopian Queen…Sheba, who paid a visit upon King Solomon who brought him gifts and quizzed him.

Now, I am still trying to catch up on my sleep.  So, if  you will have to forgive me.   I got up and out early this morning.   I had to do what I really do not like to do too often…and that is catch the bus.  But I must say…as a writer…it really does give you a great source for acquiring interesting little stories.  

Hope you had a beautiful day…and for some reason I am feeling much 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoveranticipation.   I guess because my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE…is due out soon…and then the work really begins.  I will keep you abreast.

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

2 comments April 30, 2009






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