Archive for August 2013


black-woman-thinking-2I just had to do it.  I thought about it most of the night last night… and decided to not write anything on this subject until sometime later.  But here I am… and here I go.

I know all you reality freaks probably can’t wait until PREACHERS OF LA. hit your TV screens this fall.  I can’t imagine the mess that that show will be.

It is a risky venture for any preacher to want to take.  If they had offered me1002392_1402766343269170_1869681019_n-620x415 the money I would have said, ‘No.’

It might just be a congregation breaker.  And if they really let themselves go and show us themselves for real… many of you may not really like what they uncover.

Pastors disagree over new Oxygen reality show ‘Preachers of LA’

So, just who are these 6 bold preachers who decided that they would take the challenge and allow TV cameras to follow them both in and outside of their churches… and exploit their personal lives?

GibsonPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWIn watching the trailer to the show you get the picture that it is really going to be about just 3 of the preachers… Bishop Noel Jones… Bishop Clarence McClendon… and Deitrick Haddon.  But the other 3 are Bishop Ron Gibson… Pastor Wayne Chaney… and Pastor Jay Haizlip… the lesser known pastors.

I must say that I had not really thought much about it since I watch little to almost no television.  So, therefore I wasn’t hit with a ton of commercials hyping this show to death in order to set me on the edge of my seat waiting to see it.  HaizlipPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEW

However, it was not until yesterday while looking up some YouTube videos for my blog which I posted yesterday, JESSE JUNIOR… BISHOP PAUL MORTON RETIRING…and ANTHONY WEINER A REAL JERK… that I happened to come across a video about Noel Jones and Lisa Raye being a couple.


Now, that really shocked me.  In fact, it threw for a loop so to speak… because 1 would hardly consider Lisa ChaneyPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWRaye to be…     Well, to be preacher-man material.

Well, maybe I should say it like this… Not the stuff that First Ladies are made of.  Well, let me take it a step further… and say it this way.  Not the stuff that Church First Ladies are made of.

But then again… anybody can change.  McClendonPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEW

Haven’t we all?

But I must say that that I thought she made a very good First Lady of that little island that she happened to marry into…  Turks and Caicos.  And she did hold up very well under the pressure of that crazy king or DeitrickPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWwhatever his title was over that island… whom she married.

Lets face it… Lisa is a very pretty girl.   Well, I guess I should say… woman now.  But preacher material?

Well, I don’t really know about that.  But 1 thing I am sure of… what NoelPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWLisa wants…  Lisa gets.  And she will be whomever or whenever she needs to be to get it done.

Another thing… can I just say this?

No pastor or preacher should be dating anyone… whom he is not possibly looking at as a candidate for marriage.  And no so-called man… especially a so-called Bishop or any pastor or any other supposed man of God, who is single… should be out impregnating women and not marrying them.

My Bible says a Bishop should be blameless.  So, exactly where does that put Bishop Noel Jones?

Now, having said all of that let me get to what I was saying about the Bishop.  For years Noel Jones portrayed himself as being this celibate preacher, following the divorce between him and his wife many many many many many years ago.  You get that picture?

Born January 31, 1950, Noel Jones, a Jamaican,  is the twin 0brother of R&B/Rocker singer Grace Jones of the 70’s.   I can hear her sing ‘Pull Up To The Bumper, Baby’ now… think it might have been her biggest hit.

Anyhow, Bishop Noel Jones is the Pastor of a large mega-church, City of Refuge Church… and highly sought after as a preacher besides deciding to be featured as 1 of the 6 pastors to parade his life and affairs before TV audiences, on the up-coming reality TV show PREACHERS OF LA.

The last time I watched a television broadcast of Bishop Jones he was preaching on a subject that involved him relaying to his Stacy-Francis-baby-daddy-bishopcongregation his struggles to maintain himself sexually… and I think… winning.  Being a very dynamic speaker and a man well versed with words, with a large vocabulary…  his take on winning that battle and overcoming that demon even had me glued into that message.

But then I found out that Bishop Jones, if you did not read… or had not heard yet… had been less than forthcoming about his victory over his sexual urges.  In researching information for this blog… which is 3a9ceec2825739d4dbd6ab5cd5c5b885 something that I sometimes do… not often… but at times.  When I want to lets say  hit upon a topic that I am going to write about, but I am not sure about what little info I have.  So, I do a little digging just to make sure of what I have heard or saw or read… and to see what else I can find to make my blog a bit more interesting.   And I also like bringing some facts into my blogs… beside just my opinions which I am always full of.

So, while digging… I found out that the Bishop had impregnated a young woman, named Stacy Francis about a couple of years ago.  Hmmmm….

Now, I’m smh… (smh means shaking my head for those of you who don’t know).  Never would I have bishop-noel-jonesthought that because…  Well…  Well, because I thought the man honestly was gay.  Which kind of goes back to what my friend, Sue… always says about me.  She says… I think that everybody is gay.  Though I say that is not true.  Not EVERYBODY… just some people.

16a-grace_jonesIf you read my blog on Raven Symone supposedly being gay… then you would know that my friend, Sue’s, statement is far from being true.  Because I certainly definitely don’t truly believe that Raven Symone is gay… no matter what she says.  I think she is just going through a phase.  It might even be just a Hollywood thang… because it seems to me that everybody almost in Hollywood these days has either a girlfriend or a boyfriend.  As being gay in Hollywood seems to make for great news.

But lets get back to Noel Jones.  After years of watching him during his morning church broadcasts… I think on BET… I had long thought that he was gay for all the obvious reasons.  But 1 reason in particular… he just plain looks like it.  Well, to me.

I know somebody just passed out… while somebody else just got mad because I’m talking about their pastor.  Yes, I probably lost about half of my readers right there in having said that.  But it is true.  He just looks like a gay male to me… and if anybody has seen a lot of them I have.  Because as you know I was once in ‘the life’ myself.  And you kind of get to know them when you see them.

Thank God for redemption… truly.

lisarayeAnd since I am talking about it right now… let me just add.  For anybody who has come out of it… and I am talking about being gay…or homosexual… or lesbian… or whatever… they no longer look like it.  The things… the look… the characteristics… how they talk… mannerisms… nuances etc… dress… style etc… all also change.  This is really how you know that they truly are ‘new creatures’ in the Lord.

Not to say that the Bishop is gay… but he always struck me as being so.

Also, having been in ‘the life‘ I know the games and tricks people play… usually men… to try and hide their true sexuality.  They court women that they have no physical interest in… some even get me resized...married… have children etc… all as a way of hiding who they really are.

So, Bishop Noel Jones messing with Lisa Raye… or having a child out of wedlock… it all just might be a sham.  And probably will make for good TV for those of you who love drama… especially baby-mama/baby-daddy drama.

Forget me saying that Lisa was not Church First Lady material.  But just how much of Bishop material is Noel Jones to having at least 1 child out of wedlock.  And is carrying on 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversexually or otherwise with young women who could be this 60 year old man’s daughters?

My thoughts, however, are still out on the broadcast of the Preachers of LA.  But I have 1 question…

Are we selling out the Church… to shine on TV and make an extra buck… and gain earthly fame?

deitrick-daughterAre they pimping the Church?

How much soul winning or counseling in the Church can a pastor do who is busy courting Hollywood… and all that it brings to them?ron-gibson

And somebody tell me please…  When did Deitrick Haddon move to L.A.? kind of preachers are these that this show is showcasing… with their Bentley’s … Ferrari’s… bling-bling and outside children… and whatever else?

When you look at the clothes that this pastor let his wife wear out of the house…  you really have to wonder about the fate of the Church… and where it is headed?

Excuse me… but I just can’t get over the dress that that man… that PASTOR’S WIFE is wearing… exposing her breast like that.  Did I say that I thought Lisa Raye might not be Church First Lady material?????

My, Lord… smh… again…

This thing is scary…

And can I add this?

I really wonder when was the last time Ron Gibson really out of his car to approach some brothers in the hood to share the Word of God maxresdefaultwith them… when the cameras weren’t rolling?

When it has all been said and done I wouldn’t be surprise if half of them leave the show… and go up under IRS investigations for misusage of Church funds.

Whatever happened to ‘having all things in common?’

Or feeding the motherless and the fatherless… instead of driving around in exotic cars and living lavishly grand life’s while their congregations languish?

Well, God bless… well, it is Friday.  I hope you have a blessed and enjoyable weekend.  I am going to go and work around the yard tomorrow I think.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

26 comments August 16, 2013


I think I may have written something on this story about Jesse Jackson’s son, Jesse Jackson, Jr… the now Congressman Jackson Promotional Shots Updatesex-Senator from the State of Illinois.

When I first got wind of this story it was while watching some camera man or woman poke a microphone in front of Jesse Jackson, Sr., his father.   They were asking him about something or other and then shifted the questioning to his son.   Jesse Jr.  Jesse senior kind of smirked and said that his son was now doing much better following his rehab.

Hearing the word ‘rehab‘ I immediately believed that Jackson’s son had been in some type of auto accident or something.  And that the reason his father was smirking was because his son was pulling through his injuries with flying colors.

But I Googled the story on Jesse junior and was very surprised.  He had always looked so clean cut… spoke with such intelligence.  Who would have thought that he would have become involved in drugs… much less had become an addict?Jesse Jackson

It appears that they were trying to say that it all came about due to Jesse junior falling prey to pain pills.  ‘They’ being the Jackson family.  But for some reason it all seemed a bit deeper than that.

In my continuing to Google more information on the story I noticed the tremendous amount of weight that Jesse junior had put on during the time since last I had seen him… it seemed to me overnight.

The Bible says that what is done in the dark comes to light… and I believe that this is the case in this story.

Now, I am not 1 for throwing stones.  Goodness, no.  I don’t want to do that.  But as I was saying to a friend earlier today… this morning to be exact… as we were speaking on this story…

“Most people do not just start taking drugs later on in life.”

And they don’t.

They either got started in college or were doing it earlier somewhere during their growing up period.  But they do not just get up and start sniffing coke or shooting up crack unless they have a history of drugs somewhere in their life.

Sandi_Jackson_Jesse_Jackson_jr_500x338So, I’m thinking that all those years… which really weren’t that many… since I first became award of  Jesse Jackson, Jr…. who was not involved in politics until years after I left Chicago.  But during the brief time that I knew of him or had seen him on TV… he appeared to be so handsome… articulate… and very clean cut.  But underneath he had to had some deep dark demons … and those demons had to have been the cause of his living a double life.

Contrary to most beliefs there tons of people who live and work daily functioning on very high levels having some type of addiction.  It many times is really not a very hard thing to do.  We pay so little attention to the people around us really.

Many more people are functioning alcoholics or drug addicts than you may believe.  The same way many people are functioning illiterates… or whatever else people may be trying to hide about themselves from others.  They can function and work right beside you and you would never know anything was out of whack about them… or with them.

1-in-7-illiterate-dd1dd9d9b6f0e65f49bd1c9fe494242aI once had a young lady who worked under me.  She was promoted to an assistant managerial position before I began to notice anything… and it took a while for me to grab a hold of it.  I had forgotten our many conversations… conversations that the young lady and I had shared together, as I was an immediate supervisor to her.  But we were friendly with each other.

The conversations we had had were about her being in college… that alone would have been more than enough reason for me to never believe that she was a functioning illiterate.   She spoke about going to college and having to take these ‘remedial’ classes.  I actually had no clue as to what ‘remedial‘ classes were… but over a course of time while working with her… in her new capacity I came to find out.

When I think back on it now… I guess back then when talking about having to take ‘remedial’ classes she was trying to tell me something.  Something I had no understanding of.banner1

In New York City they have this thing called ‘social promotions.’  It is when they promote students to the next level or grade not based upon what they have learned, or having successfully fulfilled their studies… but because of their age.  And that young lady had been 1 of the unfortunate students who had suffered such a thing as that.

The young lady… she could not read.  Something I had never gathered in all my conversations with her… and certainly during any of the time she worked directly under me.  Basically because I just never had to have her read anything.  And I guess Academic-Progress-2007-2010if she needed to read something… a notification or company document or something… she found someone who read it for her.

So, it was not until the young lady was promoted to assistant manager where reading became crucial… and something that she definitely had to do in order to fulfill the job and on a regular daily basis.  But the young lady was coy… she knew how to camouflage her handicap.  As a supervisor she had people working under her, so she merely passed on the written material to 1 of them telling them to read it aloud… while she pretended to be busy doing something else.

I never found out that the young lady could not read until a worker under her came to me and told me.  I had never noticed it… never guessed it… and it certainly had never been evident to me or any of the other senior managers on that job.  But I never disclosed her secret… and she continued to functioned on her job without anyone being any the wiser except the 1 person she used to read company documents to her, who later herself was promoted.

So, yes alcoholics and people on drugs or those with any other kind of diversity can function normally and Drug-And-Alcohol-Abusequite well without those around them being any the wiser.  Unless, they start exhibiting signs of a problem.  Which does oftentimes start happening with some people.  Things like a slurring of words, staggering… missing work… having to leave work early…  appearing un-kept or unshaven… clothes unclean or smelly… not showing up for appointments… being giggly or overly loud… changes in attitude… mood swings etc… can all be signs that there is a problem.

So, whether I saw it or not I am sure that there were some around him who did.  Who saw that Jesse junior was on his way down.

When I first read the story I must say that it reminded of the Marion Berry story.  The ex-Mayor of imagesWashington, D.C. who was caught in a hotel room shooting up crack.   A similar kind of story about a politician going down due to drugs.

In mentioning that story to my friend, who had called me on the Jesse junior story… we both had to agree that Marion Berry did not just being using drugs after he became the Mayor.  No, he probably had to have had a drug problem from before that even came about, but it was on the down-low… meaning few if anybody politically connected to him knew about it.

Busted and publicly outed as a drug user Marion was yet voted back in as Mayor.  And I guess Jesse junior believed that the same thing could happen for him.

48174638_et8so-m1But it did not.  Though Jesse junior did not remove his name from the 2012 ballot for re-election… he found out that his constituents thought differently from those who voted Marion Berry back into office after having been convicted for drug use.

Recently… like just yesterday… an Illinois Judge handed Jesse Jackson, Jr. a 30 month prison conviction, and gave his wife a 12 month sentence for misappropriation of election funds from her own campaign money in her bid for State Alderman.

Jesse Jackson Jr. sentenced to 30 months; Sandi Jackson gets 12 months

It appears that my friend who called me on the story followed the Jackson story a lot closer than I did.  She commenced to tell me that8772633_600x338 Jesse junior and his wife were involved not only in drugs, and mis-usage of campaign funds to the tune of over $750,000… but also indulged in 3-somes… and had done a lot of foolish lavish spending which ultimately lead to their downfall… and their getting caught.

It is a shame how we vote these people into public offices believing that they are going to do and represent us in honor and with integrity.  That they will be diligent in their labors and pursuits for us, as our representatives in government.  And they go off and make a fool of themselves… and oftentimes of us too.

I happened to come across a YouTube video of Bishop Paul Morton announcing that he will be turning over BishopPaulMortonIIthe reigns of the leadership of the Full Gospel Fellowship to Bishop Joseph Walker, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Nashville, TN.  I need not tell you that I was taken aback by the announcement.  Well,  for a few reasons…

  1. I wasn’t ready for it.
  2. It shocked me.
  3. I never realized that Bishop Morton would retire.

And it must have been a shock to more than just me based upon the body language… and those who applauded the announcement… versus those who did not…  of those standing behind Bishop Morton at the time he made that announcement.

But with all of that being said… I must say that through the years I have caught the broadcast of the Bishopbishop-neil-ellis-copy-620x330 Walker… and remember that not too long ago his first wife passed and after some time he later remarried.  Beyond that I have nothing to say about him… because I know nothing else of him.

But I do wonder how this will play itself out amongst the inner circle of the current leadership of Full Gospel?

Usually the second or the third in command becomes the new head.  So, I am sure this was a big surprise all the way around.

This was a decision made by Bishop Morton… and the Full Gospel Fellowship organization being his baby… as he joewalkerorganized it and gave it birth to it… he has the right to do as he wishes.  I must say I thought it brave of him.  I do believe that it is better to have people already in place for the sake of the organization or church so that the flow of the organization is not thrown into an upheaval when the leader passes or some other drastic change comes about suddenly.

Having, however, made such a decision will lead to challenges.  There undoubtedly will be some fallout.  Everybody is not going to be satisfied.  Feelings were hurt and feathers ruffled… and there just is no getting around that when large and important decisions are made.  And especially if something goes to someone that no one may have thought it would… for whatever reason.

EddieLongLawsuitsThrough the course of time the Full Gospel Fellowship has lost some dynamic preachers.  People who went on to create their own fellowships and supposed religious dynasty’s… or desired to.  Some of whom press has not been so kind to lately due to certain events either concerning themselves or their churches… such as  Bishop Eddie dt.common.streams.StreamServerLong and Bishop Larry Trotter.  And if human nature has anything to do with it some others will probably be making an exit from Full Gospel, of this I am sure.

But I hope Bishop Walker well… and the entire congregation of Full Gospel delegates.  I would believe that Bishop Morton did not create something only to 20 years later destroy it with his own 2 hands.

Bishop Joseph W. Walker III Announced as the Next Presiding Bishop of Full Gospel Baptist Church

But there may well be some skeletons in Bishop Walkers closet.  In March of last year at least 4 women filed suit against Bishop Walker and others affiliated with his mega church for the sum of $5 million… for alleged sexual harassment, aggravated sexual battery, sexual exploitation etc…

In light of this 1 has to wonder how such an appointment could have possible come about… until at least all these allegations have been dealt with… and Bishop Walker cleared of any wrong doing?

It is certainly stated in the Bible that a Bishop should be a man without blame… and a number of other things.

And as the leader of his own mega church… if Bishop Walker had not been personally involved in any wrong me resized...2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverdoings that took place at his church… just what does this, however, say about his leadership ability?

It is so odd that I should hit upon this.  Because believe me leadership is not what it used to be… either on the job… or at church.   And it is a shame.

Only time will tell what is going to be the amount of fallout …or disenchantment due to come about from Bishop Morton’s announcement to step down, and loosing the reigns of his leadership over the Full Gospel Fellowship.

Well, God bless… It’s Thursday and I am just trying to be as productive as I possibly can before the end of the weekend… where I just like to relax.  Hope you get in some relaxation this weekend too.  And the weather has highway520jpg-a8308b36b25a9a13been great.

I was out on the road last weekend.  I love to drive.  It frees my head and I enjoy in taking in the beauty of God everywhere I look.  It’s free and you should enjoy it too…

Just 1 more thing before I get out of here.  1374759296000-AP-Weiner-Mayor-1307251006_4_3

How in the world would anyone even consider voting in that sexual pervert, Weiner… into any office ever again.

The mere fact that the man would ever consider EVER running for public office EVER AGAIN has got to be a joke… much less the Mayor of New York City.

It is quite obvious that the man has a massive problem… both psychological and sexual.

Was it not enough that during the time of his wife’s pregnancy he was having it out anthony-weiner-2-440over his cell with some woman sexually, and sending her all kinds of nasty pictures of himself.  Now, to be at again… and supposedly running for office too?

I would believe if he is that sick to be doing all this virtual stuff on-line with his lower part… then he probably is out and about dipping and dappling into the real thing too.

You have got to be kidding me.  The man has no shame.  And certainly no type of consideration for his family.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment August 16, 2013


I am sorry but I just can’t wrap my mind around it.  I may just go to my grave not believingtumblr_m9o9bz61R61r337tvo1_400 this.

Now, all of this from an ex-lesbian myself… and a person who has a friend who is FOREVER telling me how I think everybody is gay.  Well, this story proves that to be wrong.  Because I just raven-azmarie--660x400cannot believe that Raven Symone is actually gay.

Maybe she is just going through a phase.  All kids go through them…  even me.  And perhaps even you did too.

“A phase’… a time in our life when we tried different things then moved on.

Raven might well argue this point.  But time will tell.

Now, I am not saying that Raven doesn’t know her own mind.  But she lives in Hollywood.  azmarie-antm-raven-symoneNothing is real in Hollywood.  Everything is make-believe.  And maybe this might be too.

Supposedly involved in love relationship… or sexual relationship… Raven is said to be  entangled with this woman… some ‘the next top model’ woman.

Now 27 Raven clearly at this point is supposed to be a grown woman.  Least ways that is the supposed experts say.   But I ask you-

At 27 were you really all that grown?

I wasn’t.  And that is for sure.

It was not until I was 25 that I actually branched out and started to become sexually involved.  I know… I know.  I was late.  But up until that point I was pretty much in Church with my parents.   Well… not quite.  I had stopped going to church though…  but had to Raven-Symone-Childmove out first before I could.  But I had not yet hit the clubs or anything like it until a few months after I turned 25… a couple of years out of college.

This is when I started frequenting clubs… if you care to call it that.  Because I really didn’t frequent clubs… and I was never a bar person because I simply did not drink… and wasn’t going to try.  And I totally hated bars… and the kind of people who sat in them drinking most of their nights away.

In fact, when I did start going out it was to disco clubs… and yes they were gay… in New York… and Manhattan to be exact.  And I only liked clubs with all women… primarily black women.  So, that limited the places where I went.  These were places like ‘Bonnie & Clyde’s’‘Shahara,’ which was kind of mixed but up-scale… etc.  I likedRaven-Symone1 up-scale… but mostly went to ‘Bonnie & Clyde’s’ because they had more black women.  In fact, they were all mostly black… mostly Afro-centric.

But as I have stated in my previous blog,s in which I have wrote on this subject on being gay… or lesbian… and/or  lesbianism.  Since I was in media… a professional radio announcer… I was undercover, as most people were in my time.  And during my time… when I was young being ‘out’ really wasn’t the ‘in-thiimage2sng’ to do.

To tell you the truth ‘outing’ yourself… or coming out of the closet… really is a evolving thing.  Though many people are now coming ‘out’ the masses, I would say have not.  There are many who feel it would hurt their image… their businesses… their law practices… their family relationships… etc…etc..

So, as they call it today… I had to be on the down-low.  Which I guess Raven is claiming to have been.. until now.   Since she recently twitted that she is gay and can now get married… though she says she has not immediate plans to do so.

cosby6bl5fbI never really hung out in town… rarely, and never became involved with anyone in my hometown. Which really was not by plan or design… it just ended up being that way.  Because when I could not get to New York… I partied in a nearby town that had tons of black women who were very attractive… upwardly mobile and were ‘in the life.’  I did that until something happened with the Warehouse… it closed down.   And then I discovered the wonders of New York City… and I do wonders.

I was 25 and the world was my playground.  At those early ages of your young adulthood… you really are just trying to find yourself.,0,111959.story

But going back to Raven.  Having been removed from that life by some years now… and with no 500fulldesire or intentions to ever go back into it…  I always become sadden when I hear … read or see young girls who have gravitated towards a gay lifestyle.  You see them everywhere today… and it is not hard to tell them either.  And some of them appear to be quite young.

I know many who will not agree with me on this… and some will even get mad.  But that is okay… get mad.  And I really do not care who does or does not agree with me.

But I have seen the loneliness… witnessed the heartbreaks… saw the tears…  and been there myself more than a few times.  I must say this also…images

You cannot expect to be happy when you are living outside of the will of God.

There were, of course, numerous times I felt that I was quite happy while I was doing my thing ‘in the life’… that is what we called it then… besides saying ‘I’m gay’ or ‘I’m a lesbian.’  You would just say ‘I’m in the life.’

But way down deep I was not happy.  I do realize that now… but didn’t then.  And I am not saying that people cannot or are not lonely… unhappy… or do not shed tears in heterosexual life, or any blacklezother lifestyle.  But therein lies the problem.

When you live in a world that you define yourself by your sexual preference… then this means you are living to satisfy your sexual being.  In Church they call it being ‘carnal.’ 

I can clearly say that while I was in that life… sex had a hold of me.  And when I was loosed from the bondage of being gay… a lesbian… and released from desiring sex during great periods of my waking time…  I cannot 2947_raven-symone-300a100606tell you how happy I have come to be free of it all.

I now know real happiness… and have a freedom that I just cannot explain.  When I didn’t have a lover while I was in that life… man…  It was all I craved. That is because I was caught up in the sex.  Sex had a hold of me.  It controlled me.  Not in the way that I just did anything… or went to bed with just anybody.

No, I wasn’t like that.  I was never that kind of person.  But sex cb0262941certainly controlled me.

Today, I do not live defining myself sexually.  There is no need.

Why would I want to?

My life is not defined sexually.  I am greater than being just a sexual being.  Sex no longer has its control over me.  I am free.  And I walk in liberty.

A very beautiful young lady, Raven is very much grown up… and definitely seems to have her head on in the right place, and clearly very much unlike most Hollywood types.  It is my hope that if Raven Symone really is gay… and I say ‘if’ because a lot of 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverwomen… and young girls try it.  For some it is nu-vogue… the thing to do.  To walk around telling people that they have a ‘girl-Pariah, Sundance Film Festival 2011friend.’   It is kind of a hip thing for them.

But if Raven is… I hope that it is merely just a stage in her life.  A stage that she will soon get over… and move on from it without too much pain.  And that she is fortunate enough to be discovered by a wonderful man… who will love her… become her husband, and the father to her resized...

Well, I have said it.  Now, I guess I am going to hear from a lot of people who may disagree.  But that is okay… I love hearing from you all… whether we are in agreeance of not.

Well, God bless… I’m waiting on my son now who is suppose to be coming to pick me up.  So, let me just say quickly… I hope you have a beautiful rest of the week.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment August 7, 2013






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