Posts filed under: ‘Jersey‘


I need not tell you just how intolerable I found this story… which I happened to come across on Facebook.•Aswad-Ayinde

I am not liberal in my thoughts concerning people who violate children.  I have no tolerance for them whatsoever.  And this particular news item only heightens my disdain.

This particular person is a man… if you care to call him that… a father, if you care to even half way call him that… who lives in Patterson, New Jersey.  He at some point was very involved with the group that Lauren Hill emerged from, the Fugees.  He was said to have been the music 1091245_v_jpg8053ea7f21e7e63cabec3d18b183c8e2video producer of 1 on their videos, Killing Me Softly.

But here is the story in a nutshell as I read it.  The man’s 12 year old daughter pops up pregnant.  And I guess the mother was questioning the child.

The man then told his wife, ‘I think the baby is mine.’1297448293769_ORIGINAL

He what????

He said, “I think the baby is mine.”

It is not amazing to me how bad you begin to look when you begin to do the unthinkable.  How 1 lives with themselves knowing that they have gone into forbidden territory is beyond me.  There is no way this person could have thought that what he was doing was right.  Because for 1 thing he kept it hid for years while making 1 daughter after another… then again and and again… pregnant.

“I think the baby is mine.”

This would be enough to have me on death row somewhere.  Because he would not have220ASPQB683-417 walked out alive.  And I am not just saying that.

I recall thinking this sometime after my son was born… ‘that if anyone touched him,… my son… I would go to prison.  And I meant it.

So, then I have to wonder about this mother?????????

The woman has 5 daughters with her husband…  this man… again if you want to call him that…  who had been  a music video director for a video of the Fugees.   Now, 3 of this woman’s older the-fugees_4802daughters had turned up pregnant… giving them 6 grand-children.  For him they would be 6 grand, and 6 more daughters for him… since all the babies were his which he had with his daughters… and their mothers, whom his wife, their mother gave birth to.

How does this happen?

Man Impregnates Daughter 4 Times

Then another 1 of the woman’s daughters turns up pregnant.  She was her resized...

I guess after making that confession his conscious must have started in on him… though he really couldn’t have had  much of 1 to have done what he has done.   But he told the woman, his wife… the girl’s mother… the 12 year old’s mother… the same mother of his other daughters, whom he had babies by already…  that he had also begun working on their 4th daughter too.  A little 8-year-old girl… whom he claims to only have performed oral sex on.

Okay, if you want to believe that.  But a man without boundaries… has no boundaries.  So, I doubt that ‘only oral sex’ thang.   Even THAT was 1 step far too much for someone who was supposed to protect his children… not abuse them.

I really can’t go on with this…  I will have to talk to you later.  I am 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversick to my absolute stomach with this story.

And these are black folk.

Truly, a demonic spirit and/or spirits were working in that house.  And a corrupt mind to perpetrate  it all.

This man …according to the mother… these young mother’s mother… said that her husband was trying to create his own ‘blue bloodline.’  abraham_post1



So, he thought he was Abraham?

Only, Abraham did not mess sexually with his own children.  Nor did Abraham deal in incest.  He sent a servant to his wife’s family house to seek a wife for his son, Issac.  Which in those times was a traditional thing to so.

God help those children… all of them.

Well, God bless…  I cannot imagine being 12 with my stomach pushed out… having to go to school… and this story comes out.  Everybody in Patterson is going to know this story.  All her little friends… her friends parents… her teachers.  And this is what this man was doing in his house to his children.DeBarge

He was breeding them.  Like some kind of animals.  My Lord…  help mankind, Lord God…  Please… please… please.  Save us from ourselves…

This story is as bad as the father of the DeBarge family.  The only difference is we never found out until they were grown people.   But their adult lives were as much a wreck trying to cope with it, as their haunted childhoods.  And these stories are not rare as I am beginning to find out just by looking up this story.  Click the links below… it proves it.

Then there was that man in Austria.  He kept his daughter locked in some hole down in his basement for 20 years… impregnating her with 9 children.

It is unbearable…  Madness…  Truly…

WTH: 58-year-old man impregnates his 2 daughters, attempts to rape the 3rd in Bayelsa

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

6 comments July 29, 2013

Albertina Walker…. gospel legend in a big way…

When I went up over the internet tonight I wasn’t at all surprised when I saw something come up with Albertina Walker’s name in the title.  I felt that it was an announcement about her having passed… even though I hadn’t heard anything on it until that time.

But I had noticed in seeing Albertina in various video footage and on a television program that she seemed weaker… a bit more sickly.    The television show I saw her on was a reception honoring her.

It is nice to give people flowers while they are yet alive.  That is what these people at that event had come to do for Albertina.  And she seemed so humble as she sat in her wheel chair beaming  up at them all barely able to speak.

Sometimes, when you begin to age and fall off  the horizon people turn away from you.  They forget your name… who you are… or  who you were.  But Albertina Walker did more for gospel music than just sing  it… and sing it with a passion.   She knew also talent when she saw it… and could pick voices… people with unspeakable gifts by way of  their vocal cords.    It is through her that such notable gospel artists, such as Shirley Ann Caesar first caught our attention… when she began performing with Albertina’s group, the Caravans, at a very young age.

Also  part of  Albertina’s group, the Caravans, was Dorothy Norwood… who is still on the gospel scene just like the Queen of  Gospel Music, Shirley Caesar.  But the Caravan also included some other great and mighty powerful gospel singers… such as Inez Andrews,  Rosetta Stone and others.

In fact, I was surprised to read in the announcement of  Albertina’s passing that I found in my email today…  that James Cleveland also got his start under Albertina Walker as well.

I also did not know that Albertina Walker had been a protegé of  the late and very great Miss Mahalia Jackson.  What a background… what musical history… and what  gospel music history.  My mother …and I guess everyone about her age and older…all loved Mahalia.  She was truly an icon.

While I was working at a radio station in Jersey some years ago… I got the opportunity to see Albertina perform.  The show was at a small church some place in Newark, New Jersey.   I got there early because I wanted a good seat… so I was there to see when Albertina first walked in.

Albertina came walking in …in this fabulous full length fur coat.  And ever since having seen that coat… I have had my sights on buying me a fabulous full length fur coat ever since.

That coat was talking.   It was absolutely beautiful.  And I could tell that it was also absolutely expensive.

And it looked fantastically marvelous on Albertina.

The show was  promoted by 1 of  the other radio announcers from the same radio station that I worked for.  His name was Herman Amish. .. I call it because I know a lot of  people know him, as he was popular on the gospel circuit.   Especially with the old-timer gospel acts…  because Herman did a lot of  gospel promoting in and around Newark area at that time.  And he knew almost   all of2ab-the-bishop-wifecover the gospel acts during and before that time… as he had more than likely probably booked them for a show 1 time or other.

But of all the shows that Herman had done… it  was View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByAlbertina Walker’s show that I went to.  I had long admired her voice and her musical skills and  genius when it came to relaying feeling in her songs.   But I never knew she was a song writer too.  Albertina wrote “Please Be Patient With Me”  …and personal favorite of mine… “Joy Will Come.”  

I will never forget that when my mother passed Shirley Caesar had released “Joy Will Come” on her then latest CD.  And it was a duo with Albertina… there is nothing like it.

I have hunted high and low to find that CD ever since.  Because it gave me so much comfort at a very low time in my life… to hear it.  And I would sit at that radio station playing it over and over…and over again  just crying and thinking about my mother.

There are few real song writers any more.  And even fewer real people with true talent.

Truly, Albertina may have been gone from the scene for some time but her imprint will linger forever in gospel music… and its history.

This morning a true gospel legend passed…  and her name was Albertina Walker.  She passed due to respiratory failure.   She was 81… and has now gone on home.

I don’t know about where you live… but the weather here has been unpredictable.  For a few days it has been wet and cold… then suddenly it is unbearably cold.

At any rate the leaves are starting to change colors now.  So, I guess we are really into fall now.

Hope you have a great weekend.  I understand that it is supposed to be a 3 day weekend.  Guess I’ll run around tomorrow so I can rest all day on Monday.  Definitely, sounds like a plan.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

2 comments October 9, 2010

Celebrating women… Mrs. Dorothy Height’s passing… and women we cannot applaud …what some women won’t do…

I don’t know where you live…but here where I live it’s cold.  And I do mean cold.

This morning before leaving out I made me a bowl of  Cream of  Wheat.  Then I made sure I put on a coat.

Yes, a coat.  Because…    Well, because it is cold.

Though in speaking with one of my mother’s cousin’s I found out that they are having 90 degree weather in Florida.  Wow…90 degree weather already.  It is going to be smoldering there in Florida this coming summer if those kind of temperatures hold up.

But here it has been cold.  And though I had been denying it.

I am now ready to face the hard and very cold facts…it’s cold.  And I am not imagining it.

So, getting off the bus with my mind set on getting in the house and having myself a big hot bowl of  steaming soup, but I decided to head in the opposite direction upon stepping off the bus instead.

Yes, my conscience was bothering me… because I haven’t blogged in a short while.  So, I decided that even if  I just started it tonight then I could finish it tomorrow.  And that would be so much better than not getting started with this at all.

So, that is just what I am doing.   Because I have so much I want to talk about… I just know that there is no way that I am going to be through before this lab closes at 11 PM tonight…and it is just about 7:30 PM now.

First, let me start by mentioning the passing of  Mrs. Dorothy Height.  Though I had never met her, I certainly did know of her.

Mrs. Height along with her many years of work as a Civil Rights activist, and as head  of the National Council of  Negro Women… she was also known for her signature hats which she always sport without fail through the years.

Ida B.Wells "stands apart as the most recognizable and effective antilynching crusader in history."

She passed on Tuesday, April 20th in Washington, DC after several weeks of  illness.  It is sad to hear that she suffered.  But truly she exemplified all theMerle Evers Williams strengths and character of  the women with whom she had the great fortune and I am sure pleasure to walk Former slave who helped lead the Underground Railroad.among… such as Mary McLeon Bethune, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Betty Shabazz, Coretta Scott King,  Myrlie Evers, Ida B. Wells, Shirley Chisholm, Fannie Lou Hamer, Barbara Jordan, Bernice Reagon, Bessie Coleman and so many others.

Women upon whose shoulders we their daughters and grand-daughters now stand.  And what I see in these women is a vast amount of humility and a humbleness you do not see in the spirit of  people of  today.  When you view the video clips BELOW of  Mrs. Height you will exactly what I mean.–Twenty-Great-Arfrican-American-Women

It is odd that I am writing this blogg on this topic today.  I never plan these things and never have any idea where I am going when I first start.  And believe me that some people have written me pointing that out to me.  But I welcome your comments…good or bad…or indifferent feel free to comment or drop me a note or 2.

Since this past Sunday was Mother’s Day…you really would have thought I had planned this.  But I did not.

I love celebrating women…and it has nothing to do with me being a past lesbian.

Maybe it is that my mother was a woman…my grand-mother was one…my great grand-mother was one… and all my aunts and nieces and most of my friends are one.  And I think of them as being phenomenal people…and women.  Clearly, Mrs. Height and all the women that I mentioned above were phenomenal women…but the women I am going to mention now are not.  Some how they both fell well below the mark.

Many times while surfing over the internet looking for things…mostly to buy…I sometimes come across things or an article that sparks my saying something.  And these 2 stories did just that…though one of  them I saw on the Oprah Show.

But this story I came across over the internet.  In reading it …it made me wonder-

“What women won’t do for a man.”

Women on Death Row - Linda Carty What this women did was insane…and she is not the first.  Though if  I were a  Judge…she would have never been able to walk into my court with such an excuse…though I do not know exactly what her lawyer or lawyers plead for during her court trial.  But if I had been the Judge it would not have been that…because what this woman did and the reason behind it was so sorted and sick …and just  plain selfishness.

This woman was a grandmother…and had been a school teacher…who at the time she committed this heinous crime against a young mother…she was 42 years old.

She was not some uneducated woman out in the streets.  But I guess we may all very well agree that her mind wasn’t half as good or as decent as many of  those women who we so often look down upon, when we come across them.

I will not call this woman’s name…not because I fear being sued or anything.  But I do not want to add to her ever becoming famous or known.  I feel she should go down into the depths without fanfare or pity.  She was indeed evil.  Her mind was without a doubt twisted…and she did it for a man.

This is what she did…she sought out some woman who was pregnant along with a group of  thugs…beat and killed…and tortured.  Then she stole the woman’s infant child to pretend that the child was her’s in an attempt to fool some man…with the hopes of  being able to keep him.

You can read the story if you like…the LINKS are BELOW.  But what kind of  woman would have done such a thing?

And I think what bothered me more about this story is that there are those rallying to keep her from being executed for the insane criminal act which she committed.

I am sorry…and yes I am very much a Christian.  But I have no tolerance for people who allow the devil to use them in such a vile and evil way.  And by judging my her most recent picture she seems to be highly content.

We have all…I imagine…been the recipient of  some vile and most evil thoughts.  The kind of  thoughts that came to us that were so foreign to us.  It was some insane maybe even immoral act…or something that we would never imagine doing.  Something that we  totally rejected even the thought of  it…or thoughts of it.

And yes…I too have experienced it.

I have a cousin who told me of such an incident which occurred with her.  She told me that she used to be an alcoholic, and once while sitting at a table the thought came to her to get up from the table where she was sitting.  She said she was told to take up a fork and begin stabbing a baby…a little infant that was nearby…and to stab it to death.

My cousin told me that at that moment  is when she realized she had to stop drinking.  She recognized the thought at being crazy and that it had frightened her…because the impulse to do it was so strong.  And she said that she never drink again since that night.

In looking up info for this blog I came across information on Malcolm X’s grandson.  The grandson who set his grand-mother on fire while she laid sleeping.  Betty Shabazz suffered for nearly 2 months or more before finally succumbing to those injuries.

I have often wondered about her grandson whom she loved so much…a problem child…and perhaps is still troubled today.  A child that she loved so much that she rather to have him come live with her than to see him placed some place and  locked away, because no one could control him.  And at the age of  12 he killed his own grand-mother.

What I have thought about on the times I have since reflected on him…was what went through his head that he would have done such a thing to someone who loved him so dearly?

It cannot be argued that some of  toughest demons to resist are those which live inside of us.  It is sad.  But when crazy thoughts come into our minds we must with all our might resist them.  A very large part of  it is learning how to pray…and how to call upon the name of  the Lord.   It is what my cousin did.   And it works…I know it for myself.

Now, on to the story I watched on Oprah last Thursday or Friday.

I had been in New York when the story broke…but like most people over time I had forgotten it.  But if  I thought the woman I wrote about above was evil that goes doubly for Vanessa Jackson…whom one of my brothers informed me was a member of the Church of God in Christ.

Note in the picture above…you will notice that 4 of the children look like something is wrong with them.  They are different from the other children…not quite as well dressed…and if you look real closely you see that they were not as well…

Well, healthy looking…meaning not well nourished.  Because they were not.  That woman and her husband straved those little boys…while she, her husband and their biological  children all eat well and seemed to be quite happy.

I do remember this story when it first broke…

Some neighbors called 911 because late one night they heard a noise outside their window.  And when they looked out they thought they saw what looked to them like a very young child rampaging through their garbage looking for food.

That young child was the boy in the picture to the right of the woman.  The little tiny boy who looks so light and fragile.  He was actually 19 years old and weighed under 60 pounds.  And look at her own children…some of them quite plumb… as well as, she and her husband.

I was dumbfounded when I listened to Oprah interview the brothers of that boy.

How could anyone be so heartless and so cruel?

These people called themselves ‘saved.’  They took those boys to church with them and their other children every Sunday.   These people adopted those boys.

On the show the boys told how the woman would dress them in 3 or 4 sweaters under their clothes to make them appear fatter.  How we gave them pancake mix to eat…and would tell them that they only had ‘x’ amount of time to eat it.

What kind of  depraved people exist in this world?

Is money that important?

Vanessa Jackson and her husband, who has since died while in prison, went to church where they…I hope…were taught ‘love’…and that it is better to give than to receive.  But somehow they felt that taking and cheating…and being evil and cruel was a better way.

They straved those little boys…and aided in seriously debilitating their growth, physically and mentally.

I could never love money that much.  The world is filled with sick and degenerate people.  I am so thankful to God that He gave me a mind to not to be 1 of them.  And I hope that you aren’t either.

My Mother’s Day started with my cousin Jean…who loves reading her name in my blogs…waking me up early.  It was then followed by my son telling me to get up and get dress because he was taking me to breakfast.

He greeted with a large bouquet of flowers in a tea cup.  They are so beautiful…and I love my tea cup.View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

I hope your Mother’s Day was great too…or that you did something especially special for your mom or wife.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

And what do you know it is not 11 o’clock yet.   I must be getting better at this…because I am just about finish with this blog.

Well, God bless…and hope that you have a beautiful day tomorrow.

And if it is cold where you are…  Don’t forget about a bowl of  Cream of Wheat before going out…or a nice hot bowl of  4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2oat meal.

And don’t you dare leave out without your coat.

And God bless….

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…

Add a comment May 12, 2010

Between Lisa Raye and Michelle… 41 Bullets/Police Violence… Student Beaten… and Tyler Perry…

Well, between Lisa Raye and Michelle Obama…I don’t know who people having been hitting this blog site to read more of lately.

Like everyone else I too am curious about Michelle Obama’s reception in Mexico and Haiti. But was there any doubt that just like the Queen of England…everyone everywhere was also going fall in love  with her too.

There is just something about her. Michelle Obama is just able to click with everyone. I am sure that Joe Biden’s wife is happy to be partnered up with such a fab woman.

In past years most First Ladies and the Vice President’s wives never really got along well at all. Which really isn’t hard to understand at all since most Presidents chose the guy who could have won them…may have even hated him but he looked good on the ticket.

So, before the pairing up while everyone was going for the gold…making their own run to win the White House…there usually was a lot of mud slinging.  Now, what wife would love somebody’s wife behind all of that…and particularly if  his wife was a sob…which in many causes may have been the truth.

But I don’t think Jill Biden would have ever called Michelle Obama that. There is nothing sobby about Michelle. In fact…I think you could say she goes out of her way to ensure that no one feels that way about her. But then one can see that Michelle is not all about putting on ‘airs’…or shoving her nose high into the air. She is real.  And because she is so real…everyone everywhere just adores her.|hp-laptop|dl1|link1|

Truly, she is Obama’s secret weapon. That is what they called her while he was making his run for the White House. But all in all Michelle…fashion and all has stood up to the test.

I recalled while up late one night and listening to a black woman hosting a radio talk show talking about Michelle’s way of dressing. She was critical about where she claimed Michelle needed some help in her choices. I am sure that woman has since eaten all of those words…since Michelle Obama’s manner and style of dress has become the ‘in’  way of putting it  all together.

The best part of  it all…like Barack…Michelle Obama is her own person…her own woman.  She doesn’t let alot of  people dictate to her what she should or shouldn’t be doing…or dressing like.   And what a mom she is.  There is so much love there.

She is a tremendous role model for women and girls everywhere.

Now, on to Lisa Raye.  I have to admit that whenever I happened to catch the TV show that she used be on…I always thought she was attractive.  And I really liked her voice.

But I have to admit…she is a bit rough around the edges.  Sorry, Lisa Raye…but all that cussing and all that stuff…you know the low clothing…and exposing everything.  Well…come on.

Now, I know that Lisa is originally from Chi-Town…better known as Chicago for those of  you who don’t know.  And sure Chicago has some rough-necks…but then they have the softer side too…and plenty of them.  There is plenty of  style and class that comes out of  Chicago.  It was after all the city that was home to Johnson Beauty Products, Ebony…and Jet Magazine, and a lot more…not excluding the home and birth place of  Lady ‘O’…Michelle Obama.

I know her reality show ‘The Real McCoy’  is due to begin…if  it hasn’t already started.  And based upon the number of  people who have hit this site looking for info on Lisa…they are anxious over the show…and want to know more, and as much as they can about Lisa Raye.

Now, Lisa and Da Brat are half sisters as many of you know…who people have been hitting this site to read about also.  Both are attractive but just as rough around the edges.  But I have not heard anything about the Da Brat lately…but I have been looking to see if  she is out of  prison.  But I haven’t seen or heard anything on that yet…though I think her 3 years should be just about up soon.

Finally, I have finally seen something by Tyler Perry.   I know…I know…I must be the only person on the planet who hadn’t.

Clearly, Tyler has a built in crowd of  followers…and I am just not one.  Though as I sat in the theater I could tell that men equally , as well as, women love  Tyler.   He definitely has them hooked.

But I thought the film was filled with a lot of  poor acting.  And the actors who could act totally out shined their counter-parts.

But what I felt was lacking mainly was a plot, a good script… and a good story… besides some the poor casting choices in some places.    The movie was just one vingnette after another… which is a just a series of  little stories.  Which to me never really got told properly.   I guess because of  a lack of  time…as it seemed to me that the film had been a bit rushed.  It would have been nice though if  there had been one real story somewhere in the midst of  it.

But, however, I will say this…the people who love Tyler Perry truly love him…and all of  his work.  And I am not hating him for being successful at what he does.

And speaking of the movie…I was all set to watch Jill Scott throw down on the big screen .  I was hoping she was going to blow it away.  Well…I  had thought that her acting skills might  have matched her singing skills.

But…naw….  They it didn’t.  And I was disappointed.  Because I had heard that Jill  is starring in some show on TV too.  So, I was thinking-

“Wow, she must be good.”

But it was definitely not the case…and as much as I love Jill.   I truly hate to say that.

But I still think that she is beautiful.  I could see her taking Oprah’s place…in a few years.

Can’t you?

With some coaching from the ‘Master’ of  all ‘Masters’…namely Oprah…Jill could do it.  I bet cha’.

Now, I saw the video of  the white student who was beat by several police officers.  And yes…I do agree.

“Agree on what you say?”

I agree that if  that student had been a black student…we probably would not have heard as much about it…nor would those police officers been put on suspension.  I have seen and heard many situations of  black folk  finding themselves at the mercy of abusive and angry white police officers.   Just view some of  the below video clips.

Police acting out in ways that have been highly questionable has never been anything that many black people can’t tell you much about…such as Rodney King and many many others.

I’ll never forget the issue of 41 bullets and Amadou Diallo…a young African immigrant who met with a fatal end when he was entering his own apartment building, as he was approach by a group of police officers who opened up and began shooting at him at close range…upon supposedly him reaching to pull out his ID in an attempt to identify himself.   Then there was that group of  4 young black men on the New Jersey Turnpike who were stopped on the highway and shot without provocation.

And the list goes on and on…and on without much ever happening to the officers in question.  Who for the most part never missed a beat…or suffered any repercussions  or consequences for any of  their actions…nor any loss of pay…or any real trials…etc…

I have been reading a little about women behind bars who are currently being allowed to have and care for their babies in prison.  I do have some very real and quite bias feelings on the matter.  But it does not come without some knowledge on the matter.

Not that I have personal knowledge or experience with it…but that I have a very dear and good friend whose mother gave birth to her while she was locked behind bars for murder.  The stigma it left upon my friend was often evident to me whenever my friend would share that part of  her life experience to me.  It bothered her…like it was a mark against her from birth.  In speaking about it she often sighed…and lowered her voice in a clear indication of shame.

And I can understand why.

And you should too.

What child or person wants to walk  around with that on their birth certificate..or any knowledge of  something like that?

What a sad way to start your life on this planet…locked behind prison bars with your mother.

Since, most of  those mothers and practically everybody in those news segments on the story was black,  when I saw pictures on the story or saw news items on it over the net…it is just one more strike against some kids who already are going to have marks against them.  Because (1)…their mother was sentenced to prison for some type of crime.  (2)…Because they had the mis-fortune of being born into a situation that I would be hard pressed to believe that any child would want to be born in.  (3)…Because they are already poor…disadvantaged…and powerless without the bars or the confinement.

Then what about health and safety issues surrounding life behind bars?

That’s a rough life.  I wouldn’t  want an infant or a child…little or otherwise to have to endure any part of it.  It would have to be depressing.  I mean there is little to no freedom in prison…it is like an animal being born in a zoo.

Sorry, to state it that way…but you think about it.  And it is not the cleanest place to have babies in…much less for children to play in.

I doubt that we will really read any real reports on this story about babies born behind bars and being allowed to stay with their mothers there, and the effects of it…since it will be about 20 or so  years before we will really find out whether or not it is or was a good idea.   But I do not need that long to give you my answer…and I do not care what the reports say.  I know people who have lived over 50 years with that following them.  Just having been borned in there.

My last note is on this story which bothered me from the very moment I laid my eyes on it.  I hate these type of stories.  I know…I say it every time.

It is about a man…a black man in Alabama who went around as an evangelist or some type of  preacher while being a seriously sick man.  While swirling in the pulpit between words of  praise…he was sodomizing and raping his own children…including fathering children with them…and had killed their mother after she caught him having sex with one of  their very young daughters (age 11)… while the child was pregnant with his child.   Doing all of this after having dumped his dead wife into a deep freezer for the last 4 years…in the trailer where he lived with them…their children while he continued to use them sexually.

While watching a youtube clip on the story…it eluded that the Bible up-holds such things…I’m talking about ‘incest.’  The scripture pointed to in support of  that supposed idea came from the book of  Genesis…Genesis 19:30-39.  Which is an absolute lie.  The Bible does not support any such thing…or anything like it…or any other type of sin.  And it certainly would never support any negative behavior towards children…or anyone.

In fact, that scripture points to the type of  sins which not only Lot witnessed but evidently his daughters did also.   It was one of many reasons which was why God eventually destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.   Which is what Lot along with his wife, and his 2 daughter were fleeing from in the first place.

Well, if you had any doubts about it…I am sure that we all can agree now.  2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Spring has sprung!

And it feels marvelous.

I am loving all the sun though I understand that it is due to rain later today…as it is already into tomorrow now being nearly 5 AM in the morning.

View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByOh, well…it takes time to produce one of these blogs.  And would you believe I started before 11 PM?

Well, I did.  But I am not complaining…it takes time to produc4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2e something worth something.  And I hope that is what you think of this blog…that it is worth something…like your time to read it.  And if  you do…thank you much.

Enjoy your day.

Thank you so much for reading…and may God bless you richly.

God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment April 16, 2010

the Wendy Williams ship wreck…

Tell me…

“Who really listens or watches that stuff…called ‘The Wendy Willams 20071129williams.jpgExperience’?”

“Do you not have anything going on in your life that you would take your valuable time to give someone like Wendy Williams one second of  it?”

She is a ship wreck…just look at her. 

When you sell yourself for what you consider ‘fame’…then you are on a fast track to one big ship wreck.  There is little wonder that H0t 98 in New York showed her the door, and then Philly decided to slam it in her face when they too had had enough, and gave her the boot.  Now, back in New York she is still trying to create high arbitron  ratings by stirring up controversy.

Wendy is a sinking ship.   Better yet…a ship wreck. 

You can only go but so long…trying to cause havoc in the lives of others as a means of your talent.   Beyond a point people will begin to look for more.  And more…is something which Wendy Williams does not have.  That is why she can only do 00507821what she does…..try to create a living while living off others. 

It is sad when someone so visabily sells their soul to the devil and grins at you as though they are happy.  And you can look into their eyes and see that they are not.

You cannot be happy living the kind of life  and lie that Wendy Williams lives.  First of all she has no real talent.   What she has is just a trick of the enemy…created to deceive.  

How dare she be sitting on the radio calling herself giving advice to people…when she needs to be sitting on a psychiatrist couch herself.   Better yet…calling upon the name of the Lord for some help.

I will never forget once while driving through the streets of Manhattan 161608605xaejhv_fs1and somehow the radio happened to be on WBLS and the Wendy Williams Experience…and now that I think about it.  I was in the car with one of my nieces…when she turned the radio to the Wendy Williams Experience. 

That day was a day that Doctor Wendy was on duty.   A woman called in, and I don’t  know if it was real or something  Wendy and crew had invented.   But now that I think of it,  it was a fax supposedly faxed into the radio station telling Wendy that she was married to someone she was considering leaving.  The person to whom the woman was married to was supposedly suffering from cancer and was very sick…near dying.  And she was asking Wendy for help to decide what to do because she wanted to leave him.

Now, that show has stayed with me for a very long time…because Wendy very uncaringly trying to create humor out the situation gave some of the most bogus advice I had ever heard.  She asked of herself in the reading of this fax…well, how long have you been together?   Was he ill when you married him or did he just become sick?     WHAT?

Wendy told the woman that as long as she continued to received some kind of benefit from being with the man then she should stay.  But if there wasn’t a benefit to staying then the woman should get out of the marriage.  And Wendy101622711 said this as if she were an ‘all knowing’ and ‘learned pyschologist’…or some kind of prophet.

Yes, I have a problem with people trying to pass themselves as something which they are not…and with people who think that everything is funny when it is not. 

I have had a problem with ‘The Wendy Williams Experience’ for a long time.  

When you sit in a position where you can ‘speak life or death into a situation’ and chose to speak death…then you are wrong. 

The Bible says that the power of  ‘life and death is in the tongue.’

When you have millions of people hanging onto your every word you have to temper your tongue…and seek not to give bad sinful council. 

There may not be profit from speaking truth…but there is peace.   Which of…Wendy Williams has none.  Practically ever rapper, dancer, singer and everybody else is out to get her. 

How can you live like that?

Then to mess up your body and life so much.   Come on, Wendy.

That breast job…really.   Come on…a grown woman trying to play and look like one of the kids.     It looks ridiculous.  Grow up…grow up.   And get saved.

The time for foolishness is offer.

And poor little Robin Givens.


Getting happy because Wendy has a list of every white male she ever went to bed with. 

And we wonder why the kids are in the state that they are in?

Look what they are listening and watching.   These are the role models they fashion themselves after. 


And shut it down.

No wonder Whitney Houston threaten to pay Wendy Williams a visit one day.  I wish I had a recording of that…when Whitney told Wendy that she was from Newark.   Whitney didn’t even say that she was from Jersey.   No, she made a point of saying that she was from ‘Newark.’      And that does mean something.  To those people who know…it spoke volumes…believe me.  And Wendy understood it…loud and clear.   Because she started stuttering and lost her train of thought. 

And Whitney was not joking.   I still laugh when I think of that day.  

I love you, Whitney.   One of the few people who has ever put Wendy Williams in her place.  

Whitney, I pray that you come victoriously out of that wilderness that you are in.   Be mindful…that God is able.  And let not deceivers deceive you.   You already have the victory.

How dare Wendy try to reap rewards off the suffering of others.

My Lord…

God bless…Happy New Year!09241521

Praise ye the Lord…he is mighty in all things.   For He is just and merciful.   And I am sure He has so much more for you…in 2009.

Well, God bless againand thanks for reading this blog…and  please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on” ©2008

“Happy New Years!   And may God bless you all.”

Add a comment December 27, 2008

BAILOUT….the ‘Big 3’…America’s Automobile Companies…Obama & Bush… Gulf War Syndrome

 Gulf War Syndrome

afghan20war1For some time the US government has failed to accept responsibility for having placed US Troops in harms way.  Part of the problem is that this country has boldly and somewhat routinely experimented on unsuspecting US citizens without consideration to them, their quality of life, or the effects such experimentation would have on their families.  And many times this experimentation has been on those serving in our own military…as well as, on some minorities in this country. 

Chemical warfare is real and this country engages in it as much as any other. 

During the Gulf War the US forces released certain chemicals without regard to our own troops.  This waprod_146681s something which occurred also during Vietnam and various other periods in the history of this country.  Very rarely has the US government ever accepted any culpability for these actions.  But finally, after numerous charges and group action suits brought on behalf of the Vietnam Vets against the US government the government finally owned up to having dropped Agent Orange during the Vietnam war which left thousands of American service men and women with all types of health issues and irregularities, e.g. various respiration problems, children with birth defects, increased incidences down syndrome, body rashes etc.

Now, after hundreds of thousands of complaints the Gulf War viets will finally find some relief after their long battle against America’s denial that they too have been injured and are suffering various ailments due our countries non-caring attitude when it comes to her own people…and particular to those serving in uniform trying to protect this country…our own troops.  Who have found that their own country was more deadly to them than those they were sent to fight.  It is called the ‘danger from within.’  The one which they certainly should not have suspected…nor did. 

But while our troops were busy down in the Gulf under the orders of the first George Bush…he had the military dropping a bunch of dirty little bombs filled with all kinds of chemical warfare.  And never whispered a word of it to our own troops…after which thousands upon thousands on this side of the battle became contaminated…and for have been suffering the paining affects of…all to the denial of this country until just recently.

It is sad to say but Sadom Hussein wasn’t the only person who ever hurt his own people.  And for a country who is the only country to have ever dropped an atomic bomb…this country not only has much to apologize for to other countries…but also to those living right here in America as well.

Last week Tuesday was Veterans Day.  Every so often we really do need to stop and consider them and their service to this country.  Without them where would this country be?

WELCOME TO MY HOME….20081110_5e5u4007a-515h1

I had to chuckle when I read the article below. 

It is about body language.  It says that Obama and Bush may not have taken questions from the press but their body language spoke volumes.  You have got to read the article…I think you will enjoy it too. Just CLICK on the LINK below to read it.;_ylt=ApgRill4SpzF1QfaMXlCDbQGw_IE

OBAMA and MCCAIN meeting…

The one thing you have got to say about Barack Obama…and that is that he is no fool.  And he is not afraid to extend a hand and seek…to solicit the aid the help he feels he will need to help him to put this country back on track. 

He is a person who doesn’t think party when he is looking for the best people or when seeking the allies he knows he will need to assist in getting things through Congress and the Senate when he finally takes over the White House.  Even though the Democratics made significant gains in both the Senate and Congress during this past election…I agree with Obama.  It still doesn’t hurt to have friends on both side of the aisles.

It is just unfortunate that more politicians fail to share his perspective.

THE BIG 3…give them what they need.

This whole thing about bailing out the ‘Big 3’….GM, Ford and Chrysler reeks of partisanship if ever I have heard of it.,27753,24668402-31037,00.html,28124,24668402-36418,00.html

When you examine the map of this country you will find that the states whom the failure to bailout the big 3 will impact the most are those states which were ‘red’ and ford-mustang-giugiaro-concept-7-lg1that turned ‘blue’ during this past Presidential Election 2 Thursdays ago.  If you want to talk about sour grapes and cry ‘foul’…now is the time. 

When those Republicans rushed back to Capital Hill to bail out Wall Street a few weeks ago…it was in the hopes of trying to save a sinking ship called the “Republican Party.”   It failed because…well, because John McCain did not win the Presidential race and a lot of their buddies and friends…and even some of them got voted out of office.  Now, as their last official act…that bunch of stub nosed politicians are targeting everyday people…who dared to go to the polls and voted them out.   And really…if the truth be known….they absolutely should have voted them out.

Had it not been for the Republican domination of the US Senate and Congress for fordsuvl1nearly the past 8 years the Bush Administration may not have gotten away with as much…and we just might not be in the dire straights that this country is now in.

But why should that bunch of sour grape Republicans be upset?

They wholly deserved to be voted out of office because they failed to properly execute their positions properly.  Nobody voted them into office to ‘okay’ a bunch of failed Bush policies.  Then as a ‘new day’ came upon the horizon they all realized that they were in deep trouble…as well as they should have been for failure to represent their constituents.  But they were busy serving themselves, vying for higher and higher positions, and seeking ranking offices in their party rather than caring for what their voters had sent them to Capitol Hill to do.

So, Wall Street hit the wall and began to crumble a few weeks ago and they all 289479_140x701went running in to Captiol Hill like a bunch of wild animals pretending that they hadn’t a clue…hadn’t expected it…didn’t know what to do…but knew that ‘no matter what Wall Street had to be bailed out.’   Now, those same nice little gentlemen with their righteous indignation say-

“Why should we bailout General Motors…or Chrysler…or the Ford Automobile Companies?”

289479_280x1401I’ll tell you why…because it has nothing to do with one Corporate executive but everything to do with millions of soon to be displaced and out of work Americans who have depended on those companies to provide them with a living.  They are taxpayershomeowners…and they deserve the same consideration and sense of emergency afforded to Wall Street.

How could we dare to be so jaded that we would dare to turn our backs on the workers upon which this country runs?

The blow to those people living in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio loosing any more jobs will be a shot heard around this country.  This country cannot afford to turn her back on these hard working people. 

gm_headquarters_in_detroit1I will not forget visting Detroit this past summer and seeing first hand every other house boarded up and every other business closed.  It is something that you will really have to see for yourself in order to understand just how extreme this thing was…and I do mean every other.  This was not a fantasy and I was amazed looking out at it street after street…main streets and side streets…all alike.  It is the blurb2001reality that these hard working everyday people live in…many of them having already seen their neighbors loose everything due the downsizing and the shutting down of many automobile factories across this country as well as in Detroit, Indiana and Ohio.

And what industry was the one that has opened up in Detroit?


Even GM has one which bares its logo very largely on the building.

For some reason every state and every politician believes that the cure all for the economy is to give people any kind of job…by the way of casinos.  They look at casinos as the new trend for job creation.  But somebody has to walk into those casinos and take some risk.  And usually it is those faced with what they believe is the last resort to saving their house or business.  Those who should least do it…but feel trapped and that there are no other options for them in oder to hold on to what they already have.

promotion1So, they go into the casino which has opened up while their jobs vanished…and they bet everything.  They bet it all.  And they end up loosing it all.  They gambled it all away.

Sooner rather than later, they found themselves without a job, had gambled away their severance pay…and then have no money left to even try to meet the debt on their homes or businesses which they had gone into the casino with the hopes of trying to save in the first place.  They are now in a worst state than they started in.

In Detroit many of factory jobs are gone…and yet that city has 2 very large brand new casinos…and a third, if you consider the casino across the waters from them in nearby Canada.  I had never been in Detroit before but I was amazed by all the houses that were boarded up and all the boarded up businesses…unbelieveably so.  In fact, between every boarded up house stood a house which wasn’t…and those people represented those who still had a job at GM.  And soon if something isn’t done for the ‘Big 3’ those people too will be out in the cold, and their houses will be boarded up as well…and other businesses will go under along with them.

That group of angry gentlemen Washington, DC…those Republicans seeking to pay back Americans for voting them out of office for their lousy job at co-governing this country and as the supposed ‘check & balances’ of this country.  They sincerely need to step back and take a deep breath to consider the millions of people who will suffer if they fail to vote in favor of bailouting the ‘Big 3.’   And it will hurt and it will reel some dire consequences upon us all if they don’t.

112_0501_z_hybrid_ford_escape_top_view_diagram11But of course, such things really don’t matter to them…they live in other states and will soon be back home fishing or flying off to some remote island to retreat.

I think that there is just too little love of neighbor these days.   No one cares about anyone else anymore.  The populous is beginning to become just like the bunch of selfish and self-serving politicians.  Whom many of us are starting to emulate in every possible way…and look just like them too. 

Recently in one of my history classes we hit upon this subject…of how during the building of the EU (the European Union) many of the opinions about what is wrong or right with the EU are shaped by those in charge of media and in power.  Don’t let these same groups shape you or your opinions of others…or what is or isn’t right.

There was once a time that neighbors looked out for one another.  But those days are ford_f-150_317_1024x7681sadly long gone.  And it really is too bad.

Oh, yes…before I end this blog. 

Let me just say…that the automobile industry started in this country.  It is as American as apple pie.  It is a part of Americana…because other countries have entered the marketplace does not mean that we should forfeit an industry that belongs to country to foreign interests.  This is how we got into the mess we are in today with the foreign oil countries.  We forfeited that industry too.  We found it easier to buy from other countries than to continue to build upon our own reserves and resources.  And look at the state we are in because of it.   

There is no question that the American automobile companies should be bailed out.  There is no question that the automobile industry in this country would be suffering…who is buying anything these days?bilde1

Who can afford to?

We are all suffering from this current climate of failed economic management.  But is that any reason to desert our own people and an industry which this country single handedly created.

If the airlines and Wall Street have been bailed out…the auto industry certainly should be too.  To thousands from New Jersey and thousands in other states around this country upon whom there will be a great impact in lost of jobs, there can be no other answer.  But ‘bailout.’ 

Not to mention the lost that every US citizen themselves will suffer.  Heaven forbid that every American citizen should have to turn to foreign imports only as possible vihicle purchases whenever we decide we want to buy a car or SUV.  And that the only selection we will have is a foreign vehicle.  If this happens…this country will really be in big trouble.

For an industry which has done over $70 billion worth of business in this country, with millions of car owners on the roadway today who all would stand to loose big, not even including the police departments and large companies who are invested in U.S. autos…if these companies were forced out of business by not being able to service, get parts or have any recourse when problems arose with their vehicles imagine the problems.  This would be a very great problem for tons of us.  And it is certainly something to be considered.


Well, have a beautiful day…and thank you, as always, for reading.

Obama GrandmotherIn memorial of Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Dunham…I take this time to thank her for c0003711all of her dedication and love that she showed to our President.  And the aid that she gave him in becoming the person whom he is.  We applaud you and celebrate you…along with Rosa Parks, Shirley Chisholm, Fanny Lou Hamer,fannie_hamer1 Harriette Tubman, Mary McLeod Bethune and aa_tubman_subj_e1beth-mar1parks_bus_logo1many numerous other women for whom we owe much…and upon who’s shoulders we certainly now stand. 

Thank you Lord God for them.

 God bless…and thanks for reading ©2008Presidential hopeful Barack Obama, in 1979 gets a hug during his high school graduation in Hawaii from his maternal grandparents, Stanley Armour Dunham and Madelyn Payne, both natives of Kansas.

Loving You – Minnie Ripperton,0,2249369.story

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Please be sure to share this blog site with all your friends, family, co-workers…just everybody.   And again thank you for reading.

…pass it on…’

God bless…and thanks for reading ©2008

1 comment November 19, 2008

Michelle Obama dispelling the myth about Black Women… Venus Williams wins again

It is like a breath of fresh air to have a black woman who totally and so completely despells that myth that many black women have taken such a bad rap for…and has been highly heighten by black music and rap videos.  You know the ones…like being cheaploose…trampy…brainless and easy…etc…etc….

At last a black woman who not only has grace and poise but a brain to go with it.  Somebody who is not flashing her flesh…but yet is sexy in a quiet and enticing way…not understated…or yet overstated.  But stated.  And this is not to miminize my sisters who truly have it…well, going on…some pastors…some evangelists…some business owners…some lawyers…some doctors….etc…and some just moms.  But they got it going on.

Not trying to play like someone else.  Content in who she is…in her blackness…in her feminity…in her michelle_obama_2008-10-22_28129_cropped1womanhood…life…motherhood…and as a wife…daughter…and auntie…

And not only having brains…but powerconfidence…and humility.  What awesome michelle_obama_oversaw_contentious_program1combinations!

There is little wonder that President Elect Barack Obama refused to accept “no” while trying to continuously seeking her to date him.  Sometimes a little opposition can go a long ways.  It may have been just the thing he needed to help have the determination to make it all the way into the White House as the President of the United States this past Presidential Election period.

Having pursued her undergraduate studies at Princeton, in 1985 for her thesis topic she chose “Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community.”  Within the pages of her thesis, Michelle wrote that her experiences at Princeton University had made her more aware of her blackness than ever before.  Princeton being an Ivy League university 190_princeton1located in Princeton, New Jersey, was a far cry from being in the large urban hub of Southside Chicago from where she came.  At the time there was no Toni Morrison there or a Dr. Cornel West on its campus back then…nor much by way of African-American studies which the school has since expanded, which may have a lot to do with a former student who minored in the subject there.

Michelle Obama graduated cum-laude from Princeton University in 1985 3a1with a major in sociology and a minor in African-American studies.  In 1988, Michelle Obama received her doctorate degree in law from the Harvard Law School.

She met Barack Obama when he came to work as a summer associate at the Chicago law firm for which she was working for at the time.  She was assigned to mentor him through that period at the company.  10obama6-6001

Obviously self-confidence was not something which Barack Obama has ever lacked.  He liked her…but she…well, she just was not interested.   She believed that co-workers should not be fraternizing while working on a job together and so…she maintained that code while Barrack never gave up trying.  He invited her to a community organization meeting and impressed her so much by his work, oration and commitment to what he was doing that slowly he began to win her over.  The rest is history…

But it is clear to say that Michelle Obama is not only a good role model for any young girl…young lady…and/or woman out there…everywhere, but an excellent one.  With Barack Obama’s good looks it is hard to believe anybody could have ever told him ‘no.’   But Michelle Obama did and continuously several times.  If nothing else…this may prove to many that saying ‘no’ might not be such a bad thing to practice.  Look what it can get you. 

Obama didn’t just look over at Michelle and flash that winning smile at 10bush-obama_lg1her…and she went weak in the knees.  No, that didn’t happen.  Barack Obama had to win her affection…her love…her admiration…and her respect.  After a while he finally got her attention.  It didn’t happen the moment she laid her eyes on him.  She wasn’t looking for someone to just throw her down and leap upon her.  In fact…she wasn’t looking.

But Obama found her. 

She was sitting in an office fulfilling the capacities of her job when he r1stepped into her life.  She viewed it as a professional arrangement.   As something her company had put together and asked her to fulfill by being his mentor.

It is perhaps that arrangement which laid the foundation for their future life together…where she can say things to him such as she did following her introduction of him at the 2004 Democratic Primary Convention…when she said to him as she passed him while she was walking off stage, “Now, don’t blow it.”

20080826dems_obama2_5001That foundation having been laid from the time they first met positioned Michelle Obama to be Barack Obama’s closest…dearest…most truthful confidant whom he knows will always lovingly be balantly truthful no matter how much it hurts while at the same time bringing him much joy, happiness and pride in his life.  These are combinations which cannot be beat. 

Born Michelle LaVaughn Robinson on January 17, 1964, there is no way that her parents, Fraser Robinson and Marian Shields Robinson, would have known that their daughter was destine to make260xstory1 history.  And that history would include her marrying the first African-246-20080630-michelle-obamalargeprod_affiliate911American man to become President of the United States, in the form of Barack Obama…or that their daughter would ever become the First Lady of the United States of America.

At 5’11” Michelle Obama is capable of making any fashion statement she chooses.  But if being a fashion statement is what media thinks is the only thing that Michelle Obama is all about…they better back up and think twice.  She is no Jackie ‘O’ but may go down in history as be as beloved, admired and respected… if not more so.   Jackie didn’t Democratic Conventioncome complete with 2 degrees from 2 very prestigious schools, Princeton and Harvard…or hold a doctorate in law…or work as a lawyer.  No, Michelle Obama will be more than just a beautiful woman on the arm of a very handsome President.  And look for her to make more than just fashion statements…though she says she is really looking forward to being just ‘First Mom.’ 

At a time when many African-American college students neglect African-American studies as part of their coor-electives or even as a major or minor…Michelle Obama’s story may prove to be an incentive in increasing the enrollment in those classes by all students…and that would be a very 260xstory11great thing.

Well, she ain’t no hip-hop mama shaking her booty in some rap video.  Oh, no…no…  Or some hotty stepping up out of a pool dripping michelle-obama-ebony1wet…while a bunch of male singers gang around her and start simulating sexual acts.   No…no…she’s too wholesome, too clean cut, too mature and too hip for that…and she sho’ nuff got more than that going on.  She’s got brains plus body…but prefers to display if anything…her brains.  And she has a whole lot more of self-respect for herself than to want rub up and down on some stripper’s pole.

She is a Mack truck coming down the freeway…andmichelle-obama-dress-300x4001 it’s all brain power…and natural inner and outer beauty, baby.

And what a mother…and wife.

Barack Obama could not have made a better choice.  

Every man owes it to himself to find a Michelle Obama…and nothing less.

And every woman owes it to herself to allow a Barack Obama to find her, respect her…and then to become the head of their family.

Welcome into our world, Mrs. Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States of America!

And oh, yeah…First Mom.,0,256879.story&h=350&w=500&sz=32&hl=en&start=6&um=1&usg=__UqgOxMaWRjb6gwDZLuBN9OEMLok=&tbnid=cDLIzaYShrWZSM:&tbnh=91&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpicture%2Bof%2Bmichelle%2Bobama%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den

VENUS WILLIAMS…still tearing up  the courts….

Photo Topping off her already superb year having won Wimbledon again, the US Open and gold in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, this year, with her Doubles partner and sister, Serena Williams, who has also had a very outstanding year.  Which I am sure gives the entire Williams family much to cheer…smile and to be proud about…including the fact that these 2 young ladies are very great role models for young women…and young boys and men everywhere. 

They are the stuff that champions are made of…determination and lots of hard work…and forever perfecting their craft and sharpening those skills.  Both, Venus and Serena…are athletic mechines…capable to chasing down the most far reaching balls and slamming them back with razor sharp precision.

It was hard work but Venus pulled it out…winning her final tournament for this year…giving her…her 39th title_45189498_final3_getty_3001_45189497_final_getty_4161.  She won 6-7, 6-0, 6-2 thus giving her…her first win over Russia’s Vera Zonareva.  The tournament in Doha, Qatar this past Sunday featured the top 8 players in the world of which Serena was also one.

Hope you are having a wonderful day…today is suppose to be a holiday…Veteran’s Day here…but since myveterans_bench_dedication098a_web1 school is private we had class.  But to any of you who are veterans…happy Veteran’s Day and thank you for your service.   

I’m due in Boston tomorrow as I am considering DIV school…that is Divinity School.  I’m viewing the campus of Harvard and sitting in on sessions…should be interesting.   Then I am also thinking about the possibility of Howard University’s Divinity School too.

Well, God bless…

…pass it on…’

Please be sure to share this blog site with all your Thank you for reading.

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God bless…and thanks for reading ©2008

2 comments November 11, 2008

Bush failed economics… and 9/11

After 8 years of essentially nothing but a bunch of failed economic schemes on the part of the Bush Team where we have seen one large company after another go under, Enron, WorldCom, AIG, Bear Sterns…now Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and many large banks are headed for the drain.  Somebody needs to call in the plumber…and I guess that is what that $700 billion bailout is all about.

But what could have led George Bush to possibly believe that anybody in their right mind was going to underwrite for him a blank check giving him what would have amounted to a have virtually amounted to a $700 billion free roller coaster ride with taxpayers money with no oversights written into it…no promise of ever getting back…and was earmark directly to Wall Street.

Paulson had real cause to get down on his knees in the Senate and beg Nancy Pelosi to bless him with what evidently his boss, George Bush, had sent him to Capitol Hill to do…beg for it.  And as he dropped to his knees he was probably snickering to himself thinking about the big bonus he was going to get for brokering the deal.   And everybody…including large number of Republicans (well, it is an election year even for them…and many of them would like to return to Capitol Hill after November too)…so, they hemmed and haa-ed until finally all slowly broke down and gave him a yes.

Henry Paulson declaring that we were in a dire straits and if we didn’t act quick the walls would come tumbling down…sounded much like what Bush spewed out while rushing Capitol Hill into signing in that thing that…thereby ingratiated George Bush with the first blank check…called the Patriot Act.  And there was nothing Patriotic about it…it just gave Bush and all his little men much to much power, infringed upon our rights of privacy, allowed them to essentially set up a dictatorship right here in America.  And they had wrote it in a way that no one could…either say anything…or pose them any opposition.   They in effect have had total and absolute free reign.

At that time the powers that be on Capitol Hill…blindly turned everything over to a bunch of crooks worst than Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, the George Bush Administration gang.  The Senate gave them everything but the kitchen sink without any restraints, oversights or means of appeal.  George and his people got to do whatever they wanted to…and they did.  That is exactly how he happened to order a preempted strike against Iraq…which unarguably has been one of the biggest financial mistakes in Presidential history…and World political suicides since Woodrow Wilson launched the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Bush and his crew put us into a war without end that has been draining this country of manpower, lives and absolutely huge unheard of amounts of money per day.

Since George Bush stole his way into the White House in 2000 this country has suffered one calamity after another.  Today America is in its worst financial condition since the Great Depression with both the Euro and the Chinese yen outperforming the American dollar.  Eight years of Bush Economics has virtually put this country in receivership to both China and Europe.

Since George Bush’s cooked the books on weapons of mass destruction throwing us into ‘yes’ a very un-necessary war inflation has ran wild in this country in ways we would and could have never imagined in the years prior to Bush taking over the country after Bill Clinton.

Who would have thought we would have ever seen nearly $5/gallon of gasoline at the pumps in this country?

When the gas went up…the food costs went up…clothes…medical expenses…everything went up.  And they are not going to come down…even if the cost of gas temporarily has .  The cost of gas as we once knew it is gone.  It will never be anywhere near where it used to be…$1.99 to $2.50/gallon ever again in this country…thanks to George Bush.

Everybody around the world, at the time….realized that when Bush had declared he was going to strike Iraq that the decision was for one primary reason…that decision was for the oil.  He sent troops in to plunder and destroy the infrastructure of that country…that could have never been about just a single man and his 2 sons.  The orders were too broad, too vast and far to destructive to have ever have been just about Saddam Hussein.

Halliburton was sent in….and a bunch of Halliburton sub-companies…all companies with special ties to Bush and his Administration were the only companies given contracts to enter Iraq to supposedly rebuild that country at a cost of billions of dollars to America’s taxpayers.  While Halliburton and others sent back to the U.S. Pentagon a bunch of bogus invoices and padded bills…filled with lies stealing from everyday people like you and me millions upon millions of dollars…for which they suffered no penalty and/or penalties for and are still on the Pentagon payroll.

Bush stole his way into the highest seat in this country…and immediately ate away the Bill Clinton surplus plunging America in a deficit his very first year in office.

Once he stole his way into the Oval Office, America came under attack for only the second time in her history…but this time it wasn’t some small distant South Pacific island that was hit.  A strategically planned and deployed attack on America took place on September 11, 2001… the likes this country or no country has ever seen.  It was a day I will never forget along with millions of other Americans and millions around the world.,0,855202.story,0,2436591.story


At the time I lived just on the other side of both the Brooklyn and the Manhattan Bridges, in downtown Brooklyn. 

I remember awaking to one ambulance and siren after another…non-stopping all day. 

I remember looking out my bedroom window and watching the Twin Towers engulfed by heavy black smoke that soon became white/grayish billows of smoke as they went down. 

I remember the congestion of that day of all the roadways being block, train service being suspended, people having to find their way out of darken train tunnels all over New York City.   No cabs or buses allowed through the police barricades posted all through the city in every borough…nobody could drive anywhere. 

I remember looking out the window and watching as people lined the streets passing out bottles of water to those laden with ashes from their heads down who were walking the streets in disbelief trying to find their way home from Wall Street. 

I remember sitting near the radio listening and waiting most of the day…and all of the night to the reports…the questions… and people searching for answers. 

I remember hearing that the Pentagon had just got hit…and then how a plane went down in Pennsylvania.  And everyone was trying to figure out how many more planes were out there…and wondering what would be the next target…and where? 

I remember getting dress and walking into the Brooklyn Mall area with droves of people rushing pass me…stopping to stare into the window of an electronic store to watch the TV monitors along with many others who gatheed around…just watching the towers getting hit time and time again.  And hear in disbelief “Just like in the movies.” 

I remember trying to find my way to one of the medical emergency centers set up all over New York for victims so that I could volunteer.

I remember going to the medical center they opened up in downtown Brooklyn near where I lived…and nearing the location seeing the staff standing outside their door turning droves of people away who had all come to volunteer just like me.   But they had no victims…there was no one to help.  Because they had either gotten out…or they were gone…as if they had never been.

I remember crying and wondering about friends who worked in those buildings…if they had survived? 

I remember my utter and complete feeling of lost and being lost during that whole day. 

I remember how everything had been turned upside down…and I was sitting in the midst of it less than a mile from Wall Street and the World Trade Center.

I remember the days that followed…how there was not a sound down in the subways. 

I remember how no one spoke…not one word…not even a whisper.  There was no laughter or mirth on the trains, or buses or anywhere in New York.  Every face was like stone…expressionless, empty, devastated and shocked beyond all words. 

New York was in shock for months…and New Yorkers rallied behind each other as never before during that day, and days to come.  Every fraction and group was dissolved…everything that had separated them was gone…they were all now only New Yorkers and they had been attacked.  And nothing was as unusual.  But nothing would ever been the same ever again…the towers were gone.

The towers lit your nights…gave you direction if you got lost.  They stood beautifully…long tall and straight as could be.  From Jersey to Far Rockaway…from Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan and the Bronx…the towers stood as beacon on a hill lighting the way home…and now she was gone.   And nothing would ever be the same.

Definitely hope you are registered…this upcoming Presidential Election is so important.
Well, enjoy your day.


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…pass it on…’ 

God bless…and thanks for reading  ©2008

1 comment September 29, 2008

Cullen Jones, Venus & Serena …Michelle O

It’s 4:00 and I’m just getting up.   Didn’t go to sleep until after I mopped the kitchen and bathroom early this morning and scrubbed down the tub.  Sometimes you just can’t sleep until you have done some things…and that was after 5 AM this morning.

I guess I should have turned on the television yesterday so I could have seen Cullen Jones shatter the World Record at the Olympics in China. He is classified as the fastest swimmer in the world…#1, baby. Ching-ching…I hear the cash registers now.

And they said we couldn’t swim.

Born in the Bronx…as in New York City…all the more reason why he should not be a swimmer…but maybe a ball handler.

So much for stereotyping.

New York is known as the concrete jungle…simply because there isn’t much green.  Few trees, grass, parks etc.   But plenty of playgrounds and basketball courts.  It is a wonder that more champion basketball players don’t come from it…which by the way is the home of LaBron James…Brooklyn in the house.

Raised in New Jersey…Irvington…which at one point was rated as the having the higest rate of auto thief in the U.S.    It’s part of the Newark, East Orange part of Jersey…and it can be very rough.

Did I say can?

It is very rough.

In fact it is so rough…that Whitney Houston made a point of reminding Wendy Williams that she was from Newark.

When I heard Whitney say that…I had to laugh…because I knew what it meant. It meant that Whitney was not afraid of storming up into that radio station and taking care of Wendy on-air or off of it. That is how those folk in Newark think…those Jersey people.   They are rough.

I never really listened to this Wendy and Whitney interview (all the way through) until after I posted this blog…and though I am not a cursing woman…and hate to hear such language…I can only say that one day Whitney will look back (as many of us have) and wished she could remove all of these things which are in the public domain…because she will regret them.  Maybe the not telling off of Wendy part…but she will regret the state that she was in at the time. 

I know a changed Whitney Houston is going to emerge one day…one who will proclaim that this was who she was…’but today I am a new creature through my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.’    And she shall walk in the steps that God has ordered for her.

Once I started looking up in youtube for the Whitney stuff and Wendy…I could not resist these other videos.

Let me take the time to say that I am praying for Whitney Houston who after a concert at Radio City (some years ago) where I had an opportunity to be at the after party…and everybody who is anybody was there…LaToya Jackson, Cicely Tyson…I can’t even think of half of the people who were there…just everybody…Stevie…every artists and New York City media person and politician etc.   All of them clamoring for a piece of Whitney.  She was the diva of the hour.  In demand at every turn.  My how they seemed to love her then.

I think back on that night and Whitney’s fall…and all the jokes that have come upon her since having fallen…and I think about how people truly are.  Everyone loves you when you’re up…but don’t fall. They’ll make jokes about you and call you outside of your name.  There is something about kicking people when they are down…that so many seem to love to do.  I suspect it all stems from some level of envy of the person while they were up…and of course, there is money in being mean…just ask Wendy.

It is sad…I pray that Whitney’s life will turn drastically around and that she will become a true witness and testimony about the goodness of God…because He is capable of doing all things.  I can say this because I know what He did for me.

How could I have been so deep into lesbianism…and yet He pulled me out…and turned me around?

I was far from seeking a change in my life…but God wasn’t.

I see it in her…Whitney…particularly in that youtube clip where she talks about her daughter…of one day sitting back and seeing her daughter as a woman of God.  That speaks volumes…for Whitney and the training that her mother instilled in her.

***She is on her way back!!!

Praise the Lord.  

I serve a God who can do all things…but fail.   I am happy to see that Whitney is getting her life back on track.  And hopefully at some point that she will begin to walk in the steps that God has ordered for her life. 

Though you can see the scars from the years of  the drug abuse…but she  looks great… and more and more like her aunt…Dionne.

The  prayers of  the righteous availeth much.

Now back to Cullen…that other person from New Jersey…the Jersey boy…or should I say young man who will be coming home an Olympic Champion…and had left for China as already being one.

I used to work at a radion station in Jersey, WNJR…and had to go through those mean streets many a days to get to and from work.  Newark…Irvington…Union and the Oranges are no joke…New York was a lot milder.

Ranked #1 in the world the 50 meters freestyle, Cullen already has a 7 year deal with Nike which is reportedly worth more than $2 million.  Not bad for a bright young man with some really fast swimming skills.

At 24 years of age…Cullen having broken 3 world records can look forward to many more endorsements…which will surely be for quite a lot more money since he will be returning home all wrapped in gold after last night’s race through that beautiful water of that Olympic pool in China…and the team gold he also managed to acquire.

An English Major with a Minor in Psychology from North Carolina State he is said to be very humble. And he is a champion who wants to give back to his community and that is oh so…so important.

Cullen is to be saluted…for his valour, his devotion, his God given skills, humility and generosity of spirit…a real champion.  His mother and father taught him well.


Serena and Venus have won 3.  On Tuesday they won in their singles matches and in their doubles game.  CLICK below to read more.

Shame on China for deciding that one little girl was not good looking enough…but that she had a great voice.  So, they elected to allow a more visually attractive little girl to lip-sync while the other little girl, 7 years old, with her crooked teeth and lack of stage presence was hid away from the public eye…as she sung their Olympic song.

What a sad story that is.  And that 7 year old will probably grow up to be such a beauty…and still have a fantastic voice…probably even better.  And she’ll have the last laugh then.

What a disgrace for China.

The Democratics are getting ready for the Democratic National Convention set to kick off on August 25th in Denver, CO.  During the first night of the convention Michelle Obama is set to be speaking.

I guess I will have to turn on the television…I do not want to miss a minute of the convention.  This is as much history in the making as when the founding fathers decided how this country was going to be run…and formed the policies for its operation…called the Constitution of the United States.

Xia xia…that’s is Chinese for thanks or thank you…for reading.   And pass it on…   to all your friends, family and foe.  Enjoy the rest of your day…and God bless… ©2008

Add a comment August 12, 2008

On the taboo subject…

I tried not to look but I couldn’t help myself I had to click to the story…about the supposed man giving birth to a child. 

Now, when I initially wrote on this story a few blogs ago…I knew that there had to be something wrong…because it was just out of sync.

And there was…the supposed man in the story…is really a woman living as a man who…I started to say had a sex change.  But she couldn’t have otherwise she wouldn’t have been able to have the baby or get impregnanted.

I am naive on many things…and I truly am.

But there are somethings which clearly just irritate me.

Why go through all of the trouble of trying to present yourself as a man…and then want to get pregnant?

What was she trying to make a mockery of?

Herself or God?

He can’t be made a mockery of.

And then to have this picture of her…well, supposely him and the baby together.  Well…

Was this just a media thang?

And now they…what? The gay couple exploit the child and their relationship? Selling their story to the tabloids and appearing on talk shows. Anything for a dime or a dollar.

I once knew someone…and I guess I still do…just that I haven’t seen them in a very long time.

When I first met this person I realized something was out of whack…but I could not put my hands on it. 

She lived in the same town as a friend of mines…and I say she because really that is what I met him as…and have only known him as.  Though I do realize to call him…her would be lying…though at the time of course I was not saved…nor trying to be.

Well, she lived in the same Jersey town as my friend…who was new to the area.  And I just thought it would be nice for them to meet and then my friend would have somebody to hang with over in Jersey.

It was my friend who informed of what I just couldn’t put my finger on.

She said to me one night…while we were all out at dinner or something I think…she said after the person had gotten up from the table-

“I know you kept saying that there was something strange…or something about her.  So, I have decided to tell you.  And don’t look over there at her when I tell you this.”

I said, “Okay.  So, what is it?”

And she said…she ain’t a she.

I know I said I wouldn’t look over in her direction…but my head spun around so quickly.  It was an automatic response.  I could not believe it.   I knew I had felt something was out of whack…but I never would have guessed it was that.

My friend immediately admonished me saying-

“I told you don’t look.  Don’t look.”

But I could not help but look.  In fact I was staring.  I had never experienced anything like that before.  It was adverse to me.

I thought that she was a woman and nothing could have prepared me for anything otherwise.

I told you I had been terribly naive…and to some degree still am.

That was at a time when I was heavily involved in gay life…hanging out…partying in clubs with women…and a member of Salsa Soul Sisters, Inc, in New York City.  My life is by no means like that now but there was a time…almost 25 years of my life when that is what I did.  Before that I was not sexually involved at all.

So, I had gone through grade school and college without any type of involvement.  Never dated boys in my life.

I was just different from most people and lived a highly sheltered life under the wings of my parents.

It was in Salsa Soul Sisters that I met this person whom I had introduced to my friend who had just moved to New Jersey from St. Louis.  Salsa was a lesbian organization…and I guess that is why I never would have guessed that this person had been anything other than a woman.

But this is the way it went…she was a guy who wanted to be a woman and then a lesbian.

When the Salsa Soul Sisters found out about this…every founding mother and everybody else stormed into Salsa one night…the record had to be set straight (no pun intented)…and they called an emergency meeting.  Where it was voted on that no biological male could ever become a board member of Salsa.  Because that was really the issue…not only did she want to become a woman and be a lesbian…but she also was nominated to run for a position on the board of directors of Salsa…and that of course was a no-no for any male…real or operated on…which at the time she was not.  And the Salsa Soul Sisters were not having it…not at all. 

You would have loved to have heard those women that night…it got pretty heated…and they were not playing.

In the end I felt sorry for him…because he was nice and had proven to be a good worker.  But my Salsa Soul Sisters were right…and I had to agree with them. 

Salsa was a black lesbian organization…the oldest in the world.  And through their years some very well known women, writers, artist of every type…and professional women and otherwise…etc… have walked through their doors…including Audrey Lorde, June Jordan and many many many others…all Salsa Soul Sisters.  Some very well known and widely read, and seen in media and all facets of the arts, performing and otherwise, as well as educators etc…all Salsa Soul Sisters.  Exceedingly, talented women.

It was hard for me to grasp why she…he would want to dress up as an woman and engage in sexual activity with women as a lesbian.  She was after all a man…by living his life as man…he would not have had any of the confusion that just knowing the story caused me and many of the other Salsa Soul Sisters.

And as much as they tried…tried to not say…many of those same women dated her…before and after that meeting.

There is much confusion in the world…and I am so glad to not have that type of confusion any longer.

I am so glad that God has reclaimed my life…and set me free from the bondage that once held me.

Perhaps as strange as I thought she was…she was not more strange than I was.   One thing is for certain we were both lost.  I don’t know about her or him today…but I have been set free.   And I walk in liberty.

But there is one thing though…I will leave a pocketbook like most people forget an umbrella…because I am not used to carrying one.   So, most of the time I don’t even bother with them…unless it is something like a bookbag…because I will walk off and 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverleave it.   Smile…and even that too may become a thing of the past.

It is so good to be free.  I cannot thank the Lord enough…for saving me.

Have a good day…    and God bless….

Oh, yeah…another Chinese word.  wu bu dong ….  means I don’t understand… wu is Chinese for ‘I’.

It is pronounced …..woo boo dung.       So, it can be said either way… wu View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBybu dong   or    bu dong  …meanding I don’t understand.

It has been raining most of the day and yesterday…but just as I was about to finish telling this story the ceiling started leaking.  I look at it as a sign that the devil just doesn’t want me to tell this story.  But I will tell it everywhere I go if need be…if it can encourage somebody or help someone else to find peace and deliverance in their life.  I’m going to tell it.

I am oh so thankful….for the chance to share it with you.

It is funny…but the moment I wrote that last paragraph the ceiling stopped leaking.  It is the power of God…to speak what he puts upon your heart to speak.  I know that this blog is going to touch someone in a special kind of way…and I am so happy to be able to speak life and truth into your life.  Be bless… ©2008

Add a comment July 24, 2008






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