Posts tagged ‘Hypocrisy ‘


I just happened to be on youtube when I saw this video and decided to click on it to see what Juanita was preaching about… only to be a bit surprised by her new look… and since the video was just uploaded a few days ago it is very much a ‘new look’ for her.   A bit too much 76162-4022909023plastic surgery for sure… and the make-up does not help.  It only makes her look worst …and again like she is in some kind of spiritual trouble.

bynum2-jpgc200I suspect after somewhat watching her transition into this ‘new Juanita’… the 1 before this… it is not hard to see that she has had this thing about how she looked. juanita-banner It appeared to be some kind of self-hate… or maybe that is too extreme.  Let me say a  dislike for her natural facial features.

Yes, that sounds better.

Looking at the photographs displayed at the beginning of her video… her program intro as this seems to be a new undertaking for Juanita…with unknown-1 her in a cap and jeans… Juanita seems be trying to recapture her youth… or some kind of teen to 21 hip look or something.yolanda-adams

In listening to her video below it appears to me she is trying to join the ranks of dorindaloltYolanda Adams… Donnie McClurkin, Kirk Franklin, Dorinda Clark and that marymary sister, Erica Campbell… on the radio air-waves with a syndicated national radio broadcast.

1275283948_a20f0250e9But being Juanita… she appears to not only be happy being on the radio air-waves… but also wants to have video live-streaming juanita_bynum_071712_400jrwwhile she broadcasts her radio show.   And this show… or broadcast… or this video take of it was evidently recorded with a very bad camera with terrible audio… and doesn’t appear to really be a live radio show but a pretense of doing it live in her home.  Nor does it appears to be anything like the Juanita Bynum I have come to know via my observation of her.  She has always been on top of her sound.

If nobody else on the podium sounds good… you can beat she is going to sound greatjuanita-bynum-1 because she leaves nothing to chance when its come the quality of her sound… which is, of course, her money maker.   But no so in these videos.

_mg_6351Now, many thousands of people no longer go into a read radio radio to broadcast their radio shows because technology today has made it so easy to do it that way… if you have
good quality professional or semi-professional equipment… and have someone close to being a professional set it up for you.  You can broadcast from anywhere in the download-11world… even in your bathroom or a cave…  and nobody will know whether it was in or out of a professional broadcasting studio.

But clearly, we can tell that this video tape was done with professional equipment …or some high level recording equipment… camera with a good mic or a mic tied in.

wpid-20141001_19095411But it is not the technical problems with Juanita’s video … but the evident continued plastic surgery which it appears she is continuing to engage in… and her new hair that she is so busy flinging all over the place… and her body language …and total look of glee that makes you wonder… is she back on drugs?

juanita-bynumHow could Juanita possible be so happy with her new look… in looking so overjoyed while recording this video.  In which in my opinion she looks far less than her normal self.

Just with all the batting of her eyes so continuously.  And all her what appears continuous movements… and such personal internal glee within herself … you can’t help but wonder is Juanita herself under the spell of drug addiction which she preaches about in the first video. juanita-bynum-mugshotillegal-drugs-650x01

After Pastor Zackary Timms being found in a New York hotel dead from a drug overdose… we should all be on the lookout for who else may be in trouble.  We are so busy just listening to these folks and fail to recognize that some of our pastors, evangelists etc. are in trouble.

zachery-tims-microphone-smile-facebookaf32ac49ec91d4ac8e3a87b317fd9c43There were definite signs that Pastor Timms was in trouble.  I can clearly say that.   I will never forget seeing him 1 day leap up on his podium like he was Batman or Superman.  And I recalled thinking where was the reverence to God’s altar in what he had done?

juanita-bynum-fall-life-coaching-retreatListen how fast Juanita is talking in her video… all that hyper energy that is clearly displayed.
I once was having a conversation with someone who was talking to me about possible employment.  While speaking with this person someone else was standing nearby observing this conversation.  When we had finished talking and the person had left… the unknownperson who had been observing said to me, ‘Did you see how she was moving?   How she never stopped moving?   And how she was talking?’

I said, ‘No.’

juanita-bynum-1040kc021811I know nothing about addiction.   Or people under addiction.  But the women who had been standing watching that conversation knew plenty about it.  And she began to educate me.


She started saying, ‘Didn’t you notice that she used to be a junkie?  How she rushed through their words while speaking, how her eyes move?  How she could not stand still or sit still

No, I had not noticed… nor did I know how to pick up on those type of things.  I knew nothing about how people show signs of things of addition or past addiction… actions that are not natural for folk normally.  That is exactly what I hear and see in this video of Juanita.  9ebbc5185e1dd1c3a5405ebad4f6ceab

Juanita is not acting 5730b607d72b6c72c77f8c12ede0e9d3as she normally acts. Her actions and language are out of sync with the Juanita we see displayed in most of her videos… while delivering the word or trying to share thoughts on tv or in her other videos.

No, this is an irrational fidgety Juanita… with eyes that keep rolling and batting uncontrollably… racing through what she is speaking about.  Look at her eyes.  Listen to what she is saying.76162-4022909023

Clearly, Juanita is either drunk or high… or maybe both.    All that flinging of hair… particular articulation of certain words… treats of hitting somebody… fast un-expectedhqdefault  jerky erratic movements… and just a pattern of cb6ba2d08c981419622641eebd2399ddirrational behavior for Juanita … it all clearly says Juanita is very much out of character.  And her in the photo shots in her show intro at the beginning and end of her video …of her in pants and
cap looking very much like Beyonce speaks volumes also.

I am not certain that Juanita has not taken money to promote the music of the artists that me-resizedshe is featuring in her video shows.  But she gives each song’s date when it will be able for purchase, so that might be a hint.

Okay, I’m waiting on a very important telephone call now.  So, I must stop here.  And I am suppose to be editing… so much for that.   But I must go but you enjoy the rest of the week, and have a good weekend.   At some point I hope to find time to talk about Donald Trump… what a mess this whole political cycle has become… 1 big joke if it weren’t so serious.

Well, God bless… and thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©201


UPDATE:  September 27, 2016… Truly speaking Juanita Bynum is getting weirder and weirder with each and every 1 of these videos she does.  Note bwrkkcdcaaa1kdxhow she grabs hold of her nose as she just finished taking a snort of cocaine or something.

ed6f930fdd158ed3fe71669e5f324025This is a woman who is usually so up on the quality of everything she puts out.  But all these latest videos released by her doing this ‘new thing’ lack her usual attention to detail … particularly when it comes to the audio of these videos.

In the video I just posted below she has a leg up with her legs wide open.  I know …. I’m old school.  But isn’t she representing the Kingdom… is there not proper protocol regarding women and how we sit when in public?  And I really do not understand the new look with regard to her hair.unknown

It really does appear to me that maybe Juanita may be on her way to a crash.  She seems to be slipping… and long ago lost focus.



Add a comment September 15, 2016

Le’Andria Johnson and the Church… Preachers of Atlanta

To tell you the truth I really don’t know much about her but…Unknown-5

Well, I had heard she won Sunday Best and I have seen a few videos on youtube of her, but other than that I have really had not  had much to say about her.  But then this new show came along this fall on 1 of the networks, Preachers of Atlanta.

After watching a couple of episodes of  it and then listening to some reviews of the show on images-2youtube… and watching Le’Andria let down her hair.  And I do mean…’let down her hair,’  with a for real ‘I just do not care what you think attitude.’

All I can say is, “Uh-uh…”

While I was no big fan of the original, Preachers of UnknownL.A. with all their ‘bing-bing,’ and money being their god.  With Detrick Haddon trying to pretend he so Saved and holy, to  Bishop Noel Jones and his supposed 16 year old relationship with some woman, whom he may or may not have been going to bed with,
noel_loretta_buffooneryalong with that young girl, or much younger women whom he supposedly made pregnant.bishop-noel-jones

But this Preachers of Atlanta is a subtle destruction of the church.  These pastors, on the Atlanta version, seem to be a little bit more palatable…with their pretense of ‘We love god…but are a new generation.’   Don’t be fooled.  They are even worst… but playing on the down-low like they are not.   But that it is all for God.

Yeah, right.

Who ever the producers are of these shows….they are bent on destroying the church by showing proof of everything sinners already believe to be true of the church.   Their goal it appears is to not only make a mockery of the church,  but in particular ‘the black church’… by tearing it apart bit by bit and stone by stone.  And Le’Andria Johnson is their best candidate yet.  Well, maybe not their best… because those preachers out of LA… did a job on the black church too… sad to say.hqdefault

imagesBut this woman, La’Andria, is crazy and not shame about it… or to be crazy.   She has a perfectly good excuse for why she decides to do… and does everything she do and does.

She drinks…. and can often be seen with a cup in her hand.  She swears like a sailor when she gets a notion, as in her ‘periscope’ upload, where she removed the make-uP…and was talking about being evicted from herimages house.    She has a very ungodly no-holds-barred attitude about everything… and a highly filthy mouth.

There is no possible way I could or can believe that Le’Andria is really Saved.

periscopeI also think she needs to be a lot more thankful to God for the wonderful gift He so graciously endowed her with.  And then He opened the door for that gift to shine… which she so willingly is making a fool and mockery of.

All of these singers today it the charts and the next thing 81d97b_2e2f05508b2675ad42e249b5b88ddd0d.jpg_srz_963_385_85_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzyou know they are walking around and Unknown-7calling themselves ‘pastors’…. and in the case of Kim Burrell ‘bishop.’   Personally, I don’t understand it.  But when I thought about it Andrae Crouch did it and I images-1.jpegguess a few others.

But I just thought I would do this really quick… and I did.  Because this thing with Le’Andria Johnson and Preachers of Atlanta has been on my mind.

It really disturbs me to see the church… and particular the blackme-resizedchurch being pulled apart in such a way as I am seeing in these shows.  These programs are really undermining the fabric of the church and give an illusion that all black churches and/or churches are 2ab-the-bishop-wifecovercorrupt and/or filled with leadership which should not be in leadership… fake people pretending to know Bible and to be doing the will of God when they are really just agents of the devil seeking to destroy the church.

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016


Add a comment March 3, 2016


bill-cosby-768I really don’t know where to begin with this commentary of the sorrowful facts of this story.  Though I must say that from the beginning I did not at 1 point think of those who said what they did about what had happened to them was not or might not have been true.  My thoughts on this subject from the on-set when the women last year started coming forward to say that they had been drugged and raped by Bill Cosby… was simply this… there were just too manybill-cosby-accusers-620x259-620x259 of them saying the same exact thing for it to have not been true.

If you remember it was like everyday you woke up another woman was saying she too had been drugged and raped by Bill Cosby… and it just did not stop… woman after woman.

They say to date about 47 women, since this unbelievable story started to unfold last year, have come forward to claim that Bill Cosby sexually took criminal advantage of them by drugging and then having sexual intercourse with them.BC1

bill-cosby-2-768Throughout all those claims of rape Bill Cosby steadily maintained that all those women had been lying.  However, most recently it has come to light that in 2005 a woman sued Bill Cosby for theAA9jZlE exact same thing these women, who most recently have come forward to claim against Bill Cosby… and in that case which was settled …Bill Cosby in a written deposition did acknowledge that he had indeed purchased drugs for the purpose of giving them to women in order to have sex with them.

Thus, Bill Cosby’s own statement which had been sealed by that court in 2005 validates the new found claims of all these 150210-news-bill-cosbywomen who most recently since last year have all spoken up and out against Bill Cosby, and this all appears to have been a very deep and highly dark secret past of deviant sexual behavior… serial rape on the part of Bill Cosby.

cosbyshow-300x225Over the social networks the disputes were strong and wide with regard to those who defended the good name and reputation of their ‘favorite tv dad’ verses those who felt strong that the 47 or so women who began to come out against Bill Cosby last year were indeed telling the truth.

There were those who said flatly that it could not be true.Bill-Cosby-Rape-Allegations-Janice-Dickison

Then those who claimed that all those women were after was Bill Cosby’s money with all their lies.

Then compossssssss23455-1-2048x1152-20141122-032012-544those who felt that if it were true why had those women waited so long… until now to come out to say anything8560068_f496 about it.  So, therefore, it was not true.

_47532933_-46Then there were those who said they …those women… never should have come out… and should have just let laying dogs lay, and not ruin Bill Cosby’s legacy.

I for 1 felt that it had to be true because I could see no viable cause for why so many women would all join in and say the same thing if it were a lie… and many women who had become successful in their bill_cosby_620x480_cemrfcosby-ejo-111514_b0d416ee4949aec9a3e30542d2933008own right in various industries and career paths.  It just didn’t make sense to me that they could ALL being telling a lie against Bill.

And now… today we know for sure that they all were not lying at all.  Bill Cosby had lived and had lead a very deceitful secret dark life under the cover of a fatherly and very philanthropic exterior image, which he so readily displayed to the whole world.  While in his deep dark closet he had hoards of women whom he had sexually abused by drugging them then raping them.

1969:  Promotional studio portrait of American actor and comedian Bill Cosby adjusting his bow tie, from his television series, 'The Bill Cosby Show'.  (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)Clearly, it is not the type of end or legacy which 1 would have thought to come and overtake Bill Cosby’s squeaky clean and example of a decent respectable man, who for years was 16-bill_-daughterthought of by millions as an ideal example of fatherhood.  Bill Cosby clearly was a modern day version of a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  And 1 really has to wonder as to what drove Bill to continue drugging and raping so many women throughout what appears many years… and possibly some even bill-cosbyback in his days as a young man growing up in Philly.  Because I would believe that this kind of prolong abusive sexual behavior may not have just got started when Bill got into show business.

In this photo taken Nov. 6, 2014, entertainer Bill Cosby pauses during an interview about the upcoming exhibit, Conversations: African and African-American Artworks in Dialogue, at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art in Washington. The Smithsonian Institution is mounting a major showcase of African-American art and African art together in a new exhibit featuring the extensive art collection of Bill and Camille Cosby. More than 60 rarely seen African-American artworks from the Cosby collection will join 100 pieces of African art at the National Museum of African Art. The exhibit “Conversations: African and African American Artworks in Dialogue,” opens Sunday and will be on view through early 2016. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)Most of us would agree that today Bill Cosby is looking pretty bad.  Many days he has even appears to look just plain out of it.   Perhaps his conscious has caught up with him.

It isBill-Cosby-Rape-Allegations-Janice-Dickison amazing to me how such a man could have lived with himself after having perpetrated so many rape attacks 1 after another …and another and another and another.   A man who has at least 2 daughters and a wife himself to have such disregard and disrespect for a woman to rob her of something most valuable to her… by b613732e6b34f6e9bf292eaa09957633inducing drugs into her body and taking sexual advantage of her… is beyond my level of comprehension as to how he could have done such a thing at any time to any 1 and live with himself… and pretend to be so perfect a human being.  And then to set himself up as some type of moral purist for black consciousness… is aboundingly1402097993000-Bill-Cosby unthinkable… knowing what he knew concerning the women he took advantage of …as he knew that what he had so criminally perpetrated against so many women… and possible some under age young girls was so hypocritical and just plain not right.

The level of betrayal and deceit… and moral lack of consciousness is so very baffling to 1_123125_123054_2240596_2240597_100129_pol_edwardstn.jpg.CROP.original-originalme… and that it should be BILL COSBY who was the person who fooled and betrayed us all.   It is just unbelievable… and as unbelievable to me as when I heard about John Edwards… another johnedwardsman who portrayed himself as being squeaky clean and incapable of doing any wrong.  And wrong he did… not only as an adulterer but a liar to all of America, as well as, to his family and his wife who was dying of cancer.

58573John Edwards knowing he had just had a child out of edwards-580x350_102912awedlock secretly with a woman, who in my opinion couldn’t stand up to a brown paper bag.  She looked like…     Well, I hate to say it.   But she looked like trash …and trash she was.    And she roped him in …had his baby and then she hit the tabloids.

120514_john_edwards2_ap_605The man sacrificed it all for what?

Then the pain that it caused his wife… who was already suffering from her battle with cancer.

That man played us.  And I mean he played us…ScreenShot20141121at6.31.16AM

Well, he played me.  I had thought very highly of ole John Edwards until I heard him talk on those video tapes that that women had shot of him… when he started running around with her.  In those video tapes his language and everything behind the scenes was so different from what John had put forth to the public eye.  And this is exactly the same thing what we can say about Bill Cosby.

There were people almost ready to fight over Bill Cosby with the people who said that Bill must cosbyhave done what those women claimed that he had done to them.  Bill’s die hard believers were ready to go to blows… some made videos stating d453c5640bc4f18f2c4a96f3c0bbfac9their opinions and calling people names and insult for coming out against Bill Cosby.  And those people called those folk out if they had said anything that may have tarnished Bill’s reputation.rs_634x1024-140429120503-634.Bill-Cosby-jmd-042914_copy

Now, it appears that nobody really had to say anything to tarnish the reputation of Bill Cosby… because Bill Cosby had so adequately done that for himself… when he made the decision to first start drugging women and then rape them.

The likelihood of any of Bill’s victims being compensated financially for what he did to them appears to be most unlikely.  But public opinion many times can be far 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverworst than any money coming out of the pocket to a man like Bill Cosby… whom I think rather loved being held in the high regard that many people used to see him in.

me resized...

But that is gone now… and in many ways that being taken from him is a far worst price.

Well, God bless…. Well, it is 1 day from Friday and I hope all is well with you.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2015

Add a comment July 9, 2015


black-woman-thinking-2I just had to do it.  I thought about it most of the night last night… and decided to not write anything on this subject until sometime later.  But here I am… and here I go.

I know all you reality freaks probably can’t wait until PREACHERS OF LA. hit your TV screens this fall.  I can’t imagine the mess that that show will be.

It is a risky venture for any preacher to want to take.  If they had offered me1002392_1402766343269170_1869681019_n-620x415 the money I would have said, ‘No.’

It might just be a congregation breaker.  And if they really let themselves go and show us themselves for real… many of you may not really like what they uncover.

Pastors disagree over new Oxygen reality show ‘Preachers of LA’

So, just who are these 6 bold preachers who decided that they would take the challenge and allow TV cameras to follow them both in and outside of their churches… and exploit their personal lives?

GibsonPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWIn watching the trailer to the show you get the picture that it is really going to be about just 3 of the preachers… Bishop Noel Jones… Bishop Clarence McClendon… and Deitrick Haddon.  But the other 3 are Bishop Ron Gibson… Pastor Wayne Chaney… and Pastor Jay Haizlip… the lesser known pastors.

I must say that I had not really thought much about it since I watch little to almost no television.  So, therefore I wasn’t hit with a ton of commercials hyping this show to death in order to set me on the edge of my seat waiting to see it.  HaizlipPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEW

However, it was not until yesterday while looking up some YouTube videos for my blog which I posted yesterday, JESSE JUNIOR… BISHOP PAUL MORTON RETIRING…and ANTHONY WEINER A REAL JERK… that I happened to come across a video about Noel Jones and Lisa Raye being a couple.


Now, that really shocked me.  In fact, it threw for a loop so to speak… because 1 would hardly consider Lisa ChaneyPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWRaye to be…     Well, to be preacher-man material.

Well, maybe I should say it like this… Not the stuff that First Ladies are made of.  Well, let me take it a step further… and say it this way.  Not the stuff that Church First Ladies are made of.

But then again… anybody can change.  McClendonPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEW

Haven’t we all?

But I must say that that I thought she made a very good First Lady of that little island that she happened to marry into…  Turks and Caicos.  And she did hold up very well under the pressure of that crazy king or DeitrickPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWwhatever his title was over that island… whom she married.

Lets face it… Lisa is a very pretty girl.   Well, I guess I should say… woman now.  But preacher material?

Well, I don’t really know about that.  But 1 thing I am sure of… what NoelPrayerCard_CHURCH_NEWLisa wants…  Lisa gets.  And she will be whomever or whenever she needs to be to get it done.

Another thing… can I just say this?

No pastor or preacher should be dating anyone… whom he is not possibly looking at as a candidate for marriage.  And no so-called man… especially a so-called Bishop or any pastor or any other supposed man of God, who is single… should be out impregnating women and not marrying them.

My Bible says a Bishop should be blameless.  So, exactly where does that put Bishop Noel Jones?

Now, having said all of that let me get to what I was saying about the Bishop.  For years Noel Jones portrayed himself as being this celibate preacher, following the divorce between him and his wife many many many many many years ago.  You get that picture?

Born January 31, 1950, Noel Jones, a Jamaican,  is the twin 0brother of R&B/Rocker singer Grace Jones of the 70’s.   I can hear her sing ‘Pull Up To The Bumper, Baby’ now… think it might have been her biggest hit.

Anyhow, Bishop Noel Jones is the Pastor of a large mega-church, City of Refuge Church… and highly sought after as a preacher besides deciding to be featured as 1 of the 6 pastors to parade his life and affairs before TV audiences, on the up-coming reality TV show PREACHERS OF LA.

The last time I watched a television broadcast of Bishop Jones he was preaching on a subject that involved him relaying to his Stacy-Francis-baby-daddy-bishopcongregation his struggles to maintain himself sexually… and I think… winning.  Being a very dynamic speaker and a man well versed with words, with a large vocabulary…  his take on winning that battle and overcoming that demon even had me glued into that message.

But then I found out that Bishop Jones, if you did not read… or had not heard yet… had been less than forthcoming about his victory over his sexual urges.  In researching information for this blog… which is 3a9ceec2825739d4dbd6ab5cd5c5b885 something that I sometimes do… not often… but at times.  When I want to lets say  hit upon a topic that I am going to write about, but I am not sure about what little info I have.  So, I do a little digging just to make sure of what I have heard or saw or read… and to see what else I can find to make my blog a bit more interesting.   And I also like bringing some facts into my blogs… beside just my opinions which I am always full of.

So, while digging… I found out that the Bishop had impregnated a young woman, named Stacy Francis about a couple of years ago.  Hmmmm….

Now, I’m smh… (smh means shaking my head for those of you who don’t know).  Never would I have bishop-noel-jonesthought that because…  Well…  Well, because I thought the man honestly was gay.  Which kind of goes back to what my friend, Sue… always says about me.  She says… I think that everybody is gay.  Though I say that is not true.  Not EVERYBODY… just some people.

16a-grace_jonesIf you read my blog on Raven Symone supposedly being gay… then you would know that my friend, Sue’s, statement is far from being true.  Because I certainly definitely don’t truly believe that Raven Symone is gay… no matter what she says.  I think she is just going through a phase.  It might even be just a Hollywood thang… because it seems to me that everybody almost in Hollywood these days has either a girlfriend or a boyfriend.  As being gay in Hollywood seems to make for great news.

But lets get back to Noel Jones.  After years of watching him during his morning church broadcasts… I think on BET… I had long thought that he was gay for all the obvious reasons.  But 1 reason in particular… he just plain looks like it.  Well, to me.

I know somebody just passed out… while somebody else just got mad because I’m talking about their pastor.  Yes, I probably lost about half of my readers right there in having said that.  But it is true.  He just looks like a gay male to me… and if anybody has seen a lot of them I have.  Because as you know I was once in ‘the life’ myself.  And you kind of get to know them when you see them.

Thank God for redemption… truly.

lisarayeAnd since I am talking about it right now… let me just add.  For anybody who has come out of it… and I am talking about being gay…or homosexual… or lesbian… or whatever… they no longer look like it.  The things… the look… the characteristics… how they talk… mannerisms… nuances etc… dress… style etc… all also change.  This is really how you know that they truly are ‘new creatures’ in the Lord.

Not to say that the Bishop is gay… but he always struck me as being so.

Also, having been in ‘the life‘ I know the games and tricks people play… usually men… to try and hide their true sexuality.  They court women that they have no physical interest in… some even get me resized...married… have children etc… all as a way of hiding who they really are.

So, Bishop Noel Jones messing with Lisa Raye… or having a child out of wedlock… it all just might be a sham.  And probably will make for good TV for those of you who love drama… especially baby-mama/baby-daddy drama.

Forget me saying that Lisa was not Church First Lady material.  But just how much of Bishop material is Noel Jones to having at least 1 child out of wedlock.  And is carrying on 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversexually or otherwise with young women who could be this 60 year old man’s daughters?

My thoughts, however, are still out on the broadcast of the Preachers of LA.  But I have 1 question…

Are we selling out the Church… to shine on TV and make an extra buck… and gain earthly fame?

deitrick-daughterAre they pimping the Church?

How much soul winning or counseling in the Church can a pastor do who is busy courting Hollywood… and all that it brings to them?ron-gibson

And somebody tell me please…  When did Deitrick Haddon move to L.A.? kind of preachers are these that this show is showcasing… with their Bentley’s … Ferrari’s… bling-bling and outside children… and whatever else?

When you look at the clothes that this pastor let his wife wear out of the house…  you really have to wonder about the fate of the Church… and where it is headed?

Excuse me… but I just can’t get over the dress that that man… that PASTOR’S WIFE is wearing… exposing her breast like that.  Did I say that I thought Lisa Raye might not be Church First Lady material?????

My, Lord… smh… again…

This thing is scary…

And can I add this?

I really wonder when was the last time Ron Gibson really out of his car to approach some brothers in the hood to share the Word of God maxresdefaultwith them… when the cameras weren’t rolling?

When it has all been said and done I wouldn’t be surprise if half of them leave the show… and go up under IRS investigations for misusage of Church funds.

Whatever happened to ‘having all things in common?’

Or feeding the motherless and the fatherless… instead of driving around in exotic cars and living lavishly grand life’s while their congregations languish?

Well, God bless… well, it is Friday.  I hope you have a blessed and enjoyable weekend.  I am going to go and work around the yard tomorrow I think.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

26 comments August 16, 2013

27 months for Rev. Shine…

Just a quick note before I am shoved out of here.

How do you go around buying up lavished items in other folks names… and want to say that you did nothing wrong?

Obviously, you recognized that you were doing something shady otherwise you woul2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverd have never approached any of  your church members to do it.

There would have been no need… because you would have just gone out and bought what you wanted …and pView Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledByut your own name on it.

Shady is not the word… perhaps under-handed might be better… a deliberate ploy to out scheme someone… is all it could have been.  The law called it fraud… and Dr. Shine has 2 years and some months to think about it.

I guess the only person he ended up fooling was really only himself.

Well, God bless… and enjoy your weekend.   I need some rest and I think that I am going to take it this weekend… in between getting up to eat and using the bathroom.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2012

Add a comment August 3, 2012

And the saga continues…Jesse… Jesse…Jesse…

Travelling to Spain…obviously in an attempt to get away from the fury that his comments about Obama has spurned, Jesse Jackson is one rapidly fading star.  He is on a fast track to self-destruct

An inflated ego and a self-indulgence in ones own self-importance can do it to you everytime…and of course the obvious… 

Refusing to accept when it was your time…and when your time is over.

His demise began when word of his extra-martial affair and child out of wedlock surfaced…about the same time people found out about Monica on her knees in the Oval Office…and she wasn’t scrubbing the floors or washing down walls…but she was definitely the “clean-up woman.”

At that time Bill Clinton and Jesse seemed to be tight…meaning good friends…for anyone who can’t get to the lingo.

Jesse a Civil Rights leader, a grown man with a son in the U.S. Senate…with an infant child by a young woman many years his junior…an adulter…Rev Jesse Jackson?   

Finding that out…it was like the lights all going off on Broadway.

He had fallen…and like the commercial…’couldn’t get up.’

His life nor his reputation has ever been the same.  To have been held in such high regard only to find out Jesse Jackson was just like Joe Green down the street…tippin’….or maybe worst. 

And now here he is again.

Could it get any worst, Jesse?

Yes, it can.

The actual quote was this-

“…talking down to niggers.”

Who was Jesse talking about?

Surely, not those people for whom he has proclaimed himself to be champion of for all these years.

Not his own beloved people.

Jesse wouldn’t be talking about black folks like that.

Would he?

I don’t think Spain is far enough, Jesse.

You need to try and find where the ends of the earth are…and go there…and stay.

There is this saying in the Bible…about what is done in the dark will come to light.

Jesse came in on the tails of Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.

I had heard all the rumors about all the in-fighting after Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. was killed. Jesse felt that he should have been the one chosen to head the SCLC, the Southern Christain Leadership Conference. So, there was this big fall out between Jesse, the SCLC and the King family. Thus, Operation Push was born in Chicago.

While in Chicago, I often heard folks talking about backroom deals and how Jesse would go in through the back door. Never thought much about it…you know…everybody has their own ideas and oftentimes much of it is just talk…or jealousy…you know how folks can be.

But now I am not sure.

Jesse had seemed to be in Obama’s corner, an avid supporter…but how could that be knowing what Jesse had to say about Obama?

But to have made the type of remarks that Jesse made and to have made them in the callous way in which Jesse voiced and enacted them…speaks toward whole other feelings towards Barack Obama…and now also in regards to his true sentiments regarding black people…the very people for whom he would seemingly become riled up over and ride out of town on a rail anyone who dared to refer to us in such a manner.

Imagine Jesse Jackson having gotten word that a high level personality said something about gutting and removing Obama’s privates…and then called black folks the “N” word too.

How would have Jesse responded to that?

Oh, he would have been on every network, every news show…and maybe broken into the usually programming to make a special report…and an announcement.

But it wasn’t some white news anchor or news commentator…it was Rev Jesse Jackson who was caught whispering those things.  A black man…and known Civil Rights leader talking about castrating another black man…and belittling his own people at the same time while trying to sound outraged over statements made by Obama????

Now, what should Al Sharpton do about this?

And what should we demand?

And…and who could we demand it of?

Once highly respected and reverenced, Rev Jesse Jackson is a waining star who is falling further and further away from glory and the esteem he was once regarded in.

Self-destruction seems to be something which many of these people who were once looked upon with such fervor and love…as once we even looked upon poor Bill Clinton and Hillary too.   None of them can seem to shake it…i.e. Michael Jackson, Jesse Jackson…and who can you think of?

Sooner or later they fall prey to being human…mis-steps…and hic-ups.   And after a while they appear plagued with more faults than you or I.

God bless…

I just came across this…and I just could not close without sharing it with you…

Hold all comments.  And definitely hold unto your seats.

This blogging thang is so much fun….haaa….haa…. 🙂    Man…unbelievable… ©2008

Add a comment July 18, 2008






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