Posts tagged ‘abstinence ‘

Corrective rape??? Infant rape???

There is something seriously wrong in South Africa.

I have read some sad and very sick things in the past couple of weeks… but this thing has to make one wonder about what kind of times we are currently living in.

How can you correct something while committing something worst?

What is going on with the thinking in South Africa?

And perhaps other places as well.  From the raping of  infants by grown men claiming because they are trying to avoid AIDS????????????     To raping lesbian women in order to correct their sexuality?????

What kind of  thinking  is  that?

The crimes being  perpetrated are far greater  than any fear of AIDS…  or any  woman’s  involvement in lesbianism.

How can anyone be so overcome with fear that they would destroy the life of an infant?

If  I were that fearful of  AIDS…I would cease to have sex.  I would abstine from it…rather than think to destroy innocent babies.   But this kind of  thinking is a perversion…that stems not from fear of  AIDS…but of  desire to have  sex with babies.   The lie of  the  so-called fear…gives those men some kind of  license to perpetrate that evil thing that has seeped  into their very pours yeilding forth their evil perverted mind’s  endowing them with a fetish to go out and commit  such a horrible crime against innocence.  And like mad dogs…or animals…once they have tasted it…seek it out all the more.

STop lying…it is not about protecting themselves against AIDS…but it is a deceitful  and lustful mind that seeks babies to satisfy an evil supplanted need…not for being with a woman but with babies.   Otherwise, there could never be any kind of satisfaction in that.

And corrective rape???

There is no such thing.

Crimminal acts are crimminal acts.  And they should not be allowed nor  tollerated by any country …or  any group of people.

Having grown up reading  and  hearing about gay men who had been killed simply because….they were…gay.   Having heard the stories from some of the last surviors of  the Stone Wall bar…that marked the beginning of  gay men…black gay men…deciding not to take it any more and began to fight the New York City police back after years of  being raided and put into jail…simply because they were…    Having participated in Gay Pride…walked in the parades…sat on conference panels…and never once having to fear that my life was in danger because I was…who I was…at  that time.

The thing that most parents of gay children fear…is that something will happen to their child simply because…

How sad it is that  gangs of men would seek out a woman…gay women in South Africa and rape them.   And kill then…kill them…because they are…

Many gay men and women…came into ‘the life’…and are in ‘the life’ because of some things which happened to them.  And many times it was rape…that brought them there.

So, how could rape ever be corrective?

How can violence of any kind of way be corrective?

Rape is destructive.

And throughout history it has destroyed… many lives… people… families… etc…

There is something sick about these times.

How do good people…decent people sit around watching this sickness…or hearing about it…without doing something?


Somebody has got to do something.   And satan be defeated.

Many years ago…I almost fell victim to gang rape…but by the grace of God…who has more than once spared me.  I was but a child.  I had no knowledge of  what  was going on.  Because I was too young to process it or anything else really.

I was raped by one man only…but there had to been about 20 of  them who would have had me…had not the man who owned the rooming house where these men were staying…not seen the man who had the little girl by the hand and had walked her into that rooming house.

As the man prepared me for himself and his friends…one of them came to the door and told him that the owner of  the building had come.  The 20 blocked the doorway with some type of  wild commotion …while I was quickly ushered through a back doorway.

I recall it well.  And yes it marked me…and perhaps you can tell that it did when you read my opinion on some things.

But I was fortunate…to have  gotten out… that that man…the owner had seen me being taken inside.   Through the grace of  God…I had been spared…stained perhaps…even  tainted…no doubt.     Today, they not only rape children…but kill them too.

These are sad times…but I guess…   I guess…that since the time that sin came into this world  it has been sad times.

I hardly feel like talking about my book now.  But can’t allow any 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoveropportunities to get by without mentioning it to you.

Finally completed my book’s trailer…which is kind of  like a commercial…which I put together for youtube.  So, that you can get a feel of  what my book,  THE BISHOP’S WIFE, 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2is about.

I hope you enjoy your day…it is hard to do knowing that there is so much madness in this world.

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

 THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

Add a comment August 9, 2009

1 in 5 Teen girls wants to be a teen mom… babies having babies

It has been no secret to me…and it should not be to you.bld04090711   I don’t know if this statistic is true or not…but I would hope not.

574487851Nearly one million teens get pregnant each year…this is an absolute outrage.  And what are we all doing about it?

These young girls are receiving all the wrong messages and there is little being said about it.  And forget…about ‘being done about it.’  Bcause that isn’t happening either.

 The teen pact in Massachusetts was a shocker and should have created  far more than just a wake-up call.  It should have had people rolling out of their beds onto the floor and leaping up yelling-

“We’ve got to do something about this.”

But it did not.  It was merely a hot topic for the moment…and then it was gone off the horizon. 

sd1261Did anyone really become outraged about it?

What has since been done?

What heighten interest in this topic has been generated?

How many encounter groups have been formed to sincerely meet this problem head-on?

 How many teen peer groups on the subject of abstinence have been formed?

Where is the concern on this topic?

Teen sexual habits as they are today are highly serious problems.  There is more at stake than a boy and girl getting together sexually.   The problem is bigger than that and no one is really or sincerely looking into this problem. The issues and the impact are huge.

There are health issues involved…all kinds of dieases…many of which are life sd1261long.    But this problem is also going to put millions more on the welfare rows. 

Under age girls becoming mothers does impact us all and it should be all of our concerns.  It is a moral issue…but it is even greater than that.  And this concern is not only to what it will cost the states and eventually the federal government of this country, but there should also be a concern that these young girls are no more than mere kids themselves.  Beyond a point the level of resentment does arise.  And these kids have no knowledge that they are severely limiting their future life goals, expectations and levels of success…and choices in life. 

pe00334881Having a child at a very age is a handicap…grown-up people (adults) learn to rework their schedules around their family (children) needs…but young kids do not have the luxury of doing this. 

While the kids are suppose to be busy going back and forth to school every day…they now have to balance their education with trying to parent babies or very  young children.  This can be a very daunting task for young parentsas babies and/or children take up a lot of time.  It is even a very difficult task for the most grown-up adults to handle.

Children take time…and lots of it.  They also require responsible and reasonable people in the care of them.  Young girls under the age of 12 of even into their 20s or 30s many times are not ready for such a heavy responsibility nor the sacrafices that becoming a mother calls for. 

Instead of chasing behind the gay population and trying to change them, and trying to get them to conform when laws are being created every day to encourage just the opposite…we should try working instead to make an impact in an area where we all have some level of control and a voice and that is among our children.bld0593851

Oftentimes, the argument about education gets down to ‘the home’…well, this argument certainly is a ligitmate argument in this debate…as things in ‘the home’ can lead to effecting change

Whether parents realize it or not…they can regulate their homes, the type of messages that their children are receiving, what is watched and listened to in ther homes…etc…   But it is far more involved than just putting a chip in the cable system to block certain faa0300002951programming.  It means getting your child’s face off myspace, out of facebook and whatever or wherever else it is…or whatever means they use to to make contact and meet people with whom they are enaging in sex…which on the face of it alone even sounds and looks wrong. 

I personally don’t believe that anybody worth meeting is on the internet.  You, if you are an adult, you should not indulged in it…and certainly your children should not.  Yes, the internet has it values and good uses, but it 200519740-0011also has a lot of risk factors…and safety issues when it comes to your children, teens…and even for older people who never learned that….yes, the world can be full of evil people who lie and try to sway you into dangerous places and situations.  Predators are real…and none of you should have to find this out first hand.

But the kids are not alone when it comes to the jg02228491internet.  There are tons of grown up supposedly adult people who are doing the exact same thing.  They have pages on myspace and pictures in facebook etc.  And it is all wrong if you use it like a game of Russian roulette.

There is little wonder why the kids are in the situation that they are in if the adults are setting the examples or…and I hate to say this…or if the adults in their lives are following their examples…the kids examples in meeting people and becoming sexually involved with just anybody and everybody via the internet. Or even outside of meeting them over the internet.

What in the world is this world coming to?

Casual sex???

What is the world is that?

There is too much tied in to sex…just the inter-personal nature of it alone.  Call it what you want…but sex is not casual…it is just too intimate for that. 

It is all wrong.  WRONG….WRONG.

And of course, I know that the kids are hooking up at school too.  Let’s face it now…even I at some point was a kid.  But I never was stupid…and there is just no other way to say that.  Nor was I…or have I ever been common.

200495929-0011There is something seriously wrong when a bunch of young girls are busy thinking more about getting pregnant than they are about the dress they plan of wearing to their class prom…or how they are going to get their mom to give them the money to go to movies next weekend. 

There is something wrong when sex is the only thing on the fore-minds of young kids in school…more so than trying to study for an exam or thinking about their futures. 

They do not care about an exam…or evidently their futures.  No, they do not.  Because if they did they wouldn’t be busy trying to get pregnant…or thinking about getting pregnant.


574488581That has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard. 

When I was growing up people tried hard to avoid getting pregnant.  But then he standards of the day have been drastically lowered as opposed to those of yester-year.  In fact, there are none…not today.

When did getting pregnant at a very early age become a badge of honor in this country?

And how can these kids be expected to do any better than the people they are watching and trying to emulate present these kinds of things to them day in and day out?

These kids are obsessed with images of the people they consider to be so-called stars.  These so-called stars…they read about them, skim through the web to catch photos of…watch them in the movies or on television…and/or listen tofaa0110000111 on their iPods.  And these people are their role models…whom they desire to emulate in every possible way…down to having babies by this one and by that one over there.  And they never see a marriage ring or a wedding band. 

No commitment

That is the world our many of kids live in…and many adults, as well.  That is why they can search facebook or myspace…and go from one person to the next.   Because they live in a world of ‘no commitment.’   There parents are not committed to them.  There teachers aren’t committed to them.  Their schools aren’t committed to them…the government…society…nothing. 

So, what do you expect…when a stranger over the internet shows them more interest than you do?  

Even if it is for a hot minute.  To them it beats none at all…no matter what they end up having to sacrifice.

Parents have got to invest time in…and quality time with their children. They need us to be concern about them…about their day…what’s going on with them…and the things we can help them with…as well as to encourage them…and, of course, to look out for their well being, as well as, protect them.  There has to be quality time invested in your children’s lives all through their development…even into adulthood…if they allow you. And they will…if they trust you…but that trust is built up over time.   That trust comes with involvement in their lives from the earliest stages of their lives straight throughout their developedment into adulthood.

It is time for America to not just take a serious look at this problem of teen and under age sex…but also to actively work to do something to cuve it.   This tide must be stemmed because of the dire future consequences for America.  

Something has to be done for the young babies which are born to these young girls and boys who are nothing but kjg02235281ids themselves.  This problem poses a real future crisis for this country. 

These young babies need to have a fighting chance at life.  And they can’t do that by being born to people who are not mature enough to parent them properly. 

The cost, to the system upon whom they will soon be imposing, should not become the driving force to make this country face this problem today.

…pass it on…’

Please be sure to share this blog site with all your friends and family…everybody.  And thank you for reading.

…pass it on…’

God bless…and thanks for reading ©2008

Add a comment November 19, 2008






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