Posts tagged ‘plastic surgery gone bad ‘

JAN CROACH DEAD of Trinity Broadcasting….THE IRONY OF IT ALL…

jan-crouch-22149-20131205-782I must really be missing it… was asleep or somewhere.   How is it that Jan Croach just died and I never heard anything about it until-cebe2021-74a4-4cf9-acf8-de2b26b851ce

Until now when I happened to be on youtube looking something else up.  And when I saw the title ‘Jan Croach Died,’ of a youtube video I thought it was somebody’s joke.

tbn-hoverNot really sure if just someone was playing around… you know how Paul-and-Jan-Crouch-Trinity-Broadcasting-Networkthey do on youtube.  Then I decided to google it… and sure enough Jan Croach had really died just a few days ago, May 31, 2016, at 78 following a massive stroke.

Because I had not seen much of her on TBN lately… I just thought that Mat, or whatever the name crouch-jan-2-798x1024of her son who now runs their TV networks… well, I had thought it was because Paul Croach,  Jan’s husband who didn’t pass all that long ago himself… had left the TV networks to his son, and gave Jan her creation, The Holy Land imgres-1Experience, down in Orlando, Florida.

I really can’t say that I really followed the Croach’s all that closely nor their channel, as they always seem to be doing those television money raising rallies… seeking donations most of the time.   And at point I had read where Paul and Jan never spoke to each other EXCEPT when on television… and that they did not live crouch-jantogether.  Yet they portrayed themselves as a loving couple on their television broadcasts.   jan-crouch-is-shown-with-paul-crouch-other-crouch-family-members-and-tbn-guests

There seems to be such an irony is all of this seeing how Paul and Jan really felt about each other… that not 0911NLTBN-18_08so long after he died she would follow him to the grave.  Now, it all goes to the boys, their 2 sons… 9-1009NLTBN-12and grand-kids… whom do not seem to be any more in harmony than Paul and Jan during the many years of their marriage.


I had also read some years ago that the Croach’s had been under investigation for mismanagement of those donation funds that they claimed to be using for the good of the furthering the word of God.   One of their grand daughters claimed that Paul had been going out and using the company charge card to pay for lavish dinners in exclusive places, and jan1while charging fine and very expensive alcoholic drinks to their church network tabs too.

To say the least Jan with her Barbie make-over was far from being anyone I would have put my trust in as being a really godly person.  There is no doubt that she had a real obsession with becoming Barbie, that Matel children’s doll.   Jan apparently had no problem with destroying the temple that God had given her, to get breast implants, pink hair and all kinds of other plastic surgery done to her face and body.  I would say that maybe that could be a bit ‘carnal,’ 20-runintojancrouch@jayhaizlipwouldn’t you?

And to waste all that money doing it… when it could have gone to some kind of good in the world instead of a plastic surgeon.

I mean… who in their right mind really wants to look like lil_kim_before_and_afterBarbie?Lil-Kim-plastic-surgery-before-and-after-photos

Don’t answer that… because I think that was the look Lil’ Kim was also going for before she just plain decided to become some kind of white girl.  How truly sad compared to what she used to look like.  Talk about self-hate.13092390_225631467805483_1267874353_n

And the amazing part about that was that Jan could not see it just how foolish she looked.

crouchWhen the devil has your mind…  he ‘really’ has your mind.   And he definitely evidently ‘really’ had Jan’s mind in order for her to believe she looked like anything other than a fool with all that pink hair setting on top of her head.   1-1111-2

I am not trying to be hurl or vicious.   Heaven forbid.   Afterall, the woman is dead… and only died just a few days ago.  But what about having messed up face and head with that hair made her feel glorious 070722_tammyfaye_hmed_11a.grid-6x2is a wonder to me.

Jan’s father was a pastor under the Assemblies of God, a denomination which grew out of the imagesChurch of God in Christ.  And there was not much that the Croach’s did not learn while under the tutelage and mentor ship of Jim and Tammy Faye 51+Vryejt4L._SX341_BO1,204,203,200_Bakker, who had their own theme park too, and had been well vested in daily television broadcasting… which the Croach’s took to another level… even down to Tammy Faye’s make-up.158626

Kind of ironic how Jan and Paul really got their start and was introduced to the production of television broadcasting through working for Jim and Tammy… and that Bak02bTammy Faye had to go and seek Jan and Paul out once the floor fell 46d79c85ae7770455fa34eb10c4222c8out from under the Jim Bakker ministries, with Jim ending up having to serve prison time from mismanaging church donations sent his ministry.

janjewelryI doubt very much that we will see TBN fold and go under… or be sold off as that family is making far too paul_crouchmuch money from that network… no matter what inner turmoils their families or relationships may have to cast it all to the wind.

To God be the glory… and bless you,  hope all is going well for you as we go into this weekend.  The weather here is very nice… no cold weather in a few days now.   So, maybe… just maybe we are finally transitioning into summer… 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverme-resized

Thank you for reading this blog…and my others. Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on…” ©2016

Add a comment June 18, 2016


When you look at all the blotched plastic surgeries made to people faces and body why would you want to risk m_hang-mioku1it?

images2And I mean some real BLOTCHES.

But it appears that plastic surgery and bleaching, lightening your skin color, is growing ever more popular among church people these days.  And especially amongst women in the pulpit.

I was on YouTube recently watching some videos a week or so ago, and I came upon this woman by the name T. L. Penny, whom I think can really peach.  Well, she could at 1 point.  But I don’t think she is as good as she used to be when I first heard her.  But in watching that video something suddenly struck me.  At first I did not notice it… but lthen it finally hit me.  I thought she had been darker.

So, I went back to look at some older videos of her on YouTube.  Low and behold, I was right.  She had been darker before.

Look at the distinct difference in her nose, her lips and other facial features.  It is not hard to see that Pastor Penny must have decided to go all the way, and did not just stop at the bleaching of her skin.Penny_Green-resize

The peculiar part about T. L. Penny is this.   I had gone up over her website when I initially ran across her over the internet… which  is something I just do… and often.  I like to check out various websites all the time as I come across them and/or their links.

I like checking out my competition… meaning other graphic artists work… their layout and designs etc.  So, while viewing T. L. Penny’s site she had this picture of herself.  Which, of course, there is nothing big about having a picture of yourself on your site, as everybody usually has a picture or 2 if not more of them-self on their websites.    But, however, I though it a bit peculiar at the time, because the picture looked nothing like T. L. Penny.   It looked nothing like the woman in the penny_new1video, whose link I had just come across on YouTube.

So, yeah it struck me as being odd that someone would have a website and would have posted a picture that looked nothing at all like them… with not 1 other picture of herself on that website anywhere of her otherwise.  But at that time I just rationalized that T. L. Penny liked that picture so she posted it.  This mind you was long before her plastic surgery and the bleaching of her skin had taken place.  That picture at that time, however, is today very close to what T. L. Penny has managed to have transformed herself into looking like… thanks to some aid from a surgeon somewhere.  So, I guess at that time that I saw that picture, she was speaking it into the atmosphere… and had been saving the money to get it done.

This had been about the third time while watching something on YouTube  that I have Bishop-Co-Pastor072010bhappened to notice that somebody in ministry… mostly women… had become bleachers… and/or had otherwise gone under a plastic surgeon’s knife.  And the list seems to be growing.

Not too long ago I noticed this about a very prominent Bishop’s wife.  I could see that she had both bleached, and also had some plastic surgery work done.  That was Bishop Paul Morton’s wife, Debra B. Morton.  She appears to have made herself younger… lighter, and also had some things done to enhance her looks.DebraMorton

Also, a while back.. a few years back to be exact… I had noticed that Paula White, Pastor Paula… had also gone under the plastic surgeon’s knife.  I saw it right off when first began transitioning from what she used to look like to what she looks like today.  In fact, shortly after that transformation I had read that both Paula White and her husband at the time, Randy White… had both gone under the knife, and were then being investigated for misusing church funds to do it.  As well as, having made numerous other type of purchases with church lmoney.

It is amazing to me that these people profess to love the Lord… and all that He has done.  Can quote how when God finished His work in Genesis.  How He called it all good.  And then at the very end of all that He had done He called it all ‘very good.’

Then if God feels that when He has created something that it is good, who are we to Beautiful-GOD-s-creation-god-the-creator-10864891-800-600believe we can come behind Him and improve upon what God has done?

Don’t they believe that God has created them as He would have them to be?

And let me ask you this question…

If God has created it…  should be messing with it?

imagesAnd I mean anything… everything which God has created… should we messing with Paula_Whiteany of it… believing we can do it better… or enhance it?

Man has corrupted all of what we now eat.  Our water… the rain… the ground… the food… the cattle… herds… produce…  the atmosphere… EVERYTHING.   And we cannot undo

None of the food or vegetables we eat taste like what it used to taste like some 10 or 20… or 30  or 40 years ago.  Man has tainted everything.  And man has done it believing that he can out do God.  Which is impossible.mj+plastic+surgery

So, here are some prominent church people… and they believe that their plastic surgeons can improve upon what God has already done.  Let us see what time will have to say about this matter.  Because just like Michael Jackson… I believe there will come a day when these people will not be able to walk out their front door exposing their faces.  Because they will come to look so hideous.

Our faces and even our bodies are in a constant evolution.  They do not stay the same.  They are not the same as they were when we were born, and they will not be the same when we die.  So, if the aging process continually is changing our faces, how can surgery on your face or body at a any point in your life not also be subject to lPlies_kirk_franklin_ife changes?

They have to be aware of this.  So, being aware… because they have to be aware of this.  So, being aware of this they still want to subject themselves to the possibility of ending up 1 big grotesque mess.  Because they played with something they should not have.

Me… I would not do it.  I just would not do it.  And that is not to say that I ever liked anything about me.  But over time I can see where time has made a pleasant difference in my overall appearance.

I never realized that even Kirk Franklin had paid a visit to the plastic surgeon.  And who knows who else.  There are so many of them… many in the recording industry.

Pastor Jackie McCullough appears to have gotten into Jackie+McCulloughthe bleaching swing.  Something which many in Africa and in the West Indies seem to be indulging in.

CindyTrimmFeatureLike Cindy Trimm and Juanita Bynum many women of the Cloth are electing go up under a plastic surgeon’s knife and/or bleach their skin in order to achieve something they undoubtedly longed for.  Beauty.  And don’t mind paying for it.

But beauty is elusive.  And it is not long lasting… and desire of it really stems from vanity …and also covetousness.

It was Solomon who spoke of vanity.  I guess he was not called the wisest man for nothing.  There is truly a lot to be said about vanity… and it is going on in the pulpit.  And these plastic surgeons are reaping the hqdefaultbenefits of it.

To bad all that money is not going towards feeding the poor… or trying to clothe them.  Or maybe even trying to aid in supplying housing for the needy… the fatherless or the motherless.

What does this signify for the church?images4

Or to the young women in the church… whom we are supposed to teaching ‘to love themselves?’

bishop-randy-photo-3-227x300I came across this picture of T. L. Penny and had to include it.

This apparel strikes as something contradictory to real gospel teaching.

What could have possessed this so-called preacher to dress like this?20130208-062721

This is the dress she wore as the Mother of the Bride.  Not only were her breast exposed… but take a look at how short the skirt was.

I don’t know what I’m talking about.


She has on no clothes… as my father would say.  She really isn’t wearing anything up top.

I’m just wondering if  was she out working on getting herself a husband?

Or just looking for somebody to go home with?

Definitely not somebody who I would turn to for ministry… or even to attempt to correct me.  Or try to show me how to live.

I just keep coming back to this picture.  I can’t believe that any woman who calls herself in service for the Lord would wear such a thing.  I am also wondering if you got implants, as well, to her breast.  Can’t think of any other reason to want to dress wearing something like what she has on in this picture… unless she did.

Now, that I think of it… it reminds me of another YouTube video I saw.  It was video of a prostitute… with her nipples exposed talking about the Lord.

me resized...

Unbelievable…  Truly diverse times.

Well, God bless…  I’ve got to move on my next blog now.  Because I don’t want to get out of here without commenting on what I have got to say next.  But hope you stick around to read it.  And I hope you are enjoying your week… and may it continue to be a good 1 for you.

But again I want to thank those of you very much  who have ventured out and purchased my book… which can be ordered on-line at any number of 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverwebsites… just google THE BISHOP’S WIFE by Bernadine Smith… and see for yourself.  And you can also read excerpts from my book on-line as well at Barnes&Nobles Nook, etc…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

9 comments July 29, 2013

To spite their nose….

We have all heard that saying-

“They or she or he is cutting off his ….or her ….or their nose in spite of their face.”

What it simply means is that they…he…or she…because of some problem…dislike …hate or some type of disdain of their face…decide to get rid of or destroy …or remove …have redone that nose  “in spite of their face.”  Or in other words… they end up destroying  …or making a bigger mess to their face.

You know in thinking about this it makes me think of all those plastic surgery mistakes…the things that people decided that they wanted to corrected about their face or some part of their body.  They decide that the plastic surgeon is able to give them ‘that’  look which they have always wanted.  So, they set up an appointment with the plastic surgeon to have the work done. Low and behold when the wrappings come off…they discover that something went wrong.  The surgery did not turn out as they both thought…them and the plastic surgeon who did the work.  What they thought was so bad before is now made worst…and there is no going back to the way it was.

Whatever the plastic surgeon gave them is what they end up with…whether they like it or not.

When we go into the ballot box and elect public officials we do it believing that we are voting in people who are working on our ‘behaves.’  Not people who desire to be voted into public office to fulfill their own personal…or even party agendas.

Today we are faced with a dilemma of the un-abidding politician.  The crafty person who solicited your vote only to turn around and do everything ‘but’ what you voted them in to do.  In fact, they do things which are against you and endangers you, your family…your community, city and state…because of some personal political agenda.

This agenda can easily be called ‘the undoing of America.  Or a very evident attempt to do so on the parts of  the Republican Party.

How in the world did America get to this place?

Can racism be the sole force for what is happening concerning Republican governors and their decisions to change state policies and connection to the larger and greater picture… called the ‘United States’ of America.

A friend posted a notice on my facebook page about the governor of  Michigan’s plan to turn cities in Michigan over to what amounts to ‘corporate takeovers.’    By simply declaring a state of  emergency and  some type of  financial woe  over a Michigan township or city…and then allow the corporations to have power to determine the policies and contracts to those cities and/or towns at will.

The Republicans talk about government becoming too big.  And perhaps it is.

In what country have you ever heard this?

Yes, perhaps government is too big.  So big, in fact,  that any given elected politician can turn on his or her own constituents and feel that they have the freedom to do so…simply because they were ‘voted in.’   Something is wrong with this picture.  And it has nothing to do with our system of  government… but more to do with deceit on the part of  some voted in… and also upon our feelings of  powerlessness once we  have voted them in.

But in this country there is a thing called ‘impeachment.’   The people have power.  Do not allow politicans to continue to wheel and deal as they like without you… the people taking up arms and going out against them.  And when the time for elections come around again Republicans need to hear  loud and clear that Americans all across this country will no longer suffer them, and their under-handed ways of  trying to control and restrain the will of  the people at large.  Or their continued undermining of  this country.

It seems that Republicans have declared that if  they can’t run America they will tear it apart…state by state…section by section…. class by class… line by line and precept by precept.  And in spite of  all of our noses.

It is so amazing that after all that George Bush did…no matter how bad…or how many lies… or the number of  lives lost in a highly senseless war  that not only continues to take lives… which has also substantially driven up our gas prices… and the cost of  everything else.  Not to even mention Bush sending this country to near collapse…throwing America back into a depression with the collapse of the banks, Wall Street, the American dollar …and millions upon millions of  jobs lost due to Bush Economics.  And no governor in this country ever mentioned much less thought about not accepting any government funds in protest… or about going after unions… or  any undermining  of  Bush policy in any way.

So, why now?

When this country was sent wheeling and plummeting due to Bush ‘nomics(lets just call it that)  why did not any of  these so-called ‘so fed-up’ with government spending and management of  this country people …where were they then…who are now espousing that they are listening to the will of the people.  Where were they during all of  the Bush lies?   Of which none of them even refer to in any shape or form or in any way whatsoever… even now.   But yet rather  lay the faults of  such …and all that deceit of their own party upon the shoulders of  President Barack Obama… the man who is now the White House and trying to rectify the messes of  George Bush. View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

Yeah…right.  Obama is to blame…and while you are at it just blame him for everything.

And with that make no mention of  how Obama has managed to stabilized the whole Bush situation from the wars to our economy…and even jobs.  Yes, jobs are back on the raise.  All of this after 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverthe near total and absolute disastrous collapse of  this country brought about by George Bush…a Republican.  Who shut the doors to the White House and operated in the most  close-door and tight lip operation of  the White House of  any President of this country in history.

This country is under attack and the attack is not coming from without.

Beware of  the Trojan horse…it is called the Republican Party.

Well, God bless…

Oh, yes…before closing.  Let me just say what an out and out racist Donald Trump has proven himself to be with all his ridiculous chatter about  Obama not being American …and that he had people down in Hawaii to prove it.   What an egomaniac imbecile.   Be it all for hype or not (and I think not).   At any rate  we have all seriously gotten an opportunity to see ‘the real’  Donald Chump.  I mean Trump.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

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