Posts tagged ‘racism ‘


Yes, it truly has.   It has been quite a while since I sat down to write a blog.  But it has CLOCKnever meant that I forgot about y’all.

No, on the contrary.   In fact, I always  check in to check on my stats.   It has always amused me that people actually read my blog… and see such numbers amazes me all the more.

So, let me take this time to thank you for wanting to check in here to read whatever is on my mind.

PRINCE3It is hard to believe that I never wrote anything about Prince


and his passing.  But I must say I find it hard to believe that he did not leave a will.   THAT I do not believe.

What I think is this.  That he left not only his money to a lot ofdifferent things which he had given to such instruments to children in low income areas and other charitable organizations etc..   But somebody in the family got their hands on PRINCE 2the will and has probably destroyed it, or maybe even some deceitful lawyer who figured out a way of getting his share.   But no, I do not believe for 1 minute that Prince did not leave a will.

Now, on to this thing about Puerto Rico.

Frankly, to tell you the truth it sickens me.  I brings me to tears to believe that anyone flooding purecan be so inhumane and uncaring as this man who now sits in mayor2the White House.  And to finally go to Puerto Rico after weeks of paying little attention to them and the after effects of that hurricane… to tell them that they ‘really didn’t have a disaster.’  

trumep trimpWhat a crazy insultive man… and he thinks it is funny.

The fact that many Puerto Ricans look like me is probably the reason why this guy who sits in the White House did nothing for them… but delay his finally getting there to supposed view the trump 2damage of the hurricane as all former Presidents of the United States would have done immediately.   But nooooooooo, not this guy.

If I were in the Senate or in the Congress of the United States I would be calling that this guy go up on charges of genocide.

trump puertoForget Russia-gate…. the hate crimes that this guy is committing now are far greater.   And that he would perpetrate such hate against a country which is American… full of tax paying people to the United States and territory and Commonwealth of this country… is an act of high mass genocide against a man who trump4believes himself to be god and a dictator because the title ‘president’ has been attached to his name.

But this man shall pay for his callous and malice behavior.   And he will fall to his knees and surely begin to beg God for forgiveness… this man who had the audacity to say that he felt he had never done anything to ask God pdamageforgiveness for… without consideration of all the people and small businessmen and women whom he had con and left filing bankruptcy including those bigger companies whom he filed bankruptcy to keep from paying as well.

Oh, yes… Donald D. or whatever his middle initial in …Trump gas containerhas much accounting to be do and which shall be done whether he knows or believes it not….

geraldoAnd what a kiss-up to Trump … Geraldo Rivera proved himself to be.   Reporting that Puerto Rico was fine… everything was good… and that Trump and his people were doing a great job.   Yeah, all of this from a man who for years wanted to play like he was Puerto Rican… I guess to win some type of minority benefit.   But he has truly shown the people of Puerto Rico who he truly is… and it is not puerto6Puerto Rican… but some white guy from and has always lived in Manhattan, New York.  And a clone of Donald Trump with all his now blond hair and fake weaved-clonein hair… like the man he told he loved and what a ‘great friend’ he was to him… as if Trump is a friend of anything but money.

Speaking of Trump it befummbles be as to how a man who owes so many people can tell people puertothe people of Puerto Rico the reason he hasn’t acted is because they owe money… as if America does not owe China money… or every State in the Union of the United States owes money to our Federal government.

Stop lying Trump… you are an out and out racist and that is all it trump5is.   After weeks of delaying a visit to Puerto Rico following the tornado… today…. one day later after the shooter you did not hesitate to fly off to Las Vegas.

That speaks volumes and about who Donald Trump really works for… and what his Klu Klux Klan (kKK) buddies love about him….

Well, God bless….   I guess I finally go some things off  my chest.   But this whole thing about the treatment of Puerto Rico really truly upsets me.   And there can be no forgiveness for the lack of action on the part of this man… and terrible cost in lives his foolishness has enviably caused.   me-resized

Thank for reading…

Well, I hope you  tell your friends, co-workers and family… everybody even the man down the street and … “pass it on… ” ©2017


Add a comment October 4, 2017


Well, it is Black History Month.   And I really can’t remember when this actually took place… the year when a young 15 year old youth went south to Mississippi from Chicago, to unknown-1spend the summer with relatives in the south.

In looking back at a newspaper article on the story, I see where it took place in 1955.  The summer unknownEmmett Till went to spend what was to be his last1986.1198.8summer visiting those cousins, and an aunt and uncle down south.  Because somewhere during that visit in August 1955 it was said
that Emmett took certainly liberties with some white woman.  He got out of place… he crossed that divide that colored and white were not to cross… because he was just being a young innocent kid… unaware of the do’s and the don’t of the then… and maybe still in some parts of the south.201392001web-jpg__800x450_q85_crop_subject_location-520245_upscale

Supposedly young Emmett while in this woman’s family store had told the white woman how he had dated a woman just like her up in Chicago.   And upon leaving the store it was said that young Emmett Till gave that woman 1 of those big long whistles, that men did back in that time when they thought a woman was beautiful… somewhat of a wolf call or something.

It was that story of Emmett Till which always colored me and my thoughts about how 250px-mason-dixon-linewhen you leave home… if you lived north of the Mason/Dixon Line… how you should behave very differently if you were to go down south.

Something like how you had to remember when you crossed that line …that Mason/Dixon Line going into the south, that you were maxresdefaultno longer in the north… or in your little Northern town or big city, like Chicago or Detroit.   And how remembering this… that this ‘black and white thang’ could possibly save your life.

images-2I recall once just we had crossed that line 1 summer on 1 our many drives south to visit my grand mother in the south, that once we pulled up to a motel where my mother sent me out to go inside and ask robertfrank-inamerica-2000pxhow much it would cost to get a room?

An occasional stop at a motel to freshen up used to be a habit of my family sometimes blue-swallow-motel-tucumcari-01while we were making the more that 20 hour trip down south to Florida.  But this particular day as I almost was about to reach for maxresdefault-1the door leading into the motel office, out came running two black boys… or teens… something I couldn’t really tell how old they were as they came running through that door shouting back to me, ‘Get of of here!  Go!  Go!’

I immediately ran back to our car and reported to my mother and father what those 2 boys 1g_cigrvbn9anl9oyoultsgarticle-0-14e4a319000005dc-697_634x629had told me as they had whizzed pass me and shouted for me to get out of there.

Suddenly, my mother started screaming at me to get in the car… and she started hollering they ain’t gonna take my sons.   ‘They ain’t gonna take my 1486652-980xsons.’

Boy, I had never seen anything like it or ever heard my mother react in such a way.  But years later I understood.

At that time my brothers were young kids… maybe 10 or 11 or something like that.  But my mother having grown up in the south… my being a Jamaican had grew up in Jamaica so hqdefaulthe had not really experienced any that Jim Crow stuff of the deep south.  But my mother knew it well.   And she knew that it emmetttilltrial3dwould not matter to white folks that my brothers had not robbed or done whatever those 2 boys had done… but that they were black and that in of itself would have been enough for my young brothers to have been taken …in place of the real crooks or emmett-till-memorialwhatever they were who had come running out of that motel office.

I do not think we ever again stopped at another motel in all the years we continued to travel back and forth to Florida after that.

For years, I think that up until this very point I had always felt that Emmett Till  should 1485539341214have been told how to behave, and carry himself while down there in the south.  I always 032612-george-zimmerman-trayvon-martinthought it was his mother’s fault for not sitting him down, and telling him how to behave down there when it came to being around white folks.   It was the typical blaming that many people do when they blame the dead for being dead.  Like some people blame Trayvon Martin for being out late… or out in the rain in that white neighborhood when he got shot and killed.

I thought that way because I 1393539392000-emmett-till-gravect-emmett-till-accuser-false-testimony-20170128 was stupid.  I was  blind.  Ignorant of the fact that many times it just didn’t matter what we did do or not, irregardless there was a very likely could still 8f8213ba9fe7d4faf4423d711f8c3b7dcome up dead

He was a kid.   And you could have told him something a thousand times, and would you believe you wouldn’t have to tell him it again… as we all do when it comes to talking to our children?
Emmett Till did not live in the south.   Nor was there any reason for me to b3ivwu2iaaar4htbelieve that what had been said regarding that story had been true.   For you see, evidently I had believed something inappropriate must have been done for those white men to go in the middle of the night seeking this young boy, regarding something something he had said and/or done.

That is the irony of it.  How readily we eat up the things we see or hear.

MAMIE TILL MOBLEYIt had been a lie.   It had all been a lie.   And because some white mqdefault-2woman had lied on her son, Mrs. Till was forced to go down to Mississippi and collect the bloated remains of her young teen age son, her only child… I think… and bring him back to Chicago in order to bury him.

Years later after Emmett Till had been viciously murder by a group of white men in the 0middle of the night, after going to his relative’s house and demanding that they send him out to them or they would burn them out and all up in their home.

How could that woman possibly live with herself after that?

Years later, I moved to Chicago and while working as a church secretary for a pastor by the name of Dr. A. L. Reynolds, Jr.,  I was told something by Dr. Reynolds, who pastored Sixth b1d9cacba60be97bb15bca5e42697e3fGrace United Presbyterian Church, at Cottage Grove and 35th Street, on the South Side.

Dr. Reynolds 1 day came into the office and for some reason began telling a story, of how he had had to run away from his home, which had been 96490754back in Arkansas.   The reason he had to pick up and get out of there he told me, was because some white woman wanted him and he didn’t want her.   That is exactly how he put it.   He said, ‘she wanted me.  But I didn’t want her.  So, I had to leave.’   Because I did not want her to lie on me.   Because in those days a white woman could say a black man raped her and they (meaning the other white people… mostly men) would kill him.

So, Dr. Reynolds said he got of Arkansas as quickly as he could.

migrant-man-packing-suitcase_320b-gffAnd he said he left Arkansas running because he didn’t want her to tell a lie on him.

Through the our history in this country many black people have found it necessary to get up and get out of town in the middle of night, headed north or to other points unknown.  Because they were afraid of some type of bad consequence which might take hold upon them… or befall them due to a lie… or some white person wanting something that belonged to them.

It comes to mind that even in Biblical text Abram lied.  He was forced to lie when he and Sarah went to enter Egypt.   And he became afraid that the king… otherwise known as Pharaoh… would want his wife, Sarai…as she was then before being renamed by God Sarah.   Because the Bible says she was fair and goodly to look upon.

So, Abram felt that he would be killed by Pharaoh.   So, therefore, told Sarai that they should say that he was her brother rather than her husband.

The end of this story is that Pharaoh and the people of his kingdom are overtaken by what the Bible calls a ‘great plague.’   Pharaoh questions Abram and asked him why he had not told him that the woman, Sarai… was his wife?

emmett_tillWe come into the 21st Century now, some more than 60 years later and now we hear that mqdefault-1images-1the white woman who had told her husband and his white buddies, that Emmett Till had whistled and spoken to her… a white woman inappropriately… that she had lied.

All that pain and heartbreak … tears shed had been over a lie.

1485901864-us-racism-tillA young boy was pulled and dragged out into the dark of night… tortured 1485539341214and beaten …then partially burned and thrown into the river… to be found days later a bloated beyond recognition dead decomposing body.   Because that woman lied.   And now …I guess on her death bed… or on her near death bed she tells the truth… that she lied about the whole thing.images
How did that woman do that… when she knew what Emmett Till Murder Defendant in Court with Familythe consequences for any black man would be?

She knew what times she lived in.   But just did not care.  She told that lie knowing that emmett-tillersome out of control white drunken men were going to go and find them a white boy, and have what they called ‘have bryantmilam2some fun.’    While they enjoyed torturing him and beating him…and eventually killing him.

How did this young boy respond?

Can you imagine what was going through his mind and heart… scared beyond his wits…
kicked…slapped…punched… stomped… cut… lit on fire…emmett_till

And all because some white woman thought it nothing to lie on him.   And 1-extralargeme thinking tillyears later that it had been his fault… because nobody every trained him properly how to behave around white folks.

This reminds me of how I hear black commentators on television now emmett-till-2-1when they are talking about black men being shot and killed by white police officers.   Everybody saying they should have kept their hands on the dashboard… or where they could be seen… or not moved too quickly… unknown-1etc… etc… etc….

Blaming the victim because racist people still my picture cropedabound….

Well, God bless… It was sleeting a little bit this morning.  But I hope it is nice and warm
where you are.  Have a good day all… and remember it’s BLACK HISTORY MONTH.   “pass it on…” ©2017




Add a comment February 8, 2017


It would be hard to not write anything about what happened Wednesday night at a what would have

Worshippers gather to pray in a hotel parking lot across the street from the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

Worshippers gather to pray in a hotel parking lot across the street from the Emanuel AME Church following a shooting Wednesday, June 17, 2015, in Charleston, S.C. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

normally been a quite little Church Bible study session.  But it was anything but quite… and the ame_churchconsequences were high.

Upon first reading about this story in a posting on Facebook by 1 of my cousins… I, of course, like her was immediately touched by it.

In the wake of so many police abuse and mis-killings of black folk… and now this???

When I saw a picture of the boy… or young man if you like…  I could not help but feel sorry for him.  Just 21 years young and his life is over.  And I knew that the energizing force within him… hatred… had been 150618103846-charleston-surveillance-suspect-exlarge-169breast fed him since he was a baby.

You do not grow up feeling anger and hatred towards a whole group of people… because they are different from you… EXCEPT it is something you have been fed with all of your life.  And then for his 20th or 21st birthday his father bought him a gun and put it in that boy’s hand… baiting him to do what he did on Wednesday night.  It was a set-up… a set-up to fail… to be subdued or killed because he had been bred to be a mad-dog killer.

How does anyone do that to their child?

CHy4ByZVEAEYqnpHow do you teach your child to hate a certain group of people so much that you… his parent’s destroy HIS life.  You created him to be a killer… and kill he did.  And now one way or another he will be killed.

But you parent’s don’t blame it upon the victims he so viciously slayed in cold blood… or try to put it on a teacher or a school system… or even upon this country… because that is what seems to have been the problem.  You taught him to blame everybody else.

What a shame.

Dylann-RoofWhat a horrific tragedy and profound lost of good decent hardworking people… who appear to have only showed him kindness.  And with open arms allowed him to partake in their Bible study… while he sat there studying them… plotting how he was going to kill them and who he would take out first.

Was it an act of ‘terrorism’ or was it out and out ‘racism’ that 5972101222233530motivated such an inhumane act?

Oh, I understand how the Klu Klux Klan tried to terrorize black folk.  I understood the ku-klux-klan_3153153b-2sheets over their heads… trying to play like they were ghost.  I even understand the burning of crosses upon the land of black folks… trying to pretend that they were doing some kind of holy work.  But it was all done in the name of ‘racism.’  And that is exactly what the out and out murder of 9 black folk who had never met him before… never talked to him before… had never seen him before was all about.  He murdered them…

  1. Rev. Clementa Pinckney, 41, was the church’s pastor and a South Carolina state neontn6dobatsoj3fwwtlfx66v1eaj_4304695384001_3c1af057bf0a0857d967c9942083f5e1_w455_h256senator.
  2. Depayne Middleton Doctor, 49, sang in the church choir, the Charleston newspaper reported.
  3. Ethel Lance, 70, worked for 30 years at the church, a relative told the Post and Courier.
  4. Susie Jackson, 87, a longtime church member, was Lance’s cousin, the newspaper reported.
  5. Cynthia Hurd, 54, was branch manager of the St. Andrews Regional Library, just a few miles from the church where she was killed.
  6. Tywanza Sanders, 26, was a 2014 graduate of Charleston’s Allen University.resize
  7. Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, 45, was a church pastor and high school track and field coach, according to the Post and Courier.
  8. Myra Thompson, 59, was an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority.
  9. Rev. Daniel Simmons Sr., 74, who died at a hospital, was a retired pastor from another Charleston church.8105900_G

…9 innocent people whose only crime according to Dylann Roof, the young 21 year old murder… was that they were black.  Guilty of rapping and 2ab-the-bishop-wifecovermurdering people… taking jobs from white folks… and no good to society etc.  etc. etc. all those things that backward thinking white parents teach their children when they teach them how to hate other people… just for being…..

Truly sad…

me resized...

Well, God bless…. I pray for every family and for all mankind.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2015

Add a comment June 19, 2015


If it had been a Saturday Night Live skit from beginning to end then maybe it might have been funny.  Except for the fact that someone’s life was grievously taken this whole thing was zimmerman-trial-029-061113anything but a joke.

I really do believe that the prosecution… the DA office… should first of all be investigated.  Because this trial was one of the biggest disasters since Ojay Simpson.  From the picking of the jurors to that supposed medical autopsy doctor something was seriously wrong.

Why in the first place were 6 women chosen for the jury, trayvon16n-7and primarily, if not all of them, white?

One could hardly call that a group of George Zimmerman’s peers.  None of them appeared to me to look in anyway like George Zimmerman’s true peers… whom I would believe to be men about his age, of similar backgrounds etc.. etc..  And on what merits were those women chosen?

Based upon things said by Juror #37 once it was all over… if she can be believed… they all went into the jury pool already with their minds made up before they were even chosen to be 0712-george-zimmerman-trial_full_600jurors.   And some like Juror #37 … I have no doubt also had hidden agendas like coming out with their own book deals and television interviews.

So, just how did such people make the cut and end up in that jury box?

Why would anybody question supposed jurors saying… ‘Knock knock, whose there?’

What kind of jury selection did that of retarded examination of possible jurors bring about?George-Zimmerman-trial-graphic

Maybe the prosecution was just trying to determine who was brain dead from who wasn’t.  And he chose the brain dead.

When you truly look at this case you have to ask yourself was the prosecution for Trayvon Martin’s family… or was the DA office working against them?

When doctor KooKoo… don’t know his name and I am not going to try to find out.  But whenShiping+Bao+Opening+Statements+Begin+George+8voGBLehD9pl that man took the stand… now the whole thing really went into the Twight Light Zone.

Was this man really a doctor?

Had he not ever been prepared by the prosecution office for this hearing before hand?

Did he really know anything about doing or handling an autopsy?

To all these questions the answers appears to be a resounding ‘NO.’ap_abc_george_trayovn_kb_130625_wg

From the moment that autopsy doctor opened his mouth the lawyers supposedly representing Trayvon Martin, the victim in this case, should have entered ‘OBJECTION’ after objection.  Through this whole trial Perry Mason and Matlock were probably rolling over in their graves… and they weren’t even real lawyers.  But I sure could hear some ‘objections‘ needed to be stated.

TRAYVON_MARTIN_NEW_PHOTO_1For 1 thing, the autopsy doctor referred to having conferred with another doctor regarding marijuana.  Objection!

Since the other doctor was not there to substantiate that conversation… testimony of such should have been objected to.

Two, that autopsy doctor came to court with some notes which he stated he had prepared the night before.  Objection!

shiping-bao-zimmerman-trial-7-5-2013-2Here was a guy who clearly stated that he could not remember the facts of his autopsy.  Then why should notes written by him some… what 12 or so months later be allowed in as part of his testimony?

If he could not remember any facts on that autopsy, then clearly any notes written mostly recently would be moot and should have been of no apparent good in this case.  Because they would be based upon his present memory or recollections as opposed to when he actually performed the autopsy.

Thirdly, the autopsy doctor was confrontational… and I don’t know how long he had been in this country… but he kept sybrina-fulton-george-zimmerman-trialacting like he didn’t understand English.  So, then how good was a testimony of anyone like that… who might not be really sure about what he was saying?

One has to wonder whether or not the autopsy doctor was paid off?

And if he worked in my department… after that performance on the witness stand… whether he was either performing to be highly incompetent or really is highly incompetent… I would have sent him packing. FIRED!

That guy was definitely highly unprofessional.  And I cannot help but wonder if it was not just an act on his part.

George_Zimmerman_trial__Trayvon_Martin_s_701760000_20130626180400_320_240Nextly, one really has to wonder….


Did they not go over her testimony with her?

Did they not know what questions to avoid… like ‘what did he say about the man watching him?’   Her response…. ‘He called him a creepy ass cracker.’


Could that testimony not be any more damaging to this case?

She had to have say that to the prosecution before they even put her on the stand.  So, they knew it would be damaging to Trayvon, for the jurors to hear that.

It appears that the prosecutors in this case purposely set about to sabotage it.  Not once… not twice …but time and time again.

There are various other parts of this case which just do not add up.  Such as why the George Zimmermanprosecution did not push further with all those witnesses on Zimmerman’s side which claimed it was ‘Georggie’s voice‘ that they recognized as the person screaming.

We live in a time of vast technological equipment.  Equipment that is able to do voice recognition… voice separation… voice isolation… voice tracking… voice this and voice that…   Including removal of any additional sounds outside of what you are focusing on.  They have equipment that can do just about anything you want it to do… including voice distortion and correction.

So, then why was no technical equipment used in this case to determine who the possible screamer really was?

328124d1359582482-post-pictures-your-portable-recording-equipment-r0012622Equipment could have been rolled into that court and that recording played over and over for those witnesses… recordings mixed with fake voices screaming to see if they could determine the real recording or the fake.  Experts in sound and voice could have been called in to testify… but they were not.  Nor was any equipment used to decipher whose voice it really was that had been screaming.

I listened to the 911 calls with the screams in the background… and coming from years in radio I have a very good ear.  And those screams did not come from a 27 or 28 year old man.  Nor was the voice non-African American.  And on top of all of that… just ask yourself who screams for help when they have a gun in their 9163075_600x338hand?

Remember, now… that there was no evidence that Trayvon’s hand was ever on Zimmerman’s gun.  There was no George-Zimmerman-Trial-Begins-Videoevidence in fact that Trayvon ever even touched Zimmerman.  The forensic people found no traces of Zimmerman’s DNA under Trayvon’s nails… nor any bruises on his hands or knuckles.

The other issue in this case was the fact that there was so much 911 evidence in this case was against George Zimmerman.  On 1 recording of a 911 operator, she clearly asked Zimmerman ‘are you following him?

To which Zimmerman answered ‘yes.’

trayvon-martin-240That operator told Zimmerman to stop following Trayvon and to get back into his car.   Which George Zimmerman certainly from the outcome in the death of Trayvon… totally ignored.

Also, based upon the merits of that 911 recording alone Zimmerman was clearly stalking Trayvon.  Therefore, Zimmerman was the predator… a man with a gun who approached an unarmed young person, who later was found shot to death by him.  One bullet straight into his heart.

I have no doubt that George Zimmerman perpetrated a hate crime against Trayvon Martin.  And that his call to 911 was a systematic attempt on George Zimmerman’s part to build a scenario for that 911 operator, for circumstances that he would later claim provoked him into the killing  of Trayvon Martin.  An act which I believe came across Zimmerman’s sick mind probably from the moment his eyes fell upon the young black teenage, Trayvon Martin, walking in the darkness of night… in the rain on his way home from the corner store.1_photo

The statements that Zimmerman made in his 911 call clearly show a concise and calculated mind working, at setting up a painted picture of the young black teenage male, whom he was following claiming that he ‘looked like’ a criminal and ‘was out to do’ something illegal.  While on the contrary, Trayvon Martin was just a kid who happened to be on his way home from a local corner store.  And it was Zimmerman who was the 1 working with a criminal mind… and a blind intent to kill a young innocent boy.

There are many people who believe that George Zimmerman was protecting stand-your-ground-stateshimself… standing his ground, if you will.  As Florida has a law called ‘Stand Your Ground.’  Meaning you have a right to protect yourself if you feel that your life is threatened.

Zimmerman had taken self-defense classes, was carrying an armed weapon, and he had aspiration of being a cop and/or lawyer like his dad, who just so happened to be a judge.  Trayvon Martin had not taken any martial arts classes, and was only carrying a small bag of candy and a can of ice tea.  Based upon that… who do you really think was more lethal?

I sincerely hope the Federal Government steps into 03zimmerman-articleLarge-v2this case, because the ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law is a very dangerous piece of law.  It reminds me of the ol’ south when white men would purposely go out seeking to start trouble with a black man or woman. So, they would step in front of them or do something to elicit some type of response from the victim, via their coercion of them.  Whereby many black men and women were either killed, endangered, terrorized, houses burnt down, lost their businesses, and/or chased out of town etc…

Such laws as Stand Your Ground were and are not meant to protect all people… just certain people.  And this case 45994_535195413195131_1440856751_ninvolving the brutal murder of Trayvon Martin is a clear indication of that.

What right more or is necessary …or does this law of ‘Stand Your Ground’ give to anyone, that has or is not given already by the Declaration of Independence in this country?

The Declaration of Independence  states ‘all men’…  not some have more rights than others.  It states that all men are created equalwith certain unalienable rights.  And it begins by saying… We hold these truths to be self-evident.  It then goes on to say…. that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Unalienable rights… what are those?

They are God given rights.1001010_694927910532723_1458365131_n

The right to defend ourselves is a right given to each and everyone of us.  Whereas, such laws as ‘Stand Your Ground’ are intended  and are only applied for certain people… and not for others.

lynch_5Back in the days… lets go to the days after slavery when supposedly the slaves had been freed.  Yet, they were not allowed to look white people directly in the eyes.  And often were taunted into some type of reaction for which they may have been killed… whipped… spat upon… mocked etc…

One could hardly say that they… those black folk then did not have a right to respond to such actions to provoke them.  article-zimmerman3-0713But based upon certain imposed or otherwise implied or ‘understood’ laws, mostly in the old south… laws not written but understood based upon you… meaning black folk… knowing ‘our so-called place.’

Did not Trayvon Martin have a right to go to the store,  and a reasonable right then be able to return home safely without some mad man shooting him down killing him for no apparent reason… other than his skin color?

Where were the rights of Trayvon Martin ever addressed in this case of the City of Sanford vs. Sybrina Fulton,Tracy MartinGeorge Zimmerman?

If indeed, Trayvon had been straddling Zimmerman in a fist fight.

Did not Trayvon Martin have the God given right given to him by nature, if no other law could protect him… than the law of self-preservation?

Why should Travyon Martin then have been demonized for trying to protect himself against someone whom he perceived to be a perpetrator who was out to kill him… when Zimmerman walked upon him and shoved that gun up in his face?

the-case-against-wannabe-cop-george-zimmermanThere was not 1 point or place where you can truly say that the prosecution truly tried to win this case.  They did a lousy job of picking jurists.  They failed to object to various infractions and irregularities as they appeared in this case.  And they never seemed committed to win at all.

71-year-old black man found guilty of manslaughter, jury rejects 'Stand Your Ground' claim

If the truth be told this case never should have been held in Sanford, FL… but in some other 171425550county if not state.  The authority and connections of Zimmerman’s judge father made this case an impossible case to get a fair trial in such a small little town… with so much at stake, and so many hands easily washed.

timthumbThis is 1 of those rare times that I must say I disagree with Bill… That is Bill Crosby.  Bill says you can’t prove that Zimmerman is a racist.  Yes, that might well be somewhat true.  But you can’t prove that he isn’t a racist either.  Ooooh, wait a minute…

Wasn’t it Zimmerman who did all that racial profiling of Trayvon Martin in his 911 call, before he actually shot him to death?

That alone gave you a keen insight as to what or how George Zimmerman felt about young black males.  And his actions zimmerman-trial-017-062413spoke the rest.

Anyone who would have racially profile someone as in-dept as George Zimmerman painted that picture in his 911 call, of what Trayvon Martin looked like, his demeanor… his supposed behavior… etc.  cannot be considered anything less than a racist.   And there is no way of esq-trayvon-martin-skittles-032712-xlggetting around that.

Zimmerman said that the person he was ‘following’ was someone who looked like he was up to no good… that it appeared as though he’s on drugs or something… he’s black or Hispanic… he has his hands on his waistband (meaning like he was packing a gun).   And then Zimmerman said… ‘these @#!# they always get away.’


In the CNN story below the person being interviewed states that the Trayvon Martin case wasusa-trials-zimmerman not a case of racial profiling, because racial profiling can only take place when someone is involved in law enforcement.  I am a dissenting voice to this theory and statement with regard george-zimmerman-surveillance-video-detain_0to this case.  Because that definition can be extended to include anyone ‘believing’ he is a law enforcement officer. There is no secret about George Zimmerman and history of fantasying becoming a cop.

A psychologist should have been brought into this case who could have clearly said that George Zimmerman portrayed certain traits, habits,  and forms of behavior and language  that indicated he felt he was operating as a cop.  When taken into perspective even George’s scio-background, family history, and his history of prepping himself and taking up martial arts etc. all unquestionably show Zimmerman imagesto be a man possessed with a deep rooted desire to be cop, or someone involved in some matter in law enforcement.  Hence, his position as ‘CAPTAIN’ of the neighborhood watch.

It is quite clear that George Zimmerman wanted to be a police officer.  When that avenue did not open up to him… he then tried to study law.  And that failed too.

So, the next step was to join the neighborhood watch.  It is not hard to draw a correlation between that and George actually being a cop on the beat.  George neighborhood-watch-db7357ebde248a6fZimmerman was clearly and unequivocally a wanna-be-cop, and all his actions  and language on the night, in which he confronted Trayvon Martin, attest to it.  And this is not a large leap or even a very short hop to get to.

The other thing about Zimmerman… he obviously suffers from  a feeling of wanting to be a hero.  He appears to be the kind of person you read about who goes to work in a hospital…and awaits an opportunity to unplug somebody’s life support machine… then quickly plug it back in just in the brink of time, then claim that he saved that person’s life.  When in reality he was the person who had thrown the person’s life into jeopardy in the first place.

It is not hard to see that Zimmerman was… or is… a loser.  Perhaps even a black sheep in a family, of George Zimmerman Trial Begins In Floridawhat seems to be full of people who are professionally involved in law enforcement in varying capacities.  But everything and time that George tried to do in order to get in… it would appear that he just could not make the cut.

I had a dispute with a friend over George’s 120515113003-zimmerman-walking-into-court-story-topweight.  Because at 1 point there arose this question of Zimmerman’s weight as opposed to the weight of Trayvon Martin.  Which of course should have also been a key point in this case.

When Zimmerman finally turned himself in… some 45 days after the killing of George Zimmerman (R) enters into the couTrayvon… it was apparent to me that Zimmerman had gone on some type of crash diet during those days.  The issue was  whether or not Zimmerman weighted considerably more than Trayvon Martin?  Even in the picture of above of Zimmerman being lead into court … you can see that the suit he is wearing is a lot larger than he is.  However, during the hearing walla… a much fuller fatter Zimmerman, and his clothes seem to fit him just fine.  Meaning Zimmerman’s body mass between the time Zimmerman shot Trayvon and the time Zimmerman finally went to trial… shows Zimmerman at his true weight and mass, when the young teenager was shot to death.  But, of course, zimmerman-no-injuries1Zimmerman’s side had good reason to want to dispel the fact that Zimmerman was much heavier in body weight to Trayvon.  Hence, Zimmerman’s miraculous weight lose before turning himself into the police department in Sanford.  Otherwise, that story made up by the Defense Attorneys of a helpless and fearful George Zimmerman at the hands of a Trayvon Martin just would not have played out.  070113_zimmermanwrap1_640Nobody would have believed that.

So, George had to lose that weight.  Which, of course, as you see in his court pictures that he totally gained back.

Then there is the camera footage of Zimmerman that night following the supposed fight that lead to the untimely demise of a young Trayvon Martin.  Zimmerman’s head had no cuts or lacerations.

If the truth be told there were a lot of ‘so-called’ myths that the Zimmerman team wanted to Opening Statements Begin In George Zimmerman Trialdispel… and some they wanted to seriously promote.

Some myths about Zimmerman…

  • 1. He always told the truth
  • 2. His family was full of truth loving people
  • 3. Zimmerman didn’t stalk Trayvon
  • 4. Zimmerman was really in fear of his life
  • 5. Zimmerman feared Trayvon was going to kill him
  • 6. Zimmerman was a good law abiding citizen
  • 7. Zimmerman had great reasons to believe his life was in danger

Some myths the Zimmerman team wanted to promote about Trayvon…trayvon-martin-grad

  • 1. Trayvon was a wayward kid
  • 2. Trayvon was a trouble maker
  • 3. Trayvon was an addict
  • 4. Trayvon was out looking for trouble
  • 5. Trayvon was out to kill Zimmerman
  • 6. Trayvon beat Zimmerman
  • 7. Trayvon had a right to be killed

Let me stop right here.  Who has ever seen anybody who fell to the ground hitting their head?

When did they get up with a cut or cuts?7cad362f-08d5-441e-965b-49279964661a_zps7c726495

I have hit the ground and have seen people bang their heads and they always ended up with a knot in their head.  Big bump.  The harder they fell the bigger the bump on their head.  But never did I see a straight cut appear in anybody’s head, from someone falling to the ground and hitting their head.

PS_0Here again is a big problem that I had with the forensic evidence in this case.  These are the kinds of things that real professions are called into Court to testify about.  But this case had no real forensic people.  No big wig specialist… like in the Ojay Simpson case.

Those cuts on the back of George 22655032_BG1Zimmerman’s head could have clearly been blown up and recognized as having not been done by some type of fall to the ground.  And lugging all the concrete sidewalks in the world into court could not prove otherwise.

3_article_photoThis case had so many missed opportunities on the part of the DA office… you really have to wonder if they ever intended to try this case to win it?

And that answer here again would have to be a resounding ‘NO.’

Clearly, Trayvon Martin’s case biggest opposition or problem were the very people who were supposed to be seeking justice for his murder.U.S. President Obama speaks about the benefits of the Affordable Care Act while in the East Room at the White House in Washington

I really do hope that Mr. President, Barack Obama, sends in the Feds to take on this case.  Because Trayvon Martin truly deserves justice.  He had done nothing for which his young life should have been stolen from him.  And by his cries for help… he dearly did not wish to die… or deserved to.

Bill Cosby, Charles Barkley, Shari… whatever her name on charles-barkley-2the View, President Jimmy Carter… and many others who felt that this case and its verdict was just… definitely missed something.  This was no ‘new thing.’  It is something that we as black folk in America have long had to deal with.  Trials like this one are not new.  And zimmerman-juror-this-case-wasnt-about-racewe have come to recognize them when we see them… and know them when we hear their verdicts.

All of this… the trial and the circumstances which brought about the trial are all historic.  Even to the having of some black folk who want to say ‘Oh, it wasn’t racist.’  When it clearly was nothing but racist.  Race had everything to do with Trayvon Martin being killed… and there is just no getting around it.

I was really hoping… as we always do… that the jury would do the right thing based upon the shear George Zimmermanmerits of this case… and also having full knowledge that Zimmerman was a liar.   Also, being fully aware that it was Zimmerman not Trayvon who had been the provoker.  But in looking back over the court pictures… where Zimmerman does an awful lot of smiling for a man, who should believe he might be found guilty, and have to spend the rest of his life ingeorgezim_notguilty_630x390prison.  Too much smiling in fact…

So, now looking over these pictures and seeing this smiling Zimmerman, it appears to me now that Zimmerman knew how this case was going to go to end up right from the very start.   That is really very unfortunate… 2ab-the-bishop-wifecover money and power play a big factor in the outcome of a lot court outcomes.  But I guess having a father with connections… goes a long way to assuring a favorable outcome.

I just finished watching a video of Geraldo Rivera talking about the Trayvon Martin case.  It is funny how much people change over time.  I thought Geraldo used to be a lot smarter.  Based upon Geraldo’s take on this case, any one of us could have been shot dead and would have been alright.  Based upon Geraldo’s assumption, if we look just like some black guys who were supposedly vandalizing that neighborhood then it is okay to kill you.

Now, how stupid is that… and ignorant?

I don’t know how long the myth that all black folks look alike has been going around in me resized...gty_geraldo_rivera_mi_130201_msAmerica… but it has.  We know we don’t look alike… but to some people we all look like criminals …murders… crack fiends… and welfare fraud people etc…

Shame on Geraldo.  He must be trying to get a new tv show or renew his contract.  Some people will do and say anything… for a little money.  He must need it real bad…  And he sure looks old.

Guilty by looking like a criminal.  Trayvon was dressed just like most teens dress, black or white… Hispanic or Asian etc… You see them all day long with hoodies everywhere… going to school… coming from school… riding richard-i-anson-young-man-with-skateboard-melbourne-australiaskateboards… on bikes.  When did wearing a hoodie mean you were a criminal?

And though I do not like the style… it is a style for the kids… shagging pants.  A hoodie and shagging pants does not make anyone a criminal.  Much less worthy of dying.  And because somebody’s house or neighborhood is having problems does not mean you go out shooting anybody you think looks like the type who did it.

Where is the justice in that?

I pray justice and peace for the Martin family… and America.Boxing champion ... Mike Tyson in New York, 2004.

I have to admit that on this topic Mike Tyson spoke saying something that I very much can agree upon… or with him on.  When asked what he thought about this case… Mike said, “I don’t know any more than what I have seen on television.  But I do know that kid should not have ended up dead.”

In happening to catch a segment of The View, they were discussing the trial and I have to say elizabeth-hasselbeck-hotthat I truly admire Elizabeth Hasselbeck’s stance on this, and her outrage is truly worthy of my mentioning.  As a mother ever woman should be highly upset regarding the circumstances of this case, and the cruel, brutal and cold blooded murder of Trayvon Martin.

Well, God bless… I know you are probably wondering what took me so long to get around to writing this blog?

I did… but I have mostly done so on Facebook.

The other reason is I sprang my right foot.   It has been a few weeks now.  I had pain in it before… but not realizing it after I stepped into a hole and twisted my foot that I had done damage to it.   Which while at a convention in Baltimore I had plenty of time in between limping around, and trying to stay off of it… I spent a lot my down time watching the case on TV.  Because there wasn’t much else I could really as my foot was killing me.

My foot is still bothering me.  I understand it takes about 16 weeks for a sprang foot to heal.  BLD080493So, I am trying to stay off of it as much as possible still.

And the other reason it took me so long to write this blog was, of course, the weather… ALL THIS HEAT.

It has been soooooooo hot and humid here.  The humidity was almost unbearable.  Every time I got up to do the slightest thing… sweat would be pouring down my face… my nose… my brows etc…   I was showering up to 6 times per day.  Because I cannot stand to be sweaty… even with an aching ice-cream-sxcfoot.  Yeah, pain or no pain into the shower I went.  But the weather has broken now.  And I hope it stays this way.

I certainly hope you fared well… better than me in all this heat… and got done all you needed to do.  Have a good rest of this week… and I will catch you again soon.  I’ve got to go put my foot back up.

And again I thank those of you very much  who have ventured out and purchased my book… which can be ordered on-line at any number of websites… just google THE BISHOP’S WIFE by Bernadine Smith… and see for yourself.  And you can also read excerpts from my book on-line as well at Barnes&Nobles Nook, etc…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

Add a comment July 25, 2013


Sometimes things just slip out when we least expect them to.

Sometimes some of the things we do and say may not seem hypocritical or hurtful to us.

Sometimes things just catch up with us.

Sometimes we pretend to be 1 way but really are another.

nup-156599-0064-jpgWhich of these scenarios do you think best fits celebrity chef Paul Deen?

When 1 of my next door neighbors stopped me to tell me this story I must admit I did not understand what she was saying.  I thought she was talking about some radio station DJ acting a fool again, like Imus in the Morning had done… before he got canned.  But it was not until my son began to tell me this story that I finally got a clearer picture of what my neighbor had been trying to say to me.

Not a big television watcher I really was not familiar with the 1371986353_3459_paula-deen-covername, Paula Deen.  Though my neighbor had said it and said it again several times, as if I should have known her personally.  But of course I did not.  But now that I have looked up the story, I have to admit that I had caught Paula Deen at least once tossing in a couple bars of butter into some dish she was preparing on the Food Network.

One could hardly say that what she said was purely by accident.  Meaning it was how she was accustom to talking… though never before the cameras.  And why not I wonder?

paula-deen-friedWell, maybe because she knew it was wrong.  That it was backwards and intolerable.  But however backwards that way of thinking is and talking… it finally caught up with Paula Deen.  Oh, yeah, she can blame it on her back home training and down-home southern roots.  But can that really justify what Paula said… or has been talking for years?  I mean she is a grown woman… a grand-mother at that besides being a big time TV chef.  So, she is certainly old enough to know that using that word or any word like it deen22f-4was unacceptable and offensive to many.  And that the times have long ago changed… when white people could simple use such words and get away with it.

Let us examine this in its totality.  Exactly what did Paula Deen say?

Well, it seems that Paula Deen liked throwing around the ‘N’ word.  She and her brother,  a partner with her is some restaurant they own together.   They both based upon reports liked calling some of their non-white workers by the ‘N’ word.   And Paula called a TV assistant the word a few times too many it certainly appears.

In a legal action brought against Paula Deen …and 1 possibly against her brother too,  images-3both are accused has having referred to African American employees as the little ‘N’ word.  In various news reports it is stated that her brother continuously referred to at least 1 employee as ‘a little monkey.’  And it also seems that Paula Deen was planning someone’s wedding… where get this… Paula decided it would nice to have a ‘plantation style wedding’ with some little (the ‘N’ word) running around and dressed up like slaves.279_civil-war-soldiers2eee

Now, how far in denial was she?

Who did she believe would not get upset or find that ‘offensive?’ 

There are people who just do not want to let the ol’ south go.  They want to pretend like the Civil War really did not happened.  And that the ol’ south will rise up once again.

food_network_1340984494So, yeah I would say that Paula Deen’s out and out racists remarks and backward thinking deserved to get her booted off the Food Network… seeing that many African Americans love that channel, and many other minority people, as well.  And a whole lot of ethnic cooking goes on on that network.

In fact, many of Paula Deen’s southern style recipes have their direct roots in the African American style of cooking… whether Paula would admit to it or not.

So, lets face it we live in a big world… full of lots of people of all sorts… all kinds of nations and religions etc.  And the world and its people are forever growing.paula-deen_240x340_32

Is it not time that we put aside ever strife and ill thinking when it comes to people who do not look like us?

But there are some people who just want to believe that they are more superior to other people.  That they are smarter… more progressive… higher achievers… more accomplished etc… etc… etc.  And there are... but it is just not the ones who usually think they are.

When you go back into history and really track this thing… if the  truth be total all civilization got its start in africa-bibleAfrica.  The first universities, libraries, mathematicians etc… you name it… architects, astrologers etc. etc… all of it got started in African.  In fact, scientists today are still mystified by some ancient ruins.  They are even still trying to figure out just how certain structures such as the pyramids had been built.

images-2The books say Africans were not seafaring people.  But historical events defy that lie.  In Biblical scripture, II Chronicles 8:18, it speaks of a man named, Huram, who was a master builder who had built up cities for King Solomon, for storage of his chariots and riches.  This man Huram also had servants who manned his ships.  Yes, the Bible said ‘ships.’  And it also said that this man’s men possessed knowledge of the sea.

Which goes to say that yes even way back then, thousands of years ago, in Solomon’s time African men were building large sea vessels and riding the seas.   When you consider the land mass of headsnew_3001Africa in Biblical times… Africa stretched straight to and included Asia.   Which takes me to another point and that is… that the entire Bible basically takes place in book(1)Africa… not in Europe except for when Caesar and Rome come into the picture, and those other places across the Mediterranean Sea, such as Macedonia and Greece etc.  As all the countries and/or nations as we know them today had not been birth yet… nor boundaries such as those of today, therefore, Africa in its time had to have been very powerful.  This is something which has never been reflected in any of our history books.

The history books also do not reflect all the great contributions and inventions created by African Americans even while in this country.  And there a tremendous amount of them of considerable importance not only to this country but to the world… but there is a reason.images

This reason goes all the way back to the myth and historical stereotyping of us that had been created and propagated by those who desired to keep what they called us back then black-history-month-pic‘darkies’ in their place.  So, the myth was that we were not smart… could not learn… were lazy and shiftless.  Also, as time went on it became that we were born criminals… and scoundrels… and not to mention that we were less than human… animals to be owned and bred.

And so… here we are today in the 21st Century still having to deal with old myths and stereotypes … and names made to keep us down… hold us back and seemingly needy.  They tt_index_mainwere created to hinder us and our children from ever achieving anything in this country… least of all any level of pride and our own sense of real self-worth.

It is interesting that this Paula Deen thing has come up when it has… as I happened to catch a portion of a television program Sunday.  As I have already made mention in at least a couple of my prior blogs, as well as, this 1 I really rarely watch television any more… but I happened to be over my sister’s house this weekend, and normally while there I try toarticle-2229201-15DC5D9F000005DC-555_964x693 the-first-familycatch up on my television watching… as there is really nothing else for me to do there except to watch television.  So, this show was called ‘THE FIRST FAMILY.’  It was… or is supposed to be a spoof on the Obama family in the White House.  Needless to say I found it to be repulsive and a slap in the face to our real First Family.

ReganI remember sitting in class and a discussion came up about a made for TV movie on the Reagan family during Reagan’s White House years.  Mind you that this discussion was years after Regan was dead and after he had long left the White House.  Yet, the outcry against that movie was soooooo great.  Every talk show hosts and news medium was doing a story on the uproar that movie was causing.  The TV network that was set to air the movie backed out… and another network picked it up.  But there were tons of letters …there were lots of phone calls… there were a lot of screaming and hollering over this movie about this man, Ronald Reagan, and how this movie would portray his legacy, his CPH-reagan-family_e6_400image, his years as a President etc… etc.. etc..  They saw it as being aimed to discredit Regan, and refused to allow the movie to air without a fight.  And fight they did.images-4

When you think of the Queen of England and how they hold her is such high regard and her position as Queen, they would never allow any sit-com to be made about the Royal Family where they would be the brunt of jokes… and made to look incompetent.  This is also the why they used to think in this country concerning the White House and the Presidency until…

Well…  until the Obama’s moved into the White House.

images-1I am very proud of the First Family, the Obama’s.  Compared to the vast majority of the Presidents who have occupied the White House they are truly a family to be put up as a national example of what a good family is supposed to not only look like, act like or be like… but is.  The President, Barack Obama, and his wife, Michelle Obama, are more than just great parents they are exceedingly good role models for those looking to marry.  They exemplify what 1 shouldCookingWithPaulaDeen_April2011 seek in his or her future marriage with regard to their husband or wife.  And how to ensure that your marriage works.

So, yes I find any show, play, television program or anything else designed to make a mockery of them totally distasteful and highly offensive… and clearly an attempt to be a slap in the face of President Barack Obama and his family.   It is beyond me if they really wanted a laugh how no one thought to come up with a sit-com on the Bush’s… wouldn’t have had to look far for material to laugh about there.

Hopefully, that show will get cancelled… and it never should have been allowed in the first place.  What an insult to all of us.

Now, going back to Paula Deen and her story.  Yes, she definitely deserved to get the boot off the Food Network.  I would venture to say if ever there was a word she wished she had 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverprobably never learned… it was the ‘N’ word.  It cost her greatly… and rightly so.

Well, God bless…I hope you are having a great week.  I know… it has just gotten started.  But I can still wish that you have a great 1.  Stay out of the heat and work on getting something done.  me resized...And I will be doing likewise… and as you can I already have.  Another blog… FINISHED.

I thank those of you very much  who have ventured out and purchased my book… which can be ordered on-line at any number of websites… just google THE BISHOP’S WIFE by Bernadine Smith… and see for yourself.  And you can also read excerpts from my book on-line as well at Barnes&Nobles Nook, etc…

Oafrican_americans_wwii_006h, before I end this just let me say for the record that I am not familiar with either of the African American history books whose picture I used in this blog.  So, should I at some time in the future ever read them… or if you do… and find them less than truthful or wholly without merit… please do not believe I suggested them as being that which they may not be.  And that is truthful with regard to our history as African people and African American people in America.

UP-DATE…Tuesday, June 25, 2013:   Just a little update on the Paula Deen story… something that I came across today.  The Food Network owns another network.  And Paula’s show on that network was not pulled.  Uh-huh…  How people do love to play games.  It looks 1 way 1 way… while they are doing something else another way.

Okay, now that the cat is out of the bag lets see what the Food Network is really going to do… on their sister channel…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2013

4 comments June 24, 2013

Venus and Serena always at the top…

Okay, I admit it.  I have not been paying close attention to either Serena or Venus lately.

Okay…okay…maybe it was because I just can’t seem to agree with the skimpy clothes or skin-like almost naked look of  Venus’ under garments of her tennis outfits.  But that does not mean that they are not the best…or perhaps the greatest sister act to ever hit the  World Tennis Courts.

And because I can’t always agree with their clothing choses does not mean that they are not ‘yet’ still beautiful young black or…African American young ladies.

So, then why did the Austrian Open fail to include their names.  Venus and Serena Williams… in its list of  ‘the ten most beautiful women?’



If  it was an oversight on the part of those who did the electing could it have been one due to color… as in their ‘skin color?’

Very possibly.

Beauty can be measured in a number of ways.  But if you are looking at beauty as it pertains to women’s looks…  then you certainly cannot overlook the Williams sisters.  And they are more than just physically beautiful.

Some people even believe that a good mind is beautiful.  And if you are one of those then… they are beautiful even in that.

Some people believe that having a good personality is beautiful.  And if you are one of  those than you might even agree here.  The William sisters are beautiful

Some believe that having height is beautiful.  I love height.  And if you think that being tall is a sign of  beauty… then you can agree here.  That the William sisters are beautiful.

Some people look at your skill and ability, and find beauty in that.  Maybe, you are one of those.  Certainly, it cannot be said that they… neither Venus nor Serena are lacking in either of  those departments.  In fact, they possess great skill and ability in all the things that they do… be it designing jewelry, or designing sets  for television or video productions… or designing clothes …or slicing tennis balls straight down the court and making Aces.

Yes, the Williams sisters possess talent, skill, ability, smarts, intellect, height, charm, elegance… and everything else.

So, then why did they not get chosen …or at least 1 of  them for some ‘tennis most beautiful list?’

Well, you figure that one out.  I have my own opinion on the matter already… and you probably know what it is.

All in all… whether they were picked or not for that list… what can you say except…  they are still winners in everybody’s book.  And very much still at the top of  their game.

Now, how could your overlook that?

With regard to their clothes…

Who says that the under pants to Venus’ tennis outfits have to be only white?

Evidently, it is not in the rule book.

The other young ladies on the tennis court wear white under garments and nobody says that they are trying to give off the illusion of being naked…being that they are white.   So, why then should we perceive that Venus is trying to give off  an illusion of  being naked… even though that might have been what she expressed when she was confronted by a bunch of  foolish questions concerning the matter.

Can you believe that an article states that when Venus steps out on the court at the US Open this year…she will do so as the ‘under-dog?’

Clearly, many in the tennis hate the Williams sisters…and simply just wish that they would just disappear.

And once again Venus is causing a stirr…news articles saying ‘short and skimpy.’   You guess what they are talking about.

Well, hope that you enjoy your weekend this weekend.  The kids are back at school here on Monday.  Unlike when I was growing up you don’t really see parents out shopping for school clothes the way they used to.  My son says that it is because kids wear uniforms now.

But still what happened to having to buy new shoes and socks, and other things for school?

Then today too… many kids have to supply themselves with their own notebooks, pens, pencils, and paper… etc…etc…etc…

They don’t even get to carry their school books home from schools any more.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

And everybody is wondering why they kids are not getting the education that they should?

What tools are we giving them so they can?

Not every child has a computer at home… or at their immediate disposal.    They do not all have the same resources.

So, why does the public school system feel that they do?

Where are all our tax dollars going?

When they started lotto in this state they said that the money… or a large portion of it was View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBygoing to go  towards education.  I really do not see where any of  has.

Today, the kids have no lockers in their schools to even hang up their coats… or  to place their books in… if  they were given any.  They have to furnish their own pencil sharpeners… art supplies …everything.  All of which were  given to us when I was in school.

For every class I had… I had a corresponding textbook.  These books were given to me as my personal possess for the year, and at the end of year I had to return them back into the possession of the school.  But today’s kids don’t have anything like that.  Their books can’t leave their classrooms. 

So, what happened to all that lotto money?

Why do kids have less in school today than we did yesterday?

And in this environment of less… how can we possibly expect or hope for them to do just as well or even better than we did yesterday?

I can’t see it happening.  The sakes are higher today… and our kids should not be made to deal with less simply because the school system is not allocated its  fair share.

Now, so much for me standing on top of  my soap box.

Enjoy your weekend… and hopefully each and every one of our children… and they all are ours… will have a great and tremendous school year this year.

I have yet to launch my official and new website…but I must say that it looks great.  And almost everything is working.  Just needs some final tweaking.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family to em , co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

2 comments August 28, 2010

Racism in America is alive and well… and growing… Beck in the dog house…

Who in the world is Glen Beck?

I had never heard of  him before until coming across this internet article on him during his radio program imitating the President’s daughter.|hp-laptop|dl1|link3|

Upon listening to the radio program in question…as it is included in the article…  all I could think of  was the black face comic skits that white people used to do of  black people.  They would mimmick our voices making us sound as dumb and as ignorant as possible…while having covered their faces with some kind of  black oily face paint.  And then they would paint on their faces some excessively big lips.

All of this they did in stupid attempts at making fun of  not only how we talk, pretending to think and reason like us aloud…and, of course,  supposedly depicting what our facial features look like.  It was all done to belittle us as a group of people, and also to make Black folks feel unequal, backwards and ignorant people.  All of which was and is a lie…then and now.

The fact that Barack Obama may well be the most intelligent man to hit the White House… which maybe the root to this whole problem.

The 2nd problem for some of these back in the Dark Ages back woods ignorant racists…is that President Obama may also prove to be a greater President than Franklin Dalano Roosevelt.  Oh, no… that can’t possibly happen.  But based upon the set-up left behind by George W. Bush it could become true.

Roosevelt’s fame as a President came from the mess he stepped into as a President.  Stepping into the White House following Herbert Hoover, a Republican and the 31st President of the United States…he sank the country into one big mess.  Therefore, Roosevelt inherited an United States that was suffering.  The Stock Market had crashed and dire poverty covered the land from coast to coast due to the Great Depression.

Roosevelt was the creator of ‘The New Deal.’   With the New Deal Roosevelt ushered in a new America…a reformed America and a series of new social programs designed to aid and assist the needy, and to strengthen and mobilize America back onto the road of  recovery.

Often we have heard that history repeats itself.  If this is indeed so…many then can see where President Barack Obama is set on the path to do for America what Roosevelt did for America some 78 years ago.

There is no doubt also that America when Barack Obama was elected in as the President of the United States a year ago,  had been left in a questionable place  and a time of vast uncertainty and downcline around the world.  Allies around the world questioned our stability, truthfulness and fortitude as a still world leader after years of rule under the moral degradation and lies of George W. Bush as President of America.

Obama inherited a crashing Stock Market, a collapsing World Banking system, a rapidly dwindling American dollar, skyrocketing fuel and gas prices, the highest ever in America… record numbers of out of work Americans, soaring health and medical costs with record numbers of Americans without any form of health care policies, corrupt leaning and borrowing systems, with record numbers of Americans being forced into the streets due to foreclosures, and soaring out of control country financial deficit fueled by 2 wars without a seemingly end…and much more.  All of which had happend under the 8 years of  administration and rule of George W. Bush.  And also under the Bush Administration, America for the 2nd time in her history was attack on her own soil…September 11th, known as  9-11.  Where thereafter all kinds of  other attempts, boomings and plagues came about.

If you examine the mess that Obama inherited including those things which generally come up during the term of a President… such as the BP oil spill in the Gulf…and when Russia decided to invade Georgia, in the Baltics… you find that Presidents have to deal with all kinds of  things…including unforseen natural disasters.  But it doesn’t make it their fault.   Though much of  what happened under George Bush’s watch was.

Now, I am going to vent.

I am so tired of reading all these articles where people refer to our President Barack Obama using a small ‘p.’  It is so annoying to me.  I absolutely hate reading anything about him written this way.  It  is so disrespectful to Obama.

I know that Obama being the man that he is pretends that it does not bother him…but he is an intelligent man, a historian and a man of letters.  Meaning he has read all kinds of documents and articles past and present on all past Presidents of the United States, as it was for 1 thing…his field of  study.  And I am sure he has also noticed that at no other time has any other President of  this country ever been referred to in any form of  text using a lower case ‘p’ as has become the practice when writing articles about Obama.

Thus, to do so when referring to Obama is not only disrespectful but an act of racism.  An act of out and out racism and I do not care what anyone else says.  And it is all a campaign purposefully set to down grade and minimize Obama, his efforts, his effectiveness and his success.

But I want to let you know… every last one of you that it won’t work.  Just like they say in that gospel song…it just won’t work.

Obama is going to be great in spite of  you.

And he is going to be as successful…if not more successful than Roosevelt.  And that if for no other reason than because some many racists want to see him fail…with Palin and that whole Republican machine riding in the front car.

But the Bible says…that he whom the Lord has blessed is blessed indeed.

And Obama is blessed…his family is blessed…his children are blessed…and this country shall  be blessed because of  him. 

If anyone has any doubts about whether Barack Obama is blessed just go back and look at those photos of  his inaugural.  Look at all those people who flowed into Washington, D.C. to celebrate with him and his family.  And check all his record numbers…record number in the amount of money contributed to his campaign…the most money ever given to any political campaign ever.  Record number in contributions from people who have never contributed to a politician ever.  Highest number of  voter turn out ever.  And the numbers continue on and on in regard to Obama’s accomplishments.

He shall be like Solomon because God has set his course for him over this nation.  And if you doubt it go back to his mother, and how she used to wake him up at 4 AM in the morning to go over and learn American History.  Obama’s path was laid for him long before Obama was born.

Therefore, as it is said in the Scriptures…no weapon formed against him shall prosper.   Meaning all the evil works being performed against him will come to nought.  Every vote meant to hold him back and hinder a bill that he is trying to put through will be turned around, and go against those who are trying to oppose him and stop his progress…or hold up his candidates for offices.

Another Scripture says this…that what the devil means for evil God will turn it around for your good.  Meaning the all the name 2ab-the-bishop-wifecovercalling, opposition and hindering in Congress and the Senate will be turned around for Obama’s good.  Already I can see this happening in that Obama is becoming a lot sharper and more posed when attacks come against him publically.  He is definitely far more Presidential now, and I am sure he would have more of a targeted response for anyone who should suddenly decide it smart to call him ‘liar’ again while he is speaking before the Senate.  I have no doubt of it.

I am proud of  Obama and I know that he is no joke.  And he is not going to continue to allow people to treat him as one.

And as far as this Beck person goes…  Well, I just hope that he has no children.  I cannot imagine what he would do if  someone so cruelly and purposely poked fun at his little daughter…and made a joke out of her.

I also hope that none of the children in Obama’s daughter class have  heard that stupid radio clip.  What an ignorant thing to do.  And these people call themselves adults…but are too afraid stand up in front of  Obama and say what they have to say.

No, they’ll do it from behind a microphone…and then issue out an apology from somewhere.  A bunch of cowards.  That is all they are…a bunch of  racist ignorant cowards.

But then I guess I can kind of  understand why some should be jealous of  Obama.  I mean after all…not only is he a great husband… but also a very loving and caring father.  He is also handsome…and looks well in everything he wears.  He’s smart…tall…and doesn’t have a problem with his weight.  He’s athletic…and he has a beautiful and highly intelligent wife.  And 2 very beautiful and intelligent…and very well behaved daughters.  And oh, yeah…also an important part… a mother-in-law who loves him as well.

So, yes he is well on his way to be the most powerful and successful President of  this country of all times…who will be spoken of and the measure that those who follow him shall View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBybe measured by.   Of  this I am sure.

So, yes…you who want to see Obama fail…I can see why.  But instead of  attacking Obama you should start working on your own life…and get it in order so that you too will have something to be proud of .  Because I can tell you are a bunch of  very sad and lonely people…and highly disappointed people… out attacking a little girl?

Come on, now.   And you call yourself a man, Beck?

Go stand in front of  Obama and mimmick his daughter…and I want to see what happens to you.  I bet you are afraid to do that.

And is it true that BP stands for British Petroleum?

And is it also true that Halliburton, Dick Cheney’s former employer and big time war profiteer and scam artist… is over the operation of  BP in the Gulf ?

Could possibly be a set-up?

Anything to make Obama look bad.  With all the talk and Obama blaming you would think that Obama owned BP.  And that he could automatically go down and just plug up a hole nearly 5,000 feet below the water surface…leaking over 5,000 barrels of oil each day.

It is not a pin hole.  And the problem really belongs to BP…without a doubt it is a major concern to not only President Obama and those people down in the Gulf/Atlantic Ocean area.  And probably might affect us all…but  it is clearly a concern of  Obama’s youngest 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2daughter just as well.  We can all tell that she is well briefed…and is growing up quite civic minded.

And we should all have a sincere appreciation for all children who cares about others…not make a joke or poke fun at them for any reason.

Monday is Memorial Day.  We should all take a moment or 2 to reflect on the sacrifices of others, that we might all live here free and out of  harms way.  Thankful for all the freedoms we hold so dear…never forgetting the price paid and being paid so that we might stand in our liberty here in the United States.

I hadn’t thought about it for a while… but I had all but forgotten about the war.  Since stopping even turning on the television to watch the news… so those images are no longer before me.  It sadden me reading the list of names per week of  young men and women who were killed in Iraq.  Many of  them just 19.  And every so often you would see a name with an age of  28…or 29 and above…and I would think of  all their families that they left behind giving of  their lives for an America not yet quite grown up.

While they huddled together with bullets flying over heads… or booms dropping nearby… or right in their midst…  yet they marched on…  fought on… for an America not  yet totally grown up.  A place where division and strife still lives on …while they struggle in foreign lands that we might proclaim peace …while we yet still pull against one another.

I salute them and pray that one day this country will live up to what was the dream and the creed to which those men who signed their names…signed their names… to which they all marched off to war and became involved for… those soldier who fought and died in our name.

Well, enjoy your day off.

And…God bless.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2010

2 comments May 30, 2010

Roy Blunt and his monkey comments…racism… and the 21st America…

This morning while listening to a morning local talk show the topic centered around Senator Roy Blunt calling Obama an monkey. 

Roy Blunt, in an address before a group  called…Valued Voter’s Summit, began his address by saying-

“…that  clearly this is a time when our values are being challenged.”

Just what did he mean by that…I wonder?

That America is no longer an oasis of white supremacy any more… or something…any more since voting a black President?

Was that what he was eluding to?

I thought one used to say that about Europe.  Or so many thought…I suppose.

Blunt then went on to talk about a golf course that had been built within  the jungle of India.  Saying that something happened that they did not anticipate after their golf course was built.  And that is that when golf balls were hit the monkeys would come running out of the jungle onto the golf course and grab up the balls.

At the end of Blunt’s message he stated that the officials of the golf course put forth a ruling saying-

“You have to play the ball wherever the monkey throws it.” 

Where he then stated-

“And that is pretty much what we have to do in Washington.”

Blunt then went on to say that-

“You know the world is turned up-side down when Al Franken and Tom Delay is on dancing with the stars.  That’s how you know that the world has changed  in ways that you would have never have anticipated.”

Blunt fell just short of saying-

“And a black man is in the White House as President.” 


“That’s how you know that the world has changed  in ways that you would have never have anticipated.”

In listening to the talk show, which I of course had to call in to…to offer my own opionion on the subject as the issue centered around whether or not Blunt’s comments had been racist?

Any thinking person would have to say, “Yes.”

But the problem as I pointed out to the host of the program was this…

Many white people say and do things which they simply do not consider to be racist, but they are.  Or least ways…they ‘claim’ that they do not take what they said was racist.  Though secretly they knew that it was…but they state otherwise.

Then the other side of the coin is this…

When you as a black person…or non-whitle points that whatever was said or done was racist…  then the whole thing gets turned around.   And you become the racist for having said that they were being racist.

But even if a person said something offensive to another…does not mean that it was any less offensive simply because someone says-

“Oh, I didn’t know.”

Which is really not the case…many of the times.  Most people know exactly what they are saying.  And say it for the purpose of  twisting a knief in you…if their words are cutting or hurtful in nature.

It is kind like playing that ‘liberal card,’ which the Republicans have become not only famous for doing so, but quite well versed at doing also.  Whenever someone who the Republicans do not like says or does something positive for the p0or or under-served people of this country…the Republicans quickly flash the ‘liberal card’ upon them. 

They were quite effective at doing it during the Bush/Kerry run to the White House.   Every time Kerry opened his mouth to say something, the Republicans rebuked him by calling him ‘liberal’…which became a dreaded word…and particiularly it seemed for John Kerry.   He would start stuttering and get lost…loosing himself in what to say next.  Which is why it worked so very well against him.  He always backed up from it.

obama-chimp-cartoon-1[1]That was the one thing about Ted Kennedy, being called a ‘liberal’ was something which did not bother him…nor did he let it stop him from speaking up.  Because in the end…that is all it came down to.  The Republicans using the word ‘liberal’ to scare off Democratic too weak to stand up.

And that is the good thing about Barack Obama too.  He is not afraid to be called ‘liberal.’   Which is the tag that Republicans give to anyone who tries to do anything to aid, help or otherwise assist what the Republicans deem as the ‘under class.’

The problem that I see coming for the 21st Century America will not be one of class but one of race.  The issue of race has always been and continues to be an issue which most Americans do not seriously want to address.  But it is an issue which has fluctuated through the years in terms of its intensity…overtly and conversely.

It is an issue which has longed been put on the back burner as America has always tried to hide the fact that she has such a problem…as a race problem.   But it got its start drenched in the blood and heartache of slavery, from the point when the first Dutch slave ships hit this country in 1619…then peaked during the 1960’s during the Civil Rights movement after years of being surpressed.   And now againt it  is rearing its ugly head…ever since the day that America elected her first non-white male to sit in the Oval Office on Capitol Hill, in Washington, D.C., as President of the United States.

The issue of black vs white in this has had it lows and highs in this country.  For periods this issue has seem dormant.  But not so at all…not in reality.  It is just that during those times there were rushes to calm things down, cover them up, keep them out the eye of the public, or quietly try to erase the events as being racially motivated at all.  But they were.

Case in point…it took place in an area of Texas…in Jasper, TX, 1998:   2 white young males took a black man, James Byrd III,  who was walking a country road on his way back home from wedding, they beat him then chained to the back of their pick-up truck and dragged him to his death tearing apart  his body…and this was just a few years ago. 

It would have been something you might have expected to hear about happening in some other country but never in America.  But no…   

It happened here… in America.

And we all sat beside the television trying to get every bit of information on the story…while trying to figure out-

“What could have caused or motivated such a thing to happen?”

Racism did.

Hatred did.

And though that small Texas town that had a history of racial incidents…many sited as ‘isolated incidents’…something that had never happened before.  But the truth of the matter is…is that America these ‘isolated little incidents’ for years…and not only the south.

These so-called ‘isolated incidents’ have continued throughout the history of  America, such evil that many of them are hard to imagine.  Events whose roots got started back during the slavery of black folks in this country…or perhaps even as early as the early settlers and Native Indian relationships. But slavery was a time when black people in this country were considered to be cattle…when white slave owners routinely killed and made examples of them…by chopping off a hand or foot…or beating slavagely for the benefit of the other slaves who might try to run away or whateverl else have you.

Not to mention that following slavery in this country, black men and a few women were often found hanging from trees in the south after having first been beaten by mobs of white men, who then tarred and feathered black folks, and then set them on fire and hung them.  Whom they left hanging…also as examples to other blacks that lived in their communities as to what they could do to them also.   And this they did at will…and  without fear of retribution.

So, yes the treatment of President Obama, the first black man, out 43 white men prior to him…and never having suffer the blatent and tireless attacks and disrespect shown to the first African American President of this country.    Yes, treatment of him is a concern to most black folks.  And yes…it certainly brings back a lot of old past memories of  the ill and segregrated…Jim Crow treatment that black people lived under…and the lack of full acceptance or respect of  Black people throughout the history of America.

Just the other day, I happened to called a older senior woman who I occasional call once in a while just to see how she is doing.  Before our conversation even got going the woman said to me-

“And you see how they are treating Obama?”

I never even knew the woman payed attention to politics.  But I could hear the rage in her voice as she asked me question. 

I knew quite well what she was talking about.   She was highly enraged over it…and insulted that anyone had dared to call him a liar…being the President of the United States.    And she clearly understand…90 something woman that she was in age…that the only reason that anyone had dared to do that was because he was a black man…as she well pointed that out me in her anger.   And she didn’t like it…and I have to say neither did I…nor any of the other black folk that know either.

We don’t like it.

If you have lived through certain things…you never forget them.  Just as the Holocust victims will never ever forget the Holocaust.   Because they survived it…but that time…what they saw…felt…and the loses that they incurred left indeliable images and memories in their minds and hearts.  So, too…our history in this country….which is as much ours as anyone else’s.  Particularly since we played a major role in building this country…and most of the inventions that have come out of it.

An attack on Obama is an attack against us.  And that is how we view it.

It is like how we viewed what the officials of the Miss America contest did some years ago to Vannessa Williams, in 1984.  When she became the first black woman ever be chosen in the history of Miss American to become Miss America.   Then some days later…maybe 2…there was a big scadal in which the Miss America people took the crown from Vanessa.  And black folks just were not having that.  There was outrage all across the black communities everywhere in America.  I personally have never ever really watched that show since.  It climaxed and ended for me with Vanessa Williams.

The scadal came about over some pictures, and black people decared that the Miss America had taken Vanessa’s crown based solely upon racism, as they had never at that point taken a crown from any other woman whom they had crown.  Not only did black folk get enraged over the matter…they also went out and bought up every magazine that had those crazy pictures in them off every bookstore shelf.  Because that is what black people do.  Whenever someone gives us reason to be proud…and others try to destroy that pride…we back our people.

It is not something that we do often…but when we do…we do.  And we all felt about Vanessa as well feel about Barack Obama and his family.

Today, Vanessa Williams has gone on to become the most famous and most beautiful…as well as, most recognized winner that the Miss America contest ever had…for which they can take no credit unfortunately for them.   Vanessa managed to raise above that event…like Obama, I have no doubt, will continue to raise against the name-calling, veiled threats and statements, ladent bigotry and racist  jokes etc… of all those who seek to characterize him as a monkey, critize his judgement, education and birth-right to be President of this country.   

Love the show Vanessa.  You have got that diva stuff down pact.  You can catch her on “Ugly Betty” weeknights…if you don’t know.   And my…can she work a red carpet. 

Going back to that radio talk show and Blunt’s remarks…the issue is…is that everything someone white begins to talk about monkeys…fried chicken…or watermelon…they are usually referring to African Americans.  And whenever they begin to talk about black people tossing in something about monkeys…or fried chicken…or watermelons…it is their intent to insult black folks.  Though most of the time they will deny it.  But the use of referring to black people as monkeys…or as chicken eating…or watermelon eating whatevers comes through history as things white people have used…besides…the “N” word…to degrade and demean them.

So, yes…Blunt’s remarks about monkeys then referring back to Washington clearly was an intent  on his part to directly call Barack Obama a monkey.  Therefore, yes…his remarks were quite racist.  And judging by the amount of applause and laughter in the room they all got the joke and were in agreement with him.  Which clearly shows that racism is very much alive and well in America…and that it is okay to continue to insult and defame black folks no matter who they are or whatever their accomplishments.

So, America is very much in trouble.  And folks like the ex-President Jimmy Carter clearly see this.

As Carter points out above, the attacks upon President Obama are rooted in racism.  It is a clear signals that this country is in deep trouble.   And this thing can become exceedingly dangerous.   A time boom…in fact.

Therein lays the problem.  They can’t see it.  Though they continue in their racist ways…acting out at will…and refuse to call their actions what they truly are.  But are quick to call you racist for pointing it out to them.  Then go into the back rooms slapping each other on the back and laughing over it.  It is what racist do. 

It is kind of a game to them.  The kind of game that they play in law…since most politicans were lawyers before entering into politics.   And that game goes like this…you make the guilty party seem like the injured party. 

Thus, you flip the script.  And that is what the racists politicans in this country are doing…they  flip the script on whoever turns around to call their statements or remarks racist.  Saying that “they”…the people…or whoever… calling them out for their remarks… that “they” are the racist ones.

Or they say it was a ‘miss statement’…not intended the way it sounded.

It is all a game.  But a highly dangerous game.

This country is just a stone’s throw from another outbreak of race riots.  There have been many events that have already started to ignite the same kind of fire that took place in the 1960’s which brought about several riots and burnings of many large cities around America. 

One major event has taken place was Katrina, and the way the government under Bush and Fema failed to act in any way for several days to save the lives and property of the people of New Orleans.  Then the treated of the mostly black victims of Hurricane Katrin has left a bad taste in many black people mouths.   Where many people died un-necessarily.  And those who managed to survive the hurrican lost their homes and everything that they owned otherwise…many children torn from their parents…and so many people were displaced and still are today.

Another major event in this country to have taken place which has also impacted a lot of  black people and other group of poor people in this country, as well…and this is the economy, foreclosures…and a sense of helplessness and for many hopelessness they are feeling.   Upon which…when Obama was voted in as President of this country…presented a ray of hope for them all that they all were in dire need of…both black and white over their current set circumstances which had been brought the Republicans under the poor economics of George Bush.  And compounded by the Iraqi War.

But the continued belittling and underminding of President Obama may very well give license to someone to attempt to take Obama’s life…and there have been calls for it. 

But if that were to happen…those politicians laughing and joking now…slapping each other on the back now and thinking that they are smart…would soon find themselves in something that they had not considered.  And it would and will be bigger than anything that happened when Martin L. King, Jr. was killed.

The times have changed drastically.  And they are far more deadly.

Fire hose and police dogs won’t be able to contain what will be unleased if race war were to start in this country.  And clearly these ignorant Republican politicians have no idea the type of fire 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverthat they are playing with.

It is definitely not a joke.  And those stupid politicians who think this thing is a joke really shouldconsider their actions…because this country has years of pent up hatred just waiting to spill over.

And they are pushing the envelop…and messing with flood gates.


Oh…and by the way before it gets mis-understood I do not think the above video is funny.  But it goes to prove that the people in this country do not respect our President the rest of the world won’t either.  Which would really be rather hard to do…since Obama is controll of what other countries want.  But many want other countries to not respect Obama…it all part of their game of trying to under-mind him.

Well, hope that you had a beautiful day.  Finally, got some rain last night…and they said maybe some more tonight.   But today was pretty mild…and fall is definitely in the air.

Well, God bless

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2009 

  THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

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2 comments September 28, 2009

Who doesn’t have a clue?

I just finished listening to the most hypocritical piece of garbage I have ever heard…or maybe I should say in a long time.  It has to do with some white woman announcer talking about First Lady Obama who recently paid a visit to a local D.C. school and began sharing with the young students about her earlier years growing up.  Being bright and well spoken the kids in her school and neighbor used to tell her that she ‘talked like a white person.’

This white woman announcer pounced all over that and began saying, “We have trash in the White House.”

Clearly, she is in need of loosing her job…besides having been way off the mark.

For some reason white people just can’t seem to get it right.  They think everything is about them.  They have no understanding of the black experience…yet want to say that they do.

Because we are the only group of people who came here in chains…there is no other group of fellow country men who can quite grasp this with any kind of clear understanding because they never went through it.  Sure, many groups were ostracized, joked about, called names, belittled and many hated…some more so than others…as they came here to this country in search of a better way of  life for them and their family…same as those who came before them.  But their experiences were still not the same as ours.

Having worked on a job…my last job with a bunch of black folks.  The first time in my life I had ever worked with all black people.  I must say it was the worst job I ever had.  They put me through the ringer…and it was all because…as I came to find out over time…because I had a highest level education than anyone else in the building including out of all the workers, other managers and upper management.

I did not talk like them…I did not swear…nor did I stand around telling nasty jokes…and I did my job far above average.   They hated me because I was not like them.   They hated my work ethics…everything about me.   To them…I have no doubt…they felt that I thought I was white.   Because this is something which many black folks have been called when they were smart, or well spoken…good workers… etc…etc…  Which for those of you who may be white…it means they thought that I thought…I was better than them.

So, that white woman radio announcer had not a clue of what she was talking about when she started to bite into Michelle Obama.  Because had she had a clue she would have known that Michelle Obama was telling the students in that class that it was okay to be smart and not to be ashamed of making good grades…and not to worry about what the other kids might call them.   This was indeed what Michelle Obama was telling those students…and vast numbers of African Americans, if not all, hearing that speech knew right off what the First Lady was saying without thinking twice about it.   She was not talking about some ‘white/black thing’…but a ‘black on black thing.’

But white people do not have a clue.  They feel they know us.  Have a handle on how we feel about things…how we operate…behave…and react.  But really…they do not have a clue.

Take for instance shock jock-Imus in the Morning.  He thought he was being funny…that what he was saying was cool and that he could get away with continually degrading and belittling black folks.  And he felt this because of  Pop culture…rapp music…rapp videos…and how the brotha’s talk in the streets.

But he failed to understand that there are other groups of black folks who felt that even the brotha’s and sista’s on the streets, in the videos etc…speak things we too find offensive and unacceptable.  Because the kids…the rappers etc…do not have clue…didn’t mean that Imus could also operate within that same clueless realm and feel it was okay…because as he said, “They say it.”

Like Imus…the kids are clueless.  The kids know nothing about the history behind much of what they say…nor take it, unfortunately, as being serious.   But those of us who know the history…know also the pain…and saw the cost…we know.  And not only take it seriously…but personal.

But…so isn’t that female announcer who would dared to want to call the First Lady of this country ‘trash.’ She is definitely quite clueless…and maybe so to a even higher level.

Would anyone dared to have called Barbara Bush that…and then felt that they could have gotten away with it?

How about Jacqueline Onassis-Kennedy?


And if you tried…everybody would be up in arms coming at you.

But you can get away with things when you are talking about black people or other minority groups that would never be acceptable or allowable when talking about  someone white who sits in such a high position as the Obamas…or anywhere.

After all the stuff that Bill Clinton did while he was in the White House with Monica…never once did anyone call him outside of  his name.  They may have went after Bill but they never called him anything but Bill Clinton…or Mr. President.

Two semesters ago in a communications class we had to read about the uproar about the making of a TV movie about Ronald Reagan.  The first part of the controversy was about the belittling of an American President…making him to appear erratic…and lost.

The second part of the argument had to do with party lines…the Republicans were staunchly against the TV mini-series about their beloved President Ronald Reagan claiming that the mostly liberal Democrats of the Production’s Executive Directors and writers were trying to tarnish the memory of an American hero, as well as, President…which should not be allowed.

I doubt that any of those people will stand up for First Lady Obama.  But clearly large groups of people should including the owners and affiliates of that radio station that she works for and the syndicated stations she airs on.

Not only did not the woman have a clue as to what she was talking about by trying to under-cut what the First Lady had said to the students…but she was also highly out of order and offensive…and racist.   There was an air about her tone which spoke…”I can say whatever I want about those n…..s and nobody will stop me.  Because they are just n…..s anyways.”

So, it is not Michelle Obama who has a problem.  No, but anyone who thinks and talks like this woman announcer.  CLICK the LINK BLOW…if you want to read more about what this woman had  to say…and you will also hear what it was that Michelle Obama said to the students.   This woman clearly did not have the slightest clue to the real meaning of…outside of possibly pushing up some negative ratings for her radio program.|hp-laptop|dl5|link3|

I wish I were the Program Director or manager at that radio station…she would have been pulled immediately…and sent packing.

And oh, yes…I purposely did not call her by name.  Some people just are not worthy of the bother…I have given her more than enough play…(many of you might not understand that either…but I will let you try and figure it out). She is in dire need of a proper education.

This is America…and we do have freedom of speech.  But she went way overboard.  And for that there should be a penalty…as was in the case of  Imus.  And no appology will do.  We are in the 21st Century…when do people start to grow up?

I get so tired of people saying whatever they want to say whenever it comes to black people…and then have the nerve to feel that there should and will not be any reprecautions for doing so.

Still working on the web site.  I have to admit that it is really shaping up far better than anything I have done in the past.  God is so good…He has endowed me.

And oh, yes…the weather has turned again.  It is freeeeeeezzzzing.

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on “ ©2009

1 comment March 25, 2009

Hillary Clinton games …Obama trust

It’s not that we didn’t expect it. 

In fact, we anticipated it.

Hillary Clinton, herself, put it out there.  And this is what she wanted.  She has been laying quietly back waiting on the Democratic National Convention to take place, where her tainted supporters plan to disturb and cause havoc…i.e. interrupt it as much as possible.

What happened to playing by the rules…none of which Hillary ever did either.

During the Democratic Primaries…first she had the Delegate vote and Obama had the popular vote, after sweeping State after State.  She said then-

“We’ll let the Delegates decide.”

She said it because…she was a Clinton and at that time she had the Delegate votes in her pocket.  Ops…I mean pocketbook.

Then Delegates began defecting over into the Obama camp…and near the end of the Primaries he still had more of the popular vote…and had gained over a lot of those Delegates.  And after it was all said and done…the vast majority of Delegates became Obama believers.

But prior to the Primaries…Michigan and Florida decided that they would move their primaries down on the calendar…to have earlier primaries.  A move that both States were warned by the National Democratic Committee not to do…or they would suffer the price of not being counted.   A policy  implemented by the Decoratic Party and agreeded upon and voted on by all the Democratic canidates…including Hillary Clinton.

What does Obama do?

He withdrew his name off the ballot in Florida…in order to be in allignment with the wishes of his Party’s Presidential Committee rules.  But Hillary does not…she kept her name on the ballots in Florida

What also did Obama do?

He did not campaign either in the State of Michigan or Florida…to be, again, in allignment with Party wishes concerning those states.

But what did Hillary Clinton do?

She neither withdrew her name from the ballots…nor did she not campaign in those states.  She went into those states repeatedly campaigning…though she knew she had voted against them being seated or their votes counted if they held early Primaries.

In other words…Hillary out and out cheated.  She failed to adhere to her Party decision concerning Michigan and Florida.  And she did her thang.  She voted one way…yet gave herself a few added points (some additional just in case votes) by doing the direct opposite of what Obama had done by adhering to Democratic Election Committee decision.  She was banking on the fact that as she watched which way the Primaries were going…that those ballots picked up in Michigan and Florida by her might come in handy…and if need be she was going to force the issue to have them counted and seated at the National Convention.  Thereby, she played the game…but was holding some additional cards on the side.  Which in any card game…is called cheating.

It is with the…whatever number of votes she garnered in Michigan and Florida…along with the other voties in the Primaries that she picked up…that Hillary claims that she had the majority vote of some18 million voters.  Which is an out and out lie.

Along with this claim, Hillary started chiming that Obama could not win the Presidential Election because he had not won any of the big states…which for the most part she had won…though many of them narrowly.  She was determined to destory Obama anyway she could…and by any means necessary.  And when all else failed to rally up the girls.

Fact that some Clinton supporters plan to disrupt the Democratic Convention set to begin in 2 weeks in Denver…really is no surprise.  Even though the fat lady has already song and gone home…there are still some tricks up the ol’ sleeve.  

It is going to be a long bumpy road to the White House.

To read more on the story CLICK BELOW…see the youtube footage.


In the next footage…the Clintons, Bill and Hillary, planted the seeds of this ignorance. They irrigated…and pruned it…and then leaned back and smiled as it flourished. The Clintons breath contempt, hatred and racism…all in the name of ‘reclaiming the White House.’

And to do what with it?

This country is in need of a dire change…new direction…new blood…new leadership. Or like every superpower before it…it shall fall to fearhatredcapitalismexploitationcorrupt governmentfailed policiesracism…and absolute ignorance…as displayed in the next footage.


Register and get out and vote come November 2008…and lets put somebody in the White House who will truly work for the people…won’t compromise morality…will speak truth to lies…and do his best to serve both this country and all its people who live within it. 


Have a great day…and today is the day that my friend who we felt was passing is being laid to rest.  I thank God for her and all that she means and has meant to me.   …God bless…. ©2008

Add a comment August 14, 2008






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