Posts tagged ‘drugs and alcohol ‘

Sandusky…abuser, liar, sodomite and destoryer of young boys… and Herman Cain…

Yesterday I read that Sandusky’s lawyers released to the press that the young men coming out against Penn State ex-coach Jerry Sandusky were not  victims… but people who were coming forth ‘for the money.’

And you know what?

Oftentimes, victims do come forward for the money.  Sometimes it might move some who would not step forward otherwise.  But regards victims… are victims.  Sandusky used his power, position and a shaddy charity to take advantage sexually of very young boys.  They deserved to make him pay.

What a crazy statement to make.  Money can’t undo what Sandusky has done.

Of course they should come forth…but all the money in the world will never change what was stolen from those young boys.  They are due whatever financial compensation they can get.

But it will never be enough.

Money cannot recover your manhood.

Money cannot restore your innocence.

Money cannot remove the guilt you feel as a child when someone violates you.

Money cannot replace that which was stolen.

Nor can money reclaim that which was eroded and may have been destoryed inside those young boys, when someone enters you into something you are too young to even understand.

There is no doubt that the man was… or is a pedophile.  He destoryed lives… and people knew about it and turned blinded eyes on it.  They should all go down.

It was criminal.  And no one reported it.

In this kind of thing  …and for the number of years that Sandusky had been involved with young children… I am sure that there are many more victims.  And if the truth be told… I believe that Jerry probably had a few of his friends involved in it too.

Truthfully, it would not  surprise me if a ring of pedophiles becomes exposed before this whole story wraps up.  A ring of others involved that includes other football personnel from Penn State… and professional staff… and possibly even players on the Penn State teams too.

The world of pedophiles is very large… and encompasses all kinds of unsuspecting people.  Men from all walks of life… who love little boys… and the younger the better.

N.A.M.B.L.E.R. is a national association of men who seek out young boys for sex.  In fact its initals stand for National Association of  Men and Boys etc… etc… This organization is large.  And their motto is ‘eight is too late.’

Sick isn’t it?

In reading some of the articles that are now surfacing on this story about complaints against Sandusky at least 1 mother some time ago contacted Penn State… when her son came home with wet hair.  She called the campus officals complaining that Sandusky had done something to her son.   So for some time the powers that be upon the campus of Penn State knew.  Not only did they know but they also allowed Sandusky to do his thing in their locker rooms and showers upon their campus… knowing what he was doing.  And they never tried to stop him.

In almost all cases of predators… whether  a school teacher, coach, Boys Scout leader, preacher, priest etc… they seek out victims of a certain nature.  Usually children without a father… or come from troubled homes… underprivilged and/or minority children etc.  Children who cannot help themselves …or come from parents who do not have resources.  And so it was with Sandusky… and his fake little organization that had been supposedly set up to aid underpriviledge children.

In reading the Washington Times article on this story… it states that Sandusky lived only a mile away from an elementary school.  People who are into children sexually… try to get as close to them as many ways as possible.

I recall as little child when walking to school how the cars were lined up just a little beyond the school yard… with white men trying to intrigue us into their cars.  And I say ‘white men’ because I cannot remember seeing any vehicles with black men or any other race doing it.  But I do know that all races have sexual offenders …and those who seek out little children.

Because even though the cars awaiting us on our school block just outside of our school yard were white men… I had encounter Hispanic men… and black men quilty of doing the same… trying to entice little children to lure them into sex.  I eventually did become 1 of them that got lured.

But once while working in Jersey… I was on the bus riding somewhere in Newark when I happened to glance out the window.  I saw a black man in the broad daylight… in the middle of people on the sidewalk.  There he was with his penis in his hand following behind this very young little girl… who trying to escape him ran into a corner store.  And that man went into the store right behind her… with his penis still in his hand.

That scene shocked me.  I often lament that I did not get off that bus and go back to help that little girl.  That thought of her …that little girl and that …and that MAN stays in my mind.  And I will forever regret not getting off that bus.

Men travel all over the world to places where they can indulge with very young girls and boys freely.  The child sex trade is big… and I guess exploding.  So many poor children around the globe are being exploited everywhere… even in this country for money.  Some given up by their own parents in exchange for drugs and alochol …and/or cigarettes.  And in poorer countries in exchange for food, housing or whatever else the sale of their little child can bring.

What a curel world.

Sandusky threw himself into things which gave him massive access to a lot of little boys.   Even in the founding of an organization that was supposedly set up to help and aid underprivilged children, Sandusky put himself in an arena that availed more and more little boys to him.  So much so that his organization somehow got parents to allow their sons to go and stay in his home with him and his wife.

And speaking of Sandusky’s wife… of course she had to come out  finally …claiming that she knew nothing.  She knew.

At least 1 victim alleged that he cried out for her to help him… and she did nothing.  Sandusky’s wife would be party to Sandusky’s crimes if she did claim that she knew.  But there is no way that she could not have known… especially since so many others did… and so much of it took place within their own home.  And it appears that after a point the man began to feel that he was untouchable.

When the charges started surfacing… what did Sandusky do?

He called some of his victims to come and have dinner with him.  Who does that?

The next thing that he lawyers are going to claim is that Sandusky is insane… and probably that he was a victim of abuse himself.  They always play those same game cards.  If they can’t see where they can win the cases 1 way… lawyers shift their game play and start saying ‘he couldn’t help himself.’   ‘He was under great strain.’  ‘His father never loved him’… and used to abuse him… or the man down the street… or his uncle.  The story is always the same.

But if this were true than everyone would be a perpetrator… a pedophile… a sexual predator… an abuser of women, children and/or boys.  But this is not so.  And most people in some way or other have been abused.

If you remember John Gacy… the mass murder years ago from Chicago or a suburb outside of Chicago.  He was a contractor who used to dress up as a clown and perform at all kinds of chartities, parades, kiddie parties etc.  When a 15 year old turned up missing they discovered that Gacy had not only abducted him but killed him too.  They found that Gacy had done the same to many other young boys …all of whom they discovered were buried behind the walls and under the floor broads of  Gacy’s home.

We would all say that such a man must have been crazy.

How could he have done what he had done?

And then to have buried those boys… more than 13 of them within the framework of his own home.2ab-the-bishop-wifecover

Now, that sounds crazy.  But he was smart enough to continue to do what he had been doing for years.  And who knows how long really that John Gacy had been raping and killing young boys before he thought about deposing of their bodies within the walls and floors of his own home?

Sandusky may look crazy now… and I would want to look crazy too if I thought I was faced with the rest of my life behind bars.  But while he was grabbing a hold of those 10 and 11 year old boys… he wasn’t crazy.  He was enjoying it… and worst of all he thought himself smart.

Didn’t say much about it… but it did not get pass me.

That Herman Cain was a real joke.

For a while it looked like the Republicans had decided to run a supposed ‘black man’ against President Obama.  Now, that would have really have been a joke if they could have mustered it.  But poor ol’ Herman had too many ghost in his closet.

The first thing I would like to look at regarding Herman Cain is why?

Why would you even think about running for President of the United States knowing what Herman knew?

Herman knew that he had a problem keeping his hands to himself.

Speaking of which… I have decided that I have really got to talk to some guy myself.   Not Herman but somebody just like him.

Everytime I see this guy he has got to embrace me… and kiss me.  I do not like it.

A couple of years I stopped the guy as he reached for me… saying ‘no.’   And I told him that I only wanted him to shake my hand if he had to make contact with me.

This I did… and I did write about this situation in a prior blog of mine.  I did this after I was standing in a bank line …and the guy seeing me stepped into the bank, and then commenced to plant a kiss on the back of my neck.

Are you kidding me???????

At first it did not hit me… but when it did I was livid.

How dare that man sneak up behind me and kiss me on my neck …like he and I had something going on.  Nothing could be further from the truth… but anybody witnessing that would have believed otherwise.  The Bible tells us that we have to forsake even the illusion of un-holiness.

So, the very next time I saw the guy… here he came again reaching for me… and I stopped him.  And I told him ‘no’  …and I broke it down for him believing I had settled that matter.  And I had.

But it seems that he has totally forgotten that conversation these days.

If somebody told me that something I was doing made them uncomfortable… I would cease to do it.  I respect other people’s space.  But it seems that many people do not.  And when it comes to men and women… men lack a lot of understanding.  We don’t like just any ol’ body grabbing a hold of us… or kissing us.

And why should we?

Why does a woman have to tell you ‘no’ regarding anything pertaining to her?

It would seem that a man’s respect of women would automatically give way to the respect of her space.

But it does not.  They clearly do not think like us.

Men feel that they can do to women whatever they want.

I do not feel it flattering to have some funky man grab a hold of me.

Nor do I just want everybody in this world to come and just freely lay a kiss on me.

Which is something that just happened to me only a couple of hours ago.  Another person I wish would just stop.

With all the various disases going around… all kinds of things on people’s lips… tongues and mouth.  No, I don’t want people coming up and kissing on me.  And particularly people I certainly do not know… or hardly know… and plan on keeping that way.

Having worked for years with men… I am simply not tolerant of a lot of things now.   Like I don’t want anybody calling me ‘baby.’   I listened to them calling each other ‘man’ and referring to each other by their names… but when it came to me…  is was ‘honey.’

I was not anybody’s ‘honey.’  I had a name… and that name was just fine with me.  My parents gave it to me… and called me by it all their lives.

So, why not everybody else?

But it was a way of  degrading me… minimizing me.  And it is a thing which men love to do to women in the work force.

They like keeping us in ‘our place.’

Herman Cain… it was clear to me even when I first heard him speak  …that he was the kind of man I would have never liked working for.  He sounded arrogant… puffed up… and filled with himself.  Narcissistic in every possible way.

Which would account for why he would believe …knowing his history with women…  and how many women who had filed charges against him… why he would think that such a man with ‘that kind’ of a history  …as his would be qualified to run, and be sucessful in a bid for the Presidency of this country.

Yes, that would explain why.

I only say 1 thing… Bill Clinton.

And maybe you might say… John Kennedy too.

Okay, I’ll give you that.  We could include the Senate and Congress too.   And while we are going at it… let us not stop there… but include Governors and other elected officials… police officers… company heads etc…   And we could go on forever… and this list does not exclude women.  Because there have been a few.

Moral standards are not what they used to be… nor are they required it seems.  Why would you quiz and question canidates for certain Cabinet offices in this country… and just allow people with obvious character fawls run for the highest office of this country?

Or any office?

Or run any school?

Or head up any church?

What are we thinking?

How could we be so caught up with people that we are willing to just lay aside certain obvious faults in their moral nature?

As much as I used to feel that I liked Bill Clinton back in the day… that’s slang for when he was President… and/or running for President… the truth of matter is this.  The man had issues.

Herman Cain had and has issues.  And his were bigger than Clinton’s.  Because the man dotted upon himself so much… and saw no wrong in ‘him.’

What an egomaniac?

And lets not negate Herman’s propensity for lying.

“Who lies about things that are a matter of  legal record?”


Forget ‘999’… it would have been more like ‘666’ if Herman got in.

Now, going back to the game plan.  The plan was to chump up Cain to run against Obama.  Thereby pitting 2 black men against each other… which ‘they’ felt  would split the black vote.  This in turn would allow… ‘their’ real guy…  an outside canidate  to ease into a win, and take the White House.

That was the political game plan of some key Republicans.  It was the way that they were hoping would guarantee a win for them and their party.

Do we really look that DUMB????

We are really not the dumber race.  Believe that if you believe nothing else.

Because ‘you’ had to know that was a game the Republicans was playing …by pretending Herman Cain was so popular among Republicans.

Who were they kidding?

Most Republicans hate Obama.  And they hate him for the most part for no other reason than the fact that he is a black man.

And how dare he be black  …and smart too.

Everything that Obama has tried to do the Republican Party has blocked.  Any bill or intitative to get American moving and back on track they have hindered.  Even down to refusing federal funds to begin rebuilting America’s infrastructure.  All for the pleasure of claiming that Obama is a failure.

But Obama is not a failure.  Failure is something which is not in Obama’s vocabulary.  Nor does he believe in quitting because it appears that the deck is stacked against him.  And do note the word ‘appears.’

I have come to know that oftentimes it not what it ‘appears’  to be… that is what  actually is.  That’s why I do not follow polls.  Learned in my statistics class…  No, it was in 1 of my poli-Sci classes on research… that taught me ‘it is how you phrase the question‘… to get the answer that you want.  Pollsters are paid by interest groups… parties that want to slant whatever their interest is… in their favor by misleading people on a bunch of supposed facts that many times are not true and are meaningless.

So, the polls that showed Cain to be a favorite…

How in the world could you have believed that?View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

No, way in the world were the Republicans going to put any black man into the White House.  And never 2 black Presidents… back to back?

They would have all curled up and died first.

So, that whole thing about Herman Cain was a myth.  They were never going to let him in the White House.  Not unless he was going in delivering some pizza.

Must say though that it is a shame when men in power be they white or black… or any nationality… sit in power, and chose to abuse the power vested in them.  By proving themselves less than moral.  They have no character.  Cain clearly is a man without character.

If they choose not to say anything else about Obama… at least his character is certainly not an issue.   And his desire to uphold the values of his office, and that as a husband and family man are sure and true.

Well, hope you had a good day.  We haven’t had any more snow.  But it has been cold.  And for a while we had lots of rain… but that is sure to change as we move closer and closer to Christmas.

Hoping you have a joyous Christmas …just in case I do not post another blog between and Christmas just thought I would get it in now.

Well, God bless… and enjoy the rest of  your week.

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…”  ©2011

2 comments December 14, 2011

Something out of sync…Juanita Bynum

I have been thinking about the below video since I first saw it.  I found it a bit troubling… perhaps many of you won’t understand this blog at all…but those who are under the blood of  Jesus Christ will… I believe might.

So, if you do not…it is okay.   It’s alright.

But what has me wondering about the below video?

Well… at first it was why in the world was Juanita Bynum wasting her time to produce a video about  Valentine’s Day????

For a self-proclaimed prophet…(now turned actor etc…etc..)…and woman of  letters (a doctor of  ministry???)… why would she be celebrating something which has nothing at all to do with anything Biblical?

And then want to make a video about her celebrating it????

Then the other thing that troubled me about the below video was this…

Now, I am not a drug person…and I know very little about drugs.  ButPAA166000075[1] one day someone was talking to me about a possible job…and another person who was already working for my family was present with me while the other person talked to me regarding the possibility of  being hired.     Well, following after that person had left, the other person who was with me…who already worked for our family… turned to me and said-

“Did you see how she was acting?”

I had no idea what she  was talking about…as I had noticed nothing.  But the other woman went on to say-

“You didn’t see how she kept on moving and didn’t stop?”

I said, “No.”

But once she had said it…I did note in the back of mind how much the woman while she was talking to me had kept moving her arms restlessly about…but it had not meant anything to me at the time.  But it had meant a lot to the other woman who had been standing there near me looking on as the other woman talked with me.  She then commenced to begin to tell me that  the woman had to be on drugs.  She said-

“Only drug addicts act like that.”

And while I watched the below video of  Juanita Bynum that is exactly what struck me…how she continuously keeps on moving.  Her movements seem erratic.   The working of her arms…hands… head… facial expressions… and body.

And I also noticed how seductive and cute-sie her movements appeared to be.  Almost like ajuanita-bynum-bishop-thomas-weeks clamorous woman in a bar.  Now, I have seen 1 or 2  of  those  in my life time.  Never been one…but have seen them.  But on Dr.  Bynum’s part in the below video they seemed to be quite intentional and purposeful…as if  she wanted to entice someone.

juanita-bynum-450pk061210However, I found it odd behavior all the way around.   And as I watched the video again…I noticed how she weeks and bynum in happier timespassed her hand across her nose (her new nose) …as I had once or twice seen people do who sniff cocaine (seen that move in movies a lot).  And she sniffles at least a few times in the below video.   Signs which had been pointed out to me by people who were familiar with such things…consistent signs of  someone  who sniffs cocaine.

I may not know that much about drugs …but clearly the odd behavior of Bynum only heightened  by Juanita’s high level of  gaiety  in the below  video is questionable at best…not to mention the total subject matter about Valentine’s Day…and how she was going to celebrate it…etc…etc…

It was everything but  godly?

bishopweeks and cristina glenn marriedWhich prompted me to wonder why would a woman of  God want to produce such a video?

And particularly about a holiday which clearly is not…for the most part godly.  But  created for lovers…and/or  want to be lovers.

bynumweeksClearly, the below video was not intended for anyone but her ex-husband.   Why else would anyone make such a fool of  themself  concerning  Valentine’s Day and their plans on celebrating it?

But he it seems has moved on.  The same advice I would give to  Juanita Bynum.

He recently purchased a warehouse in Atlanta and turned it into his new church and video/internet production house.

And what did Juanita do?

ycba[1]She went back down to Atlanta and  is renting or purchased  her own warehouse…where she currently holds services.   And dubbed it  ‘The Warehouse’…and officially launched her leadership as a pastor over her own church.   But it is a far cry from the ex’s.  Obiviously his family indulges him…highly…as he is a third generation preacher…and his wife-to-be comes from a line of preachers too.    That  mixed with a little elbow-grease from his membership…lots of  elbow-grease by them based upon the video…they have really put together something.   CLICK BELOW until the video comes up…and ignore the text…if you want to see his new house of  worship.

Weeks’ new wife-to-be  looks very young though…but can’t find anything on her age.  And they seem to be seeking their fame and fortune over the internet.  When they marry it will be his 3rd marriage and her second.  And Juanita Bynum’s marriage to him was her 2nd.

To view the BELOW video just CLICK  the  SCREEN a FEW TIMES and  just  ignore the text.

I also have to admit to question much about  Juanita Bynum juanita-bynum-1040kc021811lately…as I am not familiar with her past history as a woman of God.  But I found it quite odd when she decided to put her wedding gown back on…and wheel that  very large diamond encrusted sword…proclaiming herself  to be ‘Juanita Bynum for the second time’…Juanita Bynum II.   It seemed more to me like she was marrying herself.  It was an odd ceremony.

The Bible says…then went in the man with 7  more spirits, and the latter state of that man was worst than his 1st.   And Peter said  it like this-

“It is better for a man to have not known him than to have known him and then return back to sin…like a dog to his own vomit.”

There is something out of sync here.

I am actually sadden by it…and hope that I am incorrect.   As  I really do hate to see people warring within themselves…and loosing the battle to things of  this world.

Update (September 1, 2009):  The date has been set…November 17th will be the wedding day for Bishop Week’s 3rd marriage…of  which he managed somehow to find his new bride over the internet…(what a joke…and crime against God).

When he failed to get a TV deal for his bride-finding reality show (little wonder why following his wife abuse charges).   Then decided to air his hunt over the internet…hence, his new bride.

I think his plan is to try to make her bigger than Juanita Bynum…since Bishop Week’s claims that he made Juanita Bynum.  And he is indeed trying hard.

Is Juanita big??????

If you dare CLICK on this LINK:

urlLittle wonder their marriage didn’t last…it was highly flawed…and so were they.  And the real tragedy was that they taught their mess to people who believed what they were preaching.  False teaching.

Today I messed up my book trailer and I am so upset.  Now, I will have to go back into the lab and re-work it.  It had been coming along 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoverso well… until I decided to rush things…and there in went the cause of  my problem.   Now everything looks like I’m rushing through it from frame to frame.   Which is exactly what I did do…because before I had thought that all the clips were a bit  too slow.   And now they are the reverse.

Oh, well…I will learn.  That is the thing about me I sometimes find 4_printer_Promo_Cars_b_smith2myself re-learning old lessons…and it always costs me time.

So yes…I’m still working on my book trailer  and plugging to officially start plugging  my book, THE BISHOP’S WIFE.     But it is just about ready for youtube.    Then I will be back to completing my radio spot…and finally finish up with the pages for my web site.  Soon and very soon…   It  is coming.

Well, enjoy your day tomorrow.   And my  hot flashes are still going strong.   Oh, well… 

THE BISHOP’S WIFE  is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  You do not need a paypal account to purchase, and you can purchase using a debit card.  Thank you. 

God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends“pass it on…” ©2009

21 comments July 31, 2009

Obama’s fight with the health Goliah… Corey Smith … Betty Nelson COGIC…

It is definitely clear that something needs to be done with the present health care system that we have here in America.  I don’t know maybe it is just me…but the system we used to have the one long ago sure seemed alot better than anything they have now.

A long time ago you used to go to the doctor…mostly general practitioners then.  Many of them did not even work out of a hospital or within some kind of medical facility.

No, they worked out of their house which they converted the downstairs into an office space, examining rooms and even had a waiting room…and they usually lived a few blocks away somewhere in the neighborhood.

k067093511But one thing about them though…you only had to tell them a symptom or 2…and those doctors…who were known back then as general practitioners…they knew right away what was wrong with you.

Now, today they have specialist after specialist…and  nobody knows anything.  Nobody can tell you anything.  They all say-

“I don’t know.  But lets run some tests.”

Now, how come the little old private practitioner could tell you exactly what was wrong…and all these big time fancy surgeons and specialist can’t tell you a thing?

What don’t they teach anything in medical school anymore?

Besides…how to make money?

There they sit in their big plush medical facilities…or hospitals…or whatever in white crispy starched shirts with their smocks on looking all official…but they don’t know nothing.  Except how to keep you running back and forth while milking you out of every dime your medical ks12451911plan will pay them.

The other thing about things as they are today in the medical field that gets me…is REFERRALS.

Hate ’em.

I can’t stand the way the present system is set up.  You can’t go anywhere or see anybody unless some doctor gives you a referral.  And then you can only go where they will allow you.  Or you have to beg and beg  just to be referred with the hopes that somebody else can tell you what is wrong with you.

So, yes…this system is in dire need of correction.

I had been experiencing excruciating pain in my right arm a while back…and I truly mean excruciating.  I had no idea what it was but it was constant severe pain 24/7…and it grew measure by measure.  Finally, I realized that the pain was not going and I could no longer bear it…so, I got out and went to see a doctor.

The doctor asked if I had shoveled any snow.  And I told him no.

Then he asked me had had I lifted anything heavy.  And I told him no.

Then he asked me-

“Well, have you done anything which could have caused the pain?”

Well, if I knew that I wouldn’t have gone to see him.

Finally, he said well go home and if it persists come back and see me.

And I did…a whole week later…where he again sent me on my merry little way after asking a few questions.

Have you ever watched the second hand on a clock ticking the time down?

That’s how my money was going.  Tick…tick…tick…visit after visit and my arm pain by now had grown way beyond unbearable.

It was like the 4th visit and still the doctor had not done one thing to help me or my pain…but take my money…or my plan’s money…which is my money.  As he was about to send me once again on my merry little way…I had a fit in that office.  And I mean…I HAD A FIT.   I started yelling and demanding.  The pain was too much for me to bear and my temperament was far beyond allowing me to continue in the state that I was in.

Now, I am a person who hates it when people tell me that I am yelling when I am not yelling.   Sometimes I may raise my voice a bit…but I may be a long way from  yelling.   I often have to caution people when they tell me that by saying-

75502911“Oh, I haven’t started yelling yet.  But when I do you will certainly know the difference.”

But I started yelling in that doctor’s office…and mean I yelled.

I demanded a referral right then and there…to see a special…and told him that no I was not coming back again so he could continue to take my money while that pain was killing me…and for him to keep telling me the same thing.  I told him to give me that referral…and  give it to me now.

That doctor could not give me a referral quick enough.  And if he hadn’t…    Well, I was in so much pain I was prepared to start turning things over and throwing a few things in that office (I will have to tell at some other time about this restaurant where I did just that…and it was warranted).

I was in dire pain…and I do mean dire.  And I had had enough of this doctor and all of that going back and forth for him to have not done anything to help me.

The next week I was in to see an orthopedic.  Come to find out I had a torn rotary  00063at1cuff.   And I had to have surgery done to my shoulder…and that was scheduled a couple of weeks later.   But it took my getting upset in order to get it done.  And this is what people go through day after day upon visiting doctors today…continual trips to the doctor’s office without relief.

The real problem with the medical system is the ‘referral plan.’   It plays against the plan holders.  Doctors somehow seem to believe that they have the upper hand.  They do want they want and when they feel like it…because we have no control over the plans…and we need a piece of paper from a doctor to seek out any form of treatment from anyone else.

The plans control us…and doctors buy into the various plans knowing that they have a free and clear playing field…a cash cow as soon as you hand them your medical card.   Before when the doctor didn’t do what you thought was best…or if you thought that you weren’t getting proper care or service…you just got up and found yourself  another doctor.   But not so any more…those medical plans cut all of that out.

Also, before if you heard from a friend or someone…that this doctor over there was better…you just got up and switched…no referral…no nothing.  But you can’t do that any more either.  These plans have you locked into certain doctors…certain medications etc…etc…

So, there is little wonder why you can’t find a good doctor anymore these days.  Because they do not have to be…because you are not going nowhere no matter how they treat you…or not.  Because they won’t let you.  And this is what is really wrong what today’s system here in America.

Now, none of them need to be any good any more…because we do not have the right or the freedom to go see any other doctor who is better…all because of some stupid medical plan that has us all roped in to them which guarantees these doctors business no matter how bad they are.Barack Obama Picture

So, yeah…Obama-

“Re-vamp the medical system.”

In my opinion the entire system needs a major overhaul.  And it is just too bad that nobody has thought of returning back to the system we used to have years ago where we were not treated like mindless little children.  Where we have freedom of will and could seek out the best care for ourselves.  Believe me…they would get their acts back together then…or starve.

I truly believe what somebody said a long time ago-

“If  it is not broken…don’t fix it.”

That is the principle which should have been applied years ago…then maybe now we would not be in the predicament that we are in today with all these large medical plans and pharmaceutical companies dictating things to us.

abc_missing_players_3_090301_mn1I was just thinking about the NFL football players, Corey Smith, Marquis Cooper and other man, who were lost at sea this past week.  For some reason my mind keeps telling me that the search team should have looked east of where they were searching.

I feel for them…and their families…and I have yet to give up hope for them.

The families were disenchanted when the coast guard called off their search of the missing parties the other day.  I could not help but think…that rather than waiting on the shorelines their families should have been out on those waters looking too.

It was not like those football players didn’t have money.  Sometimes you have got to mobilize your own efforts rather than leaving everything up to everyone else.  When you love and care for someone…who can be more nfl_1_497142a11determine or seek them out or more fervent in finding them than you?

Their boat flipped over casting the 4 boat members into the sea.  Last week one lone party of the boat was found siting a top of the flipped over boat.  It all happened in the Tampa Bay area…in the city of Clearwater which is an island sitting with one part of it in the Atlantic Ocean…and the other side in the Gulf of Mexico.  So, you can imagine the amount of territory that would they had to cover in their attempts in trying to find the 4 men.,0,6839198.story

Well, it seems that the families and friends must have read my mind…but they should have gotten out there searching from the very beginning.  But you can read more on that by CLICK the LINK below.

There is this woman in the Church of God in Christ, by the name of Betty Nelson, who tells this story of her daughter.  She tells how her daughter had taken to a wayward turn in her young life.  She started hanging out and got caught up in drugs and things.

Her mother tried dealing with the situation as much and best as she could…but her daughter grew worst.  Harder to control and was totally out of order because the drugs and the wayward life had taken her over.  Eventually Betty Nelson said that her daughter ceased coming home.  And over this her mother shed many tears…and many long nights and days praying to God that her daughter would come out of the life she had fallen into.

Finally, Betty Nelson says that she decided that she was not going to let her daughter be lost to the streets.   She says she called out saying-

“Devil, you can’t have my daughter.  I don’t care what I have to do.  But I’m going to find my daughter.  And I’m taking her back…out of the drugs…out of the prostitution…out of…”

She says she hit the streets searching for daughter.  Searching and searching until she came to some crack house.  She says the place was run down…with people’s children laying everywhere all strung out on drugs…but she did not let fear overtake her.  She walked into that old broken down crack house and began searching through it looking for her daughter.  And in the midst of that house she found her daughter…all drugged out…and out of her head.  But she says she took her daughter out of there.  And she says that she dared anybody to try to stop her.

It is funny about a mother…with a made up mind.  She cannot be swayed when it comes to her child.

Today, Betty Nelson’s daughter is free from her addiction and is a living testimony of a mother’s love for her child…and how sometimes we as parents have to be willing to do the unthinkable…and the seemingly impossible in order to save our children from themselves.

I am a believer of  ‘tough love.’ But sometimes being too tough can prove to be worst…and have more dire consequences.   There must be a balance.  Be tough if it is required…but never unloving…or uncaring.

Gandhi Items Sold for $1.8 Million

Gandhi itemsIt was an auction of  items once owned by Mohandas K. Gandhi, including a pocket watch and spectacles, which has touched off outrage in India as its government continues to talk with the items’ owner.

It seems that when you are dead everybody wants a piece of  you.

Had those items meant so much to the government of India it would seem to me that it would have tried to acquire them before the auction.

453958301Well, the Obama’s are working hard to ensure that their daughters do not miss one moment of enjoying their childhood…and rightly so.  The girls, Malia and Sasha were pleasantly surprised last week by a new addition in their new back yard.   And it looks like so much fun.,0,7640326.story

Well, the dignitaries are starting to come ‘a visiting.’  On yesterday, Gordon brown_in_the_usa__0_497173a1Brown the Prime Ministry of England came a courting.  It would be interesting to know exactly what they discussed.

The one good thing about Obama…and there are many good things about him.  But this I like best of all.  He is not a chump.  He walks, talks and carries himself like a man…and he is not afraid of speak up.  And another thing…that I like about him.  He is not a game player.   Not a person who relies upon lies and deceit to get over on us…the voters of America.

I guess that is what we all saw in him…and that is why he is now President of the United States.

I am so glad for a breath of fresh air…that breath of fresh air called Barack Obama.  I was beginning to suffocate.

Well, at last it stopped snowing and now we have mounds of it all over the place again.  But…yes…I LOVE IT.

Last night I made up my mind that I do not care how hot it gets this summer…I bld0462641am not going to complain.  I will merely pull the fan a little closer…and remember this winter…all the snow…the cold…and furnace being blown.

So, yes…I love looking at the beauty of winter…but I will sure be happy when summer comes.  And weather like today’s…makes me long for it all the more.

Well, God bless…

Thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on” ©2009

CLICK the ABOVE video a COUPLE of TIMES and just ignore the text.

1 comment March 6, 2009

Benjamites… concerned…

A few years ago…really it has been more like….many years ago a friend had a conversation with me concerning the town that he grew up in.  He told me something which totally surprised me and of which I bld0463591have never spoken about until now.  He said-

“In the city where I grew up…the older men would have sex with all the young boys.”

He said this to say…that the older men in his hometown preyed upon the very young boys in that town.  And I knew without asking…that he had been one of those young boys.

It is hard to believe that such things could happen…and that such things could possibly go on. 

Could you call it sexual perversion?

Or some kind of sickness?

I have been looking around town and I am seeing more and more young girls involved in lesbianism…and gay young men.  One day while shoveling the snow last week 2 young women just happened to pass by…and I could see that one of them could have possibly have been gay.

I have to clarify this just a bit…I don’t want to say that she was ‘gay‘…because I have a friend who accuses me of ‘always calling everybody gay.’   It might be a bit hard to believe…but even I have had to come face to face with it. 

And you know what?

Yes, I am a bit homophobic.  Gay most of my life…and now finding is989-0781myself homophobic…and if the truth be told…I have always been so.  There is no rhythm nor reason to it.    I am odd…to some degree.  I really am.

So, I work hard at trying not to be homophobic…and I don’t think I am homophobic in the classical sense.  Not as most people know or understand homophobic to be.  But because once I came out of the life…I had even become somewhat scornful.  And that is the problem with sin.  I have seen it in people who were involved in drugs or alcohol.   They are quick to hurl words like “that ol’ crack addict’….or ‘that ol’ bum’ or ‘ol’ drunk.’

Yes, falling into scornfulness once you come out of being something  yourself…is quite easy.  And it is a danger.

I felt for my friend and have felt for him for many years.  He seemed to always be in need of validating his manhood.  And I have no doubt that it was because of his early experiences.  Those men were paedophiles.

As children we have no power to dictate what will or will not happentfl0011 to us.  The only power we have is over our future.  There is much we might have liked to have changed in our past…but that time is gone.  And there were things and times we would love to take back and changed even today.  But that too may be impossible. 

Some children carry guilt with them forever.  And really we all do…we are just not as scared as some other children are or were.  But we all have been scared…and no matter what anyone says-

“We do carry these scars forever.”

However, I could see that one of the young ladies, of the 2 who walked by as I was shoveling… by her apparel seemed to be dressed a bit…well…shall we say ‘non-feminate.’   Which is something you really cannot go by today…since78631-12lc1 a lot of girls are choosing to wear their clothes baggy and with pants hanging down too…like most of their male counter-parts.  Something which I may address later…as I have much to say on the matter.

 So, lets say she looked ‘AG.’    I learned that this past summer from a couple women friends of mine in New York.  It stands for ‘aggressive.

So, I thought as I had glanced up and saw the 2 young women that they might have been ‘gay.’   A few minutes later the non-AG one came walking back alone but along beside was a car of guys trying to talk to her as their car drove  beside her…and I heard her say-

“Yeah, but my girl….and my girl…my girl…”

And I knew that that was what she called her friend…the other girl whom I had seen her with earlier.  But in my day we called them ‘our lover.’  But everything changes over time…even me..  And I am so happy that I am.

But I have noticed increased numbers of gay people…perhaps it is 558428041that I am more keyed in to them than most people.  I don’t know…but it seems to be on a raise.   And I have to be concerned. 

I am not concerned because I am afraid of gay people…or that I have a fear that they are seeking to turn the world gay…or that there is some master plot or plan somewhere.   No, that is insane.  

My fear is for my friends…those whom I left ‘in the life.’   People whom I loved…and shared many good times with.   Women who help me to grow up and mature…and how to celebrate my ‘femininity.’  4270511Not all women in the life are hard core and butchy…far from it.  And I feel for the young boys and girls who are falling into a lifestyle…that I used to be in.  I am concerned about them.

I had fun while I was in it…but I was never happy.   I thought that was who I was…but it was not.   It is funny I always felt that I was happy though…but I never knew how unhappy I was in that life until God pulled me out it.

I have heard many proclaim that it is a ‘gene’…a ‘sickness’…a ‘chromosome.’  But I know it is none of those things.  There are many desires we fall prey to.  Many things that we become curious about.  Things we seek to find out more about…experiment with.  They are choices that we choose to make.  To do…or not to do…that is the question?

When I used to hang out, I used to hear the gay guys talking and 759105101laughing about the guys they used to pick up.  The joke was they 558426341would go out to find the most manly men they could find only to take them back to wherever…and the men would lay down and throw their legs up in the air looking for the gay guys to do them.  The gay guys would do what they call ‘howl’…they would howl on end at that.   Meaning they laughed themselves almost to tears…because they found it to be so funny.   And I imagine it was funny.

After all the gay guys were the ones who were ostracized for being ‘gay.’   And here were these big burly mucho men…quick to lay down and give it up in a heartbeat.  Which reminds me of my cousin, Vincent, who used to tell me stories. 

Vincent told me how he used to look out his apartment window and 200246043-0011see the telephone man up the pole…how he would catch the man’s attention then with his finger indicate ‘come here.’   He said the man hurried down the pole and into his apartment. 

Vincent told me of another time…when the UPS man delivered a package to his apartment and how he had invited the UPS man in for a cup of tea.  And I am sure that you can guess the rest.

These stories may seem a bit amusing to you.  But what they show is that there is something wrong…and it is not always with those whom you or many others would chose to blame.  Gay people take the wrap for ar1216052161many things.  But they are not the culprit…nor does the fault lie within them.  But, however, it is those people who would never call themselves ‘gay’…who parade around as though they did not indulge in such things…and are the biggest perpetrators.  It is these people who prey upon children…not gay people.  Like all those old men in that town where my friend grew up…men who had families and pretended to be both godly and honest decent…upstanding men…while all the while ruining the lives of young children.  These people who prey upon children are paedophiles…they are sick beyond understanding. 

They are Benjamintes.

There is a book in the Bible…and at the end of this book there is this story about a priest who goes after this harlot which has left him to return to her family.   Claiming to love her so much that he couldn’t do without her, the priest goes after her and upon setting out to return to wherever he came from…it turns dark.  And he decides to turn into a city of his own people feeling that he and his woman will be safe there for the night.  While there the priest encounters an old man who invites him to come and spend the night in his home…as he informs the priest that it is not safe to sleep in the streets of that city. 

Shortly after the man and priest enter into the old man’s house…a group of men pay a visit to the old man’s home.  They bang on the door and demand that the old man send out the priest…so that they ‘may have their way with him.’  It was a sad story…that ended in the woman being casted out into street to the men who had come seeking to have sex with the priest.   That city was not Sodom or Gomorrah.  Those men were men of Benjamin…they were Benjamites.  And that city was plagued with morbid men corrupt in their nature.

I don’t know what has prompted me to write this.  It is hard to do so…but it is not anti-gay…if anything it is anti-those who pretend that they are not something much worst.  And unlike that woman years ago who came out against homosexuality…I have bxp363411forgotten her name (Anita something or other…the one who  caused gay people everywhere to ban drinking orange juice back in the ’70’s)…and it was soon discovered that it had all been because she had found out that her husband was gay.  I am not her…I don’t have those kind of problems.  But I am concerned  about some things.

Maybe it is that I am concerned about how gays are always under attack.   Or maybe I am concerned about all the lies concerning homosexuality and lesbianism.  Or maybe I am concerned about all the confusion in this world.  Or perhaps I am just confused as to what I really concerned about.

I don’t even know if this thing even will make any sense to anyone.  I really don’t. 

Perhaps, I am just too analytical.

I loved my cousin Vincent dearly.  He was more manly than most men…yet I know for most of his life he had to fight being jeered and bld0502701called names because he was so effeminate. 

One night late while returning to his apartment a woman screamed out in the distance and my cousin Vincent went running to save her.  He grabbed and threw down the man who had been attacking and attempting to rob and possibly rape that woman.  And he held that man down on the ground until the police came.  No one gave him a metal.  No one put a star on the walk way outside where he used to live.   He went running in the dark to recue a woman who had screamed out into the dark of night for help.  He did what a lot of men…so-called ‘real’ men would not have done…and he did it without thought of injury to himself.   That was the kind of person he was.

Vincent was the kind of guy who held the door open for women to walk through.  He would pull out your chair so you could be seated.  He helped women with their coats…and he would get up out of a seat to offer his seat if he saw her standing.  He was a gentlemen…worth more than 50,000 bld0502691or more of the so-called real men

He would give the shirt off his back to friend or a stranger…and family.  He was always giving…and quite caring.  Quite handsome and always nice…and friendly.  I never once saw him angry…though I had seen him hurt.  And knew when he was in pain.

Vincent died from A.I.D.S. many years ago…and I am sure that when those men, the telephone man and UPS man…finished their day’s work whatever day that was when they paid Vincent a visit…that they went home to their wives or their girlfriends…pretending.

Speaking of which, I went to dinner the other night with my son and one his church friends…a young lady.  They told me a slightly amusing story about another church girl.

“Oh, she don’t know God didn’t bless her with that car so she couldn’t drive nobody nowhere,” said my son’s friend who was out with us.

Then she dropped the bomb saying how their mutual church friend had just got a brand new car and was out driving one day.  The girl told how my son and her mutual friend just happened to come across this boy whom she used to go to school with many years ago.  So, seeing the boy was walking the girl offered him a ride to wherever he was going.

So, the boy got in…the girl then commence to ask the boy if he wasbld0547751 interested in watching a movie and how she would cook him some dinner.  The boy agreed and while the girl was in her kitchen throwing together the pots…cooking turkey wings, macaroni & cheese, warming some greens, making corn bread and things…the boy came and told the girl that he had felt something down in her car.  So, she gave him her car keys.

Yes, the boy stole the woman’s car…while she was busy as a bee singing and humming to herself as she slung together her pots cooking…and thinking about what she was hoping to get in between the movie. 

Now, how foolish was that?

As the girl at our table continued to talk…she began talking about herself and how she only ‘likes older men.’  Now, I am my son’s mother and we are out with a friend of his whom he just happened to offer if she would like to join us.  I don’t know but when I was growing up there things that I would have never talked about in the company of one of my friend’s mother. 

I find young women today lacking.  They seemed to be overcome by bld0406181a strong desire to only have sex…and if they are not having sex then all they want to do is talk about it.   They consume themselves and their conversations with nothing else. 

The young lady who had joined us at the restaurant was suppose to be in church…and her friend that they, she and my son had told the story about…the one who’s car was stolen.   Well, she was the church secretary.   Their minds are as corrupt as everyone else’s.  The issue of sex is such a huge issue…even in the church.

There is indeed much to be concerned about.   And I am, therefore, concerned…

God blessand thank you for reading this blog…and  my others.  Please be sure to continue to share this blog site with your family, co-workers and all your friends… “pass it on” ©2009 

Add a comment January 15, 2009

Debarge family…a family in a history of crisis …shattered lives

I was shocked when I read this story in Vibe magazine.  I would have never realized the things that they were going through…and had gone through as they were all growing up.  It is a shame some of the things that many children are forced to endure.  There is little wonder why some have such anger and rage years later. On the surface who would have thought what hidden darkness they had locked within.  Family secrets can be some of the worst kind of secrets.

They were one of the hottest family groups along with the Jackson’s to emerge from Motown.  It is funny how success usually is often rooted in so much pain, sorrow and personal sadness.

A large family of 8 boys and 2 girlsBunny, El, Randy, Mark and James made up the DeBarges, the Motown singing group, who left home from Detroit by way of Grand Rapids, Michigan to LA in search of success… but they were haunted by many sad memories that perhaps they had been trying to escape…but found that they couldn’t.

Two other members of the family made up part of the group called Switch which was e4071also hot during the early 80’s, Bobby and Tommy.

Tortured by the deep dark secrets they all shared and carried into their success in the 80’s, they were colored by a past that ultimately claimed most of their lives.   Their lives have been left shattered…and though the church could not and did not help shield them from the events that were taking place in their home as very young children…but over time some have found healing and renewing in God.

You can read the full story below.  It is sad…and painful to read.

When I think of the times that a friend and I used to rush home to catch them being showcased on TV shows, and how we used to laugh at them.  Though we loved their music and them…it always struck us, me and one of my friends, that the boys…were well rather ‘sweet.’   And I am shamefully sorrowful of that now.

We should not poke fun or laugh at others.   And I will not blame it upon my youth nor on the lack of proper home training.

I never laughed at people with disabilities but I have seen people who have…and I have seen them do it openly as I was growing up.  These people, of course, were not in our family…because my parents were not that kind of people.  Plus they would not have ever allowed it of us.  Nor did they indulge in gossiping or talking or laughing about anyone.  Yes, they would occasionally chuckle about things.  But they were never mean spirited or degrading people, nor did they find fault with people or talk or laughed about anyone.

There are some things which some people feel is okay to pick at or make fun of about other people.  But if you really think about it…that could never be further from the truth.

I laughed at those boys, fine as they were but yet so effeminate…I found humor in that.

Should we laugh at such things and pick fun at people?

No.  We should not.

And I regret having ever done it…which is why I am writing this blog.

I have never liked preachers doing such things as finding humor at the expense of gay people.  It seems that within the debarge1church everything else is sacred accept poking fun and making jokes about gay people.  They do not do that with any other sinprostitution, lying, stealing, murdering…none of these things find their way into a Sunday morning sermon or any other time…as a joke.

Then why should they find it okay to make jokes about gays, lesbians or homosexuals?

And really the church is loaded with…  Well, it is loaded with some of everything.  And a lot of times from the top to the bottom…somebody is doing something which they should not be doing or acting out in ways which are not Godly.

And I am not trying to come down on the church or incite a war of words.  But the church is full of everything.  It was true in Jesus’ time and it is still very true today.   The church is even full of predators.  Not so long ago at least 10 Priests in the upper North East, the Massachusetts…Boston area were found quilty of such acts…leaving in their wake hundreds of very shattered and broken lives.

In Connecticut a preacher impregnated a 12 year girl that he had been routinely been engaging in sexual intercourse with.  Since she was 12 when she had the baby…she had to be 11 or maybe 10 if not younger when he first got started. 

This was the plight of the DeBarge children.

Without a doubt there should be some level of sensitivity with regards to making jokes that are belittling and unkind to anyone at any time.  And particularly any jokes about all those lost in sin… any sin.   The church is suppose to loving and giving in spirit.   Yet, it is sanctuary for all types of activity as well.

Once well sitting in the choir as a young teen…I was seated beside this boy.  His father was preaching less than…I  don’t know…less that 4 or 5 feet away.  And this boy produced from under his choir robe his…….. and tried to pulled my hand across to touch it.   I at the time did not quite understand anything about erections or anything else.   But that was what he had…and his father was preaching right there beside us as his son did this one Sunday morning…in front of the whole church.  It is hard for me to believe that no one sitting in the church that Sunday saw our exchange as we were seated on the front row of the choir facing outward…must less seeing what he had in his hand.

switch1Nor, will I ever forget the night I dropped this woman home following church service  that night…and this was not so very long ago.  As I pulled in front of her building and she was about to get out of my car she suddenly turned to me and kissed me in a way no woman had ever kissed me before.  And having come out of lesbianism…that should
speak volumes as to how and the way this woman kissed me. But I didn’t say anything.  I didn’t respond.  She got out and I drove home determined to not even think about what that woman had just done.  And I didn’t.

I didn’t think about it…for a couple of reasons.   For one thing because I didn’t want to dwell on that kiss.   For another reason I just did not want to obsess  about it.  I felt it was a trap…orchestrated by the devil to try to lure me back into a life I had now left behind.  And I was not going to fall for it.  So, I shoved that kiss and that woman aside in my mind…and never bothered to linger there thinking about it…now or then.

But the church is full of a lot of things…like whoremongers, adulterers , liars etc.   None of which I see any humor in…as all sin is sin and shameful.  But for some reason people in the church really like to poke  fun and laugh about gay people…and no one seems to find that to be offensive…but me it seems.

It is almost as though it is open season on gays in most churches while all else is taboo as something to joke about.  None of it should be something to joke about.  Perhaps it is that none of them were ever gay…or maybe they just do not want to confess to it.  But there must be some reason for this.

Here were these children, the DeBarges,  growing up in the church and such nasty things were going on in their own home from the earliest of ages.  And I laughed at them when they finally hit the stage and started performing.

They were the most beautiful family of siblings…as were drs_jacksons_200511those Jacksons.




And in case you do not understand what ‘fine’ means when used here this way…it means that they were fantastically handsome, terribly good looking etc…etc…etc…

But those boys acted so gay.

I didn’t try to figure it out…I didn’t try to see anything other than that.  And it struck me as being humorous…and that is as sad as whatever else they had to go through…if not more so.   That we should all be so small…especially me…to have thought that that was humorous.

I sincerely apologize for that now.  Not just because I now have a part inkling of Bobby Debarge their story, affliction and pain that they were forced to suffer…but because it was wrong of me to do so in the first place.  And particularly because of all the misery and heartaches they have all had to come through and to have to bear in their lives very young children.

I cannot imagine how hard it is for a child to grow up having a father who is a predator…and using his own children sexually for most of their years growing up.


In August of 1996, Bobby DeBarge at the age of 39 died after years of alcohol and drugs abuse.  He died from complications AIDS related.  He was named after his father, Robert Louis DeBarge, a man who frequently sexually abused his own children beginning very early in their childhood.  Bobby was a multi-1027_el_debarge_mug14talented song writer, lead singer and musican.  In 1988 both he and his younger, Chico, were arrested for attempting to traffic drugs, they served 6 years in prison.

In October of this year, 2008, El DeBarge was back in court on more drug charges, vandalism and domestic violence.  Though for many years El was able to not fall prey to the demons chasing him, as well as, his other sisters and brothers…but following Bobby’s death and other family issues, El too soon fell to the demons chasing them all.

Update on EL:  I was very happy to see El last week when he emerged on the Soul Train Music Awards Show.  He looks absolutely great… and he sounded great too.  I am happy for him.  Trying to pull your life back together is not an easy accomplishment.  But thank God it can happen.

2116s1e1 Bunny today is free of drugs and alcohol.  She is saved and a mother.  She is living her life as a Christian and has just finished writing a book called “The Kept Ones,” a tell all autobiography.

James DeBarge who was once married to Janet Jackson for a few weeks before her family had the marriage annulled, is also saved and living his life as a Christian, as well is their mother, Etterlene DeBarge.

You can CLICK the LINK S below to read the whole VIBE magazine story.

Their mother Etterlene DeBarge, which is also Bunny’s real name, is 72 with her own page on myspace.

Their lives have not been easy.  But through it all they have a testimony of 2ab-the-bishop-wifecoversurvival, defying the odds and are attempting to rise above, and through it all to once again unite as a family victorious through Christ Jesus.

In the  words of James DeBarge in the last youtube video clip below-

“Oh, Lord…I don’t care what it sounds like…or how I come off.   I just want somebody to be saved.”View Bernadine Smith's profile on FiledBy

Child abuse hurts…and in many cases it ruins people’s lives.  Many never recover from it.  Some just learn how to go on.  But we all remember it…and it does remain with us for the rest of our lives whether it appears on the outside or not.

UPDATE: July 29, 2010…Robert Debarge, the father, died last year, August 2009.  What a very sad, lonely and broken man he must have been for all the horrors he committed.  Truly a sad story…which I understand is soon going to hit the big screen.

UPDATE: August 7, 2012…Just checking on my files and things as I usually do…when I spotted that a few people had been looking for info on the death of James.  Immediately, I hit the internet looking thinking that James must have just died.  But thank God… he has not.  But I came across some pictures of him… and he has really aged.

In looking at his pictured I noticed how much he looks like his father.  It must be hard waking up in the morning and looking into the mirror and seeing him… the face of the man who used to abuse you and all your other siblings.

I imagine that they all have good days… and bad days.  There are some scars that never go away.  That kind of  hurt most hurt forever…but thank goodness for Jesus, He can make a difference.  A lot of things become easier to bare because of  Him.

Let us keep them all lifted up in our prayers.

THE BISHOP’S WIFE is now on sale…CLICK this LINK to purchase my book.  And I would like to thank you all…if you have purchased my book.  It is amazing to see that my book sells are growing and it is because of people like you.  I thank you…and hope that it is a blessing upon to you.

God bless…and…

…pass it on…’

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God bless…and thanks for reading and  …pass it on ©2008

73 comments December 14, 2008






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